Item 3 - 198 Broadway PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/28/2017 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: JUNE 23, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 198 BROADWAY. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: MATTHEW AND HEIDI BIGGE. REQUESTING APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR A MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR AN ADDITION GREATER THAN 100 SQUARE FEET TO AN EXISTING SECOND STORY TO A SINGLE-FAMILY HOME IN THE BROADWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED HR-5:LHP. APN 510-43-001 RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a determination regarding the historic significance or architectural merit of the primary structure. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1890-1900 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Broadway 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Background The applicant has an active building permit (B15-0179) and is now requesting to incorporate a second-story addition to the approved project, which would connect the existing second story to the approved second story. The Historic Preservation PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 198 BROADWAY JUNE 23, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Broadway 198 6/23/2017 1:11 PM BACKGROUND (cont’d): Committee (HPC) previously reviewed this property on January 26, 2011, under a request from the then property owner for a determination that the property is not of historical significance. At this meeting, the HPC made no determination and requested additional information from the applicant (Attachment 1). Following the sale of the property to the current owner, the HPC reviewed a request to construct one- and two- story additions to the residence on September 26, 2012. At this meeting, the HPC recommended that the plans be approved. The minutes are included as Attachment 2. The Architecture and Site application (S-12-097) was approved by the Development Review Committee on July 29, 2014; and Building permits were approved and issued on March 16, 2016. Previously submitted research on the property is included as Attachment 3. C. Comments The applicant has now submitted a Minor Residential Development application (MR-17- 006) requesting approval to construct a second-story addition greater than 100 square feet, which would connect the second story of the existing residence to the second story of the addition approved in 2012 (Attachment 4). Development plans, included as Attachment 6, provide a description of the 2012 approved residence and the currently proposed project. This request also includes a change to the front façade of the existing residence, where a roof section between the two existing second-story dormers would be removed and a new wall would be constructed in order to reconfigure the interior space of the master bedroom. Windows and doors on the second-story dormers would also be reconfigured. Lastly, the applicant has submitted a request to remove and replace the shingle siding on the existing portion of the residence in-kind (Attachment 5). The applicant sites rot/termite damage, insufficient sheathing, and concerns related to waterproofing as reasons for the replacement. The applicant has indicated that the shingles would be replaced in-kind, matching the existing material and finish. Per Town Code Section 29.10.020, the removal and replacement of in-kind, non-repairable exterior shingles while maintaining the exterior appearance and historic character is allowed if approved by the deciding body. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 198 BROADWAY JUNE 23, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Broadway 198 6/23/2017 1:11 PM DISCUSSION: A. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. X In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 2. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Minutes, January 26, 2011, Historic Preservation Committee 2. Minutes, September 26, 2012, Historic Preservation Committee 3. Supporting documents and research, previously submitted 4. Minor Residential Development application 5. Request to remove and replace existing siding by Heidi Bigge, dated June 20, 2017, with supporting documents and research 6. Proposed Development Plans Distribution: Cc: Matthew and Heidi Bigge, 14731 Golf Links Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Historic Preservation Committee January 26, 2011 Page 5 o/7 ofclne Ogle commented that Opa has a completely different design and material. The restaurant opening should be centered, the pony ·.vall lowered, and there should be full plate glass windows in the openings. Patrick 0 'Day commented that the suggestions may work. Kathy ofclnojJ commented that the sushi restaurant's door has an awkward un centered location that creates a narrov,r space. J.ane Ogle commented the proposed door location could also create confusion '+Yith the next door restaurant. Bab Gawen commented that the materials between the proposed project and adjacent businesses· are completely different. Pete Jille commented that e•1erything is old. Kethy Jenejfsuggested the use of different tiles to be more similar to adjacent spaces. Len Pecheca commented that it is an important part of downtovm. The project should come back with revisions prior to going to the Planning Commission. Len Peeheee made a motion to continue the item to February 2nd if the applicant can get revisions and proper material samples turned in. Ket!iy Janoff seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Pete Jille commented that they could use a larger tile, but he would prefer not to move the door. Len Pacheco departed from the meeting. ITEMS 198 BROADWAY Benjamin Guilardi, sale representative, and Sandy D ement, attorney for trustee, were present for this item. Charles Erekson clarified that the property is on the boundary of an historic district. There may be some reason to include the property within the boundary. Staff distributed additional information regarding the subject property. Sandy D eme nt commented that the request for demolition may not be the correct request , but perhaps the Committee could consider the lack of historic significance and support the demolition of the structure. She does not believe the building is not historic , but the structure is ATTACHMENT 1 Historic Preservation Committee January 26, 2011 Page 6 of7 in disrepair. They are not always confortable going into the structure. It has been vacant since 2006. The intent of the request is to get comments from the Committee to give buyers the comfort that they could demolish the structures. Charles Erekson commented that he is reluctant for the Committee to approve the request. He would want, perhaps, to speak with the Town Council before allowing a demolition to occur. Sandy D ement commented th at are there two parts, engineering and historic. Is there anything in that that gives the Committee reservations about the demolition ? Jane Ogle commented that she would like more information. Kathy Janoff commented that she is inclined to separate the property and structure. She believes the property should remain in the historic district. Jane Ogle would like to know why it was included in the historic di strict and requested more information on the structure. Staff clarified that the information passed out noted the structure is a Bellringer home. Bob Cowan asked about historical character and architectural integrity. Perhaps additions remove hi storical significance. He would like the Town Engineer or Building Official to look at it. Any older home could have dry rot. Charles Er ekson clarified that anyone could have a home in despair from negligence. Kathy Janoff stated that the Coggeshall Mansion and Thrash House had non-historic modifications removed and were in disrepair, yet these structures were able to be rehabilitated. Charles Erekson commented that perhaps the owner should submit a formal application for demolition only. Benjamin Guilardi commented the house was moved to this site and added on to multiple times. They believe the structure is a hazard . He is not allowed to show the property because of the hazard and believes there is no feasible way to rehab the structure. Bob Cowan commented that more historical data is needed, such as who lived there, what their significance to the Town's history is, and the structural condition status. He would like to see evidence that it cannot be realistically restored. And architectural integrity should include site plan/diagram of house showing original structure with additions. Photographs are helpful. Historic Preservation Committee January 26, 2011 Page 7 of7 Kathy Janoff recommended the applicant go through the process and receive a formal decision. Benjamin Guilardi suggests that the Committee members visit the site. The Committee stated that could be possible. Benjamin Guilardi commented that the cost to restore the house caused a potential buyer to walk away. Kathy Janoff emphasized again the house on Los Gatos Boulevard was vacant since 1985 and had significant need to be restored. So the argument that the structure is in disrepair does not necessarily give justification for demolition. Charles Erekson commented that the Committee does not want to make a decision that could a dversely affect a structure that contributes to the Town. Bob Cowan stated that the existing engineer report seems superficial. Bob Cowan and Kathy Janoff agreed that a more substantial report is required. ITEM7 ADJOUR.~MENT The meeting v1as adjourned at 6:05 p .m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 23, ~ Prepared by: Approved by: Jennifer Savage, AICP Charles Erekson Associate Planner Chair N:\DEVll-llSTORI C PRES ERV ATIONIHPCminutes\201 1IMinutesOl2611 .docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank Historic Preservation Committee September 26, 2012 Page 4 of7 ITEM4 198 BROADWAY Matt and Heidi Bigge and Chris Spa ulding, Architect, were present for this item. Chris Spaulding commented that the house will be saved, a new foundation added and a garage wing added. Len Pacheco commented that the service entrance to the house could be jazzier and the balusters should be proportionate. Heidi Bigge noted that the house cannot be seen until you come up the driveway. Bob Cowan commented that the building shape is appropriate. He quite likes the plans ; it ties together very well. Len Pacheco commented that he likes the plan a lot. The sawtooth shingle cut is typical of the style. Conceptually it is a very nice plan and what is being kept is appropriate to maintain. Kathryn Janoff commented that she is happy that the house will be saved and that she likes the plans. If the balusters are really from the Lyndon Hotel perhaps they could be salvaged. Bob Cowan made a motion to recommend that the plans be approved as proposed with the following condition: 1. The balusters should be modified to a simpler style as shown in the Field Guide, page 291. The motion was seconded by Kathryn Janoff and passed unanimously. ITEMS 327 UNIVERSITY AVENUE No one was present for this item and it was continued to the neKt regular meeting. ITEM 6 202 TAIT 2A .. .VENUE Bob Covlan recused. himself from this item since he lives vt'ithin 500 feet of the property. Steve Anzalone was present for this item. Steve An;:aJene commented that the windmvs are installed and the work on the house is done. ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ( Facts in Support of Request for Determination That 198 Broadway, Los Gatos, Is Not of Historical Significance Assessors Parcel No.: 510-4 3-0 I r> 47 f'L. A <-f'v'/ '-W) Zoned: HR-S:LHP (orrewt Z--0 ~~ o;--prvP-· · 7 Parcel Not Assembled Until After 1914 The legal description for 198 Broadway makes clear that the parcel was assembled from a number of smaller parcels, including a portion of the Rancho de Rinconada de Los Gatos, and land outside the Rancho owned by A.W. and Ida Pattiani. The legal description references the Map of the Oak Knoll Tract, which was not filed until May 16 , 1914. Partridge Purchase in 1949 Harold and Jeanne Partridge, then of Modesto , purchased the property in 1949 from Ruth A . Greaney, a widow living in San Jose . The property was then referred to as the "W.R. Greaney property," so it may be inferred that Mrs . Greaney , who had owned the property since 1944, had owned it with her husband or father prior to 1944 . The property at the time of purchase included a "big house" and the "small house," both tenant occupied. Partridge Improvements At the time the Partridge's moved into their home, their daughter, Paige Partridge Morehouse, was six years old. She r ecalls the home as being "rustic" in nature. In particular, she recalls that the fireplace in the living room was composed of large river rock, which the Partridges had removed and replaced with a more "Victorian" fireplace mantel. Another of the major changes to the building was the addition of a balcony with wooden balustrades over the porch, extending across the entire north side of the house, accessed by a new door , formerly a window, in the north bedroom . It is the balcony that gives the Victorian appearance to the house when viewed from a distance. All of the exterior siding and decorative woodwork that gave it the Victorian look favored by Mrs. Partridge was added in the five years after its purchase. The woodwork, including the balustrades over the porch, was brought in pieces from Modesto, where a home there was slated for demolition. There apparently was a carriage house at the first turn in the driveway which was tom down. Mrs . Partridge, who was by profession a decorator, bought the concrete cats that adorn the long stairway going up to the main house, and had them cemented to the top of stone columns flanking the bottom of the stairway, in approximately 1980. The patio east of the house and retaining walls behind both the main house and the cottage, were added or rebuilt by the Partridges . They also paved the driveway. ( Historical Report and Structural Inspection A Historical Report prepared by Beth Wymen is attached. In relevant part, she concludes, "This many-times modified and long-neglected structure retains very little of its original useable material. The cost of replacing or restoring it to an actual original would undoubtedly be cost- prohibitive." Similarly, The Structural Inspection prepared by Roca3 Engineering concludes that the main house has no foundation, is unsafe for occupancy, and "seismic retrofittin g is not a viable solution due to the extensive scope of work involved ... " They recommend the residence be demoli shed . Description of Property: ( HISTORICAL REPORT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 198 Broadway Road Los Gatos, CA 92030 The two-story , 1902 sq. ft., 5 bedroom, 2 bath house i s a simple, modified Queen Anne sty le structure w ith a composition cross gable roof and two prominent front dormers . Curiously, one of the dormers ha s a he xagona l roof while the other is topped by a cross-gable roof. Possibly one of them was replaced . It is located a t 198 Broadway Road Extens ion in the Town of Los Gatos on 7 acres of wooded , hill s ide land. Additional structures includ e a detached garage a nd a g ue st hou se. The structure was re-modeled or "ren ovated " in 195 2 by th e owners wh o ha d access to material and fixtures from another hi storic house. Reportedly, these included a mahogan y stair case , a fire place, marble bas ins and moldings and sp indles. Th e front porch spindles came from th e o ld Lyndon Hotel in Lo s Gatos. At that time the front porch was e nclosed . Two indigen ous stone pill ars mark the origi nal entrance to the property. Atop each of these is a stone sculpture of a mountain lion in keeping with the town's name, Los Gatos, which means "the cats" in Spani sh History of the Property: The property was acquired o n August 2 1, 1899 by A. W. and Ida Pattiani by Deed from F. H. a nd Mary E. McCullagh and recorded January 8, 1900 in Santa C lara County Book 22 7 of Deeds page 78. Patt ia ni was reportedly an architect/contractor and , according to hi s eldest daughter, built the house in 1890. See attached copy of 1887 map of Los Gatos. The hou se number was origi nall y 140 but was changed to 198 in the 1930s. Subsequent owners include W.R. and Ruth Grean ey in 194 2 and Harold and Jeanne Partridge in 19 50 . The 1947 City Directory li s ted W.R. Greaney and J. F. Bays li v in g at the 198 Broadway add ress. The mo st recent transaction of th e property described as 198 Broadway Road , Los Gatos was record ed o n November 11 , 2007 as a Grant Deed from Grantor Paige Morehouse, Trustee of the Jeanne Partridge Living T ru st. to the Partridge Investment Company, LLC , To summarize m y review of the structure, I believe that although the property a t 198 Broadway Road, Los Gato s can be id e ntifi ed as "historic" because of the date of construct ion an d its period style , this many-times modified a nd l on g-neglec ted stru cture retains very little of its useab le orig ina l material. T he cost of re placing or re storing it to an actu al origi na l would undoubtedly be cos t-prohibiti ve. In ad diti o n, the property has never been included as a cont ri bu to r to the town 's Broa dway Historic Di s trict. Beth Wymen Inform ation Sources: ( People: Mardi Gualtieri Bennett Brick, former Los Gatos Mayor, Historian 2395 Delaware A venue #59 Santa Cruz, CA 95060-5721 831 /459 -9459 ( Ms. Mary Durham, former LG resident, Historian , Known as the "Mayor of Broadway" 5685 Lemonmint Lane Prescott, AZ 98605-3818 928/442-1141 Gabriel Graziadei, Guest House occupant 198 5 Broadway Los Gatos, CA 95030 408/694-8626 Los Gatos Historical Museum 408/558-8085 Bill Wulf, Los Gatos Historian Santa Clara, CA 95050 408/249-0655 Documents: Assessment Roll Information for APN: 510-43-001 Transfer Date: 1 I /30/2007 198 Broadway, Los Gatos, CA Billing Address: Paige Partridge Morehouse, Trustee 670 Loring Drive NW Salem , OR 97304 County of Santa Clara Assessor's Map Book 510 Page 43 198 Broadway Los Gatos, CA 95030 City Directories 1890 -1940 Martin Luther King Library -California Room San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose , CA 95192-0001 No record was found of the names Pattiani , Greaney or Partridge. Grant Deed October 3, 1949 Ruth A. Greaney to Harold A. and Jeanne Partridge, joint tenants Grant Deed November 21, 2007 Transfer between a Revocable Trust and a Legal Entity for 198 Broadway Road, Los Gatos, CA APN 510-43-001 Grantor: Paige Morehouse Trustee of the Jeanne Partridge Living Trust dated November 6 , 1984 Grantee: Partridge Investment Company, LLC , a Californi a limited liability company Grant Deed -Book "O", pages 50 and 51 at SC Co Archi ves Map of the Oak Knoll Tract, Ranch Rinconada de Los Gatos by F. A. Herriman dated May 16, 1914 Los Gatos Museum Association Historic Home Survey (no date) 198 Broadway Los Gatos, CA 95050 Title of Ownership: 18 90 , Mr. Pattiani (authenticated by his daughter, Vio la Pattiani Mace) 1942 , W .R. and Ruth A. Greaney 1950 , Harold and Jeanne Partridge 1946, W.R. Greaney and James F. Bays Mapquest Map: 09/09110 198 Broadway Los Gatos, CA 95030 Quitclaim Deed/Trust Transfer From: Mrs. Jeanne Partridge PO Box 477 Los Gatos, CA 95050 (sic) To: Jeanne Partridge, Trustee for Jeanne Partridge Living Trust November 6, 1984 Fi led November 13 , 1984 for: Douglas P. Barnes , Notary Public 1999 South Bascom A venue, Suite 5 15 Campbell , CA 95008 Appendix B: Historic Districts Town of Los Gatos Residential Design Guidelines Broadway Historic District page 81 ( ( Books/Articles/Websites: Bennett, Mardi. Images of Long Ago. Photos, Postcards and "Pen Pictures of the Garden of the Wor ld". Los Gatos, Saratoga and Monte Sereno , Marben Associates, 1987. Bruntz, George G. History of Los Gatos. Gem of the Foothills, Valley Publications, 1971. Boutelle, Sarah. Julia Morgan, Architect, Abbeville Press Pub, New York, 1988. Conway, Peggy. Images o(America. Los Gatos Generations, Arcadia Publications, 2007 County of Santa Clara. Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory, SCCo Histo ric Heritage Commission, San Jose, CA, 1999. San Jose Mercury. Sunshine, Fruit, Flowers. Santa Clara County, California,_ San Jose Mercury Souvenir, 1895. Sawyer, Eugene T. History of Santa Clara County, Historic Record Company, Lo s Angeles, 1922. "Hooked on Los Gatos " -film made of Los Gatos , CA Hi story, 2007. "Remode l Inc . by Jeanne ", San Jose Mercury News, Sunday, March 9, 1952. An article about the remodel/renovation of hi storic house at 198 Broadway by new owners, Mr. and Mrs . Harold Partridge, using decorative items taken from other historic structures. Roe~} -~ ( ROCA3 ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ( Er. ";! ~::t~\1 ~: ~ 88 So. Park Victoria Drive, PMB# 145, Milpitas, CA 95035 Mobil e: (408) 821-1335 Fax: (408 ) 934-1322 November 4, 2010 Mr. Benjamin Guilardi Alain Pinel Realtors bguilard@apr.com Re: Structural Inspection -198 Broadway, Los Gatos, CA Dear Benjamin: e-mail : Roca3@ ymail.com In accordance with your authorization, we have surveyed the condition of the existing two story residence for the above project address. The object of the survey was to examine the structural components of the existing structural system and determine its serviceability. The following are our findings and recommendations subsequent to our field survey dated October 18, 2010. The subject re sidence is a two-s tory wood -framed, single family re sidence on the hillside lot located in the Town of Los Gatos. The re sidence is a Victorian -e ra home built in 1900. The residence has lightweight composition roofing and wood siding exterior finish. The house rest s on the flat sec tion of the lot except for the upper and lowe r wood decks of the front elevation which is located at the downhill side of the property. The corner rear side of the residence is on an uphill steep slope retained with maximum 3 foot high masonry wall. The roof has skip sheathing with 2x4 rafters with no collar ties. The existing floor framing consists of 2x floor joists and 4x girders . No foundation was observed around the perimeter of the house within the flat section of the property. The foundation system at the front section of the deck consists of masonry blocks with cripple walls. The house has been vacant for several years and it is evident that no continued maintenance has been undertaken to keep the property in better cond ition . Page 1 Matt & Heidi Bigge September 12, 2012 Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: 198 Broadway Project Review Dear Committee Members: RECE!VED T OWN OF LOS GAT OS PLANN ING DIVIS ION \-\S · \'2.-·0l<d A little over a year ago, we bought the property at the very end of Broadway, 198 Broadway (the former Patridge property). We fell in love with the land, house, views and proximity to town, and realized there would be a lot of work to do in order to restore the home and property. Over the past year, we have been working with Chris Spaulding to come up with the best plan for renovating the house while maintaining the historic character, and at the same time making it safe and secure for years to come (the house doesn't have a proper foundation). Our project consists of the following: • Renovate and remodel the existing historic house • Add a basement • Re-build the damaged porch • Add a new entry porch and one dormer • Add a garage wing Would you please place our project on your next committee agenda (Wednesday, September 26, 2012)? Thank you very much for your time. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, 198 Broadway * Los Gatos, CA 95030 * (408) 202-8484 * bigge@bigge.ca ' ' This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank Heidi & Matt Bigge 198 Broadway Los Gatos, CA 95030 RECEIVED June 20, 2017 JUN £:'. 1 2017 Historical Preservation Committee Town of Los Gatos TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION RE : Replace Like-for-Like sh ing les at 198 Broadway To the Historica l Preservation Committee: We are requ esting permiss ion to r e pair and r e place (like-for-like) th e s h ingles o n t h e outside of our house at 198 Broadway, for myriad r easo ns: . l. The fir s t 3 feet were rotten all around the perimeter of the hou se 2. The sheeting (l'x6' boards) is not nailed properly to th e framing (the shingles were nailed to the framing, but the sheeting underneath th e s hingles was not n ailed properly to the framing -it was o nly nailed at the top of each board, and only a t eve r y other stud , see below. Everything was very loose, and prone t o fallin g off the house) Original Proper /Co de I I I I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. There is no paper /waterproofing membrane under th e s hingl es 4. The rear section of the h ouse was r otten and full of termite damage from floor to ceiling 5. The s hingles at the rake wall are rotten at the roof li ne; roof to wall flashing under the shingles is rotten 6. Extra s hing l es n eed to b e r e moved to properly install th e fla s hing at the windows 7 . All th e s hingles around all the porc hes are rotten Th e external shingles (including the sawtoothing detail) will b e r e placed o n the entire ·h ouse, in a like-for-like fa s hion. Plea se let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your c onsideration . With kind regards, Heidi & Matt Bigge 408-202-8484 hbigge@gmail.com /ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17SITE PLANDRAWN ON SURVEY BY LEA & BRAZE ENGINEERING, JOB # 2120347, DATED 05-21-2012. LEA & BRAZE: (510) 887-4086REMOVE(E) SHEDDEMOLISH (E) 2NDDWELLING UNITWOOD RETAINING WALLTO BE REPLACED(N) LANDING& STEPS(E) HOUSETO REMAINRAISE FLOOR TO 555.5'& ADD BASEMENT 545.39'2ND FLR 565.3'2ND FLRWALL LINEA1(N) CONC.WALL58'-4" ± (E) & PROPOSED SIDE SETBACKNEW PORT IONOF RESIDENCE ' 797. 5 3 186.86'350.0 '130.61'797. 5 3 ' 139 . 9 2 '319.44'37.54'210.54'293.04'PLANTERPLANTERLANDING2ND FLR 565.125 'GARAGE SLAB 555.5EPHEMERAL STREAM SETBACK(15'-20' REQ'D. FROM BANK)(E) CONCRETEPARKING LOTTW=562.0BW=553.9TW=561.0BW=553.7TW=556.0BW=553.5TW=553.4BW=554.0TW=548.71BW=545.21TW=550.0BW=545.23(N) CONC. RETAININGWALLTW=549.0BW=545.25TW=550.0BW=545.3(N) CONC.RETAININGWALLNEW DRIVEWAYINSTALL SIGNW/ADDRESSNUMBERSAT STREETLIMIT OF GRADING/DISTRUBED AREA20'-0 "(E) DRIVEWAYNEW DRIVEWAY CONFIGURATION-REFER TO GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANS(BY LEA & BRAZE ENGINEERING)57 5 . 2 57 5 . 2 57 7 . 8 1 57 7 . 8 1 57 3 . 7 9 57 3 . 7 9 57 3 . 7 9 57 3 . 7 9 58 3 . 1 7 58 3 . 1 7 57 2 . 8 3 546.12 5 546.125(E) O/H ELEC, TEL, TVNEW 200 AMPELEC. SERVICE W/UFER GROUNDLANDINGS SEE CIVIL PLANSFOR CONNECTIONTO STREETVICINITY MAPPROJECT DATAPROJECT ADDRESS: 198 BROADWAY, LOS GATOSAPN: 510-43-001ZONING: HR-5 LHPLOT SIZE: 6.69 ACRES ±AVERAGE LOT SLOPE: OVER 30%SLOPE REDUCTION FOR FAR = .4 (6.69) = 2.676 ACRESALLOWABLE FAR: 6000 + 400 SF GARAGE CREDIT(E) 2ND DWELLING UNIT TO BE DEMOLISHED: 553.3 SQ. FT.(E) SHED TO BE DEMOLISHED: 433.7 SQ. FT.BUILDING AREA EXISTING ADDITION TOTAL 1ST FLR1,252 615.3 1867.32ND FLR1,019.3 1091.0 2110.3TOTAL2,271.3 1706.3 3977.6GARAGE FLOOR AREA CREDIT 400 400 GARAGE AREA FLOOR AREA 325325CELLAR 0 952.2 952.2 2ND DWELLING UNIT (PORTION OF CELLAR) 0 582.8 582.8PROPOSED REVISONS TO PROJECT CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUTIONDESCRIPTION OF CHANGES:1. ADD 95 SQ. FT. TO FIRST FLOOR AND REVISE LAUNDRY/MUDROOM2. ADD 435 SQ. FT. TO SECOND FLOOR3.ADD BEDROOM TO SECOND FLOOR4. ADD CONNECTION BEWTEEN THE TWO SECOND FLOOR AREAS5. RE-ARRNGE MASTER SUITE6. NO CHANGES TO CELLARPROPOSED ADDTION TO FIRST FLOORPROPOSED ADDTIONSTO SECOND FLOORPROPOSED NEW AREA94.6 435.1 529.7 = 4507.3 NEW TOTAL325.0 GARAGE4832.3 TOTAL FLOOR AREASHADEDHATCHEDATTACHMENT 6 4X4 NEWELPOST- WRAPW/ 1X FIRNEWEL CAPMILLED HANDRAIL2X2 CLEARFIR @ 5" O.C.42" MIN. AT LEVEL RAILINGS 34"-38" AT STAIRNOTE: GUARDRAIL AT STAIRMAY BE 34-38" IF TOP RAILSERVES AS HANDRAIIL112" Ø112" MIN.112" Ø WOODHANDRAIL(2) 12" M.B.'S EA.NEWEL POSTSPACE PICKETS SUCHTHAT A 4" SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH4' -0 "FIRST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"A2DWSINK30"OVENSLAVEGRESS58" TYPE 'X ' GYP . BD . ONWALL & ON CE IL INGCOMMON TO L IV ING AREAP&SBASE & UPPER CABS.-MOUNT FLUOR FIXT.BELOW OVERHEADS,TYPICALSINK W/DISPOSEREATINGCOUNTER W/KNEESPACEBELOWDECORATIVE HEARTH & FACINGGASSHUTOFFVALVEHEAT-N-GLO DIRECT VENTGAS (INSERT) FIREPLACE, ULLISTING LVTT.MH25394P&S36" COOKTOP& HOOD W/FAN & LIGHTINDICATES EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVEDINDICATES EXISTING WALL TO REMAININDICATES NEW CONSTRUCTION70 68 SLIDERS28 68 30 68 42"-HIGH GUARDRAILW/ PICKETS SPACEDSUCH THAT A 4"SPHERE CANNOTPASS THROUGH(N) 90 70 FRENCH DRSW/ TEMP GLASS160 76 ROLL UP DOOR W /ELECTRIC OPENER℄ROOM℄ ROOM0510152025 KITCHENFAMILY ROOMLAUNFOYERENTRY PORCHBA 3LIVING ROOMDINING ROOMPANTRYBEDROOM 3 /OFFICE CLOSERVICEENTRY MUD-ROOM47'-0"24' -0 "8'-0"115°SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-179'-1012" ±16'-2" ±7'-914" ±20'-734"26'-3" ±16'-512" ±24'-712" ±3'-6" ±9'-1012" ±3'-112" ±1'-012" ± BB CC(N) 20 50 - 30 50 DH - 20 50 DH90 76 ROLL UP DOOR W /ELECTRIC OPENER (N) 30 70 W/ T E M P G L L I T E (N) (4) - 30 56 DH( E ) 3 6 5 6 D H I N ( E ) O P E N I N G V E R I F Y T EM P G L A S S(N) 26 56 DHTEMP GLASS(N) 50 70 FRENCH DRS W/TEMP GLASS IN(E) OPENING(N) (3)-26 40 DH(N) 26 40 DHTEMP GLASS(N) 20 40 DH(E)-(2) 24 40 (N) 20 40 DH(N) 56 76 ENTRY DR SETW/ TEMP GLASSSIDELITES(N) 60 70 FRENCH DRSW/ TEMP GLASSIN (E) OPENING(N) (2)-36 56 DH (N) 26 56 DHTEMP GLASS2'-7 "12'-0 "9'-5 "4'-8 "5'-1"6' -6 "8'-0 "8'-0 "11'-6"5'-0"8'-0"11'-9"4'-8"2'-2"9'-11"(N) 60 70 FRENCH DRSW/ TEMP GLASSIN (E) OPENING60 70 CASED OPENING 80 -TALL TO BOTTOM OF DECORATIVE DROP BEAMCLO 116 80 CASED OPENING28 6 8 20 68 26 68 28 68 28 68 EQUALEQUAL2'-0"℄EQUALEQUAL℄EQUALEQUAL℄4'-2 "2'-3"℄KITCHENISLANDWASHERVENT DRYERTO EXTERIORINSTALL METAL DRAINPAN BELOW WASHER(DRAIN TO EXTERIOR)DRYERBASE & UPPERCAB. W/ LED LIGHTSTRIP UNDERUPPER CAB.12'-0"42'-6"3' -0 " M INCONC. LAND ING DN 734" MAXFROM TOP OFTHRESHOLDBASE & UPPER CAB .W/ LED L IGHT STR IPUNDER UPPER CAB .DN 734" MAXFROM INTERIORTO EXTERIORFINISH FLOORDN 734" MAXFROM INTERIORTO EXTERIORFINISH FLOORDN 734" MAXFROM INTERIORTO EXTERIORFINISH FLOOR3'-0" MINCONC. LANDING DN 734" MAXFROM INTERIORTO EXTERIORFINISH FLOOR3'-0" MIN CONC. LANDING℄WALL℄ROOM DN 1" MAXFROM INTERIORTO EXTERIORFINISH FLOORMAIN DOOR SHALL BEOPENABLE FROM THEINSIDE OF THE DWELLINGWITHOUT USE OF A KEY,SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE,OR EFFORTCONT. HANDRAIL1A360 70 CASED OPENING DN (16) RISERS @ 7.6" ±& TREADS @ 10.5"UP (15) RISERS @ 7.6" ±& TREADS @ 10.5"DOUBLEFLUORESCENT,TYPICAL 3-CAR GARAGEDN 734" MAX FROMTOP OF THRESHOLD138" M IN THK . ,SELF-CLOSING ,TIGHT-F ITT ING ,SOLID CORE DRCONT.HANDRAILUP (15 )RISERS @7.7 " ± &TREADS @10.5 "STO26 50 58" TYPE 'X 'GYP. BD .UNDER STA IR 2% SLOPE MIN.42"-HIGH GUARDRAILW/ PICKETS SPACEDSUCH THAT A 4"SPHERE CANNOTPASS THROUGHBALCONYGUTTERSYSTEMA32SEE ISLANDVENTINGDETAIL42" REFR.100 CFM FAN - VENTDIRECTLY TO EXTERIORDN (3) RISERS712" MAX, 11"TREADSDN (4) RISERS712" MAX, 11"TREADSTILE DECK OVERWATERPROOF MEMBRANECOVERED PORCHCONT.HANDRAILBASE &UPPERCABS.FIXED PANEL24" CLR. MINWCELECTRICSUBPANEL 36" CLR.36" CLR.UPGRADE ELEC.SERVICE TO 200AMP W/UFERGROUND30" CLR . M IN CLOPERMITTED FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/8"=1'-0"051015202524 6 8 3'-7"3'-5"5'-10"1'-6 "3'-0"4"STOTILEDSHOWER TEMP GLENCLOSP&S20 68 PKT DR 3' -0 "18" DEEP UPPER CAB.SHELVES3'-5"4'-7" 6" 3'-6"FANLIGHTING/MECHANICAL LEGEND*MANUAL-ON OCCUPANCY SENSOR THATTURNS FIXTURE OFF AUTOMATICALLYWHEN NO OCCUPANTS ARE PRESENT &WHICH DOES NOT HAVE AN OVERRIDEALLOWING THE FIXTURE TO BE ALWAYS ONCEILING MOUNTED FIXTURERECESSED FIXTUREHIGH EFFICACY RECESSED FIXTURESCONCEFLUORESCENT FIXTURERECESSED HALOGEN DOWNLIGHTWALL MOUNTED FIXTURELED PUCK LIGHTSWITCHSWITCH WITH OCCUPANT SENSOR*SWITCH WITH DIMMEROUTLETFLOOR OUTLET220V OUTLETGAS CONNECTIONCABLE TV JACKWATER CONNECTIONHOSE BIBTELEPHONE JACKDOOR BELLDOOR BELL CHIMESSMOKE DETECTORCARBON MONOXIDE ALARMSHOWER HEADHIGH EFFICACYWATER PROTECTIONETHERNET PORTGROUND FAULT INTERRUPTERNOTE: GAS FIREPLACESINSTALLED IN TOWN OFLOS GATOS SHALL NOTHAVE WOOD-BURNINGCOMPONENTSWALL FLOOR2" Ø MIN.DRAIN LINESLOPE 14" PERFOOTSINK90° ELBOW45° WYE90° ELBOW C.O.45° ELBOW45° WYEWYE BRANCHSLOPE 14" PERFOOT TODRAIN LINE2" MIN.DRAIN45° ELBOW 2" MIN. VENT112" TRAPSANITARYTEECLEANOUTNo Scale2ISLAND VENTING DETAIL31-HR WALLFor SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 squareinch = 645.2 mm2, 1 cubic foot =0.0283 m3. a. Staples with equivalent holdingpower and penetration shall bepermitted to be used as alternatefasteners to nails for attachment towood framing. e. For all of the construction withgypsum wallboard described in thistable, gypsum base for veneerplaster of the same size, thicknessand core type shall be permitted tobe substituted for gypsum wallboard,provided attachment is identical tothat specified for the wallboard, andthe joints on the face layer arereinforced and the entire surface iscovered with a minimum of 1/16-inchgypsum veneer plaster. l. Wood structural panels shall bepermitted to be installed between thefire protection and the wood studs oneither the interior or exterior side ofthe wood frame assemblies in thistable, provided the length of thefasteners used to attach the fireprotection is increased by an amountat least equal to the thickness of thewood structural panel. m. The design stress of studs shall bereduced to 78 percent ofallowable F′c with the maximum notgreater than 78 percent of thecalculated stress with studs having aslenderness ratio le/d of 33. n. For properties of cooler orwallboard nails, see ASTM C 514,ASTM C 547 or ASTM F 1667. o. Generic fire-resistance ratings(those not designated asPROPRIETARY* in the listing) in theGA 600 shall be accepted as if hereinlisted. p. NCMA TEK 5-8A shall be permittedfor the design of fire walls. SEE DETAIL 3/A4 FOR 1-HR WALLPENETRATION PROTECTION REQUIREMENTSNOTE:UNDER-CABINET FLUORESCENT FIXTURESMAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITH CEC-APPROVED HIGH-EFFICACY LED FIXURESEFCQTY8124TTL04TTLDESCRIPTIONCOMPACT FLUORESCENT18" T5 FLUORESCENT24" T5 FLUORESCENT36" T5 FLUORESCENTA30MR16WATT1315212710055TTL WATT10415421082690220220HESYMBOLH I G H E F F I C A C YI N C A N D E S C E N TKITCHEN LIGHTING TABLEDEMECHANICAL VENTILATION REQUIREMENT4,929.8 SQ. FT. / 100 + [712 x (6+1)] = 102 CFM REQUIRED.VENTILATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY EXHAUST FAN IN LAUNDRYROOM AND SHALL RUN CONTINUOUSLY. (3 SONES MAX).STAIR RAIL DETAILNo Scale1DAA 4'-814"PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"A3BASE & UPPERCABS.- MOUNTFLUOR F IXT .BELOWOVERHEADS,TYPICALSINK W /DISPOSER CLOSET ORGANIZERPER OWNER SPECS.INDICATES EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVEDINDICATES EXISTING WALL TO REMAININDICATES NEW CONSTRUCTION(N) 150 80 SLD GLASS DRS W/TEMP GLASS, &150 20 AWNTRANSOM℄WALL0510152025BEDROOM 3MASTERBATHMASTERBEDROOMBALCONY47'-0"13'-8"30'-0 "42'-6"8'-0"SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17BALCONY15'-912" ±27'-7" ±28'-334" ± BB CCDWBARBEV.REFER.WINEREFER.(N) (3)-26 50 DH(N) 28 70 W/ T E M P G L L I T E (N ) (4 ) -26 50 DH(N) (2)-26 50 DHTEMP GLASS(E) 24 37 V.I.F. TEMPGLASS(N) (2)-20 46 DHTEMP GLASS(N) (2)-20 46 DHTEMP GLASS(N) (2)-20 46 DH(N) 70 36 DH(N ) 26 50 DH17' -11 "6' -1 "16'-1112"12'-10"6'-0 "4' -0 "12'-10"16'-1112"℄WALL28 68 26 68 'HIS' CLO.30 80 ℄ROOMGAME ROOMPEAKED CE IL ING LAVLAVCONT. HANDRAIL 42"-HIGH GUARDRAIL W/PICKETS SPACED SUCHTHAT A 4" SPHERECANNOT PASS THROUGHSTAIR HALLDN2% SLOPE MIN.42"-HIGH GUARDRAILW/ PICKETS SPACEDSUCH THAT A 4"SPHERE CANNOTPASS THROUGH86 FLAT CEILING86 FLAT CEILING86 FLAT CEILING86 FLAT CEILING86 FLAT CLGRET. WALL LEDGE W /STAINED WOOD CAPCONT. HANDRAIL5'-6"℄3'-0" MINCONC. LANDINGOPTIONALBEDROOM 5COUNTER W /KNEESPACEBELOWDN2% SLOPE M IN .BALCONYGUTTERSYSTEMBALCONYGUTTERSYSTEM42" -H IGH GUARDRA ILW/ P ICKETS SPACEDSUCH THAT A 4 "SPHERE CANNOTPASS THROUGH2A4TILE FLOORINGOVER WATERPROOFMEMBRANE(N) 20 50 - 30 50 DH - 20 50 DH℄OVERGARAGEDOORSBELOW(N) 20 50 - 30 50 DH - 20 50 DHEGRESSTILE FLOOR INGOVER WATERPROOFMEMBRANEA32SEE ISLANDVENTINGDETAIL 26 6 8 BEDROOM 286 FLAT CEILINGBA 2BA 3(N) (3)-26 40 DHEGRESSHALLWAYHALLWAYLINENSHELVESBEDROOM 4CLOSTAIRHALL BATH 5CLO10'-91 2"4'-5"14'-034"PERMITTED SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/8"=1'-0"051015202524 68 (N) 26 20 AWN℄ROOMWC(N) 26 20 AWNVINYL FRAMETEMP GL 16'-5"(N) 30 68 FRENCH DRTEMP GLDN 734" MAXFROM TOP OFTHRESHOLD(E) 24 37 V.I.F. TEMPGLASS 3'-7"11'-2"CLOSET ORGANIZERPER OWNER'S SPECS7'-10"5'-10"28 68 2 6 6 8 CLOP&SP&SDBLP&S28 68 ℄CLOSETTEMPGLASSENCLOS.℄ TUB(N) 20 16 AWNTEMP GLASSVINYL FRAME℄ ROOM ℄ ROOM DN 734"MAX FROMTOP OFTHRESHOLDTILE FLOORINGOVER WATERPROOFMEMBRANE(N) 26 50 DH (TEMP GL)BALCONY(N) 68 70 F R E N C H D R SW/ TEMP GL42" TALL SOLID GUARDRAIL2'-4"℄28 68 P&SCLO(N) 70 68 SLIDERS 26 68 55" CAST-IRON TUB& SHOWERCOMBOWCLAVLAVVESTIBULE30 70 CASED OPENINGTEMPGLASSFREE-STANDING SOAKINGTUB PER OWNER'S SPECSTILEDSHOWER℄ROOM'HER' CLO.LINENSHELVES28 68 (N) 70 68 SLIDERSP&S26 68 TILEDSHOWER TEMP GLASSENCLOSURELINENSHELVES3'-7"℄(N) 26 36 DH5'-6"EGRESS2A4LAVWC4' -0 "6'-6 "2' -10 "5'-0 " 3'-8"7'-4"9'-0"5'-8 "12' -2 "2' -7 "42" -H IGH GUARDRA IL W /PICKETS SPACED SUCHTHAT A 4 " SPHERECANNOT PASS THROUGH6' -0 "(N) 70 36 DH℄EXTERIORWALL DN 734" MAXFROM TOP OFTHRESHOLDDN 734" MAXFROM INTER IORTO EXTER IORFIN ISH FLOOR3'-0" MINCONC. LANDING℄WC(N ) 20 30 DHVINYL FRAME W / TEMP GL(N) 20 36 DH4'-012"3' -212"DN 734" MAXFROM TOP OFTHRESHOLDSLOPEBALCONY2% MIN TOBALCONYDRAINLAV60" CAST - IRON TUB &SHOWER COMBOTEMP GLASS28 80 (N) 70 68 SLIDERSP&SWATER HYDRONIC HEAT PUMP SEISMIC ANCHORING1. Straps shall be at the upper one-third and lower one-third ofits vertical dimensions.2. At lower point, maintain a minimum of four inches above thecontrols with the strapping.SHOWER VALVES1. Showers, tubs, whirlpool tubs, and tub-shower combinationsshall be provided with individual pressure balance orthermostatic mixing control valves.2.The maximum mixed water setting shall be 120° Fahrenheit.3. Water heater thermostat shall not be considered as suitablefor meeting this requirement.NOTES1. All toilets to have a maximum flush capacity of 1.28 gallonsper California Green Building Requirements.2. All showers to have tile wall protection to a minimum of 84"above the floor-mount tile on full mortar bed or ½" cementbacker board.3. All smoke detectors to be hardwired with battery backup.4. Wooden backing (2x8 min.) shall be provided in all bathroomwalls at toilet, shower, and bathtub- located at 34" from thefloor to the center of the backing, suitable for the addition ofgrab bars.5. Fixtures in clothes closets shall be surface-mounted orrecessed incandescent fixture with a completely enclosedlamp, or a surface-mounted or recessed fluorescent fixture.6. All egress windows with two or more latches shall have thelatches interconnected and operable from the lowest latch.WHIRLPOOL BATHTUBS1. A removable panel of sufficient dimension shall be provided toaccess the pump.2. The circulation pump shall be located above the crown weir ofthe trap.3. The pump and the circulation piping shall be self-draining tominimize water retention.4. Suction fittings on whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with thelisted standards.5. Receptacles that provide power for whirlpool bathtubs shall beground-fault circuit-interrupter protected.6. Whirlpool bathtubs shall be hardwired with a disconnect switchwithin sight of the appliance. Wiring shall comply with listingon appliance.MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING NOTES1. Installation instructions for all listed equipment shall beprovided to the field inspector at time of inspection.2. Dryer exhaust shall be smooth metal duct extending toexterior with backdraft damper.3. All exterior hose bibs shall have non-removable backflowprevention devices.4. Water heater shall have a pressure-relief valve with drain toexterior.5. Provide a minimum 3" working space along each side (with atotal of at least 12" on both sides combined), back and top offurnace.6. All building water supply systems in which quick-acting valvesare installed shall be provided with devices to absorb highpressures resulting from the quick closing of these valves(e.g., clothes washers and dishwashers).7. Termination of all environmental air ducts shall be a minimum of3 feet from any openings into the building (i.e., dryers, bathand utility fans, etc., must be 3 feet away from doors,windows, opening skylights or attic vents).8. Minimum recovery capacity of water heater equivalent to notless than the first hour rating of 80 gallons.9. All mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and similar penetrations ofthe floor or top-plates shall be caulked with a rated fire caulkwith an ASTM E136 rating.10. Install recessed washer & dryer hook-ups to allow for unitsto be flush with rear wall.11. Ventilation heating and air conditioning systems shall haveMERV 6 filters or better.12. Local exhaust systems vented to the outdoors for theBathrooms.13. Provide minimum 50 cfm intermittent airflow for Bathroomexhaust fans, OR provide minimum 20 cfm for continuouslyoperating Bathroom exhaust fans.14. All hot water pipes over 34" shall have R-4 insulation.ELECTRICAL NOTES1. The required two small appliance branch circuits for the kitchenare limited to supplying wall and counter space outlets (notethey cannot serve the dining room, outside plugs, rangehoods, disposals, dishwashers, or microwaves- only therequired countertop/wall outlets including the refrigerator.)2. Light fixtures in tub and shower enclosures shall be listed (andlabeled) as "suitable for damp locations".3. All dwelling circuits except GFCI circuits shall be protectedwith arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCI) listed to provideprotection of the entire branch circuit.4. A dedicated 30 amp branch circuit shall be provided to supplythe laundry receptacle outlet.5. A dedicated 20-amp circuit is required to serve bathroomoutlets. This circuit cannot supply any other receptacles,lights, fans, etc. (exception: where the circuit supplies a singlebathroom, outlets for other equipment within the samebathroom shall be permitted to be supplied).6. All 125-volt, 15- and 20- ampere receptacle outlets shall belisted as Tamper-resistant receptacles.LIGHTING NOTES1. Permanently installed luminaries in kitchens shall be highefficacy luminaires. Up to 50% of the total rated wattage ofpermanently installed luminaires (based on nominal ratedwattage of high efficacy lamps) in kitchens may be in luminairesthat are not high efficacy luminaires, provided that theseluminaires are controlled by switches separate from thosecontrolling the high efficacy luminaries.2. At least one light in all bathrooms shall be high efficacy. Allother bathroom lights are high efficacy luminaries ORcontrolled by a vacancy sensor (manual-on occupancy sensorand motion sensor that complies with CEC Section 110.9(b)and shall not have a control that allows the luminaries to beturned on automatically or that has an override allowing theluminaries to be always on.)3. Permanently installed luminaries in garages, laundry rooms, andutility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaries AND arecontrolled by a vacancy sensor (manual-on occupancy sensorand motion sensor that complies with CEC Section 110.9(b)and shall not have a control that allows the luminaries to beturned on automatically or that has an override allowing theluminaries to be always on.)4. Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and pemanently mountedto a residential building or to other buildings on the same lotshall be high efficacy luminaires (not including lighting aroundswimming pools/water features or other Article 680 locations)OR are controlled by occupant sensors with integral photocontrol.5. Recessed luminaires in insulated ceilings shall be IC rated, w/electronic ballast and Air-tight (AT)11-HR FLOOR/CEILING24 80 3'-4"9'-6"LINEN (SHELVES )2'-10 "(N) 28 70 W/ TEMP GL LITEAA PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"A4SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17PROPOSED GARAGE & GREAT ROOM WING REAR ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"NEWENTRYPORCHRE-BUILD (E)DAMAGED PORCHNEW BASEMENT34'-6" MAX. FROM LOWEST POINT TO HIGHEST RIDGE WOOD-FRAMEWINDOWS TOMATCH (E)(F) 564.2'(E) 564.8'(F) 564.2'(E) 564.8'LOW SLOPE ROOFAS PERMITTED FRONT ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"AS PERMITTED GARAGE & GREAT ROOM WING REAR ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"NOTE:SHADING INDICATESPROPOSED CHANGES A5EXISTING GRADESHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17PROPOSED LEFT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"9'-712"2ND FLOOR @ NEW GREAT ROOM WING 565.1257'-8" 2ND FLR PLATEABOVE NEW GARAGE (E) & (F) 553.69'(E) 555.06'(E) 554.5'25' HEIGHT LIMITEXISTING COMPOSITESHINGLE TO REMAINEXISTING SHINGLESTO REMAINAS PERMITTED LEFT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"NOTE:SHADING INDICATESPROPOSED CHANGES PROPOSED RIGHT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"A6MAIN FLOOR 555.5SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17SEE NEW GARAGE & GREAT ROOM WING ELEVATIONS2ND FLOOR 565.3'9'-912" ± (E)10'-138"BSMT FLOOR 545.39RE-BUILD (E)DAMAGEDPORCH(E) 555.32'(E) & (F) 553.05'34'-6" MAX. FROM LOWEST POINT TO HIGHEST RIDGE 25' HEIGHT LIMITEXISTINGSHINGLES TOREMAINADDRESS NUMBERS198NOTE:SHADING INDICATESPROPOSED CHANGESAS PERMITTED RIGHT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0" A7125SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17PROPOSED GARAGE & GREAT ROOM WING FRONT ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"8'-0" 2ND FLR PLATEABOVE GARAGE12'-0" DORMER PLATE 7'-6"1/4" = 1' - 0"SLAB @ GARAGE DOOR 555.5PROPOSED GARAGE & GREAT ROOMRIGHT-SIDE ELEVATION(E) & (F) 557.8'(E) 564.8'25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT (F) 555.4'(E) 557.8'(E) 555.53'198COMPOSITE SHINGLEROOFING T0 MATCH (E)(N) SHINGLES T0 MATCH (E)12512938 ±4A7CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT(F) 564.2'1/4" = 1' - 0"AS PERMITTED GARAGE & GREATROOM RIGHT-SIDE ELEVATIONAS PERMITTED GARAGE & GREAT ROOM WING FRONT ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"NOTE:SHADING INDICATESPROPOSED CHANGES A8VENTED ATTICSHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17WINEEQUIPMENTKITCHENFAMILY ROOM9'-03 4" 8'-6" ±HALLBEDROOM 2PROPOSED SECTION B-B1/4"=1'-0"8'-91 2" ±565.3'± 555.5'545.39'25'-0" HEIGHT LIMIT 123TYPICAL (N) ROOF FRAMING W/ VENTEDATTIC:- CLASS 'A' HIGH PROFILE COMP. SHINGLE- #30 FELT-12" C-DX PLYWOOD SHEATHING- 2x10 ROOF RAFTERS @ 24" O.C.- VENTED ATTIC- R-30 BATT INSULATION- 2x CEILING JOISTS @ 16" O.C. PERSTRUCTURAL PLAN-58" GYPSUM BOARDNOTE:ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH THE CONC.BASEMENT WALLS ARE REQUIRED TO BEPRESSURE TREATED & PROPERLY FIRE-BLOCKEDTYPICAL MAT SLAB :-12" THICK CONCRETE MAT SLABPER STRUCTURAL PLAN- PARASEAL LG WATERPROOFMEMBRANE-12" OF CLASS '2' AGGREGATEBASE ROCKTYPICAL BASEMENT WALL W/ STUD FURRING:- CONCRETE RETAINING WALL - REFER TOSTRUCTURAL PLAN FOR THICKNESS-12" AIR GAP- 2x4 STUDS @ 16" O.C.- R13 BATT INSULATION-12" GYPSUM BOARDTYPICAL BASEMENT WALL WATERPROOFING:- 'TREMCO' PARASEAL WATERPROOFMEMBRANE- 24" THK. MIN. CLEAN CRUSHED GRAVEL- 'MIRAFI' 140N FILTER FABRIC WRAPPEDAROUND DRAIN ROCK & DRAIN PIPEINSTALL 'SUPERSTOP' OR EQUALWATERSTOP AT ALL WALL KEYWAYS& VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS4" Ø SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATEDSUBDRAIN (WITH HOLES DOWN). MIN4" ABOVE TRENCH BOTTOM & 4"BELOW BASEMENT FLOOR. SLOPE 2%TO DAYLITENOTE:ADD 'XYPEX' CONCRETECRYSTALIZATION ADDMIXTURETO BASEMENT SLAB & WALLSFOR ADDITIONALMOISTURE-PROOFING1ST FLOOR FRAMING @ PORTIONOF REMODELED (E) HOUSE:-34" 5-PLY T&G PLYWOOD SUBFLR-1178" TJI 360 JOISTS @ 16" O.C.- R-19 BATT INSULATION-58" GYPSUM BOARD OR VENTEDCRAWLSPACE W/ 10 MIL. VAPORBARRIERINSTALL 26 GA GSMFLASHING (PAINTEDTO MATCH COMP.SHINGLE ROOFING)AT ALL MEETINGPOINTS OF LOWERROOF AND UPPERWALL2ND FLOOR FRAMING @ PORTION OFREMODELED (E) HOUSE:-34" 5-PLY T&G PLYWOOD SUBFLR- (E) 2x FLR JOISTS TO REMAIN - 'SISTER' (N)134 x 914 LVL JOISTS ON (E) FLR JOISTS(SEE STRUCTURAL PLAN FOR DETAIL)- R-19 BATT INSULATION-58" GYPSUM BOARDSOIL CAP PERSOILS REPORT1A7INSULATION NOTES:- ALL (E) ATTICS TO BEUPGRADED TO R-30INSULATION- ALL (E) VAULTED CEILINGSTO BE UPGRADED TO R-19INSULATION- ALL (E) WALLS TO BEUPGRADED TO R-13INSULATIONBEDROOM 3SECTIONTHROUGHLAUNDRYVENTEDATTIC1238'-6"PERMITTED SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"AS PERMITTED SECTION B-B 1/4"=1'-0"WINEEQUIPMENTKITCHENFAMILY ROOM9'-03 4" 7'-6" DORMER PLATE 7'-6" DORMER PLATE 8'-6" ±BATH 2BEDROOM 28'-91 2" ±565.3'± 555.5'545.39'312123VENTED ATTICSECTIONTHROUGHLAUNDRYVENTEDATTICBATH HALL9'-51 2" ± PLATE SECTIONTHROUGHSTORAGEBALCONY A9SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17SECTION A-A1/4"=1'-0"COVERED PORCHLIVING ROOMSTAIR HALLWINEVENTEDATTIC2ND DWELLING UNITCOVERED PORCHDECKMASTER BEDROOMVESTIBULE8'-6" ± 9'-03 4" 8'-91 2" ±KITCHEN565.3'± 555.5'545.39'25'-0" HEIGHT LIMITSTAIR HALLVENTED CRAWLSPACE12938 ±PROPOSED ROOF PLAN1/4"=1'-0"BALCONYBALCONYBALCONYPERMITTED ROOF PLAN1/4"=1'-0"BALCONYCLOLAUNDRY & STOVENTED ATTICBALCONYSTAIRHALLHALLWAY8'-6" ±VENTEDATTIC A10SHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYLOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 198 BROADWAYEL/CS/DB/KDBIGGE2-23-178BIGGE RESIDENCEAS NOTEDA PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION FOR 5-11-176-13-17LEFT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"TOTAL EXISTING WALL AREA: 1,779.8 SF ±TOTAL WALL AREA TO BE REMOVED: 577.3 SF ±TOTAL WALL AREA TO REMAIN: 1,202.5 SF ± ≈ 67.6 %CONTIGUOUS WALL AREA:(531.8 + 330.2 + 587.8) - (69.8 + 38.3 + 112.7 + 26 ) = 1,203 ≈ 67.6 %INDICATES EXISTING WALL AREAINDICATES WALL AREA TO BE REMOVED OR COVEREDEXISTING WALL AREA: 330.2 SFWALL AREA TO BE REMOVED: 38.3 SFWALL AREA TO REMAIN: 291.9 SF = 88.4 %ARIGHT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"FRONT ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"REAR ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN1/8"=1'-0"COVEREDPORCHLIVINGROOMKITCHENNOOKBATHDININGROOMBEDROOMCLOENTRYEXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN1/8"=1'-0"BEDROOMCLOPOWDERCLO CLOBEDROOMBEDROOMCLOCLOBEDROOMHALLBATHBCDEFGHJIAI+ (2)AA+ (1)H + (1)JEEXISTING WALL AREA: 330.0 SFWALL AREA TO BE REMOVED: 330.0 SFWALL AREA TO REMAIN: 0 SFEXISTING WALL AREA: 531.8 SFWALL AREA TO BE REMOVED: 96.3 SFWALL AREA TO REMAIN: 435.5 SF = 81.9 %+ (1)HDC+B +EXISTING WALL AREA: 587.8 SFWALL AREA TO BE REMOVED: 112.7 SFWALL AREA TO REMAIN: 475.1 SF = 80.8 %+(1)JG+(4)FA +B+C+D+F +G+HINDICATES CONTIGUOUS EXISTING WALL AREA TO REMAIN EFB+J+I