Item 5 - 76 Alpine AvenuePREPARED BY: SALLY ZARNOWITZ, AIA, LEED AP Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/24/2017 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: MAY 18, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 76 ALPINE AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: SAL AND JANE BROGNA. APPLICANT: TOBIN DOUGHERTY ARCHITECTS. REQUESTING A DETERMINATION REGARDING THE HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE OR ARCHITECTURAL MERIT OF A PRIMARY STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO 1941. APN 529-37-008. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a determination regarding the historic significance or architectural merit of the primary structure. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1.Date primary structure was built: c. 1920’s 2.Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: C Contributor to Town’s historic feeling but has had some alterations 3.Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4.Is structure in a historic district? No 5.If yes, is it a contributor? NA 6.Findings required? No 7.Considerations required? No 8.Determination required? Yes B. Comments In order to plan for future construction on the site, the applicant is asking for a determination regarding the historical significance or architectural merit of the house. Supporting documents are attached. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 76 ALPINE AVE. MAY 18, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 231 5/18/2017 1:18 PM DISCUSSION: A. Determination In order to determine whether a primary structure constructed prior to 1941 is recognized as an historic resource: _X_ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single-family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Attachments: 1. Request, Research Results, and Photographs (110 pages) Distribution: Cc: Tobin Dougherty Architects, 914 Industrial Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94303 Sal and Jane Brogna, 76 Alpine Ave., Los Gatos, CA 95030 TOBIN DOUGHERTY ARCHITECTS Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department -Planning Division Historical Committee of Los Gatos 05.17.17 Subject: 7 6 Alpine Ave. Residence -Historical Investigation, Request of Removal of Residence from the Town's Historic Resources Inventory List. I am writing this letter in behalf of our clients -Sal and Jane Brogna. Sal and Jane are the home owners of the existing residence located on 76 Alpine Ave. They have contacted us, Tobin Dougherty Architects, to investigate the historical classification of 76 Alpine Ave. Based on the following research I would like to kindly ask the Town of Los Gatos Community Development and the Historical Preservation Committee that you consider removing the historical classification of the 7 6 Alpine Ave. residence, based upon the research completed in accordance with Los Gatos Public Library Local History search guidelines, the Town of Los Gatos Historic on line information and the City of Los Gatos Planning/Building Department Permit Hi story. The research completed show the following information associated with 76 Alpine Ave.: • Town of Los Gatos Historic District Map: the residence is not located in a Historic District of Los Gatos. •Town of Los Gatos GIS Map: the residence is not identified as a Historic Site. •The 1941 Tax Assessment Survey: 76 Alpine Ave. is listed on the 1941 survey. The survey i ndicates that the house was approximately 20 years old and the cottage was built in 1941 . The house is built of basic wood construction, typical of the time and shows no signs of architectural value. •The Bellringer Projects: the residence is not listed as a historic residence in: -the 1901 Historic Home Awards; the 1976-1987 Los Gatos Project Bellringer; the 1983-84 Los Gatos Project Bellringer II. • The Anne Bloomfield Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory: -Architectural/ Cultural Survey 1990: 76 Alpine Ave. is listed in the 1990 architectural/ cultural survey as a "Colonial Revival Style" residence. We have also included, as reference only, a copy of the findings for the 75 Alpine Ave. listed as a "Italianate Style" residence. ATTACHMENT 1 -Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Historic Preservation -History Resources Inventory 1991: the 76 Alpine Ave. residence is not listed as a historic residence in the 1991 Historic Resources Inventory. The 75 Alpine Ave. residence is listed in the 1991 Historic Resources Inventory. • Sanborn Maps: 7 6 Alpine Ave residence first appears on the 1928 Sanborn Map. The 1944 map also shows the residence and cottage. • Polk's Directories: there is no historical findings to show that the home once belonged to someone famous or historically important. Based off the research we conducted, the property does not have any known association with the lives of persons important to local, California, or national history. • The City of Los Gatos Building Permit History: building permit information found shows several alterations were made to 76 Alpine Ave . residence through the years. The most important alterations are related to the change of the original residence envelope and the replacement of all original windows and doors: -1952 Bathroom remodel -1961 Green house -1963 Garage remodel -1998 BLD # B98-001148: Bedroom addition at second floor above garage: 579 SF. Applied: 10/19/1998 -Approved: 10/14/1999. BUILT. With this permit all the original windows and doors were replaced by Kolbe & Kolbe windows. (Refer to photos of the existing residence attached showing the addition to the house above the garage and the windows) -2004 BLD # B04-006509: Kitchen remodel : 182 SF. Applied : 06/25/2004-Approved: 06/25/2004. BUILT. We are kindly asking the Historic Preservation Committee to make the determination that the residence located on 76 Alpine Ave. is not of historic significance based on the following: 1) Although the 76 Alpine Ave residence appears to have been constructed around 1921 , and it has been identified as "Colonial Revival " in the 1990 Anne Bloomfield Architectural/ Cultural Survey, I believe that the home is not longer of a historically, architecturally or culturally significant. The house original colonial revival style, with its original structure and envelope, has been significantly altered throughout the years by several changes to the residence's massing and style: mostly by the addition of a second floor above the garage and the replacement of original elements as the windows and doors. The several alterations made to the house have changed the integrity of the original colonial revival style and the only physical features, that appear to be original from the period, are the columns and baranda, located at the house' front porch (refer to photos attached). The property does not retain today any distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or construction method, or represent work of high artistic value. The property does not possess physical features necessary to convey an aspect of history. 2) The property does not have any recorded history related to events that made a significant contribution to the local or re gional history, or the cultural heritage of California or the United States . 3) The property does not appear to have yielded or does have the potential to yield information important to th e prehistory or history of the local area, California or the nation. No evidence of significant history exists as researched online, looking through the State Historic Resource Database a nd the Los Gatos Public Library Local History. 4) Noncontributing structure: per the Town of Los Gatos Residential guidelines a noncontributing structure are those wh ich are not historical in terms of their design or have been so modified over time as to no longer meet the criteria for contributing status. Based on our attached findings we are asking that the residence located at 7 6 Alpine Ave. be removed from the Town's Historic Resources Inventory List. Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Tob i n T. Dougherty How to Research Your Los Ga t os House 1 . The vertical files in the Local History's Work Room include data on specific addresses, organized by street. This includes data from the two Bellringer projects and the results of the LGMA's Hi storical Home Survey. Be careful with the survey data. The closer the events cited are to 1975, the better the information, the further back in time, the more suspect. Much of this information was ga in ed by individuals' memories, and oral history sometimes is unreliable. 2 . In the Local History section outside the Work Room you will find the 1941 Tax Assessment Survey. The Tax Assessment Survey is contained in 3-ring binders, sorted alphabetically by street. You will find a lot about your house in 1941 and how it was assessed . It will tell you how old the owner thought the house was, not always accurate. It will tell you the number of rooms, the type of wall construction, something about the foundation and how it was heated . By Town decree, any house built before 1941 is considered historic, and permits must be obtained to change any exterior characteristic. 3. There are telephone directories and Polk's directories in the bookcases outside the Work Room . Find the Los Gatos section in the Polk's directories, starting with 1930 through 1974; look for the address to find the name of the owner. The California Room at San Jose's Martin Luther King Jr Library (5 1h floor) has a number of directories not available in Los Gatos. 4. Look at the Sanborn Maps located in one of the alcoves of the Local History section . A History docent should be able to help you with these. There are maps for 1884, 1888, 1891, 1895, 1904, 1908, 1928 and 1944, although not all of Los Gatos was covered in the earlier years. Because street addresses changed through time, look for your hou se first in 1944 o r 1928, then look at earlier maps to see when your house first appears, which will give you an idea of when it was built . Also note how the shape of the house changed through time. 5. The Anne Bloomfield Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory, June 1991 is located in the locked bookcases. If you're lucky you will find data on your house by district. Look at the street index in the front of the binder for street, listed in alphabetical order to find the district. 6. Local History docents are available from 1:00-5 :00 on Mondays, 10:00-12:00 on Wednesdays and 1:00-5:00 on Thursdays to answer any questions and/or to help you search for information on your Lo s Gatos home. The Reference Librarian at the desk at the top of the stairs is available to help you also . TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC DISTRICT MAP & GIS MAP CITY OF LOS GATOS PUBLIC LIBRARY -LOCAL HISTORY 1941 TAX ASSESSMENT SURVEY Forrr ~ BUILDING C.LASSIFICATION ANO COMPUl~,JON RECORD BUILDING DIAGRAM AND DET AILS ADllR~SS ,r; P / . LOCATION 7 b ~ ") BUJC K NUMDER 1:18 ~BEil S1.'. AVE. CAL I FORNI A s cal etii" :: ·5·0· '-W--+--i1E::ta1iT'. ·.: ; .'.'.·:pit I I 1 I I I I I I i-J..4<,.1_1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.OS GAIQS ·~ O W ~EHSllil' . 0 t-A_, ~ ~~~ ~ ~ _..11111 CITY OF lo SUBDIVISION OR TRACT, DESCil.IPTION lot> k ~ S ~ o--/~ ~-~ '11'/ .P7_,, -~ t>/§z-~)~ -w~?ta-u_Ai tf-/~/ Sect. D11~s i o 11 s Areu or Cubage IJut? Cost I lleprq.colt Out'bldef Pres. Value (A) x x = l '?" 0 _'(:. ~~: H @$ .~. x .~f$ ij ~ ()I I v $ ./•11) (B) x x (C ) x x 1 ~ ... r·z r™-1 T l nn l:i£!7HTI I ] k 11 I I I I ~ --'·- J)( 1-.. -+--ft-11--+--HI I I I I I I I I I I I f") ............. , l .i ' ~ 1 (D) x x ~~~,'l ~t-cu .TI &;Id> I I He t ai u. Wall ' u i i i ' ' i iK +-. · ,.. ·-sq. ft ""1' • x x = cu. ff @$ • I I Tank <:n ft x x = ~~:H @$ • I ;_ I Pool ~ ,,.,,.. 1~ fl e prou.u c ti1;rn Cost of Ma in Building 1$ -r-f Ji Q· I ~ Dfo Goorl Garage X f v .,-'' .cu.TI 10 x 1 ~ =!To LJ..~ sQ .tt @$ ..t ~,,.D I$ I • • Z S S~C:. I , ")'{)% Good Depreciation %(-Pct. Good %1 TOTAL DEPRECIATED VALIJE EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION INTERIOR DESCRIPTION Cl)Mllt::flC IAf, llL!JFS !•'JI JNIJATWN l!:XT EllIOI! WAl,LS INSilll> TtµM J>I.lJM JH Nfl , !i7) 111 111.T-TN FEATllllES. BAS EME NT • ______ s tori es Deep_ Shall9WZ2'. Brick Stoc 1<J2'Spec. ___ No ,o r Fixt . ,,,. ~ Kitch,Cah .-K:--Ft Garage _J:.ars Stor es Co 11 cre t ..£/* Stouc 1'1ne~~ld,d. ___ Old Styl~' llu ft'et Ft ~ull _f'a rt~ne _ ____ orri c e lll 1I~ Hr1 c k _Sto u e _____ Te r ra Cott• Patutect~nam. __ l lodern !look Cases_·----F l oo r :C"51:.Wd.llt Apart s l'ost s _P1 e r s __ T il e Good_ I _Chp ._ Lockers Wlllls :rb.·St .~t ltrns . Hotel l ludslll S tucco Y--Patent Be ds· ___ Unii/tiiF1n1 shed llrnL~· ll o u s.? Piles ___ Ou Wood l.ath WALLS & Clli£1WS HATH ROO!I S lle fr1gerator___ <) l\rn s. Hosp. ~)u ChlckWlre l'l aste rerl~llms Laf'!le_SmaU..L-Opeu She lvg. ___ EL ATOil J!&Jik ll all . illlst1c _Ol' __ n~ l'1ast. 11i1 . __ 11uts lloorns --__ No . Spee <t :_111 ___ Low ----~'rh se . Loft l!OO!• l1es a we1t Courp O· IM. __ l~n s l<oort ___ ----MTSC F.Ll,ANEOUS E l ec._l!yrt. __ Auto Car Garai<e Gahle~lat ___ llnl. & !lat . ___ Stucco l\Jns Medlu11 __ ---~-SJ1l~walk Lig hts l'llsa.' ~'rt. ,IJrnh Wt . ___ S e llt 'fhea tr" lll p _Gamhre l __ Sh1pla11 Wd 11s co t Ch"Bfl---~ 1'1re Esc apes llel g ht ,/ F t M11l ___ Factory Ma.usllril _l>rmr __ Novelty __ T&G __ Pane led Sh ower __ ----Plate GJa ----S i d e w11H: Ga s St a tton ___ Pl a.iu_Cu t. up __ Co r r . trou ____ Be amed Ceiltui;: __ 1'11 ~ Ji'loo r ----.- Gr e e u ll o u se___ l'ttiuted 'fll e We.11 n Ii R-/ .. Schoo l Ste.l uerl -·--IUMJl'1~G llEC OJIATlNG LI GllTr ~G llF..C llANICAL E~UIPMENT -Pre s, Val. llFS[tl't lllJi fJ lfN('S Wo_o d ~h 1n1;l c -!5---u. No r "'i t Vent1lat111g System$ ---_.. !f ~-1 ' P a.pere1l n.iJIS • O ,. X • ~ _ j Storles J'at. S h111gle--;-:;r-T d , lluts Elec tri c ~Sprinkler Sy s _tem $ ~ 1~ !looms 1'a.r ~ Cirtlvel __J£__ l!XTER I OR TRIM inte Rm Old St 1 / Automati c Fl r e Alann i Aii t s 'I 'll ~ Masoury Cauvas u . 5 'lo ·t y e 17 Va c uW11 Cl eaning Syst em $-r;. Saui ttts ____ • .,ns " 'ern __ . Fll1Jt1ly ComJIO S! Uou ____ Me tal CJ h & I' lb Gas 011 Water il e11ter __ St11rage uto 111atl c llup le~'lat Metal l'lastlc ot f'~l"-u (las(' -1 -1::·~ Ai r CondH1on1 11g $ --c 1 / ·r 1 ~·s n u •• o ot _ ~·-l;np_ Uwlg_Uuu g , ___ or. ''?,'~7 1 e ,__.-P lain Melt. Good Spec1 11l Well ___ WlndJll1ll __ l!:lec ,l'u19p __ _ Cot ta~e Shock Good _~._Chp_ Wood - --Tauk. Pressure . Syste m __ _ ~ --Gl ass ... l'URCll t:S ; Nll MU1'1\ 0 m""1eut lil llEATTNG 7 CoNSTH ll ffiON f'rou tL11e .,r L -l'l lil u y · FWOllS F1 r e pl ,V Stove __ OIJTBU ILUTNG S-VALUE Under ~-100 Lt . __ MJ.t.'_llvy._.,1 ,~11 .J::::::1loufed~ ~umhr.r of llo'l_ms . llo t Air Pu ~"·---Ulmen. 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It 1@4' fl l _,_ -. .. ' . · . 'sq.ft ~ 0 OO ,-,~ I I .I l~I/" l · .. ·• Reproductio n Cost of Mafo BuHding $ dJ 7_ J y. /0 CJ% Good $ c/ 7 /0• -, ;;. · le: ~ ' ' «1"1 ;~x;Lo = o'l..i./o ·;~:n @$ ·~DI$ 7Jq''Y1 /oo%Goocth /q/:" -1-++ I I I I I I I I I I I I FJIS:JU I I ~ Gar age X I'-' .. ·I~ :r Qep r ec iation .. % Pct . Good 'fo TOTAL li.PRECIATED VALUE $ . -- EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION INTERIOR DESCRIPTION ==:'' ;~M¢Hi l 111 llh e~ 1'UMllL(ll CTAI. 111 •GS / f1lUNUATllJN ~ t:XTEllIOll WALLS . lNSillt: 1'11nt .l'l.l lllllING lll lILT-TN l'l!ATlllU!S. UASl!:llt:NT ~s 1Jee11_!>hvi-llrlck Stock?Spec. ___ No .o f Fixt. ___ Kl tch ,Cah • .1:::::._.Ft (;araga ____ c ars s Co u c rete Stone l'l 11 e ~lldwd. ___ Old Sty!" lluffe t F t f\11l_l'e.rt _None.Y ____ orr g llrlck_Sto11 e _____ 1'erra Cott' l'al11ted...,...-E11an•·--Mod e rn lloolc Cases ____ l'loor:Cm ,St.Wd.Ut s J'osts_l'ters __ Tlle Good_Me<L._ChJI·-Lockers Walls :cm.St.Wd.Ut llm l Mudsill Stucco Patent Beds ___ 1111 ~·1ntshed Jim e 1'1 les ---"" Wood Lath WAJJ .s " CEll.INGS hi\Tu ltnolls llefrl g.,rator __ _ llm ---"" ChlckWi re l'Jastere1l ___ llms r.ar-ge_s ••• ~ """" Shelvg. ___ ELEV ATORS ,• llw1lc Ila! l . Hu st! c _ 01' __ ll~ l'l ast. IJ<l. __ l~ns !looms --1--NO. Speed :_111 --,Z...Low ____ wrifse. Loft l ~lll tl· JZ::.i llesnwe cl Cooq10. lld. __ llins 1;0 0<1 ~ ~ 11rstEU,ANE:O US / l'1 e c .. _llyd.L..__Auto ie.r Ge.rag" (,ahle lat ___ llrd. & ll•t.=e.._____ Stucc o llms Medtum""-ft ~ SlJe•o.11< Lights_ Pass . 7 -(Llmh Wt, ~at 1'hPatre lllp _Gamlirel __ Shlp lap Waluoc o t Ch e ap ___ ----Fire t:sca 11~:f".: ___ lle i g h ~ F t Ml 11 Factory Mau:.~·-:--l>rmr __ Novel ty __ 1'&G __ l'aueled Shvw.,r __ ~ l'J ate Glyss ____ Silty.rat k ---- lias tatio11 ___ PJaV"-'-ut up __ Corr. lrou ____ lle~ed Ce1~111 g · :i:1 1~ F l oor----/ /·' Gr, en llouse___ l'al 11t e<1 . K.P, 1~ o<A.-~ .r 111 e Wd l k ti ~ -. . / · h ool StaiueJ J7 l\IWJFI ~G ~ Ut:CllllATlNfi l.TGllT f SG MITllANT CAL O:~II l'M~:NT -l'r e s .Ve.l~ ltES!U.'L lltJ UJJINGS Wood Shi u~Je PapereO l\U's No. o r• F'lxt. V~u t jla.Uug Systent $ / Stories l'tlt. SllJugJe ___ . .. T111ted ----lla1 s t'1 .,c tric ~ S11rl11lcler System ~ o/ !looms TuSh li~a.,,l ___ .!'fXTEl\1011 Tll!M c v Rais 01 ,1 Styl e Automatic Fire Alann $ A ts 2J '\ e f_ ,..... Masoury 811 a s " I ;:::;"' Vacuum Cl e <Ualng Syst em $ P S aul tas Hm s 11o c eru ~ FU1i l y Compos! tlou ____ l l etal Cl 1 ,_-1-,---1,_. Gas 011 Wa te r lleater __ Storage <1t o1ua t l c M l l'l Ott"' "P ·-~•S . -r ----C l $ Uup l ex _..J'lat __ .eta , astl c ____ Hms IJ nflu. 1;rb.cf_Mo t1._Ct1p _ Al r o 111 i t J011 l 11g llwlg_!lu!lf;•---Lor._,.1-ron f 11 e . l'lain 1•d. 1;ood Spec ial We J l ___ Wl11dr•ll l __ Elec.P11mp __ _ Cottar,~Shack _ Go~_Me <l ._Chp_ Wood l / /'> ;·T , --T1mk Pr.,ss ure Syst em __ _ Glass V·U:-< J~JTlC ll ES: s111t111•:tt oru,...euti>I HEATING 7 CONSTltllCTlUN l"ro11t./,.lle1t r l'l •111 / ----F!JJOHS F L r ep! .l_s tove __ OlJTllUIUJINGS-VALUE l h uler $~ou Lt._MJd':_HV)'•-Op t•n -~'hu u fe i~ Numh e l' of n oo91 s . llot Air l''u r11. ___ Ul me u. ___ x ___ Ft:Age Masonr;· S c reeued Pin ~---~ _1>u cts :_Pi11el ess Wa..lls~o r ___ Floor · He 111 fd .Con e ._Fr._ lilas~eil 1 11 ___ Jlllrfiwou d __ Citts or Oi l Vin~-Are a ___ Sqil·t@ $ ,.,,.... fl._ S'rollE FIUJ~T C'e11w11t _____ HttdJau t F1re ___ uepro .Cost $ · S t e •! Fr""'e J7""'----OUT llllTIJ>INt;S llul!Ch~a.I TJ l e ------Steoi• or llot Wat ._ ---~ 1;0011: Pit.ES. VALUE $ Wo on l•'rwne _J. ___ ~c;u1 ·s __ l'lat e ·lo \l.-t , Mtt.rhle __ ---Ar·c o lH. System __ Alil l J'rtaJne ____ Uc(di"rt; Atttt.ched ___ l'Ja tf: Ju Wo o d 'l'er1·u zi.o _ ---'fh e nnostat Slt l~l e \lialJ -:-~ !)l i~d _Bar11 ___ ~1 '1.Ht t" M1.t're 1l ~om p oslt lun ___ Floor or Mi scellaneous Ke1 nark.s Uo11l1lP Wall~ Poultry ltou ~r __ . __ Sh e er. ~•lu ss. Larth ___ ----Wt:t.11 F\t rn. See lteverse r.1 A r 1 •"" • ... ,,.,,,.,...,._......, •• 17 .. ._._H-+-l-+-+-~-++-1J~~i++mlf 1 11 . r1 .'..1; I I I I I I I I I ISTREET FRON Tl I I I l ''l"'fl '~l-J ,.,.,_~ -. . -/. :~· }': PRI CED llY,~~dc ' •{"::.# D ATt:66'••'<fl"'~ ..., W-Jt--; I .v .. : CLASSIFICATION I 2Q)4 , A.~!'.~~~~. QUALITY: Chett)l••••l M ~:~~-; tluo1l •••• ; Sµeci&l ... •'t ••• t lCCUP A ~CY Owuer ;.,-- V acaut Tenant. Not Hoe1e ~{,.-,.c-c r-· Yr s. Rem o deled Age -~~;·.~ Cond iti on: !(pr POO""t' .;: -----------~<---·· 'MedlWI 't . I ' .. :;_,,., ... ~·. Ob solescence Yes ·Mo l•\1 11ct1011o.1 O..fects,~ . .,-:;.;,~ Spec I a l Oep reel .. t Ion For: L...:.k 1oi' U•t11 Hy~~-~·,-:~~~~~~ ~-,f Over.,··" U11ltr.r •••• ,C: t1•p 1 '0Vtun~11t: Loca.tJ 011 ........... ~)~~~ .,. .. ·I t>ti:SHiN: Go ~ A.r.c~ptu.bl e · •• '.; Poor •••. ; Fre ~; ~-_\\-. : .... ~::-:.~U~ .. 1-lJ)OH PLAN: GoJ?, Acct::p t aht e ...• ; Aw k •ard. •• • •. .,i ... ,,. .. P erh•et t.>r u l' Wa..11 s ...•.. l"t ; l'ft..un'bc:r-u f a.a '1;,lttS • • .'}":!: ':i:. L IWN' $ P e r ---Source of Cut'ormation~,-~ · r ----Mo. Tenant I.gout Ssth1at.efl.£¥; ~. ~.~~ ~~:~ ·~~.,t).. h,~~ ... ~t\,_ ~ .. _ ... ;u l -... _. ............. HI~ AL I'.;:) 'I' I\ TI•: A I' I' H A I :> A J , c 1 l M I' lJ 'I' A T I (J N • VAL U AT I 0 H RECORD . BLOCK NO. SJ9 ' LOT NO. ..z BLOCK 8001( PAGE 2Q Y l~Ail lU 4-0 rn 1 9 1 0 Description, Di111t n si ons and O wner ~li i p or Real Pr o perty Oes .:rined he rein, c onf orms wi th Lan cl $fr (.!) ~~_/;__{, (J $ $ 0 tti c id 1 B 1 o c k Bo o k , and Ass essmen t Mdp o t The c i ty H arn e <l on Re v er se . V 11.l ue No a cc uuntaD il ity A~SUOld d tor Matters Leg a 1 in Ch ara ct~r . Co mp u t ation or Values o r J1u1 l t li.11 g; -2-croo ~6 /1.t!. lJl~t ' $ Lan d a n d Bu ildin gs i n Accor dan ce with Co n tract Pr ov isio ns r or Eq uat ax System Valuation. Vulue "'"'--a-o Numher ,__ 8 . .1. lo!'l SYMBOL F'llONT DEPTll l'CT. CORF. r.uF11 CO MPUTED VALUE o r Bldgs ;_,, .... '· ..... -/, OWNERSllIP RECORD -, 1> 7t/'Z. $ 'I r , • ~~· -/n -~r, r;-f). .x I 7."J ~ './ /') r7 \!~ <.>.( • {J HJ40 ~~Ed -·.::·~~~ t~?-J:! _ .. ' 111-z-~ /,, '7 ,_ x "i-~8.--J .,~:j~ i!·f:iJ}()'• ~ I r-:> FJ 1U41 I • ' . , ,:,;-. . U '~ x ( 1942 ---~ ~- x 194:.l 194-l Added For Cor·ner 1 945 Add e d For· All ey SYMBOLS 1946 F .'r.=Fro 11t Tri wag l e . H.'f.=He 11.r Tr.tangle . 11.L.=llack Lot Comp. T OTAL Ce 0 b C .I.=Co 1·11er InfJu e n r:e. a1 = He verse Corner Co mp. $ Hl47 Retail Uus1ne ss 0 Residen ce D SPECIAL REMAJlKS SKE'rCllES on Rl<:MARKS, O R Semi llusj u ess D I 11 d u s t ri a.1 D M E TES AN 0 BOUNDS OESCHIPTI ON REVISIONS ANO ADJUSTMENTS: Hecord Below Sullse!luent Chan§es 1 11 Value due to He-aprra.1 sal. Tmii c11.te Reas on for Action Such as Ad 1 t 1 o n s,Alte r at1 ons, Hebu ldi ng, Fire Loss, Demolition , or Re moval of BuildJ11gs. ' UA'rE Heason f or Action HY COST llliPRO . DrPHECIA-HEVISED FAC1'0H CO ST TION VALU E .,._. ' :::i· .. I . .. ;.' lot . . ' ........ , '. . ~~ ' .. ' ,. ' . . .. ;.,;: ·l \ • :...If I~-. •;. ~.~ ;; .~ . ... .. ~,· .... ; 'I ';·i; :·.:,.~;}: ~ '. . ' II J•; AL I~ ST ATE A I' P H A ! S A L C fl M I' l J 'l' AT I 0 N • VALUATION RECORD BLOCK NO. 9 :9 .. LOT MO. 4. BLOCK BOOK PAGE .t<o YEAH 1940 ltJ HJ l IJ ~-' ·~ ' - Des c riptiun, Dimt-nsion s ano own c r s 11 i p u r R e al Pr o pert y De sc r i b e d ht:: rein. conforms wi th Lau ri $ ~ • $ $ $ Orti cid l B 1 o c k Boo k , a n d As s essment Ha p u f The c it y Ncs me d on Re v er se . Value il_ __ 12. .. No a cco u n t aoil ity As s u med ror Hatter s le g a l i n C 11 a r a c t e r . Computat i on o r Value s o r Huil1U rw ~:..¥ (;.~--=-$ -$ $ Lana ,;nd Buildinus i r1 Acc orcJan c e w i th Cont r act Pr ov isions r 0 r E q uatax System Val ua ti o n . Value "' ';;'y.~,J Smnher SYMBOL Fl\ONT DEPTll l'l:T. C:OJo:F. IJNIT J COMl'llTEl.I V AJ,IJE of' Bldµ;s ,], F, Ff OWN 1rns11 I l' Hl.!:COHD '1-u /Li.. --, -c ~f) .::t:. -I / '1') q/· -. ,_ -' x -$ rn4o '. "' ~ .... ~ ~' '?!<' I ,;_: . .:'1~· l!J41 One. 7./ dP~j x ~ l ; ..... x HM:.l x 19 '1J -- 194'1 Added For Corner 1!}4.5 Arlrled For · Al l ey SYMBOLS 1946 F.T.=Front Triangl e . l\.T.=llear TrJ11111?:le. B,L.=llack Lot Comp. T01' AL C .I.=Cor·n e r I11fJ11 e n ce • .!-=He ve1·se f:orner Cowp. $ H147 Heta.11 liusi11es s D Res ili e nc e D •. td ,,. SKETCllES t) H H E MAHKS, OR S1\.CIAI. llliMAilKS .a-• c /, i.1 :; J' .. , ;.; • ..;.(, 0 Semi Busj n ess D Indus t r1 al D I " METES AN U BOU NUS UE S C IU P 'l 'I ON REVISIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS: Record Below Subse!luent Chanaes in Valufl. due to Re-aprraisal, I11dlc11te Reason for Action Such as Ad it1ons,Alterations, Rebu lding, l<'ire Loss, Uemolition, or Removal of Buildings . DATE Heason for Action BY COS1' IlEPHO. D1'::J>RECIA-HIWIS ED FACTOH COS'l.' TION VALUE ' \ -. '· f .,},L ~! •t'. ; . ·' -'r ~ ' .. ' t~ ... 'T'""; I Y,:·,!(,' I •»t ~~ -~' • Fo . .;i. b-t BULLDI NG CLASSIFICATION AND COMPU I~ Tl ON RE c'o RO ·'.'f-:' '/ .... BU ILDING Dt AGRAM AND ~i'f-'J DET AiiJ.iS ADORE.SS 7 c-~ ST. c I TY ·o F CAL I FOR NI A' lls 'c'a'1'tt1'11' = '5'0'1.J-l-FHEIG!iT'~ ::-:-.~.!fit: LOCATION ~ ' AVE. . I I I I I I I tttf-fttt-1 I I I I I I 1-r-tii BWCK . ' f T . I ~~::!~~rs1!N9 NUMllEH q lllEUJllU±Hl1ffil±t l 11 1 1'1 l·l ·J on TRACT' .~ D ESCRIPTION¥~ ~,,., ~ ../'1-l..L:l./Y IH-+++-H I I I I I-+++ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I 1-f-+-l-+-I I I I I I S ec t. !Hinensio11s Ar e l or Cubage 1Ju1t'1coft I 11 E:.~ro.co;;tj' ., --y] 01ur hl d g s Pres.Value 11-++-t-+-+-+-+-t+++1-W-l-l /$ I I I I I I I I I I . I r1 (A) x x = J 3'f Lf ~~:H @$ t:;. 1 ·1 $ r; I J7cj. $ "--'-; j:"' J ,, 1---1--1--1----· -. !:ll("·"•'CU ft . I ././ -·~ I : """ .... 1.1.1 ., (U) x I") x I -7 = ;;(~t1~1'.~Q:tt @$ 1:2. • 1.> o ,J.J ~_7,· --·' · · · ·~::1 '' I ~· i~.c;~ i:'i.'i " •· ·t· rt ..... •-·-----~, .. If·''" ' (C) X / X .!/ = · i~~,.,~~1 -~s~:rt @$ /·o n J'...J ... Mi sce1 . -· ·· H ·1·'f"' -. · (D) X 21 X 1 = I g :i ~"-···~~:H@$ ··<)/() /SI · n eta111.Wull --1-1--i:::-·--r;:,.. '..~:"-'.:'. L 11 . .-f ~--t-1------·- ( f) X X = ..'::>;;;... ~~· ri @$ / •6 () J-v Tank --"--14 X X = ~gJf @$ • . Pool ·--1-1-.:=~ -~ J -· .\ -,,. , -- ..1 Jtepl'O<lt~<;tio 11 CostJ of Main [j1dJding: $ ,7]7 tJZ?: '7 <;[%Good$ -~ / J"J-:"' _._, __ . . 1-+-++-+-t-+-t-t-t-1-t-t-+-+-t-l-++-!-l-+-l-l-I-I I I t I G)i;:-age • -X ~~2_,) [ x6 o -7 ') \\(> ~~: rt'ijf ' ·</-)~__,. !~""" ,_\ (. /< ,!; o % Gootl $ ? .+-0 ~~~=-=1~ =---~== ~----i ;~~·-~--~· ~ Oep rec i at ion % I Pct . Good % I TOTAL DEPH EC I ATEL> VALUE $ .:J :LL. {-., <. • ;:. ! "' f >~ ~ t ~~.=: :-:~::: -·-~ • ~ -I'\ , II I p ~ .;;o - EXT ER I OR DESCRIPTIO N INTER I OR DES CR I PTI OH t'8 -_,:-::-~: --·-.·~i -" -~~=::: ~ H ,,/A t ·~)__, -· <:OM MC:llC!AJ, lllJJl;s f!IUNOATtflN C:XTEllfOll WALLS . HISTnt: TIHll J'l.UMllCNO ~ lllJ Tl.T-IN l'~S. IJASEMl!NT ~oo· -~--0 -s--i= _ Stories ue~iiLShallow __ Urick 1>tockl2".~pec. ___ No ,ol' l"i xt._ZL._ KH c h,Cah .k::....__f t Gar ag;e ____ Cars _ ~ m 1 ·11 ·11· _ Sto res Couc ret e StouP. l'l11e v-:lld'!JI·---O l d St)'I" lluffe t Ft l"ull _l'art_No ne _ :::. ____ Offi c e 1Jl1lg 1Jr1 c k~Sto11e ____ ._'l'erra Cotta l'al11te <l.0n a111 . __ Mo<lern llo o k Cases ____ F!oo r:Cm ,St .Wd.llt -STREET F HONT "' Apc&rts P osts_PJers __ '1'11 e (iood _Meft ._Chp._ Locke rs Walls:Cm.sc .w(1 .11t ltsns . ltote l ~furlsi l l Stuc c o Pat e11t Hert s ___ Uu 1•'1n1 slle1t !ting;. House l'lles ___ 011 Wuorl Lath WAI.LS & C~s llA'ril ftumts lle fri ge rato r __ _ l~ns. llosp . ___ 011 f:h1ckWlre l'lastereil::l2::11ms l.a1"Rc -S1oall~ Op eu She lvg . ___ El.l!.'VATO!IS - u..,,k llall . llusLJc _Ol •_Kn~ !'last. 11,1. __ l~ns !looms ____ NO . Sp eert:_ll! __ Lo w ____ Wrhse. Loft J~l)fll· ~-He sawed Con1po. JJ11. __ J1ms lioo<I ___ ----llTSCE l.t.AN EO US lil ec-_lly<l . __ Auto Car Gara~e (iahl e ~·lat ___ Unt. & Ottt. ___ Stucc o ltms Me ditun __ ~ Sl1l e wnlk l.i gL ... l'ass . ~~rt . Omh Wt , ___ Seat 'l'hPtttre llJp _luunhre l __ Shi \)lttp Waiusc ot Ch e u1 1 ___ ~ F1 r e i!s cupe-' ll e 1J'ht •'t ~lll ___ Factory M u u sa i~l -llrmr __ Novel t y __ 1'&G __ l'au e l ed Shower __ ----l'late GJ)"'S"_ ____ St 'deul~ lias Stat1 0 11 ___ l'la.Ju _Cllt up __ Corr. lrou Ueamecl Ce lling __ 'l'il e F l oor----,,,,. ·· Ure e11 !louse___ l'aiute <I ~ 'l'Jl e Wall k ii ~-// . School Statued nooflNl i ~ llf~COl\A'l'!Nfo l.fGll'fI~G Ml~CllANTCAL E~l lJl'MEN 'J' -Pre s.Val , l!l1S[IJ' 1. lllJil.JIINli S "00011 Shi 11 ~1 c ~ l 'ape r eil ::m:= llal s No. ol' Fl xt . Ve 11tll a t ing Systetn $ ~o rl es ~',at. s 1'.111gl e ___ . , T i t ii I Rm s !U ec trt c ,<_-,---Sprlukl sr Syste11 ~ lto om s lar &.: l•rav e l ___ 1,XTE!UO!I Tllllf 11 e 1,1 , S 1 r ,_,,...--Autoiutlc fi r e Alarm$ . .. C IUIV a s l!in S " • ty e · , ~ ______ Apt s IJ 1 e Mttso11ry ' S a.nitas llm s ltot\enl \tttc u wn C lew1lng Sy s t em v-;-;;;r----- Fami I )' Compos! tJon ____ ~:etd C l oth &-1-,6- 1 -,.-_-1bn s Gas __ 0 11 ____ Water H e ~ter __ S t °.ra ge.J::'.:__Autoioatl c lluplex_,..flat __ ~"tal 1 lasti c , 11ms Un fJu. Good _M~<..:_r.hp_ Air Condlt t o 11 !11g $ . Uwlgk:::f~111r-.---Lo r. [n":J Tile 1/ ·' l'la'J.n Med . (;ood Sp ec i al I' Wttll ___ Wi 111!mlll __ El ec.l'unip __ _ Co tta ~e_Shac k _ Goo<l _Me.r._Chp _ Woa •I ---T 1111k Pressure S y st e m __ _ (.;lass 1'01\C'lll::S: NIJMlllm Oruume11 t al J. /. !!EAT IN G~ I , roNs'rm r C'rt!l~ Fruut..J.Lllc ar _l __ l'lnlu Fl.11011s 1'1 r e p1 .K._S t oveL OUT.BUU.lltNGS-VALUE llrnle r :>·100 Lt._Mv _Hvy._ tl p i•n J:::.H oof pd ~ Numht-r 01' llo q n~ Jlot A1r Fur n . ___ uimeu . ___ X ____ F t:Age __ . ____ _ Ma!onry . S c r·eeuPd I Piue ___ l!:::___ _llucts:_P111e1 ess Wa.l l s~Root' ___ Fluor ne1 u f'd .Co n c ._Fr._ (iltts s~d ,,.____ JIHrdwood _ ---tins o r Oil F 1rf'_ Area ___ S<iit't 9 $ 1:-1. S'l'UJW FHO :-\T C emt•11t _____ ll0Jle.11t Fire ___ lte pro .Cost ~ ,.' S t ~e l F rum• OIJ TlllJ TUH N!i S llulklrn a •l °fll P.------St e am o r llo t Wat._--~ lio oil; . .l'llES.VAl.Ut: $ Wood Frw.nt>/L::..-..-lit1.i 'tt.gt' ____ Ctt.1'S __ l'lttte 1 11 ~1Pt . Marh J e __ ---Ar c o la Sys tc1n ___ ·' Utll l•r·atri P ____ l>~~tiJ; Attrt c ht~11 ___ Plut.e 111 Wooc1 ·~·e r nu.zo _ ---1~h c rmostat S 111~le 'tall ~ sttJti.~_:.Ba rn _____ Pltilt" M1t'1'l•d Compos1tlou ___ J·l uo r o r Mtscel J BUl:'OU S ltemarlics n o 1tl.lt· ~1 K.JJ k___ l!oulti·v ll oll ~•··---· ___ Sh eP t li luss . Eurt t1 _________ WaJI Furn •.. ____ See Hev e rse !'.~{21-(._&:if~~·a; S-/~/ ii ·· ~I CUSS ! F 1 CATI OH 1 2(3) 'I A B C QllA l.[T \·: Ch t!ttJl····i ~te1 l~~#·i t:ooit •.•• ; :;vc:ci U.·: •. OCClll'A~CY Age .rcz Condi tlon: Ob so l escen c e -.- I IWtlt.' J~v Vtlc 1111 t 'fe1 u 1.u t :\!u t ll m!ll: Yr •· Rem o deled Age y,. Hew Good Me¥ Poor . Yes Ila l•\1111.:t t o ud.1 l>tl t'ects~, • • •. Special Depreciati on Fo r : L u ck or llt lllly······.·····. Ov f!1· •• , '" IJ 11 1l~r ••• ·" lA1JH'Ovc1uc11 t: Loc a.t l ciu •••• ,. •• ,. •• DF.S I GN: Goo1I •••• ; 1+..r..c:~(J..•h'f; •••. ; Po or •• ··; Freak•· a.., ''" '" .!!_~l~~'~-fi ood ..• ,; Ac ct!p (~t·e : ..• i Awk l'f urd •• :; , ... P~r l ut t>l.t~r o f Wtl11tJl1;+..r•t ; Nl1 mh ~r ~f u.ug:lc :, ...... ·;·:·. l'.,r ---~o urce o( [ut'o nna.t 1on---lll~N1' $ ____ Mo . Teu~nt Ag "n t E~tlmated~ · .,,/t ,..11 J .... ·~ t 1:-o·=!: CITY OF LOS GATOS PUBLIC LIBRARY -LOCAL HISTOR Y THE BELLRINGER PROJECTS Frank Behnke,, Paula Adams 20 Loma Alta (1890) John, Mrs. Culler 162 Loma Alta (1891) Jan, Mrs. Replogle 178 Loma Alta (1896) Robert, Mrs. Ray 179 Loma Alta (1891) Dr. Aldon Hilton, Callie Brophy ~ 46 Los Gatos Blvd. (1881) Or. Charles Torrey, Gay Schy 54 Los Gatos Blvd. (1890) Mr. Richard Coker 116 Los Gatos Blvd. (1891) Theodore, Sara Anderson 122 Los Gatos Blvd. (1893) Edward, Peggy Raether ~--- 204 Los Gatos Blvd . J 189'() _,'\/ -;/·-- Mr. Barry·-s-011 oway ~ 207 Los Gatos Blvd . (1886)' Alfred, Ellie Gerhardt 1J> 214 Los Gatos Blvd. (1888) Harry, June Fromm 227 Los Gatos Blvd. (1888) / Ken, Mrs. Ostennei r Xy 256 Los Gatos 81 vd. <1888) , Mrs. Merle Heck1nger 314 Los Gatos Blvd. (1890) Mrs. Robynne Anger ~ 432 Los Gatos Blvd. (p-1901> Mrs. George, Jean Montgomery ~ 262 Ma1n <Ea s t) (1890) Dav1d, Mrs. Danielson 102 Massol 0896) Mrs. Bella F. Goins 224 Massol < 1886) · H. Reed, Barbara Sea rl e ·/228 Massol ( 1686) Or. Morton, Margaret Manson j-· 381 Pennysyl van i a (1890) Duane, Den1se Bfllhe1mer iJ-9 Peralta (1898) Preston, Mrs. H111 33 Peralta <1885) Dav1d, Marvel Howarth ~ 17981 Saratoga/Los Gatos Road (1890) Heinz, Marg1e Schu v/ 16221 Shannon Road (1889) Paul, Linda Wehner ,~ 16230 Shannon Road (1866) Rf chard Hansen '../ 16905 Spencer Cp-1901> Michael, Laura Krolak iY 5 Spring Street <1885) Roman Catholic Diocese, S.F . _ :--18 Ta 1 t (1896) Ms . Elizabeth Frase ~ 29 Ta it (1881> ~ Richard, Mary Crompton 103 Ta 1t <1886) Steve , Beth Zientek ~-106 Ta 1t C 1890) Mrs. Mary Surber 109 Ta1t (1891) Gary Trav1nger, Linda Loew t 139 Ta ft C 1886) Robert, Joan Cowan ~ 222 Taft (1888) Ne fl, Mrs. Thoman 103 University Avenue (1885) Mrs. Claire Rodgers . 202 Un1vers1ty Avenue C1890) ~ Mr. Michael Nolan /266 University Av en ue (p-1900) Bruce Curtf s, Ben Gri ffin r 315 Un1v ers 1ty Avenue (1896) Melv1n, Glor1a Basu1n1 16351 Almaden/Los Gatos Road (p-1 90 1> Thomas , Ann Atkfnson 75 Alpine (1887) Spencer, Eleanor Anderson 256 Bachman (1880) Thomas J., Mrs. Pa s hos 328 Bachman (1885) Joseph M., Mrs . Mayer 212 Bella Vista Avenue (1881) Thomas R., Mrs. Conklin 316 Bella Vista Avenue (1891) Dan , L1nda Sylvester ~ · 37 Broadway (1896) Peter Carter -45 Broadway <1886) Raymond Macabee 62 Broadway (1885) Daniel, Mrs. Krag 64 Broadway (1893) Michael, K1m Wassennan 72 Broadway (1887) Patrick , Mrs. Bon e r 81 Broadway (1893) Mrs. Bruce Berryman 89 8r0~d~~Y (1 8 ~1 ) Lynn, Pam Brandhors t 93 Broadway {188 7 ) Bernard, Mrs. La Casse 10 7 Broadway <1891> Mrs . Stanley Swan son 131 Broadway (p-190 1) Harold, Mrs. Partridge 198 Broadway Cp-1901 ) ----· ---··-.1 .,.. ----· Ri c hard, Marlen e Wri ght ·~ t--4 2 Ce ntral Avenu e (1 890} John, Nora He ll1ngse n ,;...--6 4 Central Avenu e (1 895 ) George, M1tzi Bal t es /39 College (1891) James, Mrs. Farwell 113 Edelen (1889) Galen, Marjor1e Muttersbach f /118 Edelen Cp-1901) Mrs. Eva Srna 11 . 121 Edelen (p-1901) Mrs . Jeanne, Miss Jac qui W11sor. 239 Ed e len (1892) Elmer, Mrs. Rhoads ... /.255 Edelen ( 1900) Gary, Lfta Ruble 52 Fa1rv1ew Plaza (1890) Ronald, Marf lyn Plescfa ,, 63 Fa i rv few Plaza <1890) Ms. Jane Hfnchlfffe 87 Fa f rv 1 e w Plaza <1885) William, Marfa Sim o n, Ho e ft ~ 16780 Farley Road (1887) Wfllfam, Mrs. Cotton ~-·14 Glenrfdge (1895) J . Philip DfNapolf 19 Glenridge (1 885) Gary : M'!!'i1 y Ha:-t .J 20 Glenridg e (1885 ) Steven, Mrs. Sporleder ./22 Glenr1dge (1885) A.P., Mrs. Rod riques 1/25 Gl en rid ge (189 8 ) An d r e , Jean L1bante .......-33 Glenridge {1885) Robert, Mrs. Brusca ~/2 1 6 Glenridge (1896) ----·-.. ·-:;:,--~-~~- Ri c hard, Mrs. K1 1n e ~/i9 He rnandez (1 895) Ge ral d W. Clark ./ 124 Hernandez (p -1900) / -.•• , • •• ..., • VVI IP\ I 1 II 316 Bel ·la Vista Avenu e (1891) Dan, Lfnda Sylvester ~ 37 Broadway (1896) Peter Carter 45 Broadway (1886) Raymond Macabee 62 Broadway (1885) Dan1el, Mrs. Krag 64 Broadway (1893) Michael, K1m Wassennan 72 Broadway (1887) Patr1ck, Mrs. Boner 81 Broadway (1893) Mrs. Bruce Berryman 89 e~oad~~y (1 8~1) .-<( Lynn, Pam Brandhorst ·)Y 93 Broadway (1887) Bernard, Mrs. La Casse 107 Broadway (1891) Mrs. Stanley Swanson 131 Broadway (p-1901) / Harold, Mrs. Partridge i/ 198 Broadway (p-1901) ' ---_.. ---··-_, ·r ----· Richard, Marlene Wright ~ t-4·2 Central Avenu e ( 1890) John, Nora Helltngsen t--64 Central Avenue (1895) Mrs. Niall Tabor 16 Chestnut (1895) Patrick 0 1 Laughl1n , Maggie Kilkenny /54 Chestnut ( 1894) Robert, Mrs. Brouwer /-56 Cleland (1896) . Elmer, Mrs. Rhoads /·255 Edel en (1900) Gary, Ltta Ruble 52 Fa1rv1ew Plaza (1890) Ronald, Marflyn Plescia 63 Faf rv1ew Plaza (1890) Ms. Jane Hfnchlfffe 87 Fairview Plaza (1885) William, Maria Simon, Hoeft ~ 16780 Farley Road (1887) William, Mrs. Cotton 14 Glenrfdge (1895) J. Philip DfNapol1 19 Glenridge (1885) Gary. Ma~tly Ha~t v 20 Glenr1dge (1885) Steven, Mrs. Sporleder /22 Gl enr1 dge ( 188 5) A.P., Mrs. Rodriques y·25 Glenridge (1898) Andre, Jean Libante .-33 Glenr1dge (1885) Robert, Mrs. Brusca .. /'216 Glenrfdge <1896) Richard, Mrs. Kline ,,/.1 9 He rnandez ( 1895) Gera 1 d W. Clark ./ 124 Hernandez Cp-1900) Gordon H., Lita Langlois ~/130 Hernandez (189 5) James, Annie Lawrie 145 Johnson (1891) Tal, Marguerita Lloyd 200 John s on Cp-1901) Robert H. Schumacher 90 Cleland (1886) Dan, Naid1ne Clark ~ 202 John so n (p-1901> Gary, Susan Gr1ff1ths 120 Cleland {1891) Jack B., Mrs. Wytman 126 Cleland (1886) Anthony Olivas 30 1 Johnson (1895) Robert w., Jeanette Allen _, 333 Johnson (1891) Previewed Project Bellrin ger II Award Prospects 1983-84 l . 262 East Ma in -18741 Cottage and carriag e. Jean Montgomery; Montgomery Antiques . 354-1825 2 . 11 8 Edelen (California Crafts -needs history); Mr. and Mrs . Gelen (Marg e) Muttersbach. 395-1 918 ? 3 . ( 239 Edelen • 1894 • \brker's cottag e; date documented; Ms . Jeanne Wilson, daughter Jackie. 354-3626 z. 4 . 20 Loma Al ta -Carri age house to 54 Los Gatos Blvd .; Behn ke • Adams 5 . 49 , Los Gatos Blvd . -Eastlake; MM-. Callie Brophy and Dr1 Alton Hilton; 354-2454 6 . 54 Los Gatos Blvd •• Georgian Greek Revival ; (Gracie Allen's Aunt 's house) ~ Gay Schy and Dr. Chas . Torrey. 354 -7 770 7. 256 Los Gatos Blvd. -"Piano Factory'' 1898; Mr . and Mrs . Robt . Folden; 353 -1779 ~- 8 . 432 Los Gatos Blvd •• "torrey House" n Robyne Au g er 9. 381 Pennsylvania -1885 Dr . and Mrs. Morton Manson (Marg aret) 354-2 310 10 . 9 Peralta (Bee-Hive House) 1887 Resea rch; Mr. Mrs . Duane Billheimer, (Denise). 395 -2209 11 . 120 Oak Meadow 1, 12 . 17981 Saratoga/Los Gatos Rd . (Old Los Gatos); Maiy'el & David Howarth . 358 -2145 ~ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 . 18 . 19. 16230 Shannon Rd •• 1866 (Greek Revival) Lick House ; Mr . and Mrs. Paul Wehner (Linda); 356 -0360 5 Spring St. (Photo 1898); Mrs. Edl th &.Jhler 29 Tait (Carpenter Gothic Cottage) history done , 1890. Ms. Elizabeth Frase. 358-2988 C ~) M~ ~- 139 Tait 222 Tait -Family House • Mr. and Mrs . Ro be rt Cowan (Joan). 354-8 307 34 Wilder -1892 Deed . Mr . and Mrs. 'nlomas Boyce . 256 University . Georg ia Van Zantem . 354-4364 ~~~ os · vd )lIUle An ge r o 356 -8818 14890 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd . • Queen Anne; Mr. and Mrs . Melvin Basuini. 356 -4715 2 . Award Prospects -continued 2;0 16 Clifton Ave . -Mr. and Mrs o Bobbie Crawford. 354-1463 LL. 12.0 Cleland -1899; Susan Griffiths . 395-1655 N.,,h_ .... ).--\./'(7. (9.-y ", ( . .{; (k_S To be Viewed -r.. 32l--Unhexs1 ty -Lumber lard -old; John Voddeu -. 2. 16221 Shannon Rd . -188 (to be reviewed); 356-4292 Mr . and Mrs. Heiltz Schu. (~,.s..) '"'"-4 \'\ ?-I) ~ ~~ r. 3. 33 Walnut -needs work; Eunice Montgomery; OQ.~ husband Rutherford, famous writer. 354-9045 / 4. 16780 Farley Rd. -old farm house and barn; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoeft, (Maria). 358-3677 CITY OF LOS GATOS PUBLIC LIBRARY -LOCAL HISTORY THE ANNE BLOOMFIELD HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY TALLY SHEET Rujlding o r Di s tdct Name J\ddress(es) 7_, /-1-1 1 /..IL Adjusted E VG G F/P Criteria Total Total 10 (;-) 2 0 Type 10 5 0 0 Construction r 10 15 2 0 Style 8 4 2 0 Architect 25 12 6 0 Design 8 4 2 Q J Interior Zo I,, c./ /0 ARCHITECTURE (Max . 50) 10 5 2 1/0 Age ,.,·· ' 15 8 4 ( 0 Pe r son 10 5 2 Q_,,J Even t 15 8 4 0 Pa ttern s ('?:, HISTORY ~Max. 25) 25 12 6 0 Sca l e/Massing 8 4 i ) 0 Set t ing 25 12 6 . 0 Landm ark I 'I ENVIRONMENT (Max . 25) 0 -6 -12 125 INTEGRITY -c.) Cumulative Rating: CUMULATIVE TOTAL .60+..-=--.--3-._.(appears eligib l e for National Register) :___ 40-59 ':-5-{a µpear s eligible for local list i ng) 2J=sg-= D (c o ntributor to district r ated one of the above) 22-6 or 7 (i nel i gible) or non-contribu tor RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HISTORIC DESIGNATION Individual Properties Recommended f or Designation Dist ricts Recommended for Designation Individual Properties Recommended for Further Investigation Possible Historic Recognition Groups RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAINTAINING THE INVENTORY Computerized List of Properties Built Before 1941 Background Files Previously Designated Districts Historic Properties Without Inventory Forms Archival Materials Additional Historical Research Updating the Survey BIBLIOGRAPHY Architecture Evaluatio n History Interviews Maps Restoration and Maintenance Appendix A. How t o Research Historic Buildings in Los Gatos Appendix B. Evaluation Criteria and Forms Appendix C. Individual Historic Resources Inventory Forms Downtown Light Standards 75 Alpine 213 Bean 14940 Blossom Hill 42 Central Ave. 54 Chestnut 17 College 18-26 Ditto's Lane 68 Ellenwood 17 Fiesta 130 Hernandez High School Court 433 Los Gatos Blvd. 16751 Magneson Loop 46 E. Main 238 E. Main 262 E. Main 120 Oak Meadow ii RD-1 RD-2 RD-2 RD-3 RD-3 RM-1 RM-1 RM-1 RM-1 RM-2 RM-2 RM-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-7 Street N am e Di strict Alpine Ave 75 Individual Properties Bay View Ave 12 Lyndon Bay View Ave 16 Lyndon Bay View Ave 17 Lyndon Bay View Ave 20 Lyndon Bay View Ave 26 Lyndon Bay View Ave 32 Lyndon Bay View Ave 34 Lyndon Bay View Ave 40 Lyndon Bay View Ave 43 Lyndon Bay View Ave 44 Lyndon Bay View Ave 51 Lyndon Bay View Ave 56 Lyndon Bean Ave 213 Individual Properties Bella Vista Ave 212 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Bella Vista Ave 222 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Bella Vista Ave 228 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Bella Vista Ave 240 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Bella Vista Ave 312 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Bella Vista Ave 316 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Bella Vista Ave 320 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Blossom Hill Rd 14940 Individual Properties Central Ave. 42 Individual Properties Charles Ave 22 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Chestnut Ave 54 Individual Properties Cleland 126 Cleland-College Cleland Ave 103 Cleland-College Cleland Ave 120 Cleland-College Cleland Ave 56 Cleland-College Cleland Ave 80 Cleland College Cleland Ave 90 Cleland-College College Ave 17 Individual Properties College Ave 33 Cleland-College College Ave 39 Cleland-College St ree t N ame Di strict College Ave 59 Cleland-College Cross Ave 14 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Cross Ave 17 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Cross Ave 27 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Dittos Ln 18-20-24-26 Individual Properties Ellenwood Ave 15 Glen Ridge Ellenwood Ave 16 Glen Ridge Ellenwood Ave 68 Glen Ridge Fairview Plaza 44 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 48 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 52 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 57 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 63 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 67 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 68 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 72 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 75 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 78 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 80 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 89 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 90 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 91 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 92 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 95 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza 98 Fairview Plaza Fiesta Way 17 Individual Properties Glen Ridge Ave 10 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 101 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 115 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 121 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 125 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 133 Glen Ri dge Glen Ridge Ave 139 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 14 Glen Ridge Street N am e District Johnson Ave 131 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 135 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 138 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 139 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 140 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 141 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 142 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 145 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 198 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 200 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 201 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Kimble Ave 15 Cleland-College Kimble Ave 3 Cleland-College Loma Alta Ave 101 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 102 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 105 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 110 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 111 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 112 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave ·11s Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 118 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 121 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 122 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 15 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 19 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Loma Alta Ave 23 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 100 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 104 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 112 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 116 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 120 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 122 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd t_os Gatos Blvd 204 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd LOS Gatos Blvd 207 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Stree t Nam e District Glen Ridge Ave 145 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 17 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 19 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 20 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 201 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 207 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 211 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 219 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 229 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 24 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 25 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 33 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 45 Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Ave 9 Glen Ridge Harding Ave 110 Harding-Mediterranean Harding Ave 115 Harding-Mediterranean Harding Ave 119 Ha rd i ng-M ed ite rra n ea n Harding Ave 121 Harding-Mediterranean Harding Ave 124 Harding-Mediterranean Harding Ave 128 Hard i ng-Med i terranean Harding Ave 134 Harding-Mediterranean Hernandez Ave 130 Individual Properties Hernandez Ave 19 Glen Ridge Hernandez Ave 25 Glen Ridge Hernandez Ave 40 Glen Ridge Hernandez Ave 50 Glen Ridge Hernandez Ave 54 Glen Ridge Hernandez Ave 55 Glen Ridge High School Court Indivi dual Properties Johnson Ave 110 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 115 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 121 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 122 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson Ave 125 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Str eet N am e District Main St. E. 262 Ind ividual Propert i es Main St. E. 46 Individual Pr operties Main St. W . 300 Lyndon Main St. W . 310 Lyndon Main St . W. 312 Lyndon Oak Meadow Dr . 120 Individual Properti es Overlook Rd 18505 Individual Properties Palm Ave 35 Glen Ridge Palm Ave 4 Glen Ridge Palm Ave 45 Glen Ridge Palm Ave 5 Glen Ridge Palm Ave 55 Glen Ridge Palm Ave 6 Glen Ridge Palm Ave 9 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 2 Lyndon Pennsylvania Ave 8 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 16 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 28 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 305 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 309 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 323 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 337 Glen Ridge Pennsylvania Ave 345 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 10 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 11 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 15 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 20 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 32 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 33 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 39 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 41 Glen Ridge Peralta Ave 9 Glen Ridge Reservoir Ave 10 Cleland-College Reservo i r Ave 39 Cleland-College Str eet Nam e District Los Gatos Blvd 214 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 215 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 220 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 221 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 228 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 231 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 235 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 241 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 242 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 245 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 247 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 249 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 250 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 254 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 255 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 256 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 262 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 268 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 269 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 271 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 301 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 302 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 316 Harding-Mediterranean Los Gatos Blvd 324 Harding-Mediterranean Los Gatos Blvd 334 Harding-Mediterranean Los Gatos Blvd 34 Harding-Mediterr anean Los Gatos Blvd 340 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 433 Harding-Mediterranean Los Gatos Blvd 46 Individual Properties Los Gatos Blvd 49 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 54 Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos Blvd 346 Harding-Mediterranean Magneson Loop 16751 Individual Pr operti es Main St. E. 238 Individual Properties Stre et N ame Rogers 36 Santa Cruz Ave N. 112-116 Santa Cruz Ave N. 137-147 Santa Cruz Ave N. 41 Santa Cruz Hwy 17525 Tait Ave 10 Tait Ave 18 Tait Ave 21 Tait Ave 25 Tait Ave 29 Tait Ave 30 Tait Ave 4 University Ave 565 Winchester Blvd 14381 District Cleland-College Individual Properties Individual Properties Individual Properties Individual Properties Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Individual Properties Individual Properties CITY OF LOS GATOS PUBLIC LIBRARY -LOCAL HISTORY LOS GATOS POLK'S DIRECTORIES CITY OF LOS GATOS PUBLIC LIBRARY -LOCAL HISTORY LOS GATOS SANBORN MAPS \ 11 ~ • c f ~ I ! I ~ It ~I 11 .• ' \ \ <( ~ ~ • ' \. 76 ALPINE AVENUE EXISTING RES IDENCE PHOTOS / l '