Item 4- 231 University Avenue PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/24/2017 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: May 17, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: GLENN AND JOAN CROSS. APPLICANT: JAY PLETT. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR DEMOLITION OF A CONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY-EDELEN HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-072. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed project, make the findings for demolition of the existing residence and the considerations for design review of the new residence, and forward a recommendation to the deciding body. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: prior to 1928 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, University-Edelen District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments The applicant has submitted an Architectural and Site application for demolition of the existing single-family residence and construction of a new single-family residence, consistent with the original house. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE MAY 17, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 231_5.24.17.docx 5/18/2017 2:36 PM In March, the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) preliminarily reviewed the architectural merit of the existing residence. The Committee stated that the nature of the house is simple, and that the house has been altered, with non-original features of the street-facing elevation appearing to include: the vaulted porch overhang, arched garage door detail, and trim. Should the Committee continue to agree with its preliminary review, it can make findings for demolition related to the lack of architectural interest or value. The HPC stated further that replacement of the residence could be considered, given a design consistent with the original house, with the following character-defining features: the morphology, shape, and massing facing the street; the simple details, including wood siding and rafter tails; the roof slope and shingle materials; and the single-door garage. Should the Committee continue to agree with its preliminary review, it can also make considerations in the design review of the proposed new residence. DISCUSSION: A. Findings _X_ As required by Town Code Section 29.10.09030(c) Demolition of historic structures, a demolition permit for a historic structure may only be approved if: • The structure poses an imminent safety hazard; or • The structure is determined not to have any special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. Any request to demolish an historic structure shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee. All applications to demolish an historic structure which has been identified as a contributor to an existing historic district, a potential historic district, or is eligible for local designation shall be accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure’s physical condition and shall incorporate pertinent information from the Town’s Historic Resources Inventory describing the structure’s historical and architectural characteristics. B. Required Considerations _X_ In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE MAY 17, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 231_5.24.17.docx 5/18/2017 2:36 PM • In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. C. Town Policy _X_ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Letter of Justification (two pages) 2. Project Description and Photographs (25 pages) 3. Development Plans (four pages) Distribution: Cc: Glenn and Joan Cross, 231 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jay Plett, 213 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Historical Preservation Committee May 2017 231 University Avenue Los Gatos, Ca 95030 Owners: Glenn & Joan Cross Architect: Jay Plett Project Criteria Dear Sir or Madame: REC:I. ED TO V\.'N OF LOS Gf\-rO': P LP.~~N .. :: "...,.'/:S.C. l Over the last few months Architect, Jay Pl ett, and I have met with the HPC to request and understand the requirements necessary to create a replacement home at 231 University Avenue. There are many issues we have already covered in previous meetings. Please see the summary below: 1) Historical Review: A) The property is not historically significant other than the date of its original construction -prior to 1941. However, there are some unique architectural details to the home t hat should be maintained. B) The earliest plot map shows the structure as a rectangular home with an attached one-car garage C) The earli est photo is dated 1989 -almost 60 years after the h ouse was originally constructed-and it is therefore, difficult to determine its original visage. 2) Structural Engineers Report: The professional opinion that the current structure is unsafe and should be demolished. 3) Visual/ Architectural Review: The original structure has been changed and added onto multiple times with non-authentic square footage and design features. 4) Neighborhood and Neighboring Homes: 1 and 2 story Victorian, Craftsman and Bungalow styles are prevalent. As we left the meetings in March, the Committee requested to see what would replace the current structure in order to move forward. This letter summarizes our plans and the reasoning behind them. The property, 231, is a long, narrow lot with frontage on University Avenue. It is bordered by: a 2-story residence on the front left and a 13-foot high concrete business building on the rear left. Th e rear fence line backs up to the public parking lot and the right side border is slightly encroached upon by another 1 l:h -story residence. Plans for Design 1 -Maintain a one-story home to be respectful of the scale of the community, per design guideli n es, that is under the FAR allowance with a cell ar for additiona l square footage . The FAR allowance for this site is 1933 Sq Ft. while we are proposing an 1830 Sq ft, one story structure with a ce ll ar. 2 -Maintain a low profile home compatible with all the required setbacks and keep the one car garage as in the original structure per town design guidelines. lA'rTACHMENT 1 3 -Keep unique or original design features, such as S" lap sidi ng, double hung wood windows, front window design, carriage style garage door, rafter tails, gab le rafter detail and similar bunga low style roof form. 4 -Keep a center located front door with an overhang while extendin g the ex is ting elevated porch to the side in order to encompass the neighborhood design o f 'sit out front porches' as s uggested p er the des ign guidelines. 5 -Situate the structure to remove the impact of the 13'6" height concrete wall of adjacent commercial building -see photo b e low. Thi s concrete wall looms over the proj ect property rear yard with rooftop A/C units. ~ mi.;.imr.. -,,........~ 6 -The hous e has been s ituated to preserve the three most prominent trees and to allow increased access to solar exposure a nd open space. 7 -A cleres tory shed dormer in the front facing roof will provide interior solar access and light as s uggested by design guidelines while keeping a simple, clean frontage. In effect, we would like to re-create an expansion of the original design that honors its historic architecture and unique features. We will incorporate the Re side ntial De sign Guidelines of Lo s Gatos and preserve a nd enrich the character of the community while retaining as much establi s h ed landscape as possible. Joan Cro ss, CPM Owner 231 University Avenue PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT A NEW BUNGALOW IN THE ARTS AND CRAFTS STYLE LOCATED AT 231 UNIVERSITY AV. THE DESIGN OF THIS HOME IS THE RESULT OF SIGNIFICANT AND THOROUGH CONSULTATION WITH THE TOWN'S DESIGN GUIDELINES. THE EXISTING HOME IS NOT LISTED AS A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTOR TO THE DISTRICT. RECclVED ,';.\'( 1 0 2017 PROJ°ECT CRITERIA T01fJN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION PRESERVE THE ONE STORY CHARACTER OF ORIGINAL HOUSE .. .. THE HOME HAS BEEN DESIGNED AS A SINGLE STORY BUNGALOW -ESSENTIALLY THE SAME HEIGHT AS THE ORIGINAL - (within 12 inches+-), WITH A SIMPLE SIDE TO SIDE BUNGALOW ROOF FORM -SAME AS THE ORIGINAL. PRESERVE IDENTIFYING DETAILS OF ORIGINAL HOUSE THE GABLE RAFTER TAILS WILL BE DUPLICATED -PHOTO 1. THE DESIGN OF THE FRONT FACING LIVING RM WINDOW WILL BE DUPLICATED -PHOTO 2. WINDOWS TO BE DOUBLE HUNG DESIGN PER ORIGINAL . WINDOW TOP SASH TO HAVE LUGS PER ORIGINAL -PHOTO 3. ·· . WINDOW LITE DESIGN PER ORIGINAL WOOD LAP SIDING AND EXPOSURE DIMENSION TO MATCH ORIGINAL. SITING OF HOUSE/ !PROVIDE DESIRABLE REAR YARD SPACE. ·· THE WEST SIDE PROPERTY LINE IS BOUNDED BY A 13'6" TALL CONCRETE WALL OF THE NEIGHBORING COMMERCIAL BUILDING WHICH IS CAPPED WITH TWO 3 -FOOT TALL AIR ~ATTACHMENT 2 CONDITIONING CONDENSERS . THIS BUILDING WALL IS VERY IMPOSING AND LOOMS OVER THE SUBJECT PROPERTY REAR YARD -PHOTOS 4, 5. THE HOUSE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO 'BACK UP ' AGAINST THE THIS LOOMING STRUCTURE, RESULTING IN OPENING UP THE NORTH SIDE OF THE REAR YARD TO THE LARGE SPECIMEN OAK AND OPEN SKY VIEW TO THE NORTH , SUCCESSFULLY SCREENING THE UNSIGHTLY BUILDING WALL. SOLAR ACCESS THE SITE IS BOUNDED ON ALL SIDES WITH MUCH LARGER STRUCTURES AND TREES -BLOCKING DESIRABLE SUNLIGHT. A CLERESTORY SHED DORMER HAS BEEN DESIGNED INTO THE EAST ELEVATION PROVIDING MORNING to NOON SUNLIGHT INTO THE HOME . EXISTING BUILDING DEFICIENCIES -IN ADDITION TO THE STRUCTURAL CONDITION REPORT PREPARED BY DICU. .. .. ORIGINAL WINDOWS ARE DRY -ROTTED AND HAVE BEEN PAINTED SHUT. MANY HAVE BEEN REPLACED WITH ALUMINUM FRAMED WINDOWS. SEE PHOTOS -PHOTOS 6, 7. THE SIDING IS DRY -ROTTED WITH 'BONDO' PATCHES. RAFTER TAILS ARE DRY -ROTTED AND TERMITE DESTROYED. MOST HAVE BEEN CUT OFF WITH NEW TAILS SCABBED ON IN A NON - PROFESSIONAL MANN ER -PHOTOS 8, 9, 10, 11. ELECTRICAL WIRING, GAS and PLUMBING LINES ARE NOT TO CODE and UNSAFELY MOUNTED ON EXTERIOR OF BUILDING - EVEN CROSSING THE GARAGE DOOR -PHOTOS 12, 13. THE FOUNDATION IS CAST ON GRADE AND NOT EMBEDDED IN THE GROUND, THERE IS INSUFFICIENT CRAWLSPACE CLEARANCE, FOOTINGS ARE MISSING WOOD COLUMNS ARE BEARING DIRECTLY ON THE GROUND, FLOOR JOISTS HAVE BEEN NOTCHED, LOOSING THEIR STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY, STRUCTURAL WOOD MEMBERS HAVE BEEN EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE AGAINST CODE AND ARE NOW DRY ROTTED, MANY SUPPORTS AND CONNECTORS ARE NOT EVEN NAILED TOGETHER -COMPONENTS ARE LEFT FLOATING, UNSECURE -PHOTOS 14 thru 22 . EXTERIOR WALLS ARE STUDS TURNED ON EDGE OR 2X3 -BOTH CONDITIONS ARE STRUCTURALLY DEFICIENT. 7 • f O I ...-... -~ Q) '-I -:J I -t5 ·-a_ ..._.... ~ • I ~ I I '' ----- 12- ..... - • N lo ..... ....-.... \I) Q) Lo. ::J ......, (.) ·- I a_ ,,,,, ......_... ~ ~ • N . N - ..... ...-.... I ~ (]) L. :J ......, (.) ·- I a... ,,,, ...._.... ~ ~ • N • N \l - • N • N -~ • N . N TO\NN ) PARKING I-OT ) , __ - F'F<OF'OSED HOUSE 1-y \ \ - 2 '-O " 1.3° H S IG HT CONCF<STE 6L.OCK 6 U IL.DIN G .,. AIC UNIT S. 6Ull .. D ING "L.OOMS" OVER .SU6..J ECT F'F<OF'EF<T"'T" F<e:AF< "'T"AF<O 1/8 " = 1 '. O" I \ I I I !' \ 1 1/2 STOF<"'T" N51c3H60F< DW'EL.L.ING 2 STOF<"'T" NEIGHBO D'Vv'SL.L.IN u ·-o · 1'/\1-· \ ..JOAN a n d GL.SNN CROSS 2.31 U N IV i!F<SITY AV. L.OS GA1"0S CA .950.30 F'H 408.472 . .5105 PF<OFll-E AF'N S,2g-04-07::2 ZONe F<ID-L.H F' SC:1"6ACKS: Fl5', S 's 5 ', 1<20' AF<e-A. S UMMARY S ITE F'AF<: 345 AL.L.OW5D FL.001< AF<e:A PF<OPOSE:D HOUSE: MAIN L.C:VS L. CSL.L.AF< GA!<AG!S N 5 ,575 SF 1,925 SF 1,8.97 SF 1,186 .SF 2.S>!S SF -$ .. r\., ""' ( -~ .--G ,.. 03 Iv , ""J p_.lh~•····--· ..,,; ........ UJIAGI MENT 3 .5-.9-:2017 JAY PLETT 4 08.3 54.4551 J•y@lplett-arc.com www.plett·arc.com 21 3 Bea n Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 ~Cla OM~ o/~tpy.....-. 01"~~ ~A.V ~TT'. 'T'), ... c:1oc_ ..... .,.,...~~ N U'tlt.s•a Ol"t4Vor _...__._ ~•eo-. M ~ ct..~ ... "'"'11'9 . .,....,.. ~.., r 9""1Q rw 1'tW .a•• prc:i~ t;f JAY r>...l!"'n" ~: HPC P lonnins S cale: A-1 exeRCIS5 GFC.e:.AT FC.OOM eec::> FC.M 3 1.::2 xg C5L-L-A.I< L-5V5L.. t MAST5R eeD RM .::24x 11 SACK ?ORC:H KITCHeN / D IN ING RM 1$ x .::21 ~ Y=:;o~===~=f t=======;=;::=;=;=;=n=n=rn=r----+LJI 4--1-4-++4-+~ DN se = = "'-I m 0 eec::> i:c.M.:::? 1.::2x10 z f It d () L..IVlNG RM 1S x1g / FRONT S ITT'"-lG i=>ORCH D D ·= :LJ~~o~o ~[J~-~-~_bdh~~r=~=====~====;1~~1---+- WEL.L. 70 10 " MAIN L-5V5L- N -$ JAY PLETT 408.354.4551 jay@plett-arc.com www.plett-arc.com 21 3 Bean Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 ,.,... °""'~ COl'l..,._J'fe. Ol"'i~P'lOlc~ ~\ci•o,....,.~ ()'( .. ~try..,... orc:+-rorOC't'-'-""'Y='L.l!T"T'. no. .. doc\ool"l°i.,.... •hall ""' b4' vri'aed °"'di~ ~]~~ ..... i.:::e-'T""l.•9!0rlof~c::kl9'Qlrwr lnwr1'!"'"91.~d-.&I"' ,.Of'!"IO"r'4~9'0'• PrQPcr-.'Y Q'f ..JAY P'-&TI HPC P lc::i nnin9 Scale: O<ffit : _," --,-- ' !C.OOF 1/S." : 1 '-O " CL..eF<eSTOF<Y SHED OOF<MeF< 6 '-0"~ COMPOSIT IO N SHINGL..e F<OOF ---. TO PF<OVIOS MOF<NING S UNL..IG H 'T, SOL-AF< ACCESS 'TO MA'TCH (5 ) WOOO OH "T'YP. PF<OVIOe L..UGS <§> 'TOP SASH PSI< OF<IG INAL... PF<OVIOS WOOO TRIM W /H IS'TOF<IC S IL..L.. O IMSNSION PEI< OF<IG INAL... WINDOW TO MA'TCH ORIG INAL.. DESIGN. 5ASI 5l...5VAllON W5SI 5l...5VAllON S IMPL-e L-INEAR 6UNGAL..0W ROOF OSSIGN PEI< ORIG INAL.. OSSIGN RSOWOOO L..AP S ID ING MATCH ORIG INAL.. L..AP S IONG OSTAIL.. 0 1M5NSIONS ANO CAF<F<lAGe STYL..e GARA.Ge OOORS 1S.' -O " :t AD.JACENT COMMSRClAL- S U IL..O ING ~ A/C COMPF<S:SSOF< ON PROPeF<TY L..IN e Pl-, JAY PLETT 408.354.4551 jay@plett-arc .com www.plett-arc.com 21 3 Bean Avenue Los Gatos , CA 95030 'fN doc-~~,,.,.. ~~«I mcrTr""Olo•cr N"\~ t:>f~ov......- 4V.i:t-""~ .JAY PL.m:T"I" The .. doe~•"°' l'\O'l" b. """'-~ad -.d/ ... o~~.,,. OGT"m....or\ m """-0..0flr "~""".n..de99" ,..cm"O_,,. tt-a 9do c>t"Q~t;(~YP.-1!.-:" ~..on.: HPC P lc::1nn ing Sc:c:::i!e : o ..... : A-.S _I_ iiiiml"_ - .: ! : i; ; - = . '·: -~-- NOF<TH 5L-5VATION h SOUTH 5L-5VATION I- I ' =--.,- AO.JACS NT COMM S l<C~L- 6UIL..OING ~ ,.:.VC COMPRSS SO!< ON F'l<OPSl<T'Y L-INE N EXT 0001< N E IG H 601< Hou se: Lrr "" ........ da+o : 5.g.,:2017 JAY PLETT 408.354.455 l jay@plett-arc .com www.plett-arc .com 21 3 Bean Avenue Los Ga tos, CA 95030 3 '" () ~ _j ~ ~ z '" :J () 11} _j ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ij) ll\ l'l ll\ w () l l'l z u :J ~ ..- .I: (f\ I-('I coovriQh1' (c) J AY PL.eTT ~.ooc: .. ,,.,...~~ ~C::~od ITIQ'tanOJ o::i• or -ta~ of ~by tt'le arc:~OC'!" .JAY :!"L!!TT' • .,.,... .. ~.ko!lt'IOT belo'1'ilirod~or do.ipl.GO'TOd~T""O por-M_-ion of...,.. C.~·gr.et"' ir.~.~~v. r-omol"ltf,,,. .o.cr pr-aper'f'y of.;,.:...-~-r i:<avi111on• : Hi==iC i:::il o nnin 9 Sc::olo : o ....... , S ne.tt A-4