Item 2 - 115 University AvenuePREPARED BY: JOCELYN PUGA Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/24/2017 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: MAY 10, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 115 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: LARRY VERTIN. APPLICANT: KOHLSAAT & ASSOCIATES, INC. REQUESTING APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR A MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN A HISTORIC DISTRICT FOR AN EXTERIOR MODIFICATION TO A CONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY HOME IN THE UNIVERSITY-EDELEN DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1D:LHP. APN 529-03-008. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and approve the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1.Date primary structure was built: 1910 2.Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I, Preliminary rating: Contributor to Town’s historic feeling and appears intact 3.Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4.Is structure in a historic district? Yes, University-Edelen District 5.If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6.Findings required? No 7.Considerations required? Yes B. Comments The applicant is requesting approval of an application for a Minor Residential Development in a Historic District to enclose an existing rear porch to living area, add a second story rear dormer, PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 115 UNIVERSITY AVENUE MAY 16, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 115 5/16/2017 1:43 PM and enlarge an existing second story front dormer that is compatible with the original historic character of the building. DISCUSSION: A. Required Considerations _X_ In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy _X_ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Research Results and Photographs (12 pages) 2. Anne Bloomfield Architectural/Cultural Survey (one page) 3. Development Plans (eight sheets) Distribution: Cc: Larry Vertin, 115 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Kohlsaat & Associates, Inc., 51 University Avenue, Suite L, Los Gatos, CA 95030 ARCHITECTURE April 20, 2017 Subject property : 115 University Ave. In researching this property for historic importance I began at the building department at Town Hall. I looked through the permit history of the property and found the following . 1964 electrical permit. 1990 permit to remodel the kitchen. March 1997 remove two layers of composition roofing and one layer of wood shingles, add%" plywood and add new composition roofing . March 1997 earthquake retrofit, foundation bolting and strapping . Oct. 2008 replace sewer line from street to house and add clean out and back water valve . I then went to the library where Melissa Maglio helped me through the list I received from the planning department. I looked through the list and found the following. Sanborn maps: did not show up until the 1928 map where the house was show with a front and rear porch and the garage appears to be different size and location than the original garage. The 1934 Polk directory shows the house as vacant that year. 1941 Tax Assessment directories: Found record of the house and garage. The house originally had a porch across the entire back of the house. The garage looks to be different size and closer to the house than the current garage. The owner at the time was LE. Cage. I found a single page that came from the vertical files in the History Room that I have included with this report. JOEL17-L ~ t SAAT Be ASSOC IATES ARCHITECTURE RECEiVEO TOWN OF LOS GATOS -. ' I l\!G DIVI SION 5 1 University Av enue, Suite L • Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408.395 -2555 ATTACHMENT 1 • l 15 l!niursit)· 19~1 T:tx .\ .~ssment Records: Lot -l. Blk I. ~hies & Etkkn Subd . L.E . Cage. owner 1176 sq. fl . + :! 168 Sy . 11. porches . $4292 \.!.'"" 47 ~o =$2Q1 :'. 6 r"'oms. m1.-d "·onstr: deep concrete foundation: gabk roof --cnmposttion : I L'ar garage. rcs<nn.·d . st.lined extc:rinr \\alls: intcriM plastered. l panckd. l bc•un c1.•iling . timed : pine lloor:-. 1 bath: modem electric; fireplace + wall furnace: built-in cahmcts. 1'ulkt. hlokcas1.'\, med qua I: .'0 ~c ars old: mt"d condition, acceptable design anli tloor plan, O\\ neNlccupicd . Lot "0 ' I 0 I·. \'aluc $625 Sanborn Maps: Not on 1908: 1928 = 1944 3rd house S Ura)· s Lane: O\\dlmg. I 112 s tlmcs . Plan ning Com mi . sion Histor\' F ile : -. \'ineyard Lots. Blk I. l m 4. R1\"cr rock porch . Craftsman . Ow n er~: ~ lkk~ Dolan or his fan dub lH.:1.upkd how.c in 1960s --rcccin•d nnc fan kttcr fi.1r him t\ (ore re cl!ntl) an amst liYed here ·-gt.'l announct>ment s for art shows. Kelly and Dan bought the house 1.1 year ag1.) and h.i\ t> painted inside and 0ul. Purchased t'wm Scott Bloomfield t'?) who redid fireplace. found picture of cluld behind old onl' --framed and in li ving room. LR has built-in hookcascs both s ide of fireplace ~mJ buill in cabinet:-C'buffct'") in dining room. Both rooms ha,·c wood en beam? ceilings . Large picture winJO\\ s 1.'rigmal Dining mom has high ch:ur rail with wr11cal strips between floor and rail. Din mg fL)l)m tixtu1 e ma~ be original --still sho,vs controls for gas . Pen.Jd 1..iming tabk and chairs. 1-:itchen ha~ been redone. """ lo,,.' - but possibl~ original lower cabint.•ts, kss hl..d~ uppl'1 ones . Drawer pulls certain I~ 11ld "t~ k· Bedn)om has window seat'' ith pull-up lid for shmlge. lay bed . Bathro1.)m h::ts tuh "ith fc.:-t. possibly original smk tixmres . Second hedroom·1 Back pMch has been crn:lL,St'1.I. cnmhincd with ha1.·k of Miginal house into playroom/hedroom . All rooms have dn."rrC'd. "p1cturC' rail '" moldings . Fow1d card for C.H. James running for c0n)ner 8 '25119 l 4 111 dosC't. Painted gm) with white trim . some red and hlad. accC'nts on windows . Side-gable roc1f \\ ith thnll J mn~r. B:ick porch on right side.! and part of r~ar ( \\'ith washer drn~r) l:3rick 1.·himnc~. lntcnc1r painted ydkm with white mm. Abstract art over fireplace di.,nt' h~ t\\l' small chil1.lr1.·n Front porch --two outside columns river-rock. battered . to ground . Center columns may 1.1ncc ha\ c b~en us well. hut \Wr~ removed ; mm being rcplac('d \\'ith squan: "hite pllSl:\ Tile \\'alk anJ stairs to porch. River cobble retaining wall. Nice landscaping lhmt and rc:ar . LG Directories J 895/6 Smirh. !'.ks. Alice K. r Uni \' cm Grays Smith. Hcrb.:rt L, r l lniv er Grays 190_ .. milh. Mrs. AK. 75 Uni\·. Ave. I 905 /6 no K Smith SJ Dir. Rubert 0 Hall bkkpr E Luehning C'o ., r Los Gatos RECEIVED MAY 1 0 20 17 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING D IVISION File address / / o v,,•, PARCEL MAP INFORMATION d/n.n.L !Bfoom{u.[J ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14151 922-1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 I 5 Lot size: ;jt; front ft. x /U<-.. ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L__ Rectangle with small rear jo&___ Other __________ _ Location: N S E w side of __ c...,.... ________ St __ Ave Other _____ _ distance to cross st: --'--ft. N_ S_ E_ W __ from ___ =------- at NE NW SE SW corner of ----------- HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name (/t"M f&•i.t-::i-f~ Old Block # / I Old lot # '$'-------- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating -+ Estimated age /4 ~) Style C~-:/-....., -_.. # stories...__ Alterations _____________________________________ _ Other ,-/ \/I' OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name ----- Source Date 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 Source Page (paste on copy) Location of property, or Lot Old tract/block/lot Size Own er Name Effective date ---- MISCELLANEOUS PHOTO S : Roll/ frame # a>.z-/.11::? Date ~-o-"dj National Register listed date _________ _ County Inventory 1979 ------------~ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name _______________ _ Previou s Survey Gebhard: page # illustration page # Butler I Junior League ---- ATTACHMENT 2 FRONT PERSPECTIVE FRONT PERSPECTIVE r J ~ ,.;:-==~ ( ·i c \ 1--:::'' REAR PERSPECTIVE REAR PERSPECTIVE VICINITY MAP -.. ,~ .. u ... __ .g Q Q •"" ~ .j, .... Q_ f 0-7 o---... --' ' I I ..,._ .. 0 .! /!! ;·· ··~,~- ' 0 0....•N-o--··-·•0 0 ,, ....... _,.. ./ o0 ' ..2.-" --o .. ,,- / .. 0 .. 9-... I "' -·--• -C> 0 -o PROJECT DATA 1"1tC.JeGT ~&: """'~' ~. ZONN G>: OCCIJP'.-.NGV "'"'°""' GON!!TIWGTION T'T?!!: &IT!!-. ..... ~1-1!1"~-­ ~ir>eNCI!: 11 5 UN!Yelll&ITV ... VI! L.O& ...... TO&. C"' '150&0 ~VVl!~TIN 11!! UN!Yelll&ITV ... Vl!NVI! L.O& "'"TO&, C... 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(.0210 ) •.O~ REVISIONS 1n ·( 1 o zt .J l I .1 OF LO~: t ·i'O$ ;-!NING DI\ l ION ~~ ........................... ~~~::.~:~~·::>.ce:··;·············T-p~I' l"IOONT 15 ' !!IP!! 5 ' -:20' MAX He lc5oHT 90' !"~~· MM<!"~ "'TTIC G>-1! l"OtltCHe l"IOONT ~~ TO'!'..._ e~l!l-.'T LOT- MAA<I"~ ... ~ ... !! l'ltONT I"~ -!"~ ~ 1,26!!&1" iqb&I" 2b0&1" ~~CON~Tl!P ~= &!!1 &I" !54 !!I" 1,5 ,, !!!" 0 &I" i41 &I" i41 &I" O&I" O !!I" 2b0 !!1" 240 !!I" O!!I" 142&1" 051" 2 ,"iO'f"!I' 5 !!.4 % &!ff'!'!' 5211!!1" 0 51" l!Xl!!TNG> 1.2~&1" 2b0 &1" 2 40 51' 142111" 1 .~!!i .i% O!!I" ~&!" ~ O !!I" 240!!1" &&&!" 2.~!!2 .4% !!211 !!!" ~01!2 l,:n~!.P' 2&0 111" 240 111" &&Ill" 1 .~!!i.i% PROJECT DIRECTORY ~rreG.T: KOHL.SMT c A$!!CC IA~!!> '51 UNIV!!l'tSITY A V l!NUI!, !!>UITI! I.. Loe GAT OS, CA <eo"1 ~1... l-4Ce>! ece-:2'5'5'5 !!>Tl'tUCTUl'tAI.. l!NGINl!l!lf.: "IX l!NG IN!!ltlNG 45'4C STl!Vl!Ne Clf.J<. BL.V e:>. s~ 1'T.:Z SAN .JOSI!, CA. '1'51.:Z'I ~I..: ('4CI!;) e.4.:Z-'5464 SCOPE OF WORK lf.&10~ M A.JOlll.ITT 01" M ... IN l"L.OOl't. CONVl!l'tT "-!!AR PORCH Alf.l!A TO LIVING A"-l!A. CONVl!lf.T COUNTl!c:> ATTIC &l"ACI! TO L.IVING S!"AC.I!. Ac:>c:> llt.l!Alf. :IND !!>TO!ll'!" c:>Olf.Ml!R 4 1ST S TO!f.'1" GAel..I!. MODll"'T" l!.XIST ING P'l'tONT c:>OlllMl!l't. CODE COMPLIANCE TH IS P~Jec.T S>HAl..L. c.oMPL.Y' lllllTH TH!! .2016 C6C:. PAAT .2 , :c:.fltC PAlitT .2 .5 , C:.l!C PAAT S, C:.MC:. PAAT 4 , C:.PC:. PNC.T 5 , c:.e~ PAAT 6 , C:.HEIC PAAT e, c:.eec:. PAl'tT 10 , CG6~ PAl'tT 11 A5 l"4!!W.. AS AL.I.. Al"'l"'L.IC:.Ael..e STA~ 4 L.OCAL. C:.OO!!S. SHEET INDEX A-1 A·.2 A ·S A-4 A-'5 A-6 A ·"T A-e ~ 8 .,., u °' z <: u ~ vl Q ~ ~ ~ .. 00. 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"' ''nv:>s LI/\;,/<; '3.LVO V\ < c: t-rj z < ~ trl ;:o (/) ::j ~ -< z ~ ~ .., 1T1 5 t-rj ::t ~ (/) 00 0 9 ~ 0 t-rj _vi () z ?"' 'I:> Cl V\ 0 t-rj <» 0 SNO ISL\3ll .. 0-.l NOI.LJ3S H .. 0-.L .. 1"/L ';1"1't'~ NOI.LJ3SV .lio1s 1$ .o• .lio1s z .II + .liois I .o; .. O-.L NOI.LJ3S 0 .lio1sz ~ ~ ~ -"' (/) g1q El~ !1' (1 r:.rJ tr1 (1 ~ ~. d o· z lls 4 '-A.'" -(/) $lq I i I ~. (/)0 $ l~I m ~ r:.rJ tr1 (1 ~ Fl I I \~I // II l.~1LLqL .~-<it ,L-1l_r ~ ~ " ~ ~ 0 z ~. ~ I ~ 0 " )>'" ~ ~ I ~ ~ "' "(p ~~ ~ ~ .., .. ·1-C-41c:\O" ............. .,.~ ._ • ..,,.,_..aCOfld"-.ICl"IC>f':o•"""e "'.,..4-'-·A...,--. .,,.,~Dij r.o~ O<""'i~<*ff•·-rro--v-o.. ~.OOOIV....,,_ft>",,_b<mVOt..g"'­ \OV-.A--...et a .,_t..-&JOr~10 .. ,....,,,.. "'T+ cn1::: 0 . < {_Ji r 111 I ~-11 tf ~ ~ c I ' ~ 1 ~ THE: VERTIN RESIDENCE 115 UN IVERSITY AV E . LOS GATOS, CA. 95030 "' ~1 + < ::; ~ -. < ~ ~ ~ ·-~/4 '" -(/) ~lq z -·· tr1 r:.rJ ~ • y Cf-p·· I l.1.J YI (1 ~ ~ 0 z ~ (/) 0 < "' El~ 11' Ii