Item 4 - 231 University Avenue PREPARED BY: JOCELYN PUGA Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/22/2017 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: MARCH 16, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: GLENN AND JOAN CROSS. APPLICANT: JAY PLETT. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR A PROPOSAL TO DEMOLISH A CONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY-EDELEN HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-072. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a preliminary review of the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: prior to 1928 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: C or I 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, University-Edelen District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments On February 22, 2017 the applicant requested a preliminary review by the Committee to consider a proposal to demolish a contributing single-family residence in the University- Edelen Historic District to construct a new one-story single-family residence. The Committee discussed the matter and provided feedback to the applicant to come back to the Committee with a structural condition report for the residence. The minutes for PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE MARCH 16, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 231_3.22.17 3/16/2017 11:24 AM BACKGROUND (Cont’d) the February 22, 2017 meeting are included in the March 22, 2017 agenda as Consent Item #1. DISCUSSION: A. Findings _X_ As required by Town Code Section 29.10.09030(c) Demolition of historic structures, a demolition permit for a historic structure may only be approved if: 1. The structure poses an imminent safety hazard; or 2. The structure is determined not to have any special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. Any request to demolish an historic structure shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee. All applications to demolish an historic structure which has been identified as a contributor to an existing historic district, a potential historic district, or is eligible for local designation shall be accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure’s physical condition and shall incorporate pertinent information from the Town’s Historic Resources Inventory describing the structure’s historical and architectural characteristics. Attachments: 1. Request (one page) 2. Structural Condition Report (one page) 3. Development Plans (one sheet) Distribution: Cc: Glenn and Joan Cross, 231 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jay Plett, 213 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 231 UNIVERSITY AV 3.8.17 Attn LOS GATOS HPC SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION STRUCTURAL REPORT PREPARED BY G. DICU . CONCEPT ELEVATION FOR PROPOSED NEW HOUSE THE DESIGN WILL RETAIN THE KEY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE . .. CONCEPT OF SINGLE STORY BUNGALOW DESIGN RETAINED. .. SIMPLE ROOF DESIGN TO BE RETAINED. .. SINGLE CAR GARAGE TO BE RETAINED. .. ORIGINAL FRONT WINDOW DESIGN TO BE RETAINED . .. WOOD LAP SIDING STYLE AND PROFILE TO BE RETAINED. ·· EXPOSED SHAPED/DECORATIVE RAFTER TAILS TO BE RETAINED. .. WINDOW AND DOOR TRIM RETURNED TO HISTORIC DESIGN. RECEIVED MA H-9 201 7 10VVNOF PLANN INGL OS GATOS DIVISION ~TIACHMENY 1 ~L~uL~!Re~!7~~~.~~ I March 5, 2017 To Whom It May Concern : S UBJECT: Structural Condition Report for 231 University Avenue Los Gatos, California Dear Sir or Madam : 14503 BERCAW LAN E SAN JOSE, CR 95124 PHONE : (4081 496 0930 proj ectsOallstructural.com At the requested of the owner I have visually inspected the dwelling located at the above address to establish its structural cond itions . The building is an old building (built in 1928) with a lot of changes made along its exi stence, many of them substandard or in violations ofthe present Code . Listed below are my findings showing the element s that are substandard, not structurally acceptable or present life hazards. Since my inspection is only a visual one and it is nondestructive, the list is not exhaustive . • The bu i lding is a one-story wood structure supported by perimeter foundation and interior piers. Partially, the floor is a nonstandard unreinforced slab. • The floor presents differential settlements that induce cracks in the walls . • The partitions are "Single Wall Construction" • The exterior walls are built with 2x3 studs and t hey are not insulated. • The gas lines, some of the sewer and the water plumbing are exposed . • Some of the exterior electrical wiring is exposed and unprotected . • Some of the electrical outlets and switches are ungrounded . • The top of the foundation is at the ground level and the wood walls are in contact with the exterior grade. • The crawl space does not have the adequate clearance and the interior floor supports are substandard. • There are penetrations on the roof that are not properly sealed . • The exterior wood siding is damaged on several locations allowing water and insect intrusion in the walls. • The garage converted into a bedroom still has the exterior garage door as one of the walls. • There is evidence of the termite damage . • The exterior continuous footing seems to be unreinforced. In my opinion , the building is unsafe to be used as a dwelling and its condition is beyond of a possible repair. Should you have any questions or require supplemental information , please call. Sincerely, ALL STRUCTURAL CONSULTING ENG I ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3