Item 3 - 16707 Shannon Avenue PREPARED BY: SALLY ZARNOWITZ, AIA, LEED AP Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/22/2017 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: MARCH 16, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 16707 SHANNON AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: TED MOORHEAD. APPLICANT: JIM MORELAN, AIA, LEED AP. REQUESTING A DETERMINATION THAT A PRIMARY STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO 1941 HAS NO HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE OR ARCHITECTURAL MERIT. APN 529-04-072. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a determination regarding the historic significance or architectural merit of the primary structure. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: c. 1939 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? NA 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant has an active building permit (B17-0039) and is now requesting a determination as to the historic significance or architectural merit of the house, in order to plan for a rear addition and removal of the front porch addition. Supporting documents are attached. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 16707 SHANNON ROAD MARCH 16, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 231 3/17/2017 10:22 AM DISCUSSION: A. Findings X As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings). 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Attachments: 1. Request, Research Results, and Photographs (three pages) 2. Existing plans (two pages) Distribution: Cc: Ted Moorhead, 16707 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, CA 95053 Jim D. Morelan, AIA, LEED AP, 1101 Winchester Blvd., Suite G-181, San Jose, CA 95128 MORELAN ARCHITECTURE ASSOCIATES ,IN C . CONSTRUCTION LETTER OF JUSTIFICATION Project Residence Addition & Remodel For Ted Moorhead 16707 Shannon Road Los Gatos , CA 95032 APN: 523-06-043 Tel: 408-605-0472 A. Scope of Work: 1101 S. Winchester Blvd . Suite G-181 San Jose , CA 95128-3903 TEL (408) 247-3322 FAX (408)247-5560 Email info@morelan .net www.morelan.net March 9 , 2017 This application if for historical review, required due to the age of the house that was built in 1939, and not on LGMA's Historical Home Survey. The owner has researched re cords at the library's Local History Room and did not find any information that identified this property as having any historic significance. B. Evolution of Project The owner purchased this small house in 2016 for himself and his fourteen-year-old daughter, who has physical disabilities and requires a whee lchair for mobility . Initially, he needed to remodel the bath and kitchen and some door openings to make it easier for her access. A permit # 81 7-0039 was issued for remodeling and that work has commenced. It was discovered that more construction modifications were needed, as water damage, poor previous construction work requiring correction , and that no improvements had occurred to the original house. The existing front porch had been enclosed and was badly deteriorated , having many leaks at the windows that caused termite and water damage , so the owner decided to remove that construction . The planning staff informed us that this would require review by the Historic Committee. The owner then decided that this was the time to proceed with the addition to the rear and go ahead and remodel the front porch and entry, so all could be reviewed now , i n lieu of waiting until a later date. C. Architectural Style The existing house is very modest construction and has a semi-Spanish style. The roofing is ti le- shaped metal roofing , installed over the original wood shingle roof and there is no roof overhang. The exterior walls are stucco f inish and the windows have been changed from wood to retrofit aluminum and vinyl type . The enclosed front porch is not original and was built without a perm it. Elements of the original exterior front porch, such as the concrete floor, the concrete step and framing indicate that the enclosed bay window and walls are not origina l. The original wood shingles can be observed under the current metal tiles. Cc: Ted Moorhead, Owner Architect CA #C-5471 • HI #AR-9651 • NV #1709 • General Contractor CA #413297 -·~ (E)Rt.O (E) WATER _ _._..-:;,_.__ , """"" !E)•4"RWO ,..., IE> ~\ 0 APN S~ (E)Rt.O ~(EJt.A'IIN (E) SINGLE-STORY RES IDENCE 1037SF SSO'TOCJI.. \(E)WA-n:RMTR LOSGATOS ~ (E)R1-8 APN S23-06-<0 50.0' I I I I I I I I I I _I a~ ~ ---------~ ~ ~lL _____ _ EXISTING SITE PLAN N APN523-()&.U (E)Rt-8 OWNER ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ZONlNG BUILDING SETBACKS THEOOORE R. MOORHEAD 16707~RCWl LOS GATOS, CA 95032-4619 TEL: 4-0&-605-0472 523-06<)43 R t-8 SINGLE F.AMIL Y RESIOENJlAl FRONT: SIDES: REAR: 25' 8' 20' KilN:; EOUtPMENT: 5'-0"' MIN. TO PROPERTY LINE lYPE CONSTRUCTION V-B USE · OCCUPNCY SINGLE FMtll Y RESIDENTIAL R3/U PARKING 2 -GAAAGE-EXISTlNG DETACHED YEAR BUILT 1D39 HISTORIC DtSTRtcT (NOTO<It«STTRfCIN\'EN"''ORY) I'I.MBER STORIES ONE· EX~ LOT AREA 8,050 SF BUilDING AREAS H'<::lRW..TlOHCK.Y-N:>OW« E>OST.., HOUSE Ul37 SF £NO.osm POROt 165 SF t-DJSE TOTAL· 1..202 SF ...,.... ""'"' stED 1116Sf ACCESSORY 87'S SF ~ror.-... PERCENT LOT COVERAGE: FLOOR AREA RATIO: EJ<ISTW'G 1,20:1Sf• 1115Sf"•1SnSF 111050Sf ,..230Q231i <4"'JrU.QW.-af 1.037Sf/8.050Sf ,.0.1S OR13'111<4S'III H.lOW..a..E PROPERTY DATA ~----- [ "'0 l::~ !E)~ """ (EJ B.fCT 1 IOOM'P ' PA>a. I I --;;-.. ••) APN: 52J-0&.043 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP NO SCALE VICINITY MAP '-~~ (E)-t04QOH ~ (E)MIBR (E) OAK (E) BR#2 tEIONI fk.----tt'<l"----"'11<-t----13'-5"------"1 (E) BRJJ IE!Oo'X 11'~ 1E!3041!10M 11'--t:' EXISTING FLOOR PLAN (E) DINING IE)CW< (El Ott EXISTlNG HOUSE: 1037 SF SCALE: 1/4" • 1'-()" N NO SCALE E8 Tht,._,ldecw:,~t~ dH'!I"'r.dlicfl«lot"r....-.ttdbr ,.._.t-~--.dby,trOd -"-:J"''Pt'"1)'oflht ... ....:MICI crd ....... dowloptcj ... t.~ f ot" ..... onll'lilpr-ojectWid lihGIIM!M ....d,ll""""*"'"'p.YY.fOf..,- Pfi"PO'W"f.,...,ld'l l hey •cr•M I orogi!Nitfllt..cied ,..r!ftoutwrine~~ ,......si<>o<of"-Jl.N.O.MC»El.AN_ A.U... ... IIICHtTGCT ORA ..... J1lM DATE S/912017 SCALE AS NOTEO JOB NO. 2017.02 SHEET A-1 OF 2 SHE£1S ATTACHMENT Z ,.._-------------33'·3"---------------"i I ~ LJ' ,, >r:,., , EXISTING ROOF PlAN ------------------------------- ~::::::::1 c_-_-~------: - (E ) PI-PP/>Kr 1' W"U. 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