Item 5 - 231 University PREPARED BY: JOCELYN PUGA Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/22/2017 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: GLENN AND JOAN CROSS. APPLICANT: JAY PLETT. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR A PROPOSAL TO DEMOLISH A CONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY-EDELEN HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-072. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a preliminary review of the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: prior to 1928 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: C or I 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, University-Edelen District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing single-family residence and construct a new single-family residence. Due to the historic rating of the property and its location in the University-Edelen District, the applicant has chosen to pursue feedback on the request ahead of submitting the required Planning application. If a formal Planning application is made, the proposed project would return to the HPC for a formal recommendation. The Residential Design Guidelines state that the demolition of any PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FEBRUARY 15, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 231 2/15/2017 3:01 PM BACKGROUND (cont’d): contributing structure in historic districts is forbidden absent a cataclysmic event or upon determination by the Deciding Body that demolition is necessary for the proper restoration of the structure. The historic resources worksheet and supporting documents are attached. Town Code Section 29.10.020 generally defines demolition of historic structures as removal, enclosure, or alteration of more than twenty-five percent of the wall(s) facing a public street, or fifty percent of all exterior or walls: Demolition (historic structures) means: (1) Removal of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the wall(s) facing a public street(s) (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of all exterior walls; or (2) Enclosure or alteration (ie: new window and or window relocation) of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the walls facing a public street (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of the exterior walls so that they no longer function as exterior walls; or All remaining exterior walls must be contiguous and must retain the existing exterior wall covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall covering. The following are exempt from this definition: a. Replacement. The exterior wall covering may be removed if the covering is not original to the structure. b. Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non-repairable exterior wall covering resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character if approved by the deciding body. c. Removal. The removal of an addition(s) that is not part of the original structure and which has no historic significance, as determined by the Historic Preservation Committee. Demolition shall be determined by subsections (1) and (2) above for the original structure, where walls enclosed by additions shall be considered as exterior walls. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 231 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FEBRUARY 15, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\University 231 2/15/2017 3:01 PM DISCUSSION: A. Findings ___ As required by Town Code Section 29.10.09030(c) Demolition of historic structures, a demolition permit for a historic structure may only be approved if: 1. The structure poses an imminent safety hazard; or 2. The structure is determined not to have any special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. Any request to demolish an historic structure shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee. All applications to demolish an historic structure which has been identified as a contributor to an existing historic district, a potential historic district, or is eligible for local designation shall be accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure’s physical condition and shall incorporate pertinent information from the Town’s Historic Resources Inventory describing the structure’s historical and architectural characteristics. Attachments: 1. Request, Photograph, and Miscellaneous Documents (nine pages) 2. Pest Report (one page) 3. Historic Resources Worksheet Distribution: Cc: Glenn and Joan Cross, 231 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jay Plett, 213 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Historical Preservation Committee February 2017 Re: 231 University Avenue Dear Committee Members, My husband and I are investigating the option of demolishing 231 University Avenue. Photo attached. Since it was built before 1941 (1928) and therefore deemed a historic building, it was suggested by the planning department that I do research into the history, residents, architecture, etc. of the property to investigate any historical significance. I have also gotten recent reports from termite companies, inspectors, etc. to provide information on the condition of the building. In essence, during my research, I've found no historic value to the building or it's owners/residents. I have attached copies of these documents for your review. We intend to work with local architects and builders to replace the current building with a 1 story, Craftsman style, home in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood (photo's included) and make it our primary residence. Depending on costs of construction, we would like to include additional square footage in a cellar area included in the new construction. The house will stay within all the towns' setback requirements and square footage restrictions as calculated for us by Jocelyn Puga & Dylan Parker at the planning department. I have also attached a few examples of the type of structure we are contemplating. Once we receive authorization from the HPC to replace the building, we will immediately begin work with an architect to get site plans, elevations, etc. in order to begin the permitting process for new construction with the town. In summary, our intention is to replace an old, historically non-significant building that has not been well maintained and is in disrepair, with a new, small house that includes a new cellar area, is built within all town requirements, and architecturally fits well in its surrounding historical neighborhood. ) Sin rely, 1}:#/J Jo· ~nn~s / ners -31 University Avenue jycross@aol.com F~8 01 ZC i 7 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee Re : 231 University Avenue Dear Committee, As additional information, I'd like to include a few thoughts: 1) The Sanborn lot map that I've copied (1944) shows the structure as a square with no protrusions. When we purchased the house in 2013 there was (&is) a front porch, a room addition on the back and an attached, covered patio. - these are all outside the original footprint of the structure. The only older photo of the house that I have been able to find is the one included on the Anne Bloomfield survey and is dated 1989. It shows a porch, however, a different one than the existing porch. The point being that there have already been many changes made to the original structure. 2) I have seen that the property is listed as a significant residential structure in Appendix B of the Residential Design Guidelines (page 80 of the document), however it is not listed specifically as significant for any reason. It is listed as 1 among 62 others as being in the historic district of University /Edelen, and of these 62 it is the 3rd newest structure having been built in the 30's. 3) The Anne Bloomfield survey was done in 1989 so it is difficult to address the original structures design in the 1930's. As per the Residential Design Guidelines, "Individual architectural distinction is not as important in a historic district as the neighborhood entity created." I intend to have our new structure stay within the architectural distinction of a 1 story craftsman style bungalow, as well as the neighborhood entity's style, as directed. I hope this information will add to your ability to decide to let us demolish the existing structure and create a new small home in the style of the historic neighborhood. Sincerely, Joan Cross RECEIVED F!'). 1 (' } l 1 ' L. , t I t. , : TOWN OF t OS C 1\TOS PLAN!\Il\\.J ~·, :S!ON ,. , t .... • • -1 ' • BLOCK NC? 6 ••• I I ••• I ••• --·-n 4! IS r I t w~ ... 25io-! J I I .. ;/ u~ {.\, ' . f I . )-. I. 72 '1:; 71 70 :::> .! ~ s 7 1 -. ~ ~ -. .,.. t -, r ~ - 7~<J =, --I ( . ~ '·-zo· , ... u."~ 1 I 4 3 I I J ' .:so ~·--:-.!9 .83 _v :;.:;. 2£.9 ' ( 231 '··-----~:...--· 237 241 -0 \ I a r.. I r-'--' A r-.. r"'\ • ""..,. "" TOWN OF Los GATOS I MEUSSA MAGLIO LIBRARIAN ..,.--.-.. Los GATOS LIBIWn' 100 Vn.LA AVENUB • Los GATOS, CAuFoRNIA 95030 TI!LEPHONE: (408) 399-5724 • FAX: (408) 399-6008 Email: mmaglio@losgatosca.gov • Website: Iibrary.losgatosca.gov V TOWN OF Los GATO! ./ DnAN PARKER PLANNING TI!OiNIOAN COMMUNITY DMLoPMENr DEPAIUMENT 110 E. MAIN STRJ!IIT • Los GATOS, CA 95030 Thu!PHONE: (408) 354-6807 • FAX: (408) 354-7593 mail: DParker@LosGatosCA.gov • www.LosGatosCA.gov .. '2-5 -t l?fl\~t f)~ ¢ f~· ... ... .. TOWN OF Los GATOS /JoCELYN PuGA AssoaArE PtANNllR COMMtJNTtY DEvELoPMENT DEI'Am!ENT 110 E. MAIN 511UlET • Los GATOS, CA 95030 Tm.mloNE: (408} 354-6875 • FAX: (408) 354-7593 Email: JPuga@LosGatosCA.gov • www.LosGatosCA.gov V c s-so I .. / WOOD DESTROYiNG P ESTS AND ORGANISM S INSPECTION RE PORT STREET CliV ST A , = Zl? , J~te ot lnsoec tlor. No of Pages 231 , University Avenue, Los Gatos CA 95030 IW I I II '"-"-"t'J r: 1.l f-l4r Cl!ZlJr.ttP t. 11\lt.. 17~27 FC:ro :"( Ro:;l: \Ve<o~ Lo.s ::3;:~tos CA 9~:J3J vn;•o'.'.lhr2.;:,er ,,, Tlte.c•Jrr Pi'lone: 403-3S4·S944 f-;:-x: 408·3%·1?34 5 /23/2013 f Frrm R~g~trali~n No. PR 5009 ------------~----- Ordered By Ketter W ithams -Deena Westergard 1 20230 Stevens Creek Blvd. Ste. E Cu pertino . CA 95014 , An n : Deena We stergard ~ Re port No. 7 228 Escrow No . --------------------~-----Property OwneriParty o: lnteresl Ryan Cronin 23 1 Universit y Avenue Los Gatos . CA 95030 Report Sent To 9 i COMPLETE REPORT fXl LIMITED REPORT '...J SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT 0 REINSPECTION REPORT 0 ~-~-----~---------------------------------.--~----------------~--~~~-=~----------~ , Ger.9ral Descnptton Inspection Tag Posted i One story. wood framed , single fam il y d welling with wo od exter ior. Water heater closet. i Other Tags Posted None noted . L____ - Detached porches. detached An inspection has been made to the structu re (s) shown on the diagram in accordance with the Structural Pest Control Act. steps. detached decks and any oth€r struc tures not on the diagram wer€ not inspected. ----~~-------~--~---------=~---------------Su bterranean Termites .!S Drywood Termites ·~ Fungus/D ryrot ~ Other Fi ndrngs 1!; Further lnspectaor. ':li If any of above box es are checked. it indicates that there were visible problems in accessible areas . Re ad trr e report for detai ls o n checked rtems. 1\8 11F Inspected by .§_gott Marti n IE 1 IC I \/ ~n j\./ 1 1 : 1 15 111:: 1l9 112 116 I ?.. ../·\ .. , 1 ca ~e.-~~;:;...':.~.._ ____ _, ! IC" ~ 1e1CIC 1 . .:. lG"' IH 1-18 1E IG ;,.~ .. ----+-1 I ! 1 1F IC 1F I 1 \H .. ~. State license N~OP R _9 412 11~. Sig nature 11/.u--~1 I !' Yc·J <~re er::Ji!~d 10 o~a f't cop!es cf ail re::Y:f"...& a."""d com~e~1cn nct;ces :Jn l/1,.; propta-:1y recorted to tne: St·l:ca .• ra! 0 es: Gonttcf :!Ja!d dt.:mg t119 p~~Ceedl!"9 iwo years To obta·n copies con~~ct Str u:tural Fes~ Co~tcol eoa."tl. 2005 Cve·gre-sn S lreet Sl.tlt:. ~500 Sac ram~mo Ca!t ro rr~S SSS15 NOTE Questions or problem!S con~ernzng t~>te above report ::;nou.d os dm~:c:'!o to the manage ~ of ~na comp3.ny. UnreenJVed quast1c ns or problems w11h s!rv1ces psrtormed m ay be directed to the Stru::tural Pest Cont(OI board at (9idl 561·8708 o~ {800! 737-S188 o r \',',N\': pestbcard .:a Qc-v 43M-4l ~Re.v 10/0" J Town of Los Gatos Hi storic Prese rva tion Committe e Historic Research Worksheet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a demolition , remode l, alteration , addition , etc. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering their written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during their evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide information of the structure's h istorical and architectural characteristics, regarding both structures and people, with written evidence and supporting documents. If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The applicant shall resea rch t he following (please check the box once you complete your research): 1 . Town 9f Los Gatos Library Resources (see How to Research Your Los Gatos House): r/1 Vertical Files /'/ cJ r!f Tax Assessment /'Telephone Directories ~ Polk Directories . V Sanborn Maps ~ · 3 ~ A.D.oe_Bloomf~c Inventory J-., 2 . Santa Clara County Resources ( espec1afy helpful for properties previously located in the county)-jurisdiction): W" Santa Clara County Planning Department records o San Jose Public Library (California Room) 3 . Community Development Department Resources : o Sanborn Maps ;J ~nne Bloomfield Historic Worksheet Binders jt(' Community Development Department property files Applicant Name: ~ @.td Pro~rty~~~~~~~~~=if-~h~~~K~-~~~-----------~--~(/ Library Staff, Local History Docent, or Volunteer Name: .q::::...:s::~~~,.-:....-,L~'If&.?L.-=-ttL~~~~ Library research was conducted on (please enter date): ----':l~--7"--'--'------------ 1 found the following records and information (please attach copies): ..... ~==::.:~..::.""d.::..::.:... _____ _ C:\Use r s\JPuga\AppData\Loca i\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Out look\GZM09XFE\HPC Research Check list.docx 7/01/2015 ~U m t l~•; M,.UYZI •., ....,_, ----------4-----·--·4 --·--· 0Cfi1Vl"U \ ll•twr fttt~•• ----~-----~~-'1 ~..L:L. -,,,, ·-~·l •d ~ '!! ton4lll011 : .... Good -------- Oboo l oK.,eo ,,, lo lucl "l D .. re<:l atl o~ fot ! , ... ~ .r f•ollliJ·····; .. ,,';J ---· ·-·------------·----------- ~.!!""-·..::.' ~·t:.:::~ ~~~·f'*"fL I IRf'eU tM ... ·~. ~:_Uf,~t'r ... l !;.: ~-~-· .:..:·-~ 11t.llltt ~'-!!!11 ~'':!:-::..!~· -·· ;~':!,:..;.:.:..:.:.. j•.,,~,.,., •. , ,, ··i••·. HUif t 1}"r ----~r,.• '"'' r .. t;,:;.u .. =...:;:u -llo."fntwat ·-~~ ... ------· --.... N' .............. ··~· ···-- l It ~: II f. ~ ), T A T ~: A I' I' II A I S A L I' ll M 1' IJ 'f A 1' l 0 N • BL 0 ~-~0. 32 ---------. --~OT 11 0 . ~-~ki _ _1, B~;;···IOOK PAG£ II YALUATIOM RECORD --- YEAI!. lit 1& ~a nd • • • aluo> ~Ut.lJntt • • • alue '11111ber / of Bldgs ~~~~ •••\ 1 ··'"'· t C "1.."'1 ~t u,., an<' Ownbra n '•' of "c ol 'r v ~t.tr t) De t.C rlt~n d h t.ro•n. c o nt o r~~t a wttl'\ ~ 1 'd Iii..• ~ 8.Juk, d n d •~-..~l>'t~t ~nt Ma"' u f The ti t)' Ntunod Ol' '~'•"t r uo. 111 "'" ~·q..,~·t :itl' '"~"'"'""'f o r "'a lt e r $ L e g a l an Crt aroc t e r. CCtf'l\put a t10n, of ¥a 1 u et; ut '"-·'~"···a ull~"' .. '~ I f\ '-'-'""''"t'\"'-f' •i t h l.On t r•ct Pr uvla t o n s f o r L f~Ydt ft JC S y a t efft Ya l u •li on. ---- ~HUJIIf r 'Hti!IIT nf:l 'TII PC T. r.m:Jo'. UNIT t:Ol!PU'l'F.» V ALUf' --·----t --~-:-...:.-:_ __ x _.Lf.;. "-f. i_to~j ~Ql.d!o ---·------X ----·· --=t· x__ -- ----X -~-- .\,ln .. tl l-c•r· ~-------· ar5·:-~-... -~--::-~------- ....... ,. ~ _...,.,~, 1945 -\•lt.lo tl h n .\1 lo•_\ 1946 SYMBOLs T 1 .1.:-l·roul Tr·t•u•,g b '· ll.l'.=>ll••nr TrlfUt.ldt>· B.L.•llack l<~l t Cot11J>• TOTAL I , .• 1. -I <>I "Ut'r · luflt&Ptli'P . t1 -RPH'r'Se l'ornPr f olll£1· f 1947 Ht•t a il IJu:i illf'-.S 0 ~Pm l llu!'J ow ~-. D Rt''i idt>tiCe 0 lnc\u~> tr1 al 0 S PEC IAL REMARKS REVISIONS AN D ADJUSTMENTS: RPcord Beloit Suhseguent Chang es in Vl!.lUt' due t.o R~-llf·pr&Jsal . 1Hd1catt• Re ason for A1•tion Such as Adilltions, Alterations, Rehulld1ng , 1'1 re Loss, IJeiiiOlition, or ReOtOval o f llu1ldings. u\Tr. Rt>ason t'or Action I:IY cosT 1 liFPRO . 1 m:~·ro~c r A-1 JU.'VlsED FACTOR COST THI N VWJE ,1 I I I ~· 1 J/ .,: ---~ •. ~ .... SlKTCH BS OR REMA Rl S , UR METE S AND BOUNDS DS SCRIPTIOI . ~- ···-- -- "Corwts 8 r.JSSI 0ro5 Correct;.,~ C;~rmcnts ! )•~r ~·.: Ji . .:md Orcs<; I THE SURGICAL S H OP MARGARET GREEN BERG, NURSE Betts T r 'h1cs Braces Elastic Stcckiaas SPECIAL GARMENTS MA DE TO O RDER FOR M EN AND WOMEN 19 South 2d Street SAN JOSE Tel. Columbia 3850 D. SPAllONE * MERCHANT T A I L 0 R 900 ( f1949)>R. L. POLK & CO'S TAIT AV-Con td 1 UJ;).Liba.nte Jacques 45~Monk J C b ldg lndy contr l¢Los Gatos Public 4 9~Chichton C S Library 55 Fann ing c W ® 20 St Luke' Episcopal Bean intersects Church I OO~Sta.h.l Gus 2 14\Sterling Lumber Co 103 Titus Mehnda Mrs 50 Los Gatos Elemen- 106 Everitt Lawrence tary Sch 109 Vacant Elm tnl erseci s 110 Griffith W B 51 Parr Edwin 114 Dressel Christian 55 Downs W T ® 11 5.o.Johnston M G Mrs 1\tullen av intersect s ® 59 Gill C F 116 Anthony V H 103~Veverka S E ® 11 8 Vacant rear Dorr Bessie U9.0.Adamson Fredk 104 Lasley c c ® 121 Strange Oliver 105 Nunn M C Mrs 122.0.Rice S W ® U l .O.Hatc h E J ® 123 Fortenberry C F 112 Vacant 125 Simon Erma J ® 11 5~Cage L E ® 128 MacCallum C A 118.0.Purvtance W D 131 Davis E C Mrs ® 122 Davies B E Mrs ® 132 Zimmerman L C ® 123 Ve amis Phil 135 Anderson E M ® 126 Caren John 136 Chaboya C J 128AWhlteman C T ® 138 Herndon L W 1\Dles av intenects 13 9.¢.Place E A Mrs ® 20l .O.Lipma.n Max 142 Lei bfrltz Richd 202~Clark E 0 Mrs 145.0. Wilson Alex ® ~05 Vacant 146 Vacant Ch 1 E 150 Sadler E M Mrs 210 amber a.in A 155 Chavez Gabriel ® " ® Nicholson av int ersects 2 15~Bo~e Georgianna .,_20042 OVarimcanatldl. Antonio 21~Haller E R ® 217/lSadler F W ® 207"-Butler F E 221 4 Viel'l'a Prances M J 208 Sper ry H B ® ~ gg~~~ ~ ii 222 Jo~son May belle 21S~Beltram J oh n ® Royce IDterseets .!1 7.0.Frary Ann Mrs 228 H d S E M Od dte Lu cllle Mrs owa.r rs 2294Canlett T 0 2l S C.M~~nd M E :ao~p aeth o E chiro- 2J2.C.ChaM E L ® praetor 223 Lan do Jack ® 231~Weble J E Mrs ® 224.0.Blake R A Mrs 2 34 Vacacaannt 225<CLFinnin J L E ® 230 Fennone Marco ® 236.C.Book e r E 0 ® 231 Jackson H u 237/leurUs G D Bachman intersects 240 Du nn T essie M rs Rotan J T ® ~f~4f=~h L M 246 J effries J J 314 Vacant 24~Wolf Herb t Almendr.l av intersects 250 Walsh AM __ _ ft.,. .......... .-.... 3 22 Briscoe Benj J;).Law r ence E .1\ Mrs @) 32S.C.L \ndsey A E 327 ~Lantz F H bldg contr ® 329 Vacant 330 Costley L M 331 Lillie E W 333.0.Mart1n R F :!35 Vacant 33S.C. Wagner A E Mrs ® 340.0.Flem.ing E V Mrs @) 344.0.Swanson C P ® 345 Nelli Germano 3 4 7 .O.M a t t y Alice F ~ :i 50.0.Ba.lch C S ® 351.0.Mil1er L s repair shop Saratoia. av intersects 403.0.Pierce W L ® 407.0.Ducoty G L ® 409.0.Robles John ® 412 Mason AS Sackett J I ® 416 Cazeau W G ® 41 9.0.Knigbt E P ® 4 25 McKay Jas ® 43 7.C.Fees J c ® Stark F M 439C.Mich&elson R A ® 441 Keahey L E Mrs ® 459 Doyle Helen Mrs 4 6 l ~Canavero M A 4 75 Cana.ve ro Jos ® 477 Votaw A K Mrs Chester ends 500 V acant 503 Greco Loui.c; @ rear Vacant 506 Arnerich Mary Mrs ® Arn erlch Paul 507~Borra. Tomasso @ 5 U Bu onaccorsi Pal- mero 513 Cucco John ® 523 Volonte Jos rear Vacant 530~Hubbell 0 M whol poultry ® 537 EUankenba~~~._-- Historic Preservation Committee Worksheet 231 University Avenue January 2017 No records in the Vertical Files for 231 University Avenue Tax Assessment files -1941 Building Classification and computation record for Alfred Anderson -attached Polk Directories-1919-No address 1925-No listing, no address 1930-Otis G Gould 1934-C A Berryman 1937-A Donovan & H L Park 1938-Mrs J E Webley 1940 -Mrs J E Webley-attached 1941-Alfred C Anderson-plumber 1943 -1 g49 A C Anderson -welder PHONE BOOKS 1950 -AM Bradford 1952-1960 Filios Spiros 1962-197 4 Alice Spiros ......._ 1974-1989-No records SCC Clerk Recorder 1989 -Peter, Barbara Werner 1989 -D. Schirtzing Stewart Title Company-Title Search 1996-D. Schirtzing 1996-Blti'ce & Jean Tufnell 1998 -Greg Cronin 2002-Greg & Kimbe.rly Cronin 2013-Glenn & Joan Cross Sanborn Maps-1908 -no building -attached 1928-no building-attached -11. Planning Department shows a plot map with a structure in 1928 Anne Bloomfield Architectural Survey-attached Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory-1991-no listing for 231 University Soles History 0 -:-Dot : 07 /1 5/2015 07/17/2013 04/03/2015 ..QZ£0 1 £2013 $1 ,075,000 23017777 22304253 • '. L)-GRANT DEED GRANT DEED fULL Buy ll : Cross Glenn s & J y 1992 Trust '-.'" . Cross Glenn S Cronin & Joan Y Gregory R Chicago Title Stewart rdte/ Co co 07/31 /2002 09/25/1998 07/24/2002 09/24/1998 $480.000 Pec.Doc. N!J 16393129 14416408 INTERSPOUSAL GRA NT DEED DEED TRANSFER \(lie ?q ;e 1 yp-; UNKNOWN Cronin Gregory R & Kimberly D 5e:ler Cronin Gregory R it~'--T'PO y First American American r.tle Tlfte Guaranty Co en e• Doc ~lo : Transaction History 11 /20/2008 11/04/2008 20049997 GRANT DEED C ronin Gregory R Cronin Kimberly R Stewart Title I co 05/15/1 996 $297,000 13293987 GRANT DEED €:E7 an M Schirtzinger David l & Jeannette l Chicago Title Co 10/28/2003 10/09/2003 17441829 GRANT DEED UNKNO WN Cronin Gregory R & Kimberly R Cronin Gregory R & Kimberly D TlcorTitle 04/09/1996 13250546 AFFIDAVIT "''~!Jill lj f )ft (ll !231201 ! stewart title .::..J17 Cor ~~c. ~ ""t'lb res•!r, _1: ~~ ,te P : f( the nro~ rtv r--v•rrs r '1t-.. l .; c,,,.,e.,r:s II .,.JI 23 •• I ~ [l . 'b r;.~ \ JJJJlSl_~ ----\ ~ . 17 ll • -----·· -~ ~: C] ~ a ~:s l ~ I ·. l.:..lo q t:.:::.:.:JJ\ ... -i'--·· r-----.. , ' 1,. • 16 It •..--.._ ----- •.. .. .... <> ;! . ~.., • ! ..; •• PJ I ' "'! # L o • ~·11 .t ~··· · R•.'< t Jn!\ l •'-. L_ dlnru !Bloom{i..e.fd. A li'C IH 'f EC TUH . At /CULT URAL S!'RVFJ LOS G AT OS RES EAR C H . Rec tAngl e Wl t h smal l r ear JO&___ Ot h ~r Lot Sl z e: ... -...; fro r t f. ~ J \.~X - A.f,o(.t-f Tf C.l v f.At. ,...ST C..k '~ '""'~ ~d i '06 ) l :a o "'-t.fm t t:P S <f~r t ';A,!Jrot ~R'~H<:t$C,.(J "'"' f't4 ' .... L. J t •··n . E_ W ...-~ s1de o f ./ J ------------------ ---------St_ Av<·:::::__ Ot hE>r ____ _ d tst.-tnce,o to c r oss st: '':2 f / - t. N_ S_ E_ \..'-f r or, ___ c_.~-" ... t-~-'------ at NE ___ NW ___ SE_ S~---corner o f H J<..;f{)f\ 1 C I!\FO RMAT10t. 0!'; P~.~CEL MAP --------·---------- Old t r d r t 0 1 s ubd1vj s 1o n nam!:' J.;V.y r.;~"' / {._ Old B /.... 1 ~r~ lock ~~-~ 01 <! l o t F FIELn S i'R\'E~ INFORMATION (handwritten 1n red) ------ Pr t:· 111'11 nd n r a ttng f Est .t mated age ;q 3{):;. Style t! stories.__ A It t>rd t t rms -----------------------------------------------------------Ot he r 'l ;,L ,J.,-I co. I G ,-, /..., !> ASS ESSO R--PRO PERTY CHARA CTERISTICS (paste o n copy) M I SCELLA~EOU S ~a t x o na1 RegJster listed date~----------------- Co unt y Inventory 1979 . . To ~n of Los Gat os: Designa tion ____ Recognltlon __ _ Dis t r1 c t Name~----------------------------­ Previous Survey /Ge bhard: page #__ illustration page # ___ _ Bu t ler/Junior Le~gue~---------------------------- EFFec t1 Vt date_. ___ _