Item 2 - 50 University Ste 260 PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/22/2017 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: FEBURARY 15, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 50 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 260. PROPERTY OWNER: SRI OLD TOWN LLC. APPLICANT: TECTA ASSOCIATES. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR EXTERIOR MODIFICATIONS (AWNINGS) TO A HISTORIC COMMERICAL BUILDING (FORMER CALIFORNIA CAFÉ SPACE) ON PROPERTY ZONED C-2:LHP:PD. APN 529-02--044. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and make a recommendation on the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1999 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: R 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes 5. If yes, what district? University Edelen District 6. If yes, is it a contributor? No 7. Findings required? No 8. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments On February 24, 2016, the Historic Preservation Committee approved awning and door modifications on the front elevation of the subject building (see Attachment 6). Planning application (S-16-017) was approved by the Development Review Committee on April 12, 2016 for minor modifications to a historic building as approved by Historic Preservation. The applicant has an active building permit and is under construction for both interior and exterior modifications. The applicant is requesting to modify the proposed awning size and shape at the front elevation. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 50 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 260 FEBURARY 15, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\15820 Shady 2/15/2017 1:29 PM DISCUSSION: A. Considerations ___ In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy ___ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Request (two pages) 2. Cut Sheets for Lighting (two pages) 3. Existing, Approved and Proposed Elevations (two pages) 4. Photos of Existing Project Elevation(one page) 5. Photos of Examples of Awnings in Old Town (two pages) 6. Historic Preservation Committee Minutes, February 24, 2016 (four pages) Distribution: Cc: Alina Cherny, 2747 19th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Sir Old Town LLC, 356 Santana Row, Suite 1005, San Jose, CA 95128 assoc i ates February 6, 2017 Town of Los Gatos Planning Department 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 9S030 Attn: Erin Walters Re : Los Gatos Palms SO University Ave. #260 Los Gatos, CA 9S030 Awning and exterior revisions, HPC submittal Dear Erin, RECE~VED FE B 0 7 2.017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLAN NING DIVISION This letter is in regards to the HPC review for exterior revisions to the previous approval for the new restaurant, Los Gatos Palms*, at the Los Gatos Town Center at SO University Ave (#260). Scope of work In general we are applying for approval for exterior modifications from the previous approval by HPC. Specifically, the modifications and scope of approval include; Changes to the awning configuration previously proposed and approved. Change to the gooseneck light location, number and sign location. In addition, we are no longer planning on gates in the exterior patio, which will be staffed at all times the patio is in operation. This is in conformance with ABC criteria, Building Department requirements, and the Planning Department guidelines. These alterations will make the fa~ade and the exterior appearance of the new restaurant more cohesive. The awnings will mirror others in the complex and on the same fa~ade. The sign is centrally located on the fa~ade and the goosenecks light the sign in the same manner as other signs on the building . Conclusion This signage location, lighting and awning configuration will more cohesively bind the fa~ade of the restaurant and will integrate seamlessly with the center. We look forward to meeting you and answering all of your questions. *The owners of the business are using the draft name of "Los Gatos Palms" as a working title and inspiration for the project. The final name of the restaurant is yet to be determined pending final graphic design, branding and typeface choice. The restaurant will have the spirit of the Pre sidio Social Club but in its new home in Los Gatos. Best ; Ahmad Mohazab, RA , NCARB Project Architect Emblem Sign Light, Retail Sign Li ght I Bam Light Electric The Emblem Sign Light , 2" =1'01~....., S1gr _ Jht. 300-·:.g-:~ 3 =e f"l 32.2 3ccsena.:K ~:·:-n Click to enlarge $145.00 Shade S1~e ~='jms.1es ' 3oosereck ,J.rms ,? Gooserecl< Arm ::.n,sn S ~·v el .<n..;c~'e ~~ . vwe Cage Cage ;::,r,sn Dt.sk-to-Dawr 0 '1otocell '~I Seeker r /Pe I" 0 . "houzz Fini sh Chart I Feature s Powder Coat Fi n ishes· Durable fimsh colors to fit any style from traditional to retro to modem Gooseneck Arms: Dozens of styles, projections, designs and angles to choose from Wire Cage Add vintage flavor to any shade with a wire cage Dusk-to-Dawn Photocell· Turns your fixture on a t dusk and off at dawn I Product Details Page I of2 ***** ~@ ·~. (hover over 1mages to learn more) Select Oot1on ~ Select o .-~v 1ot..:s Vpt1cr := ·st ~ Select 0 'ev•ous Opnor ::,st ~ Se1ec1 ?'e vtous Opuor =~rst ~ Select O·e·IIOLS vP'IOO "•rs~ ~ Select 0 •ev .Oll> ')pan F ·sr ~ Select ::>rev•ot.s ::>onon F•rst 3 Select ::>r,v•ous ')pt1on F1rst ~ Select "'"e1JIOus Oo tlon c1rst 3 0 Google + 0 10 5E · .• • E .; ::; •Ck tO I S'V I nspired by vintage lighting, th1s classic stgn light harkens bacl< to the road side gas stations of an earlier era. Once used to brighten company signs, angle shade lights are no longer solely employed as extenor lighting. Designers now tncorporate stgn lighting i nto busmesses' tntenors. highlighting wall art and other areas of interest However , angle shade sign lig hts rema1n the perfect exterior lightin g-illuminating company logos. murals. and awnings. Brightening your building , the Emblem Sign Light helps your business stand out from the competitors, As Amencan made lighting, the Emblem Si gn light u t ilizes durable, commercial grade matenals. Customize with size. finish . and gooseneck arm options, this angle shade light truly reftects your needs! Select the options needed to give your space the proper sign lighting! 'jeac •· o•e> Shade Sizes: 08" Shade: W 8" x H 6" 10" Sha d e: W 10" x H 7" 12" Shade: W 12" x H 8 'Ia" http://www.bamlighte le ctric .c o m/comme rci a l-li ghting/s ig n-lighting/s ig n-li ghts/the-emblem-... 2/6/2 01 7 G25 Goose neck Arm -26 3/4" Projection Pa ge l of l G25 Gooseneck Arm -26 3/4" Projection Product Details 23 i ·-- 26i · G2S GOOSOIECl ARM S25 (;-:>osereck -l.r,..., Click to enlarge G25 Gooseneck Arm -26 3/4 " Projection -3/4 " NPT Finishes : Multiple (See Finish Chart) Includes : Wa ll Backing Plate and Mount:ng Hardware Constru ction : Alummum Manufactured in the U.S .A . Re views Customer Reviews Average rating 0 reviews WRITE YOUR OW N REVIEW $109 .00 1 • houzz --T' -·.:'•- Click button to post comments © 2004-2017 3arn _ght i::iectrc :o '-A division of aa,-, ~·gnt ·JS,:. 1 T3rrns Qi use {hover over :mages to learn more ) Select Oot:on 0 Google +-0 0 Sort by 'Jewest ·,rst http ://www.bamligh te lec tric.com/accessories/bam-ha rdware-houseparts/goose neck -li ght-ar... 2/6/20 17 GENERAL NOTES --- 1 . SIGNAGE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. 2. NEW AWNI NG UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT ~ " ~ .., "" + 3'-0" PLANTER 1 TO MATCH PLANTER 2 (TYP.) /-' _, ~ z --..~ 5> 9 ... "' ,_,._ _, /- 6'-0" U .O .N. /- (E) PLANTER 2 (TYP.) (N ) PLANTERS TO MATCH (E) & 5 6. DO 0 EXISTING ELEVATION ~.-., . ..,. 6 .5" HIGH LIP ON ALL (N) AWNINGS (TYP.) FOR TYPOGRAPHY (N) AWNINGS UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT COLOR TO MATCH THE SHOPPING CENTER STANDARD BURGUNDY COLOR REMOV E (E) AWNINGS I REPLACE WITH A SMALLER ARCHED ONE -SEE PROPOSED ELEVATION REMO VE (E ) WALL LIGHTS I PATCH TO MATCH (E ) REMOVE (E ) SI GN/ PATCH TO MATCH (E) CALIFORNIA CAFE DO DO EXPOSE (E) ARCHED TRANSOM PANELS t>BOVE DOORS ~ .!. DO (N) GOOSENECK LIGHTS FOR SIGN ILLUMINATION (N) SIGNAGE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT PIN MOUNTED INDIVIDUAL METAL LETTERS (N ) AWNINGS UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT :OLOR TO MATCH THE SHOPPING CENTER ~nNn~<>n BURGUNDY COLOR (N) PLANTERS (TYP.) (N) PAIR OF WOOD I GLASS DOORS TO MATCH ADJACENT BAYSIN (E) OPEN ING -" 0 PROPOSED ELEVATION Scald, ••• , • ..,. 0 PLANTERs-stZES -SEE SITE PLAN F<;!~~-~EMENT 00 TECTA associates • ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • PLANNING 2747 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 tel. 41s-362-5657 fOJC . 41$-362-5044 INWN.tecta .oom AACNTEC..'"TURAL Jl'AO,,I:C,.'"T NC:L 18.001 eno ...:::::::: <0 0 ..::::::: N ('t') •wo __. I-LO <l: => ~ a... ~z Wo:: en =>o Zu_ w- 0 ~~ ~ i::: (J)-~ -o -.....a.. (J) 1-rna::<( '-' w C) > -(J) en 0 _.J zo =>_J 0 LO sPAC:eJI\HIOAl'L Ofri'D(fe ......... Tn\£o EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS OAAWNGJIIIJMIIEA: A-5.0 0 ' '""jiiiii;;;;;;iiiiiOii;;;;;;o;;iiiiif' '-9 "' ' ~'D ' / / 3'-Q" PLANTER 1 (TYP ) 5'-0" 5'.q' / PLANTER 2 (TYP.) -/- b ;;. ' q N ~ ~1111 uz--;-~- l REMOVE (E) AWNINGS I REPLACE 'MTH A SMALLER ARCHED ONE -SEE PR OPOSED ELEVATION REMOVE l E)WALL UGHTS I PATCH TO MATCH (E) REMOVE (E) SIGNIPATCH TO MATCH (E) CALI FOR NIA ~ ~ rn J=l , -~ DO DO DO CD EXISTIN G EL EVATION Selle Jtur = t'.o" (N) GOOSENECK UGHT$ FOR SIGN IllUMINATION EXPOSED (E) ARCHED TRANSOM PANELS ABOVE DOORS (NJ PIN MOUNTED INDIVIDUAl METAL LETTERS (N) A'VYNING TO MATCH 2 EXISTING ONES ON THE RIGHT HAND SfOE -----..-.~ (N) Pl.,ANTERS (TYP I 0 PROPOSED ELEVATION ""'" 31 , ... ,.-v ----------(/ ' associates • ARCHITECTURE • INT ERIORS • PLANN ING 2747 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 tel. 4 15-362-5857 f ax. 4 15-362-5044 www .t eda.com AI'ICMTeC'T\MAI.. f'M)1Cl NO \5 080 (/) ~ _J <( a_ (/) 0 I- <( (.9 (/) 0 _J 0 <Do N ('t) wo 1--LC'> -0) :::>4:: cn --z W o::: =>o Z u.. w ->-' 4::4:: ~ o _ _en cnO o:::l-- w 4:: >C9 zen :::>0 o-' LO ISSUE OAT! SI'ACEI"l.ANOAT! 0Zf't0f1' DRAWING m\.£ EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS OfV.MNG ....... IIf.M A-3 ~ ~ ! ~ ~ a ~ l l7 ' ~ ~ -s ~ ... TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR FEBRUARY 24, 2016 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS , 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:01P.M. by Chair Bob Cowan. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Len Pacheco, Bob Cowan, Kathryn Janoff, Michael Kane, Tom O 'Donnell Members Absent: None Staff Present: Mami Moseley, Associate Planner Jennifer Armer, Associate Planner Sylvie Roussel , Administrative Assistant VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS-NONE ITEM 1 Approval of Minutes • January 27, 2016 • February 11, 2016 Len Pacheco stated there was a spelling error on page 4 ofthe January 27, 2016 minutes. Bob Cowan requested a change to page 2 of the February 11 , 2016 minutes. MOTION: Tom 0 'Donnell moved to approve the January 27, 2016 with the spelling error fixed. The motion was seconded by Michael Kane and approved 5-0. ITEM2 Michael Kane moved to approve the February 11 , 2016 minutes with the amendment. The motion was seconded by Tom O'Donnell and approved 5-0. 213 Tait Avenue (continued from December 17, 2015) Minor Residential Development Permit MR-15-020 Historic Architecture and Site Application HS-15-078 Requesting approval for an addition greater than 100 square feet to an existing second story of a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-1 D : LHP. APN 510-17-007. PROPERTY OWNER: Joey McCarthy APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema/Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Armer Historic Preservation Committee February 24 ,2016 Page 2 of4 Len Pacheco expressed concern that the proposed doors look too modem. He suggested a more narrow french door to balance the look. The little touches of modem design are not consistent with the Victorian architecture and he does not support the proposed door design. Kathryn Janoff wants to retain the original character of the house and the proposed application does not do that. Michael Kane considered the impact to the contributing structure for the Almond Grove Historic District. MOTION: Tom O'Donnell moved to deny the application. The motion was seconded by Kathryn Janoff and approved 3-1-1 , Len Pacheco-nay and Bob Cowan recused. ITEM 4 136 Tait Avenue (Heard out of Order) Historic Architecture and Site Application S-15-043 Requesting approval to modify a previous approval for an addition to a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-ID:LHP. APN 510-18-023. PROPERTY OWNER: John and Valerie Hopkins APPLICANT: Steve Sweeters MOTION: Tom O'Donnell moved to approve the proposed changes with the exception of the proposed picture window; the windows shall remain dual double hung to match the other bay windows. The motion was seconded by Michael Kane and approved 4-0-1, with Bob Cowan recused. ITEM 3 529 Monterey Avenue (Continued/rom 1111912015) Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-ID. APN 410-15-047. PROPERTY OWNER: Edwin Manuele Mingoia APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley Len Pacheco would like to know what will be built after the demolition of the property. He would like the new structure to keep the historic feel of the neighborhood. MOTION: Michael Kan e moved to approve the removal from the Historic Resources Historic Preservation Committee February 24, 2016 Page 3 of4 ITEMS Inventory. The motion was seconded by Tom O 'Donnell and approved 4-1, Kathryn Janoff -nay. 307 W. Main Street Architecture and Site Application S-16-009 Requesting approval for a second story addition to an ex1stmg single-family residence and to exceed the maximum Floor Area Ratio on property zoned R -1 D. APN 510-45-083. PROPERTY OWNER: Dane & Lori Howard APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Susie Pineda MOTION: Kathryn Janoff moved to approve the application as proposed. The motion was seconded by Len Pacheco and approved S-0 . ITEM 6 50 University A venue Minor Architecture and Site application S-16-0 17 Requesting approval for exterior modifications to a historic commercial building (former California Cafe space) on property zoned C-2:LHP:PD. APN 529-02- 044. PROPERTY OWNER: Sri Old Town LLC APPLICANT: Tecta Associates PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters MOTION: Tom 0 'Donnell moved to approve the proposed application with the following directions: the relocation of the front door as proposed is appropriate; the proposed metal canopy for the new signage is not appropriate and should be removed; the applicant shall retain the two awnings to the far right and replace the far left awning with the smaller awning to match those on the right and the awnings shall retain the maroon color consistent with those throughout Old Town; additionally any proposed signage shall be consistent with the Old Town sign program and shall complement the historic Old Town character. The motion was seconded by Michael Kane and approved S-0. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 23, 2016 at 4:00p.m. Historic Preservation Committee February 24,2016 Page 4 of4 Prepared by: Sylvie Roussel, Administrative Assistant Approved by: Mami Moseley, AICP Associate Planner Bob Cowan Chair N:\DEV IHI STOR IC PRE SE RVAT IO N\HPCminut es\20 16\HPCminut es 2-2 4-16.doc x