Item 2 - 15820 Shady Lane PREPARED BY: LEVI HILL Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 1/25/2017 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: JANUARY 19, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 15820 SHADY LANE. PROPERTY OWNER: DANIELLE ROSSI APPLICANT: GARY KOHLSAAT. REQUESTING APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PRE-1941 PROPERTY FROM THE HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR PROPERTY ZONED HR-1. APN 527-04-008. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and make a recommendation on the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: prior to 1941 (1925) 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments A planning application (S-16-071) is on file for this property requesting to demolish the existing single-family primary residence to allow construction of a new single-family residence. The applicant is requesting to remove the pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory and has provided supporting documents indicating the structure has lost its integrity as multiple additions have been constructed and that no person of historical significance appears to have resided on the property. The historic resources worksheet and supporting documents are attached. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 15820 SHADY LANE DATE JANUARY 19, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\15820 Shady 1/20/2017 12:08 PM DISCUSSION: A. Considerations ___ The primary structure that was constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance or architectural merit. 1. The primary structure that was constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance or architectural merit. 2. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 3. No significant persons are associated with the site. 4. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; and/or the integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. 5. The structure does not yield information to Town history. Attachments: 1. Request and Photographs 2. Structural Conditions Report 3. Site Plan 4. Historic Resources Worksheet 5. County Assessors Worksheet Distribution: Cc: Gary Kohlsaat, 51 University Ave., Suite L, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Danielle Rossi, 126 Stacia St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 KOHLSAAT &ASSOCIATES Hi stori c Re vie w Committee AR C HI TECTUR E Community Deve lopment Departme nt , Town o f Los G ato s I I 0 E. Main S treet L os Gato s , CA 9 5030 Re: The Rossi Residence, 15820 Shady Lane Historic Researc h Dear Committee M e mbe rs : J anuary 10,20 17 We res pectfull y ask you to find thi s property no n-hi storic. The property is located at the corner of Sh ady L a ne and Drys d ale Drive in e ast Los Gatos . The offi c ial address is o n Shad y Lane , b ut th e exis tin g d r iveway e ntra nce is o n D rys d a le Drive d ue to th e g rad e s of the pro perty. A n exist in g Pre-194 I res id e nce, de tac hed garage an d detached g ue st ho use are accessed by thi s gate o n a large g r avel driveway and turn around . REC ~ Vi with ad dition over ca rport J ~~ I.\ 20'1 .ATTACHME NT 1 osG~IOS 1 oWN Or ~ OI\/ISION 51 University Av enue, Su i te L • Los Ga to s, CA 95 030 • 408 .395-25 55 pLANNIN 15 820 SHADY LANE, PAGE 2 of 5 All of the exis tin g structures are proposed to be compl e te ly removed as we ll as everal failin g retai nin g walls. The condition of the stru c ture s a re d ocum ented in the accompany in g structura l a n a lysi s report pe rformed by Tom D ack , P.E. The existing residence was bu ilt c irca I 928 while the property was in the County of Sa nta C lara. The pro perty was a nnex ed into L os Gatos c irca 1964. Th e main hou se is a small two story woo d s ided home with a n addition over a carport (25 % of f ro nt facade, 50% of right side altered ). A porch stretches across the e ntire front facad e . Jt appears that a separate addition/conve rsion was made to th e second floor in the rear , across th e e ntire back section (50 % of rear facade, 25 % of left s ide altered). The stru cture is in very poor condition (sec struc tural report) and has been cobb led to gethe r for w hat looks like generations. The architecture is very ge neri c and is clearly not th e work of a ny master craftsm a n or architect. A tho ro ug h in ves ti gatio n was p erform ed of all previo us owners of th e property at both the Town Library, and at the County. The re was ve ry li tt le document ation re lated to th e prope rt y, but of what we could find , the ownership hi sto ry is as fo ll ows in r everse c hronology. According to o ur titl e search , no hi sto rica ll y s ig nificant person ever resided in the ho m e. The last owner was the Liss , Dorson Trust, w hi ch o wned it from 2004 until 201 6. Nothing but minor e lectri ca l or re-roofing pc nnits were pulled during thi s time. Howell and McNeil D eve lopment owned it for just 2 m o nth s in 2004 of purposes of subdividing a portion of the rear lot. William Griffith and wife acquired th e la nd from three Stavrum family siblings in I 994. From som etim e in th e mid 1940 's, thre e Stavrum fami ly ge nerations had owned it. They sp li t th e lot in two (lots 8 and 9 of th e assessor 's m a p) Lot 8 b ei ng the property in qu es tion . No records are li sted for bui lding pe rmits during thi s t im e. Before th e 1940 's, the property seemed to h ave b een part of a much la rger parce l and owned by Harry E. Wilson, purchased in 1920. An as sessor 's record from 1973 state s the home was built in 1925; thi s is th e onl y document found to sta te thi s . The first owner of th e pro perty on record is Edgar and Sophronia Wing. All of these prior owners were re sea rch ed , a nd non e were found to ha ve any hi storical s ig nificance . Sincerely, 15820 SHADY LANE, PAGE 3 of 5 Right Side Elevation .. --,~~ Rear elevation 15820 SHADY LANE, PAGE 4 of 5 C lose up views of ad dition over ca rpo rt PAGE 5 of5 15820 SHADY LANE, ···J·?f~/1'· '1\1/i"f:' I •. ''}'' \_ ,,1 ' ' " I l•h ; .. ............ ____ -· DACK DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING 38870 Altura Street November 28 , 2016, 2016 DD&E Job#l6-0123 Existing Single Family Dwelling 15820 Shady Lane Los Gatos, CA 95030 Fremont, CA 94536 (510) 793-1130 ph/fax RE: Visual Site Inspection of Existing SFD To whom it may concern: As requested by the owner, we have performed a site visit to the existing residence with respect to the referenced address. The re sidence buildings are believed to have been originally constructed in the 1920's, maldng the structures nearly 100 years old. The purpose ofthe inspection was to determine the overall condition of the structures and area s of possible deficiency related to future remodeling under the current code. ATTACHMENT 2 2 Findings: General: The site consists of three buildings of wood framed construction on a sloping lot. All three structures have composition shingle roofs with prominent sag and exterior horizontal wood siding. All three are deteriorating and in need of extensive maintenance as a minimum. One of the three structures is a two story SFD with a covered carport. Another of the structures is also a SFD built into the hillside with tuck under parking. The third structure is a one car garage built into the hill side on two sides. The site has a number of rock and concrete retaining walls ranging from 4 ' to 7' in height. They are likely unreinforced as there is evident sizable cracks and displacement, as signs of their progressive failing. Any redevelopment would require the retaining walls to be removed and replaced. Primary Residence: The Primary residence is a two story wood framed structure. It is built upon a concrete foundation and partial basement with access from the s ide of the house through a door. The footings are unreinforced with large cracks and rock pockets. There is also reinforced 8" CMU and concrete walls installed as step footings inside of the original battered concrete footings . These were Likely added at a later time in order to excavate and enlarge the partial basement. The ftrst floor framing over the basement is full 2x8 floor joists at 16" on center supported by a main wood girder running down the middle of the house. Some joists have been notched and knob and tube wiring is still present, along with newer wiring. There is a cracked and unlevel rat s lab in the basement with a sump. The house has 12"-18" tall cripple walls on the old footings with only diagonal blocking and exterior hori zontal siding, and minimal mudsill anchor bolts. This is not sufficient per current code or standards of earthquake safety. The main floor of the house is unlevel with racked and cracked plaster walls at openings. The fireplace is an interior brick ftrebox and chimney, likely unre inforced . There is a stairway to the second floor which is totally non code compliant (too steep, too narrow, handrail too low and too open). The second floor is of course also unlevel. The roo f framing appears to be 2x4 rafters at 24" on center with solid straight I x sheathing. There does not appear to be any insulation present. The bedroom, bath and closet are built over t he carport with 2x6 floor joists at 16 " on center with a 9 ' span supported by 8x8 beams and posts at the edge which show so me signs of dryrot. Outside the house is a brick front porch and rear patio. Evidence of ground movement is present in the shifted and unlevel section s of both. There are stacked and grouted rock retaining walls on the uphill side of the house and brick retaining wall on the downhill s ide. All of the walls show s igns of deterioration and potential failure. A lso on the downhill side of the house e xists a large propane tank on a concrete sla b . This should be checke d for code compliance and safety . Secondary dwelling: The other SFD is li v ing on the upper floor with access around th e back and s ide, over wood framed tuck under parking/storage with concrete retaining walls on two sides. There is a significant lean to the first floor framing, likely s ue to the failure of the retaining walls. This presents a very real danger to the residence of collapse. T he second floor was very out of level 3 and spongy. There was no roof attic access. The siding around the house was loose in a number of places and badly in need of maintenance. This dwelling was extremely unsafe in professional opinion, and should be red tagged( no occupancy). Garage: The side retaining wall of the garage is failing and causing the bowing of the wood framed wall in front of it. The roof is 2x4 fu11 roof rafters at 2 ' on center similar to the house. There is major sagging the ridge and eaves of the building. The floor is sections of slab on grade which were not level. The building is in need of removal and replacement to be useable and safe. Conclusions : Pictures of the observed conditions are attached at the end of this report. While the main house is in serviceable condition, it will require much seismic upgrade to comply with current code for even a moderate remodel. Also an extensive amount of revision to the exterior envelope of the building will be needed to meet the current energy requirements. The other two buildings are not safe due to retaining wall failures and would need to be replaced e ntirely. Please accept this letter as our certification that we have made a field review of the site structures/residences. Our certification was based on a visual inspection of the residence as it existed at the time of our inspection. No measurements were taken, nor did we attempt to verify the quality of work. Uniform compliance with the building code and specifications is not guaranteed by this letter. The opinions contained in the report are based on a limited walk through and visual observation of the premises. Hidden conditions, lack of available documents for our review, the absence of specific knowledge of strength of the existing materials and lack of detailed structural analyses makes it difficult to accurately evaluate the structural strength of the building to sustain new loads and forces. Normal care has been taken to provide the professional's opinion contained herein. The conclusions and recommendations presented herein are in accordance with the current standards of structural engineering practice. Exclusions of Warranties : Our services consist of professional opinion only. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, I NCLUDI NG ANY I MPLI ED WARRANTY OF MERCHANT ABI LITY OR F I TNESS FOR T H E PURPOSE IS MADE OR INTENDED. We trust this letter provides the information required at this time. Should you have any question s or require supplemental information, please call. I can be reached at 510 793-1130 or 510 599- 2624 cell. Sincerely, . /} ~-'\~ ( J..../. -... Thomas M . Dack, P.E. C036326 cc: Owner, Architect Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee Historic Research Worksheet Applicants shall provide wntten evtdence and supporting documents to justrfy their request for a demolition, remodel, alteration , addit1on, etc. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathenng thetr wntten ev1dence and supporting documents, and to ass1st the Histone Preservation Committee dunng the1r evaluation of the request. Applicants shall prov1de informat1on of the structure's historical and archttectural characteristics , regardtng both structures and people, with wntten evidence and supporting documents If wntten ev1dence cannot fit on this worksheet. please attach separate sheets The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research). 1. Town ~Los Gatos Ltbrary Resources (see How to Research Your Los Gatos House): ~fix Assessment ~ • (\__ M ~Sanborn Maps --;>W(\ lj if ~Anne Bloomfield Histone Inventory \1 ~ , 1 M ~Verttcal Files/Residence files I'Vm~ 0 r ~ Cl. !\...; ~ol k Directones 2 Santa Clara County Resources (espeetally helpful for properties preVIOusly located tn the county)1t.lrisdlctton): vr Santa Clara County Planmng Department records ~San Jose Public Ltbrary (Califomta Room) 3. Community Development Department Resources : ~anborn Maps p/ ~nn e Bloomfield Historic Worksheet Binders e"""community Development Department property files Applicant Name (?D~ \L oYJ _l.saa-f Property Owner's Name· Oa o 1 eA I e. 1<.0SS i L1brary research was conducted on (please enter date)· __fl~b-t-:( Jt.{--fh.. lease attach copies):----------- ,._ APN l1Pp· N \OEV\Levt\Gu o des\~PC Rt>search Chtrlhst cloot 7/01/201S e 8 .... - -0 ..... - I 1. .?;; I C:l . ( (t ... J -- i I -~-·--r-1 !. ----·-.. - I ! I .__----~-- \ .,. I I I ~--Ll- • ' ' \ ' ~ . ... .. . I I -. -, t --.. ___,.. i 4 t • . -. -~ I = ,,;;; l .. • , . . __ .., -l .: S' -... ~ ...... • .... Ci s Cl:l • ... ..:: 0 -< "'"' 3 A: 'l .. "' ' ' ~ ~ ' "r T " r l -i