Item 2 - 17250 Pine AvenueHPC 12-14-16 Item 2 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\Pine 17250 12-14-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 17250 Pine Avenue Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1:20. APN 529-21-044. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Alberto Way Holdings, LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters FINAL ACTION BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1915 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None Does property have an LHP Overlay? No Is structure in a historic district? No If yes, is it a contributor? No Findings required? Yes Considerations required? No See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Background: A planning application (PD-16-00) is on file for this property requesting to modify the existing Planned Development Ordinance which would include rezoning two parcels from R:-20 to O:PD, amending the General Plan from Low Density Residential to Office Professional, a lot merger, demolition of two existing residences (one residence is pre-1941), and construction of a new office building with parking. See Town’s Website, Pending Projects at http://www.losgatosca.gov/2216/Pending-Planning-Projects. Comments: The applicant is requesting to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Inventory and has provided supporting documents indicating the structure has lost its integrity as the siding, windows, and site features have been altered and/or replaced. The library research worksheet and supporting documents are attached Cc: Jose Soria, FaciliCorp, 2087 Ringwood Avenue, Suite 50, San Jose, CA 95131 Jeff Oparowski, ARC TEC, Inc., 99 Almaden Blvd., Suite 840, San Jose, CA 95113 Findings X The primary structure that was constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance or architectural merit. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; and/or the integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. I I I I HIGHWAY 1 7 l£056 V'J 'SOlV~ SOl A 'VM O~H38l'V S8t·SLt . I uo~eO!iddv 6U!UUeld V 0 CD w > C> C'-1 -w o; (.) " w _J 0:: :::) --.:> IHI ~Ut !I 0 ~~ ~:: ~ ~p {_ I [ ,c ,-1 , I I [ ,[ I I [ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HIGHWAY 17 0 ~ -c(2 ~ (t Z j :5 • 0.. • ~§ en z Q ~ 0 ~ w 0 November 4, 2016 Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: 17250 Pine Avenue, Los Gatos DEC 0 5 2016 TO '' 'N OF LOS GATOS Pl..r-NNING DIVISION We are writing to request the demolition of the subject property mentioned above. Currently, the home has sat vacant for an extended period of time. During that time, it has been subject to a number of trespassing and vandalizing incidents along with extensive damage. Nearon is extremely concerned about the liability that this structure has become. The structure foundation is not stable, the interior stairs are unable to bear extensive weight and essentially the property is in a state of extreme disrepair. Based on the number of additions and modification to the home, the exact date of the construction of the structure is difficult to determine. And research done at the Los Gatos library has been ineffective at providing exact dates of the construction. While parcel dates are available of 1915, what structure was constructed at this time is indeterminate. We have also been unable to associate the structure with any significant events or persons of the Town. In light of the potential risk the structure holds and the lack of historic significance, we are requesting to demolish the structure. We have included a number of photos to support this review and welcome any comments or questions. Thank you, ~?-:- Nick Rini Nearon )os ~r FaciliCorp r 925-743-3300 f 925-743-3303 101 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 450, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 WJW '1t:-c1ron com Index of documents supporting no historical or archjtectu ral value for property at 17250 Pine Ave., Los Gatos , Ca 95032. 1. Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee-Historic Research Worksheet 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee-Demolition Request Worksheet 3. Structural Report: a. All Structural Consulting Engineers, Inc. letter dated 12/1/16 4. Vertical Files: a. No records or data regarding 17250 Pine Ave are in the Vertical files . b. This property is not on the "Project Bell Ringer List" 1976-1987. 5. Web Site Files: a. No data or information shows up on Town, Museum, or Museum Project web site. GIS map file is available and attached in this research. Attachment A. 6. Tax Assessment Files: a. 1941 Tax Assessment Survey-No records or d ata regarding 17250 Pine Ave 7. Telephone Directories: a. Polk City Directories 1941 -No records or data regarding 17250 Pine Ave 8. Sanborn Map a. Sanborn Maps, Los Gatos [S anta Clara] Mar. 1928-July 1944 . Makes no reference to the property . 9. Anne Bloomfield Survey [1991]: a. 17250 Pine Ave was not listed. 10. There was no historical findings to show that the home once belonged to someone famous or historically important. 11. The home is not in a historic section of Los Gatos. Pine Ave does not a ppear on any of the archival books or maps from the Los Gatos Library. M y finding s b ase d upon th e research conducted in accordance to the guidelines shows no historic m erit to the 172 50 Pine Ave re s idence. Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservati o n Committee Historic Resea rch Worksheet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a demolition, remodel, alteration, addition, etc. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering their written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during their evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide information of the structure's historical and architectural cha racteristics, regarding both structures and people, with written evidence and supporting documents. If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research): 1. Town of Los Gatos Library Resources (see How to Research Your Los Gatos House): / Vertical Files -.J Tax Assessment .J' Telephone Directories -r/ Polk Directories r/ Sanborn Maps :;J Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory 2. Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpful for properties previously located in the county's jurisdiction): 't! Santa Clara County Planning Department records ·~ San Jose Public Library (California Room) 3. Com~unity Development Department Resources : M Sanborn Maps 'fi Anne Bloomfield Historic Worksheet Binders ·fi' Community Development Department property files ~J·28(on Er"\ +·~~ hr ·, ~ /7 ~-Applicant Name : __ r _______ ·_ , __ c_..___· -~-L..o--'-'-------------- Property Owner's Name: Library Staff, Local History Docent, or Volunteer Name: l,......y n C"o 1.J.<"'1 \"-.e,v ~1 Library research was conducted on (please enter date): '' /,-/-;I 1 u ~ \\I 0 _,/ 1 L I found the following records and information (please attach copie s): ___________ _ C:\ U se rs\Jose\Ap pData \Loca i \Microsoft\ Windows\INetCache\Content.O ut look\9AJ N ME 1N\H PC Resea rch Ch ecklis t.docx 7/01/2015 Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee Demolition Request Worksheet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a demolition . This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering their written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during their evaluation of the demolition request. Applicants shall address the required findings below with written evidence and supporting documents. If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. • As required by Section 29.1 0.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards for any historic structure: 1. Structural integrity of the building (Important: see back of worksheet). o Supporting document(name): _See photos attached ________ _ _ Photos show the extensive deterioration of the structure and many additions_ 2. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town and the site is not associated with historically significant persons . o Supporting document (name): _I have found no documentation supporting _ _ any significant event or persons ever residing at the residence. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. o Supporting document (name): _Due to the many add itions and modifications to _ _ the home, the historic significance has been lost_ 4 . The structure does not contribute information to Town history. o Supporting document (name): _No supporting documentation was found to _ _ indicate that the structure is a contributor to the Town history _____ _ PRE LI M IN ARY 17250 PINE AV . 12.2.16 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - TH E FO LL OWING OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE DURING A LI MITED FIELD INSPECTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY : 1 THE WINDOWS, SHUTTERS, ROOF ING, GUTTERS ARE CONSTRUCTED OF MODERN MATERIALS . 2 WALL PENETRAT IONS OF SOME EXISTING INTER IOR WALLS AT THE UPPER LEVE L REVEALED EXTER IOR PLASTER APPLICATION DUE TH ICKNESS AND PRESENCE OF W IRE MESH RE INFORCEMENT. THIS COULD INDICATE UNDOCUMENTED ADDITIONS AS NOW EXTER IOR WALLS ARE NOW INT ERIOR WAL LS. -1- 3 THE FRONT FACADE OF THE BUILDING HAS OBVIOUSLY BEEN PLASTERED OVER PLASTER. THE SEAMS AT THE BUILDING CORNERS, FINISH AND TEXTURE REVEAL TH IS. ASSUMING, AND IF, THE BUILDING IS PRE 1941, AND ALL OF ANY EXISTING ORIGINAL FRONT FACADE FINISH IS NO LONGER INTACT, THE BUILDING SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO BE TECHNICALLY DEMOLISHED IN ITS EXISTING STATE PER THE TOWN'S DEF I NITION OF DEMOLITION. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, JAY PLETT ARCHITECT December 1, 2016 To Whom It May Concern : SUBJECT: Structural Condition Report for 17250 Pine Ave . Los Gatos , Californ ia Dear Sir or Madam : 14503 BERCAW LANE SRN JOSE , CR 95124 PHONE : !408) 496 0930 prolectsO allstructural.com At the request of the owner I have visually inspected the dwelling located at the above address to establish its structural conditions . Th building is a very old one, probably a hundred years old, with a lot of changes made along its ex istence . At this time the building is unsafe and in violation of the present codes. Listed below are my findings showing the elements that are substandard , not structurally acceptable or present life hazards . Since my inspections is only a visual one and it is non destructive the list is not exhaustive : • The construction has two parts, the main part, a two story dwelling , and a 1Oft square two story tower with unknown destination . The tower is a wood unbraced structure covered with a stucco. The tower itself is unsafe not having any brace ~ or d iaphragms and may collapse during an earthquake . · • The main building is also a two story wood structure . The exterior is covered ith stucco with large cracks and does not have any bracing or shear walls .j • The building is supported on a concrete slab . The slab has cracks, it is bowed towards the center and has differential settlements . The slab conditions denotes the soil under the building is a k ind of expansive soil. The expansive soil induces settlements and cracks in the foundation and the building walls over time. • The interior walls are made with plaster and have the studs spaced @ more than 16". They &re modified improperly many times . • The electrical wiring is installed exposed directly on exterior and interior walls on the most parts of the building. • The slab level is at the grade and wooden exterior walls are in direct contact with the soil. The down spouts discharge the water directly at the walls mudsilllevel. • The plumbing vents are exposed, located directly on the exterior of walls at eye level. • The roof eaves discharge the water direct on the exterior walls. • There are roots from adjacent trees that affect the foundations and the sidewalks . • There are a second floo r masonry fireplace located direct on the floor w ith no adequate structural support. In my opinion, the building is unsafe to be used a dwelling and its condition is beyond of possible repair. Should you have any questions or require supplemental informat ion , please call . Sincerely , ALL STRUCTURAL C · NSULTING ENGI rge Dicu , PE , E Structural Engineer ' i I -.... \ i -..._, I .... ">--.. ...; ... \, ,. r.· L-, ~~ l!l C A I. . (6'$) .lt!.W/1'3 I 44 ~----~a.==~~===-=~= PUTt 1n1 'llactlliU MPt.U a.-C. I'M\ c:..,. HEW REPORT, July, 1944 r o\\'L.;C._Milt . lo1t••~ .. ""'~~ W"TOI FACILITIU ..,.. w'~·;.-: !: .. '}.:..::'(:''• ~~-~~"'--•·~ £'i.'!:'w~ CMIM) ~-u....'"'. ".r:J .. Ol~i" .. ~··lr vrr: ~.2-"'"' ..... :':::t:. • !,.};;:;';t.'L'!'!!.-".t ~-.. ~=t:."~:!.-=t'n;:==: ~,.,~~c~i'&S;,...cnu-..J n.r-a.....-•"'-..,. ~~=-~sj~ .. ::.:=r:~~~=7l;..~ .... a::.~ t...~~:f;.~:~~~~~:-:1.:.~!{~ ......... a-cw._.__.~. ~~!...~. •·••.JI-• W • .-· ·-..w tiM it-:.. t.C"&:illtWftWIMCf'J •W.•t ...... "'ii::i: FIRE D[ltAA'TME.NT ., •• -t ~':!w r,~ • et\iool, ""' ,....1.1 """'"' •. u.... t • .,,. __ ... ~ .,.t~t,. , .,. ...... .. .. .!.~~~·~~~.!:':",.,.1';:~\t·.::..."'.::!'-"'=."T"~~'::,:•~ file :1 I IC:IU sers/ Jose/Desktop/sa nborn %20map%2 0 1994%20 1 A.g if Page 1 of 1 \ r-- ' ' 12 /2/20 16 12/2/2016 Santa Clara County Pl anning Department Onl ine Property P rofil e Santa Clara County ~ Department of Planning and Development Online Property Profile COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA PLANNING OFFICE 70 W. HEDDING ST., SAN JOSE, CA 95110 (408) 299-5770 December 02, 2016 04:45 :49 PM . The GIS data used in this analysis was compiled frorn various sources. While deemed reliable. the Planning Office assumes n o liability. location and Jurisdiction APN : 529 -2 1 ~44 Site Ad dress: 17250 PINE ST City/State/Z IP : LOS GATOS, CA 95032-5503 Ju risdiction : Incorporated (LOS GATOS) Urban Serv1ce Area: Los Gatos Sphere of Influence: Los Gatos Supervisor D1stnct: 1 Spec1a l D1s tncts: • Fire Protection Dis trict: Santa Clara County Centra l Fire Protection District • Sanitary District: West Valley Sa nitation D istrict • Water D istrict: N/A Area Information Recorded Size (source : Assessor's office): 0 .81 acres General Plan land Use Land Use Plan Designation: Consult city pl anning department Zoning District Zoning: Consult city planning department http://www.sccpla nning .org/gispro file/ 1/1 17250 Pine Ave, Los Gatos CA Interior of House Interior of House f If OM JOfJCJJU! OJ aoowoa 6UfMOLfS PJOW -JC1SOJJ JOfJCJ1XCJ 10 S>fJOD ai3J01 f I l Two story tower/wood unbraced structure J UO!JDIICJJ<3 WOJ:J l 12/2/2016 Real Pro perty Search l Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): 529-21-044 Situs Address (es) :17250 PINE ST LOS GATOS 95032-5503 Mailing Address: 101 YGNACIO VALLEY RD Unit STE 450 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596 Current Information Assessed Value PROPERTY INFORMATION Document No: 21441096Document Type: GRANT DEED Transfer Date: 12/1/2011 Tax Default Date: N/A TAX RATE AREA INFORMATION 003-000 city: los gatos elem. school: los gatos union high school: los gatos union jt(43,44) comm. college: west valley jt(43,44) air quality mgmt.: bay area jt(1 ,7,21 ,28,38,4 1 ,43,48,49) fire protection: central open space: mid-peninsula regional jt(41 ,43,44) sanitation: west valley county water: santa clara valley county water: santa clara valley-zone c-1 county water: santa clara valley-zone w-4 water-misc.: santa clara county importation ...... Print VALUE INFORMATION (Assessed Information as of 6/30/2016) Real Property Business Exemptions Land: $471,101 Fixtures: $0 Homeowner: $0 Improvements: $314,066 Structure: $0 Other: $0 Personal Property :$0 Net Assessed Value Total : $785,167 Total: $0 Total: $0 $785,167 DISCLAIMER: This service has been provided to allow easy access and a visual display of County information. A reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided; nevertheless , some information may be out of date or may not be accurate. The County of Santa Clara assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information. ASSOCIATED DATA ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , either expressed or impl ied, including but not limited to , the implied warranties of merchantability and fitn ess for a particular purpose. Do not make any business deci sions based on this data before validating the data . [Revenue and Taxation Code Section 408.3(c)] 2016 Assessed Value PROPERTY INFORMATION Document No: 21441 096Document Type: GRANT DEED T rans fer Date: 12/1/2011 Tax Default Date : N/A TAX RATE AREA INFORMATION 003-000 city: lo s gatos https://www.sccassessor.org/in dex.php/all-situs-search?SFrom=aii&SType=rp&STab =apn&apnVa lu e=52921 044 1/4 12/2/20 16 Real Property Search elem. school: los gatos union high school: los gatos union jt( 43,44) comm. college: west valley jt(43,44) air quality mgmt.: bay area jt(1, 7,21 ,28 ,38 ,41 ,4 3,48,49) fire protection: central open space: mid-peninsula reg io nal jt(41 ,43,44) sanitation: west valley county water: santa clara valley county water: santa clara valley-zone c-1 county water: santa clara valley-zone w-4 water-misc.: santa clara county importation VALUE INFORMATION (Assessed Information as of 6/30/2016) Real Property Business Exemptions Land: $471 ,101 Fi xtures : $0 Homeowner: $0 Improvements: $314 ,066 Structure: $0 Other: $0 Personal Property :$0 Net Assessed Value Total: $785,167 Total : $0 Total : $0 $785,167 DISCLAIMER: This service has been provided to allow easy access and a visual display of County information . A reaso nable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided ; nevertheless, some information may be out of date or may not be accurate. The County of Santa Clara assumes no respon sibility arising from use of this information . ASSOCIATED DATA ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either exp ressed or implied , includ ing but not limited to; the implied war rantie s of merchantability and fitne ss f or a particular purpos e. D o not make any business decisions based on th is data before validating the data. [Revenue and Tax ati on Code Section 408.3(c)] 2015 Assessed Value PROPERTY INFORMATION Document No: 2 14410 96 Do cumen t Type: GRANT DEED Transfer Da te: 12/1/2011 Ta x Default Date: N/A TAX RATE AREA INFORMATION 003-000 city: lo s gatos elem. school: los gatos union high sc hoo l : los gatos union jt( 43,44) comm . college: wes t valley jt(43,44) air quality mgmt.:bay area jt(1 ,7,21 ,28,38,41 ,43,48,49,5 7) f ire protection: central open space: mid-peninsula regional jt( 41 ,43,44) sanitation: west valley county water: santa clara va lley county water: san ta clara va ll ey-zone c-1 county water: santa clara va ll ey-zone w-4 water-misc.: santa clara county importati on https://www.sccassesso r.org /index.php/all-situs-search?SFrom=aii&SType=rp&STab=apn&apnValue=52921 044 214 121212016 Real Property Search VALUE INFORMATION (Assessed Information as of 6/30/2015) Real Property Business Exemptions Land: $464 ,025 Fi x tures: $0 Homeowner: $0 Improvements: $309,349 Structure: $0 Other : $0 Personal Property:$0 Net Assessed Value Total: $773 ,3 74 Total: $0 Total: $0 $773,374 DISCLAIMER: This service has been provided to allow easy access and a visual display of County information. A reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided; nevertheless, some information may be out of date or may not be accurate. The County of Santa Clara assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information . ASSOCIATED DATA ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or impl ie d, includ ing but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Do not make any business decisions based on this data before validating the data . [Revenue and Taxation Code Section 408.3(c)] 2014 Assessed Value PROPERTY INFORMATION Document No: 21441096Document Type: GRANT DEED Transfer Date : 12/1/2011 Tax Default Date: N/A TAX RATE AREA INFORMATION 003-000 city: los gatos elem. school: los gatos union high school: los gatos union jt(43,44) comm . college: west valley jt(43,44) air quality mgmt.:bay area jt(1 ,7,21 ,28,38,41 ,43,48,49,57) fire protection: open space: sanitation: county water: county water: county water: water-misc.: central mid-peninsula regional jt( 41 ,43,44) west valley santa clara valley santa clara valley-zone c-1 santa clara valley-zone w-4 santa clara county importation VALUE INFORMATION (Assessed Information as of 6/30/2014) Real Property Business Exemptions Land: $454,936 Fi xtures: $0 Homeowne r : $0 Improvements: $303,290 Structure : $0 Other: $0 Personal Property:$0 Net Assessed Value Tot a l: $758,226 Tot al: $0 Total: $0 $758,226 DISCLAIMER: Thi s service has been provided to allow easy access and a visual display of County information. A reas onable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of th e data provided ; neverth eless, some information may be out of date or may not be accurate. The County of Santa Clara assumes no responsibility arising from use of th is informati on. ASSOCIATED DATA ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, eith er h ttps :l/www. sccassessor.orglindex. php/all-situs-sea rch ?SF r om=aii&SType=rp&S Tab=apn &apn Va lue=52921 044 314 12/2/20 16 Rea l Property Sea rc h I expressed or implied, including but not limited to , the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Do not make any business decis ions based on this data before validating the data . [Revenue and Taxation Code Section 408.3(c)] https://www.sccasses sor.org /i ndex. php/ a 11-si tu s-se arch ?SF rom =aii &SType=r p&STab=a pn&a pn Va lue=5292 1 044 4/4 clfnnt:. !Bloom(ufd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address /7G26i!:J ~~ PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY C415l 922·1 063 2 ·229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 Parcel # 5-;;;t.'J "':;1 I -(f) 44 ,GJ;B ~Jj Lot size: fron-t ft. x .f t. de.e p Lot shape: Re e tangle__ L __ _ 'Rect.angle with small r cear jog__ Other_r_.t_.LC_4:___f---=-------- Location: N s E w side of St Ave Other __ distance to cr-oss st: ft.. N __ S __ E ___ W __ f ·rom:__...:-c.:.·-----.---- at NE NW SE sw corner of . _ HISTORIC INFORMAtiON ON tPARCEL MAP ---r .1-,- J.) '('VI 0 j rtf<£' '' 0 1 Qld tract or subdivision name .J&J;-'~t· ___ . ._,!) Old Block # O!L d lot # _____ _ -A-~· 0 FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (•hanawt:'ft_ten 'in rted_,) Preliminary rahng / Est:.imated age !-95 {);;, Style tvft,/'f, 1 -rl.-1/r # stories.__K AJ.te~ations _ _ --- Other _____ ~--~-------------------==============--~~-~-~-~======= UOUNTY ASSESSOR--PR0PERTY CHARA0-TERIS'il'IG:S (,p a ste Qn c'op,y ~ Source S.ou_rc:e Source Loca~ion of property, or,Lot OWner Name Date Pa'Be Pld~·""n:aat/bloc~/;l ot Size Name ! 1891 B'li k Book 11908 Survey 11 944 MmCEllANEOUS Nat_~onal Register ~is~ed date. __________ _ County Inventory 1979 _______ ~--------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation ___ Recognition __ District Name·---~~~----~----~--- \~ 7 Previous Survey Gebhard : page # illustration page # ____ __ Butler/Junior League 17250 PINE AV TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ~ RE CEiVED DEC 0 5 2016 TOV 'N O F LOS GATOS PLANNING D IVISION 12.02.16 A LIMITED FIELD INSPECTION WAS PERFORMED OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY . THE FOLLOWING OBSERVATIONS ARE ONLY A PARTIAL LIST - 1 THE WINDOWS, SHUTTERS, ROOFING AND GUTTERS ARE CONS TRUCTED OF POST 1941 MATERIALS . 2 PENETRATIONS OF SOME EXISTING UPPER LEVEL INTERIOR WALLS REVEAL EXTERIOR PLASTER APPLICATION WITH WIRE MESH REINFORCING, INDICATING THE PRESENCE OF PAST NON-ORIGINAL BUILDING ADDITIONS . 3 THE ENTIRE FRONT FACADE OF THE STRUCTURE HAS OBVIOUSLY BEEN ALTERED . SEAMS AT CORNERS OF THE BUILDING , NON MATCHING FINISH AND TEXTURE ALL REVEAL THIS. ASSUMING , AND IF, THE STRUCTURE IS PRE-1941, AND THE ORIGINAL FRONT FACADE MATERIAL IS NO LONGER INTACT, THE STRUCTURE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO BE DEMOLISHED IN ITS EXISTING STATE PER THE TOWN'S DEFINITION OF DEMOLITION . T ARCHITECT