Item 2 - 441 University AvenueHPC 11-9-16 Item 2 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\University441 11-9-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 441 University Avenue Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1D. APN 529-07-034. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Carol Musser PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters FINAL ACTION BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1900 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None Does property have an LHP Overlay? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes, what district? If yes, is it a contributor? NO Findings required? YES Considerations required? NO See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is requesting removal of the subject property from the Historic Resource Inventory. The library research worksheet and supporting documents are attached. Cc: Carol Musser, 232 Loma Alta Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Required Findings X As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Carol Musser 232 Lorna Alta Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-921-0229 ccmusser@aol.com October 25, 2016 Historic preservation Committee Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Property Reference: 441 University Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95032 RECEIVED OCT 2 5 ?016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Property Request : Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1:0 . In compliance to the requirements for this request to remove this structure from the Town of Los Gatos Inventory, every effort has been exhausted through all available records and resources to research, document and provide the findings and supporting documents for these determinations. • This structure is not located in any town designated historic district. • This structure is not historically designated within the LHP overlay. • This pre 1941 structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. • This structure is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the town. • No significant persons owned, lived, or are associated with this site. • Th is structure does not yield any information related to town history. • Th is property is documented as poorly and cheaply built and has no economic or financial benefit to the Town, its inhabitants or for the promotion of trade or interest. See 1941 Tax Assessment survey listed in research . With all the information listed above and supported with the attached research , records, and documents that show this property does not conform to Town historical requirements, I respectfully request that this residential structure be removed from the Town of Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory. 7~!'?1;~/ Carol Musser Property owner 441 University Ave . Cc : Erin Walters, Associate Planner, Community Development, Town of Los Gatos Index of documents supporting no historical or architectural value for property at 441 University Ave ., Los Gatos CA . 1. Historic Preservation Committee Historic Research Worksheet 2. Worksheet: How to Research Your Los Gatos House Research 3. Vertical Files: a. No records or data regarding 441 University are in the Vertical files. b. This property is not on the "Project Bell Ringer List" 1976-1987. 4. Web Site Files: No data or information shows up on Town, Museum, or Museum Project web site. GIS Map files are available and attached in this research. Research assisted by Library and Planning staff. GIS Interactive Map, Attachment 4A 5. Tax Assessment files: a. Exhibit SA-Tax record -1941 Tax Assessment Survey. Dated 5/1941. b. Property built in 1913 . c. Property conditions declared on assessment : i. Age: 28 years listed on 1941 survey ii. Quality: Cheap iii. Condition: Poor iv. Design: Acceptable v. Floor Plan : Awkward vi. Foundation: Mud sill vii. Exterior wall wood. Changed 4/1949 to stucco viii. Residential building: 1 story, 4 rooms, cottage 6. Telephone Directories: Polk and Directories a. Polk Directory 1941 : Mrs. Luella Keahey, 441 University Ave. (widow, Husband Benjamin) b . Listings from earliest available records until current: 1919-1942: LE Keahey 1943: L Brown 1944: Clarence Goodwin 1945 -1948: IL Boggs 1949 -1964: George A Clevenger 1965 -1976: Raymond Jordan 1977 -1985: Jane Summers 1985-Current: Carol and John Musser (John deceased 2013) 7. Sanborn Map 1928-Exhibit 7A a. Sanborn map shows 439 and 441 University on one parcel. The footprint for 441 University is the same as today except for a shed attached to the right back corner. See photos and Google overhead photo. 8. Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory -Exhibit SA-Dated 12/7/1989 a . Photo of house is exactly as it is today 9. Santa Clara County Records -APN 529-07-034 a . Exhibit : 9A-Online Property File, overhead and description, GIS Data b. Exhibit 9B -County Tax Assessor Map, Book 529, Page 7, Compiled under R & T Code, Sec. 327, effective Roll Year 2016-2107. c. This SCCO map, Books 510-575, is effective 3/1/1989, shows ParcelS, Book 529, page 7 . 10. Town Community Development Department Property Files. Building and Planning records from the Town of Los Gatos Planning Department. All relevant files were located on Microfiche. Over the years there have not been any structural changes. The fi les listed by date are the relevant documents showing modifications and work done by permits and Town notifications. a . Exhibit lOA: 4/1949: Application for Building Permit, No . 863, for alterations to exterior and interior walls. Owner Clevenger. Outside walls to be stucco, interior walls to be sheet rock. Original exterior wall was wood . b. Exhibit lOB : 7/7/1955: Town of Los Gatos Electric Wiring Permit No. 1213. Owner Clevenger. Unspecified wiring. c. Exhibit lOC : 9/8/1958 : Town of Los Gatos Building Permit No. 2094, for Kitchen remodel. Owner Clevenger . d . Exhibit lOD: 9/18/1958: Town of Los Gatos Plumbing Permit No. 2072. Owner Clevenger. Permit indicates 2 fixtures. e. Exhibit lOE : 9/26/1990: Building Department inspection of "Miscellaneous Structure at 441 University, stating that no permit is required in its present form. Neighbor, Bill Knight, contacted the building department. He made previous complaints or inquiries. 11. Information by current owner from 1985 to present a. Carol and John Musser have owned this property continuously from 1985 to present. John Musser decea sed 2013 .. b . This property has been a rental from 1985 to October 12, 2016. It is now vacant . c. There have been no structural changes to the property during this ownership. Modifications include repairs, painting, roof, and maintenance. 12. Photos-441 university Ave. a. Google aerial and street view photo. Exhibit 12A b. Exterior front, side, and back vi ews . Exhibit 12B c. Exterior back, plumbing, and side views . Exhibit 12C d. Back, meters, interior, and sloping floors photos . Exhibit 12D ') I I i Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee Historic Research Worksheet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a demolition , remodel, alteration , addition, etc. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering their written evidence and supporting documents, and to ass ist the Historic P reservation Committee during their evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide information of the structure's historica l and architectural characteristics , regarding both structures and people . with written evidence and supporting documents . If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet , please attach separate sheets. The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research ): 1. Town of Los Gatos Library Resources (see How to Research Your Los Gatos House ): p "' Vertical Fi les ~ Tax Assessment ~ Telephone Directories Jii{ Polk Directories 'jl[ Sanborn Maps 'fil' Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory 2 . Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpful for properties previously located in the county's jurisdiction): 'j![ Santa Clara County Planning Department records o San Jose Public Library (California Room) 3. Community Development Department Resources: "V[ Sanborn Maps )( Anne Bloomfield Historic Worksheet Binders /'fs( Community Development Department property files PRJ::>ft::"-P.t'i: Lf'f/ UNiV£RSi'TY A\Jt'., LoS ~Tt>.S 1 c~og ctS03:2._ Applicant Name : C BAOL MU .SsEB Property Owner's Name: CABOL M USSE f( Library Staff, Local History Docent, or Volunteer Name: L'(N DOUGHERTY Library research was conducted on (please enter date): Oc,T .:2 o , :21 1 J ;l, 1 -25 d- 1 found the following records and information (please attach copies ): .:5C E I. Nne X wittJ AJ03 CiU~ /2 e '/..H/8 tr: 5 C:\Us ers\ewal ters\Oesktop\HPC Research Checklist .docx 7/01/2015 --7 How to Research Your Los Gatos House 1. The vertical files in the Local History's Work Room include data on specific addresses , organized by street. This includes data from the two Bellringer projects and the results of the LGMA's Historical Home Survey. Be careful with the survey data. The closer the events cited are to 1975, the better the information, the further back in time, the more suspect. Much of this information was gained by individuals' memories, and oral history somet imes is unreliable . 2. In the Local History section outside the Work Room you will find the 1941 Tax Assessment Survey . The Tax Assessment Survey is contained in 3-ring binders, sorted al phabetically by street . You will find a lot about your house in 1941 and how it was assessed. It will tell you how old the owner thought the house was, not always accurate . It will tell you the number of rooms, the type of wall construction, something about the foundation and how it was heated . By Town decree, any house built before 1941 is considered historic, and pe r mits must be obtained to change any exterior characteristic. SE£ E'f..H-iei·T SPI /NOic~TG: 5 ~VoS taJ1t:r Ft/3.()(1 T If 13. 3. There are telephone directories and Polk's directories in the bookcases outside the Work Room. Find the Los Gatos section in the Polk 's directories, starti ng with 1930 through 1974; look for the address to find the name of the owner. The California Room at San Jose's Martin Luther King Jr Library (5 1h floor) has a number of directories not available in Los Gatos . oe:e ..XA~Ds;:. .:11-tP 4. Look at the Sanborn Maps located in one of the alcoves of the Loca l History section. A History docent should be able to he l p you with these. There are maps for 1884, 1888, 1891, 1895, 1904, 1908, 1928 and 1944, although not all of Los Gatos was covered in the earlier years . Because street addresses changed through t ime, look for your house first in 1944 o r 1928, then look at earlier maps to see when your house first appears, which will give you an idea of when it was built. Also note how the shape of the hou~e changed through t ime .. 1'1) Getz G't..fi-iBlT 7.-g -rue. SHJIIJP€ cllfAit.e: ,s, sm4tc s1-1w E..Y.TtiNS'0 ,otT' &~cK <>-f MoO & liC 5. The Anne Bloomfield Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory, June 1991 is located in the locked bookcases . If you're lucky you will find data on your house by distr ict. Look at the street index in the front of the binder for street, listed in alphabetical orde r to find the d is trict. at:G. G x:lfi s' r czr A 6. Local History docents are available from 1:00-5:00 on Mondays, 10:00-12:00 on Wednesdays and 1:00-5:00 on Thursdays to answer any questions and/or to help you search f o r information on your Lo s Gatos home. The Reference Librarian at the desk at the top of the stairs is available to help you also . corvcLI)OaO L,·~AAA.'I R.S&G:ARCt-1 ur•'-tft Hel..to -1 Rom LiN Pou~.:r'f. t.JBRI}fl'f &nt~.f wAs vaz:f -<MwCJIP'-ABLe: ~Nr:> ~S:Y J-1&.-r.p-r:ot... PLA/IIftlrY6 /JCP,NIV€1<... G ;<.tru WAL~s Wlf..S vary f./1::.-c..p-fcJL lt/t+l fZe:se::l'tRC-4-1 f.!IVO 1-/QIA/ ~ ~ C££1:). Town of Los Gatos ~ _, ..>- ~ <;'- ~ ro~vtw· · IL~ 0 ~-------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1.0000 0 NA0_1983_SUiiePiane_Califomoa_III_FIPS_0403_Feet L06 Gatos IT. GIS ServiCes 50Q.OO 1,000.0 Feet 1 6,000 Thts map 1s based on GIS Information and reflects the most currun t tnformation at lhe t11ne o1 th•• pnnbng The mop •• •mended for re ference purposes only and the Town and rts statr IS not rasponstbk! ror errors G--r J> ~ ~·t7 } . BUI.LDIN.~--C~~§~IF_I_~_~TIQ~ AND COMPUTATION RECORD AHIHWS.S J!d/ /I _ . ST. CITY OF .. GA.'f()C' CALIFORNIA I AI(' AT ~~·~.:::t::i:..L_fL:._(/7',_1_-£:..1-'? ~~ AVJ •:. .t ~;, a, , l 111.0('1\ 2~ IJtT <7' ..__L) -----/J _NIIMIII•:II t ~ .... NIJ.MUI.:H 0 . OW~E HSII~~~-~-~£.t'q; )(..e...a....KCL .. '>Ill lUI\' 11-.1 ON /) J' I (./ ,. 011 TIIAI :T, ~-f!:.-~f£t.:z:!..) .-..-<.1..-{~(. C: .. III•.~C'Itii'T IU N St>c l I)J mo •uo., j uu~ Al 'l'll "' f 'uh u~t· ll ul t l 'oo.,l llt•p J'u . C'u•. t Out .'hlol ~o., l'r·('-.. V nJ lh' (A) \ \ '0 1/J (II) X I (J\ I} L}5 (r) X \ ~ <s q:H ~~a< ·.~01 *~~~,~- ~9: H ,;* 1 -=.a ~L _ _ 9 ..s- cu . h t~"' _sa. r t ., Mj o.,o:o' I • f; .... 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Style b '/ COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy ) OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Date _____ 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 MISCELLANEOUS Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old tract /block/lot Size National Register listed date~---------------- County Inventory 1979 ____________ ~--------- To'Nll of Los Gatos: Designation __ Re cognit1on __ _ District Name~----------------- Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustration page # Butler I Junior League ------ Owner Name II stories..__ EFFective date~------ Santa Clara County Department of Plannmg and Development v e ·o :.~e · te COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA PLANNING OFFICE 70 W HEDDING ST , SAN JOSE, CA 95110 (408) 299·5770 October 21 2016 02 11:27 PM. Tho GIS doto lMd ·,n this onolysrs was compllfd from venous sourc('l Whfle deemC!d rC!IIallle. the Plamfng omce • ...., .. no l>oblllty l! ~, 3 d J ISdiction APN 529·07 ·034 Srte Adoress 441 UNIVERSITY AV City /State/ZIP LOS GATOS, CA 95032 JunsdiCtfOn Incorporated (LOS GATOS) Los Gatos Sohere of !nVueo Los Gatos S!. oemsor DtStnc. • F1re Protection District Santa Clara County Central F i re Protection District • Sanitar y D•stnct West Valley Samtat1on Distnct • Wate r D1stnct N/A ~,.,. '1fo:"~aHY' Recorded $1ze (source Assessor's offiCe) 0.16 acres (. .?. ,,1 Plr'l Leo• .0 U~e land Use Pla n Destgnalton Consult coty planmng department Zonong Consult crty plann1ng department 9A -D CD ~~s j I zl (/) > z ~ £lij __ _ () :;o;:o c.~ ®NI :~,~---'!'~<! iC.t; c.... I I~ )>. !1: .. 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C ~ 11gaiNt all llabiUtlft, Judlmmla, coeta and e~ which may In mv wise a ccrue / ~ ., ~ "ll:ainst said dty In con.'ll'ftuc~ of the rrantlnc ot this ~nnlt or fF{)ID the UN' or OC· ?-~ t:::: Z cupa~y of an)' sldt'Walk. ~lrt>cl, or IUb-~ldewalk p~ b)' \1rtuc th<•rt'OI, and -viii In :~ ~ ·' • ~ all thi"C'I s trictly comply With the condltiom ol thla pdmit ~: ~ "fi ~ ·: ~ ',J QJ z ~~.~aLJ~-A.~~.JL~JI~aJrC~JH .~ Q. ··~ B:e Archited ~.,_-'' ~ r: ~ ---------· ~ ···-·--· -·---.---2 0 ....... omtraetot ------·-·•-----·-··----· ··-~ · · ----·· ----·--·-----··. ----------. ·---· -·-··· -. . . -------. •• ...:,-,.;oU~UDDUOII>~OO.UOOU ... DUIIIIIIIUDUIIhf -0 (JJ TOWN OF LOS GATOS Nf! 1213 E Building Inspection Deperttnent Phone Elgato 4-4520 Electric Wiring Permit loc•tion .'' ''i :,-I /"" 7 I o O<Jte / / o 19 · 1 ·' I · ., l . . J / . r it hereby granted / · " , , 1 ; • to in5tall electric~! wit ing at tlbove location in eccordance with applicati011 t./ for ( ~ .. 1 ' ,·· •• ~ owne.- .'' '-/ '_;,;() RECEIPT fot 1 ' %>• (' (o /""'·I' -Doll~rs .. inapeclion foee it hereby aclnow~dged. TOWN OF LOS GATOS IUILDING INSPECTION DEPT . ,--, .. • ~/ • .; . AttJ ./.·A By .:-1./ t :/ Q. -t: .... ,, ·,<_.," -...... . I . Wiring only Wiring and Fixture• T omporary Pole Outlet.@ .05 Fixture• @ .05 Mo~@ / ./,,I,, /' J I $1.00 !$ / ~ (.. 1.2s 1 1.00 I I TOTAL FEES 1, /·,lJ,. /OC --C/ 0 TOWN OF LOS GATOS hlldiD9 t.peclioa Depoabwt ..... El.gato 4-4520 PLUMBING PERMIT N~ 2072 Locatioa p ~,/-'I _; f Oat.. . . ... cr . . ,~ . ') .... .. .. _ . . ••-l . ia ..._, lftlllt.d ..... ./ f.:• -~ i1! L1-···· -······ . to .... phuabiDg at aboft loc:odaD Ia aecordcmce wltb . , crppticdoa lor . . , .. ;. .. ...,./ --~: --~-/_1 Y -~~---. OWMr BF.a2ft loe-. .......... t(_ ~ -~-~--L .. f1.' .... 7;;, DoDan -m.1ct*l ... ia UNby M. I .... ... fOWit OF LOS GATOS I1JII.IDG~. //(] ~-····--.. $ .... -'d..-···-· . -· --·-··-···-::::-.. L·' I I ,. I I . I ~J L __ !~- I I ,·--.. --::--... .... fTO?J • • I .{. Soplembor ~o. 1 090 Carol Musser 232 Lomn Alia l.os Go los. CA 95030 1'0\YN ot LOS OATOS DUILOINO Oi!PARTMENT (408) 364 ·U870 AE : MlS.Cfi~l 1\tii'QVS .STnVr.TUilf: @ "14 I VNIVI:IJSlT'( Ollar Ms Muu~r . ( Ml,coUnnoou~ slluctw~ nt •f.! I Un i\·vrSily dob uot uppvnr to need n building pormit In lis prosont form . It Is clnsslflcd ns n nou ·hnb,lol>lo rrtl~ct•lr;woous srwcltuo umlor 120 squnro foot. su.:h ns n p/nyhouso or stornuo shed. Thoro Is no npprovnl lo r pltun~Jinu. rnoch:tnlcul 01 olo.:lrlcnl f'IO:ISB C\111 1110 if you h.l\0 .1ny f(UUSI II)II~ Dill Knlghl P.O. Oox 2962 Snroroua . CA !>5070 CIYif' Ct:Nfr.R 1 110 EAST MAIN STIU:t'f • P.O. DOX Ht 1 LOS OATOS, CAUIORNIA HUI ---·-- /0[ Go gle 441 University Ave Los Gatos, CA 9 50 32 441 Un ivers ity Ave Imagery ©2016 Google, Map data :cl20 16 Google 20ft /2A 441 University Ave ., Los Gatos Front Street View Right Side View Left Side View Back View Back Back Entrance 12 B 441 University Ave., Los Gatos J J ' ~~ . - Back shed extension Left side living room window Left side front corner Left side window Plumbing back of house 12 C 441 University Ave., Los Gat os front of house sloping floors Back of house sloping floors Bed room, floor slopes front section 120 Support ing information for the findings to remove 441 Un ive rsity house f rom historical resources inventory and to document the sub-standard construction. 1. This structure at 441 University has had major modifications, is very poorly and cheaply built, has many structural problems, is beyond repairing, and has no value in its present condition . The structure is a sub-standard constructed dwelling. The interest and intent of everyone who sees this property is to demolish it and rebuild . The structure and occupants are not found in any historical files. The major modifications and structural changes to this property happened before I purchased in 1985. The structure was significantly changed in 1949. The original structure was a cottage with wood exterior walls and single wall construction. The walls were changed to stucco . Sheet rock was added to the interior walls and no insulation . See Exhibit SA 1941 Tax Assessment survey. Building Permit 863, April1949 . Some windows have been replaced with aluminum and vinyl frames. The original cottage had an open front porch with a roof. Sometime after the 1949 Survey, the open front porch was totally enclosed. The Sanborn Map shows a section of the front porch. From all indications it appears there was a back porch that was enclosed . The back area extension is now a bathroom, back entrance and laundry area . The floors slope approximately 2-3" on both the front and back porch extensions. The back entrance is only 68" tall. The shower stall extends over the roof. See photos Exhibit 12C. Plumbing and electrical old. Gas floor heater has to be turned on and off by PG&E 2. The 1941 Tax Assessment survey documents the structure and poor condition of the house. Recap of document declarations: Residential building: 1 story, 4 room cottage Construction: light, wood frame, single wall, (no insulation) Foundation: Mud Sill Roof: Hip Porches: Front, open, roofed Outbuildings: Shed Exterior Walls: Wood -Exterior Trim: Plain wood Inside walls: Stock Pine Walls : Battered ? Plumbing: Cheap, 4 fixtures Bathroom : Small, Cheap lighting: Electrical, Old Style, Cheap Heating: Stove (sometime later gas floor furnace) Classification : Quality: Cheap, condition: Poor, floor plan : Awkward 3. Neighboring properties profile and structural changes : RECE\VED NOV 0 2 'l0\6 OF LOS GATOS T~~NING DIVISION Left and right neighbors 439 and 459, both properties have been modified and rebuilt and both are now tri-plexes. 461 property was demolished and a new house has been built. Exhibit 12A Map 4. Bloomfield Study : was prepared in 1989, 4 years after I purchased the property. No remarks of any hi storical significance other than pre 1941 structure. I appreciate your consideration with the supporting information and documentation. Thank you.