Item 3 - 10A_B Reservoir RdHPC 9-28-2016 Item 3 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\Reservoir10A&10B -9-28-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 10 A & 10 B Reservoir Road Request for input and recommendations regarding proposed demolition of two pre-1941 secondary dwelling units and an accessory structure zoned R-1:20. APN 529-29-064. PROPERTY OWNER: Vasiliki Kidder APPLICANT: Adam and Susan Ward PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters PROPERTY DETAIL Date structures were built: records show structures in 1920s Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None Does property have an LHP Overlay? No Is structure in a historic district? No If yes, what district? NA If yes, is it a contributor? NA Findings required? No (Not a Primary Structure) Considerations required? No See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The Town recognizes primary structures constructed prior to 1941 as historic resources. The information from the Town’s Historical Resources Survey Project and the applicant’s materials regarding the 10 Reservoir Road c.1890’s primary structure are attached. Records from the 1920’s show the property contained three additional structures: a three-bedroom guest house, a gardener’s house and a pool house structure, now located on a separate lot. The applicant will request demolition of the structures in order to construct a new house. The Director is referring the request to the HPC for its input and recommendations. Cc: Adam and Susan Ward (via email) Vasiliki Kidder, 10 Reservoir Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Required Findings As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings). 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee Historic Research Worksheet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a demolition, remodel, alteration, addition, etc. This worksheet is intended t o assist the applicant in gathering their written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Histo ric Preservation Committee during their evaluation of the request. Appl icants shall provide information of the structure's historical and architectural characteri stics, regarding both structures and people, with written evidence and supporting documents. If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The a pplica nt s ha ll research the f o llowing (please check the bo x once you complete your research ): 1. Town of Los Gatos Library Resources (see How to Research Your Los Gatos House): I!J /Vertical Files ~Tax Assessment ~Telephone Directories if Polk Directories o/ .foanborn Maps ~Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory 2 . Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpf ul f or properties previously located in the county's jurisdiction): o Santa Clara County Planning Department records o San Jose Public Library (California Room ) 3. Community Development Department Resources : g/sanbom Maps if foAne Bloomfield Historic Worksheet Binders ~Community Development Department property fi les Applicant Name: ~at) afi( d r.:t.£Ci17J /af:u,p(_. RECEIVED SE P 1 4 201 6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANN ING DI VISION Property Owne r's Name: \/ , .... _ :> , \ ~ '" ' ~ ~ J>.. {Y.t-( , t 1 120\ ~ (41JIA cd ki~~ q /\ ~ ;~"I;_ -~-I y j ')22 I lie f/!~/6 Library Staff, Local History Docent, or Volunteer Name: Library research was conducted on {please enter date): I found the following records and information (please attach copi es ): A'~ t1\]) C:\Users\ewalters\Desktop\HPC Research Checklist.docx 7/01/2015 Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee Demolition Request Worksheet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a demolition. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering their written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during their evaluation of the demolition request. Applicants shall address the required findings below with written evidence and supporting documents . If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets . • As required by Section 29.10 .09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards for any historic structure: 1. Structural integrity of the building (Important: see back of worksheet). o Supporting document (name): \)\-\ ~ fwt \~ 'E-tv b \ tvCOL.- rot-J q{\L.f/t (p . 2. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town and the site is not associated with historically significant persons. ·-,(_Supporting document (name): No\ 1\-5) 0 C i-A'fe)) 6f!.-S l lc 1J1 hCA<Z>\ 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. ~upporting document (name): N 0 'l> lS'\f IJC...T( VG Ct-\.~./1CfGU.5 \\Gj / 4. The structure does not contribute information to Town history. ~upporting document <name): 1\.Jo G<J tJ'\ ~t f:>vl \\ oO. . -.. --=~~:-~==--=:~~:-::~~ ,,..,.,. .. / Important Requireme(t 'for Structurallntegritv: If existing residential boHdings--are-tcr15'Ef demolished , a structura l report is required, prepared by a licensed architect or structural engineer unrelated to the project at the appl ican t's expense. The document shall describe in detail the physical condition of the bu ilding and its components (foundation , walls, roof, plumbing, electrical, etc.), approximate cost to rehabilitate to current code requ irements , and a recommendation as to under what conditions the building should be rehabilitated or demolished. For historically designated structures proposed to be demolished that are listed as contributors, in addition to the structural report , a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure's physical condition and incorporating pertinent information from the Town ~s Historic Resources Inventory describing the structure's historical and architectural characteristics may be required as determined by the Historic Preservation Committee. This report shall be prepared by a Town approved qualified person knowledgeable in historic preservation at the applicant's expense. See Town Code Section 29 .10.09030 for additional information regarding requ irements for demolition requests . Susan and Adam Ward 18650 Withey Rd Monte Sereno, CA 95030 Tel: 408-884-8894 Email: ahwardl2@yahoo.com Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 11 0 East Main Street Los Gatos CA 95030 Subject: 10 AlB Reservoir Rd-Historic Investigation September 14, 2016 Background: We, Susan and Adam Ward, are in contract to purchase APN 529-29-064. The property currently has three structures, which we will be requesting to demolish in our Architecture and Site application for our new residence. As directed by the Town of Los Gatos Community Development department, we have concluded our research to determine if any of these buildings maintain any significant historic value. This document provides the necessary information, photographs and structural report to comply with Town requirements outlined in the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Demolition Request Worksheet. Process: The research was conducted at the Los Gatos Library, consulted by Historic Records volunteer, Jeanette Roff and Library Staff, Dolly Goyal who validated the research of the home's ownership. We looked at a variety of historic files from 1890 to present day, which included the Polk directories, Sanborn Maps, Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory, Cleland District Research Records , Historical Maps of Los Gatos, Los Gatos Association Historic Home Survey, Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory Evaluation Worksheet and San Jose City Directories as well as all records available in the Community Development's Department's online system (computer records and microfiche). Findings: It is important to note that much of the documentation found during our research referenced the original, main house located at 10 Reservoir. 10 Reservoir was subdivided in 1988-89, thus the main house has since be separated onto APN 529-29-063. In our research, there is limited information regarding the three structures in question, which were all considered secondary dwellings when they were co-located on 10 Reservoir. In our research, the first reference to these buildings appeared in the Sanborn Maps dated March 1928 (attached pages 1-2). Locations for all three structures are consistent with their current positions. The next citing occurred in the Los Gatos Museum Association Historic Home Survey (p. 3), with the only reference entered in 1958 . The survey reviewed the history of the entire property located at 1 0 Reservoir, with a mention of these buildings in the Remodeling section. It stated that the "grounds included a 3-bedroom guest house, a gardener's house and a pool", with no mention of the pool house. It appears from our research in the San Jose Directory (p. 4-5), that the guest house (lOA) became a secondary unit on or before 1941 , as it was listed as vacant for many years or utilized as rental unit (not known year of initial rental). Susan and Adam Ward 18650 Withey Rd Monte Sereno, CA 95030 Tel: 408-884-8894 Email : ahwardl2@yahoo .com Conclusion : Based on pictures attached, these structures do contain any noteworthy architectural features. Additionally, none of these dwellings are mentioned in the Anne Bloomfield study of Architectural Homes or the Los Gatos Historic Research Inventory Evaluation Sheet. Lastly, no evidence was found of any noteworthy individuals, who resided in these units. Although the original home at 10 Reservoir has historic significance, there is no evidence that 1 OA, 1 OB or the pool house are of historical significance. Based on our research of these buildings, its owners and accordance with the historic designation requirements outlined on the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Town Code, we do not believe there is justification to salvage these structures. I hope that this information will help you make the necessary findings for this request. Regards , l -....., . ;\ ·.--=:::--.... d!~~L-- A Ward su~a~-~ Enclosure: Attachments t 91/51/8 WOOJpag-£ 0£0S6 SOle9 SOl peoij J!OAJaSaij VOl l 91/St/8 E 91/SI/8 asnOH JOOd --- ' 'I Jauue::>swe~ A.q pauue::>s ' l· i ' . t . ·.Ji.. I ·. ._. 1·· 1· / f ! ! r . I I ... : I f i . ! . Jauue~swe8 1\q pauue~s \ 'iry~· . . Street: I house 1.0 rlt:A:i t rPKINT J lM fSo.ta~ Nlu3eulh As~c.1a.110n. t4•~1orto. home Sur..ey Informant: Holden Phone: re~ent o~ners : Mr~ and Mrs~ Lalor sHmsted construction dote: ~ Bui1de . . wners~il): Original: (yeer of lourchase) (Pre~:;ent) o•mer Occupants: History: 19_: Pelf ept 1 ( '.ri con I'; rmed) 19 _: Ro; ·ers ( T.aG e Mann Co ) R~~lt X) ~jU~j(~C~r~i~sug~~s~a----··-19_: .Crisg 19_: 19&,: Mrs and MrSe l.alor 19_: 19_: 19_ 19_: (Please identify information source.) @ Phone: Occupation: " II It " liQjJltiil= " " :r:eaJ:ta:r: " " " " Occuoation: " " " If " If The Lalors haye the or1Pjnal deed pn the prppertx althgpu-h tbel' aren't sure yhere it is onckedo · Lalor tht.!Y think of it theY will let me know o The orip,:inal ovrner mrner of the Stm ~rose Water Worls;s 9 The Lalors boyght f'row Mr 9 Cd sg Pnc1 a Mro Strozvk told me that Mr Th e Lalors feel strongly aboyt their rjp-ht tg prjyacy ond geren 1 t emjans to ~eturn io : 1 f'iyc me info about the hans e n i Afp.ne Ave.~----------------------------­ ~~ fdtos .C4 . Remodeling: (Please identity information source and year of change.} 'J'hi.:. horuc ic l'\!ally a be:mty. Evcrythint; io orl:;i.ua J. c;rotm<l:~ i.ttcJ 11!1•: the rn:1in hou r;c·, a · .. ,-l>c-clroptn tfllf.''Sl bopr,o .. ,ncJ f' gurdru.)z·' c--hOP'>e ond p ppql Sorr informativea Absolutely do npt want to be mentigned in ~ .Jauue~swe~ Aq pauue~s --· CAli IF N!A MOB~lE HOME 9ROK~IR$ 1' ~~~~ J ~ (5 .' tf1) (~ : '~ Complete In-Park Sales o Licensed and Bonded o Serving All of California 3181 EL CAMINO REAL, SANTA CLARA TEL. 247·8290 REGINA WAY <CAMPBELLl-FROM BAlU\IEl' A'V WEST J SOUTH OF WE3I'MONT AV 647 237 LYNDE AV ENTERS ~90 Aodrianow Nikolaua ® 867-2878 20600*Statham Jeny R ® ~ ;:,:: -~~~ •.. 1150 Somers O'Rear I< Stephan ateel fabriCAtono 243.0363 ZIP CODE 98008 1766 Northrup IWph 374-7037 17&6 Bodle Edwin ® 37~687 1766 Mra NUDD"e Country Pno-School c1a,y ......... ..,. 37~411 Nunn Evelyn M Mra ® 37~11 1769-Wolfe Glen R 1716 Bevil Bertha T Mra @ 37'-3919 1776 Vacant 176& HoffinaD Wayne E @ 3~669 1786 Jan• Robt A ® 379-3n9 1796 Blohm Hemy G ® 3'7!1-t217 1816 Gordon Rooald ® 3'1S-4521 1826 Karneo Roston G ® 3194749 1829 Packard Jim ® 1M6 Heck Leo R ® 37&-2817 !M6~Whiting Sam @> DEL LOMA DR lNTERSElCTS 46116 Wall Leland R ® 318-2559 4701 Wo.llter Rlchd C @ 319-0285 4709 CiGOwaki Jamee A @ 31&-0198 41~ H.otba<."k. H. Dal.e ® 378..()76Z 4737il'Sou.z.o Stephen C l2l 4761 VacaDt 4766 Uhler Jack T ® 379-3Z76 170 REGIS CT <SANTA CI..ARA)-FROM 2258 CALABAZAS BLVD WEST IN A SEMI· CIRCLE ZlP CODE 95061 3344 Panetta A1f 298-6003 3348 Osbon> Richd. E ® 20620 Westfall Rodney D ® 867-9672 20625 Smith Wm 0 ® 20640*Gabbert Keve A ® 867·2996 20GtS Lyon Oousla• B ® 867-1772 I.ACEY AV E~'TERS 20660 Metaker Thoa J @ 867-4538 20679 Macrae Barbara A Mn ® 867-31116 20680 Ceglioelro John A ® 867-0305 20691 Speoeff Stanley E ® 867·2279 20700 Smith :>tewart E ® 867-9396 20703*Thompeon Charles L @ 8&7-0685 207l5*Madden Thomas ® 20720*C..US Edw B @ 867-5105 20737 Rownania SocraiA:a J ® lm40 Haleen Hal ® 20759 Fabe.r Edw E ® 867-2065 20760 Miruk Edw J ® 867-0169 20770 Reinma n Rainer ® 867~403 20711 Benenati Lco:u~rd @) 867·H93 2077' Chr!stofTe1110n Robl C @I 867-o827 20776 Bndui\Jln Collcuc B Mno ® 867..3049 20778* Reet.t; ll.obt @ 20780 KiuloJOn Robt E ® 867_.364 20785 Gulh llono P @ 867-9308 SARATOGA IUU.S DR INTERSEC'I'S 20769 Girando Leland V ® 867-1502 20790 Lee Robt 20791 Cirando Paul @) 867-0602 20800 Scopn Antholly @) 20820* Bumet.t Gene @ 20821 Saodo Daru T Mn ® 867-3726 408 RESERVO(R RO CLOS GATOS>-FROM JUNCTION OF CL8LAND AV SOUTH ZIP CODE 95030 3849 Mendooca Wal.t.cor V ® 244~68 3364 Nishimoto Jamea Y 8 246-1735 3356 Lefeber John T ® 296-$140 3358 F>ozler Max L ® --7 10 u.Jor Belli J ® 354-2014 lOa Vacant II Mattanberpr Bryce M"' ® 354.173-t 39 v....,. 3369 La Plante MAlt ® us REGNART WAY <BANTA CLARA>-FROM WAJUtEN DR WEST II NORTH OF ln'£VENS CR8EK BLVD ZlP CODE 95051 2812 vacant 2822*Lefllbw-c> Lewrecce 241.a483 2832*Thou>U Patricia 28M*DDicel Janada Mn 28S6*Heroandez Robt 247-8097 2836*c..tburth J 241..Siili1 2837*DodsiDS Da vid F 2K6591 283811-Daveoport WiWam T 241-42'76 2839 BohD GleDD 28411*Nyo Phillip E 241·7362 2843 l)iuich Dooald P 248-6927 28(4 Math...,.. Jamee F 248-6180 28461!1'Menacho Ron 246-1624 284&*Wojcik John A 248-8640 2847 Glbl» Arilha Mn 28411 *~ Charles R 247-4001 2849 Cle-r La\lil E 2862* Bibo Ak.emi 0 Mnl 241.9134 2863 Guorin&er EIDD>et l!:SM*lionda Yoekio 249o:8'78 z.851S*Jonoa Robt A 2867*~duaky Dualle G 2A1-6199 2858*f'billlpo Nonn.a V 247·%108 :zg59 Wiii>OA Ja.m"" H 24-4-326& ~ eame:oo A J chem m11-2!11M14•• ztl65 Fa.n<>D DA¥1d GO 2867 [.aJDI>ert Scott D 24641219 2IJ6l' v ........ t -a.OJ) LA <8ARATOOAI-l'ROM sARAT00A-8UNNYVALE RD B()trmWI'Br l 80tn'H OP RE:RIUMA.N ,., 2 Sl ~ '60'10 -w • 1167-4004 >mood9 0 8117·1320 ""co M1·1tn 'II Mra 0 1181~21 'JWlCr8 2 w 1!!1 1187-87114 • Mra 887-60111 111 e 88T.a46& ,.J 0 887-<oeD 0 1111'1·1148 Scanned by CamScanner S9a Vacaot 4 7 Lubmall John 79 No Return 81 Ev...,. t...cilo M S4n (!) 364-2673 83 Cunla BlAnche M Mno @) 35t-4231 93 Merrill A1bato E ® 354-1876 99 Hmnabar Wm R C 354·1957 111 Jlecdenoa Ralph D @ 354-2016 616 REX CIR <CAMPB~FilOM SUNBERRY DR EAST 1 NORTH OF W LATlMBll AV 21P CODE 95008 liS Leach Glyn A @ 378-3135 179 Jollmay Marcel R Jr @ 378-4836 184 Be7d Robt N 0 378-6599 186 *Simoa Robt $ 37U919 182 Hubbard Jaclt ® 378-0629 193*6alnto,. Lela no RICHARD AV !SANTA CLARA}-IIROM LAPA YErl'E ST WEST 1 SOUTH OP MARTIN AV ZIP CODE 9150150 965 Berkeley Glaolab IDe (Br OfC) 24~992 Calim.atie IDatrulllaote IDe regulator mfra 247·1231 R.ar c.t Co&el Sip Co 298-3238 916 Bbaw lliiU!alion Oo IDe 296-2063 886 MelaAI V Wholaoa!o Poultr:r 2fW146 IIIH Kor-lt Co lllc The macby mlho ~18 993 Vacanl 1021 V&c:a~~t 1040 Croc:ltor H S Co lite CBr) ore oup & 1\uu 246-7110 1061 Podllc 'l'lllepbone I< Te!o,..ph Co 248-0070 1081 Becltar-Eop. Mochloe Work.o 248-9400 1076 CuDIPD Walar CoadiUODiaa Co IDe 2116-6282 1100 Sere., C:O..Yo,ror l'adflc Corp 248-1000 1106 Alltclllo'o Moc:h Shop a. Mia 298-4660 lllU T & D Tile Co Wa m& 24U282 F>..tod ... o Marble marble mil-~9112. UG1 :...cnaa::~ Tile 243-1168 ~ R.&l.hlaa Co -=•lent ~ oUk ...... om. 247~ Benac ... ...,_ lnff 247-80211 11 8 1 Swll\ :.ictal PimohlDg plotus 241-6116 1163 Vac:aDt 1180 Eiehleoy Corp genl eootn 243-6336 1800 George'• Automotive auto n:pr 243-G29. 1806 Guerrero Ray 296-6644 1810 Prima Ling\llCA Co oauSIIge who! 241-999 1820 5411 Jose Valley Veal & ~f Inc who 8 meat 24?·4444 RICHELIEU Cf CSARATOGAl-FROM HARLEIGH DR SOUTH I WEST OF PORTOS DR ZIP CODE 95070 !3730 Me Gilaway Bruce C ® 867-3079 13733 Ryder Frank. A ~ 867-4302 13746 l'r\lvich Vlaho ® 867.2248 !3747 Moore Henry F ® 13755 Vandermolen R ob l ® 13768 Groham Robt F G 867-2497 RICHLEE OR cCAMPSELL)-FROM ROBWAY AV NORTH 2 EAST OF S BASCOM AV ZIP CODE 95008 311 Taroli Edw ® 377-3003 316 Rebeiro Leta Mn ® 377-81149 324 Hall Wm E ® 377·2186 325 Trillo Tina Mra @ 371-7872 336 Mc Kay John F ® 337 H"""'eeeey Wm J @) 348 Rogers Donnld ® 349 San:r.one A CharUe 8 371-0361 360 Reltke Steph N ® 371-4628 361 Pru eler Wayne H ® 371-8649 372*Hale Douglas R 373 Mu'lera J P a tricio Mn 371-4304 382*M iiLI1ovich ltaymoQcl J ~ 371.7641 383 RllJ' J Melvin ® 39t Jud Louis ® 377..5983 395 Learnard Loi5 Mrs ® 416 ADclen>OD J Jay ® 377-7181 417 FOOCJUliOD Gwendolyn M Mn ® 371-e628 426 .Mo.yoak,y Henry V ® 377·7193 427 RopeUl John E liJ ® 371-6775 438 CollinaD Lowell E ® 439 Cllmaw John R ® HO G.oovese Joano Mno ~ 4(1 Trone Millard V @ 371-6814 4SO lmokawe Shlzue L Mn ® 371.7534 461 Griffith F'lorence A Mn ® 371-6641 460 Morsan Wm H Cil 377-3181 461 * Bridpwater Virsiaia ® 472 Dye Geo w ® 377·7263 473 No Returo 486 *Smith E H 377-8663 491*Wqner Allee l Mra 377-491!1 488 *Trumpower FloreDee 311·9340 489 Sanzone Dominic 377·1686 496 Brown Douslu G 371.7774 491*Me Cord Michael 0 376-9163 498*Ca.,..:r R..-U L 371-8320 499 Shapiro Rooo D Mn ® HAMILTON AV INTERSECTS - 816 - II 37 623 RICKY cr <CAMPBBLL>-FROM CHlUSTOPHER AV EAST J NORTH OF RINCON AV ZIP CODE 95008 729 Stewart Byron C Gil 378-6791 730 Palmor Mtrele W Cil 914.0228 137 Giol']liaDDi Peter A ® 378-2672 798 Aclamooa C.O E @ 918-7619 7 49 Mouollold Robt J ® 7110 Clmer Robt J ® 379-6013 SIS RICKY DR <CAMPBELJ..>-FROM CURISl'OPHER AV WI!St' 1 NORTH OF RINCON AV ZIP CODE 96008 711 PIL!lluatz Leroy ® 3'7&-2472 781 Smith Oeo A 791 DAvia Pa11l E ® 379-6476 BEVERLY CI' INTERBECI'S 1103*Hill c..,. L 813 ~llo Ooo P qjl 378-24Z4 8211*Shall AI 8311 F-D Robt L @ 378-3003 en I» ::s -0 1:; _, co 0 JT1 . at -0 :II:" I» ~ :XJ c. l> -z -· ~ 3 ::;: .... © g;; o:::<? a= tOO m ~ ~ .... § ~ B'i'l gjb r-. N co 9 ~ I ~ ...... CIO = en 0 6 ~ en ~ 111::;;11;1;:1 CD en -::I n a ~ C.L , dlnm:. !Bfoom(ufd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address /tJ (Z.e~r ,, o I 1 PARCEL MAP INFORMA TION f;;l ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14151 922·1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISC O . CA 941 1 5 /./ Parcel# _5-;z,9 -:2a 039 ,.., .c: 'f'r" J"f", c-'· , I I ·-" Lot s •ize: ' front ft. x --···--fL _d~ep Lot shape: Rectangle __ L ___ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other __ ~i ~r __ r~-?~·--------------- Location: N s E W / side of (·~ St Ave Other f<,..... ------------------- distance to cross st: C::.. 3 .!./ ft. N ___ s /E ___ w __ from ·ft ;,;,.~lr-r-:"/c4,.} 7 at NE NW SE SW corner of __________ ~~--------- HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP ,.,..., Old tract or subdivision name " Old Block # / Old lot # ,. __ ....._ ________ __ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary r,ating / Estimated age ' · '"', .. '~~~------------------# storiea__ ( r Alterations ¥r ,e -n~t 1 r~ A Other~}:;,_ ;ouNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) EFFective date --------- •o '" ~)()j!j ""' &e. rrn 1,312 lOT tOOICS ACDII Slf el~S a Ollill.; .oeN , Alii ' 110011 1. Ulll\t, ·~ ~.CE SH 1 U!li 8S'Il 1(). flOCtS 2 lATHS OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON HAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or Lot Owner Name Date Page Old ·tra~t/blockLlot Size Name 1891 - Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 --I r .. I -· -- MISCELLANEOUS National Register listed date. _____________ __ County Inventory 1979·~----~----~~--~~--~ Town of Los Gatos: Designation ____ Recognition __ PHOToS: Rofl/frame -#-i) 77::z. '2-, . Date !5-I Z -~ District Name. ___________________________ __ Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustration page # ______ __ Butler/Junior League. ____________________ __ 22 1/' LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY EVALUATION SHEET Building or District Name wa D Tisdale House (He called it "Bound Brook") Address(es) 10 Reservoir Criterion A. ARCHITECTURE 1. Building type 2. .Construction 3. Style , 4. Architect 5. Design 6. Interior B. HISTORY 7. Age 8. Person(s) 9. Event 10. Patte~ns c. ENVIRONMENT 11. Scale/Massing 12. Setting i3. Landmark D. INTEGRITY 14. Alterations This .Building Ratings ~~ ~. 1 . . l f '1 ~~ ~u tLatory, sLog e aaL y rea. ~-G FP e~ \JJ~JJ ~, '5+o . (i} VG@ FP ~e :;+r-~ -fP~:::. ...... t , @@ G FP 'p.eb ao&eont! ltite SctHHaon L) ..-v~ ' E VG ~ Q.•tl-t ~~ta-""¥~L· ;,..,T~~~~VG G FP iijf'ttp~~~(-~~c ,~~~~~( E V G~FP• d -~~t~ut..~~~a.~ ~,.,.. 1890 confirmed by newsarti1e /pix WDT-Pres LG Mf&/LG Ice/1st Natl of SJ, etc. -Early oue or about Pout large hill hooaes &>~~~ ~~u+ ~ f._;a~ l:J/ "-~vs.L'!::. peskdaatkal settlems · ~ YRifttte "(l,r-'1 (.(.) ;-J €. ~ l J. ., .) ~ VI ~ t, I; £±:~"'-~~r ttl'S eeevf!: ~~Wit-h rtl $ $~-1;. conapicuous-esp before ·ttees grew;wel1 known ......... . E@ G F P €) VG G FP E ~ G@ . E @ G FP @ VG G E Q G FP FP E~@FP -~ } AAtAi4t~ 8 e,[ft-.L-.+ ~l'f I (.. -v · rt:.wcf~ 1 E ~ G FP aoae rear addn 1 t se·e·s -p. w· t~u.Jc:. ~ es: ,, . ., CUMULATIVE RATING: 3.1LAppears eliRible for . National R~gister. -· -. 4 ___ May become eligible for National Register. g~ ~ , s_· __ Appears eligible for local designation. U ___ Contributor to district that is any of the above. N ___ Non-contributor to the district. 6 ___ Appears ineligible for designation, but older than 1942. ? ___ Appears ineligible for designation because newer th~n 1Q~1. ,.. 1 t .t b 'R. H. SCHUMACHER ..... va ua eu y: . ~------------~90W4~C~L~E~L~A~NUD~A~Y~E~N~U~E~------------~--- Reviewe d by. LOS GATOS, CA &!5034 ~ Reviewed by: -----------------------------~~r~--- Reviewed by: ------------------------------ Vate~· Date::<~-2-f I Date i{C"Js-/'tl Date ·----- ·>-m~r- LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY TALLY SHEET Building or District Name'------------------------------------------------------ Address(es) /6) J??secv~ /'( Adjusted E VG G F/P Criteria Total Total 10 (f) 2 0 Type 10 5 G) 0 Construction 10 c_O 2 0 Style 8 4 2 @ Architect 25 @ 6 0 Design 8 4 2 ~ Interi or 2:1 --- ARC HITECTURE (Max. 50) 10 (£5 2 1/0 Age w 8 4 0 Pe r son 10 ' 5 2 (f) Eve n t 15 CD 4 0 Patterns :::< 6-- HISTORY (Max . 25) (fi5(!j) 6 0 Scale/Massing 8 (!0 2 0 Set t i ng 6) ~'2- 25 12 0 La n dmar k ~ ENVIRONMENT (Max . 25) 0 0 ~t~ 125 INTEGRITY ~ i!;, /2_ 51 Cumulative Rating: CUMULATIVE TOTAL &?: ~,c ~:z.. (appears eligible for National Register) (appears eligible fo r local listing) (contributor to district rated one of the above) = 6 or 7 (ineligibl e) or non -contributor Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 East Main Street Los Gatos CA 95030 Subject: 10 AlB Reservoir Rd -Historic Investigation September 14, 2016 RECEIVED SEP 1 ~ 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I, Vasiliki Kidder, owner of APN 529-29-064, also known as lOA and lOB Reservoir Road, grants permission to have the Historic Preservation Committee consider demolition of the three structures located on my properties. Additionally, I am providing Susan and Adam Ward permission to be the applicant. Thank you, ( / r ) ---Co en d ...... ...... r------ LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 LS L6 L7 L8 L9 L1 0 l1 1 l1 2 L13 l1 4 L15 L16 L1 7 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 ,-- -- PROPERTY LINE UNE DA TA LENGTH BEARING 32.50' N3 1i9'30"E 12.84 ' N58'22'16 "W 18.04 ' N37'42'09 "W 22.35' N15'35'09 "W 21.61' N10'32'51 "E 19.28' N25'07'51"E 17.67' N3 51 7'51"E 15.12' N38'57'5 t•E 13.25 ' N30 '56'26•E 13.81' N22'51' 31 "E 12.93' N1 7'26' 31 "E 11.61' N01'53 ' 31 "E 12.10' N11 '38 '29"W 13.01' N23'24'02"W 12.61' N29 '40 ' 39"W 11.50' N44i0'39"W 10.97' N6 1'00' 39"W 7.22' N79'05 '3 9"W 13.80' N88'10'3 9"W 15.08' N89i0'.3 9"W 2.44' N84i 9'2 1"E 8 89 ' N24'37'00"E 17.26' N10 '57'08"W N 03'34'34• W 270.97' -- SEP 1 ~ 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANN IN G DIVISION r --" I W I ~ ..,....~ I . '-". ---- [[] / 0 I I / I \ \ , \ ...,.,.-------/ --/ / ' \ 2.'2.9 \ " '· '-.. ......... -------- ....... -....... .............. ......_ .........._ --.........._ .............. ............. -......_ - -....... -- I I I / / / ....... __ -"------.. ......_ ......... -......_ - H .. Consulting Engineers , Inc . Structura l Analysis & Design 7007 Realm Drive #B-3 San Jose, CA 95119 Date : September 15, 2016 To: Town of Los Gatos Building Division 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: Structural Evaluation 50 Reservoir Rd . Los Gatos, CA 95030 To Whom It May Concern, tel 408-229-8155 fax 408-229-8157 e -mail: rc eng r@aol.com RECE\VE.D SEP 1 ~ 20'6 'A"'' OF LOS GA10'1 TO vv •.. ,... "\'f\t:'\( 'I PLANN\Nl;.l u v "' Pe r Mr. Tony Jeans request , on September 13, 2016, we visited the property referenced above for the purpose of performing a cursory review of its str uctural framing elements. We were requested to evaluate its present condition and to develop an opinion as to the practicality of utilizi ng the existing structure framing in a building renovation and upgrade to current 'Code conformance . There are three (3) building structures on the property. The main house and two (2) co ttages , and thes e buildings were built in the late 1800's. This eva luation letter is regarding the two cottages only. FINDINGS: The first subject cottage building is a two story wood framed, single family residence located on a hillsid e. 1. The lowe r floor 'dayl ight' basement is constructed with and without retaining walls. (a) The retaining wall at the lower side of the 'daylight' basement cons ist of rocks . Thi s wall needs to be repaired or replaced. (b) The wall at the upper sid e of th e 'day li ght' basement is exposed earth. This area wall requires new concrete retaining wall. The s id e of the hill may fail due to sei sm ic event(s). 2 . The finish materia ls consist mainly of wood siding exterior walls and a sloped composi tion shingle roof for the house cottage. The house building consist of wood wa ll construction, with the roof and floor framing is 2x4 roof rafters at 24 " on -center and wood raised f loo r. The roof are 1 of 4 September 15, 2016 50 Rese rvoir Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95030 sagging and the flo or are se ttling . Th e sagging and settling indicates framing failure . 3. The windows were replaced by aluminum type famed windows . 4 . The side deck is deterio rated and dry -ro tted . The floor planking is dangerous to occupants and ca nnot be used for service. The second subject cottage building is a one story wood framed , single family residence located on a hill s ide. 5. The fo undation is conventional footings . The finish materials co nsist mainly of wood siding exterior walls and a sloped composition shingle roof for the house cottage . 6 . The wood side and flo o r framing is at so il grade and is deteriorating. 7 . The house building consis t of wood wall construction , with t he roof and floor framing is 2x4 roof ra fters at 24" on -ce nter and w ood ra ised floor . Th e roof are sagging a nd th e floor are sett ling. The sagging and settling i ndi cates framing failur e. 8. Th e house roo f consist of roo f sloped approximate ly 4 :12 pitch and th e roof co mposition shi ngl e material appeared to be deteriorated. Dry-rot was also observed at the overhang roof sheathing and it a ppe ared to be consiste nt throughout the hou se. 9. The unde rfl oor of the house appeared to have no or minim a l ven til ati on . 10. T he windows were rep laced by aluminum type fa med windows. T he cottages foundation a re apparently conve nti o nal spread footings an d rock retaining walls. Settle ment, and severa l cracks in the concre te foot ings were observed. it is expected that for optimum performance of th e fo un dation, it should be co mpl etely replaced -perhaps wi th a pier and gra de beam founda ti on syste m. CO NCLUS IO NS: Th e current structural condition of th e bu il ding is judged to be particular ly dangerous under no rm a l loading co ndition s, is serious ly deficient compa red to 2 o f 4 September 15, 2016 50 Res e rv oir Rd . Los Gatos , CA 95030 current standa rds and Codes. The lack of a recognized lateral bracing system coupled with subsiding foundations in some areas , are likely to allow significant movement and d istress during future seismic events . In its present condition , the structure is concluded to be deficient in both the lateral and vertical supporting systems . However , this can be repaired by removing and replacing damaged or deficient structural elements . Under design loads, this can result in movement, rotation , overstressed members and excessive deflection if not repaired . Those can produce inadequate performance , cosmetic distress and in some cases, member failures. Some items do not meet m1n1mum C.B .C. (California Bui lding Code) requirements . Others will not provide the same level of support originally designed. It is concluded both aspects should be corrected to achieve the quality and performance contained within the original plans which was the basis for the construction agreement. It is my understanding by the home owner that the house will continue to be built under the old permit. The locations shown are intended to be representative of the condition described. They should not be assumed to be the only locations where such conditions occur. It is recommended the entire underfloor be closely examined for all locations of described conditions . Each of the deficient items should be repaired to return the structure to the condition shown on the plans. In most instances, this will involve the simple installation of the missing element. Others will require a structural design to produce an equivalent solution (strength, performance and quality) where it is impractical to create original conditions at this point. It is further recommended such repairs be performed prior to any finish work being performed due to the potential for cosmetic damage which may occur otherwise . Based on the discussion above , it is concluded that to renovate and upgrade this building to current Code conformance and to a quality consistent with buildings in the area , reconstruction of the foundation and lateral bracing systems as well as framing improvements would be required . Other non-structural upgrades would also need to be addressed . In our opinion , it does not seem reasonable that the existing building be salvaged or utilized in the property imp rovements currently being considered . 3 of 4 September 15,2016 50 Reservoir Rd . Los Gatos , CA 95030 LIMITATIONS: The information and opinions contained herein are based upon the limited investigation described at the beginning of this report . No warranties are expressed or implied regarding the existence of other unknown conditions not specifically addressed . Our work is in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards and is not intended to be relied upon or transferred to individuals other than the addressee. Should information or conditions become known which differ from the discussion herein , they may alter the opinions or conclusions of the undersigned . If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance , please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely , RC Consulting Engineers, Inc. Rtrneoc . Cabalar , P.E . Principal Consulting Engineer 4 of'4