Item 4 - 112 Los Gatos BlvdHPC 8-24-16 Item 4 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\LGB 112 8-24-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 112 Los Gatos Boulevard (Previously heard 5/11/16) Requesting approval for modifications to the front elevation of a structure listed on the Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) on property zoned R-1D. APN 532-29-101. PROPERTY OWNER: Randolph Ditzler APPLICANT: David Zicovich PROJECT PLANNER: Sally Zarnowitz FINAL ACTION BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1916 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: 5S Does property have an LHP Overlay? No Is structure in a historic district? No If yes, what district? If yes, is it a contributor? Findings required? No Considerations required? No See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant requested and received HPC approval in May to remove the irreparable siding, consistent with Building Official concurrence and Town records including notation of “new siding” by Anne Bloomfield. The applicant is currently requesting alterations to the permitted project (plans dated 10/7/15) per the attached letter and “Schematic Front Elevation” drawing. Cc: David Zicovich, 761 University Avenue, Suite C, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Randolph Ditzler, 112 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Required Findings As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: X 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. August 8, 2016 Town of Los Gatos Historic Review Committee RE: 112 Los Gatos Blvd Dear Committee Members, ZICOVICH HUI LDERS INCORPORATED RECEI V ED AUG n 9 2016 TOWN OF LO S GATOS PLANNING DIVISION We are requesting approval for an amendment to the "Front Gabled Craftsman" style front elevation of 112 Los Gatos Blvd. I have attached the proposed schematic drawings for your review. The proposed changes are as follows: 1. We are putting some natural light into the entry & office by adding two windows flanking the original window location. The new window configurations match identifiable Craftsman style patterns as illustrated on page 253 of"A Field Guide to American Houses" (see illustration attached). 2. We are also adding some architectural definition to the front porch by adding a partial width gable porch roof supported by Craftsman style wood box columns. The porch addition is also an identifiable feature of this style as illustrated on page 253 of "A Field Guide to American Houses" (see illustration attached). 3. The side-loading front door remains hidden from street view. This was a common feature as evidence in many "Bungalow" plan books that have been reprinted from the era in which the house was built (see illustration attached). We look forward to working with you on this project and thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, David P. Zicovich Zicovich Builders, Inc. Encl. DZ/DMB/tz 76 1 Universit y A ve. Suite C Los Gatos, CA 95032·7 612 Ph : (408) 399 ·0606 Fx: (408) 399 -9 175 lie# 50 70 85 www.zicovi ch .com Page 84 Gordon-Van Tine Home :->o . 5J4 A V e ry Pleasing 5--Room Bungalow For Prices on This Home, See First Page. Read Pages 9 and 10 for Full Description of Materials. I T is especial a ttention to st-raight l ines that places this bungalow so far out of the ordinary. · The panel strips and ~hingles u sed a bove the porch beam, t he proportions of the porch itself, and t he roof gables all illust rate this fact. T he room ex- tension in the dining room shoutd not be overlooked either. The living room and dining room can be considered togethe r, for the ir wide cased opening makes practically one large room of the two. The large tv.·in window in the d ining room gives an ample supply of light and air. The k itchen is a splendid work room. Our design "B" kit chen case has an ideal location both as to l ight and a s t o proximity t o t he sto\·e and sink. The glazed door between kitchen and entry is anot her convenient fea- ture. The b;I$E'mcnt sta irs descend from this rear entrv. There is a well olanned refrigerator space here also. T he base- ment is intended to extend under the entire house. For it we supply the stairs and sash. The fact that t he re is no room taken for an inner hall in this b ungalow means that the bed rooms are l arger thants fre- quently the case, and at the same time they arc both accessible to the kitchcr. without tts being neccSc<ary fo r one to pass through t he li\·iog room and dining room. The closets a re ample, and the bath room convenient. For this is supplied a towel case like the one which we show on color pages. \\-'ben you consider a ll these features, and note the low price v.·c are able to q uote, \"OU \\ill understand why so very many people write such enthusiastic letters about this home of til.cir own . Gordon-Van Tine Co.. Bloo nu'n .~o n, Ill. Gtn tl~rtun: Ettr)'One tha t sus our home is Jure ready to say a ':llord of prairt f or it. It svr1 makes a. 't' y attra.&li:lt cor nu. Tht lumber was of lhe ter:y but, and I am sure tlad I purehaud lht malerial from Gordo n-Far. Tine Co. }·ours t~e ry lruly, L otatt B. Pury. )I ~~ ... ~,. , ..................... lo. I ,. > ... . .. . ... 1 .• ...,1 I For Plumbing, Heating, Lighting for This Home, See Last Pages of Book Floor Plan Jo,.·p•tched g2.bled roof ( occastonally htpped) wnh w1d e, unenclosed eave o•erhang porches, e1ther full- or p2.nial-w1dth, with roof •upponed by <qtW'" columns I'RONT-<oABU:D ROOt PRINCIPAL SUBTYPES CROSs-G"BU:O ROO~ SID£-GABU:O ROOt decorati ve (fa beams or br..c under gables columns or col bases frequent continue to gn level (without at level of por< IJIPPED ROOf' balle d woocl porch colu m n~~ woo d porc..ltl ~e~m wood eave l::w~ce~ to m a ten ext'=' ttn~ ~to(} e. veneer watn~~ot '·\ ) ':>chemat t c Front E:.l eva:l:J o n _____ decora.ttve wo od ~~b le vent JJ~ ~~w ood w a II &:?I a u19 t119\1 d e ftn•tton a~p lll alt r-oof &;,h1 n9 1e~ l i'Z.. l o~ C":4 a t o !7 ~tv . . GENERAL NOTES 2. 3. GOVERNING COQES· A~ wot'k $1'\d conlotm to the lolto'Mng COdes & stanoardS a) b) bl C) dl •I " g) 2013 Cali'lou"'!a Res.loentlal Code (CRC) 2013 C alllomta Building Coc::le l CBCJ 2013 Cahtorna Mecnamcal Code (CMC) 2013 Cal11orna PlufT'Ibtng Cooe !CPC) 2013 Caldornia Electnc COde (CEC) 20\JCaSitornla Fue Cooe (CFC) 2013 California EM19Y Cooe 2013 Calnornla Green BUIIOing Stanaartts Code 201 2 Edition IIRC) 2012 Edition fiSC) 2012 Edition (UMC) 2012 Ed1t1on (UPC) 2011 EdltOO fNECJ 2012 Edlt1on (IFC) In addition to the codes re1~ronced abOVe, all work shall conform to aU local oronances and codes as a.ppheaf:ll e. Cross relere nc& ail eode numoers at'KJ verity consistency as requrred. Allllo'Oik oona p!S$Uant to these arawings and speaficatiOnS s."'all comply with a l ordmances and regulatiOns which apply to m e work ana SMllrn a ny case conform 10 the l at4!~t editiOn of 1M CRCIIRCICBCI18C (CA. Aes:i<lontial Codel1ntema1Klr\al Residenbat COdo & Caliloma Blildrng CoQftAnt&mational Building Code) cutently enkxced and aJI city, counly andlot stale CO<les as applicable. Britt ~o-sha~ not btt held re sponsible tor the aes19 n. coordinauon and/or mplementa1101"1 ot any ano aii"OeSign·Build' work. indudrng but not limited to the 1olowlng; See tne approprrate COde rei&Jences below lot" oosign and instaJiabOtl rftqLJirements . a) Electrreal: Per CEC (Calitomia Electnc Coae) current ediUon. b) Mect\anrC<II : Per C MC (C&Morrla Me<::rlanical Code) CU!lenl e<lf1.on. c) Plumbing: Per CPC (CaJi1ornia Plumbing Code) cunent eclltron d ) Fn Sprinklers: CFC (~li1omta F1re Code) Veri!~ and address all addfbonal local ordinances ano codes whid'l may appy to the specific "Design-Build" awl~e&tion as requrred. Brtl1 Rowe IS not responsible for lh& deSign. C'O()(dinauon. or 1mpMtmentation ot any WOfk peoormed by conW:tants. inclUding bvt not limited 10. $1Juctural engmeenng. soil engmeedng. civil enQ~net~nng. I.J.ncl SUf'VeY!ng. e4edncaJ engineering. lanoscape archrtecture and/o( Title 24 Energy comptiance. 5. In &dditron to ~n&pecbOOS r&qUired by CBC 110. the owner. coouactor andfor struc!Ufal e~ o1 recora, acting as 1he owner's agent. shaH e mploy one o r moro speoaJ 1nspectors 01 Tesung Agencies. wno shllll provide ·speoal ~pectJonS" ctvnng the COU's.e o1 constructiOn tOI' the !<XIown·lgtypes or wetk per CBC 1704. 1707 Of 1706 ;nclodlng 00 no~•mned to a) COncrate; INhere the structural deslQfl e •ceeds a (F'c) of 2500 PSI b) On site structural ~ding. incliJding welding 01 rei~Oi'ang steel. c) Drilled piers, caisson'S and struclural masonry d ) Reb'ohl epoxy set held downs and/or ancnor boits Special inspectOfs credentialS ShaD be provided 10 1t1e local JUflsdicbon upon 1equest. 6. AM contractors shaft be kens&d with possesSIOI"' oltne appropnate nwrance poliCies re \Norkman·s CompensabOn. Liability, etc ... and a va~d bus11'18ss 1100nse Within 1h& ]urisdiciiOn or !he slbfeet property prOject srte SHEET IN DEX 7. The contractor and.tlr subcorltractors are to veri1y ALL eXisting conditiOn's and.lof dtscrepanctes belore oom~nclng w!th work '" order 10 ensure coniOJmilflCe with the "Construction Documents·. ALL dlscreP6f\Cies Sl'l&l f oe or ought to tne anenttoo ol Bri:l Rowe and/or 1M Struct~al Engineer of AocOI'd pnor to commencement 04 constrlJCIJOO. All requeS1s lor "Change Ofoers· snan be submJned 1n ..mt1ng to Britt Rowe tor apProval e. Brltl Rowe is not respoostble lor me etectJon. labfieauoo and/Or relallve iOb satery. lh!!J general con'.ractOf soaH comply wttnall reqwea satetyocders per CAL-OSHA reqUirements and regula\looS. 9. Regard ass of d imensions shown, all new worX sha.~ align exactly with e xisting work with respect to 11001 e levabons, COlumn cemerhnes., w all faces. etc ... (UNO) 10 Layout lOt: new w or'ills largely ba"&ed upon relationships to exlstrng conditiOns of th& cite and/or exiS'.mg stl'uctwes. Any queS11ons regarding the rntent re\aled to tne layout o! the new work shall be bfought to m e anen1100 of Bl'itt Rowe . pnor to the commencement Of MY wane. The conltacta. shall immediately noti1y Brttt Rowe ot aA drSCfe panctes poor to l heCom!TMincemeru of any 'NO!'k. ,, . Preference shall be 91ven to wtittenlf~gured dimensions on the dra-Mngs over s~led measurements. The 'Plans, Speel1rcations and General Notes· are rntended to agreo and supplement one anothef. Anything indiCatedn one and not the other. shall be exltCUted as if rn all. In cases ol direct coonict. the mos'l resttictive shaH govem. 1 :':. A a-work ~~ bo plum~. :quaro .t~nd :rue and shaD De of ~ ~'Orkmou'llike" quality as acceptnblc to the aPf)(opriate trade's S1anaa rd practiCes and fOOSle ot thoEI vade's coul'\dls at"'diOt organrzabOM. 13 Anyw<:rt af'ldlo( item not $peCillcaltycaU~Ior in '1M oraiW'IQ'$. bVt required tor a complete and tully tunctlon!ng 1nstallat10n consistent with the intent Of !he ·c~ructron Documents' shaN be supphd by tne gene1al cootrac1ot" and/or subcontractors as requred. 14 The Intent ol tne ·eonstruetron 0oelJil'lents• rs to ~lude AU. labOr, materials, equ~pment and transportatiOn necessary tor the complete ana proper executiOn o1 tne work. 15. TM prOj-ect ·spedf~r::atiOO Boo!( shall take precedence over note d specihcatlons Whsn applicable. 16. Civil. Sot! and Strtxti.Xal Engm&enng speoilc.ti iOI'I$ Shall taKe pr&eed&nee over any other specifications 17. Britt Rowe retarns all ngnts and ownership to al orawrngs a nd speei!K:&tioos. These documents may not be used in wnote, or 1!'1 part. witnout the expre ssed writi&M consent !rom Britt. Rowe 1 B. The OWner/DelfflloperJChent reserves the ngflt to make al'tera11ons 10 1he des9n dunng the course ot conS1ructlon. AI changes shaM be approved by the \ocal buildlf"'9 official and shall, in any case. complywrlh 1he cooe"' Mibons ot the c~c. CBC. CMC, CPC, CFC, cec andlot" CES as required. 19 New Construction ot' remodeling is largely oependent upon existing Site condittons and there101e a ·srte Suntay" iS recommended and it pm'llded, shall bt generated by a ticens.d L.md Surveyor or Re<;lstMed CtvH Engtnee r a nd Shall cootarn me lollowmg in l«malton: Property eomers. property lines. existing buldlng(s). ease ments. topograpny lines, ut~ities andfor rHgr\il'ieant trees_ 11 a ~te S txvay is HOI orovtded. Srltt Rowe will oo1 be held responsible tor any •nd ~ dliwepanoes retatJng to trte Site aM e 11:ist1ng eondit~s. In any event, Britt Rowe Shall not oe rospon$1bla tor work per10fm&d by otners ana provided l or 1ne purpose Of com~tlng the pro,ect GENERAL PROJECT INFORMAT ION ~: Prolect Address: Aftj: L!>l..Si.«: ~: Z<!ning : ILAkl: Occ:y gancy Group· Type of Construction: FaoorArea (n) AddrtionArea (n) CeHar Area In) Total Fkx>r A,rg Setbacks Fn>nt """' LeftSiOe Coverages Uvtng Space Pofches & PatiO Accessory Garage B uilding Height Main Residence Mr. Randy Dltz~t 112 Los Gatos 81\ld. Los Gatos. CA 95030 112 Los Gatos Blvd. Los Gatos. CA 95030 532·29-101 7,132 SF(. 16 Acres) Rat fless Than 5%) R· 1 D (Res<Jential Downlown) R3N V-8 1296.00 S F 527.00 SF 1960.00 SF Provided {e) 18'•1' tel 5'-0" Proposed t823.00 SF 4193,00 SF 464.00SF Nol inCluded 1n FAR R&qulred 15'-o"' 5 '{)' Front& Rear AUowed 30'-o' PLAN SYMBOLS ~ ELEVATION INDICATOR 8 SHEET INDICATOR COLUMN GRID INDICATOR @ DETAIL REFERENCE ~ BUILDING SECTION SYMBOL SYMBOL X= HORIZONTAL Y =VERTIC AL & o· REVISION SYMBOL + MATCH LEVEL LINE SHEAR WALL SYMBOL FLOOR ELEVATION [2J WINDOW/DOOR SYMBOL E9 DOORS= NUMBERS 0 WINDOWS= LETTERS NORTH ARROW "r" INDICATES TEMPERED SAFETY GLAZING (TYP.) VICINITY MAP ·' · ...... , ... .... ·~ Scope ot Wo rk Remodel & addition to an existing single fam 1ly. single story, residential home. The additions are as follows: (1; Add~ion@ the rear of the house for a new Family Room, Master Bedroom & Covered Pat1o. (2) A new cellar shall be constructed underneath the extsttng house. The house shall be lifted. Sl4Jported . str uctlJI"ally retrofitted and replaced in rts existing location. The cellar shall be provided INith a Bedroom. Bath, Game Room and Mechank:al Room. In addition to the addrtlons, the entire existing house shall be remodeled & proVided with new 'Nind0¥15 and doors throughout except at the front facade which is htstorical and shall be ~tt "as rs~. The existing area of complete remodel is 1296.00 SF. See architectlJ'al & structlJ'al plans Within this set ol plans. PROJECT CONSULTANTS BUILDING P ESIGNER. BRIIT ·ROWE David BrittiMichael Ro\Yeffony Rowve 108 N. Santa Cruz Aven:;e Los Gatos. CA 95030 408.354.6224 408.354-6514 (fax) peloncito@mac.com I24 ENERGY ANALYST FRI ENERGY CONSULTANTS. INC. Nicholas Bignardi 2 1 N. Harrison Avenue , Suite 210 Campbell. CA 95008 406.866.1620 title24@ix.nelcom.conl PARCEL MAP . . . ' STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CHARLES WILLIAMS ENGINEERING M r. Charles Williams PO Box 1152 Vrountain View, CA 94042 650.279.8756 ctwce@lao! oom . ·~: uju .11 ;Hi l ..t ; .L '-~-.--.~"";."'.-••• -~. """4~·s-'-O.-i,,..;...;;..i.,-.*,--.,l;i-'-;!-~_,··"-';.·!'-l _ _:__..:....___~~-... :. -- R EVISIONS: # BR Britt· Rowe 108 N . Santa CI'\Jl Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.354.6224 {office} 408.354.6514 (lax) www.britt·mwe.com <!2 ..:: u " ·~ Q.. -;;; V) i) -"' r-- " 0 0 0 z § w <l: ~ cr: 0 0 -og >o -l{) C!lcn "'<l: ~() (.')v) 11).8 011) -'<!) "'"' ;:::.3 ., 0:: " 0 ~ z :::E ;;.: Cil w z _. ~ <l: (.) cr: (/) 0 AO.l SITE PLAN NOTES : '· 2. 4 . 5 . .. 7. See ov• Eng&neef's "Grading&. Drainage Plan(s)" as appliCable for IDP09faphy, srte work & unoerground oonstruc11on (typ.) A R grading :mall be per10fmed 111 accordanct'l with a~ local OOCHIS & requrements. C ivil Eng1neer·s plans sr.ab tal<e p-eceoence Oll'er any arctmectural si'le plan(s/ and/or landscape Plan(Sl In new coostructiOf\ aU proposed ubl1t1es sha~ De rnstalled underground: See sp&a!IC utility proviOer's engir.&ered drawir.gs a !'\d.-or aetalts lor layout. oes~gn &. speeifrcanon 01 ser\I!Ce . When ell'!sttng S8W8f laterals are appl'ovod tor reuse. e mbng hoes sn.an be teleVISed and approveo by tne 1~ Ul'lltat1on diStrict prior to ltnaJ •nspect1on W'\&n reCJUireo and as appliCable. a llcefi'Secl Civil Engr.neer or lJ~nsed Land Slswycw slll.ll pro\lioe v.Titlen ei!r1iflcatkln ot setb&ck compliance 11om property hrws & aJi rolat1ve pod elevatiOnS !Of all newoonstrucbon on the Site. Ut'lless noted omtrwise on Civil Er.g•r.Mring Plans (Grading & OtalflCl9QI). 1t1e ground •mrned4ately adjacentlo the ta<.roatJon shal oo slapea away lrom me buila.ng at a sk)pe of s~k tor a rNnunum distance ol 1 0'-0'" mea~e o perper.cl•cWr to tne lace ol the wall. It pnysteal oostructlons or lot ltnes Pfohibi110'.()" Of noril:or'ltal distance. a 5".4 slOpe shall be provided to at1 appr011eo atternauve metnod o1 dlvttrtlng wafer away !rom the !oundat1on. Dta1nage swales used lor tr.s purpose shall be sloped 2% where located .,thin 10'-o' ~the buN~og loundahoo. Impe rviOUs surtaces wi1hm 10'..0' 01 me Wiktlf'l9 foundation ShaM be sloped a minimum o1 ~.4 a way trom the bUildin g. CBC 1803.3. See exception ror allowable fiNsl'l gra de stope reouctioo 10 ~.a way !torn sttuctl.lle. A ~ trees marked on the "Site P~n· 001 scheduled lot' removal st;.a.l oe protected by tne appropnate uee ptotectiOf't measures identified by tne consutting Arborisl ot rttCOfd or local plann~ng jlA'lSdiCllOn as appi!CabMI & requtfed as a cor'ldjtiOO 01 appro11al. No equipment. malerlals Of w ork Sh&l commenca until al tJee pmtedlontencing is Installe d. Tr~ protectiOn fencmg shaM rema.n in place unt~ tne or01ect tS ready lor liN! •nsoectJon. An11 work rf!QUifed within tne l enoe<:t protected a rea shan be pet10m1ed with hand r~s. As appi•CBble. see consutl ing L anascape Archnect's draWings !Of lta1W<Xk.. pa....,ng, reaeabonal fixtures . Pfoposed plomtJng & imgatlon lnStallallons. Pfemls-e ld!!nm ;c.uon· ApOfOved nl.f'nbers or addresses snail be proll'iood tor ail new C>ulldings tn such a position as to be plainly VI sible & legible !rom the stree t or road fr0!"1\lf'l9 the property, CBC SectiOO 501.2 \ \ -,....... N r 0 Vl ' 0 ~ 0 Vl \ (e) Residence \ I \ .. \-\'----1-... __ ' ____ ' .• I I SITE PLAN lo) LIVING AREA: 1296.00 SF fo) FRONTPORCH: I 54.00 SF (e) Residence \ •·Tree 118". 1'-0" ,,. ./· IO"ltM :'p · .• (e) Garage Guest Cottage {e) Garage (e) Garage . .-· -· .-· ~~~~ ·' * .-· * •' ··' • +~~"' •' ··' * •' ··' ~ "' ··' · ... ., ,. : l +; ~ .. +/.' •' .-· REVISIONS: # BR Britt · Rowe 108 N, Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos. CA 95030 408.354.6224 (office} 408.354.65~4 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com § V') c:: § ~ Cii 0 0 z ~ LU <( ~ cr: 0 0 .o 'OM >O iii~ "'<C ~() C!Ju) (/)£ 0 0) ....J~ {\J"' ;:::.3 "0 " "' 0 -< z ~ ;>: OJ z LU ~ _J <( <( () cr: (/) 0 Al.l DEMOLITION NOTES: t• .. _.bltl 1. Scope~ wotk to be removed anaiOf ~ sn.l Dt l'ldlcateo on.-.. orawv.gs & shal rduoe tnt oetnc*oot\ rM~OYal andlof rttocatton 01 tXllllng tMtenals ano.b' assetnbl..s nec:essaty to II'IStal andJOI' c.onstruatne oro,ec:tasrncklaea on 1M tlt'opclliMd Iocr pl.ans. elevations & other pW!sCXII'l&alnad Wili'WIWIOJIWW19MlAiot~SNICOOfCiina,:e with 1ne eiCl*l'll oi1ne new work on 'hi PIOPOSed Dlan5 2.. Tnegef*al oontrac:tof Shill onegn.CONNC1 &. proYIOt proper lhOnng & SlrUCU'It support as r&q.Med trvougnout 1h8 oetn011110n procea & connuc:won as 1~ per CAL OSHA reqLMetnents. 3. Alemung DQrtiOnS ot tne pro;.c:c Nl •• ot"9"'ttd to rtmal'\ $hll De protected trom oamage Any questiOn a s to wt\tt st1a1 rema.n.,... oe Dfougtlt 10 h aa.rD:Jn ot N deagner and/or OW'Oe! pnor lo COITIITI6I'ICemenl of.,. WOf1(, 4.. v.here AfVt119t and/oc' recyd~ng ISI41QUW.0 f7t tnt oraW'11"9' andlor sr>eeibcauons. 0t so 01rec~M by the local 1~. all mater ... s, tooures.~. MC;_,It\altbtr~ Dy hand 1n a caret!.A mamer \o avo.a damage and Uai'IS!)Or1~ to the app~opnate taalltJes. 5 . Ounng the OOUI'$t ol demolition. n ~be 1M respont.tbU")' 01 the ~rat contraclor to use W'tlate.ver methOM reauued tollml'l the amou'll ot akbome dull & dirt. Folow •I 'Bay ,._,_. Arr Quality Managemenl Olstrkt" r.c:ommendatlons and ftQUII'.,...ntstu applleable) tor all aspem Of t.'le demolition. lf'duOr~. as •ppi~Ctb6t, N removal 04 as~os mtterials. 6. Remove & replace a1 dry.ron&dllermae oam~ tram~ memoors as rtquire<l and permln&d Remove (a) walls, wnoows & OOOf1 as ~teo on IN DemolitiOn Plan. ReconstrUC1, re\Oe.\te and.lor reptace per new floor plan. Remow (e) oaHOowds. Ct"own & cuing wnere watts. Windows ana ooors are to De remowd & replace~~ new finiSh plarVIcr!edule a~ appli~~;~. PlfKTIOvehllioca le (e) eMic.lrical fixtvret, il\lli\~il and wtlits aa r•QU~red. Upgrade ma~n panel as required to Sfllrvic:e new ej&etrrcall0&05. Remove (•) arcu~ to 5Ub-p~~nel or marn panel or 1o nureSl ac.trve SWI&cfl or tUnchon box . Sat~y tie & e.p all termlnat~ as req~od. 8 . Remove (e) ftOof eovenng 1n all areas ot O.moli\100 & replace PM lrr.st'l sch&aule Of I)IM. Remove al e.abinfltry as lf'ldleated on plans as appllcai:M to 1he new ~)'OUt RMnDve all rougn Plumbing. 1ixtlns and hlrdware as lf'ldlcaled on plans as apphca~l!!. Cap \OimiM\IOOSaSreq&M"ed. 10. H ~ serw:e tslo be 101eflupted. verify and contrrm w.OWMI' r~rding trmmg to I mit ;nc:onvenence. ProwM temporary ..,.,w;. as rtqUtre<l and pe:rrntt~e<t by kX:al p-l$ddt0n. 11. ProWie durT\p5ter and naula way debriC as r~ecs 10 rnarun a c:6&an ;oc she. AI eonstruct10n lf\la(lentnce with public str .. ts. curbs, gun.rs & walirwa)'l shal be apprOYed by the bcal JLM'rsdlclon and Shal n any case kept deaned & tree ot any oebftS Nt rn.y nertere ~ too. nonnal- DEMOLITION AFFJDA VIT Non·Ilistnric Structu m CNnl jn a n bislnric; d jst ritt or on 1 b iyori£ !itr and{nr s;oogructtcl :.aftu 1941 1 l)npnlition : The definition o(dcmqljtHm I(S£1 £or1h jn Stttton 29 10 020 jc a ttachrd. Oemoliuon of a ~lruCiure means: Demolition of more than fifly (50) percent of t ll ex tenor walltJa~ Failure to ma.intam a contit uou s lCOOnecuntt wuhout a hreak) ponaon of exi5un~ ex tenor wall ua that ill 50~ (If more of the t{l(al e Atcrtor wall area. The rcm.,ining exterior wall an:a mu~t m.untain t tthfr the: exuting mtt.-rtor or exi~tms e :uenor wall t.uvcrin ~,;. lli"toric St C\JC'tum <Located i n a n hi&od c di ~ldc;t or o n a historic ~itc and/or cond ruclcd hdorc 194 11 H('mnlit jon : T ht; ddinit inn of drrnolit jon as set [nrtb jp Stc;tj,)ll 29 10.020 is .atta<;hrd. Dc moliu on oi a hi storic structure me•ms: Removal of more than twcnt y.fivc (25) percent of cbc wall area facin' a public sncct(s) aodlor fifly (50) percem of all extenor wall an:a: or Encl~ure or aller;nion of more than twenty-live (25 ) pcr~m of the wall am facmg a public street and/or fafty (50) pcrt:e nt of lhc rxu.-nor w:tll are a so th:.tt they no lont:l!r funcuon as eumor walls. All rc:maining ex tenor wa.JJ area must be conut uous. No new c.Xh .. 'ftar wall rovcnnt shall be pcrmlltcd OVt.'f the cxasolllli! c.xtcmx wall t.'O\'enng. Then: an: cxc."tpuon~ for replaetmcnt. rep:nr or removaL Please ~ec Ad dition:.al lnrurmaJion· When a sta~on of an extcnor wall ha.li both the antenor and ex tencw wall cnvenn~ removed.. lhJ~ !o«.1ioll of Will t.s '-Vf\S~t.:IJ dt.molish...'\1. t'VCR af the !i6ruc.1ur•l l,:uruponen&s (u:. Mu'h ur sheathinJ) ol the "'..all rcmam. eActp1 for h.ntoncal suuetures. Dry f()( 01 any other danur~c docs not exempt the prof«l from any prov"ion set forth by Seaioo '2-1.1 0.t1J030. rr )'OU filkl dry rut ant.1 nc=cd 10 n.•p;u r it, STOI' W()W.K ant.! wnt»c.1thc Ph.nnm~ fkp.anment :u (40R) 354-AA 72 to dL'W~' 1he changes RF.FORF. YO U Pk OC:P.F.n . If you enroumer an umnuapatcd snua non tha t dlan~t' 1he r.corc o( worl:. STOP W O RK and contact the Planrung Dcpan.mem at (40~) 354-Mn to dtscuu the ch:.inf.CS BEFOR E YOU P ROCEED. Exterxw-wall roven ng mean~ the fm adled surface of an el(eno r wall (u :. ~tucoo. ~icbn& or slunglcs' Inter~« wall c:ovenng mean~ the f1ni,I)Cd ~\llface of an ameraor wall Ci.e. ~beetrock or pl a~t er) Extenoc Wllil 11\t"ilflS the: sak or ll buihhn~: l'Vfli)(CUng fwndauon lind ruof. " W;t ll c:ncomp...~ses the tot.aJ heit:hl and wadlh of 1hc llide of the hu1hhnt;. the txterior or imcr lor wall covermg. and stud~structural elements u~c.d m frami ng lhe w,dl. Existmg wall area (]ucs nut mdudc t:Jtt~tan.l' door and winOOw upc:nan~~:~- lf dte cooncct1on from the roof all the way to the foutld:mon ~~ broken. t:omiguity is broken. A one foot minimum connection 1s t)'Pitally rrquarc:d to quali ly ;n crnlii~IJOU~. I bwvt read a nd undtrstand aall lbt infonnat iun on this p:t~e Proptr1J' Ow nt'r ____ _,.rc:hhect of H.ecord ----- En ~inct•r or Rttnrd Contrat.1or of Rf'Wrd ----- •• NOTE ·· It i s stron gly recom mended to condu c t a p re-construction sit e meting with the Town o f Los Gat os Planner o f Record & desig nated Building Offic ia l to completely un derstand the de mo l ition d efinitions noted above. -~======~~~~~~~~:=~~~~··~~~~~~==~~~==~~4= ,______ ~~~lriY ,.,.!!~~..... ~--'=: c:::=::::=:J (c) OF Stud Wall to Rcrnli in (cl O F Stud Wa ll 1o Rcnto v~ New Opening Cut in (c) Extenor w.,u for DoorM"indow Marntam a Mammum of 1r H for Wall Contrguny (E) FLOOR PLAN -DEMO (e) LIV ING AREA: 1296.00 SF (e) FRONT PORCH: IS4.00 SF ( EI\.W .. Ccwllosr.!ll!'f • Demolition ot Exterior Wall Area: See Elcisting Exterior ElevatK>ns Total Erterior WaU Area: 869.00 SF Total Exterior WaH Area Removed: 394.00 SF (45%) Total E.:te nor Wan Area to Remain: 475.00 SF (55%) 1/.:: ... 1'·0 .. 0 ' :! ~--,' :---~ : REV ISIONS : # BR BriH ·Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Avo. Los Gatos. CA 95030 408.354.6224 (oMice) 408.354.6514 (lax) www.britt-fowe.com " ~ Q... .... 0 0 i:i: .5 V) "0 0::: ;;;; V; "' ·x 0 0 < LlJ z: ~ (!) ;;..: OJ z: z: ~ w ~ w ...J ~ <X: <X: a: (.) a: 0 0 (J) 0 A2 .1 l•loraYuoNII --------.1 r-~-----r---------------------------------------------------,--------------(~~~---~---~Q I I ! ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------. ------·--------------------------... J .. --------. -I ~~~--~ __ : __ 1( __ 1 ~ __ .1 __ 1 ~~~~~--:~~·:~·~~~---~~--:~--~--~--~-•--=1--~--:~ __ ;: __ 1 ~~-~--~~·· ~~--"~~---·~:~~---·~~~------~ 1 I :~:::..:=J : :c::::::~: (E) LEFT SIDE ELEVATION (NE) (e) EX1enor Wal Area: 193.00 SF (e) EX1e r101 Wal Area to Remove : 95.00 SF (4~-'l (e) EX1enor Wall Area to Rema1n: 98.00 SF (51%) --·-- --,---====~ -----·-IRIIIRif -_ o-o = ~:' 0 = 0 I ~-;===; n=; ,..-_.--~: ii==i "--, ....... ... .... -··· ............................................................... -~~ ... ~ ...... ~ ......... ~ ..... • ··--·-··--·---·--··---··----··----···-·--------------------··---·------···~-·--·-·---·-----·· -·-·--· ) ... $411 ---------------------------------------------------------------+--'----1r· ~ 1/4" :it: 1 '-0" ( ( •• No CN!t'lO! to "'-"t &..1*'1 .. ~~--------------------2E~~~M~~~W~a~l~~~i~~~~lyL_ ____________________ ~J r I (E) FRONT ELEVATION (NW) (e) Exte110r Wal Area: 251.00 SF (e) Extefl()( Wal Area to Remove: 5.00 SF (2%} (e) Exterior Wal Area to Remain: 246.00 SF (98%) : p p p (E) REAR ELEVATION (SE) ill) RIGHJ SIDE ELEVATION (SW) 1:! ~=~::~:::~we~~· 218.00 sF (100%) (e) E~enor WaJI Atea to RemaM"l: 0.00 SF (0%) (e) ExteOOf WaJ Area.; 207.00 SF (e ) Exlefl()( Waf Area to Remove: 76.00 SF (37%) (e) ExteriOf Wal Area to Rema10: 131.00 SF (63%) REVISIONS: BR Britt· Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Avo. Los Gatos. CA 95030 408.354.6224 (olfice) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.briU-rowe.com "' " c '" > " Lii ~ -~ I! V) ...... V) 0 ~ (!) z ~ w <( ~ a: D D .o '0"' >O Cii ~ 1/)<( ~(.) Clui f/)0 o<O -'c:> C\11/) ;:::.3 " ~ " 0 < z :::E ;;.: al z w !!: -' <( <( (.) a: (/) D A2.2 w ..... o... :::.:,..~ ... ----1--------'1-++- ... 0\0 .. -"'- ~~~·=~"::~ :::~.~----4---4~11L---------~ -~ ~~~~~-------+~~-H~----~-------11 r ·.·._-. 1-.·-. l e~~C~O~N__:__:C~R~E=.!T.!:E:..!L:.!.I G~H~TW~E-=o.LL=@;_cB~A..::S::.::E:::.:M..::E:o:.N.:..:T __ _ L ~ ~ --f!-f-t----R13 Bn .......,.. •I II ..... a ••• ..._ . I J __ _; ~ ~~ .. :.--------~+---;, ' 0 ~ ~ Game/Media Room II l_,i ·-·~ L 5 I::.C·J ,s!::f."ll:lr, ~ ~~~.:::""' •...... .......... .,~" ~~ ~ ~Jcb~l----+-----4 r--~g:::::~~ I' <I' - r-----------~1 1 ~~ ~... ~~"--~<~·~:L-~--~~~k~_,---~~-L·--,--~~oo~~,_------~·~~·&-'~~~_,~ ~-----l----f===:;=h--1 J' . 8 8;: 8:: :--------r-----~ -------------------------F,2t~r------------------------· ·-r---.-----.. ~ __ ______jf-L .... (8'.c"C\g) ~: 7 • (fl:.o"Cig) ~:: w ~ui---. f- ! ,---~------------···: tb-c; @ [;:=:: ::::;:::=::1 H+-------------1 i i :~:::::: 1± ' 0 -~flr~]l r--::~ Mttb. G y -., --~ i ~ -b ~I~ 1jl=-J L:_j i :;~;~: :~ .:~~.S"" : J ;_lriiJ ,;:;'~-· I Gll1 n==ll-f--J-1-+-------------------i • • f-+:;: ~~;:-n ~ '---------J I I I : ! r;:._ .. ~ LJ ~++--++~s=-=F~-"-'~ -: ·----------------------' f3l G '· n ~ I L:J L.:..J -;o:-.= 1!;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;] rr--21118Mootlff-I '-- 1 1 / ' r-_J ®, EG !;• ~} ~1 0 wii_(::.~::-::..)___!00<2.__:;'~-~=====--·=-==:::::=====;!J I ~~0~--4-~~~~~-+-----4--~~~0 .-----~~~--~~----------~~----~~~11 ____________________ -4~ --~----~- }---.Jf~,-·~----J--~··£-~--4-~~--~·-~£4'' ~ --1-fj ----- ··~ ·~· ._,. ..... P~aftluoa~ ~~~~ __________________________________ J - (N) CELLAR FLOOR PLAN (n) LIVING AREA: 1960.00 SF T-<' ?1'·tl' 29' ... 114"-1'-()' = g~tOfPIImJ!' Cn) 2k OF Stud W~ll to Con~lr\ICt U5C 2x4 DFI2 Studs (typ.) UNO lll''W Poured Cooerctc: Retamtnc Wall Sec Foundation Plan ~: ~h:~:.-:==.CI::!"~c:~~ c::,.-: '::.:J:f',s f:!'=:ge 3. fJ:'9~~~:! ::'tt!':!!;e\e :!,!! ~ !"c!::·h an .II:;:J;;1ttMlte bKIIW.Nf 't'J.M & ~ vM IUPC 710.4) 4. lroe clr~ p(III"'Q lfOm ""'-ouement cUnong; M!Ur" WI OIISCNI~ 11"'0 ., apor~ w*t'..,... wmp. fJOm sutn aumo ourro .. ,,,.,. sNI be lifte<l INOtnebU6oll'lfOtWi fllt M ~~$0f puono&. ~~----------~S~T~A~I R~&~·~HA~N~D~RA~I L~RE~Q~U~l~RE~M~EN~TS~----------------------- REVISIONS: I # BR Britt· Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave . Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.3S4.6224 1office) 408.354.6514 (lax) www.britHowe.com (.!) z ~ <{ a: 0 -0 'OC') >o -lt) CDOl "'<t '*0 <!>ui .,£ 0 I'll -'(.!) """' -o -..... --o (,) 0 z LU ....1 <{ 0 (f) ;;.: CD z ~ a: 0 A3.1 @> ~ k je}3C68 l I 11'-6"' ! ~-I L. I -· EntrY I ~ ® :!: ..1[. (N) MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (<) LlVING ARE/\: 1290.00 SF (c) FRONT PORCH : 154 00 SF (nl /\DDITION : 521.00 SF (nl COVERFD PATIO: )Jq 00 SF (REAR) ~-·-~ I ,.._. ® ® 0 ® I ,.J T•. 6'..(';" 7-11" ._,. I ,._. ,._,. 12'-10" ,.,,. ~ ' T ,._,. --"'' ,. BBO t I It-I 6'-" ~"'-'f-1: 0 ~ ~ ® l = (c) 2x OF Stud Wall to Remain = (n) 2K DF Stud Walilo Constmct ~- U!<ic 2x4 DF~2 SIUds (lyp.) UNO = 2x OF Srud lnfill @ (c) Opc n in~s _,. 1 /4~-1'-0M ~ . , . ' REVISIONS: # BR BriM· Rowe 108 N. Sa n1a Cruz Ave. Los Gatos. CA 95030 408 .354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (lax) www.brilt-ro we .com i:l.l u z i:l.l .o 'IJC'l Q >o ....... mg; ifJ (})<( U-4 ~() 0::: CJ<fi 0::: (}).8 0"' i:l.l -'CJ N(}) ......l ~o N ~_j E-< ....... a ~ ;;:: .... 0 0 w: " > "' ...1 V) -c ""' r:r: i'::: ., l i 0 0 <( -z ::E CJ ;:;.: al z z ~ LlJ $: LlJ I ~ <( ~ <( cr: cr: 0 0 0 A3.2 EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES jROOFING : Clas$ fl.. asphalt compoM:10n roofi ng shngles (40 year) ol~mum 301 buidtng ~or 6Qulll. o/CDX or OS8 roo1 sheathng. Roof material eo1ots aMJOt manufilcW'efS W I be se4ec~ and ~oved t7)' U. crOJ)8rty owner. OSB plywood s.healhng may be used n l+eu ct s.tandard plywood upon receMng approwl from the I!Ogll'leef of retOfd. Whefe f'OOf slooes ate es triOn 4112. use (2) '-yers of roofr~g underbyment CRC R905.2.2 & R905. T .2 SIDING : Exteoor Walls: Hon:r.ootal wood siding 10 match (e), o/(1) ~yet ot30t ~lnQ DQPet Ot OQIJII. oiCDX plviNOOO wall stteathr.g, nailed 0 6/12 min mum. See enaineer's ~sheaf WaJI Schedu~" tor soec•tied otywood lh.cknus •nd rTilnwnurn nailing reoulfetnet1ts. OSB wan sheath~ ~T~ay I be used in heu of plywooo with Pngineer of record '5 approval. I Non Shear WallS: Provide a minmo..rn ct. 318~ COX pty'woOd w3ll sheatNng. MFul W rap". Na ~ w/&:1 0 6112 m.nii"''UTT. For remodel pt'Ofe:Cts, onty new w;~lls Shal recetvoe full wn~.p M\eathing (UNO). W31 Base: ProYiOe C¢Rlei"Of G.l. base of wal dnO tasn.ng \WoMO screed) pet CBC Sec10"t 2512,1.2. k\stat 2" mnmJm OlboYe paved surtaces. & 4 " aboveearthgr9des.. OOORS & WINDOWS: ACCENTS: DecotawerJ09e ~, ...... Clr~t iOm~C•J , ......... , _ _j --' ' ' ' : J 1 --"'' .._, .. L_~~~------~--~--~----------~~--~ '--------:---::.,.,~·::·~ .. - 1 =~<.aat s.. ----------' -----·--i----.. ---' ---.. --··-------.. --.. -----·--·---------·-----------------------------------------------------··-----~-.... i .. - '----------------------:tt::.~----------__J FRONT ELEVATION (NW) 1/4" ::1 '-(t" ~-~G.l~----------, ' ' ' o NO -----------------------------------------'-----------------------------J---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' ' ----------J--------------------· L EFT SIDE ELEVATION (N E) 1/4 " _, '.()" REVISIONS : # BR Brin ·Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. l os Gatos, CA 95030 408.3~.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (faxl www.briU·towe.com v. = .s <'i > "' w .... . s V) 0:; ;::: ;< 0 w 0 z 3: w <( ~ a: Cl 0 .o '0 <') >o iii~ "'<: ~() CJ.n U>.8 0!11 ...JCl NVI -o -...J '0 ~ " 0 < z ~ ;;..: CD w z ...J ~ <( <( () a: (/) Cl A5.1 EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES jROOFING : I siDING· \Ekterior Walls: Honz.ontal wood siding to matc h (e). o/(1) ia)'er of 30• buitdii'IQ paper or eQual . oiCDX plywood wall $heathing. nailed C 0112 im.onimum. See engne«'s -snear Wall Sch@dule~ fOf soecil red plYwood thici<Oess af'\d mifwi'IU1"1'1nailing ftQUJrements OSB walt ~th.ng may I be u sed n lieu of plywood w tth engineef ol ff!CO(,_ds"'a:>ppmval==· -----------------------1 /Non Shear Walls: Pn:rvde a minimum of 318" COX ptywood wan sheathing, ~Fuii Wfap". Ni!!il wf8d 0 6112 m il'\itnum. For remodel pm;ects, onty !new walls Shall receive full wrap ShealhlllQ (UNO). !Wall Base: Pr~e copper Of G.l. baSe of wall dnp flashing (......eeo screed) per CBC Section 2512. 1.2. Install 2' miomum above paved surtaces I& 4" a bove eartn grades . l !DOO RS & WINDOWS: jAJ exteuordoors (with glass) & winaows Shan be constructed with oual caned. low "E" glazng. Tempered glazng st\311 be required per CRC i Sections RJOS & R311. Ooof & w i'\Oow manu1actlJII'er sha~ be ~ted & approved Dy tfle property owner. See Sheet OW.1 lor additional door & iwm ow notes & s.c:hedules. i See Exterior Eleva tiOnS foJ <'ddit~l wa~ & roof det aits & SP!(:iflcatiOOS. : c:::J . ~ ~ .. REAR ELE VAT ION (SE) ,.---------===StyP ... 21 .S"llfrG.t t 2"•tii'GJ Dec:ol'alivetidge ~& eav.Otack~to maldl(e) 114" -1 '-o" ____________________ .._ __ ~---·---··-----------------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------- RJGHT SIDE ELEVAT ION (SW) 1 14~ ::::t ·.o· REVISIO NS: # BR Britt· Rowe 108 N . S anta Cruz Ave. los Gatos, C A 95030 408.354.6224 (offH::e) 408.354.651 4 (fax) www.britt-ro we .com "' .§ " > " Ui .... .8 V) i:; ;::: >< 0 tJ.l <!.i z ~ UJ <1; ~ a: Cl Cl .o "Oc:<l >O ro~ .9(3 "' (.9u) <JJ$! 0"' -'(.9 (\J<J) -o -..J '0 :>:: "' 0 < z :2: ;>.: ell z UJ 5: ..J <1; <1; 0 a: (/) Cl A5.2 ... ..... ~41}-~--------r-r:::.=='--"===='------.::·-·:..:· ··;:_· .::;··-=-=·-·=·····=·-.::;·-=·· ==:.:c.!..Jr NG ····-····-....... DODD DODD REAR ELEVATION (NE) I FRONT ELEVATION (NW) ""'" ...... r----------·--~ m_,......,.~ r--tt-----~= I tJ~ J.lll ,II I I E ~ qw l h • I<TtcheriiFllmilv 8 (VdtldCig.) u ~ ' 1 (nl266f! 0 ' " ~U£_ Bedroom l'laul:ed~1 ~~~ .. = - : ~ j e)2G"'(( (el26t0 ~ .... 14"·~· ,,.,. ~w c::==::=l (n) 2x OF Stud Wall to Construct ~ = (c) lx OF Sllld W<~ll to Remain (n) Accessory 2nd Floor Plan Livms Area: 464 .00 SF No Added SF u g,t l h ~ H ~~ . :~·::·=-lil •• --~- ---~:----·-·····---··- LEFT ELEVATION (NE) 114. ·1·-o· : < i @>' r=:::=:::J (c) 2x OF Srud Wallta R(:m.a1n ~ I I I I .J (n) Accessory Garage Plan Gar~~gc Area: 4(.4 ,00 SF RI GHT ELEVATION (SW) 1 14~-l '-0 .. REVISIONS· I BR Britt· Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ava. Los GatO$, CA 95030 408.354.6224 (offK:e) 408.354.6514 (lax) www.britt·rowe .oom "' OD e " " c £ ""' "' -"0 0:: <.> "' 0 r-0 < 0 0 < z :2: (!) ;:;.: CD z w z ~ w ..J !!:" <1: ~ I ~ < a: a: Cl Cl Cl A9.2