Item 3 - 121 Glen Ridge AvenueProject Data TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 11 0 E. Main Str eet, L os Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SH EET 121 Glen Ridge Avenue HPC 5-25-16 Item 3 Requesting approval to construct an addition to an existing seco nd stor y on property zoned R- 1:8 . APN 510-19-006. PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: Harry Dickinso n PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1920 Town of Los Gatos Hi storic Status Code: 3D Does property have an LHP Overlay? NO Is structure in a hi storic di strict? NO If yes, what di strict? N/ A If yes, is it a contributor? N/A Findings required? NO Consid eration s required? YES See back page of thi s docum ent for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is looking to construct a n addition to an ex isting second story. Due to the property's rating cate go ry, the applicant is pursuing feedback f rom the HPC prior to submitting an application. The appli cation would not be required to return to HPC o nce submitted if the direction from the Committee is addressed in th e final proposal. Historic Resource In ventory mate rial s are attach ed along w ith the appli cant 's propose d plans and ex isting pictures. N:\DEV\HI STORI C PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\201 6\Gien Ri dge 12 1-5-25-16.docx Required Findings __ As required by Section 29 .10 .09030(e)(2) ofthe Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2 . No significant persons are associated with the site. 3 . There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4 . The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5 . Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: 2 X 3 Town Policy On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Cc: Harry and Martha Dickinson, 121 Glen Ridge , Los Gatos, CA 95030 dlnne !B{oom{ufd ARCHITE CTURAL /CULTURAL SU RVEY LO S GATOS RES EAR CH ARC H ITECTURAL H ISTO RY (4 1 5) 9 22·1 0 63 2 2 2 9 WEBSTER STREET S A N FRANC ISCO. CA 941 1 5 PARCE L MAP INFORMATION Parcel # · -1 ..t' --~=-~~~--~------------Lot s ize: :;-o f ron t ft . x ______ f t. dee p Lot s hap e : R ec tangl e~ L Re c t a ngle with small rear j og __ Oth e r ~v ------------------~ Lo cation: N s E w~ s ide of G r<: St Ave / Othe r ______ _ dis tanc e t o c ross st: C 7 t).? f N /s E f t l. ~ -·-t. _/_ -----w __ r om:.._:_r_·4f'"_r·_, __ ,_ ... _, ___ · ______ __ at NE_ NW SE SW corn e r of. ________________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA RCEL MAP Old tract or s ubdivision FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten ip red) .) / Prelimi nary r a tin~g ____ _ Estimated age 1 1 :< J.. Style.--=----------------..,....--# s tories ~....-.· Alterations. _____ ~~-~-----------------~----~----~-----=--=-~~----------- Other _______________________________________________________________ _ )O UNTY ASSES SOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy ) OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Sourc e Name Date Page -- ( 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 11fl l-944--~~ 6-&of ~../-/,<9~(" l&-19e ~ ~,_ -,;v-p I u p Lo c ation of property, Old ·tract/block/lot f5'~fot17 / {_ (p &If~ t-~r#v~ ;1 I~ 6i?,1-:£.6-j 1 )J ~#ell'\, • 7 2 or Lot Size --- J !l)( h .J, I '11./.7-- J 1&1 " EFFe c tive date /Z/fr- ' Own e r Nam e ---- (0< 2A OlYl OS6oO t, "' c.£ e ()'2.-v <!. I sa-~ £ J oh.111 -;,t!9V1 {aJ~o I I MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS : Ro ll/f r am e #-~/ 7 !r: Date ::> Fv ic National Register listed date~---------------County Inventory 1979 __________________ ___ I Town of Los Gatos : Designation ___ Recognition __ _ Distric t Name ------------------------------- Le address rr t ,c-c-·--. ._._, .... 6 u JBLI..aD AaDIOUMCDift8 ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH tur-• __ AU __ Bulletin __ CA&BIIt __ call __ chron __ DPB __ BcLAB __ u __ .. __ PeA Other <::<::<::tl Wl:.t:I::>II:.H ::0 11-<1:.1:.1 SAN FRANC ISCO. C A 94 1 1 5 Yolu.e Date Paqe 1ture of a nnoun-ment: __ contract notice __ Notio;-or-co.pletion __ BP issued __ Photo __ Blev/sketch/rend'q __ Ploor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub ___ Real est. tpy exactly: ~ !Builder/Contractor I Architect/Engineer 1 Location JNature of work I £2!! 'lLDING PBRMlT'l trcea Pe nu.t ria t er , Preas - Address reQUested, ______ __ Application nat• I U!!/ llo. of Owner Builder/ Arch't/ " contr . & enqin'r Linitiale Bldq's width/ depth/ Date e:xterior Number . .......__ Location £211 ll.U.$L. address address & address Description of work b!!i9h1 Mater ials 1 I 1 IKa SOURCB (s pecify thoroughly) f 01'fi3<A.~'I£-<t _ '5/~'"'J J...., -1--lq1to'S'Sort~~&§ Fo():r-t'I?.Lwr- dJ ~rr RSCF '?elf. 1111) :iBORH MAPS vac. ·~ ~1J II ( 1-..Ju ~of .S.t>~~; .. .fj ~~t; ~c:., J . r~<t " 1jg'l /0 ?t/~ I /(.) I I /'2-( Color: yel , pnk, oranqe blu,qry !green 1 ..Jl!!.... I - Pa tches Yes/ No . of ~fstori!l No. of Heiqht bay ....J.1L.l.l window• A-I to8' ~ ~'l:J~ IY'L tv• I 1__ 1 I I Nu I 2_ lr') I 1 I 'PoRct+ ~I ,SC, c./?~~ 1!1u !-Lu-r 5r.:.t-/ 7rd~ /v cJ c..lf1 11 7t.;V .. 1~ -If ""' i ti ala ~·t• /Initials Date Date of Describe or s ketch c onstr. J plan 1A'/ ~ dlY rJ. I 9tit 1«/'(y Lln.U.i: Date ~. F I RE MARSHAL (3S4·6821 I PUBLIC WORKS 1354·68631 I SSUED BY t3 S4·68721 I PLANNING I DI RECTOR TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 E. MAIN ST ., LOS GATOS, CA. 95030 BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT • PHONE 354-6876 APPLICATION FOR ' BUILDING PERMIT ( J 1 B dfnn£ ~loomfi.E.Ld. ARCHITECTURAL HI STOR't' ,l 141 Sl 922·1 063 ARCHITEC~,__c.;_UL~ SURVEY 2 2 29 WEBSTER S T REET ~ RE~ SAN F RANCISCO.CA94115 h-(~ra®.~~~~~~t~.~~-~~·~=~=-w~·~~~~~~~-~~~~-~;~~---------------- Addre•••• a .. ociatad with Name /{5) / c::( f(_ • Relevant dataar c:onatr~_ction~.....-__ • birth. ___ • death._ ___ • other __________ _ I. DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Directoriea, county Direetorie•. Telephone Booka, aociaty directorie•. ate.) Year Book M&llti/Cla .. ified H-dinq Liatina (copy entire exactl~ aa ahown· uae • for boldface) 7!:[:_ C/) o5'g oA-•-Yf At...>Tn..t M lE. q;MA f'2.t1 ~~o S€C>&->E. -6'#--«-rSie '.c:....:::. {fi'L/~ f '\ /- 7~ VI l191~ At5 Jq-z~ 1 '-.... '/ '-.c.f A-~4YVJ -12-/ <:j/1. II. BIOGRAPHICAL SIARCR, index•• • other alphabetical liatinqa. {in,itiall Mark 'X' (infct .or 'J' (notbinq found) at each aourca you try. Liat findlDCJa below. data Los Gatos Library Californ i a Hi s tory Cent e r, De Anza Co lle· Directories, 1919+ ____ Biographi cal file J [,.t.'?D"-I J Historic Collection Index ____ Photo collection ~ ____ Thompson & West, 1876 Photo collection ----County history 1888, Pen Pictures l ~n~~~County history 1922, Sawyer _o ~L.G. history 1971, Bruntz Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill) ____ Death records/obituaries ____ Directory, 1902 or 1903 Photo collection San Jose Histo ric al ____ Great Registers Indexes Ph o t o Collection Mu s eum (of voters ) General sourc es, unknown locatio n(s ) Indexes, California His toric al Qu a r t erl y State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index Census (mic r o film ) ____ County history 188 1, Monr oe Fraser Brai nard maps III. LIST ALL REFERENCES FROM ABOVE. Find them. Copy qood material 6 attach. Or copy below if only a few worda. Or explain why not relevant (aa, wrong ~raon). {;/to u g,_ '5; 1 & 4' 1 ) 1o ? r l k 3 , _j fh~M G/P r ~1A -c b.'+ Arc~ s I .. ,s-.l7'1'/ / / .' - 15 r I;·A7-. 3 -'(Dr A E~ O r./..?OU..C! a prc,vl >.£·"' 1-jcc~ I I//''/'" ' ... ...J-OPtt.,·..f ;.~...e-rre~.(!)-{~ 54-0ar~ ·'I ~~~er i-J-,~$j•_l t;ct;'/ 1 rvtd Cl.~ j-./r_,) j D "'!7..1! 61U %Jd.ll;u•~-S e:· c-· ~ r-{J::t/l et <J ~~"'~r:/e.,l .... u n ,ICJ {-De.-A.,+r-.. -.-... ::'[ O~e r>v,.e-1 I ~B ~ ;e~r·vd -1£>.._-V v. M1r 'J~~~ 1-__. <i /..6.) J;,._ "5-..}d-e ~"'~/. L:7 Continued on Reverse /J::Iitiala datt \" -:/0 ;tne faculty of the College of Physl .. t :clans and Surgeons, San Franclao; 'and· a.a lec turer at other instltu· Uons he Is re!J?.embered 1n more recent year's for' devoted ~ork as chairman of the probatiOn eomm.Jt- tee of the ju ven1le c ourt. DW:: . the war he was chairman ot dra· board No. 2 of this count)'. In 1901 Dr. Osborne established -- Osborne ha.ll in 8uta Clara, a re-~t ··for mental (!a$ea, ~d W·bict , ~ed· b.igb iiTofesatonaJ 11taDdtnc. t·.·, ~ ·::·,> Ele~t:eil ~tor , ;; ~ ... ~ 1~20 1\e. w.as el~ state ~-.-- ~to!\ ·He .mt!bduced., ~ JOint m-:1 ~-ori-~....;.. .. ~ ·bci refre~-"·'"~Z:~· .. ,...'~"':' 1 •• r· · · · l:tii:;/and ~rved n th'it 'ch11 s el<9'lc~. cn.seria.Uon; c o \! n ti covernment,l ho&pitaJa &Jl1l U7hUJl.a, labor and : eQital, normal:· ~b~) cha.ri~,a 1 U..d .. correct.iOI)i.• and public .bea!tll and,q~U.e ,oom.w.ees . .-.'·. .. , Oil ..., _ ., , • • ,6 1 .~,I. :.f \ · , ""\ o*· s...fttember ·'f, i~:he. mil'- r.ted •· Ki1a . :M . .: f. .. !I. "~· . • • ' ~1>...'..'' l. c~.;,'2;! la&\lahter or Ool. .. ~.~ ~···~~ al~ war v e t .e r>)Ut, ;· 01" ·Madeu&. 1 0~, They bfo4l · DO children, 1tUi . ad,Op~ a niece. Apes Blo1ldla (MZt. William Hdnt Jr:). . Among other a vocatioul inter· eata, ·Dr;. Otbome wu editor of the \ . t • ,o aborile cenealOJ.lf:l;&l b i 8 tor.,.. 'whlch told of .everal promi.DeJtt lramtuea. He waa ~reatl:f t.ntereated lin ear}f Callfmia ·~~tory, and \LC:- cumUla~ ~ ~ of ~tertal on SPanish da7;J in this diatrlet. He was one of 'tlie organis8nl of the :consistory in Sq:. Joee, and helped ! build t.be Scottlllh Rite temple in 'San Jose. He alao held prominent rank In the Odd Fellows and the , Knights of Pythias orders. 1 He was a close trtend of the late l JUdge Wllllam A. Beasly, who died. Friday, and also had been asso- ciated in his juvenlle delinquency work with .Judge William F. James . of the supel'loi court. • j !H UNDREDS AT . I fiNAt BITE~ ;,JOH OSBORN~ I,·. '\ Hundreds ot sorrowiq friends Ill t he late Dr.· Antrim' E. Oabo~ .gatbentd yeate'ntay afternoon .~ lpQ-their 1lnal t:J'ibllte ot 1'Npect;~ Ule Cnneral aervicea ~ at ~ Place Funeral home; As & pb.J'_. elan, as. a former state senator,·~ a leader In Klwania, Odd F8llow and Masonic circles, & a cl a.a. a frtelld and nelchbor, D~. 01~~ wa.s bOth reepected and bel~Te4:~· Rer. Dav.td Toda. Glllmor, ·~t« of St. Luke'il E!)lacopal ch~· conducted the aervica. A quutet !rom tbe Chrlatl&n church an4 ~: wanJa club, comprlsinc Rev. ~ C. Cole, Charles Pll1ll.lps, Wariea :Hailimond and Clarence Herud lli:a. i saq "Rock of qes" and '~J'~~ ·.Lover of My Soul." •· '·.~1 I The pallbeare r• were W. L. cor, over and 1. D. Mabie, repreaentin& the K1w~ia club; George H. Roll and J. A. ·ouver, repreaent i.D.g San- ta Cl4ra lodge No. 23 8, I. 0. 0 . F .; and John J. Jones and Thom~ I Jraham o f Santa Clara, represent- ing the Santa Clara Building an.d .LOan aasoclatlon, '·in wblch he w.ae a leader. The Bible trom which Rev.~ mor read was the o.ae used by Dr. !osborne when he waa medical au· perintendent o1 the 'cautornia ho ! tor the f eeble minded, tn Glen El·i l en, Sonoma. ca'uty. 'I 'i''he casket was banked in one! of the moat. beautiful flo ral dls-j plays ever . s een at a l uneral bere. · J-;t n . J .tl 1 cllnne. !Bloom(i£fd ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY -""""' /. UL""""""' TJRVBY c41s1 922 -1os3 ARCHITBC-....v~ .. G. .,u.anA.~ S 2229 WEBSTER sTREET ~ RBSBA.RCH . SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 •~ (~r •~.bd~~g. ~9~inthn, ~c>·~~S~&~~~~~~·~~~i~~~~~~n~---------------------~ Addreeeee aeeociated with M•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~-~~~~~~~-~~-~---~~---~----~---~ blevant datee c conetr~ction • birth death • other·-~-~~-~---- I . DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Direetoriea , county Direetoriea, Telephone Booka, aociety directoriea, etc.) Year Book Mqe/Claaaifiad "'""".4'"· r.; ... ;,.,. IC!ODV a nt:ir. axat!t:l~ •• ah""""· uae • •n-r bnld•a,...\ N~ SJ'I) ..J.!!:) ~ If\ '•6!; ... se pi ,.,, r- t:::it """'"~ <!:71'1 t<:".l? V! (2: 1111 .... ..... # l¢f I' I '9ll!l_ ~ r\. ..... ·~ ..-t A. • -- .... >1 :5 ~PY!4 k.frdl tA4t I at /I / 911/ ~D J <> t. ;'\S,Oi'> ~ rz;j, e-( 1111 ,-bw L() v ,-~) L ~3 1 !fr-lNe 1N; "" "'" "" "' 11 r '2 Z. S.:U.,~ 7 ('-"" ...... "' _Mr-s . r-,;;u;;-~ 7 --;::;:·JM-r:c~ci..e_r-tO/) -rU?;lt:-S -f.h,,~7 , ....... II. BIOGRAPHICAL SIAaCR, indeXee • other alphabetical liatinga. Mark 'X' (intd .or ·-· (nothing found) et each aouroe you try. Liat findtnqa below. Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ~~J~~,Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection ___ Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ___ Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn , 1904 (bio index) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) j~;t~Exten ded index to Bruntz __ Blo index of hunroe Frazer, ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) 1681 San Jose Historical Museum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: ___ Indexes, California Historical 0uarterly Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): ___ State Library Information Index (fiche) __ Death records by year ____ State Library-S .F. Newspaper Index (") __ Funeral records (index cards to big books) ___ Photo collection III . LIST ALL R!!F!REIICES FROM ABOVE. Find them. Copy qood material • attach. Or copy below if only a few worda. or explain why not r·elevant (aa, wronq ~raon). L:7 Continued on Reverse . / /; ~·?~ I /.· F1le Address p~ -..:..:."c ..J v ,, , / .S' cflnne. !Bfoom{ufd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RE S EARCH Tract/Block/Lot. ______________ ___ ARC HITECTURAL HISTORY 14 1 5 1 9 2 2 ·1 063 2 229 WEBSTER S TRE ET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 Assessme nt s a re filed by l ast name of property owner, but not necessarily in alph~betical order. Some years there is an i ndex inside the volume or in a se parate book. The goal of a search is to find the years wh e n the assessed value of "i mprove ment s " (buildi ngs) c h a n ged from 0 to over $500, or when that figure rose by $500 or mroe. Wr ite down every year a nd name you try, i ncludin g the years when you find no t hing. Ditto marks are fine. Date /11~ Yl /114 /tf /2 /'1/tJ I ? ... ,q f10~ /'fD 1 • 4 11o ? .. "~~· II/"". . v .... -7 ._ l f f)j . . - - Page /_C);: 9t 8 ~::'6 3c/ 3rP 3& ~o/ ......., .Y·~ " I C"-'~ .,. ~4, I .... ~-. Name 05/.Su n-,.....;;> f. -1-" 7/r )2 /•t>.C r- S c. 4 rk S .I Ars .5 ~ I ·-t':2, :> 'h t').ht"JL ~ , _/' . J ..,/;.,1:.'11,., -~~ .., ·:I - ..,. ,1 ~~r -:;:,&' ,. :/(. :..~· - ,, . - ~ ....P~ .• r ..., 11 -'-' I I --- -----Lot Ide nt ification/Bound aries------ Tract/ Bloc k/ Lot/ Acres N Bdy E Bdy ~ W Bdy /v (_ E£.54 esor-+ I G "' :SI-r ·,p ~·e:e I ' Jt I 0 ¢ .. .rl I ;, ... .. , ~ -7 [!n ..,/ l !fll ·-->t •·1 .,. -. /!.. .. '1 - - /_;' rl ~· ;; 7 .. ~: - /' IP -4: "' __ ) ~ '4 --As sessment for-- La $ /";?...~.:; b~O S"'~..J .. , 7 C J C ""t " 6,,:) :2.5"0 :2.:5 ? Improve- ments !Othe r Info . $ /'¥4/t.:; g 6lc:, '8-oo /1 0 ?/~ '"""' /S '00 I ,., -- •• n-1-,. - N I ~ M,/)0 -- """7.:J·J I /1 n1t1al s ~ Los Gatos Community Development Planning Department Historic Preservation Committee RE: Residence at 121 Glen Ridge Ave . May 10,2016 Rr TOVI/ix .. 3 PLANNING UiVI'>IUt>i The residence at 121 Glen Ridge Ave. is owned by Harry and Martha Dickinson since 1987. The original two story structure was completed in 1912 . A single story addition was complete d during the 50's/60's, exact date unknown. The re is a standalone garage, construction date unknown at the rear ofthe property. We have engaged Chris Spaulding, chris@csarchitect.net as our architect. He has generated a design concept set of drawings submitted with this letter. Based on the submitted design concept the intended work (scope of work) would include the following : 1.) Add a second story to the 50's/60's single story add ition. 2.) Refurbish the original historic two story structure. 3.) Update the original foundation to current code. 4.) Update plumbing and electrical to current code . 5 .) Replace standalone garage. Included with this letter are a set of photo prints of the current elevations of the residence and the as-built floor plan . We are requesting to be placed on the other business agenda and meet with the Committee on Wednesday May 25, 2016 to review the design concepts we have prepared . ~~ Harry Dickinson 121 Glen Ridge Ave . Los Gatos CA 95030 Mobile: 408-348-4901 Email: hldickinson47@gmail.com RECEIVED MAY 1 ~~ ZU16 T OWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION ~ I -I ~ ~ ..,, ~ "J ,- _,_.,._ I~ "' r------~~;ru~~~------l 1 Y.T tll:CT~ onwu. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J L , , . ..,. I-. ------------~~----------~ GARAGE PLAN 1/4"= 1'-0" CJ ~ CJ c:::J DOC~ DO DO FRONT ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" >-:3: 0 LLJ ~ cD _J _J ln ""t <( (f) lfJ 2 1 'x2 1' DETACHED GARAGE . \ Cf"<XISM ~Mi'n~Go OHAC .. CO~~ --, DECK EXISTING RESIDENCE r ----, (E) PORCH I I IL _____ _j -------------------,41 ~-------------- SIT E PLAN I /8 "= 1'-0" -~~-----.=---oc::-_:=_--1-_· -= __ -=--= -=-- -:_~~~-S -~:-~~~-~~--~7.--~~-~~ :_~~- ·-·· ..... . ··-· "' ..... _____ _ B RIGHT S IDE ELE VAT ION REAR ELEVATION LEFT SID E ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" 1/4"= 1'-0" 1/4"= 1'-0" DRAWINGS PR£PAR£D BY CHRIS SPAULDfNG o ARCH I TEC T o 80 1 CAMELIJ\ STREET SVTIE E BERKELEY CA L.lfORNIA 947 10 (510) 521·5997 FAX (510) 527·5999 REVISIONS I UY PRELIMINARY SF.T DESIGN REVIEW SET PLAN CUECK StT PERMIT SET CONSTRUCTION SET DATE 5-IO-Ic; SCALE /<!!> NOf!D DRAWN eu~'OOII'D JOU OICKH JSOtJ SHEET Al OF J S!lEETS ll I !~ I I I GAME ROOM ~ ' \ ~~g UG~LL 1\ BASEMENT PLAN 1/4"= 11-0 11 0 10 20 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 0 10 15 SECOND FLOO R PLA N 0 10 20 (N) MASTeR BEDROOM 20 1 1-----b=-~='----t II I I I I !!O KITCHEN II I I I I I I II I I I I 'I I I I II II U\INGROOM B ~---T : I l. L-~~4d~~-+~ '---- COVERED PORCH 1/4"= 11-0 11 1/4"= 11-011 DRA\1/INGS f"REPAR.EDOY CHRIS SPA ULDING oA R C III TECTo 801 CAMfliA STREET SUTTEE BERKE FY CALIFOR...'\;L\ 9-niO (SiO) S27·S997 fA.'\ tSIO) 527·S!>'J9 REYL4)[0NS BY I I I f>RlllMlNAR Y SET T DESJGN REVlEW SET T PL.AI'I CIIECKSET I PER..\ilTSET CONSTRUCTION SET DAT£. 5·10-IG SCALE A5N0Tf0 OIV\WN e~vcr..o JOB OIOO!ISOtl Sl tEET A2 OF 3 SIIEETS LEFT-SIDE ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" FRONT ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" ···-~ '-~·-.. ,.. . ......,L.,-----~----~-~-~--~---~-~-~-~-~-~--~ - -. . - - -. -- - ----....;···-· - ---- - --=-,-__ ...;;;.. ..;:. . ..:::..:...__ . ..::.....:.:..... -·:......:::.:...-::.:.:.....;:....:.:.... ;;.. . ..:.:..... --. .;.;.....;:. .. ..;.;:.. ... ':;.......:... ___ ------------------- RIGHT-SIDE ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" REAR ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" DRAWINGS PREPARED BY CHRIS SPAULDrNG o A R C H I T E C To 801 CAMEL !A STREET SUITE E BERKELEY CALIFORN[A 947\0 (510) 527-5997 FAX (510 ) 5.27.5999 REVIS IONS BY PkELIMINARY SEf DESIGN REVIEW SE::T PLAN CHECK SET PER..\1ITSET CONSTRUCTION SET Ot\U:: 5 -10-1(; SC'\LE ASNOTfD DRAWN wC5'oaw JOB" OICJ:J~ISCN SIIEE.T A3 OF J SI IEETS SERVICE ~~ ~ PORCH BATH r - BEDROOM ~ 1[~ UTIL - l r KITCHEN LIVING ROOM -- F FAMILY ROOM L BATH - ~ .... + - DINING i 1-- ROOM -- FOYER UPrT ~ I ENCLOSED COVERED PORC H PORCH I EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN I /811 = I ~-o~~ II T I BATH II ' - - c=::: :::::J or BEDROOM BEDROOM ~ - f f--,i""[ )~ BEDROOM ----, ~ II II I II II I - EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN I /8 11 = 1 1-011