Item 2 - 22 Glen Ridge AvenueProject Data TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 22 Glen Ridge A venue HPC 5-25-16 Item 2 Requesting approval of exterior modifications on property zoned R-1 D. APN 510-42-020. PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: Eric Leavitt PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was bui lt: 1910 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: 3D Does property have an LHP Overlay? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes, what district? N/ A If yes, is it a contributor? N/A Findings required? NO Considerations required? YES See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is looking to remodel th e existing rear deck. The proposed design and materials deviate from the existing and would not match those of the front of the residence. Due to the rating code for the residence , staff is seeking feedback on the proposed change in materials. Historic Resource Inventory materials are attached along with the applicant's proposed p lans and existing pictures . Please note, records indicate a previous address of 24 Glen Ridge A venue. N:\DEV\HI STORIC PR ESE RVATJON\HPC Sheets\20 16\Gi en Rid ge 22-5 -25-16.docx Required Findings __ As required by Section 29.1 0.0903'0( e )(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2 . No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4 . The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5 . Structural integrity ofthe building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design , arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or. aesthetic interest or value of the district. X 3 Town Policy For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject ofthe application. That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Cc: Eric Leavitt, 22 Glen Ridge , Los Gatos, CA 95030 .. cflnne:. !Bfoom{u.fd ARCHITE CTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File add ress---"",;-'-2_?1_..::;6;;:;.....:.. -=--=-__;:.~'+---(~tJ:.z..o""w -z.:z. C:,t '~"' 1.\ Ofj-;:; PARCEL MAP INFORMATION (41 51 9 2 2 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 Parcel # 5" It/-t./ ?-·-(? ~ r) Lot size: ___ front ft. x ___ ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangl ~~L__ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other _______ ~--~ Locat i on: N s E ...-W ... i, distance to cross st: -..2 6.-·3 ft. N _......,.~S E W from -----------~---~------- at NE NW SE SW corner of ______ ~~------ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP AJ! ('/ I) Old tract or subdivision name t"1 ( v · c~ I~ Old Block # __ / __ Old lot #---'3_'~_, ___ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name I So urce Date ____ ,1891 I Blk Book ! 1908 i Survey 11941 Source Page ~I 117 1 ____ , ______ :'- ___ ! __ I MISCELLANEOUS I I / Location of property, or Old :tract/block/lot '(' '- ,. .. . ! .• . Lo 1 ..;> .~' l t.-fo·k .L National Register listed date __________ _ County Inventory 1979 ________ =---------~ Town of Los Gatos: Designation ____ Recognition __ Lot Owner 11 1-"Z..~ 1-Size Name 1-J.J / <J,.., ------... .-!-, .. /.JJ J H ' 1::!. "J ,,,.; 4 i '.... ~ .. • '!! . .,._ / ~,.j t ,.,.~ ....... l (#'-, o r, '-... A, _..._,; !/t. ~II C t I 1. / 'J "' '(f-r u..J: ' I I PHOTOS: Roll/frame #~2 7' t ·o . 7 ue addre•• :2 4 i.::.JU::NRt {)G£ dlnne. P c 'Jm{uld ARCHITECTU~ SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL H iS TORY ·t 1 5l 922·1 063 2 22'· >STER STREET> SAN FRAI'l ~ISCO . CA 941 1 5 PUBLISBBD MDIOUIIC&M.III'1'8 source• __ Ad _;_Bulle tin __ CA&BN __ call __ chron __ DPB __ BcL.AB __ &X__.. __ PCA Other Vol-Date · Paqe __ _ Nature of announcement: __ contract notice __ Notice of completion __ BP i••ued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend'q __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Rea l eat Copy exactlys ~ !Builder/Contractor I Architect/Engineet 1 Location !Nature of work J £2.!1 B!J~~D~N<! !'E~TS . >ourcer Pentit .leqie t e r. P Address requ!ated. ____________ ~~--------------- r •••-Application Date . . Number ............... Location £2.11 : OTHER SOURCE (apecify thoroughly) /-~? . .,, ~"/; -~~:-J..q e 45~ rr:'t"rl(~t.(e ( lCje "f o I;. SANBORN MAPS Color: - UH/ owner Mo. of " 1laUL address I I _j,;;~ Vac . yel, pnk, or oranqe Patchea No. of Builder/ Arch't/ contr. & enqin'r address & address /Initials Date Bldq's width/ depth/ Exterior Description of work height Materials : .~itials date /Initials Date Vol/ dif. blu,qry Ye•/ No. of S.iqht bay E .Q!tta .RU!~~~ Address ~~ ..Jl!L. I No lstorieal..i:Lll window• I ~,.. Jo/04 p.0 1/.,6?,.Jo .?-TAYLokJ 1 p 1-5 o ;1 /?J'/6 /0 VOc I '7 o ?5 7 1!:.'.1 -:2o ;;_ t /r; r" Difference• from today in: I Date of Describe or sketch ~ . Storie•, Footprint constr. 1 plan [ !.: ~.~ 'c>~ ~ Q'o ~ { tf)( 1 07.) /tfjg I /S I ,4 I .a q' G R I I v I I I 6 l I B- z'?/r cfl nnt: !Bloor r, -:.L'J L ti!.!~ Wt.tj!:t ,tH =:tiMt t .,..l SAN FRANC ISCr> '"-" !I" II :> .r ... File Address ~ '-1 7 ~ ~ v J A I< C II I 'I' t·: C 'I' lll< A L ~ U H V E Y ASS ESSM ~:N'l' I<OLL RE S EARCH Tract/Bloc k /Lo t /llc{~oJ4fl--IJJdi/f.r 3 IJ hf\J Assessments are filed by last name of pr·ope r·ty owner, but not neLessetrily in alphabeti c al order. S ome years there is an index inside the volume o r in a separate bo ok. The gual o f a s ear c h is t o find the years when the ass essed value of "improvements" (buildings) c hanged from 0 t o over· $500, ur wh e n that. figu re rose by $')00 or mroe . Write down every year and name you try, inc luding the years when you I iud n o thing. Di tto marks etre fine. Da t e /.:016' 1911P If ~n /'liP.. ,., /f&<b ..:, y1 /r@q !1o5 ,., 11 1),, Page 61 4<6 tf:J. {_It, 1.03 7(_ G~ n L/-5 0 "'/ 7 ~ 6-~~ Na me -::pf-e. ra? P r?..: /e r t -::10 ?C.fs+--s f 1/-&&k t;t...., i! -/ ,"> iJ J A ~ V'r' ~-~··t:.fy ... U) t. { ,: (' tfi ,'f i'{MI1 CL I ,.,. Pi R-ra ./Ilk~ Cudt.,(J.. ... l ;1 ~ {A)F ,; ~-'l I' .... r1 0"'/t c._ . ..-,, WI- -- -----l .ol !de nt ifi c <tt ion /Hourul<tries -------·-----, --Asses sm f 0 I --- Tract / Block / Lot / Ac res -N ~ ~~ Btly S lhly ~ I Land ~~Cvl~. t.. I .3 Y1 I 3 1 ~/.rP ·- Vt. 1?''1!1 I -3 S b]J' ~ 1'1 I 3' A) P~r 1-.:r# w 9: I ----cp __ _ t=. '! ,., rl .., p ,, I • 1'\ - I. n I I I I I ? s so' trP ~· S GlJ" 4f3 d:?dr.fdf3 I - /() ~.-;P-mo' S 5CY v.Q. 3 ~rJ-).2-3 $~00 ~v ~tPO C..oo /s-o J/ '?0 1 ·:ro ~0 (9 "' I ;s-o I ~~ )~.f?- V t'- ···----- $/~00 '"--. ~0 /_e?o :t>~~o t7b"o /~L,<'C) 1:;;.-oo /76>0- /;>SO /5C CY'" /.;:( 7b'. ¢ - I S-6fJ- - Other Info. ., ""' e _.,-•__. .:.x; t::. .--------~ _,.r'.---' ~ S$.3 PP. :L.f;>'O P'v,-,._ 2.{.~ .g ;~ ?r .5<oo fj n, ~ f:"v r·,., ' ' '~?If/! . -- [17 s-z S" -f?'-' r ~ ~;{:_ '¥ 'lo1 ' -rlel..j 7~~;, ??zz.~ /?(!) ?".P 1\ -- \ -/:x.s-V r-~ . - 1 u•J.tlals oare cflnne !Bfoom{i.efd ARCHITBC~C..ULTURAl. SURVBY NAME RBSBARCH ARCH I TECTURAL HISTORY 14151 922 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 15 •~ (~reon, ~u ildinq, orq~i&a tion, e tc>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / 1dre•••• aeeociated with ~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... l e va nt d a t e11 cone tr~ction.__ __ • ~irth._~~-· death.__ __ • other~-~~~~~~~-- I . DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Dire c:toriea, county Direc:toriea , 'l'elephone aooka, e oc:ie ty directories, etc.) Yeu Book lf&JIIe/Claee:ified R&ad'cn, Lietinq lcoDv e ntire •••,.,~lv a1 e hown · uee • for ~oldfaee) . f I r-fA{).. f~ JG1/ -p12.r-u. W F d "' b?l~ .rK rd~ ::24 w~ r.q t J--..J b;_ I I I BIOGRAPHICAL S&AACH, in~•• • other a lphabetical liatinqe • ... rk 'X' (intd .or • •· (nothinq found) at each e ource you try. Lilt findlnCJ8 ~low. finititll dtt;t Los Ga tos Library: Cali f orn~a Hi story Cente r, De Anza College : City directories (name & street index) ___ Bi ographical file Historic Collection Index (g reen boxes) Photo collection ___ Thompson & West, 1876 (bio i ndex ) Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fru it & Flowers , 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio inde x) Extended index to Bruntz index) San Jose Historical Museum : ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection Blo index of Nunroe Frazer, 1~8 1 Photo coll ection (2 b oxes) (Su r vey box) Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): Other sources: ___ Indexes, California Historical 0uarterly ____ State Library Information Index (fiche) Death records by year Funeral r ecords (index State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") cards to big books_) __ _ Photo collection III . LIST ALL REFERENCES PROM ABOVE . Pind th~m. Copy qood materia l • a ttach. Or copy ~low if only a few word•. Or explain why not rele vant (ae, wronq ~reon). L:7 Continued on Reverse · IL..__;_A~P-=--P_ti_C ___ A __ rt...:...o-=--N_· F_.;;.O_R_M_t_No_R_R_E_SI_o_e;.._NT..:....· t_A_L_o...;_~v_E_t_· o_P_M_E_N_t_tN_AN_· _H_Is_t_o_R ___ tc_o_ls_· r_R_Ic_r _ __. TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Civic Center: 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 Date Received: Received by: APPLICATION #: 5'-ll-/( Hf!!i.o]c 1. PROPERTY LOCATION: Address or subject property 2. APPLICANT REQUEST: Residential first floor addition Residential addition less than 100 sq.ft. to the existing second story Residential accessory structure 450 sq.ft. or less, visible from the street or Victory Lane Commercial exterior modification ~ Residential exterior modification 3. PROPERTY DETAIL: Lot Area /2_ 1S 9 8 f(~ ff Zoning K-ro APN 5'/0.-CfZ -QZtJ-(}() 4. PROPERTY OWN~R: , ~f Name fC Address fr fl-f::'t;J;e /tr; e city /,.12 s G a.to j ....... Zip '/20}() Phone Yf/i-12/-615f State ....::C=.::::a.~---- I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the property described in Box #1 and that I approve of the action requested herein. ~ tj SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER ~l Date 5J ~ 1.(}. f,6 5. APPLICANT: (if same as above, check here 1,/ Name Phone 6. Address City State Zip I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that all application materials and plans are true and correct. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Date ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS: A./o t!btt7J~{J5 t:fft]dt.~€1/eJ Existing Proposed Floor Area Ratio: % ----First Floor: ____ sq.ft. sq.ft. Second Floor: ____ sq.ft. sq.ft. Living Total: ____ sq.ft. sq.ft. Garage/ Accessory Structure: Exterior Material proposed: -J -:q·f} ~ sq.ft. t~((tiKxxf /U; /j 71f5' qfjriJ(IA a.tet.e Total f9 r S efha % ----____ sq.ft. ____ sq.ft. ____ sq.ft. ____ sq .ft. Th e information contained in this ap plication is considered part of the public r ecord. Therefore, it will appear in both the p ublic r ecord file for the site address, which is avai l able upon request, and on the permitting system on the official Town of Los Gatos website at www.losgatosca.gov. N:\DEV\FORMS\Piannlnl\2015·16 Forms\Minor Residential Forms\MR for Historic District App.xlsx 07/01/2015 . / 22 <:?len Ridge Ave Lot Plan Eric Leavitt Owner 408-921-6934 f.»5lq"\(r \]--/)D&G Residential Builders, Inc. . f ttJ/ 320 Bachman Ave . P .... ' (<r'-Los Gatos, Ca 95030 41.7 Greg Jack~'~ 408-835-5520 ... (JRo~~f;.0 0\?C \{ "2J S'5b' J;f- Key -Existing Deck../ Wall; c=:::J Proposed Deck 61.09 1/8" = 1' :· J . ;, . ' Existing House & Garage Existing Porch Existing Driveway 52.06 Thi s is an appeal to the Community Development Department for a change to the style ofthe r ai ling on a rear deck remodeling project f or 22 Glen Ridge Ave. We are requ est ing a cha nge from a sc ulpted "chess piece" baluster to a redwood with cab le cross pi eces style for th e upper deck, and a change from lattice between large posts to redwood posts with redwood cross boards for the lower deck. Th e previous railings were installed during a remodel that I performed that was approved by the Deve lopm en t Review Committee on October 18th, 1995. Th e cu r rent request goes ba ck to a sty le that existe d before that r emodel. Prev io us upper de ck (photo from 2011): When th is change was discussed with planning, they requested a historical review. They mentioned a co n ce rn that this is not consistent with the front steps and that approving this change co uld result in a change to those very public front st eps (photo from 2011): Our reasons for the change: As we began the work we found the old materials were in poor cond ition and it would not be easy to exact ly match them with new materia l s. Th e previous railings do not meet current height requirements and the design would require adjustments for that. Note that the railings in question are not vis ible from any public street, except for a gate to the rear deck visib le from the North side of the house which was l attice, not ba lu ster. I don't agree with the assertion that app r oving this change wou ld requ ire the town to allow a change to the front steps. Th ese aspects of the house are not linked. I am very proud of the Victorian sty le of the house that was en h anced when we moved from a purely brick sta i rcase to t h e wooden balusters currently in place {in 1996). Victori an houses did not originally have decks like ours and that is clea rl y not one of the Victorian features. Th e current project does not include any changes to th e f ront stairs or porch. Note as well that our neighboring Victori an at 20 Glen Ridge-22 Glen Ridge was built as a companion to that house in 1903-has a black st ee l rai ling on a composite deck. Proposed Style for upper deck {online catalog).