Item 4 - 112 LGBHPC 5-11-16 Item 4 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\LGB 112 5-11-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 112 Los Gatos Boulevard Requesting approval to remove irreparable siding on property zoned R-1D. APN 532-29-101. PROPERTY OWNER: Randolph Ditzler APPLICANT: David Zicovich PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1916 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: 5S Does property have an LHP Overlay? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes, what district? If yes, is it a contributor? Findings required? NO Considerations required? NO See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is requesting approval to remove the irreparable siding. The Town Building Official concurs with the irreparable assessment. Additionally, Town records show the following notation by Anne Bloomfield: Own/Res:SP RR Agent Mabie also Town Councilman 1918-38. New railing, new siding. Cc: David Zicovich, 761 University Avenue, Suite C, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Randolph Ditzler, 112 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Required Findings As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. May 2, 2016 ZICOVICH BUILDERS INCORPORATED Dear Historic Review Committee members, We are requesting approval for the removal and replacement of the siding at 112 Los Gatos Blvd. I have attached the e mails exchanged with Michael Machado, the head of the Los Gatos Building Department. He has been to the jobsite and looked at the existing conditions. I have included a few pictures of those conditions. We must have some type of moisture and vapor barrier to keep the water from damaging the building and make the house meet the heat los s requirements. In th e past, a spray in, closed cell foam insulation wa s used, but thi s has led to catastrophic structural failures and is no longer considered an option. The only effective solution is to remove the siding, it will not survive the removal process, it is dry and brittle. I propose to hav e matching material milled in solid cedar and in stalled over an approved product suc h as Tyvek. u in advance for your considerations. David icovich Zico ch Builders Inc. 761 Universit y A ve. Su ite C Los Gatos, CA 95032-76 12 Ph : (408) 399-0606 Fx : (408) 399-9175 Lie# 507085 www.zicovich.com From : David Zlcovlch dav1d @z1covich com Subject: 112 Los Gatos Blvd. siding issue. Date: Apri120, 2016 at 9 :05AM To: Mike Machado MMachado@ LosGatosCA .gov Mike, As per our conversation and review of the site conditions regarding the lack of moisture barrier and damaged siding on our historic project at 112 Los Gatos Blvd. I request permission to remove and replace all the existing siding on the project. As we have discussed, the only acceptable solution is to remove the siding install a moisture barrier such as Tyvek and install like for like real wood siding. We will reuse any siding that survives the removal process to preserve as much as possible, but as illustrated at the jobsite, the siding is very brittle and is the thinnest siding I have ever run across on an older home in Town . Thanks for you assistance on this issue. DZ Sent from my iPad From : Michael Machado mmachado @losgatosca gov Subject: RE : 112 Los Gatos Blvd. siding issue . Date: April20, 2016 at 6 :21 PM To : David Zicovich david @zicovich.com Cc : Marni Moseley MMoseley@losgatosca gov, Dorian Pradon DPradon @losgatosca.gov, Building Group BuildmgGroup @ losgatosca.gov Hi David, I discussed your request with Marni and the next Historic Preservation Committee Meeting is next week, Wednesday, May 27, and the Agenda is already set and full . The next HPC Meeting is May 25 but in order to try to help you out, Marni will discuss with the Committee the possibility of having a Special Meeting in between. In order to formalize your request to be on the HPC Agenda, please submit a letter detailing your request as you state in your email below, along with photographs of the existing conditions and the Demolition Floor Plan and Elevations. Please collaborate with Marni regarding any other details regarding your submittal and the size and number of submittal documents required . I concur with your assessment of the condition of the siding and studs as observed at the jobsite. The conditions are irreparable and the historic house cannot be properly preserved without removal of the siding and protection of the structural framing with a proper moisture barrier and the replacement with real wood siding of the required thickness , milled to match the original siding profile. All the Best, Mike Michael M. Machado, CBO Building Official Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department Building & Code Compliance Division 408.354.6815 -----Original Message----- From : David Zicovich (mailto :david@zicovich.com] Sent: Wednesday, April20, 2016 9 :06AM To : Michael Machado Subject: 112 Los Gatos Blvd . siding issue. Mike, As per our conversation and review of the site conditions regarding the lack of moisture barrier and damaged siding on our historic project at 112 Los Gatos Blvd . I request permission to remove and replace all the existing siding on the project . As we have discussed, the only acceptable solution is to remove the siding install a moisture barrier such as Tyvek and install like for like real wood siding. We will reuse any siding that survives the removal process to preserve as much as possible , but as illustrated at the jobsite, the siding is very brittle and is the thinnest siding I have ever run across on an older home in Town . Thanks for you assistance on this issue. DZ Sent from my iPad GENERAL NOTES 1. 2. 3. .s.lOVEBN!NG copes-AI wor'lllhal conform to the loloWWig coOn & s:.andardS •I b) b ) <l d ) e ) <i g) 2013 C&lilomia RHidentiaJ Code (CRC) 2013Callklm: Buldlng Coclt ICBCJ 2013CaklorrV.a Mechan6cal Code (CMC) 2013 Catdomia Plumbing Code (CPC) 2013 CaJriOI'nla EleCtric Code {CEC) 2013 California Fire Code (CFC) 2013 Caldomia Energy Code 2013 California Green Buledlr-.g Standards Code 2012 Edition (IRC) 2012 Edtion (lBC) 2012 EdlbOn (UMC) 2012 Ecition (UPC) 201, Edi11on (NEC) 2012 Edition (IFC) In addlbOn 10 1he codes referenced above, all wert shill oonlofm k> al klclll oronaneet: and oodes as applicable. Cross reference al coctt nt.mbefs and wrlfy oonstst.ncy as reqt.W.O. AI WOtk done prxsuant to these drewijngs and specifications sha.l c::ornply Witl'1 a1 01'd1nances and ritg~Jatlons which apply to the work end shall in any case conform 10 the latest edition of me CRCI1ACICBCI18C (CA Residentlel Coaeltntemational At sldentlal Code & Calilc>rril Building Code/1nternlllonaJ Btikling Code) euuendy e l"lfOfced and al city. county and.AOt state codes as appk,lble. Btm Rowe Shall not be neld respot'IISibae tor 1he design. cooro.nallon andb imptmentatJon Of any and al ·o..gn..BuJid' 'IIII'Ortl:, lnc::kldng but not limlled lo the ~· See the af)f:M'QP'.&te code te!erenoes betow tor deS9"1 and lnllfllltion reqtlrements. a) Btctric&l. Per CEC (California Electric Code) currtnltd;tlon b) ~:Per CMC (Calllornla Mechanical Code) current edition. e) Ptumblng . Per CPC (Caldomla Plumbing Code) e...-rent ediiiOt'l. d) F' .. Sprinklers: CFC (Cehlornla Fire Code) Verify and acktreu all .additional total OfcWianees and codtt whiCh may appty lO the ~p&C~Iie '[)esign-&M applic.ation IS fequt"ed. 4. Britt Rowe It not re-sponsible tor tht Otslgn, coordinaiiOf"', Of lmp6emen1ation Olany woO: perlonned t:ly conslltants. lnducling bu1 not limited to, structUfal er19ineerlng. sod engineering, civil engrneering, lind $UCVeying, ele<:tncal engineeri ng. landscape architedure andlor TtUe 24 EI"M!fgycom~~- 5. In addtlon to Inspection$ requirt<t byCBC 110.1he owner. eontraclor arw:Uor Auctural englneef of r««d. lading as 1he owner's agen1. Shd etnpk)y one or mote spe<:tal r.p.aors or Test.ng Agencies, who shill prO'IIde "Special nspecticr•IS: clllng the COU"se of c:cnstJuc:tion for the tolowtng lypes Of wor1!: per esc 1704, 1707 or 1708 rnc:luc*lg bul not limited to a) Concrete · \Mvmt the li1rue1ural design exceeds a (F'e) 012500 PSI b) On srte structural welding, lnduding wekting ol reinforCing steel. c) Orilled p.ers. caissons and structural masonry. d) Rt"oftt epoxy set hckl downS M'ld/or anchor bOfts. ~ lmptcton a-ede~ Shall be pr<Meled to fle local juri5Cktion 1,4)00 requm. 6. AI contractors 5hal be licensed with posseSSion ollhe appr-opriate insurance polk:tesle Wofli:man 't Compensation. U.bitity, etc ... and a v.tid business beemo within the jurisdiction of the subj41ct pt"optrty proje-ct site, SHEET INDEX 7 . The contractor andk)r subcontractors ere to ~emy ALL exts!rng conditions ar"'CUor Qscrepe.ntiH before com~ with work in order to eMU"e ccnlorrnance WI~ the "eon.truction ~·. ALL clsaepanc:t9S .nail be brOUI_1ll: to lhe aner.on of Brm Rowe andlof the Structural Englneef a Record pOOf to commenoement 01 «w\Ctrue110n. AI requntslcw *Change Ofdefs' snail Dto SlbnJned Wl wrftiog to Britt Rowe k:ll' approval. e. Bnn Ro we Is not re-spon$1bleiCH' tne erectiOn. fabrication endiOl relative job "!tty. The gerwu al contractor Shall comply with ar required safety orders per CAL-OSHA requirements and regulatielnt. 9. Regll*'t of c:tmensions shown. al new work shd tr11gn exady Wl:h exiSting woR with respect to 1IOOf •vabOnl, eobnn cerueltlnea, wall faces. etc ... (lW«l} 10. Layout tor rww \llo'Ort( is largely ba'Md upon relatlOnShips 10 existing conditiOns ot the she and/or exisbng sttuct~.Wes. Any questiOnS regarding the intent relatod to1he layout of the new WOt~ st\all be brougrutothe attention ot Butt Ro\1/'e, prior to the commencement of any WOO. The contrac tor shaH lmm.dlately notify Stitt Rowe of all dlscrepancle! prior 10 tM commencemtm ot 81'\Y 'NOrk. 11 . Prelerene. SNJ be gjven 10 writtenl'figured dime1"1$10f'l$ on the <taWing& <MN' tca.led m .. surem.nta. The ·~. SpeafieeOOns and General Noles· a~e Intended 10 f9"H and ~"'*" ont another. An)'ttW'Ig k'ldieat«t in ant and nollhe other. shal be executed as I in al. In cases Of dir.et tOI"'ftk:t. 1he most restrictive shal govern. 12. AI WOJk Shall b4J plumb, square and 11\J6 and shal be or good "'Norkmanlike" qualify n acceptable to the appropriate trade's standard practices and thoso or the trade 's co.mcits and/Or Ol'ganizations. 13. Any work ancUof i1em no1 ap«Jfiedy caled tor In l"le dr&Wlf191. but reqwed tor a eompfete and ~ ~ instala.bon COI'll$t$CtN Wl1h the in\ere o4 N "CoRRruction Oocu'nentl" Shall be ~by lh6 general CQnUac:$01' andJof subccnlraetort as requiffld. 14 The lnttnc of the "Cons1ruction 0ocll"tten(S" Is to incfude AU. la bor. materiats, equlpmen!&OO transportation neces;sary for the complete and proper execution of the WOfk. 15. The project·Speaticalion Bool(' 5hall take precedonce over noted $peeificlltions when a.pplleable. 16. CMI, SoillndStru::2U"al El'lglneerlng spedfic.ationsshalllake precedence ov..-any other --· 17. Bl'itt Rowe retains al Oghts and owner$hip to a1 dr&Wlf19' and specfficatioos. TheM documents may oot be used in who!&. or In Pf,lt wfthOUt tho expressed wntlen consent from Butt Rowe. t 8. The OwntriOt~rJCtient reserves the right to make alltrati()l"'t; to the dUIOO OYr1ng the course ol construction. AI ct\anges shal be ClWfOwx1 by ttw local bUilding official and Shal. in any ease, comply vmh 1he CUTIM'II edCions Of the CRC, CBC. CMC. CPC. CFC, CEC andJof CES as reqtired. 19. New ConsiNCt.ion or remodeling fs Wgtly dependenli4X)tlexlstlng siW condJbons and therefore a "Srte SUrwf Is recom~ and rf provided, SNI bt generated by a m:.nstd Land Surveyor or Rogfsttrtd CMl Engineer ana W I C«Jt1nn the lolowing 1ntormati0n: Property comers. property •I'IM. a xlsting bUIIdlng(s). easements , topography llnu, Vl~tt\es and/or significant trees. tf a Site Su-vey Is .tiQI Pf0\4ded, Britl Rowe wil no1 be held responslbfe for any and an dltcre-paneles relating 10 the t11• and exlsbng concltlons. In any e~nt. Brm Rowe shal not tie responsibte for WOfk pef'lonned by othefs and povided 1or the pupos.t Of completing lhe pro;.ct. GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION Qwner: pro!ect Address: AeN : l.<!l..SW!: ~: Z2ning: Ilill:l: Occupancy GrouP: Tyoe o f Construction: AoorArea (e) Living Area (n)AddrtionA rtl {n) Celli Ar .. Col Total F1gor Ary Setbacks Fron< Rear Lett Side Righ1 Side Coverages t.MngSpace Porches& Palio Accessory Gerage Building Height ....,Ro_ PLAN SYMBOLS Mr. Randy Ditzler 112 Los Gatos Bllld. Los Gatos. CA 95030 112 LOS Gatos 81-.j. los Gatos. CA 95030 532·29-101 7.1 32 SF (.16 Acres) Aat (Less Than 5%) R-1 D (Residential Dov.nto"Ml) R31U V-B 1296.00 Sf: --- 5.27.00 SF 1960.00SF .1J.2;lJI!l.lif Provided (e) 18'•1" (n)&O'·!» (e) s·-o· {e) 5'-<r .. ._ .. 182300SF 493.00 SF 464.00$F INollnduded .. FAR Required 15'~ 20".()" s·-o- 5 '.0" Front & Rear Altowed JO".()" ELEVATION INDICATOR ~ SHEET INDICATOR 8 COLUMN GRID INDICATOR @ DETAIL REFERENCE ~ SYMBOL & REVISION SYMBOL +0" SHEAR WALL SYMBOL 0 WINDOW/DOOR SYMBOL EB DOORS = NU MBERS 0 WINDOWS = LETTERS 'T"IND1CATES TEMPERED SAFETY GLAZING (TYP.) VICINITY MAP . ,. ·~-.. .. ..., ~ ,,, .......... _ Ct,.&c.·'$ i i l " > :!-"~ ..... I ~":"!.:..":' ... ~ e '""""· .. .. . , l ./ -~.·Jt.-~~ 11 • ..,...,,'A# ~·:~.c..-- '• ' '· '• '-4':. ,! -~ ~ . ' ,.• G o q·~ BUILDING SECTION SYMBOL X= HORIZONTAL Y :VERTICAL MATCH LEVEL LINE FLOOR ELEVATION NORTH ARROW "~ '•, •' ~ . l ... ( -"~i~ Scope of Work: Romodel & addition to an existing single family; single story, resident ial home. The additions are as follows: (1) Addition @the rear of the house for a new Family Room, Master Bedroom & Covered Patio. (2) A new cellar shall be conslruclod underneath the existing house. The house shall be lifted. supported. slrucll.faly rotrolilled and replaced in i1s existing location. Tho cellar shal be provided IMth a Bedroom. Balh. Game Room and Mechanical Room. In addition lo the ad ditions. the entire existing house shall be remodeled & pro•Aded with new windows and doors ttvoughout except at the front facade 'Mlich is h istorical and shaU be lett "as is~. The existing area of complete remodel is 1296.00 SF. See architedt.l'al & structi.J'al plans Ylithin this set or plans. PROJECT CONSULTANTS BUILDING DESI GNER BRITT·ROWE David Britt!Michael Rowotrony Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz A\'enue Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.354.6224 408.354-6514 (fax) peloncito@mac.com T24 ENERGY ANALYST FR1 ENERGY CONSULTANTS, INC. N~as Bignardi 21 N. Harrison Avenue. Su"e 210 Cam pbell. CA 95008 408.866.1620 title24@ix.netcom.com PARCEL MAP ~ STR UCTURAL ENGINEER CHARLES W ILLIAMS ENG INEERING Mr. Charles Williams PO Box 1152 Mountain V10w. CA 94042 650.279.8756 c1wtce®aol com lftACl NO. 5154 _.cs. ntLU.,_~·u-... -» REVISIONS: # BR Brih ·Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave . Los Gatos. CA 95030 408.354.6224 (otfoce) 408.354.6514 (laxl www.britt--rowe.com ,; u~~ ~!l!u E ... oi~ -~46~= -2'-~Ep ~~~8~ ~ig~~~~8'~9 h§Jl!l"-E ='ii~8 a:.' ¢>a) (lj ,3., :i -=~~~~~~~~ s .s::-.. :>.~C.2G~­.. 5~-~4>-§•e f ~-ii ;!-~~-co a! ~ .W:g'a:~E"'cU~ a: =·j: a.cz,s~co.., j11>~~.5~z75 ~~ CD iiJ ~'C 0 ~<(_H ~3 ¢: -= u ... 111 ! e "' c ... 0 (.!) z ~ a: 0 D.l u ~ 8 U) D.l ~ ~ ...... Cl V) -,.... 0 w ~ 0 .o "0 <'> >O -1{) COm "'< Bu "' . 0:g :!leo ...J (.!) "'"' ~o ~...J "0 .!:l 0 z w ...J < () (/) 0::: < :::E ::;.: co z ~ a: 0 AO.l SITE PLAN NOT ES: 2 . 3 4. 5. 6. 7. See Civil E ngineer's ·Grading & D r ainage P1an(s)" as applicable !Of topography, sitfj work: & underground C'CirlS1Wetlon (typ.) Al grading Shall be perfocmed in acoordance w1th all k)caJ codes & r~rernents. Civil Engineer's plan$ shal ~k& precedence ovet any arChitectural srte plan(s) and/or landScape pWI(s ). In ne w construction. a ll pro posed vtilitles Shall be lnstaUed underground: S ee specific ~.n ~ity provider's engiooored drawings and/Or ~tails fOf layout, design & s pecification of service. 'When existing se wer laterals are approved for reuse, existing line-s ShaJI be televtsed and approve<! by !he local sanitation d istrict priof to final inspectiOn. 'M'len reql.ired and as applicable. Cl licensed Ci Vil Engi~r or Uc~d Land SurveyOf sl'la~ provfde written cerufieation of setback oompiance trom property lines & aJI reLati V"e pad ele11ations !Of all new construction on the site _ l.Jrltess noted othe rwise on Ci\'il Engineering Plans (Grading & Drainage), the ground Imme diately e~acent to t hetoondatioo Shall be ~d away from me building at a sk>pe ol 5 % lor a mlnjmum d1sta1"1Ce Of 10'-o" must.~"ed perpendicular to the lace of the wall. It physical obWuctions or lot lines pr0hibi1 10'..0" of horizontal distance. a 5% slope shail be provided to ~n approved allernative methOd Of diverting water away from the louodatlon. Drainage swaJes used tor this !)Ufpose shalt be sloped 2'.4 W'here k>caled within 1 o·-o• Of the building foundation. Impervious sur1acos wrthin 1 o·.q Of the building fourodation Shall be sloped a mini mum Of 2'.4 a, way from the building. CBC 1603.3. See exception lor allow~ finish grade $Wpe reduction to 2-.4 away !rom structure. AH trees mark&d on the "Slte Pian" not scheduled lor removal shall be protected by the appropiiate troo protection measures Identified by 1M COO'Sufting Arborist 0'1 record or local panning jurisdiction as applicable & requir~ as a condition of approval , No equipment, materials or work Shall commerlee until al tree protection 1encing ts installed. Tree prO'Iectlon fencing shaJI remain In p0ce unti the project Is ready lor finallnspectiOn. An y work requred within the fe nced protected area shal be performed with hand tools. As applicable. se4 consult~ LandSCape Arc hl1ect's dra wings IOf natwork. pavtng. recreational fixt utes, proposed ptanting & irri9ation installations Premise ldentttkat ton· Approved numbers or addresses shall be-provided lor all n ew buiklings in such « position as to be plainly visible & leglb4e 110m ltle stre et o.-road fronting the property. CBC Section 501.2 -........ N r 0 '-" 0 ~ 0 '-" td < I I ~ ... .,# ..... ~ \ .,.:J".,. t O' Tree t 4"Tree ~ 1\f r +~~ .. ~ : r"'7 ,· . -;-'~ ,; ~.,_ ' / ";f + -/;,_ i'~,~-----~· ' ' ' ' '. \·. \' -G- ! ,' ~ '~--\--~,-~. -<i$---- -- "\ \ !s !18"-1" .... ~. ~ . ~ h .... ~-·i·i ~ .,)~ !: s .l 6"Pine ~ ' • ~ l . ~e) OrMtway • .. (e) Residence ~.,..,.41 +~~ (e) Residence (FF: 41 7.101 ' • -------r--. '.."~ N39" os·oo ·w (1 54.28'} f- ,. ,, ~ ~· \ I' •' \? ••• -r ~~ -~~-~;' ... -, f> .. !-----~~~;-~ ~-\ •' . • .:>_{ ... ~ . /" S"loqu:ll (~) •' ·" ,. + ....... (e) Garage / ,9 ~ + . +~ ~ 5-B'.'\" ·".:; .. + ..... ...... <~" + ~~~ + ...... " .. / ~ < ... .:' ...... .. ..... - ,f +" (o) Garage Guest Cottage " ··' .. .. ~- ;~~~ ,>" i + : f!¥1 .c 1.1' ~ +$"' .. /'". +::~ .. -- 0 .. /" .-./."' ,----- 1.:-' '§ " g 8 k' :§: .. -~ !~--~tl.• g -~ ., "' -~ ... ~ ~ z ~ ~II" Ol. a· : l.!>' ~ \r~ \ + --+ ··.:~ / • '"~:: ;~.. -· - : ,..-· ...... "' : : ..... ~ + ' : • I 0.. i ... .. -"" +'"' ! ~ A • .. ~· •" .·• :!: l~ <' ~ /' S39"05'00"E)149.19'} ,,. ,K -· { ~ :1 , , . •3 i ltl 'li~e/~- \?. 'i~~-- \ .-__ 1.!'1..~--- 1 _ ... -\ .... -....... \ ,/ \Po I I SITE PLAN (e) LIVING AREA: 1296.00 SF (c) F RONT PORCH: 154 .00 SF \ !15'·"" '', ...... ..__/ 10'·2' (e) Residence (e) Garage ' 111!'·· 1'·0" ~ ,...-... :>. \l) ----< "--' \l) u ('j 0::: ·-..... ..... \l) ..!::) 01) '§ 0-. REV ISIONS : I # BR Britt· Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.354.6224 (olf<:e) 408.354.6514 (lax) www.britt-rowe.com .; ~m -g~~~ ~<-gg ~ ~~'i"J ·J ..;'g ~ :g,_~~:;~;~~~£ =~ww..,oE<:S«i.S .;~ ~ ~ i¥~r~~ ~~~~~'e.~~~E ~-~: ;.~~-§~~~ ~~~~a E·~-~~.g: s ~ q)~ <~>t::"tn£ ttl 5 G) Oc:UOltO-<bc ..... ~ a: ~~-i ~~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ "5 8 < ~ § g " "' 0:: ~ (;i) 0 z ~ -< a: 0 i:I.l u z i:I.l Cl ...... CZl ~ ~ i:I.l ~ N E-< ...... Cl Vo ...... 0 Li.i ~ 0 .o "CC') >O -ll) CDCJ> "'-< .9o ~"' (/).9 o ro ....!<.!) (\J(/) ~o ~....~ "0 c.: " 0 -< z :2: ;>: C) Li.i z ....! ~ -< -< (.) a: (/) 0 Al.l DEMOLITION NOTES : tAs appleabl<>) 1. Scope-o1 work to be removt~d and/or demolished shall be •ndicated on the drawings & Shan Include the demolitiOn. removal and/or relocation of exl'Sting matefials andlor assemblies necessary to ln ~aJ andfor construct tha proj()ct as indicat&d on the p.oposed 11001 ~ans, elevations & other plans contained within the drawing set. All tSemobtiOn shaJI coordinate with the extent of the ne w WOfi( OOttle proposed plans. 2 T he general coolfactor shall design.constnK'I & ptovlde proper shOring & struct~a! suppor1 as required throughout the demolition pt'ocess & construction as required per CAL OSHA requirements. 3. AD uisting pcxt~ ol the projeCt that are des~gna ted to remain shall be PfOtected from damage. Any question as to what shall remain shaJI be brought to the attention of the de~ andfor owner prior to commencement OJ the WOO<. 4. Where salvage ancilof recycling Is required by the draWirtgS and/or specifications, or so directed by the local jurisdiction, aJI materials. fixtures. equipment, etc ... Shall be removed by hand In a careflA manner to avoid damage and transported to the apPfoptiale laci•'tiu 5. During the cou•se ol demotition, it shall be the responsibility ol the general contractor to use whatever methods requit&d to ILmlt the amount of airborne dust & dirt. FOiow aii"Bay Area Air Quality ManagemeM District" recommendations and requirements (as applicable) for aR aspects 01 the demolition, Including, as applicable. the removal 01 asbestos materials. 6. Remove & re place all drr-rotledJiermlte damaged framing members as recpJtred and permitted. Remove (e} waas. windows & doors as indicated on the Demolition Plan. Reconstn.Jct. relocate andlof" repla~ per new IIOof plan. Remove (e) basebOards. aown & casing Wher e walls , windows and doors are to be removed & repla(;(l per r.ew fi nish plar'IISchedule as a.ppticable. 7. Remo11ehelocate (e) elec1rical fixtures, SWitches and outlets as required. Upgrade main panel as required to servioe new electrical loads. RemoYe (e) circuits to sub-panel 01/ main panel 0110 nearest active S'Nitd'l or junction bOx.. Safely tie & cap a.lltetminations as required. 8. Remove (e) floor rowrlng in all areas of demolition & replace per finish schedi.Ae Of P'an.. Remo11e aM cabinetry as indi cated on plat1s as applicable to the new layout. 9. Remove a M rough plumbing. fixtures a nd hardware iiS indicated oo p&a.ns as applicable. Cap terminations as required . 10. It utiJity servl~ is to be interruptttd, verify and conllrm w/owner regarding timing to limit Incon venience. Provide temporary serlke as required and permitted by lOCal turisdiction. 11 . Prolo1de dL.mpster and haul a.way debris as requited to matntain a dean job site. All constn.Jction interference with publiC streets, eurbs. gutte rs & walkways shall be approved by the local j!Jisdictlon and shal in any case kept cleaned & free of any ck!brrs that may Interfere with their normal function. DEMOLITION AFFIDAVIT Non·llistoric St ructu res <Nnt jn an hi.,.todc distdcl or on :.:t h jst odc sjtr a nd/or constructed arter 1941 l lkmolition: The definition uf d~moli.t ion as~~ forth in Section 29 10.020 is attached. IXmolition 01 a suucmrc mean~: Demolition of mOJc than fifty (50) )X'rtcm of all exterior wall areas Failure to mainl.ain a C(lntiguous (oonnecong without a break) pon1on of existing exterior wall area that i~ .5()<',;, or nlllre <,f the tOial cx1erior wall area. The remaining exterior wall area muSI mauuain e1thcr thl.! !."xi sting intenor or e xisting exterior wall ~.·overing. Ili~tork Strocturrs Cl...ocatcd in an historic district or on a hisloric sihc and/or constructed hcfor~ 194)) llr mo!iljon· Tht; definj1 jon nf dcmo!jljon as set fnrtb jn Scstinn 29 10.020 is auachtd Demoti1ion of a h.istoric structure mean.~: Removal of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the wall area facing a public mcct(s) and/or fifty (50) percent of all cx1crior wall area: or Enclosure or ah('r.Hion of more than twemy-hvc (25) percent of the wall area facing a public suect and/or fifty (SOJ pcrccut of the exterior wall area so that dtcy no longer function as exterior walls. All remaini ng exterior wall area must be contiguous-No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exlcrior wall CO\'Cring. There arc ex ceptions for replacement. rcp:ur or rcmo~l. Please s..:c Addilional lnfonnalion· When a ~tion of an exlcriN waJI has hoth 1he interior and c.\lcrior wall covcrin~ removed, this :o.t::ction of wall is consitlcrrtl dculoli~>hcd. even if the slructural con1poncms (i.t:. siuUs or shea thing) of the wall remain. except for hislorical sltucturc~. Dry rot or 311)' ot.ht.-r dam age docs nCM exempt the pro.j .. '<:t from any provision set forth by Sr..'Ciion 2'J.IO.()lJ03<J. Ir you find dry rot and n1.-ed tu rcp;t ir il. STO t-. WORK and contal't 1hc !•Ianning Dcpanmcnt at (401\) 354-MI72 to diM:us~ the chaJlgcs HF.ffiRt: YOU PR()CRF.n. If you e.noounler an unam1cip<ued situation that dtanges the scope ofworl:.. STOP WORK and comact the Pl;uming Dcp-J.rtmcm at (40~) 354-6872 to discuss 1bc changes BEFORE YOU PROCEED. E:~~;u:rior wal l covering means the. fimshed surface of an ex1crior wall (i.e. stucco. siding or shingles) lnterior wall covering means the fmislled surface of an interior wall (i.e . sht.-euock or plasccr) Ex1erior wall lllt.'aJ\~ the side of a building cunnn:ting founc.lalion and roof. A wall encompa-.M:s tht: total height and width of the side of 1hc huildirtg, the exterior or iutcrior witll covering a.nd studs/structur.ll dentcms used 10 fra ming the "'..a.IJ. Exb1ing wall area docs not include eXIsting door and window opening~. If the oonn1.'Ciion from the roof all the wa y to the foundation is broken. comiguity is broken. A one fOOl minimum connection is typil".t.lly required to qualify as contiguous. I have rtad and undcr:stand all the infonn<ttion un this l)a_ge: Property Owner Ar chitect or R«ord ----- Engineer of Record Concractor ()( Rn-:ord ----- **NOTE** It is strongly recommended to conduct a pre-construction si te meting with the Town of Los Gatos Planner of Reco rd & designated Building Official to complete ly understand the demolition definitions noted above. ~ Ex1.W~Con' ~ll'llaln(elhead&r~12" :~~~:.~==rty * ~~~::eriW:W Flooi'P\arl(s) =1 ~(e)~ej»& -r~.Relocatepernew """''' o l -··-----·-····-·....... -·--·--·-r;;~·-···-·· .. ··· -.. ·---~~;;-~~--.. -.. --~~ ....... ;.) ... . ............. _ ·-·-_ .. _ .. _ .. _,._, ___ ,_,_,._,. ____ .,_ ... '' (•12<40(3) :: ~~o f l · .-------.. : ' /0 :' -; ~-----,· !! -~ iiD 0-~· n i! 0 ' ' ' ; 0-------' ' ·-t:j ' ' 0 ! i 0 0 --------' Kit<h <D ! iD !!!ili!1. 'T===~::::! i 'Front fl>r<h ~ Dm mg Room I 1 I 1 -Bed mom: 1 1m .· ~ ~ ;: ~ ;:::::~J I oO l~ ~ / Wi:::! ~~::..::::::"·-Il l :: :: i:i :: ;;.--• -ll .1....-..J_-, ~~::::::::' ~/0 000 000 -., ~ ' !! 7io~:::~]-~~~~~~Q~!1~,t:T[/:-~:;:\~""'"~;-i bd "' 11 -00 i! :F1 : . · i :f ' •' . ---------" I I ---- : ;::l r:.:=.::.:=::W~!---· Bath j : Bedroom: 2 , ---1° :: / ,Y I l ... NOTE: 100"/o ollronteX1eriorwal shall rem.in ~ ;: Liviog Room (el3040Ft/ Remove & Part~ lnf. ~ (c ) DF Stud Wall to Remain C_-::::::::J (c) OF Stud WaiJ to Remove ~ Ne w Opening Cut in (e} Exterior Wall for Door/Window Maintain a Minimum of 12~11 for Wall Contiguily QDFLOORPLAN -DEMO (<)LIVING AREA: 1296000 SF (c) FRONT PORCH: 154000 SF !i .o' (/~'; i i •' \ .. •' :: :: :: ~ ~ j t•l""" , '---_: I ____ _ : l ;.,,.., (31 _____ r, Bedroom: 3 I• ,. •' •' •' •' l! ___ "' ' (11)3040(3) R.$1'1'11)Y.-&Pa:tial l~ ff ~ :!: EX1.Wa1 Conlicxoilv ~ Demolition of Exterior W"ll Area: See Existing Exterior Elevations To tal Exte rior Wall Area: 869.00 SF Tota l Exterior Wall Area Removed: 394.00 SF (45%) To tal Exterior Wan Area to Remain: 475.00 SF (55%) 114"-1'.{)" ~ REVIS IONS : I # BR Britt· Rowe 108 N, Santa Cru:z Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 4080354.6224 (01f1Ce) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com .; ctl t:: = ~-2 ~~:g~ ;;(·B<S ~:=6~~ 'i u;'g~ -~f~~-g ~~'§~~ =cij~S~~~&O)~g C:'t;! c :::l... u c >.~ .i111 ~.8 ~~1a;g~ :a ~~~g~~~~~g :~.~ ~i .~~~:§ ~~~~t:~~~~§ ~O~·j~~8~~~ ~~ ~~-5 8!i~ 8~ "' "' ;:;:: .... 0 0 I l l U: Of) :~ " U,) Cl z ~ a: 0 ::.Ll u ffi Q ....... Cll ~ ~ ::.Ll ....:l ~ ....... Q V) -~ Ui ~ 0 .o "OM >o -l{) IDO> "'<~: ~~ "'.8 O<U ...JC) (\J "' ~o ~...J ~ <C ~~~ ~ :a ;..: (l) Ui z ...J ~ <C 0 a: (/) 0 -- A2.1 =-=~1!;'~ -------, ,.-..,_~,...,..~IIGIP'OR illr\lf • ., ,~._. ... ~ .. t+ ""'-'t.cll_....:!by•-bul =&r~;m~~~ s:~:z 1 11 1 111111 -......s..o-a.,,_ ==-~s!:c--- 7-4' -~=-·- Prov101 5"clil .arMdramf3 ,-----min.)• ~wtlt.lab to RW ~·!Mg41 ~- Plrmanet~fyilffix.ed'I'III"OUgh!; Iron HCapot Lac:ldlr W/WII r---~IJfii.IOPofligl'lt .... ~I ~ ... ·-· ·- 1------I-------1-------f---- , ........ ·- r------,---- -... - Y.t\" ·- '"'·'""" 2•·•24-~UF ,...--= ·-pdal ~ J -~-~ I. ------®~G---; g II J r 1 . ! 1 · r :::~~----------~~~+--... __ UorNw a. .... .., .......... •. ..,..-Ool'".,.....,._ .. ..- ~:---------------------;--------------- ,., __ _ -·~-Cf!C R)l(IR311lR31l. >--jjii =.::,~~~"'-------J -.. . ~ ~~~~------~ -·--J'·~ s..r-FW>.. ... r -.-.:·.::--.:·-·. __ · ~IFL:- ~TN~hofl~tl -ol.,__ .... ,..be .~l-wlh•...,""''""'Ioon$0"11tl -0134-.T ... _oiiM-"'III'II .... tlo¥rN~,..e-.-.ci ,......CIIWWIIJIO .. )__, ~·---M~)-1113 10.1 C'&Ct.r ...... w.w-...... -.--....... " ............ ....,.. .... be~ .. _., • ....,..._.,.~ be...-16:...-d~.::""'~~~I'I~I~~IY-:.-:--....=::,.ttr_,':;'~'::-f'IIIC ...... ....,.:t .. ..._.3_.._ ....... _ ...... M'Piri:ed i'OOI --l·-ron _.,..._..,.tto NU ~., ................. AitO.l.l 8 CONCRETE LIGHTWELL @ BAS EMENT -® I I I -= -j 1 ~I ~ II ' ' ~ I " ~ Bedroom: 1 ~~f·~~) Wine (V"~"Cig.) .QJ ~~ ~-.,o-.1Lo· J ,.1. ll I "·'·· I ___ _.J 1 ' ' ' ,,t-=-f .....................• Btilroom: 3 (9"~"01;;1.) (Solltea·-0"• ' ,. :~ r --------------------·-· I '--+------~'· @)Eo ~ ~ -lo b 6 Baloor!Ftlf'\4l C~> I il 10 0 - ~6-ctoa..area~(2 ~--J•Oo,;<--ooRVI o• .. __ ,_, .. r-r ''H P•rlfl4lt'lefldy~otfixld w roughl ~on•~llodder wJsett ------------------' ~.ngQa .. O IOI)olloQN ili) CELLAR FLOOR PLAN ~-----... ~ .. .................. _"'lll ......... '--------=-~.::---.-.-. ... (n) LIVING AR EA' 1960.00 SF ~~n=n= - ~ 1;-1 ~=· ~~ .~ .. -ir*=;~- . --:a~;-_,~:.o;.~!M ff!I_~.::~.~~:.;::...~.t;"" .... .... -..:1001 1~-~ .,..,,,_ .. ~ .. .... *_...,.,.,._,., ... f ! .. 111-'111" •I(-T!>.~~· ....... Mff/1 4tc.t:I'-«J !.. ..,. ... _____ ,~ ....... ., ..... ~ ... ,...... • ......... ._~r~ .... __ 0 STAIR & HANDRAIL REQUI REMENTS 0) C.........O......CI'I--.-..:1 ............... _~----· -·-~·-·--"-l.Aoott,.. .. _ l ~~- ~-~ ~ .. ~ ---- ·~ ~ -------------------------------------------------------- s t e_oo SF F'loot Area 4%~=!~':£!t:.:s~ 60.o:l SF Prowlld Opeflable 't'\fioclows Game/Med ia Room (~f-~:ln Storage ('t'-O"Qg,J r lt ............... .. ,._..redcdar w.alls. PouredC«~Crer.r~ w .. ~ S.. fourdation 1 PWI(a). I 6"PV'C I)a(lkofwddf_., -r iO ~•ncl1tlento ll!"ee1 ~~OfonSile )-~ ' L-- ..-.-1 I ~ ~ & ~ • I ........ ~~· 1/4"•1'-0" = ~ ~' (n) 2~ DF Stud Wall to Construct Use 2x4 DFN2 Studs (lyp.) UNO I O"W Pourtd Concrete Rttaining Wall Sec Foundation Plan ~: =n::.~":~~~~,~~ piping shal hav• a backwaler & g111 valve of 1 ITiirin'lum T 6iame~M. 3. 'The dttcnatg<e line lrOr'f'lll'ot ttwag.e w k ljeaor shall be provided witt\ an 4. j~~~~";r~'~!::~~~.!r85 shal dillcttarge 1'110 at~ apprO"Jed _wa~r. sump. From ~ ,~,~mp P\Jfrl9. sewage shan be lifted into the boidJng drH~ by an approved e)ectots or pumps. (8) REVISION S: I # BR Bri" ·Rowe 108 N . Santa Cruz Ave . Los GaiOS, CA 95030 408.35<1 .6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (lax) www.britt-fowc .com ~ ,;c = ~~ ~~2~ ;;c .~ u !1:~~-i ·j cn'g~ :g._~E~~ ~:a:~~l ;:::;.CI CI~o~>OE tG.2 ~~c ~~a: 8 gt~· 'i~ ~~ ;~~~-~ ~ i ~~ ~~fg~1j :~ g e·i .~g_g: 8 ~~·e~ng~~~ge ~~=-r~~s ~~= &3~ ~-5 -~ s~B s ~ § c;:: '-0 0 Li: '-.!:! -.:; u 0 z ~ a: 0 Il-l u ffi Cl ........ r:/) ~ ~ ~ Cl 'f'\ ~ 0 w t:( 0 .o "0 (") >O Ci'il£ "'<( ~(.)- (!}V) <n£ O<'CJ ...J (!} N <n ~o ~...J -o " 0 z w ...J <3 C/) 0::: < ::E :>: CD z ~ a: 0 A3.1 ! ~ ~ ~ I ~~~ ..,. ·- 1•13068 ~; Ill ·-•.. -.- ,._ .. -·· R L • ~ .,.,. '--!-' ~ 1 --·· II ~ T (§J ~ ili} MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (<)LIVING AREA: 1296.00 SF (<) FROJ\o; PORCH: IS4 00 SF (n) AD DITI ON: 527 00 SF (n) COVERED PATIO. JJ9.00 SF (REA R) ~ .... _ ... •r.c • ·- ® --I -- 1 't'..&" ~ --<z ®I 0 1 ... l ::~· l"-HT 17 .1(1" ~-~ ,~--?" ® I 1".C• >8 ·- ~ .T~ -X '· b=:!, J l=.=jll ~ bJ j _! ~ ~ £G ® ~ ; n I = (e) 2~ OF Stud Wa ll 10 Rema in (n) 2x OF Stud Wall to Construct = u• I I Usc 2x4 D F,r2 Srud! (typ.) UJ\0 = 2x OF Stud lnfi ll@ (c) Openings >B I 1/4" •1'-0" ~ Ill REVISIONS: I # BR 1-----··--- Britt · Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos. CA 95030 408.354.6224 (offoce) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com .; 0 = &-ii ~~2~ ;<:~8 _E.,o~ ~ ·i.;"'g~ -~-~E~~ t.a~ 8 l ~~~=~~§g-';g -a~ 8 i e--E='ii:Ei !~~0~~~~~~ ~9..; ;.2~ ~ii 2.E ...,-fictG 'i m.;s:~.,§ f ~~ ;-c:.-ag-~ ~ Cl ;s ~um ca ~..,c-.. a:o:=-ja.ig .,~a ! ~ ~~-~ §:£~ t: ~ u ffi .o "0(') Cl >O ....... iii~ Cll "'< ~ ~0 ~ Cl u) ~ lll 2 0 01 ~ --'Cl (\J(/) .....l ::_g N E--< ...... Cl c ., ii: .... 0 0 ~ -.; > jl~ ·= ;:: I] 0:: " -0 < ~ :.:: z ~ Cl ;;.: al z w z 3: w --' ~ <t ~ <t a: 0 a: 0 0 (f) 0 A3.2 EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES ROOFING I Class A. asp.a~t ~on~ shi1glel (40 year) otrnnrrom 301 buiding paper or equaL oiCOX or OSB roof sheothng. Roof material colors ard/01 ~tuet$ st.~ be aefec1ed and~ by the prOPerty owner. OSB ptywood $heatlmg ma~y be used h leu ot s~ i= 'i ~~~from tht tl"'ggne!er ~ record. Where red slopes are less 1han 4112. use (2) layen. ot roofing underbymenL CRC !SIDING: ~~~~=~~:=:.<~~=::C:::!~..;:=:m~~~~ose~;*::!~,!av I be used Fl hcu of ()tywood wilt! engn&er ot record's ~. I Non Shear W<llls: Pt'ovide a mlnrrun o f 318" COX plywood wall sheal:t'li"Q, MFul Wrap". Na il w/8d 0 6/12 mini'ntln. For remodel pteteets, only new walls shal receive ful wral) sheathing (UNO). I w..a Base: Provide CooPer Of 0.1. base ot wan drip flashing (weep screed) per cec SectOO 2512., .2. lnstaJ2• I'I'Wiimum above paY«! r.ortaces 1& 4" atxweearthgrades. I ! DOORS & WINDOWS: IAit exterior doors (w ith gla.n) & windows $hal be constructed with dual paned, ~ ·E" gluing. T~ gbzF!g sMII be roqulred per CRC 1: =: ~ & whdow manufacturer WH b4t se'ected & approved by the property owner. See Shoet r:J+N. 1 tor .Jdditional door & ACCENTS : !See Exterior Elevations for lldditlonal wall & root details & specific3tions. ~~s;-r.-d-----' --"" Mllctl lel N<lwO.uA..~ =~~J:r-. L------i----t::a=~·r=~R=., : U t'leeded. : ~~cellar:See ---------..: ' ' ---------------------------------------_l ___ -------------------------------------------_..:_ ----~-___ i.---· L------------------------5:~~~~----------~ FRONT ELEVATION (NW) NoMer.:.on 111J (•I F~ e.vr.oon 114 •• , '..(1' 21.5"1t6"G.L10'--.d art.c....ms L----~~~,;:=a.~RC Q ' : : Newueps•t.anding•s.de ' l : : l'l*ldoOr.Wn,,_-7_75". l : : : l.llifOit"oP"ularwals.below 1 : : : gradi.S..SheetA3.1. : : I I I 1 -------------------------·---------------'----.------------------------.J_------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------.------------------------.---------_t----J_--------- LEFT SIDE ELEVATION (NE) ... 1/4. =1 '.(T RE VISIONS : I II Ill Ill BR Britt· Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los GaiO<. CA 95030 408.354.6224 (olfoce) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.brin-rowe.com -g~t .~ ~:1 :~~ !! :o i!: 'i ui '2 ~ :g._g>.!I.El.;~p~ 1a ii~;~ O)~g ~-~~ c.:>-8 ~;;:~~l!~~'ii~h !~~~·1>-;;~.;e .. " . ~ ~ •.c.s? ;~§BP .P§ l ~•"'t:"'~:!So ~~H:H .. ~~ iiiHuh1sg r.Ll u z .o r.Ll ""O(') 0 >O --l{) ......... ro m r:/) "'<( ~ ~(.) t!Jui ~ 11>.8 0 <0 r.Ll -'CJ Nil> ....l ::_3 N E-o -0 "' c 0 ·~ > " iii a~~ ·c -~-o ~ ~ !:: £ <( >< 0 0 ~ t.Ll -z Cl ;;.: ro z z ~ Li.i w ~ _J <( ~ <( a: (.) a: 0 0 (f) 0 A5.1 EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES ROOFING I Class A.~ c~on roofing lhhgtes (40 yegr)olmirwnum 301 bulding paper or eq.Jal, oiCOX« 058 roof she;UNng. Roof material colon and/or manufktu'ed st..-be sekleted and IJlPrOYed by the property owner. 0$8 plywood shealtWlg nwy t.used i"'lieu ot stanciMj ptywoodupon •eceivlng approval from lhe et"'gglf''etf of rec:on:t. Where roof $lope$ are k!s$ than 4112. use (2) layn of roofrtg~ CRC j R905.2.2 & R905.7 .2 r fstotNG: r Exterior wals: HorizontaJ wood sldhg 10 matCh (ef, o/(1) Uyer ot .301 bu.,ing paper 0t equal, o/COX plywood wal sheotl*lg. nailed 0 15112 lnWliml.rn. Seeenglneet's -Shoat Wal Sdledule. tor specifted ptywood thickness and l"rrir''im..m nairng reQUifements. OSB wa1 shtathW'Ig may 1 be used in lieu of ptywood with engneer of record's IIPPI'OWI. J f Non Shear Wal$: ProvW;Se a m.nlmi.M'n of 318• COX plywood wal she31hng, ·Fu~ Wra;J·. Nail w/Bd 0 6112 mll"liml.m. For remodef projtcts, only !new walts shall receive ful wrac lheathlng {UNO). !WaM Base: Provide copper or G.l. base o f Vw"alt d~ ,ashino (Weep screed) per-CBC Section 2512.1 .2. lnsta• 2· mrtlmum above po.~ iU1acM I& 4~ abo11eeanh grades. DOORS & WINDOWS: !AI exterior doors (with gbss) & wk'dows WI be constructed with dual paned, k>w ·E• gl.az:ing. Tempered olazirlg shall be r4f(luirtd per CAC ~~'::' =: ~;::' & window manufacturer Shall be sek!cted & apprcwed by the property owner. See Sheet r:JN.1 lor lldditional door & [ACCENTS: iSee Exterior Elevations for .:ktitione.l wal & roof details & specifications. Oeoora11\oeridQetl&an\l& IIWCiacQisiOI'I'l\ch(l) HorlzOI'II·woocl~ .,.,,... I-ll =---....::.... ..... Stucoo$11;1ingttsl<irl '------:-----7-: -~10~/~:t'=ng ' ' ' ' ' 1 FF e C.lar ---_i.__.l_ _________ ----__ -----_______ -----______ --__ --_____ --__ ------_______ ---____ ------_ ---. ••. _ ••••• --_ ~---__ --_ ••• J _ ----_ REAR ELEVATION (SE) 114.•1 '-(1" I T ~1 8'GJ, ~eened gK!Ieend ~ ---Q-:;;·;···"·--······-d...o ................ ---·--'~'--__ ·--"---: .... ··------~~=;_ --=-----------=-----=·-.=-..:.::.===----------------.. -----~---~-. --------------------~---= --~ """i'J&rcfrai .. per CRC 0 new otlat t9f'd well. $M Sh.t1 A 3.1 ' ' ' ·-----·-·------ -----------------··-·----··-·····---····-----·--·-·-----------·-1----+----l I -------r-:==1--· ' ' ' ---·--...... --... ---"---~-------... -.--------·--. --------·--··--·--· ··--------.------------------.--------.--------. --------------------------· -----------------------.. --------.-.. ------.... -.---·--·--. --------------.--· RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION (SW) ,,,. :a1 '..fl" REVIS IONS : I # BR Britt · Rowe 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. los Gatos, CA 95030 408.354.6224 (off<:e) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt·(Owe.com "8~t~ ~~d !!:!oi J 'illi~~ ~rE~~ ~~H~ ~cus"i~!e .oS c-iS !it ::l._ 8 F ~., ·~all~ ~-'Ea'Sj ·c l:! OIGS:~.,m!·s.,"' ~s,:: g'SA-yt.tji g •a. ·,..l!cx,.c -'5~.§E'i~~-~:§ !:!!-~ ... ~B~ ~~~·f!H~g~ il5HhhH~ ~ u z .o ~ "O M 8 >O ai~ CZl "'<: ~() Ill ~ C!Jui ~ "'.9 OCll ~ ...JC!) C\J"' ....:l ::.3 N E-< ....... Q "' c -~ '" > Q) ti3 k l ~ .g -,-o ~ ~ r::: ~ >< 25 0 <( w -z ~ C!J ;;.: Cll z Li.i z ~ Li.i ...J ~ <( ~ <( a: () a: 0 0 (/) 0 A5.2 W-~ . _____ ] .II. 111 1111 DODD DOn ~ REAR ELEVATION (NE) 1/4~ = 1 '..()~ ,-----------===~ I FRONT ELEVATION~ "---...... ~ - 11-~ rl ::E-E r-4+---------~~ L--------1--h-' COfMr molding 1/4· .. ,·~· ~ i(l il l~ _ , r== ~ <•12$60 t•IM40 llliNI , .. Kl t('hcnlfamih• (Vd«!Qg.J (•IM40 1•12'040 12'·'' 8tdroom (Vaulted Cig.) s-... • l 14'-5" ..... c::=:=:::::J (c) 2x DF Stud Wall1o Rtmain ~ c:::===:::J (n) 2x OF Stud Wall to ConslrUCt ~ (n) Accessory 2nd Floor Plan Living 1\ffa: 464.00 SF No Added SF ~ ="';:~~ma.n----++--,.~. !l••i j:=' _: :=~-·~;~:-:=~:---: ,.., .... _ ,, .... , LEFT ELEVATION ili§2 ,., 1630 0" 3: ~-~ I ! ~~ ~ p: • ~ ;; 114--1'-0"' ~ 114·~ t'-()" ~· ~ I I I I I I I I ?m?f=.::!:::~~==F-f LJ \ ij \ "~ -...:: _ Ganor ~ (e) 2x Of Stud Wall lO R~mam ' ' ' ' ~ i ' ' ~ (n) Accessory Garage Plan Garas~ Area: 464.00 Sf t•l 302ti 1/4"•1'.0" A ·-d II s A f! ~~ ~ :;;: ~ RIGHT ELEVATION (SW) 114"=1·-o- ~ REVISIONS : I # BR BriH ·Rowe 108 N. 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