Item 3 - 16982 KennedyProject Data TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E . Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 16982 Kennedy Road HPC 5-11-16 Item 3 Requesting appro val to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1 :8. APN 532-35-060 . PROPERTY OWNER: Rhonda Jeffrey APPLICANT: D and C Development PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1939 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None Does property have an LHP Overlay? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes, what district? If yes, is it a contributor? Findings required? YES Considerations required ? NO See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is requesting removal of the subject property from the Historic Resource Inventory. The applicant has pursued additional research and information based on the HPC's discussion on 4/27/16. Materials are attached. N :\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2 016\Kenn edy-16982 5-ll-16.docx Required Findings X As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Cc: Rhonda Jeffrey, 1601 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010 D and C Development, 349 First Street, Suite J, Los Altos, CA 94022 May 4, 2016 D&C Development, Inc. 349 First Street, Ste.J Los Altos, CA 94022 IC!»i':l-1-ii• ......... lf'io. b~ r;;. '!.,f "-• .. .~. ~ ' ··' I , ' . 1 ·I.. ,1\ I \. • i L.' I iJ T OV'':' ('r' I "";GATO S PLA NI\111\JG DIVISION To: City of Los Gatos Planning Department and the Historic Preservation Committee Subject: Historic Significance of Front House located at 16982 Kennedy Road los Gatos On April 29, 2016, at the request of our client, we revisited and inspected the subject property with representatives of our development company and our structural engineer XL Engineering. We had the opportunity to review the home inspection and pest reports provided by Keller Williams Realty dated Aprilll, 2016 which are included in our submittal. The se reports define many areas of the residence which would require repair and in addition many areas of the building were not readily accessible to the inspection companies. At the previous meeting the committee felt that we had not provided sufficient information for them to make a clear decision r ega rding the age and the historica l sign ificance of the property. There were spec ific co nce rn s and observations made by committee that they felt should be addressed: 1. It is unclear from research by Town staff and the buyers when the house was first built. The Town Staff found records that the property may have been raw land as late as 1945. It was noted that County of Santa Clara records were not always updated and accurate. With this said additional research was required . 2. Th e committee mentioned that the house was typical of ranch style homes that were being built pre and post World War II. 3. The committee noted that the home was unique because it had, what was thought to be at the time, a river rock fa~ade which made it somewhat unique as there were only a few examples of this remaining in the Town. 4. The committee felt that the first submittal had not appropriately addressed the property in enough detail for th em to make a decision and requested more information and additional structural evaluation. The Engineer's observations are included as an attachment to this second submittal. The following facts should be noted, some of w hich were presented or mentioned in the first meeting: 1. There has been no evidence found that the front house was built prior to 1941. 2. Upon further inspection the river rock fa~ade, which seemed at the t i me to be the committee's most significa nt r easo n for pos sibly prese rving the house, was determined to be stucco stone, which was clearly not available prior to 1941 and in our experience was not used extensively until the 1 970's (a sa mple off the house will be provided for the meeting). If the rock was true river rock a foundation would have needed to extend under it. None exists. 3. The house has been significantly modified over the years. There are records indicating that permitted work was done in 1983 and into the 1990's. Windows were changed, the floor plan was modified, a sun room was added to the back, and clearly the river rock{ stucco stone fa~ade) was added. Pictures are included which show the obvious changes to the structure over the years. 4. The historical evidence shows no record of this house to be associated with historical events or persons of historical significance. Extensive research was conducted at the Los Gatos Town Library. 5. As the fa~ade has turned out to be stucco stone added at a much later date than original construction, there appears not to be other significant architectural characteristics other than it is a ranch style home typical of that time period from the late 1930's through the post war period 6 . Knowing the fa~ade is not real stone, it is felt that the house is not a significant part ofthe heritage of the Town of Los Gatos. 7. There are structural deficiencies as outlined in the home inspection reports and as reiterated by the visit from the Structural Engineer. 8 . We engaged a Historical consultant familiar with the Towns Historical guidelines and she agrees that based on our findings the house does not show any unique historical charichteristics. We are proposing to acquire the property and build two aesthetically pleasing single family homes on the already existing legal lots, in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and up to the Town of Los Gatos standards which will enhance the property Very Truly Yours, D & C Development Att achm e nt s A. Pest Report B. Property Inspection C. Permit Records D. Pictures Home Guard Incorporated Dear HomeGuard Customer, Thank You for choosing HomeGuard Incorporated to inspect your home. Enclosed is your inspection report , which includes our findings, recommendations , and repair prices . Please review the enclosed report and repair proposals and feel free to call me with any comments or questions. Sincerely Yours, c::Zr/?/~,.. Curtis Reese Vice President General Manager Schedule you .... epai .. s today ... We get the work done when you need it! We will expedite all r equired paperwork! ,...,._ • L. HomeGuard stands behind its repairs! Contact the HomeGuard Repair Team at 855-331-1900 or email us HGRepairs@HomeGuard.com Building No. 16982 Street Kenned Road City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 4/11/2016 Page 7 of 15 1 N. FINDING: Water has gotten under the floor covering adjacent to the shower. This has caused fungus and moisture damage to the wood members extending under the shower. (See Picture 21) RECOMMENDATION: Remove the walls around the shower. Remove the one piece pre-cast shower pan. Remove and replace all of the damaged subfloor. Reinstall the existing one piece pre-cast shower pan. Install an approved surface on the walls . Install new ceramic tile on the walls using mastic. We will do no wall papering in connection with this repair. If the damage is found to extend into up the walls , into floor supports or into the adjacent room a supplemental report will be issued with any findings, recommendations, and bids. Unless prior arrangements have been made, white tile will be installed . It should also be noted that all tile work, regardless of color selection, will be done with a tight white grout joint. We at HomeGuard Incorporated are upgrade experts and can provide proposals that include tile , marble, granite, upgraded fixtures, upgraded windows and doors or any other option you may desire. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** NOTE: This bid does not include countertop. 10. FINDING: In order to facilitate repairs on item 1 N the adjacent floor will be disturbed. (See Picture 21) RECOMMENDATION: Install an approved surface on the floor as necessary. Install neutral colored, standard grade tile on the floor. Unless prior arrangements have been made, white tile will be installed. It should also be noted that all tile work, regardless of color selection, will be done with a tight white grout joint. Reinstall the existing toilet on a no seep seal. If damage to the subfloor, a cracked toilet, or a broken toilet flange is revealed, a supplemental report will be issued. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1P. FINDING: Infestation by Drywood Termites was noted at the subarea unit #A only. (See Picture 22) RECOMMENDATION: Due to the nature of these infestations, it will be necessary to seal the entire structure and fumigate it with Vikane (sulfuryl fluoride), using Chloropicrin as a warning agent. The entire structure must be vacant for this process. It is the owners responsibility to make any preparations required by the fumigators or to have someone to do so at a separate expense and to have the gas turned back on when the fumigation is complete. "NOTICE: The charge for service that this company subcontracts to another registered company may include the company's charges for arranging and administering such services that are in addition to the direct costs associated with paying the subcontractor. You may accept HomeGuard Incorporated's bid or you may contract directly with another registered company licensed to perform the work . If you choose to contract directly with another registered company, HomeGuard Incorporated will not in any way be responsible for any act or omission in the performance of work that you directly contract with another to perform ." HomeGuard Incorporated guarantees all fumigations for a period of three years from the date of completion . **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** Fact Sheet for Vikane* (Sulfuryl Fluoride) In the interest of Dow AgroScience's commitment to product stewardship, this fact sheet is intended to provide basic information about the product and how it is used. If you have specific questions about your fumigation, refer to documents provided by the fumigator or call the fumigator listed on the warning signs posted on your structure. If you have questions about Vikane gas fumigant {the fumigant used) or the procedures described, call the Dow AgroSciences Customer Information Center at 1-800-352- 6776 . WHY BUILDINGS ARE FUMIGATED Insects that feed or tunnel into wood can seriously damage houses, apartments, and other dwellings or structures. Each year termites or other wood destroying insects damage more than 5 million homes. Other pests , such as bed bugs, may be dispersed throughout rooms and can be difficult to locate and control quickly and completely. Depending on the extent or location of the infestation , fumigation is the only total control method proven to eliminate certain infestations of wood destroying insects, bed bugs, and other structure-infesting pests . HOW BUILDINGS ARE FUMIGATED Because Vikane is a gas, prior to fumigation the structure is completely sealed. This serves to contain Vikane in the building so it can penetrate wood and building contents to thoroughly eliminate the pests. Depending on the construction of the building, the doors and windows may be sealed with tape and a plastic sheet, or the structure may be covered with a tarp. The building will remain sealed for 2 to 72 hours depending on the specifics of the job. Warning signs are posted around the building notifying people to keep out. After the fumigation period is completed , a professional fumigator will aerate the structure using fans for a prescribed aeration period. Once the dwelling has been thoroughly aerated, the fumigator is required to measure the level of any fumigant remaining in the living space to ensure it is below the EPA approved concentration for re-entry by the occupants. Extremely low levels of fumigant can remain for a short period of time in dead air spaces between walls and inside cabinets as well as porous materials such as furniture. The small amount of fumigant in these areas will continue to dissipate for a few hours after the fumigation but at levels well below the established safe re-entry concentration . Your building will not be cleared for re-occupancy until it is safe to enter. The fumigator will post a notice on your building indicating the day and time for re-entry. Structures can be occupied only when the concentration is 1 part per million or less (this represents a margin of safety -laboratory animals have been exposed to 100 parts per million for 2 weeks with no adverse effects). Because Vikane is a true gas and not a vapor, aeration is rapid. Recent studies demonstrated that in most structures levels are less than 1 part per million after the aeration period and have no detectable levels of vi kane within 24 hours after the start of the aeration. Sulfuryl Fluoride is a colorless, odorless gas, so a warning agent is added to the building, which causes watery eyes and a scratchy throat. If you experience these symptoms in a structure that has been recently fumigated, you should leave immediately and call the pest control company to have your building re-tested. SULFURYL FLUORIDE (POTENTIAL HEALTH RISK FROM OVEREXPOSURE) Sulfuryl flouride is a gas and can potentially enter your body only through inhalation. Because it is a gas, it does not stay on dry surfaces; therefore, there is no exposure from touching treated surfaces. Nervous system and respiratory irr itation: Overexposure to high levels of Sulfuryl Fluoride can result in nose and throat irritation and nausea . At high concentrations (such as those used during the fumigation) it can cause excess fluid in the lungs, sleepiness, pneumonia, and convulsions. These sympoms would be expected to appear within 8 hours after such an exposure. In the unlikely event you experience these symptoms a the building that has been recently fumigated, you should leave immediately. Consult your physician and call the pest control company to have your building re-tested . Additional studies: Sulfuryl flouride has not been shown to cause birth defects in pregnant animals exposed under experimental conditions. In addition, current studies have demonstrated there are not mutagenic or genotoxic effects caused by exposure to sulfuryl flouride. Safety Precautions and Homeowner Preparation • Discuss the treatment program in advance with your pest control company so you fully understand what will be done and what you need to do. • Carefully follow the instructions you are given about what items you are to remove from your building. • Stay out of the treated building until it is cleared by your pest control company for re-entry. • If you are interested or concerned, you should ask your pest control company to show the records of how you building was aerated before it was cleared for re-entry. • You may wish to increase ventilation by opening doors and windows . If you have specific questions about your fumigation , refer to documents provided by the fumigator or call the fumigator listed on the warning signs posted on your structure. Call the Dow AgroSciences Customer Informations Center at 1-800-352-6776 if you need additional information or have questions concerning this product. *Trademark of Dow AgroSciences Ho eGua Incorporated Home Inspection Report 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Ordered by: Denise Carr ,;~dC Inspected by: · I /!Jt..__ Keller Williams Realty · avid Darrow 16185 Los Gatos Boulevard #205 April 11, 2016 Los Gatos, CA 95032 HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 2 of42 Table of Contents Report Overview 3 Structure 16 Roofing 18 Exterior 19 Electrical 21 Heating System 23 Cooling/Heat Pump System 24 lnsulationNentilation 25 Plumbing 26 Interior 29 Photographs 32 Maintenance Advice 41 HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 15 of42 The Scope of the Inspection All components designated for inspection in the ASHI standards of practice are inspected , except as may be noted in the "Limitations" section within the report . This inspection will not disclose compliance with regulatory requirements (codes, regulation laws, ordin ances, etc.) This inspection is visual only. Only a representative sample of the building and system components was viewed. No destructive testing or dismantling of building components was performed. The strength, adequacy, effectiveness , or efficiency of any system or components was not determined . Not all recommended improvem ents wi ll be identified in this inspection. Unexpected repairs sh ould still be anticipated . This inspection should not be considered a guarantee or warranty of any kind . The purpose of our inspection is to provide a general overview of the structure reflecting the conditions present at the time of this inspection. The inspection is performed by visual means only, reflecting only th e opinions of the inspector. Nothing in the report, and no opinion of the inspector, should be construed as advice to purchase, or to not purchase, the property. It is the goal of thi s inspection to put the buyer in a better position to make a buying deci sion Our inspection does not address, and is not intended to add ress , the possible presence of hazardous plants or animals or danger from known and unknown environmental pollutants su ch as, but not limited to, asbestos, mold, radon gas, lead, urea formaldehyde, underground storage tanks, soil contamination and other indoor and outdoor substances, water contamination, toxic or flammable chemicals, water or airborne related illness or disease, and all other similar or potentially harmful substances and conditions. This property was not inspected for the presence or absence of health related molds or fungi. We are neither qualified, authori zed nor licensed to inspect for health related molds or fungi. If you des ire information about the presence or absence health related molds, you shou ld contact the appropriate sp ecialist. Be aware that many materials used in building construction may potentially contain hazardous substances. Furthermore, other environmental concerns may exist elsewhere. An envi ronm ental specialist should be contacted if additional information is desired about these issues. PLEASE NOTE: Important disclosure information and other inspection reports may exist. All present and prior disclosures along with other in spection reports shou ld be reviewed and any adverse conditions and/or concerns that may not be mentioned in our report should be addressed prior to the close of escrow. Furthermore, there may be conditions known by the seller that have not bee n disclosed to us. Pictures are provided to assist in clarifying some of the findings made in the report. No relative importance should be placed on the se pictures. There are likely to be sign ificant comments that do not have pictures associated with them . Please read the report thoroughly. This is an inspection of all areas related to this specific unit s uch as windows , doors , attic and crawl space. The common areas were not inspected, except as s pecifically noted. Various components of the common areas have a known lifespan, such as the roof, fencing , exterior siding, paving . Funds for maintenance and replacement should be on hand ba sed on the annualized cost of each of these items. This information is contained in the "reserve study" which should be avai lable from the homeowner's associat ion. BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION Any controversy or claim arising out of or r el ating to the inspect ion perform ed by HomeGuard Incorporated shall be settled by final and binding arbitration filed by the aggrieved party with and administered by the Ameri can Arbitration Association (hereafter referred to as "AAA") in accordance with its Construction Arbitration Rules in effect at the time the claim is filed . The Rule s, information and forms of the AAA may be obtained and all claims shall be filed at any office of the AAA or at Corporate Headquarters, 335 Madison Avenue, Floor 10, New York, New York 10017-4605. Telephone: 212-716-5800, Fax: 212-716-5905, Website: http://www.adr.org/. The arbitration of all disputes shall be decided by a neutral arbitrator, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having competent jurisdiction thereo f. Any such arbitration will be conducted in the city nearest to the property that was inspected by HomeGuard Incorporated having an AAA reg iona l office. Each party shall bear its own costs and expenses an d an equal share of the administrative and arbitrators ' fees of arbitration . This arbitration Agreement is made pursua nt to a transaction involving interstate commerce, and shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C . Sections 1-16. THE PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT THEY WOULD HAVE HAD A RIGHT OR OPPORTUNITY TO LITIGATE THROUGH A COURT AND TO HAVE A JUDGE OR JURY DECIDE THEIR CASE, BUT THEY CHOOSE TO HAVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES DECIDED THROUGH ARBI T RATION . BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIE S ARE GIVIN G UP ANY RIGHT THEY MIGHT HAVE TO SUE EACH OTHER. HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Structure ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: Wall/Foundation Structure Attic Access Location Ceiling Structure Roof Structure Roof Sheathing Crawl Space Access Foundation Page 16 of42 • Wood Frame • Hallway • Garage • Joist • Rafters ·Plywood or Orientated Strand Board • Solid Pl ank • Exterior • Poured Concrete Floor Structure • Wood Joist • Wood Colum ns • Wood Floor Beams • Board and Plank Subfloor COMMENTS: The desig n of this detached structure does not feature an accessible attic/roof space or is not a part of this uniUstructure, therefore, the area containing the roof structure and related components could not be inspected. Due to locked gate blocking the access, the detached unit B crawl space was not inspected. With access and an opportunity for a complete inspection , conditions in need of attention may be discovered. We recommend further inspection when the storage has been removed and access is provided. (See Photo 15) The sill appeared to be adeq uately secured (anchor bolts or straps) to the foundation, unless noted otherwise. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS-'!' indicates an immediate improvement recommendation item. 1. Personal storage was blocking t he attic access opening at the garage, therefore , this attic space was not inspected . With access and an opportunity for a complete inspection, conditions in need of attention may be discovered. Th e personal belongings shou ld be removed so the attic may be inspected. (See Photo 36) 2. There is evidence of Vermin activity in the attic and the crawlspace. A pest control specialist should be consulted for any ne cessary clean up and/or control measures. (See Photo 46)(See Photo 50) 3. The wood members in the crawlspace show evidence of water damage. We recommend the services of a licensed structural pest control operator for investigation of th is condition. (See Photo 53) 4. One or more of the left s ide attached trellis members are sagging. We recommend that additional support be installed in accordance with present standards (See Photo 6) 5. There is a condition known as efflorescence on portions of the foundation walls . This fu zzy material is a salt deposit left when moisture in the found atio n eva porates on the inside of the foundation. This indicates an occasional surplus of moisture on the outsid e of the foundation. Steps could be take n to improve the exterior drainage (See "Roofing " section downspout locations for additional comments/recommendations in regard to this condition). 6. The attic is equipped with one or more thermostatically controlled automatic fans. T hese activate when the temperature reach es a pre-set level. Du e to the temperature at the time the fans were not active. We recommend observing the fans during w armer weather for evaluation of their operation. 7. Detached unit B appears to have an attic space, however, there is no access opening. We recommend the installation of an approved opening and further inspection be performed when access is provided. 8. Portio ns of the structure appear to be constructed over a "sleeper-floor" and were inaccessible for inspection partly due to insufficient clearance and/or a access . The local building department is the final judge of building standa rd s. Reportable conditions could be concealed in these areas. Further investigation by appropriate trad es is recommended and may require destructive testing. 9. An abandoned and disconnected gravity floor furnace was noted in the crawl space. No major issues are noted in regards to thi s condition, however the owner may wish to have the unit removed . LIMITATIONS: T hi s is a visual inspection to the accessible areas only. Assessing the structural integ rity of a building i s beyond the scope of a typical inspection. A certified professional engineer is recommended where there are structural concerns about the building. The attic was viewed from the attic access hatch only due to insulation coveri ng the wood members. If further inspection of this are a is desired catwalks or planks will need to be installed over the exposed ceiling joists. When access has been provided we will return and further inspect this area. In su lation within th e roof attic ca vity obstructed a view of stru ctural members. HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 17 of42 • Structural com ponents concealed behind finished surfaces could not be inspected . • Only a representative sampling of visible structural components was inspected . Furniture and/or storage restricted access to some of the structural components. HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Exterior ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: Lot Topography Driveway Walkway & Sidewalks Retaining Walls/Abutments Fencing/Gates Steps, Porch/Deck Fascia, Eaves and Rafters Exterior Walls Windows Doors Main Garage Main Garage Door/Opener COMMENTS: • Level grade • Concrete • Stone • Concrete ·None •Wood • Ston e • Brick/Pavers • Concrete • Tile • Wood • Open Rafters • Wood Siding • Stucco • Wood • Vinyl • Wood • French ·Detached • Wood • Automati c Opener Installed The exterior of the home shows signs of normal wear and tear for a home of this age and construction. Page 19 of42 Portions of the exterior of the structure or property at the left side detached unit C were inaccessible due to owner storage. Reportable conditions may be hidden from inspection. We recommend this area be cleared to allow for further inspection . (See Photo 14) Portions of the exterior of the structure or property at the rear and right side of detached un it B were inaccessible due to a locked gate. Reportable conditions may be hidden from inspection. We recommend this area be cleared to allow for further inspection. (See Photo 15) Personal storage was blocking access to the interior of the garage. Therefore, the area is cons idered inaccessible and was not fully inspected. With access and an opportunity for complete inspection, conditions in need of attention may be discovered . Ideally, the personal belongings should be removed so the area may be inspected. (See Photo 36) RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS-'!' indicates an immediate improvement recommendation item. 1. The heaved section of the patio at detached unit B presents a trip hazard. This condition should be corrected for improved safety. (See Photo 10) 2. Th e exterior detached unit C door is water damaged. We recomm end the services of a licensed general contractor and/or structural pest control company regarding repairs. (See Photo 17) 3. Water damage was observed to the rafters at detached unit C. We recommend the services of a licensed general contractor and/or stru ctural pest con trol company. (See Photo 18) 4. Water damage was observed to t he fascia at detached unit B. We recommend the services of a licensed general contractor and /o r structural pest control company. (See Photo 8) 5. Water damage was observed to t he wood siding in the detached unit C exterior wa lls. W e recommend the services of a licensed general contractor and/or structural pest control company. (See Photo 16) 6. The grading at various areas of the wall should be improved to promote the flow of water away from the structure. The gro und should slope away from the structure to allow for adequate drainage. Ideally, at least eight inches of clearance should be maintained between the soil levels and the top of the foundation walls. (See Photo 3) 7. Th e entry gate structure is not adequately braced an d is wobbly when pushed from side to side. We recommend t hat it be strengthened to resist lateral movement. (See Photo 1) 8. The steps at the detached unit B appea r to be non -co nforming. Thi s could create a potential fall hazard. We recommend the services of a licensed general con tractor . (See Illustration 6Z) (See Photo 9) 9. The loft insta lled in the garage was not designed or constructed to support heavy loads . Storage of light items would be appropriate but the storage of heavy files, bo oks, etc . is discouraged. 10. Vegetation growing on or within 6" inches of exterior walls should be kept tri mmed away from sidi ng, window trims and the eaves . 11. The proximity of the tree at the front wall could dis rupt drainage pipes , cause mechanical damage to the exterior of th e house or influence the foundation over time. For additional information and recommendations we recommend appropriate trades be co nsulted. (See Illustration 8E) 12. The window(s) in the exterior door lack tempered glass (special safety glass that will not shatter). For safety rea sons, we recommend the installation of tempered glass. HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Electrical ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: Service Service Entrance Main Distribution Pa nel Branch/Auxiliary Panel Distribution Wiring Outlets Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters COMMENTS: Page 21 of42 • 120/240 volt main service • Overhead Service W ires • Exte rior Side • Breakers • Ha llway • Pa nel Rating : 60 Amps • Knob & Tube wiring noted • Grounded/Ungrounded • Bathroom In spection of the elect rical system revealed the need for improvements. Unsafe electrical conditions re present a hazard. A licensed electrician shou ld be consulte d to undertake t he improvements recommend ed below. Evidence of remodeling or m odification s to the electrical system were evi dent. Inquire with the owner as to their nature and any permits that may have been required . Evaluation of permits, identi fyi ng the exte nt of modifications and code compliance are beyond the scope of this inspection. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS-'!' indicates an immediate improvement recommendation item. 1. Ungrounded "3-prong" interior outlets at various areas should be improved. A grounded cabl e or ground wire could be installed at these ou tl ets, the outlet labeled as ungrounded or the original "2-prong" receptacle could be reinstalled . If applicable, some electrical codes allow the installation of a ground fault ci rcuit interrupter (GFC I) type receptacle where grounding is not provided. Based upon ou r inspection of a representative number of outlets, we reco mmend testing of every ou tl et. Repairs or rewiring are recommended at all deficient locati ons. For additional information we recommend a licensed electrician be consulted. (See Illustration 100) (See Photo 31) 2. The missing outlet cover plates at the main house kitchen shou ld be replaced. Based u pon our inspection of a representative number of outlets we recomm end checking every outlet to make sure t hey all have covers. (See Photo 39) 3. A ground faul t circuit interrupter (GFC I) out let at the unit C hall bathroom did not function or did not trip when tested with an outside source and/or the test button. This outlet and circuit shou ld be investigated and repaired. (See Photo 21) 4. We found lamp cord wiring in use at the detached unit C. This type of wiring is easy to overloaq and can be eas ily damaged. Removal of all lamp cord wiring and replacement with proper cir cuitry is recommended. (See Photo 30) 5. Running splices , which are improper connections outside of a junction box, were observed in t he att ic. We recom m end connections be joined with approved connectors inside a junction box to prevent accidental contacts or mechanical damage. (See Photo 44) 6. Exposed electrica l con nections or open junction boxes at th e attic should be corrected. All electrical connections sho uld be made inside approved junction boxes fitted with proper cover plates. (See Photo 45) 7. Exposed electrical conn ections or open junction boxes at the crawlspace shou ld be corrected. All electrical connections should be made inside approved junction boxes fitted with proper cover plates . (See Photo 52) 8. Abandoned wiring was noted in th e crawlspace. We recommend the wiring be discon nected at its source or terminated in an approved manner in a covered junction box. (See Photo 51) 9. One or more missing garage ou tl et cover plates at the shou ld be replaced. (See Photo 37) ! 10. The detached unit B main distribution panel was inaccessible due to excessive vegetation. We recommend the vegetation be tri mmed to allow further inspection by the appropriate trades. (See Photo 7) ! 11 . The main house electri ca l branch/auxiliary panel cover or "Dead Fro nt" was inaccessible due to excessive paint. We recommend th e panel be opened to allow further inspection by the appropriate trades. (See Photo 42) ! 12. The overhead electrical service wires do not have adequate clearance from th e driveway (12' feet). walkway (1 0' feet) an d/or building (3' feet). We recommend modification in accordance with present standards. (See Photo 48) ! 13. T he main house and detached unit B main electrical panels were not inspected due to the wet cond itions that could be a possible hazard to the inspector. We recommend evaluation of thi s area during dry weather. (See Photo 5) (See Photo 7) Hom eGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San J ose, CA 95112 (8 55) 33 1-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 23 of42 Heating System ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: • Gas Primary Energy Source Heating System Type • Fo rced Air • Wall Heaters • Manufacturer: House Warm er, Un known a nd Ca rri er • BTU 's : Unknown 35 ,000 and 92 ,000 • Age: Unkn own 8 an d 16 Years · Location: Distribution COMMENTS: Li vin g roo m and Bed room • Locat io n: Attic ·Ductwor k The heating systems energy source was shut off and the system was not operational at t he t ime of ou r inspection. We cannot offer op inions about system performance or general state or repair. We recomm end inspection by a licen sed HVAC contractor when service has been restored. (See Photo 20} The typical life cycle for a heating unit such as this is 20-25 years . The heating system is older and may be approaching the end of its life cycle . Some units will last longer; others can fail prematurely. Please be aware that sh utting t he gas off to this unit for any reason could cause the heat exchanger to contract and crack. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS-'I' indicates an immediate improvement recommendation item. 1. Th ere is insuffi cient clearance betwee n the furna ce exhaust flue and combust ible materials at t he exterior of detached unit C. Th is should be corrected. (S ee Photo 12) 2. The heating system is dirty and in this condition will operate inefficiently. We recommend a qualified HVAC contra ctor be retained to service, clean, and tune the system . 3. As a free pub lic service, the local utility company PG&E will perform a "safety" revi ew of the heat exchanger and other gas operated components . As HomeGuard Incorporated does not perform an inspection of the heat exchanger we recommend that you take advantage of this service prior to the close of escrow. MAINTENANCE ITEMS & GENERAL INFORMATION 4. This home is heated with a mid efficiency forced air furnace. In this type of furna ce, air is circulated by a blower motor through a heat exchanger, which is heated by the burner unit at the base. An induced draft motor is used t o force the exhaust from the furnace to the exterior 5. The data plate on some of the heating systems was not visible or legible at the ti me of th is inspection. LIMITATIONS: This is a visual inspe ction to the accessible areas only . The inspection of the heating system is general and not technically exhaustive. A detailed evaluation of the furnace heat exchanger is beyond the scope of t his inspect ion. • As per ASHI standards determining furnace heat supply adequacy or inadequacy, distribution balance or sizing of the unit or units is not a part of this inspection. • The wall mount and /or window mounted air conditioning unit (if applicable) wa s not inspe cted and are excluded from this report . Heating and/or air conditioning registers where accessible were visually inspected . Manual operation of the regi sters was not performed . • As per ASH I standards the heat exchanger of the f urnace was not inspected and interior portions of th e heater were restricted . For additional information we recommend the servi ces of a licensed heating contractor . As a free public service , the local utility company (PG&E) will perform a "safety" review of the heat exchanger and ot her gas operated components. We recommend that you take advantage of this service before the next seasona l operat ion. Inspection of the heater and/or air conditioner thermostat is limited to operating the units(s ) on and off funct ion onl y. Testing of the thermostat timer, temperature accuracy, clock, set back functions , etc. were not perfor med . HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos lnsulationNentilation ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: Exterior Walls Insulation Attic/Roof Insulation Attic/Roof Ventilation Crawlspace Insulation Crawl Space Ventilation COMMENTS: • Unknown • Fibergl ass • Depth in inches: 0 to 4 • Roof Vents • Gable ven t s ·None • Exterior wall ve nt (s) Page 25 of42 RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS-'!' indicates an immediate improvement recommendation item. 1. The main house right side hall bathroom and units C and B hall bathrooms fan has been insta lled in a improper manner or method. We recommend the fan be removed and a proper fa n installed . (See Photo 22) 2. Attic insulation improvements are rec ommended. This should help t o reduce heating costs and help keep the home cooler during warm weather. 3. One or more of the ven ti lation screens for the crawl space is torn, damaged or missing . We recommend the damaged or missing ventilation screens be r epaired or replaced as neces sary. LIMITATIONS: Thi s is a visual inspection to the accessi ble area s only. • In sulation /ventilation type and levels in concealed areas can not be determined . No destru cti ve tests were performed . • Potentially hazardous materials such as A sbestos and Urea Formaldehyde Foam In sulati on (UFFI) cannot be positively identified w ithou t a detailed inspection and laboratory analys is. This is beyond the scope of th e in spection . • An analysis of indoor air quality is beyond th e scope of this inspection . • Any estimates of in sul ation "R" values or depths are rough average values. HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenu e, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Plumbing ITEM DESCRIPTIONS : Service Pipe Main Water Valve Location Supply Piping Drain/WasteNent Cleanout Location • Copper Pipe • Exterior Front • Unknown/Inaccessible (Not Inspected) • Copper Pipe • Galvanized • Galvanized Steel • Cast Iron ·Crawl space • Exteri or Rear Page 26 of42 Main Gas Valve Location Water Heaters ·Manufacturer: Morflor and Whirlpool · Capacity: 30 Ga llons · Approximate Age : 2 1 and 6 Year(s) • Gas • Location : Interior Closet Seismic Gas Shut-off Excess Flow Gas Shut-off COMMENTS: • Not Present • Not Present The water pressure supplied to th e fi xtures is rea so nably good . A typi ca l drop in flow was expe rienced when two fixtures were operated sim ultaneously. Th e plumbing system requires some im provements. We recommend a licensed plumbing contractor be consulted to undertake the improvements recommended below. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS· 'I' indicates an immediate improvement recommendation item . 1. The waste piping at unit B kitchen does not have sufficient slope for proper drainage . We recommend this condition be corrected. (See Photo 34) 2. The shower hea d in the main hou se right side hall bathroom and unit C hall ba th r ooms leak. We recomm end all leaks be repaired. (See Photo 24) 3. The drain trap in the unit C hall bathroom and main house right side hall bathroom have been installed in a nonconforming configuration known as a "S trap". Although we common ly find this condition , a "Strap" can all ow venting of sewe r gasses into the surrounding area . We recommend it be re placed w ith an approved trap. (See Illustrati on 1J ) (See Photo 25) 4. The toi let in the unit C hall bathroom bath is loose and should be properly re-secured, tightened and cau lked . (See Illustration 58) (See Photo 23) 5. The drain system in the garage was improperly installed. We re co mmend the drains be reco nfigured according to industry standards. (See Photo 38) 6. The steel/copper supply piping is leaking at the rear of the main house. We re commend all leaks be repaired. (See Photo 4) 7. The clean out cap is missing at the detached unit C. We recommend replacing the cap to prevent sewage sp illage and odor. (See Photo 13) B. The water heater tank has been st rapped with improper material and in an improper manner. We recommend the restraint be improved as per state codes. Specifically California state code is as foll ows. 1 . All water heaters gas or electric must be strapped. 2. Tanks up to 52 gallons requires two straps, one in upper one-third and one in th e lower one-third of the fi xture. 52 gallons and above req uire three, one in upper one-third, one in midd le and one in lower one-third . 3. Straps may consist of either metal bands/tape at least 24 gauge or half-inch diameter metal conduit. 4. Straps must wrap all the way arou nd/loop around the body of the water heater. 5. Straps should be secu red to adjacent wall or stud and from opposing direct ions 6. Straps should be secured to the wall or studs using 1/4" diameter by 3" long lag bolt s wit h washers. (See Illustration 9AE} (See Photo 29) 9. There is insufficient clearance between the detached unit C water heater exhaust flue and combustible materials. This co ndition should be corrected. (See Ill ustration 9Z) (See Photo 26) ! 10. For enhanced safety, it is recommended that the loose or damaged connections of the water heater venti n g system be improved . A minimum of 3 screws at each section of the duct is recommended . (See Illustrat ion 9AA) (See Photo 28) ! 11 . Inspection of the sprinkler valves and /or piping is beyond the scope of t his inspection; howev er, a leak was noted at one or more of th e va lves or lines at the fron t side of the main house . We recommend all leaks be repaired. (See Photo 2) HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331·1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 27 of42 ! 12. The water heater tank has been strapped in an impro per manner. W e recomme nd the restraint be improved as per state cod es. Specifically Californi a state code is as follow s. 1. All water heaters g as or electric must be strapped. 2 . Up to 52 g allons two straps are required , one in upper one-third and one in the lower one-third of the fixture. 52 g a llons a nd above require three, one in upper one-third , one in middle and one in low er one-third. 3 . Straps m ay consist of either m et al bands/tape at least 24 gauge o r half-inch diameter m etal c onduit. 4. Straps must wrap all the way around/loop aro und the body of th e water heate r or be blocked along one wall. 5. Straps should be secured to adjacent wall or stud and from opposing directions 6. Straps should be s ecured to the wall or studs using 1/4" diameter by 3" long lag bolts w ith washers. (See Illustrat io n 9AE) (See Photo 43) 13. The installation of a gas pipe sediment trap at the water heater gas line should be considered. MAINTENANCE ITEMS & GENERAL INFORMATION 14. The typical life cycle for a water heater is 8-12 years. As is not uncommon in homes of this age, the water heating system is older and may be approaching the end of its useful life. Some units will last longer; others can fail prematurely. Although operating, the need for replacement should be expected in the near future. Please be aware that shutting the gas off to this unit for any reason may cause this unit to fail. DISCRETIONARY IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR UPGRADES 15. There is no metal pan under the water heater to catch and divert any dripping water to the exterior. We recommend that consideration be given to installing one. 16 . The older steel water supply piping is subject to corrosion on the interior of the pipe. As corrosion builds up, the inside diameter of the pipe may becomes constricted, resulting in a loss of water pressure. However this condition is not common to all galvanized metal piping and varies with the hardness and acidity of the water and composition of the pipe. Restricted piping is typically replaced when the loss of pressure can no longer be tolerated. For additional comments we recommend a licensed pluming contractor be consulted. LIMITATIONS: This is a visual inspection to the accessible areas only. • Water and gas shut-off valves, including but not limited to seismic, e xcess flow s hut-off valves and gas firepla ce valves where applicable, were not operated or tested. Identification of these devices is limited to the accessible area s only. Portions of the plumbing system concealed by finishes and/or storage (below sinks, below the structure and beneath the yard) were not inspected. • Water pressure and water quality is not tested. The effect of lead content in solder and /or supply lines is beyond the scope of the inspection . Inspection of any water conditioning system (filters, purifiers, softeners, etc.) is beyond the scope of thi s ins pection and are excluded from this report . Inspection of any lawn s prinkler s ystem is beyond the scope of this inspection and are excluded from this report (unless noted otherwise). • The interior portions of the water heater were restricted . For additional information we recommend the services of a licensed plumbing contractor. As a free public service, the local utility company (PG&E) will perform a "safety" review of the interior of the water heater and other gas operated components. We recommend that you take advantage of this service before the next seasonal operation. HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 29 of42 Interior ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: Kitchen Appliances Tested • Electric Range • Gas Range • Gas Cooktop • Microwave · Dishwasher ·Waste Disposer • Exhaust Hood Wall Finishes Ceiling Finishes Floor Doors Window style and Glazing Fireplace/Wood Stove Other Componets Inspected COMMENTS: • Drywall/Plaster • Drywall/Plaster • Wood • Acoustic Tile • Tile/Stone • Wood • Hollow Core • Raised Panel • French • Sliding • Double/Single Hung • Sliders • Fixed Pane· Single Pa ne · Double Pa ne • Steel Fire Box • Zero Clearance • Smoke Detector· Carbon Monoxide Detector Generally speaking, the kitchen is in good condition . The interior finishes of the home are considered to be in good conditio n. All appliances that were tested appear to be in good condition and responded satisfactorily. The windows and doors are of good quality. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS-'I' indicates an immediate improvement recommendation item. INTERIOR 1. The ceiling at the unit C water heater closet and main house living room shows evidence of water stains . It is recommended that the source of these stains be identified and corrected and the surface be refinished. (See Photo 26) (See Photo 40) 2. Evidence of water damage to the unit B living room floor was observed. The extent of the damage is difficult to predict without removing floor coverings. We recommend the services of a licensed structural pest control operator for investigation of this condition. (See Photo 32) 3. A taped shut door was blocking the fireplace opening. This makes the firepla ce interi or and flu e inaccessible. We cannot offer any opinions regarding the condition or performance of the fireplace. We recommend inspection of the fireplace by a licensed masonry or fireplace contractor. (See Photo 33) 4. There is evidence of Vermin acti vity on the interior of the unit C water heater closet. A pest control specialist shoul d be consulted for any necessary clean up and/or control measures. (See Photo 27) 5. Some of the interior floors were noted to squeak when walked on. T his does not affect the functional use of the floor. Squeaks can usually be eliminated by additional attachment of the subfloor to the floor joist. 6. The fireplace chimney should be inspected and cleaned prior to the close of escrow. (See Il lustration 8A) 7. Inspection and operation of the wood stove is beyond the scope of th is inspection. It is recommended that the manufacture's specifications for installation , clearance and operation be rev iewed before using the stove. 8. Various interior doors, windows and electrical outlets were partially inaccessible due to storage at the time of our inspection. With access and an opportunity for a complete inspection , conditions in need of attention may be discovered. We recommend the storage be removed and these areas further inspected. 9. The window(s) in the main house den/left bedroom interior door lack tempered glass (special safety glass that will not shatter). For safety reasons , the installation of tempered glass is advised. KITCHEN ! 10. There is no "exterior vented" exhaust fan for the gas applian ces installed in units C and B kitchen. It is recommen ded that all gas appliances be vented to the exterior. (See Photo 35) 11 . The exhaust vent for the kitchen cooktop or hood uses a corrugated material. Galvanized smooth wall material is r ecommended to avoid trapping greases in the duct. BATHROOMS ! 12. The seam for the floor at the base of the main house left side hall bathroom tub/shower is open. We re commend that the floor be sealed to avoid water penetration. (See Photo 41) 13. The drain stopper in the main house left side hall bathroom bath tub was not functioning properly or missing. We recommend repair or replacement. (See Illust ration 3C) 14. The basin drain stopper in the unit C hall bathroom was missing or not funct ioning properly. We recommend adjustment, repair or replacement. HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 30 of42 15. Cra cked, deteriorated and/or missing grout and ca u lk in th e unit C hall bathroom and main house left side hall bathroom tub/shower shou ld be replaced . Water leaking through non-sealed areas can cause damage. D amage caused by water seepage cannot be determined by this visual observ atio n. A flexible caulking material is recommended rather than rigid cementious grout. LAUNDRY 16. Due to th e lack of clearance or owner stor age at the laundry area, we were not able t o inspect the laundry hook-ups. We recommend intereste d parties co nsult with the own ers as to the type and co ndition of the laundry hook-ups. OTHER/MISC. ! 17. California law requires that all homes have a State Fire Marshall approved Carbon Monoxide Detector be installed outside of the sleeping areas in the hallway and on each level of the home including basements. At th e time of this inspect ion a Carbon Monoxide Detector could not be located. We recom mend consu lting with the owner to see if a Carbon Monoxide Detector exist and if not they should be installed in all required locati ons . 18. ENVIROMENTAL ISSUES: Is sues Based on the age of thi s home, there is a possibility the structure may contain asbestos such as ceil ing texture, ins ulation on th e distributi on piping and/or transit piping and siding . This can only be verified by laboratory analysis. The Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) reports that asbestos rep resents a heal t h hazard if "friable" damaged , crumbling, or in any stat e that allows the release of fibers . If repl acement necessitates the rem ova l of the acoust ic ceili ng or insulation, a specia list should be engaged. If any sections of this insulation are indeed friabl e, or become friable over time, a specialist should be engaged . Further guidance is available from the En vi ronmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.). Du e to th e age of constru ction, it is likely that there are other m at erials within the home that contai n asbestos but are not identified by this inspection report. ! 19. This home does not have enough smoke detectors installed. The installation of smoke detectors should be placed on each floor in non-sleeping areas . In add ition , one smoke alarm mu st be inst alled in each room where sleeping occurs and one smoke alarm should be located in each hallway that lead s directly to sleeping room s. 20. Carbon mo noxi de is a col orless, odorless gas that can resu lt from a faulty fuel burning furnace, rang e, water heat er, sp ace heate r or wood stove. Prop er mainte nance of these appliances is the be st way to r educe the ri sk of carbon monoxide poisoning . For more informatio n, consult the Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC at www.cps c.gov f or further guidance. MAINTENANCE ITEMS & GENERAL INFORMATION INTERIOR 21. The evaluation of the thermal pane wind ows ("dual pane/glazed") is limited to accessible windows exhibitin g noti ceable cond itions at th e time of our inspection, such as co ndensation an d/or evidence of moisture developing between the panes of glass. Du e to the kn own design and/or chara cteri stics associated w ith t hermal pane windows , con ditions may be discovered at a later date, however sea l failure can occu r at any ti me. DISCRETIONARY IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR UPGRADES KITCHEN 22. The kit che n range does not have a "a nti-t ip" device. This upgrade would help to keep the range from tippi ng when the doors are ope n. LIMITATIONS: Thi s is a vi sual ins pection to the accessib le are as on ly. A ssessing the quality of interior finishes is highly subjective. Issues such as cleanliness, cosmetic flaws , q uality of materi als, architectural a ppe al and color are outside the sco pe of thi s inspection. Comments are general, except where fun ctiona l concerns exist. Due to texturing and painting of interior surfaces there is no pos sibl e way of determining poi nt of origin of any gypsum (sheetrock) material without destructive testi ng . Hom eG uard In corporat ed does not perform any destructive t esting. T he t esting of sm oke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors is limited to the alarm function only. T he senso rs of t hese units are not tested. Both smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors have a limited life span and should be replaced according to the manufactures instructi ons. • T he adequacy of the fireplace draw ca nnot be determined during a v isual inspection . • The operation of th e dishwasher was limited to a f illing a nd draining cycle only, however due t o tim e limitations timers, dryer cycles and/or higher funct ion s were not tested. For add itional information in regard s to the operation and fu ll f unction of the dis hwasher we re commend consultation with the own er or appropriate trades . • The washing ma chine faucets were vis ually inspected however t hey were not tested . Fu rniture, storage , appliances and/or wall hangings restri cted th e inspecti on of the interior . • No access was gained to the wall cavities of t he hom e. Ki tchen appliances were operated unless noted otherwise. However they were not inspected for installation accord ing to manufacturer specifica tions and were not eva luated for performance, efficiency or adeq uacy during their operation. No refrigerators wh et her "built in" or portable are operated, in spected or tested . HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Ave nue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 P hoto 15 Photo 16 P hoto 17 HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 Photo25 HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 Photo 53 HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page 41 of42 Maintenance Advice UPON TAKING OWNERSHIP After taking ownership of a new home, there are some maintenance and safety issues that should be addressed immediately. The following checklist should help you undertake these improve men t s. 0 Change the locks on all exterior entrances, for improved security. 0 Check that all windows and doors are secure. Improve window hardware as necessary. Securi ty rods can be added to sliding windows and doors. Considerations could also be given to a security system . 0 Install smoke detectors on each level of the home. Ensure that there is a smoke detector outside all sleeping areas. Replace batteries on any existing smoke detectors and test them . Make a note to rep lace batteries again in one year. 0 Create a plan of action in the event of a fire in your home. Ensure that there is an operab le window or door in every room of the house. Consult with your local fire department regard ing fire safety issues and what to do in the event of a fire . 0 Examine driveways and walkways for trip hazards. Undertake repairs where necessary. 0 Examine the interior of the home for trip hazards. Loose or torn carpeting and flooring should be re pa ired . 0 Undertake improvements to all stairways, decks , porches and land ings where there is a risk of falling or stumbl ing. 0 Review your home inspection report for any items that require immediate improvement or further in vestigat ion . Address these areas as required. 0 Install rain caps and vermin screens on all chimney flues, as necessary. 0 Investigate the location of the main shut-offs for the plumbing, heating and electrical systems . If you attend the home inspection, these items have been pointed out to you . REGULAR MAINTENANCE EVERY MONTH 0 Check that fire extinguisher(s) are fully charged . Re-charge if necessary. 0 Examine heating/cooling air filters and replace or clean as necessary. 0 Inspect and clean humidifiers and electronic air cleaners. 0 If the house has hot water heating, bleed radiator valves. 0 Clean gutters and downspouts . Ensure that downspouts are secure, and that the dis charge of t he do wnspo uts is appropriate. Remov e debris from window wells . 0 Carefully inspect the condition of shower enclosures. Repair or replace deteriorated grout and cau lk . Ensure that water is not escaping the enclosure during showering . Check below all plumbing fixtures for evidence of leakage. 0 Repair or replace leaking faucets or shower heads. 0 Secure loose toilets , or repair flush mechanisms that become troublesome. SPRING AND FALL 0 Examine the roof for evidence of damage to roof covering, flashings and ch imneys. 0 Look in the attic (if accessible) to ensure that roof vents are not obstructed . Che c k for evi dence of leakage , condensation or vermin activity. Level out insulation if needed . 0 Trim back tree branches and shrubs to ensure that they are not in contact with the house. 0 Inspect the exterior walls and foundation for evidence of damage, cracking or movement. Watch for bird nests or other vermin or insect activity. 0 Survey the basement and/or crawl space walls for evidence of moisture seepage . 0 Look at overhead wires coming to the house. They should be secure and cl ear of trees or ot her obstru ctions . 0 Ensure that the grade of the land around the house encourages water to flow away from th e foundation . HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 16982 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos Page42 of42 0 Inspect all driveways, walkways, decks, porches, and landscape components for evidence of deteri oration, movement or safety hazards. 0 Clean windows and test their operation . Improve caulking and weather-stripping as necessary. Watch for evi dence of rot in wood windows frames. Paint and repair window si lls and frames as necess ary. 0 Test all ground fault circuit interrupter (GFC I} devices, as identified in the inspection report. 0 Shut off isolating valves for exterior hose bibs in the fall, if below freezing temperatu r es are anticipated. 0 Test the Temperature and Pressure Relief (TPR) Valve on water heaters . 0 Inspect for evidence of wood boring in sect activity. Eliminate any wood/soil contact around the peri meter of th e home. 0 Test the overhead garage door opener, to ensure that the auto-reverse mechani sm is respon ding properly. Clean and lubri cate hinges, rollers and tracks on overhead doors. 0 Replace or clean exhaust hood filters . 0 Clean , inspect and /or service all appliances as per th e manufacturer's recommendations . ANNUALLY 0 Replace smoke detector batteries . 0 Have the heating , cooling and water heater systems cleaned and serviced. 0 Have chimneys inspected and cleaned. En sure that rain caps and vermin screens are secu re . 0 Examine the electrical panels, wiring and electrical components for evidence of overheating. Ensure that all components are secure. Flip the breakers on and off to ensure that they are not sticky. 0 If the house utilizes a well, check and service the pump and holding tan k. Have the wat er quality tested . If t he property has a septic system, have the tank inspected (and pumped as needed ). 0 If your home is in an area prone to wood destroying insects (termites, carpenter ants, et c.), have the home inspected by a licensed specialist. Preventive treatments may be recommended in some cases. PREVENTION IS THE BEST APPROACH Alth ough we'v e hea rd it many times, nothing co uld be more true than the old cliche "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Preventative maintenance is the best way to keep your house in great shape. It also reduces the ris k of unexpected repairs and improves the odds of selling your house at fair market va lue, when the time comes . Please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions regarding t he operation or maintenance of your home. Enjoy your home! HomeGuard Incorporated 510 Madera Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 (855) 331-1900 Report No. 379737 ......... TOWN OF LOS GATOS OVWER-IUILDER VERI~ICATIOB ATTENTION OWNER-BUILDERS! IF YO U PLAN TO IMPROVE YOUR PROf'ERT\' i\tl!J EMPLOY PERSONS OTHER THAN YOUR IM.HEDIATt;: FAMILY, THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WIL L BE OF BENEFIT TJ YOU . STATE AND FEDERAL I.AWS REQUIRE THAT YOU : I . RECISTEK I.'ITII Til E ~TA TE AND FF:DERAL GOVERNMENTS AS AN EMPL OYER. "?. Wl TIIIIOLO AN).) Rf.MIT I NCO ME TAX FOR EACH F.HPLOYE.E . } . PAY SO CIAL SECURITY CO STS ON EACH EMPLOYEE .· t,. WITIIIIOI.D AND REMI 'f S OC IAL S ECURITY COSTS ON EACH EMPLOYEE. ~'. PAY WORK ER'S CO MPEN SATI ON INSURANCE COS T S ON EACH EMPLOYE~. 6. WI 'fiiHOLI> AND REMI T D I S A~I L ITY INSURAN CE COSTS FOR F.A Cll EMPLOYEE . I. PAY UNEMPLOYMEN T J NS ti RAN CE COST S ON I::AC II EMPlJ)Y I::F.. YO U HAY CO NSTRUCT HIPROV EMF.f'<TS FO R SA LE ONLY UNDE R S.P EC IF IC , LIMI TE D CO NOH IONS . YOU MAY CO NSTR \J\.T IHI'R OVEMF.N TS FOR R F.NTi \L -OCC UPAN <:Y ONLY UND!-:R SPFC IFI C , LIMITED CO NDITloti S . YO U MAY ~U B CO NTRACT POR TIONS OF T ilE CO:-lS T KUCl'lON TO ANY PERSON OR FiRM, BU T THEY ~l US T BE LI CE NS ED RY TH E S TAT E OF CAL IFORNIA . I NFOR/·11\T I ON ABOUT I NS \JRAll CE, 1.1 EN I.AW!', AND OTHER CONSTR UC:T IO N MATTERS HAY BE OBT A I NW FROM Til !-: C ONTRAC T O R ~ Slt\TE l.lf;EN S E BOARD AND VAR lOllS BU S 1 NE S S AND TRADE A!;SOC I AT ION S. l'l c.•Ctsl! cu1np l eu· and r etu rn till!; lnfu t'•nat i o 11 <ot your e ar lies t opportu n ity t':> av o i d ttlllH'<:\·!.:sary de l<L y in p roc.ns.sint; ;md is!;ui n r. you r :3uilding Pe rm it. l . l p l•l·so ll a ll !' p litll l o p!·o·:id<· Uw m.1jor l ilbop-<"lnd mater i a ls fo r construc tio n t d tlH, p n)posed pr·o p <·rl ,. in:p rovl!m<,nt : '/ or __ _ (y es) (no) ?. I h aY•~ s i ~nNI at"; :P l l c :dion for .1 Buil d i ng p e r mit for t h e proposed work : I --¥---or __ . (yes) (n o) At:REE T O CJJI :CK TII AT EI\Cll ~l 'J·;C \o~:TRJ\CTOK li AS A VAI.ID TO IJN OF LOS GATOS BUS I NES S I.I CJ::NSE I:SE FOR E T HEY P.E GJN ~·or:f :. (YOU 1-f,\Y VE RIFY BUSINESS LI CE NS E S TATU S \.liTH TilE Fillt'I NCE DEI'AR TMUlT AT ·5~:,-!,,•~'l '•). . · ... .,: -.. o--· ~· ·._'·" ". n ""1 • •· -.• ·_ .• •l ... .... :·\ .. . ~ . .. .. ·; . . •· •. ' ... ~.~~ .... ~~ ... ~ •.•••.................•...... ~ ................ . · . ·Town of Loe Gatos, CA su.temnt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statemnt llwllber: REC-0089 Amount: 225.68 11/08/93 14:17 Pe~it: 893-000020 Type: BLDG Building Permit Parcel No: 532-35-060 Site Address: 16982 KENNEDY RD Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #21061 Init: PLL ..........•......................... ,. .......................... . Account Code Description Paid BLDGPRMT Building Permit Fees 140.00 PCHKBLDG Building Plan Check Fees 78.00 MICR02LDG Microfilm Fees -Bldg . 4.40 PTRACBLDG Computer Services Fee 2.40 SMIPS\ Seismic Tax 5\ .04 SMIP95\ Seismic Tax 95\ . 84 Total (This Payment): 225.68 Total Fees : Total All Payments: Balance: 225.68 225.68 .00 r. ~~ .·. ·-,.,... ....... .. . . • . , ••••••.•••••••.•.•....................•......................... Town Qf Los Gatos, CA Statemnt ·~·········~···················································· St&temnt Number: REC-0090 ;\modtt: Permit: P93-00000S Type : PLUM Parcel No: 532-35-060 Site Address: 16982 KENNEDY RD 55.00 11/08/93 14:38 Plumbing Permit Payment Method: Notation: #21061 Init: P!_,L **************************************************************** Description Account Code BLDGPRMT Building Permit Fees 'l'otal (This Payment) Total Fees : ·Total All Payments: Balance: 55.00 55.00 .00 Paid 55.00 55.00 '. SECONDARY DWELLIN G UNI T PERM I T APPL IC ATI ONS DA TE REC I D APPLI CANT MA IN ADD RESS CORR ECT I ONS REQ. PERMIT STATUS APP . NO . YES ~~o ISSUED NC UN ----- 9/27/85 Antoinette Aymar 16270 Kennedy Rd ?deJ.Jt~ D-85 -171 AEN5.3 2 -1 5 -029 & 53 ~-15 -030 10/l/85 Suzanne Shanki e 16405 Ke n nedy Rd 5/20/87 D-85 -2 3 :,1.-- APN532 -1 5 -oo2 \ \). : . ' 7/19/85 Barbara E . Nash 16887 Ke nnedy Rd 7/7/86 D-85 -1 2 '2~ ~ ~l---,---) -; ' \ ·J- ' J ' I ~ !'' i I 9/30/85 Brian Con l isk 1 698 2~1 /2 .Kennedy 5/20/87 D-85-20 '// 95 S . Market , #$,00 C:;on .lf'"\CO ("2l. Qt:;ll ~ ,"') c~:• 2 ;_1--) I /) ( _) ( (/1. V1 :· ' 9/5/85 Tommy Tinker & Cynth • 11{ -;:;7 '7} ~~~ ···· I ~'_) F inal issued J.a __. -·-10/11/85 D-85 -56 Smith 16904 Kenn edy Rd I \A V'. ·, + 9/26/85 Jane R. Summers 24 Kimble APN529 -32-016 5/20/87 D-85 -175 \ \.A fr\.l t- 12/2/87 Robert J . Na s h 15 3 00 Ke nn edy Ro ad 1 2/31/88 D-87 -49 12/10/87 David/Diane Goldberg 1 6270 Kenn edy Road ~~10 D-87 -57 -D -~,-~ _._, -, 12/31/87 Warren/Jud i t h Herr 2 3 Kimble l/26/88 r-~../ ,_ ~ \o> .... t.:, / : ~~so \ \,A ""; t- ~~J ~ (_ o~Jl,.,\8-\ \C.O'fl61. K~tJ~[)f ~.'D t I ~ /tt1..c -s 3 '2.. ~s-otPo 3 J~a/!o ,Jo'oo l'o..c~~ \ \ \L-1 m"o \e }we., 11/1~/lo n-1o-oo . \ ' · • , ... ) '1 r \ <D L .. t '..... , .. :.· ... \ •. , --'.ll-· .-. \ i I I . ' · · .. , 1'·~· I f \ ... f ,( , ' .. · ...