Item 3 - 246 University AveHPC 3-23-16 Item 3 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\246 University Avenue Cover 3-23-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 246 University Avenue Historic Architecture and Site Application HS-16-028 Requesting approval to replace the existing wood windows with clad and add French doors to the rear elevation on property zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-093. PROPERTY OWNER: Bogueslaw (George) Marcinkowski APPLICANT: Sylvia Ferranyalka PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1990 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: Unknown Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes Is structure in a historic district? Yes If yes, what district? University/Edelen If yes, is it a contributor? No Findings required? No Considerations required? Yes See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is requesting permission to modify the existing windows throughout the residence and add one rear French door. Cc: Sylvia Ferranyalka, 246 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Required Findings As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. X 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Boguslaw {George) Marcinkowski 21143 Chadw ick Ct • Sal&t<lga , CA Q5070 Phon~; 408-210-1774 • E-Ma it Gei>rge_marc inkowski@yahao.co m Date: March 9, 2016 Historic Preservation Committee Town of Los Gatos-Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Historic Preservation Committee: !1AP. 09 2016 TD\\'N OF LOS GATOS Pl:AN I 'lN G DIVISION I am writing to you regarding an investment property that I own at 246 University Ave . in los Gatos. The property is located on University Ave. between the fire station and O ld Town in the University I Edelen Historic District. Though it is located in the historic district, the home was built in 1990. Unfortunately the original wooden windows that were put into the home have tailed and many Of the windows have dry rot and termites. For repfacement windows I would prefer to use a window that is Clad on the outside and wood on the inside, keeping tne original character of the windows. \Mth Clad windows the home won 't have some of the issues we are dealing with now such as dry rot and termites on the outside of the windows. Additionafly, there will be no need to paint the windows themselves and that is also a plus. I befieve that from the street or sid~alk it will be very difficult to tell that the window is clad and not wood . From the inside of tne home the window will be wood, keeping the existing character of the home. We are looking at the Marvin Clad Series keeping with a st~le that is very similar to the ones in the home at this time . It i s my hope that the Committee will allow us to use a clad window instead of an all-wood window. Secondly, I would liKe to change the back door and window to French Doors that open out This change will aiiC'N for a better flow to t11e outdoor patio as wen as take up less interior space. Sincerely , 'i:_If-~t J! ~~ L ~ I L--. ~gls;~w (George( Marcinkowski : I I I I APPLICATION FOR MINOR RESIDE NTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT TOWN OF LOS GAT OS -COMMUNITY DEVE LOPMENT DEPARTMENT Civ ic Center: 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos , CA 95030 Date Received : Received by: Phone : (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 APPLICATION#: 1 . PROPERTY LOCATION: (;.. L/(,·L u;l\ \ \/(.r~·. ·~ ·'til(} Address or subject property ,_ x._ .... ·- 2. APPLICANT REQUEST: Res idential f irst floor add itio n -- --Res idential addition less than 100 sq .ft. to the existing second story --Residential accessory structure 450 sq.ft. or less . visible from the street or Victory Lane Commercial exterior mod if ic ation --""-... ·I ~ ·, i·, \ /. r{tt 11'4 _L Res idential exterior modificat ion -l ~'(\..,.~~ .... -,~, ......... ·.:-,'\.ct ('.J~ 3. PROPERTY DETAIL: Lot Area 5:·~ It ~ Zon ing ~-\ APN S.:a ~ -o'1-o9 ~ 4. PROPERTY OWNER : Name ·" l l< ' Phone 4 0 rg -·2..10 ·-,-77'-j :/(..-~ v ~ r -vv ~-\ .r , rc:.. ·" '\ 1..'--'~"--, Address ').__ \ l '-j 3 .._:•. h .:; {~ ~'~ i I? "'-~:i City s ,, ··--...·~)(~ ., .s State (A Zip '1 s<~··2 o I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the property de scribe d in Box #1 and that I approve of the action requested herein. ~L ~~ ,#-n~L~!t--SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Date 3 -9 ·-/{:; 5. APPLICANT : (if same as above, check here ) Name 'J•, \v-,4'\ k -1/Y-(·.o '·'{" l kr.-. Phone '::1.' " ·_f £· ~ -.f .'l, (v .. , {,.A ~ l ~ l Address tr v"'--'l.. I )l \ l ,,-g _l/"~ i ''"l C ity b-;!.· ~ ~ ,-..... ~0.Jo. State ( ir Zip c.i S '"(! 3 (.) I hereby certify under penalty of perjury th a!_3JI applic ation materials and plans are true and correct. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT <.;. ., \ _., .i.:-·. . '·-_.,_~...__ Date ~·· i -/() :'\ 6. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS : Addition Existing Proposed Total Floor Area RatiO : % % F irst Floor: sq .ft . sq.ft. sq.ft. Second Floor: sq .ft . sq .ft . sq .ft . Lrv mg Total : l kl..Gi sq.ft . sq .ft. sq.ft . Garage/Accessory Structure: sq .ft . sq .ft. sq.ft. Exter ior Material proposed : The mforma tt on contamed m thrs ap p1tcat1 o n rs con st dcred part o f the pu bli c rec ord . Ther ef ore. 1t wrll appear 1r1 both t he publ i c r ecord f1le for the si te a d dres~. w hich i s avai lable upon reque st, an d on the per m itting sys tem on the officr al Town of t.os Ga t os webs ite at www.losgatosca.gov. "1·.: .. : CLAD COLORS DISCOVER A WIDE VARIETY OF BEAUTIFUL OPTIONS Deep, r ich and last ing are words that desc ri be the difference of Ma rvin ® color. From subtle earth tones to bold, attention-g rabbing hues , to brilliant pearlescent tones , our cladding stands out as much fo r its beauty as it does for its legenda ry durability. Marvin's low-maintenance, cl ad -wood products feature an ext ru ded aluminum exterior, finished in commercia l-grade paint for superio r res istance to fading and chalking . Finis h strong w ith long-last ing color, backed by 20YEAR a 20-year wa r ranty.* WARRANTY AAMA 2605 : THE HIGHEST INDUSTRY STANDARD Not all AAMA 2605 fin ishes are created equa l. The industry standard now allows the 2605 rating for roll-form (coil) aluminum. But the re's a difference. Our substantia ll y stronger, impact res istant extr uded aluminum ma ter ial -standard on all our cladd ing components -is about the thickness of a quarter. Ro ll - form aluminum, used by some window ma nufa cturers for compon ents, is almost as thin as a soda can . • Some colors may not qualify lor the 20·year warranty. Fa deta•ls contact your local deoler. Fa o copy of the warranty, see MorvinWindows.corn. Note: Printed color may no t be an accu rate represen tation. Ask your local Marvin re tailer lor color ch1ps. 92 CLAD COLORS NE XT GENE RAT ION PER F ORMANC E & F EATURES T H E INNOVAT I O N BE H I ND T H E B E AU T Y ------------~----~ ALUMINU M I NTER-LOCK Eliminates unwanted drafts and improves the w in dow's overall structural integrity. DURABLE EXTERIOR CLADD IN G Each window is backed by a 20-year warranty against cha lking or fading according to AAMA 2605. EASE OF OPERATIO N Improved balance systems make the sash operate smoothly at all sizes. And with the Marvin exclusive auto-lock system, locking the sash is effortless. PG RATING & THERMAL PER FOR M A N C E As a leader in energy efficiency, most window s.zes are PG50 rated . To maxim1ze thermal ce·formance, Tripane glass can be added without changing the aesthetics of the window. 28 NEXT GENERA TIO N PERFOR MAN CE & FEATURES NARROW CHECKRAI L Narrow checkrail of 1 15/16" provides a traditiona l look and feel. INDEPENDENT SASH OPERATIO N Because each sash operates indep endently, either can be locked whi le the other is open, a feature that i s un1que to M a rvin'~. COMPLETE WOOD INTERIOR For enhanced aesthetics , The Next Generat ion U ltim ate Double Hung features a lull wood interior, even in th e jambs of the window. SHORTER SILL LINER Shorter minimal sill liner ach ieves a traditional design aes thetic, whi le the 14-degree sill bevel offers optimal wate r management and supports long -term durability efforts. NEXT GENERATION ULTIMATE DOUBLE HUNG T HE NE XT CH A P TE R I N O U R STO RY OF IN NOVAT IO N 'ltrodu cin g the N ext Generation Ultimate Double Hung Window from Marvin'!: A classic, reinvented . .'>lit h its innovative keeperless hardware system, multi-point locking system, lockable vent mode ::'1d o t her performance and aesthetic-enhancing improvements, this window seamlessly comb ines ~:a te -of-the-art tech no logy w ith Marvin's legendary craftsmanship, without sacrificing the traditional ::-::>u b le hung look. It's our most revolu tionary w indow yet. ( E -rliS PRODUCT IS CE CERTIFIED KEEPER LESS HARDWARE SYSTEM An industry first. We've eliminated the upper- sash keepe r in favor of a more modern, streamlined system that controls a ll aspects of th e double hung window's operation. MULT I -POI N T LOCKI N G SYSTEM This revolu tionary multi-point sys tem locks d irectly into the jambs of the window. AUTO-LOCKI N G SYSTEM The first system of its kind that automatica lly locks when th e window is closed. An audible "cl ick" te lls you the window is locked . You'll never again forget to lock th e windows. VE N T M ODE This innovative feature, w hich you'll only lind on the Next Generation Ultimate Double Hung, allows you to lock the window w ith four inc hes of clearance. NFXT GE N ERA TI ON ULTIMATE DOUB LE HUNG 25 ULTIMATE SWINGING FRENCH DOOR AN ELEGANT ENTRANCE The Marvin'!> U ltimate Swinging French Door is a modern classic that will complement any space . The Ultimate Sw ing ing French Door is unmatched in fit, finish, sizes and configuration. T he si ll is made of tough Ultrex00 that resists warping, denting and fad ing over the ye ars . So when the weather comes knocking, our performance-tested, energy-efficient doors keep t he weather outside. And the concealed multi-point locking system means it stays out. Ava ilable with matching sidelites and transoms. IN SWING OUTSWING :4--. ARCH TOP 1 I I I ( 1: TH IS PRODUCT IS CE CERTIFIED ~ (ULT IMATE SWINGING ARCH TOP FREN CH DOOR;-:. ': ::J'ILVI ULTIM AT E SWINGING FRENCH DOORS 73 --- • j ... 7 ..... ~ 4. ~~'fi'M :.:., ,.