Item 2 - 131 Johnson AveHPC 3-23-16 Item 2 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\131 Johnson 3-23-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 131 Johnson Avenue Requesting approval construct a new second story on property zoned R-1:8. APN 532-29-011. PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: Camille and Chris Bernhoft PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1890 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: 5S Does property have an LHP Overlay? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes, what district? N/A If yes, is it a contributor? N/A Findings required? NO Considerations required? YES See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is looking to construct a new second story addition to the existing single-story residence. Due to the historic rating of the property, the applicant has chosen to pursue feedback on the design ahead of submitting the required Planning Application. Once application is made, the proposed project would return the HPC for a formal recommendation Cc: Chris and Camille Bernhoft, 131 Johnson Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Required Findings As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. X 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. March 7, 2016 Historical Preservation Committee 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Attn: Marni Moseley, Associate Planner Dear Historical Preservation Committee, We are writing to r equest that the Hi storical Preservation Committee review our design proposal for a 2 nd story addition to our current home. Due to th e growth of our family, we are hoping to add some additional square footage to our lovel y home. Address and Contact Info 131 Johnson Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Camille Freeman Bernhoft, 415-606-9020, cocofreem a n@ gmail.com Chris Bernhoft, 408-623-3738, ccbvik ing @ yahoo.com We are hoping to get on the agenda for March 23 so you m a y review our proposed plan s. We understand the importance to keep the home within historical standards. We ha ve enclosed 10 sets of th e proposed plans along with photographs of our home. Please let u s know if you require anything e l se prior to the meeting . Thank you kindly, Camill e and Chri s Bernhoft RECEIVED MAR 0 9 201 6 TOWN OF LO S GATOS PLANNING DI V IS IO N ---~--~-· ·-····--·-····---.---··· ollmu:. !B~omfuld AR£HITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address /3/ ~6-n;!aY\ PARCEL MAP INFORMATION 1·1151 92·2-1063 2-229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISC0. CA 94115 Pacczel # £.~~-~1 -~11 Lot size: S() f ront ft. x f4,s-ft. deep L0t shape: Rec tangle~ L_ Rectangle with small rear .Jog__ Oth~M" ______ --:::.-.:...:....:......- Location: N / S_ E w si-de of .J St: Ave· /Other __ _:.;:___ distance to cross st: ~ ~t!JO -ft. N S E W /from c;~ss ------- at NE_ NW• SE SW c orner of --------~=---~ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON f.A:·~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivisien name -4 h~#X.. Az.lo Old, Blocik # __ ~--Old lot #, __ ~..:;._ ___ _ FIRLD SURVEY INFORMATI<»l <J!andwritten in reEi) \)_~~~~~ I?relimina-ry rati ng ,/ ~,..f'VEstimated age pt-111~ Style ~. 'r i< # storie'L- AlteratiORS f" re-k ~~ .. ~, cvl t.J--w& ~~ wrrv::4w~ Other ______ ~--~-------------------------------------------------------- OOtJN'tY ASs:E'S'§O"R~-PROPEfl'Y CHARACTERI'STICS (paste on cGpy) Pagei!( i!FFective date';__ __ :....;..._ Source Source So urce Location ~f property, or Lot Owner ~ ~ ~ Old ~tract/~l0ck[l2t ! I 11§91 : I Blle Bo0k 19,00 I ! SlilrV!:£ 1941 I I r- II MISCELLANEOOS National Reg2ster l~sted date~~-------------­ County Ioventory 1979~----~;------:----:---;-----­ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ R~cognition __ Distric t Name --------------~------~~~~1 . Previous s.urvey(A-f~~w . L&lll:/~~1 · Gebha®. p e # illustration page If ~ 1. ~-.1.'4-. ;1-/e.f.A$ -~~ EVALUATION. )' te C , /<&iO t, ' . . Co ntribu.torX:! Alterations: Moved 1 o~stn.ct Non-qe~trib Raised_ Porch enclK . -;:;-Ea-r~ll~.e-st--..,..kn-o~m--~~'11 -Addition Siding__ Owner J( Resident : tf 4.11 11~ f. ffa:!-dt Window ~ Co nd ition_!' .Context(s}. -A 0 b d es~gner: a __ __:_ .. -. -- S.ize Name. PH0TOS: Roll/fram$ #Y(/3 -.. •-.,, ...... 1V..,... -1 ne ,._,_ AII"CY OE'1"'f'MENT OF PA"KS AND "ICII'EATION Str. No.--------- HABS_HAER_Loc __ sHL No._NR Status,:__ • unM: A e __________ __ a o __________ _ ' HisTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY n I DENTIFICATION 1 .. ~mon~=----------------------------------------------------------- 2. Historic "!!M: 3. an-t or nnllddrea: 131 ,John i>An Cit¥ 4. Parcel number: I. "-'t Owner: -----------------------------------Add~=-------------------- City Zip _____ _;Ownenhlp il: Public ------ e. Preltnt U.: _________________________ Or.~u.: ____________________________ __ DESCRIPTION . 7a. ~ nvte: ~~ CDd C.O~<]C"": !1&-. QJ!'froaee IIAmaJum . . 7b. 8ril'fty diK:ilbe thl ~ fl/lr*a/-· .... ot• ... •III'UI:IUI'IInd 1 ... ., ...... ·····-frarn ia original condition: ... ___ FICtUal ___ _ ~ IN444'illf tb1 .Cin fwt) F~~ ~----- or epprox. ICf'MIII-------- Ditefs) of tnd~ l)hotooriPhff ---T------~~---- dlnru !Bfoom{i£.lJ ARC1UTECTURAJ.. SURVEY ASSESSMEW~ ROLL RESEARCH File AGdress /3 V .../... .f,.S 0'1. Traet/Bloei</Lot ,). 6'~,/V 0 A.R:CI'tl'l'EG::-.L htiST<:lR•Y 1 ~ 9~2-tG6a 2229 W &iB-STeQ S!TRE!E'T •SAN MANC:!Se0.. C.A 941 1 5 Asses~mgnt-s are filed by l~~t name of Rre>:p.erty owner'-but ·net tteCeSII93rily in al.pball.~tical ore.er-. Some years th.e;r e :;is a.m inde;x inside the vo lume or in a separate book. 'fbe goal of a search is to find the years ~en the assessed value ·of ."improvements" (buildings) changed fro~ 0 to ov& $'500, or when that figure rose by $500 or mroe. Wr±te down every year and name· you try, 1includi.ng the y:_ears den you find aot'hirtg.. D'it:t'.o marks •are fiae. Date (g1'i( /1 1~ (9~& 1'$1' •.· Page 3.;.;- /?, l~ .::~, - ..... -- -. -- --· -- - Name ' /fl!f'~ )I ;:: ~ ~ceo fi ~ r _~.,.,h..~ ' ; H ... ~~ .JJ,. n n4l. r ~~'-"< .. -~···. -. --- ,._ -- -.. ---- - -· -. ~--- .' --. -. ---- ~ ----. ' -~ I j -----Lot Tra<:t In' .Acres J,J,~~ 1'\ . .....-t " -- --- - •-r· ·- - Ident.ific,at.ion. ar ,BOilfllda.ries- Block or I..Gt # or ----:--- N Bd·y E My . S 8th: w Bdy -;2. .., ~ 1'1 7 (% i' ... .. - - - - --· --. --As ~--. $ ::l 70 34o ~co 3/~ 3oa I - l - -· -,. ... . -- - . - J ,en t f o.r·-- Impre·ve- ments jOther In~o. $ /.rl4c;J 8~ ~eo - ?en::; l'-so r ''"'"~F-"1 ".3 i'e-A-X -fiX •n·· addr .. l I 2 I ;'"'t ~4.-c Mo ARCHITSCI'tfl._~Y BUILDING~ PWLl..-D ~UIICD&IIft'l aouroer __ Ad _au-lietin __ CAUII __ call __ ehron --~-__ Bd..AB __ a_ .. __ PCM Qtber _B4~n..teb,4anct•g __ l!!'lt_ooc pl!an __ Arcrb''t{'C.Oftt'r: pUb _aea1 ••t; Vj)-1-· Date ' · P~ Natur:.e of announce•ent: __ c-ont~ac;t -noHee ___ Hotl.~c:c:.plet:i.on __ B~ *11ued --"'~ 'copy exac-t 1,y~ , ~ (Bu-ildetyfiontptctor I· ApCtrU•estznqintU f t.u&U9ft ·BUILDntg P.BI,UU.'J'-S l.ourcer Pe,na1t teCJilter . Prtt11 Addr:e11 t4Qilel~ed~--~- -AppU,e&ti-o~ Da·t• Hlllllber ' ~ > ' ~ ~ ~~ ~ '> ,. ; ·' I I I ' . ~ ' I I ~ ·= I -----'~ :mfD SOURCB {lpec:i fy thOl'OIIgtl_l:y) /f-11 ~t:~~-ttzre SAHBOIUI NABS coa:or: vac. pl-.1,. ,pnk. o.range UM/ OWner 110. ~ " Lts&Sioa ~ laiD... t4d!!M! I I i l I I I ' I I I ' I I : I I ' I ---" ·- Jai:c;bel llo. of Balilttei'/ @Dtr, & afelr.•- . ~ .lila b.l!u•~Y Y•JI{ HO. of .. ~ bay _ 11. I • ..Jlu... IOiS7"'1. _lb..1,,~1MG·t .~ ~ lrll "Z, D ,~-U" 3 II sa.~ !1() t.( ~~-"' n l'ltYt . ;.s • I J1 }1~ 26 J--vl J-n ...e:-~~-k· fi.<.:lt-.... """ ,..._ ~r •HM.Ur.e 9'f. wprk A~cb't/ en;gin•r fs actdU!I /fl. ,~c. S2!1 /1nLU.ia-_----c;-Date J!.~iJ'•,I ~ d.e,P.th/ btle-ri,or .Deac~i..r.ion. o;f wodc: ~ llettrti•l• 'I .. I I .. -~1£:1.,& ~·-.JI&U Dan of &e1cdbe o-r ·•ketch e.o.ry¥r,. f plan u ---:a .tiJili~~--.DIRe dlnru !Bfo~m{;.Lfd ARCHITBC~~l}LTURAL S URVBY RAM!! RBSBARCH A RCHITECTURAL H I STORY 1415) 9 2 2 -1063 2229 W EBSTER STREET SAN FRANC ISC O . CA 941 1 5 •-(penon , buildia 9, o :tC)aDi &a tion , e tc)-:---:------------------------------ ~dH•H•u•~~"dvUh~~~/~3~/~-~~e~~~~-~&~~~-------------------~------- aale vant d a te•t con•tr~etion birth dea th._ ___ • other __________ _ (CUy DU.ctoriea , CCNilty Dil'e ctoriea , 'l'e ~phone looka, •oeie ty direetoriea , e tc .) Jinitit ll dttl BIO~PRICAL I&AaCR, indexea • other alpb&batieal liatinga. Jlark 'X' (infd .or 'I' (notbift9 f~) at each aource you try . Lie t fi.nd t np belov. Los Gatos Library : California History Center, De Anza Colle8e : City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ~Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo colle ction ~---Thompson & West , 1876 (bio index ) ___ Pen Pictures, 1988 (bi o index ) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) San Jose Histo r ical Huse um: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes ___ Extended index to Bruntz Photo collection ___ Blo index of hunroe Frazer, 1tS81 (Survey box) ___ Photo c ollection (2 b ox es ) Other sources: ___ Indexes, California Historical ~u a r t er ly Lo s Gatos Museum (For bes Mill): State Library Info rmation Index (fiche) ___ Death records by year Stat e Library-S .F. Newspaper Index (") ___ Funeral rec ords (index c ards to big books) ___ Photo collection III. LIST ALL REP!UliC!S PROM ABOVE . Pind them. Copy 9ood •teria l • a tta ch. Or copy belov if only a few word•. Or explain why not relevant (a•, wrong pera on). ~ ts rv ,vl--2: 1 'I•-.;/erll'( ~le i. 5 f'O' b ~ ..f-,..-ta~s Y'YJ '(y · re. "'p/1 --., 18'1~ L:7 Continued on Reve r s e ('"4 treet: Hou&e 131 'Keturn i": . 'fLEASE 'PilNT] lM ~Afo!, ftlu~ulh As~cla."hcrL t4•~1oriQ. Home Sur ~y Informant: Johnson Avenue Priscilla Gatewggd Phone: 354-7862 re!'Sent o••ners: .:..:.R.:::::o.::.b.:::::c.~:..r..ll.t_E-.spa::.eliii-__________ _ Phone: 354-2185 atimeted constructi~n dete: 1880 CAR 1881 LGTR ~~~~~~~~~~~---------------Builder: w nerl'5~ip: Original: Hanna r, Weber CAR (year of urchese) (Pre~ent) o••ner Occuoants: 19~ Georne and Lyella Carpenter , 1~: A.f .. Johnson 19.29= Robert Espe 19_: 19_ 19_: 19_: 19_ 19_: 6ccu,ation: " " " " II " " II II II Occunetion: " II " II " II 'History: (Pleeae tdentify 'information source .) I CAR: It appears from these records that Hanna Weber married a Mr. H8tch . and in 1904 t~e home was put in the name of Amy and HP.nry Hatch Mrs. Carpenter moved into the home as a bride. source : ( .. ,, ..... 1 Afp,ne Ave . I----------- ~5Gatos .&. Remodeling: (Please identiJy· information source and year of change.) ......5.Q.!:lrce: Mr~slle__roc_majc~nQ.e.::tJ]aye beg n made by him. HP, wH.:O t he h pme ~ as a rental property. Mrs. Carpenter had the roof line lowered. Hnme rernortl edi.n l 'J 24, source: · . A1SITE PLAN1"=10'-0"(E) 1-STORY HOUSE(PROPOSED TO 2-STORY)(E) PORCHPROJECT DATAPROJECT ADDRESS: 131 JOHNSON AVE, LOS GATOS, CAOWNER: CHRIS & CAMILLE BERNHOFTPROJECT DESCRIPTION:-5(02'(/ ( 676725< “64)7 -ADD PORCH AREA 25.9 SQ. FT.-ADDING ALL NEW 598.7 SQ. FT. 2ND STORYAPN: 532-29-011LOT SIZE: 6,750 SQ. FT.AVERAGE LOT SLOPE: LESS THAN 2%BUILDING TYPE: V-BOCCUPANCY GROUP: R-3ZONING: R-1-8ALLOWABLE FAR: 2268 SQ. FT.BUILDING AREAEXISTINGADDITIONTOTAL1ST FLR1,574.8 93.71,668.52ND FLR 0 598.7 598.7TOTAL1,574.8 692.42,267.2VICINITY MAPSHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYEL/CS/DB/KDBERNHOFT3AS NOTED1-3-16LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 131 JOHNSON AVE BERNHOFT RESIDENCE ADDITION & REMODEL FORJOHNSON AVE40' R.O.W.50'135'50'135'INDICATES WALLPERIMETER OF(N) 2ND STORY(E) BAYWINDOW(E) DET. GARAGEPORCHADDITIONSHADEINDICATES1ST FLRADDITION(E) REDWOODALLEY “ ( $1'352326(' “ ( $1'352326(' “ ( $1'352326('(E) CEDAR FIRST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"A20510152025MASTERBEDROOMENLARGEDLIVING ROOMKITCHENMA.BATHBEDROOMBATH 3BATH 2LAUNDRYSECOND FLOOR PLAN (ALL NEW)1/4"=1'-0"0510152025ENLARGEDDINING ROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOM3'-4"24'-8"17'-114“EQUALEQUAL24'-6" 30'-111 2“2'-103 4“ 71 2“CLOCLO23'-034“22'-012“ “16'-101 2“17'-71 4“32'-412“10'-234“12'-034“CLOCLOSTAIRHALLSHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYEL/CS/DB/KDBERNHOFT3AS NOTED1-3-16LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 131 JOHNSON AVE BERNHOFT RESIDENCE ADDITION & REMODEL FOR EXISTING (FIRST) FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"MASTERBEDROOMKITCHENCLOCLOMA. BATHBATH 2BEDROOMBEDROOMCLOENLARGEDCOVEREDPORCHCOVEREDPORCHCLOLIVINGROOMDININGROOMCLONEW STAIR REAR ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"A3(N)FRONT ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"RIGHT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"LEFT-SIDE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"(N)(E)(N)(E)(N)(N)(N)(N)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(N)(N)(N)(N)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(N) COMP. SHINGLEROOFING TO MATCH (E)(E) COMP. SHINGLEROOFINGEXTEND (E) GABLE-DORMER TO FIT(N) WINDOWS FOR NATURAL LIGHT(E) HORIZ. SIDING(N) PORCH POST,BALUSTRADE &SPANDREL TOMATCH (E)(N) HORIZ.SIDING “ ( 0$;+(,*+7  “352326(' 1 0$;+(,*+7 SHADEINDICATESADDITION(E) REAR DECK TO REMAINSHEETSSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYEL/CS/DB/KDBERNHOFT3AS NOTED1-3-16LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 131 JOHNSON AVE BERNHOFT RESIDENCE ADDITION & REMODEL FOR  “352326(' 1 0$;+(,*+7(E)(E)MATCH0510152025051015202505101520250510152025ENLARGE (E) 3'-6" x 5'-0"WINDOW TO 5'-0" x 5'-0"