Item 1 - 213 TaitHPC 3-9-16 Item 1 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\213 Tait Cover 3-9-16.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 213 Tait Avenue (considered previously at the December 17, 2015 & February 24, 2016 meetings) Minor Residential Development Permit MR-15-020 Historic Architecture and Site Application HS-15-078 Requesting approval for an addition greater than 100 square feet to an existing second story of a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-17-007. PROPERTY OWNER: Joey McCarthy APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Armer FINAL ACTION BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1900 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: C Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes Is structure in a historic district? Yes If yes, what district? Almond Grove Historic District If yes, is it a contributor? Yes Findings required? No Considerations required? Yes See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant’s updated materials are attached. Cc: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design, 1585 The Alameda #200, San Jose, CA 95126 Joey M cCarthy, 213 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Required Findings As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. X 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. COVER SHEETA1.1SCALE:AS NOTEDINDEXThe following codes are currently in effect:2013 California Building Code2013 California Residential Code2013 California Plumbing Code2013 California Mechanical Code2013 California Electrical Code2013 California Existing Building Code2012 International Existing Building Code2013 California Energy CodeThis project is for the addition/remodel of an existing two-story single family residence.xRemodel the first floor bedroom, kitchen and family room.xRemodel the second floor master bedroom, master bathroom, multi-purpose room.xAddition to the second floor: two bedrooms, hall bath, laundry room.xExisting detached garage to remain (no work).xExisting uncovered rear deck to remain (minor alteration).xExisting covered front porch to remain (minor alteration).CODES USEDPROJECT DESCRIPTIONOwner:Joey McCarthy213 Tait AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030PROJECT INFO.PROJECT DATANEIGHBORHOOD STREETSCAPE DIAGRAMPROJECT ADDRESS:213 TAIT AVENUEA.P.N. :510-17-007LOT AREA: (FROM PARCEL MAP)5,762 SF (0.13 ACRES)YEAR BUILT:1900 (PER ZILLOW)ZONING: R-1D-LHPOCCUPANCY : R3 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING / U UTILITYCONSTRUCTION TYPE : V-BREQUIRED PARKING:2 OFF STREET SPACESSETBACKSALLOWEDFRONT: 15'-0"SIDE:5'-0"REAR: 20'-0" BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWEDEXISTINGPROPOSEDMAIN RESIDENCE:30'-0"“ “'-4"ACCESSORY:15'-0"NO CHANGENO CHANGEF.A.RALLOWEDEXISTINGPROPOSEDHABITABLE HOUSE: FIRST FLOOR:1,364 SF*1,364 SFADDITION: 22 SFSECOND FLOOR: 661 SF* 661 SFADDITION: 296 SFTOTAL 1,984 SF**2,025 SF*2,343 SFGARAGE: 565 SF 595 SF*NO CHANGE*BASED ON EXISTING CONDITIONS & FIELD MEASUREMENTS**EXISTING HOUSE EXCEEDS CURRENT FAR REQUIREMENTSBUILDING COVERAGE: FIRST FLOOR:1,364 SFADDITION: 22 SFDETACHED GARAGE: 595 SFCOVERED FRONT PORCH: 140 SFTOTAL: 2,121 SF (36%)SITE COVERAGE:FIRST FLOOR:1364 SFADDITION: 22 SFCOVERED FRONT PORCH: 140 SFTOTAL: 1,526 SF (26.5%)ACCESSORY STRUCTURE COVERAGE:DETACHED GARAGE: 595 SF (10%)Designer:Studio 3 DesignContact: Bess Wiersemabess@studio-three.comana@studio-three.com1585 The Alameda #200San Jose, California 95125ph: (408) 292-3252fax: (253) 399-1125INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTALA1.1Cover SheetA1.3Existing + Proposed Architectural Site PlansA2.1Existing + Proposed First Floor PlansA2.2Existing + Proposed Second Floor PlansA2.3Existing + Proposed Roof PlansA3.1Existing + Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.2Existing + Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.3Existing + Proposed Exterior ElevationsA4.1Existing Building Sections1. The contractor shall furnish all materials, labor and equipment required for the full performanceof the work herein, unless specifically noted otherwise. All work shall be performed in a good andworkman-like manner and conform to all pertinent regulations and instructions.2. Before starting any portion of work, the Contractor shall verify any and all existing conditionsas shown on the drawings against the actual existing conditions at the site. Any discrepanciesshall be brought to the attention of the Designer. If the Contractor proceeds with the work withoutverifying existing conditions and discovers after the work has started any discrepancies, he shallproceed to perform whatever work is required to correct the discrepancies and bring about theproper execution of the project to the satisfaction of the Designer, at no extra cost to the owner.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting, fitting and patching as required to make theseveral parts fit together properly.4. All work shall be in accordance with all applicable Local or State codes and regulations.5. All material, equipment and products shall be installed in accordance with the respectivemanufacturer's latest printed instructions.6. All dimensions are rough unless otherwise noted. All cabinetry, tile and the like need to be fieldverified prior to installation.7. Do not scale the drawings. All dimensional discrepancies shall be brought to the attention ofthe Designer as soon as they are discovered.8. No extra compensation shall be allowed for extra work resulting from lack of coordinationbetween trades or failure of the Contractor to verify locations and measurements on the job.9. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining separate permits for electrical, mechanical,plumbing, grading, or other permits as may be required by the local authorities. Issuance of abuilding permit based on these Drawings does not constitute granting of these separate permits.10. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with the Structural Engineer for any sitevisits or special testing as needed to complete all structural work as directed by the StructuralEngineer.11. The Contractor shall be responsible for forwarding all shop drawings to the designer forreview and approval. No fabrication shall commence until both designer and owner have reviewedand approved by signature all shop drawings.LOCATION MAPPARCEL MAPSHADOW STUDYSTREETSCAPE PHOTOSGENERAL NOTES(1) - 203 TAIT(2) - 207 TAIT(*) - 213 TAIT(3) - 215 TAIT(4) - 217 TAIT(5) - 218 TAIT(6) - 212 TAIT(7) - 208 TAIT(8) - 204 TAIT(9) - 202 TAITNEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS A1.3EXISTING + PROPOSEDARCHITECTURALSITE PLANSCALE:18" = 1'-0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSEDFIRST FLOOR PLANSA2.1SCALE:14" = 1' - 0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSEDSECOND FLOOR PLANSA2.2SCALE:14" = 1' - 0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSEDROOF PLANSA2.3SCALE:14" = 1' - 0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSEDEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.1SCALE:14" = 1' - 0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSEDEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.2SCALE:14" = 1' - 0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSEDEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.3SCALE:14" = 1' - 0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTINGBUILDING SECTIONSA4.1SCALE:14" = 1' - 0"INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION1585 THE ALAMEDASUITE 200SAN JOSECALIFORNIA95126t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-17-007McCARTHY213 TAIT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503007 MAY 201510 FEBRUARY 2016PLANNING SUBMITTAL(HPC REVIEW)09 MARCH 2016SPECIAL MEETING07 MAY 201505 OCTOBER 2015PLANNING SUBMITTAL