Item 6 - 50 UniversityHPC 2-24-16 Item 6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Project Data Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 50 University Avenue, Suite 260 Minor Architecture and Site application S-16-0 17 Requesting approv al for exterior modifications to a historic commercial building (former California Cafe space) on property zoned C-2 :LHP :PD. APN 529-02-044. PROPERTY OWNER : Sri Old Town LLC APPLICANT: Tecta Associates PROJECT PLANNER : Jocelyn Puga FINAL ACTION BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OR THE PLANNING COMMISSION PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built : 1999 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: R Does property have an LHP Overlay? YES Is structure in a historic district? YES If ye s, what district? Univers ity-Edelen District If yes, is it a contributor? NO Findings required? NO Considerations required? YES See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: N:\DEV\HI STO RI C PRESERV ATION\HPC Sh eets\2 0 16\Un iversity 50.docx Required Findings __ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) ofthe Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. I. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5 . Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, des ign, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless : X 2 3 Town Policy X On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Cc: Alina Cherny, 2747 191h Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Sri Old Town LLC , 356 Santana Row Suite 1005, San Jose, CA 95128 associate s February 9, 2016 Town of Los Gatos Planning Department 110 E. Main St . Los Gatos, CA 9S030 Attn: Jocelyn Puga Re: Los Gatos Palms SO University Ave. #260 Los Gatos, CA 9S030 Dear Jocelyn; rtECEIVED rtl:> l?. 2016 fOVVN OF LO S GATOS PLANNING DIVISION This letter is in regards to the A&S and HPC review for the new restaurant, Los Gatos Palms *, at the Los Gatos Town Center at SO University Ave (#260). I will here explain the scope of work and illustrate our design intent in the hope that you will find this not only suitable, but beneficial for the entire site. Project; Area; Inside seating; Outside seating; Total Seating; Scope of work Los Gatos Palms 10,387 sf 236 64 300 In general we are applying for approval for exterior modifications for this new tenancy, in what previously was the California Cafe. The work involves exterior seating and minor non- structural fa!;ade alterations to accommodate the new flow and entry of the re staurant. Specifically, the modifications and scope of approval include; Replacement of a single door and sidelites with a pair of door s to match adjacent existing doors in the existing opening. These doors will serve as a main entrance, while the other fa!;ade doors will serve as additional means of circulation, and light and ventilation . Removal of all existing awnings and exposing the existing arched windows along the entire storefront. 2747 19th Stree t . San Fra n CISCO. CA 94110 . tel. 415.362 .5857 . fax . .q l 5.362.50.ll4 . www.tecta .corn arc:hitec:ture ) interiof de!iign ) branding Replacement of 2 arched awnings above the faux windows on each side of the former California Cafe entrance with a dark gray color fabric. Removal of existing California Cafe sign and gooseneck lights above and patching the building surface to match existing. Removal of 2 existing wall sconces and decorative tile accents above the arched windows, patching the building surface to match existing. Installation of a new metal"eyebrow" canopy and individually internally illuminated freestanding LOS GATOS PALMS letters with small down-facing spot lights within the canopy. We are showing a conceptual interpretation of the design in the attachments. The sign vendor will develop the actual details for the entire assembly, which will be submitted under separate building permit. Reconfiguration of the patio area due to the new main entrance placement and seating layout. Installation of new planters along the entire perimeter of the proposed patio with drip irrigation and low voltage landscape lighting. Installation of new patio furniture. These alterations will make the fa~ade and the exterior appearance of the new restaurant more cohesiv~. The arches will be exposed, a beautiful detail which will now be seen. The entrance itself is centrally located, and the gabled end of the bar "bay" makes a nice . _ .. counterpoint to the understated linear canopy, which is a line that connects the two bays ' that no longer float in the middle of the builtting mass. The Tenant The Co-Owner I Chef is Ray Tang, Founding Partner at the venerable Presidio Social Club in San Francisco. -, I Ray Tang brought an infectious enthusiasm and joie de vivre to his role as club host and founder of the Presidio Social Club restaurant in San Francisco, Calif. Ray is an accomplished chef who has worked in some of the trendiest upscale restaurant kitchens on the East and West Coasts and earned many accol~des along the way. In his role as club host, Tang oversaw the general operations and cuisine direction at the Presidio Social Club. ' . } Ray opened this club-style restaurant located just inside The Presidio National Park in 2006. The menu features California-influenced Americana cuisine with techniques based in French culinary discipline. Prior to Presidio Social Club , Ray created Mariposa, a wine country destination restaurant. The highly-regarded and critically-acclaimed restaurant delighted culinary pilgrims both local and visiting. His West Coast stints include Wolfgang Puck's Postrio in the early 90s and opening Boulevard with Nancy Oakes in 1993, while his prior East Coast work includes time spent at Daniel Boulud's Daniel when it first earned The New York Times four stars, and Gary Kunz's Lespinasse at the St. Regis Hotel. In 2002, Tang won a national cooking contest sponsored by the National Pork Board. He is now known throughout the industry by colleagues, friends and admirers as "The King of Pork," a title he wears proudly. Ray was born and raised in Kowloon, Hong Kong for eight years until his parents immigrated to the Southern California area in 1975. Ray speaks fluent Cantonese as well as perfect Southern Californian "dude-speak." After starting college at Cal State Fullerton as a Mathematics major, he earned his B.A . at San Francisco State University in Liberal Studies with a Philosophy emphasis. Conclusion The Owners of Los Gatos Palms are working with our team in a thoughtful effort to maximize the dining and community-serving potential for this very dynamic central location in the Town Center. We look forward to meeting you and answering all of your questions. *The owners of the business are using the draft name of "Los Gatos Palms " as a working title and inspiration for the project. The final name of the restaurant is yet to be determined pending final graphic design, branding and typeface choice. The restaurant will have the spirit of the PresidJo Social Club but in its new home in Los Gatos Project Architect F£8 1 ( ZOJB TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLA.NNJNG DIVISION EXTERIOR SQUARE TABLE RECTANGULAR FIBERGLASS PLANTER 60"L X 24"W X24''H. EXTERIOR SQUARE TABLE ADA SQUARE FIBERGLASS PLANTER 42''L X 42''W X42"H EXTERIOR ROUNDTABLE SUNBRELLA CHARCOAL TWEED 4607-0000 AWNING MARINE FABRIC EXTERIOR SECTIONAL SEATING EXTERIOR CHAIR r··---- _) AREA __ ____. OF WORK 0 SITEPLAN -------- ~ 1111111111 ~ ..-:1132"•1'... ® + ---- TECTA associates • ARCHIT ECTURE • INTERIORS • PLANNING 2747 19TH STR EET SAN FRANCISCO CA tel. 415-362.6ss7 94 110 fax. 415-362-5044 www.tecta .com SITE PLAN A-0.1 153'-• 1/2" 48'-5 3/4" 11'-3" 62'-7" 0 0 Bmm 0 ~~~~ --~ (E) CONCRETE SIDEWALK IAAIGATlON (TYI'.) tNSTALL LED LANDSCAPE UP UGHT IN All 9QlJARE PlANTER BOXES -LUMIERE CAMBRIA. nD3 BLACK OR EQUAL. 0 SPACEPLAN Scalo' 118"• ··q ® + 11'-1" s 0 'j' ~ "" :::- '" I ~ AREA= 10,3 87 .6 SEATING COUNT: BAR SEATING: DINING AREA: PATIO SEATI NG: TOTAL: 36 200 64 300 5 0 I ~ TECTA assoc iates • ARCH IT ECTURE • INTERIORS • PLANNING 2747 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 10 tel. 415-362-5857 fax. 415-362-5044 WWtN.tecta.com 0 ' ' . • , l A I, en ~ _J <( c... en 0 t- <( C) en 0 _J SPACE PLAN A-1 0 CJ D n !! :: II :: !! !i 0 II !! n II II ~ 0 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN Seo""'II!"•Nr ® + TECTA associates • ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • PLANNING 27 4 7 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 tel. 41$-362-5857 fax. 41$-362-5044 WWN.tecta.com G .. ' ' ' ., .. ~ ,, en ~ ....I <( a.. en 0 I- <( C) en 0 ....I 0 coo NC") wo 1-1.0 -0) ::><( (/)_ -Z We:::: =>o Zu... w->-' <(<( ~~ -o C/)1- 0::::<( ~C) -(/) zo =>_, 0 1.0 """"""'""" REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A-2 D l 3'-6" l ,. , 1 5'-C" K A PLANTERS SIZES-SEE A-1 FOR PLACEMENT SQ~t;: 112" •1'-G- / / / / / ' ~------------------~ I DO l 0 EXISTING ELEVATION 0f-!.P..:.R.!.:O::.:P:..:O=S::E:::D...::E:..:L:::EV~A.:..:T.:.;IO~N~Scole:-:-,31::,::::-••• :-:,:-=.<r REMOVE (E) AWNINGS I EXPOSE (E) ARCHED TRANSOM PANELS N!JCNE DOORS-SEE PROPOSED B.EVATION REMOVE {E) WAU.. UGHTS f PATCH TO Mo\TCH (E) REMOVE (E) AWNINGS I R EPALCE W/ DifFERENT ca..oR FABRK: .... / ' ~------'1 DO DO DD .r---I"""'SED (E) •J<CHED TRANSOM PMELS N!JCNE DOORS (N) UETAL CANOPY wrTM FREESTANDING INOMOUAl lll.NNATEO a-w.NB..L£TTERS (N) AWNINGS TO REPlACE (E)· SUNBR.EUA FABRIC· COlOR DARK GRA.YT.B.D. ' ' \ ' associates • ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • PLANNING 27 4 7 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO , CA 94110 tel. 415-362-5857 fax. 415-362-5044 WWN.tecta .com en ~ _J <( a_ en 0 I- <( (.9 en 0 _J EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-3 OESCRIPTION Westwood 904 and 904-2 are small dimmable LED o r MR16 low-voltage halogen luminaires. Model 904 provides down l ight or uptight by way of its 180" rotational fixture head. Model904-2 provides combination uplight and downlight. A square shroud option (-SOS) is available in both models, offering rectilinear styli ng instead of cylindrical. Both models mount directly to any wall surface or over a standard 4-inch J-box and require a remo t e 12-volt step-down transformer (not included). Va rious lenses, louvers, and color or dichroic filters can be combined -up to three at once - to create multiple lighting effects. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A .•. Material Housing and hood are precision-machined from corrosion-resistant 6061-T6 aluminum billet, brass, bronze or stainless steel. Mounting canopy is constructed from corrosion-resistant silicone aluminum, brass, bro nze or stainless steel. B ••• Finish Painted Fixtures constructed from 6061-T6 aluminum are double protected by an ROHS compliant chemical film undercoating and polyester powdercoat paint finish, surpassing the rigorous demands of the outdoor environment. A variety of standard colors are available. Brass, Bronze or Stainless Steel Fixtures constructed from brass, bronze or stainless steel are l eft unpainted to reveal the natural beauty of the material. Brass and bronze will patina naturally over time. C ... Hood Hood is removable for easy relamping and accepts up to three internal accessories at once (lenses, louvers, filte rs) to ach ieve multiple l ighting effects. Weep holes prevent water collection on the uptight position. ~4-L. {108mm! -J 5-{143 4-518" ""[ ~., t:-114"J _j mml _j 4" {102mml Westwood 904 D ... Gasket Housing and hood a re sealed with a high temperature s ilicone o-ring gasket to prevent water intrusion. E .•. Lens Tempered glass lens, factory sealed with high temperature adhesive to prevent water intrusion and breakage due to thermal shock . F ... Mounting Both models mount d irectly to wall surface or over a standard 4" J -box and requ ire remote 12V step-down transformer (not included). Model 904 provides down light or uptight. Model 904-2 provides non-adjustable up light and downlight. Lumiere's exclusive Siphon Protection System (S.P.S .) prevents water from siphoning into the fixture through its own lead wires. G ... Hardware Stainless steel hardware is standard to provide m aximum corrosion-resistance. H ... Socket Ceramic socket with 250" C Teflon® coated lead wires and GU5.3 bi-pin base. - - t-.~~;;;~·,J J L 3-7/8" 198mmJ l ~4-1/4 " (108mml J 8-{219 518" mml _j Westwood 904-2 I ... Electrical Remote 12V transformer required (not included). NOTE : initial power draw on LED equipped fixtures is 15 watts. When sizing transformer use 15 watts per LED fixture. Nominal power draw after start up is 10 or 6 watts accordingly. Also, LEO s are more voltage sensative than standard halogen MR16 lamps. The LED module is designed to operate between 10 and 13 volts. Any l ess o r m ore voltage can cause premature failures. .J ... Lamp Halogen lamp not included. Available from Lumiere as an accessory -see reverse side f or details and catalog logic. LED modules are in cluded and are available in four color temperatures (2700,3000 ,4000, and 5700) and three distr ibutions (spot, narrow, and flood). Both color temperature and distribution must be specified when ordering • see reverse side for details and catalog logic. K ... Labels & Approvals UL and cU L iisted, standard wet labe l. IP65 rated . Manufactured to ISO 9001-2000 Qual ity Systems Standard. IBEW union made. L ... Warranty Lumiere warrants its fixtures against defects in materials & workmanship for three (3) yea rs. Auxiliary e quipme nt such as transformers, ballasts and l amps carry the original manufacture r 's warranty. caatr:t Ughting www.cooperlightlng.com Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. Consult your rapresentatil.1e for edditionel options end finishes. LUMIERE~ WESTWOOD 904 904-2 10WLED 6WLED SOW (max.) MR16 Low Voltage ADL032500 07/02/2012 11:36:14 AM Wall PHOTOMETRIC DATA WESTWOOD 904 /904·2 Cone of Light Westwood 904/904-2 Lamp=50MR16/NSP {EXT) Distance t o Illuminated Plane Initia l Nadir Footcandles CBCP= 11 ,000 15'0" 10'0" 8 '0" 6 '0" 4'0" 2'0" lamp W attage Multi plier 20W X 0.32 Cone of Light Westwood 904/904-2 La mp=50MR16/FL {EX N) CBCP=200 0 Distance to Illuminated Pl ane Initial Nadir Footcandles ORDERING INFORMATION II Series 15'0" 10'0" 8 '0 " 6 '0" 4'0" 2'0" lamp Wattage Multiplier 35W X 0.57 20W X 0 .30 904=LED or MR16 Westwood Up/Down Wall Fixture Single Head, Round 9Q4.2=MR16 Westwood Up/Down Wall Fixture · Dual Head, Rou nd 904-UD=LED or MR16 Westwood Up/Down Wall Fixture • Dual Head, Round 904-SQ=LED or M R16 Westwood Up/Down Wall Fixture-Single Head, Square 904-SQ..UD=LED or M R16 Westwood Up/Down Wall Fixtu re • Dual Head, Square Source Voltage 12=1 2 v Fi.U.h ~ BK=Biack az=Bronze cs=City Silver VE=Verde wr=White M-1 Beam Diamete r 4 '0" 3 '0 " 2'0" 1'6" 1'0 " 0'6" Beam Diameter 12'0" 8'0" 6'6" 5'0" 3'0 ' 1'6" Westwood 904/904-2 Lamp=50MR1 6 /NFL (EXZ) CBCP=3200 Westwood 904/904-2 La mp=50M R 16NI/FL {FN V ) CBC P=1200 FH203=Angled Glare Shield, MR1 6 ~ F71 =Peach Dichroic Filter, 2.00" Oia F73=Green Dichroic Filter, 2.00" Dia f75=Yellow Dichroic Fil ter,2.00" Dia F77=0ark Blue Dichroic Filter, 2.00~ Oia f79::Neub"al Density Dichroic Filtor, 2.00" Oia Fzz=Red Color Filter, 2.00" Dia F44=Gr8Bn Color Filter, 2.00" Oia Fee= Mercury Vapor Color Filter, 2 .00" Oia Opt ical ........ Cone of Light Distance to Illumin ated Pla ne 15'0" 10'0" 8'0" 6 '0" 4 '0" 2'0" Initial Nadir Foot candl es Cone of Light Distance to Initia l Na d ir Illuminated Plane Footcandles 15'0" 10'0" 8'0 " 6'0" 4'0" 2'0" F7Z=Amber Diduok: Filter, 2.00 .. Dia F74=Medium Blue Oic:nroic F~ter, 2.00" Dla F7S=Red Dichroic Filter, 2.00" Cia F78=Ught Blue Dichroic Fitter, 2.00" Oia Fso=Magenta Dichroic Filter, 2.00" Oia FS3=Biue Color Filter, 2.00" Oia RI5=Yellow Color Filter, 2.00• Oia Bea m Diameter 10'0" 6 '6" 5'0 " 4'0 " 2'6" 1'0" Beam Diameter 17'0" 11'6" 9'0" 7 '0" 4 '6" 2 '0 ' 50MR18=5 0W Max Halogen MR16, GU5.3 Base 8LED2712=6W 2700K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base 8LED2721=6W 2700K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5 .3 Base 8LED2741=6W 2700K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 6LED3012=6W 3000K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base 6LED3021=6W 3000K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base 6LED3041=6W 3000K , 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 6LED4012=6W 4000K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base 8LED402F6W 4000K, 21 Degree Narrow, Gu5.3 Base 6LED4041=6W 4000K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 8lED57t2=6W 5700K, 12 Degree Spot, GU6.3 Base 6LED5721=6W 5700K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5 .3 Base 8LED5741 ' SW 5700K. 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 10LED2712' 10W 2700K, 12 Degree Spot , GU5.3 Base 10LED2721' 10W 2700K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base 1 OLED2741, 1 OW 2700K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 10LED3012' l OW 3000K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base 10LED3021' 10W 3000K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base 10LED3041' 10W3000K,41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 10LED4012' 10W 4000K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base 10LED4021' 10W 4000K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base 10LED4041 ' 10W 4000K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 10LED5712' 10W 5700K 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base 10LED5721' 10W 5700K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base 10LED5741' 10W 5700K, 41 De gree Wide, GU5.3 Base NBR=Brass NCP=Copper NSS=Stainless Steel LSL::Unear Spread Lens (elongate standard beam spread), 2.00" Oia OSL=Overall Spread lens (inaease beam spread), 2.00~ o;a Notes: • Lamp not included. 12V remote transformer require d · not included. DIF=DiffuS&d Lens (provide even illumination), 2.00" Dla Optical l...ouur LVR=Hex Cell Louver (reduce glare), 2..00" Oia ~ EZX=20WMR16 GU5.31Ji.Pin Very Na<Tow Spot BAB=20W MR16 GU5.3 Bi-Pin Flood FRA=35W MR16 GUS.3 Bi-Pin Spot EXT=SOW MR16 GUS.J Bl·Pin Narrow Spot EXN =50W MR 16 GU5.3 Bl.Pin Flood Sae ACCESSORIES & TECHNICAL DATA section ofthelumiere catelog for low Voltege Cebl e & Transformers. Consult your Cooper Lighting representative for additional options and finishes. ESX=20WMR16 GU5.3 Bi-Pin NarroYI Spot FRB=35W MR16 GUS .3 Bi-Pin Narrow Spot FMW=35W MR16 GUS.3 Bi-Pin Flood EXZ::SOW MR16 GU5.3 Bf..Pin Narrow Flood FNV:SOW MR16 GUS.3 81-Pin Very Wide Flood coa-=. Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to c h ange without notice. ADL032500 0 7/02/2012 11 :36:14AM www.coop erfigtrting.com Lumiere • Custo m e r First Center • 112 1 Highway 74 South • Peachtree City, GA 30269 • TEL 770.486.4800 • FAX 770.486.4801 LAMP INFORMATION Lamp Watts Beam Spread CBCP OK Life (hrs.) Base 6LED2712 6 12° 3358 2700 50000 GU5 .3 bi-pin 6LED2721 6 21 ° 937 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED2741 6 41° 472 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED3012 6 12° 3694 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED3021 6 21° 1019 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED3041 6 41 " 646 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED4012 6 12" 4280 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED4021 6 21 " 1179 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED4041 6 41" 754 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED5712 6 12" 4496 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED5721 6 21 " . 1275 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED5741 6 41 " 792 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED2712 10 12' 5037 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED2721 10 21 " 1406 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED2741 10 41 " 708 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED3012 10 12° 5513 3000 50000 GU5 .3 bi-pin 10LED3021 10 21° 1521 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED3041 10 41" 964 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED4012 10 12" 6389 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED4021 10 2 1" 1759 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED4041 10 41 " 1125 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED5712 10 12" 6711 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED5721 10 21 " 1903 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED5741 10 41 " 1182 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 50MR16/NSP 50 12" 11,000 3050 4000 GU5.3 bi-pin 50MR16/NSL 50 25" 3200 3050 4000 GU5.3 bi-pin 50MR16/FL 50 40" 2000 3050 4000 GU5.3 bi-pin 50MR16/WFL 50 so· 1200 3050 4000 GU5.3 bi-pin NOTES AND FORMULAS • Beam diameter is to 50% of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest half-foot. • Footcandle values are initial. Apply appropriate light loss factors where necessary. Specifications and Dimensions subiect to change without notice. CCIG' Ughting www.cooperlightfng.com Lumiere • Customer FirSt Center • 1121 Highway 74 South • Peachtree City. GA 30269 • TEL 770.486.4800 • FAX 770.486 .4801 Volts 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ADL032500 D7/02/201211 :36:14AM DESCRIPTION Cambria 203 is a small, low voltage dimmable LED and halogen MR16 luminaire. It is available with a fully adjustable side swivel stem (203, 203-FLf. an adjustable center rear swivel (203-CRS) or a stationary rear flush mount (203-FM). Side swivel models 203 and 203-FL provide 340• tilt and 360• rotation. Center rear swivel model CRS provides 200• tilt and 360• ro tation. Center rear swivel model CRS provides 200• tilt and 360° rotation. Various lenses, lo u vers and color or dichroic filters can be combined-up to three at once-to create multiple lighting effects. The Lumiere exclus ive Siphon Protection System (S.P.S.) prevents water from siphoning into the fixture through its own lead wires. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A ... Material Housing, hood and mounting stem are precision-machined from corrosion-resistant billet stock 6061-T6 aluminum, C360 brass, C932 bronze, C11 0 copper or 303/304 stainless steel . B ... Finish Painted Fixtures constructed from 6061-T6 aluminum are double protected by an ROHS com p liant chemical film undercoating and polyester powdercoat paint finish, surpassin g the rigorous demands of the o utdoor environment. A variety of standard colors are available. C ... Brass, Bronze, Copper or Stainless Steel Fixtures constructed from brass, bronze, copper or stainless steel are left unpainted to reveal the natural beauty of the material. Brass, b ronze and copper will patina naturally over time. / 02.25" " 57 4.50" 114 ""' I 1.75" 44 I 203 / " 02.25" 57 3.63 " 92 ""' I 1.75" 44 I 203-FL D ••. Hood Hood is removable for easy rel amping and accepts up to three internal accessories .at once (lenses, louvers, filters) to achieve multiple lighting effects. Model 203, 203-CRS & 203-FM: Weep holes prevent water and mineral stains from collecting on the lens, even in the straight-up position. Model 203-FL : Th e flu sh lens d esign reduces fixture length, minimizes debris collection and prevents water a nd mineral stains fro m collecting on the lens. E ... Gasket Housing and hood are sea led with a high temperature silicone o-r ing gasket to prevent water intrusion. F ---Lens Tempered glass lens, factory sealed with high temperature adhesive to prevent water intrusion and breakage due to thermal shock. 02.25" ""' 57 / 5.38" 137 ""- I 1.88" 48 I 203-CRS 02.25 " 57 4.50" 114 I 203-FM G ---Mounting Stem M odel 203 and 203 -FL include fully adjustable side-mounted swivel stem , providing 340• tilt and 360° rotation for easy aiming. Center rear swivel (203-CRS) or stationary rear flush mount (203-FM} models are also available. All models include 1/2" NPS threaded male fitting. Stainless steel aim-locking mechanism s are standard (not available on 203-FM}. Lumiere 's exclusive Sipho n Protection System (S.P.S.} prevents wat er from siphoning into the fixture through its own lead wires. H ---Hardware Stainless steel hardware is standard to provide maximum corrosion-resistance. I ... Socket Ceramic socket with 250• C T eflon® coated lead wires and GU5.3 bi-pin base. .J ... Electrical Remote 12V transformer required (not included}. NOTE : initial power draw on LED equipped fixtures is 15 watts. When sizing transformer u se 15 watts per LED fixture. Nominal power draw after start up is 6 watts or 10 watts accordingly. Also, LEOs are more voltage sensitive than standard halogen MR161amps. The LED modul e is designed to operate between 10 and 13 volts. Any less o r m ore volta ge ca n cause premature failures. K ... lamp Halogen lamp not included. Available from Lumiere as an accessory. LED modules are in cluded and are available in four color temperatures (2700, 3000, 4000, and 5700} and three distributions (spot, narrow, and flood). Both color temperature and distribution must be specified when orderin g -see reverse side for details and catalog logic. caa.:. Ughting www.cooperlighting .com Specif ications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. Consult your representat ive for a dditional options and finishes. CAMBRIA 203 10WLED 6W LED 50W (max.) MR16 Halogen Low Voltage Accent/Flood ADL032452 1012512013 6:40:39 PM .· 1DERING INFORMATION I Seri•• 203=LED or MR16 Cam Fixt..-e Conmuctlon bria Accent I Stem. ' Standard Side Swive -112"NPS CAS' Center Rear Swive 112"NPS I Stem. FM• Rear Fl ush Mount, 1 FL' Flush Lens, Side SWI Stem. 112" NPS 12" NPS 'vel CGG' Ughting www.cooperllghting.com CAMBRIA 203 II II II I Source Voltage I Acceuories 50MR16=50W Max Halogen MR16, GU5.3 Base 12=12V Filt .... 6LED2712=6W 2700K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base F71=Peach Oic:hroic: Filler, F7z:Amber Oid'lr oie Finer. 6LED2721' SW 2700K, 21 Degree Narrow. GU5.3 Base Finish 2.00" [);a 2.00-0ia F73: Green Oic:hroic A lter, F74= Medium Blue Dichroic &LED2741' sw 2700K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base P•int ed 2.00~ Dla Filter, 2.00· Oia 6LED3012' 6W 3000K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base BK' Black F75= Yellow Dichroic Filter, F78= Red Dichroic Filter, BZ' Bronze 2.00" Dia 2.00" Cia 6LED3021 ' 6W 3000K , 21 Degree Narrow, GU5 .3 Base F77: Dark Blue Dichroic F78.: Light Blue Di chroic 6LED3041 ' SW 3000K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base CS' City Silver Filter, 2.00~ Oia Filler, 2.00-Oia 6LED4012' 6W 4000K,12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base VE'Verde F79: Neutral Density Dichroic: Fao: Magenta Oichroic Filter, 6LED4021' 6W 4000K, 21 Degree Narrow, Gu5.3 Base wr-White Alter, 2.00" Dla 2 .00" Oia !\!!!!!! f22: R&d CoiOf Fflter, 2.00" f33: Blue Cob' Filter , 2 .00" 6LED4041' SW 4000K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base Dia Oil 6LED5712' 6W 5700 K, 12 Degree Spot, GU6.3 Base NBR'Brass f44: Green Color Filler, FIS: YeUow Color Fitter, NBZ' Bronze 2.00'"Dia 2.00" Dia 8LED5721' 6W 5700K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base NCP'Copper ,_, fMrcury Vapor Coler 8LE05741' 6W 5700K, 4 1 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base Foltw, 2.oo· Oil 10l£D2712' 10W 2700K, 12 Degree Spo~ GU5.3 Base NSS' Stainless Steel Q~LenHI 10LED2721' 10W 2700K, 2 1 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base LSL' l.inoat Spread Lon& OSL= Ov81al Spread Lens (olongato standard (inause beam 10LED2741' 10W2700K, 41 Degree Wide , GU5.3 Base beam ap<ead), 2.00" ap<oad), 2.00" o;a Oil 10LED3012' 10W 3000K, 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base OIF' Dillused t.on. (pr"'ido 10LED3021' 10W3000K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base even ilurrUnalion). 2.00" Cia 10LED3041=10W 3000K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base ~~L!!YO:t 10LED4012=10W 4000K, 12 Degree Spo~ GU5.3 Base LVR=Hex Cell Louver 10LED4021=10W 4000K, 21 Degree Narrow. GU5.3 Base (reduce glare), 2.00• Oia 10LED404t=10W 4000K, 41 Degree Wide, GU5.3 Base 10LED5712=10W 5700K 12 Degree Spot, GU5.3 Base 10LED5721=10W 5700K, 21 Degree Narrow, GU5.3 Base 10LED5741=10W 5700K, 41 Degree Wide , GU5.3 Base Specifications and Dimensions subiect to change without notice. Lumiere • Customer First Center •1121 Highway 74 South • Peachtree City, GA 30269 • TEL no.486.4800 • FAX no.486.4801 ADL032452 1012512013 6:40:39 PM PHOTOMElRIC DATA Cambria 203 Lamp=50MR 16/NSP (EXT) CBCP=11,000 Cambria 203 Lamp=50MR16/FL (EXN ) CBCP=2000 NOTES AND FORMULAS Cone of Light Distance to Illuminated Plane 15'0 " 10'0" 8 '0 " 6'0" 4'0" 2'0" Lamp Wattage Multiplier 20Wx 0.32 Cone of Light Initial Nadir Footcandles Distance to Illuminated Plane Initial Nadir Footcandles 15'0" 10'0" 8'0" 6'0" 4'0" 2'0" Lamp Wattage Multiplier 35W X 0.57 20Wx0.30 Beam Diameter 4 '0" 3'0 " 2'0 " 1 '6 " 1'0" 0'6" Beam Diameter 12'0" 8'0 " 6'6" 5'0" 3'0" 1'6" Cambria 203 Lamp=50MR16/NFL (EXZ) CBCP=3200 Cambria203 Lamp=50MR16/WFL (FNV) CBCP=1200 Cone of Light Distance to Illuminated Plane 15'0 " 10'0 " 8'0" 6 '0" 4 '0 " 2 '0" Cone of Light Distance to Illuminated Plane 15'0" 10'0" 8 '0" 6'0" 4'0" 2 '0" • Beam diameter is to 50% of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest half-foot. • Footcandle values are initial. Apply appropriate light loss factors where necessary. LAMP INFORMATION Lamp Watts Beam Spread CBCP 'K Life (hrs.) Base 6LED2712 6 12' 3358 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED2721 6 21' 937 2700 50000 GU5 .3 bi-pin 6LED2741 6 41' 472 2700 50000 GU5 .3 bi-pin 6LED3012 6 12' 3694 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED3021 6 21 ' 1019 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED3041 6 41 ' 646 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED4012 6 12' 4280 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED4021 6 21 ' 1179 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED4041 6 41' 754 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED5712 6 12' 4496 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED5721 6 21 ' 1275 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 6LED5741 6 41 ' 792 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED2712 10 12' 5037 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED2721 10 21 ' 1406 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED2741 10 41 ' 708 2700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED3012 10 12' 5513 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED3021 10 21 ' 1521 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED3041 10 41 ' 964 3000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED4012 10 12' 6389 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED4021 10 21 ' 1759 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED4041 . 10 41 ' 1125 4000 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED5712 10 12' 6711 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED5721 10 21 ' 1903 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 10LED5741 10 41 ' 1182 5700 50000 GU5.3 bi-pin 50MR16/NSP 50 12' 11,000 3050 4000 GU5 .3 bi-pin 50MR16/NSL 50 25' 3200 3050 4000 GU5.3 bi-pin 50MR16/FL 50 40' 2000 3050 4000 GU5.3 bi-pin 50MR1 6/WFL 50 60' 1200 3050 4000 GU5.3 bi-pin Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. Initial Nadir Footcandles Initial Nadir Footcandles 11 17 Volts 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ~Ughting www.cooperlighting.com Lumiere • Customer First Center • 1121 Highway 74 South • Peachtree City, GA 30269 • TEL 770.486.4800 • FAX 770.486.4801 Beam Diameter 10'0 " 6'6 " 5'0 " 4'0" 2'6" 1'0" Beam Diameter 17'0" 11 '6" 9'0" 7'0 " 4 '6 " 2'0 '' ADL032452 10/25/2013 6:40 :39 PM