Item 4 - 136 Tait AveProject Data TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E . Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 136 Tait Avenue (revision from approval on 6/24115) Historic Architecture and Site Application HS-15-043 HPC 2-24-16 Item4 Requesting approval for an addition to a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-ID:LHP. APN 510-18-023. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Valerie Hopkins PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1900 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code Cor R Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes Is structure in a historic district? Yes If yes, what district? Almond Grove Historic District If yes, is it a contributor? Yes Findings required? No Considerations required? Yes See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant is requesting to modify the window sizes and types from the approval received last year. N :\DEV\HI STORJC PRESERV A TION\HPC Sheets\20 16\2 13 Ta it Cover.docx Required Findings __ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity ofthe building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications , the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. X 2 In historic districts , the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Cc: John and Valerie Hopkins, 136 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Steve Sweeters, 27460 Hutchinso n Road , Los Gatos, CA 95033 June 25,2015 Valerie Hopkins 136 Tait Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 FAX (408) 354-7593 RE: 136 Tait Avenue Historic Architecture and Site Application S-15-043 CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET Los GATOS, CA 95031 Requesting approval for an addition to a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-1D :LHP . APN 510-18-023 . PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: Valerie Hopkins On June 24, 2015 , the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee approved the application. Please be aware that Sectjon 29.20.258 of the Town Code states that this action may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the date the action is taken. Therefore , this action should not be considered final until the appeal period has passed. After the appeal period has passed, you may apply for a Building Permit. If you have any questions in this matter, please contact Senior Planner Jennifer Savage at 408- 399-6702 or by email at jsavage@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Jennifer Savage, AICP Senior Planner N :\DEV\H1STORIC PRES ER V ATION\Actio n l.etters\20 15\T a itl36.docx -June 2S, 20J S V•leric Hopkin~ 136 T•itAwtl.uc: 1..01 Gws. CA 9S030 TOWN OF Los G ATQS COMMUNITY D&VELOPMKNT OEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION c•of) ,.._.m FAX c•oeps.-7m R.B: !l6 Tth Avtguo t-JiS\Oric Archilectwe 1M Silc Application S-1 $.().4} Olo.:«"Hl£• 110E MM!ITM:P lO&G,l01,CA86031 Requntlng 1pprov1l for an additioo lo a cornributing. •in&l~fam.ily resiUcnce 111 lhc Almond Orovtl HiJtoric Olltridonproperty zoned R·I D:UlP. APN 510·18-023 . PROPERTY OWNf!R/AtPUCAN'T: Valerft. HopkiN On June24, '2015,1he. Los Gatos Historic PrCKrYalioo Coanm1rtte*P91'0¥td the appltc.tion. Pltate be aware that S«:tlon 29.l0.2U of the Tow11 Code stMet thM this acriod mey be appealed to the )1amin& Com.miuton within 10 days of the dMc 1hc action i• t*cn. Tbcn:far~ tblll act tOn should not bec:onsidtred final untillhe.•ppeal period hu p&~IOd. After the appeal period hal p&»od, you may apply for a a. •. nldin& Pe-rmit. If you luwe any question~ in thla mliHer, please c:ontlct Se11lor Planner Jennifer Sava&e at 408· 3 99-6702 or by email at jtav.Kt@to.tgotoaca.sov. Sinccrdy, ---1iiL<~;ffv\av~,r­ J.;«SaY,lA{6. Scmor-PIIMCt W\()fj'l'lt1~1'0liC U.£St:IIVA'J I()ti\Ac l-'--t\lOI "'TaiiU6Aooo.o. DRAWING INDEX AA.Cti!Tt'CTURAL Sttfff /\I Sift PI.A!S, GtNI!':RAI.. NOTf5, PROJECT 0.~ ~~~p~ 5t1ffT PROP05f:U flOOR f'\AN. CAL GREEN NOTES, r'LOOR PLAN NOTES St1~ET A3 !!lfVATIONS, SfCTION SHEET A<1 TinE 24 CA f!Nf.RGY Cf.RJiriCATf: :..;TP..UCTURAL 5HCfT !iO GEND~Al N0ff5 SMt:ff 51 T'I1"K:Al D~AJL5 SMftT S2 !'ON • 1ST ft~ I'I<.AMIUG snr:ff S3 rON c fl.OOR. fRN4tNG OO"A.l5 5f1ffT 54 RtXJf fRAM•NG OET/Jl.S ~-PHASE STORMWATER M ANAGEME NT : CON'TRAC fOf<. TO INSTAll STRAW WA()Ol..tS AROUND ~MY. (A5 S<l()WN ON Sm PlAN) COUTF'Ar.TOK Stt.\!.l OE RfSPON;;,iOLf lrfAT hO MUO OR MUOCY WATU lt'A\.fS THE ~t:RJV 16' wooo ~TAUS @14~· 'n o.c. ~~'-'-~ l l II [=:-lii=:LJI _.Ll--1 i11 ~~~wfii ~m1r :11 J==ill~ l ,----!! L. -Ill l I!Cii!V:::Iil:----111= -ii=•ii=ri:=ri!=i·' CD STRAW WAD D!J DTL PROJECT OAT A fltO.JtC1' ObCRU''TIOtl MASU:F;. elOROOM AOCrTJON f'1tO.ItCT ACORt55. 13, TNT A.\'t'I.Uf.lOS~;os. CA. A/'Nc 510-10-023 CWH~R' VAlf"RIE ~NS COtol~JTRUCTJON TYPe.: V-8 OCC\Jt'ANC'f: R-3/ U LOT 5tzt:: 9.2: I I ::!: 50 n' ~\(RJ.Gt. L01 5LOPf • LOT~ F.f\AT,,"tlY 1'\Af ZONING 015TRICT: ~-t D -U1P AU0\'1~6\..f fL(X)RARU.: 0.35 1{9.2 I 1-5}*25 _..o 21• 0.3 I'_.. 9 ,21!-2,9 10.6 etl'" OUII.DINC. A.RtA tx15l~ MAU:HOU5f t!ITI'LOOR 1,346 %' 2N0f'l001'{ 1,~,: TOTAl WING 2,-4-4-4 ::t Da.A01to GAA./4G.r. ""'~ lOT AI. lOTCOVfRAGr: 3,-4~ 50 PT NUMetR Of rAAA.mG 5P.t.CfS • 2 VICIN ITY MAP j J ""1 6 -~:.:t' ,...,.. ~~ ,_*->"(.,. i ~ "'~. •.. l.,t~ ·"'·""' :t,n.-... ! ADDtTlON 35> 0 355 0 ... ,,~ i ~ ..... it ,<~ ~ ~,.., il i: .! : "" i a,~_.. ~! ~ '~ .• .t TOTAL 1,703 1.09, ..:.7!>9 ""'~ ci. ~------------------------------~~~~~~~~ c,~c, ! PLUMBING FIXTURE NOTES ·'tRinCATION Of' fttf"'.AC:tUtJ.IT (X All VQ!.nrr. iV RUWN HON-COMI"UJoNT f'UJMB4t.:G ftXTll'-t'5-;1Tt1 lffATU.-CONSI!RVING f't..IJMBING I"OCfU~ A!5 ~01'1!:0 ltl CN!l OXIC5eCTION 1101 I-1101.",~'1AU!}ff'f«)Vt()f{)fOTI"t TOWN Ol.HLOING f?6rtCTOR. POC!It TO f1NALIN3Pt:CT10N'. THIS Rt:OUtR!MI:NT An"UES TO All ~15TING TO RfloWN PWW'.~NG I'"IXTU!tl~ LOCATfO W.fHIN fHe: ~TRUCTUR' UNOfR THr:: SCOff Of THf P~Rf.IIT MAXtt.fUM A.U.O'WfO R:touct:O ,.-LON RAT~~ ,.-Qit O!ISTING TO ~WI rUH '8ti.IG fiXf'UP..fS RtOUIR...-D TO COur,_y 16 fOll.C>'N!> I G GALLO~~ l"lUSM I"Oii:. fOILCTJ I .0 GAtlONS r>fR 1'\.USr1 re«. U«JtlAlS 2.5 13··-n fOR St1C:M'ERMUJ> ?.2 '31""' !"Of: Alff !NTl!RJOR I"AVCfT5 1t1~5t RfDUCfO I"LOW PATt'S Af""'-YlO 0:1STING PlUMBING f'()('TUP.l ONLY AU N!"N PlUMDING r'l.lt'TUR!!I MUST COMPLY WITI1 fltt' R!DUCCO I'"LON RA:il:5 A5 CUR.RZ'NTlY5f'tCII"jl':0 ON SHf~ A2 01' THf f'lAN5 GRADING* DRAIN AGE NOTES NO GRADING RfOU,RtO EXCfM I"OR. I"OUNDAifON f <CA1J I\T!ON ArlO I"!NAL GRADE :')t1A.I'ING r-OR DAAJ NAGr. 5.,A.Pt' r'INAL GAADt'S TO 5l0Pf AWAY fROM ADDfTION AT ~' I"OR. J(Y.(j A.·.•n~Y fROM BUilDING Ott INTO GRA55Y SWAI..!,-;. DIRlCT 5URrACf fLCM' INTO lAN05CAF'f'O AAf.AS ~).-~ ... ,~ ~S1or~~ i.O$C#IG\k .. ~ ... ""-- GENERAL NOTES 11 ... cont~·•ctor ~h<IU fvm•~ aH 1n,a.tcnal, Ll~. ~ffolaor.~. Liter.,_!~. ,~~nd ~t'f'-<~ro~t~ re.tiJir61 fort.·.-: w.'OI'l :WJQM'I on t he~ pbr.~ MJc:~ p.ay fer C-he fvll lret~U¥ ~~. t.t•~!. Mid h.tndlwj vf I'T\Jt en.tl .1~13ted "h W wott. ,., WC'ri-. WI oomp!'J.lnd GOnform to~~~ Mid re~~. .... ~the 2013 COC. 20t3CMC, 2013 CPC, 2013 CfC. 2013CRC. 2013 C~f()II'N ftler!)·rc.::pff:Ment,_, ,_ 2013 CAl. GRfBI Mar1(U(ory Me~T~. Ml,:j ~ lo.:..ol, M~~ lil1d Ieder~ rcquw-emctl~. GOI:Y~ ..nd rel3ulatt0t~. un1e» ~ r.;«d Contractor :.ha!l be ~lyre~ foe-JOb,.-..; ~e yfety All wort:.~~ to be pufOI"m&::i tn acc:ord anc:c With the!.e pi~ .Jond ~GtflcatJ()tl!) and to the !llt~l .actl0f1 of tht! owner ~.Jde~ Y..a.'! ~t the ~t.e ~ fan~.a.nle tl1e~lvc~ With~ e:on~t"'3 cor\cilt-IC'<"~. 01nd 1::re f'!'ef)Md to =<liT)~ the ~or;_ w.tMW'I the~ IIITII~ Venfy.JI ~on the fldd. wntt.e!'ldl~h.l.e pr~nuove:r~ dto~. hry~~bet'II.'CO~ aod/.x.:;.p«.fat~~ ~I c:cndot~ Ylal bt; t:or-ou.:y.c: to the ,ntenuon of the ard\:.ect f()t' ~ c;bnloUtaon fX'tO" to ~ntJ ""~ttl the ~~oori.. C~""¥ ordc~ 5JlaU ~ tn W<'~l3 ~~tttit1on5 Mil be con~aered , but do o'IO't :;u~tttute rtl<tltertal!, c-~. (}II' met~~ .... ,thovt ~~·he ~oaoced 3ppt'OIII! by th<!: r.dutect Contr~or Wll notify the: .trcMect of Ml ~~to drtt'A"" bot the h.lk:inq WA.TfR 5HALL NOT 8f AUOI-!'0 TO 1"0"·? ADJACfllT dep~t W of all~ rc~~ ~the "'¥'CG~. 5TP'.JJC1\IR:!5 OR B.! 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Tt1f HVAC Ot~lt<:JDUTION1',;,\'~'tJ~.o~.l~ the ~r AI work~~ to t1e pc:rl::li"T1'\UI1n thebe$t nul'll'\er by~ 7.-t.~'f5Tt'M~ I"RCNNDetVIO!NC..t Of'TMIRD f"A.RTYVfRJI'lCATION < ~n C1!RS) 10 I"RRJE:CT OUllt:!UG I~Ctt.. ~TO n"-A.L """"'CilON ----A CCIMtUTCO CI"-2R-lTG-01-l: fORM MU,T et PROVrot:O TO Tt1e TOWN el/ILOit.:G l~5f'fCTOR.. f'WR TO lfYJf'eCTlON BACKWATER VALVE NOTE ~foeAC~WA.Te'R VAL. \It !tW.L 8e INSTALlfD ON ORA!N.A.Gl PIP'~ S~lti/ING r~>:TURlS THAf HA.\re I'LOOD lfVtl R.lt-1~ Lr55 Tt1A.,. 12·1NCHfS Aa(JVf Tl1f fl('VATION Of TMt: !:txT ~I"~HRtAM MAI4101..t. It e the ~~bllcy ot U\e eot~tractor • "'-~"'U.old~ to notdy t-he .wGhtut .o~nct'« ~of atty <:bcre~»noe~. •rtc:OI'~~. ~or""'~~ u'l the plan! • "f"C'fQ~ w.t.ch ~t .affect the war\:., pr--:x-to pr~ ""'th rloe: wor'k. TREE f'ROTECTI O N FENC IN G NOTE5 : --- Tlt!e ~OTCCTION l"fNCING 5tW.L 6t: A MIN Of 5' HIGH Q1AIN UHf.. MOI.JNTeO ON 2'0 Goi.LVINIII!O 5ft't1 ~T~ DRJVft~ 2' MIN INTO n-t ~OU~'O Af A 10 MAA YA.CIUG 1'1tlt t"MOTtCTlC'i rl':..ONG TO r.tt.AAIN IN f'lACl TnROlJGn1' CClt6T~Ol!YID 5tW.l UOT et ll:UO'IU> utml M'ff! J\ltD &Y Ttlt TQ>M,I I ~I I I I I I I I j (! I I I I I I REC ElV ED FEB 0 1 Z016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION H ·s -1 s--· o t., '3 OkA WINGS ftRE.PAR£0 OY ~'s @ (':i".Pc £,,~ C HRIS SPAULDlNG o ARCHITE CT c '!(;<;: /!----------7 1.75' I I _______ --...........__ ---------, -(0 NC CONCfN5fR i j.__ !>TI!:o\\.V ; w~ ! -"'---~--=---=----=----=---,: 1: (EJ VERANDA ,, ,, b II II II II q ,, ,, ,, ,, 9 ,, II II ,, II II ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, II ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, I II 'I (E)VERANDA 11 II II 1'<: ~~ , I u I I I I.~D WoritJ! 1 ,-Jkrto ~Ailrema-tr~ cJ ilny lnteticton ~I(J'f. Ira// Cli'fet'fngs P!ea:e '~3d M ! rt'Y.3w N7e Town ; de;trohii'm Mty -':o ·ff!:il I I I W\' Sanitauqn District Final Sign-Otf Required {;afi 378./2407 -, is .., REVISIONS BY ~&:~·1<·15 t_----·=i·---r.:::_____ -- PREl-IM INARY SET -DESIGN REVIE~ SET PLA.N CHECK SET P(;RMIT SET ;:r-,_ CONSTRUCTJON S(:."f r~(";,., ·~~ ,,.,, P..r ~\!j,-r1-~-~~:;£~~~ ···'l)::') ~ .. & ""' 'l -c -•• u.a • .,.~ 1 ~;,_ s.-...:; •lAS ~.-":'=- /'(' 9-l'1-1r ~ ~u < 1 ,-. 0 Z rT1 9 ~"-:" .,.. •• y • •• ~ -02 ,,. :~~:J .. ~?.~t{~IS --~ 8 ~ ~ I !:::U'J>< I Q ~ < u I ~c~,~ o ~ CX::: E-< o I SCP 'u · ~ til ~ o I -..,. or;,.,£, IZJ ~ -....... 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Mibtll 9.AU¥'Jotoli~~­ ,~~"YI>W ~~y~U.cod& """""""""""""""" '"""-""""" ,.er.t-arov./t~ ........ fW!r•OIIIthe~oca~•ld..,.... loowl~e>fU..Ioe~~-­ ~~ ... do.d.~oct.... ..-.....-~~~ -....toc~e.j'"""'Uof>'e-~. ~~orott~e-r~..u-ut:o~sco ~et'l~~ ~ IYty~~fw'ep!loee,....,l>e• ·~wrii.~~IO!Itypek>y "'tt*d~orpc:llrt~,.. cC!IIply ~,u, U.5 t.f'A f"toeo • .,.~ limu~·~-w~.pelle~ ~llat'ld f>r.-.~~~C«<oplywotll """-~loX;~ or"'~ !oect.orl o4 5().), f'~M.atbt<ol,.oii.C>on(;QrVQI m,.Y<h.~~.~,~ o;Q.~ol.np W ~ ,.M'Ib ~ meft tNir'OCWI.ts$f>«~lrlhle~.lt lclt.~IIIO""e~loc:Mor ~-~01'-....-yor -.-.c~Mes~ ·AI~.~.C..._p .... ,, ~w~,._.~ -teoNoiOOU.C"""-brt.eio:l ~.ootl>ylhe-~~ P'nQf'tq f·~~\et.ter...,ncd loy Uoc: .-v• c.ont.""a..--t.or «the ~~{\wMy~l f""'jUt!tJOI'IU!Itltot,..-.:M6edlOtl'e enbc~~~th.aot~ ~-.~Uta~. c:.aub, .....,., QCW~·· ~ ,Mit,..,Cill'f'<'t ~~ ~~~c:.t~.~IM ~$),r~nt~~lllld ~W<X.odprodu<;t'I-~Qrl tlu~t.-.eWithll'ltM~ ...... ~~~~CG&SC~-4 504 ~~~-the~ den(lr ... ~E ~~.lAd f"";d,oct ,...,._.....to.d.~201$~ Grceoo~Cod.!; ~!"'ooM!""~ ~~~~~.--~~of tnc loot-MU rec~re.Yocn&~ ... _.... ....u.r--.~.y.M"·~ec-tt~ C:=wwot!• w.w .. ~. "'~~.,.,.~<11.-~ ·'*~~~.oociOdl~vsed OII CI'Ie,._.nd~ofiN~dOCII!Ifl)' ....tAW low~~~ ~~-='ii:::oOf"ston.-v..,or~ -··-c~u~~~~o.s.e • f'r.ort.tc~u.e w•4 ~1r~. con~&q~II'OI!It toe~ to the tout~.~~~ ~1:« !lhololo1.1'! t:M Ule lr~mcr<t>c~..ao fl«e>reeed l 'fl•~econtm.. ~....o:;:.:c i!:::tl>e~rqy~ ~.~l>edii(:<:Uto~ooA-WMithe ~,_.IIIUSI:bec.:ontrolo!dl>y.&~ MotdliJW Nr~~ ,_...,,_,. ·'Mio&ei!Ou!W~bM~t..wc~ ~Of(;OOof!Cn~~-..-u.eW.dt c.or... ... tx~~'-'-'"""""'"01 .,..,..d~2 0«t ~-IWMd, ~"· IN~• ~t.d-tN~~ 1. e~heaot~oM.I>I'dt>at,_..,.A,Jt, ..uor"""toAI~~of ...,.,.nc;,t(llJX./I.Jio.UnwiJatr&<f-Wa.« 2 !tiN diH:t •'fKeoo'<$ ICCOI'"""'4 k> IC.GA ~.[I ~Olor.....,..*c.t -'"""'«l'lc~.llldt:(I(~~M..«:cot'""'t to~3G·~~~}«~~"' ~...:x;:~.=,onMid~kd'" ~lot ~r mutliotlon aiWoi#\C ~~~ e~Py a ,~dtr~url.ofledprOIY!I"' v..,toc._oon ~-~of~..c~tt... coctcJ~~~c""'doo..~s.,...., ~1011$.~(:1'~~ ,..,...alOOitCf'O'U,t:l'OCher~~to Uoi~Df.moa.wt..,.~~ ~..-(lo~2013Cor6e~ TAILS 4.104.1 VOC CONTENT U,.TS FOI\ AACHtTEeT1JI\AL COATINOs'-1 Less W•ler and LAss E"Mmpt Compounds In Grams pw Uter Orwnc of VOC: f* Lbf of eo.t.lng, ARct411'E:CTURAL APPLICATtONS CURRENT VOC LIMIT t , If 111 HhKiv. II used to bond lllulmll1r sr.~O&Utt.s ~r, tt111dltMM wlrh tMhtghnt VOC C:01'11.nt:ShMlbllllowed. 2, P'oreddltiollsl lnfont~etlon r.g11rdl.ng flllll'lodslo mMslolrl tM VOC contanl specified In thts tab I• ... • Sou1t1Cout AlfOualityManagem •nt or.trk:t flr.~le ttU . TA8Ll.C.604.2 SEALAKT VOC UMT Less w.t.r Wid uss-£Aempt Compounds In 0.-.ms PH Liter Leu war and L .. , lb.empt Compounds Or-•voc--ltwofc-lft8.lftt1UIIIrlol_.llf ..,.lr'oc""*'t'•-.c~ TM.,.ciiMilllnhar-•lri !Oftlo<t...W.nr.....,...._...., •• _lflawbw.,..tc..,_W.~YIH. V ... ln ... t.a.•e_,..IJOIOI....._..,.....byhC.U.Nio_h _CH8o.-4ArcftiiCU., c • .,... .....,...c-...._ .. ,'*".,., 1, not. .... ..,.,..,.-..n,, ..,. ••• _ ...... llt ..... CH .. ri TABU: 4 ,104,1 FORMALDEHYDE LIMITS' Mumttm fonn.Mdeh~ emtulons in parts per milton. PROOUCT CUI\1\I NTUNT JANUARY 1, 20t2 ~ pl!fNOOO wne« core oos HIJdWood plywood corrlp05ite OCII"e 008 Plrbelecoet<l 009 M~_~ty f,befbo&rd 011 Thn mecstt.m denalty fiberboard 021 013 JULY 1, 2012 000 t V..,..lnWIIfllllfe -ONIWd*-.,_•.,..clh<l.,.ttii C .. ttDrfhAirlt-IS lloaf.,Nr"holllcsC:...II fll•n.,..•'-C...,.IIII•Woocl.._._.....,aoc:Of"lllonce,..IPIAnliiiiJU..(20&1). ,_.~~ -c.wr.-a.C...olliliiJ' ....... 'nht1.hc'-tJ1.~1lt 2t,tl 1. TNot ............. y .. Man~M&•~ .......... ., ........ _ FLOOR PLAN NOTES !W1C)IN[RVALV5 ShOW'~. t~. wt.o1pool~. :wtd~r~~~~ be~ .... th~~4~«fh¢."mm'!.utiCt'l'l<liJn<.3 _....,._ 2 Thc~INIIMW#'tn~bNJ~tloel20'f,...Cf'hclt 3 W..ter he~ lhermosut sNI..ot be ~ed H ~for ~ th5 rc:tWcment NOTf5 I -All. ~~ to hal." ~ maun.om """"" Up.aty ofl-2-a ~ per Uitfoo·yu(;reen ~~· 2 All ~~to h.we tM.: wall protectiOn t¢ ~'"'""""""'of 6-4' ~e the ftoor·moont t1fe on full mort¥ t1ed Or V.t' ceme"'-~.acl:er" broM'd 3. All ~.oke-det~ to be l'l~rdMI'ed ~n t>attet'y Nckup 4. Woodtul b~ (2Jb mtn.) W!l be~ II'! *'I ~.:~titrOO<TI wail.~ at toilet, ~r. and .-athtutJ-loc~t~ It 34" from ttt.e floor to tM «;n~r d the b>.c;loJ""3, ~table= !Of' the ad.Jot-.on of .y.» b~. 5 ,.~!!!~., ciotke~ ~~be ~~e·movnted Of' rc:Ge!IMGI ~~l'ltl.rtut'.,...,t.h.a~~eiy~d~.cx.a !ttlri.ac-e-"10\.lflt.ed« r~ ftuore~ lutture G M ~!>~~ ..... ttl t.o or more~~~ the~~~ MlterGOMeet~ ~nd oper~ fr'C"' the loweit ~- MtetW>IICAl AND ~CING ~ I lnsU!bt.oft~lor·~~,h.JIIt>ef'I"OI'IdedtO the fldd l~tor"~tt.necl~ 2 Dryer~~ be smooth metaol dvct ~to Q'tertor llllttl t;.~~ft_ cUmpet. 3 All ~floseto1Ps ~"" l\.1o'ld: non·r~Jblc~"'preverttJon (ie.\11~. 4 . M b~ w~ler wf'Pfy ~~WI wh1C.h "i'JoCk·..Ct•nq v.al~ ;are lfl~t.<al~ :5-h•ll be fH'O'Aded w1th ~t to a~ ""3t' pr~'!l r¢~~~ lf"'OI'Il t.I'IC quid. c~n.q of ~ onlve'!l (e.g., clothe5 washe.-,-'<'ldct+91wa~) 5 r errn.nat~ of .toll erwt.r'O"'nent~l '" dl.cts ~~ 1>e a ll'lll'llm.Jm 0'1 3 feet from arry open·~ Into the~ (1.e., drye~. b4oth ~ ut thty IJM. etc .• m-et l>e 3 feet H~ from~.~. opet'II!'IIJ ~yll4'b ex-XttC vcrU). G .t\lf"CC~.~.~.Mid5tf'I'II.•M~oon~of~ ftool-or l-Of'·~sNII bte:u.Jl~dv.ath atKec:l t..-ecaulkWtthat~ A5TMf:l%r~ 7 11'15Uil~~ .... ~·~h00k~t.o ... forwnd..:)tobe A~wtthre.v;,nll tJ Venb!.abon~¥ICIW~~~Nve~'" !dun-Of~ 9 ~ Qh.J~ ~~ems ~ted to the~ lor the e.xhrOOIT'e 10. P~~50d"Jontetmottbl~~for l»ttaroom~ fa~. OR pro-. -de~ 20 cfrn b' GOII~ oper~ 6a.ttll'OOI'I~b,.,. I I , Ah hot w~tcr pi~ t:N~ 4' . ." ~I IU\ ~ R.·-4 ~~~t10n. f:Lt'CfRJCAL N0Tl:5 l~ght flld.vr~., 1.'1 tub ~nd ~h.owu enctowre~ ~ Pe l~t&l (;~~nd la~led) ""·~table ror cUmp~' 3 AI d-~ cw(:utl~ ecc:~ brO cf'C\IOt~ tnllll W ptote.:ted w•tt• ~rc-f""'t ~C"-'•' ontei'T\,If't&"S (N"CO tJ6tcd to pr~ ~ctoon of the entre br'-aN:h ~t .:t. A de~ 30 .amp brand~ CW'C.Iollt ~be pr~ to~ the ~rec:epbdeovtlt!t S. A~ 20-IO'f' c::tn:uat,. r~ to~ t>Mtwoorn ovtic::t,_ ~c..n:W~ ~M'fOC~r~.~.l~.etG (CcGej't.a.·" .uhere the orCUit ~a~ NiM:Irom. ~ lor other~ wCJwo tk ~ Ncfwoom ~be. penrmed to be~. '· All25~.15-,)nd20-~r~CMlet.s~~ lo~a,r~·rU~~tr~ UGHTING NOTfS l);.!U!room l19ht1'1C3 : at lcut orte 1~/lt WI" t:<.at.hroorrt$-~~11t;;c:. tu<jl t:ff~Cacy. N l other b.&U!room l143 h~ tre ~h eft~Uey &um.nane!i Ct" eont.rokd by I IIOIC¥IGY ~~(~-<HI OCCttpMlG)I !lt!"l~ and n'ICt<Ofl ~'-Or that compiiC$ With ere ~cbon 110.9{b) and !lh.;oh not h.1ve ~control that~ the!~~ to be tlolfr\ed on ~tomatac.ally or Uut ~ Ml ovetnde ~the:~ to be ¥.w7ponJ. Z Gat"~. l.iJunc:ry Room, end Utoltty RDonl ~~: ~· lw;;ll~ ll'l the~ ~;we h6¥ effac:.;o<:y '-vna ANO c:ontrokd t>y a~ ~~:--on~Jnc::yoeMOr~ lll()tr.C"~~ ~ ~ ac 5ccborl 110 S<b> Mid~ 1t0t ~ ~ GOI1ttd ~t~the~tobe~.dOI'I~ortNtt\e -'" c~ .. 1ownc3 the~ to be·~ on• 3 p~.,Uyuo~d~~othettNntn~. bathroorro. 9"~· Wnctry I'OQ!n$, ~ vtArty ~ 5NII be t.,n eH~ /umiiUoll"n (e.cccpt doteu !$» uu .. 70 ~ ft..): OR cont.~ t>y .1 d !IM'Ier "'*"'tdl OR. .-e controteo t>y a v;11C.M10f se:n~s) th;oot doe~ not wm 01'1 MOI'NtiCalilyor have an .;o~...,~on """"" 4 ~re~ prCMdlfl'J outdoor ~tlf'\13 a,nd pesnane.ntty' I'I'I()1Jil ted to a re~nto.al Pudd1n<3 cw to other~' 011 U'oe ~lot~~ be h'1h efflG.acy lvnvn.l+re::o (not lnCludlfl"3 ~ht-"9 around 'W\ITII"l'lif\o3 pooWwo1ter fe-atures ~ other AIW!e Gao loQ!tKI!l'-) OR .are Gonlrolled by ~.lrtt '-C~ WIC.h wu.gral pt.oto conc:ro/. NOTl: OUTDOOR LIGhTING ~A.U ~ OQNNWNW rACING ~ R«e~ ._.,,.aore" 11'1 IMIAated ~ lohal b.: IC ~. wl electron~Ct>.;ol\r..tandM·~(AT) ~. 14 '-0' l'·O' I~ tb LIGHT ING/MECHANICAL LEGEND C9 r"" rr • -$ crlUNG MOUNTfD I'UCfURt A ( ~ MIGH f"tt:J.C'( Rtet55l'O ~ fl~\l lot;,.!-,-~"'-Ill f ~ __ ~-wAU. .. ouNTtii rocruttl' \ .1 -rvt~,~= :: ~ -t ~,:·~~ ~ : I l~Y -GAS CO NNfC!lON J 1 ~ -• CA5lf TV JACK 4 .. _ _ _.., ""' I 0 <;~'; ~~ f.--::_ WAfC~ CON NfCTI()N ~--\l !! .... ""-" '-"'" ~ I.~ :;J tp ~--==-~~Ill:;;:!):_. _________ _ b[:l =•= so . ~ ~ ~· ~LL • 1--1 <·-G·'0 "'"""'73'~-!::;' \A 1 ® 5MO<! orrccrOR +-----;-~ t~ '' ~ e CAAliON MClNOXIOC ~ ~ \ ~ ~;·-=>~~-2" (/' I I ~ HIGH ffflCACI' , '""~ .., ~ I -~~ I ~ -· 51'10Wt:~ HU.O ~-= -~ ~;: ~ .~~ ! :.~ ~;;::~::.:<»< ~-;r;;:-~I i I&-a~~-'1. T ~ ..... i ! ~ ~ GRDU~~No='r="AJ.J=LT:::,,.=.OJW=I"'l'=R=------1 ~ r~~~ '!.F "" cLo ~ "MANU'l-ONVAC".ANCY ~"~"H•Trl!RJ<S ~ I • ~:~v&J .~ ~ j ~U~~':t~!~c':I~~J~~~UPAMr5 "" II ~ ~ ~I ~ OVCIWOfAUOWINGTl""''TIJRf TOef"'-WAYSON IW ~I I (t)5T~R ---l ~-a ~...,;.; ... ;® . 1, 0 0 ooo'oo_k 0 00 ooooo=o coo oc cc ·c~ !\ -.= ;;) '!:!; : -... !:! I t I .:. (E) SUN ROOM '1. ~ " I !l ~~ \!:Q. I il il~ (E) VERANDA b c~c:6 ~;~~:: ~~~ r I~ ~------~ q I I I I ~~~,~~~~~~~ II AOO'.'t TOPS Of' STN~ N-lO AT MR.'I' I : ~~ St!AI..L HAVf: AT ll.AST (I) 5MOP\! I I All MAU.WAY5lf.A.OING TO OC!~l iNG ) ~ 6fORQOt.A.5 ANO AT e'Vf'lY Levfl ~loU I I MAvt: AT LfA5T c I) CARWN MONOXIO!J I I AIMM. II II II II II II (E) 2-STORY I I HOUSE I I II II II II II II I I I I I I I II II I I I I I L---------------------------------------------------~" FIRST FLOOR PLAN INOtCATe5 fX"TtHG WAU,. TO et RfMO\Iro INOtCAlfS fXI5TING WN.L TO RfMAIN INDX::..Te'l NW COtelfUJCTION 1/4"= 11-011 DRAWINGS PREPARED BY CHRIS SPAULDING o ARCH I T ECT o REVISION~ BY IZiS. 9-I 4-I 5 !ill ,--2~-1~ ~----+--1 PRELIMINARY SET ~ ~u ~z~;:; en~ 0 ~ z 0 z 0 9 ~ ~ !::l t:CZl>~ Q ~ < u ~~E--o ~CZl-en en~< 0 0 E--r-e.. <( 0 \,OC> IX '"'-c-rl en Q..-....... 0 <0 ....l ~ DATE· 9-1"'·15 ------ SCALE; AS NOT~O ----------- ~~a.<D JOB: HOPKJNS ---SHEET A2 OF II SHEETS RIGHT-S IDE ELEVAT ION ' ' tl)GMK.< LEFT-S IDE ELEVATION /"'"""",.,..._/ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~t-:1 ~r ~-~~:~:~~ ---'C;:: :: ---- 1 1-m~ ( I I f}---':"'---,.. I I I I 1/4 "= 1'-0" ~ !:; REAR ELEVATION ~c:£~~~1-*B~~~~~o ----·--~~ ·-·~ BB JILJ [\--ljBDD ]~-:~~: .-lL --0 II ll-0 ~~ r-~~~ ;~_: :-1=_;;_-~~s 188 ·'- U, ,llf=i II= ~ ~ 1 J lf ·~FJ ~ l-;11~ NO AIR vtNT5, Clf"tNAelt __) WIHOO'NS. ~ CNTRY DOORS TO HABIT A.a.~ 5f'/4Cr. WfTl'hl4 THJ5 RfO ANGUl.AR ARZ.A \__ (E") G.AS MfTfR 1}4w~ 1 ~'-D" --INOICAlt:S '"""'""· ,.,.,.._ t t!J -----ur·= -~--- ~ 1':'!-~ ~. t '_ ~~ ~~~;~~~= lteTN.L(41W1 4~·_/ ~-~~I"U.J:'}ANYrovrttrCOV'I!IttO &Y ~ ~OVTCONCLitflt'5UM~UQUII!r.O T'r1°icAC00-'WQr rAAMING .rt:.;;tt ~(;Ot.;r"(;e!JJOH~ TO MAT01 blSllNQ ·130 1'!'1.1 ·'liC-UICI\.'I'WIIOOO~twNI; --htlr~•l<I'OC ·""""''""' . ~ ~n w5v.ATIOH 2..C~~"'· '''OC ·o/t"G~eO-Aoi!C 1"'1lCAL. (M fA~ cro MATCtl ~nNG). -~~GUTTllt5•~ ·'·'~ loHG !iOITI'T --._·~ """"""" -Z..50f'rrTewa..f4H!Ait . 2X ~~DUX"._., (!J 2'0 !101.t5Dm.lm~~l)l.()CS. l'11"1CJ<.I. 00 txT~ WAll M!AMING· -11C«ll. WlXlO ~ 10 W.lC!'I Ct'l -1 15fflf • ~·C-Ui P\YWOOO """n.«; ·.£OIO!ITU05 .1G"OC • R.-2 • M n .a.u.JlON -~·~ec)AAp nt'ICAI.(Jrtf'UX)It~ J'4"5-I'LYfiGn.'I'MXl05IAVt.CIQit 24"-'XX~T'$· •li'OC -~l0 6o'n ltaAATOol ·4>1J~I"f1t.5f~I'\,A.'4 -~O fJ.AWt~ICt -10 MIL.II"'''1.MMJeKovt~ (hM'ACTt n O.RT I /4"= 1'-0" f ""*U 7U.i(J)__._MlMl-l'll01l CUOPII'OII,.__NIOIK'Of5\"Nf ,...0 l= MIMI- :~ -I-I -I I'(• ...... ~-~l$,4 ...... 1 _•,._. .• -.l_•t4501 .. ,1 not0r-·O..O»l "'· ,_,...,f4,..~iWKfl ••ttSVl, '""""',..._"""" U I U qjro> • ''""""'~~"_,...oc...,.._.,._ .... ~:o~...,_. ... w..,.... __ ._._.. .......... _._._,_.,. c ,.,. .. .,.,.u,~oor t __ _......., _ _.,,~­ ..,._-~----.--a-11W.-.. ......., . .,. ....-... .---.----·-----Ro De ........ --~ ........ ..,._......,. ___ .......,. ___ .... .,.._., ......... ~ ....... ~ t Goo...,k f~,..._~•l.._'""'-.,-n~"'IC''A"r•Me.~J • 1"-aii.IOO _IIe_IW .. ,.._ ........ MASTE R BEDROOM SECTION A-A ~ ~ ~~ l I l/4"= 1'-0 " ORA WINOS PREPARED BY CHRIS SPAULDlNG o AR C ilJTEC T o 801 CAMELlA STRF.ET SUITE E BERK.ELnY CAUFORNJA 94110 (5 10) 517-S99'7 fAX (5 10) 521·S999 4P qc-,~ Jcr "~-~ /::J ~ '\ ' ~ ~·:0. C-2~2~7 z1~· ~~\. -;-\'17,~-~~ ~~~· .... c-· .... ~~ ~~-"\l-\'r. ..__'"""_ REVISIONS I BY ~_:; __ ! __ ' T I I I PRELIMINARY SET J DHSIO N REVLEW SET PLAN CIIECK SET fU o/1 {O;/$ I PERMIT SET I CONSTRUC110N SET ~ ~ u <!". ~ z ~ ,.;:J t/) ~ ?2 zo 0 Q ~ r.r.:l ~ t::C/J;>~ 0 ~ < u ~ ~ ~ 0 0 C/J -t/) ~~<o 0 ~ f-< 5 \OC§ ~ ,.,_ ("f') t/) ~-...... 0 <0 ~ ~ DATE;. 9-14-15 SCALEo "-5 NOTED DRAWN: WCS/DBIW JOB: HoP!\JNS SHEET A3 OF II SHam>