Item 3 - 529 Monterey AveHPC 2-24-16 Item: 3 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\Monterey-529.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 529 Monterey Avenue (Continued from 11/19/2015) Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1D. APN 410-15-047. PROPERTY OWNER: Edwin Manuele Mingoia APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley FINAL ACTION BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1909 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I Does property have an LHP Overlay? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes, what district? If yes, is it a contributor? Findings required? YES Considerations required? NO See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The application was considered by the HPC on the November 19, 2015 Special HPC meeting. The application was continued in order to allow the applicant time to do additional research on the property and provide their findings to the HPC. The applicant’s research and findings are attached. Cc: Bess Wiersema, Studio 3 Design, 1585 The Alameda, Suite #200, San Jose, CA 95126 Required Findings X As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. 10 February 2016 Dear Historical Preservation Committee, Attached please find our original submittal letter for 529 Monterey Avenue, for removal from historical inventory, as well as a neighborhood evaluation, two structural reports deeming the structure to be removed, and a massing study of the original structure on shape on its corner lot. At our initial meeting with you, there was feedback stating that the house perhaps had some value to remain on the register. We believe that the information provided more than satisfactorily shows that the house should be able to be removed, and is a non-contributing structure: • The home is NOT in a historic district as defined by the Residential Design Guidelines, in fact the neighborhood is inconsistent in character and contains multiple styles and types of both residential and commercial properties (Section 4.4) and (Appendix A "How to Read Your Neighborhood). The home is NOT on a Landmark Site. • Within the past 8 years, five neighboring homes have been removed from the register, as well as a commercial lot being subdivided into two new residential parcels (previously single home) further demonstrating that the neighborhood is inconsistent in character, and is considered non-contributing overall from a historical perspective (see attached diagram). • Per the Town Librarian and resources, nothing of historical significance has ever occurred in this home (see original letter • Multiple structural reports state that the condition of the building is not salvageable , in any manner. • Existing conditions and siting of the home on the corner lot further reduce opportunities for a successful addition/remodel based upon current codes , design guidelines, etc. • The style of the home is not one of architectural significance for the Town or the neighborhood, and is not contributing to the style, fabric, rhythm, pattern, or character of the neighborhood . While we appreciate that the HPC has a role to protect the heritage and integrity of the Town of Los Gatos, it also has a responsibility to be consistent in determining the architectural contribution a home does or doesn 't make to a neighborhood, especially one of inconsistent character, as defined by the Design Guidelines. Removal of the existing home will eliminate blight in the neighborhood and allow for a new home to better the overall character of the neighborhood, consistent with the Design Guidelines for new home. Respectfully, B~ma Principal, Studio3 Design, inc. 1. 2. 3 . 4 . 5. Homes Removed from Historical Inventory V.) 526 San Benito Ave 516 San Benito Ave 514 San Benito Ave 228 Thurston Ave 590 Monterey Ave ,529 Monterey Ave 15 mtn drive -home ..../ F. RE: Date: Project Address: Client Name: Ladies and Gentlemen; 4x Engin ee rin g Inc. Structure Condition Report 01/27/16 529 Monterey Ave Los Gatos, CA Studio 3 Design As requested by the project owner, our office visited the job site mentioned in the subject above for the wall:? through inspection at existing house on 01/22/2016. General Condition of the House and Exterior The overall condition of the house is considered to be poor. All exterior and interior finishes show aging and deteriorations. There is high vegetation around the perimeter of the house which blocl:?s the crawl space vents. Crawl space access size was too small for today's code requirements. There was not an efficient rodent protection for this access hole. At the rear porch existing slab shows movement and deep cracl:?s. All exterior post connections are inadequate. The lumber used is not suitable for exterior application and has no decay protection. There are some vertical cracl:?s on the site retaining walls along the front of the house. (See photos 1 thru 14) Crawl Space The house has a crawl space and at some areas crawl space grade was closer than 12" to the bottom of the floor girders. Girder supports were made out of non decay resistant wood posts without a positive connection to the girders. We also noticed that existing house does not have proper ventilation for the crawl space on certain areas. Some anchor bolts were installed with recess in to the mudsill which causes loss in strength of the connection. Some electrical wires were hanging low or laying on soils and were not properly installed. There is no under floor insulation. (See photos 15 thru 17) 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642.5447 contact@4xengineering.com 4x Engin ee rin g Inc. Attic Space The attic space access was too small for a regular person to fit in so we couldn't have an immediate access to this area. We could peat:? in to a very small area and it seemed lit:?e many rafters hips and ridges are failing and not adequate. We noticed some of the wood members were touching the wood burning masonry chimney which is creating a fire hazard (See photos 18 thru 20) Interior The whole house interior is mostly old wood plant:?s and plaster which may or may not contain asbestos. The interior sheathings had a lot of random holes and it was evident that the walls do not have any insulation. (See photos 21 thru 24) Conclusion We believe the existing structure completed its economical life cycle and it is a current threat to public safety. It is our recommendation that the structure needs to be demolished and/or replaced. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, Vours Truly, Efe Sozt:?esen, MS. PE. 4x Engineering, Inc. 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd . Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642.5447 contact@4xengineering.com 4x Eng ineer ing Inc. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642 .5447 contact@4xengineering .com 4x Engineering Inc. Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642.5447 contact@4xengineering.com 4x nglneering Inc. Photo 9 Photo 10 Photo 11 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642.5447 contact@4xengineering.com 4x Engineering Inc. Photo 12 Photo 13 Photo 14 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642.5447 contact@4xengineering.com 4x Engineering Inc. Photo 15 Photo 16 Photo 17 Photo 18 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642.5447 contact@4xengineering.com 4x Engineering Inc. Photo 19 Photo 20 Photo 21 Photo22 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd . Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642 .5447 contact@4xengineering.com 4x Engineering In c. Photo 23 Photo24 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95129 Phone: 408.642.5464 Fax: 408.642.5447 contact@4xengineering.com To: City of Los Gatos Planning Department and The Historic Planning Committee 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Project Address: 529 Monte rev Ave This letter is in regards to a request to remove the property at the above address from the Historic Preservation list. This request is based on the following facts: 1. The structure was built in 1923 and has little to no structural improvements made to it since that time. 2. The building is not associated with any historical events or persons of historical significance. 3. There are no distinctive historical architectural characteristics to this structure. 4. The structure is not located in a historic district, nor a landmark site, of the town of Los Gatos . 5. The property is not part ofthe heritage ofthe town of Los Gatos. 6. We are proposing to build an aesthetically pleasing single-family home which would enhance the quality and property value ofthe neighborhood. Research on this property and its structure was conducted at the Los Gatos Public Library and was assisted by Melissa Maglio of History Services. Based on the facts presented in this letter and following documentation, we are requesting that the property located at the above address be removed from the Historic Preservation list. Sincerely, Bess Wiersema Principal & Owner Jose.Ca I iforn ia. 95126-2310 2531:3 99 :11 25 Studio 3 1585 The Alameda Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95126 Phone: (408) 292-3252 Fax: (408)253-1125 bess@s!udio-thr:ee .com October 16, 2015 Subject: Single Family Residence at 529 Monterey A venue, Los Gatos Job No.: 215284 To Whom It May Concern : At your request we have made a site visit on October 16, 2015 at the subject property. The purpose of our reconnaissance was to perform a visual review of the existing residence to determine the general condition of the existing structural system. We understand that the existing residence is to be demolished and replaced with a new residence and this report is to be used for obtaining planning approval as required by the City for building demolition. The existing residence is a one-story wood-framed structure located on a flat lot in the City of Los Gatos. The residence has exterior wood siding and composition shingle roofing material. The existing roof framing consist of2x rafters. The existing floor framing consists of 2x floor joists with 4x/girders. The existing foundation consists of concrete continuous footings at perimeter and concrete isolated footings at interior. The interior and exterior walls consist of 4x posts at 4' -0" o.c. with horizontal wood members or "bam board" at interior side. We observed or performed a visual review of the subject property. Our observation included only areas visible at the time of our inspection and areas in question as specified by the Client. The items listed below are our findings: 1. At exterior roof, we observed sagging at several locations and it appears the existing 2x roof framing members are over spanned. 2. At exterior elevations, we observed the house (wood structure) shifted from the foundation, typical throughout. 3. At interior, we observed doors to be out of alignment. at several locations. 4. At interior, we observed floors to be not level, typical throughout. 5. At interior, we observed wall construction to be non-conventional framing; substandard construction that shall not comply with current building codes. 6. At underfloor crawl space, we observed support for the existing floor framing to be inadequate. 29300 Kohoutek Way, Suite 190 · Union City, CA 94587 · (510) 475-7900 · Fax (510) 475-7913 .... . Page 2 The existing residence consists of non-conventional construction and/or substandard construction. It is our opinion that the existing residence would require excessive modifications and retrofit work in order to comply with cunent building code requirements and/or re-built entirely to suppm1 a future 2nd floor addition. We recommend demolition of the existing residence and new construction to comply with cunent building code requirements. The opinions rendered by us have been derived in accordance with the currently accepted standards of engineering practice, and have been conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession practicing in the same locality under similar conditions at the time the services were provided. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no waiTanty or guarantee is included or intended in this report or in any opinion, documented or otherwise. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact our office. Thank you. Very truly yours, SITE SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATION APPROXIAA.lE t'O..U:\.' LOCATlON J LOT 38 LOT39 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING EAST ELEVATION (FRONT-MONTEREY AVE.) SCALE: Ys" = 1'-0" EXISTING WEST ELEVATION (BACK) SCALE: Ys" = 1'-0" I j ~l LOT34 .J I I Ll.l .[ ~ lli lc.3) a:·~ w i- l-l~ z , O ! ~I ..,. ----....s.----=mfiilci -- EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION (RIGHT-THURSTON) SCALE: Ys" = 1'-0" EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION (LEFT) SCALE: Ys" = 1'-0" NORTH --j -----~.1 ---·. 'I 11 ll!! II --1 ·-.- STUDIO THREE CESIG,.. INTERIORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTIOI' 1 585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95126 T 406,292.3252 F' 253.399.1 I 25 FOX 529 MONTEREY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 950l:l AP.N 410-1!Hl47 27 OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS NOTED SITE • EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A 1. 1 NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS SOURCES: PROJECT ADDRESS: 529 MONTEREY * DENOTES ADDRESSES NOT IN “IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD” 529 MO NlfREY AVE f.200Sf ,HOUSE !i.ooosF lOT 13.3% 590 MONtEREY AVE 3,09lSF 10.890 28.4% An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Domestic Architecture ·~·~'~tiJ~ m~~Je.~~~ ~·~£&~* i!C~4JH ~~ ~""~ -·'au ~· ~ 'cri::nJ• tll:o:t:'ii! 0 J A landmark reference with more tflan 1,000 dlustratlons, alevat•on11 and p4ans A Field ~~. ~ 4. Guide to American ~::·:::=.:.~.~::;:, Houses ~.,.., <M<f•• r•t-6.d. .._n koiA' "!)"'<~• ,., .... ,., "'"•• "'~ The D efiniti ve Guide to I den tifying and Underst anding America's Domestic Architecture r.:.._ ,, ~> r-r~ f-)J A~ ...:!~~ tv$ Virginia Savage McAlester NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ADDRESS IMAGE OF HOUSE HOUSE TYPE FAÇADE MATERIALS (DECENDING ORDER OF SQUARE FEET PER TYPE) ROOF MATERIALS *306 ANDREWS ST SPANISH REVIVIAL WITH PUEBLO REVIVAL INFLUENCES BRICK STUCCO AT REAR ADDITION CLAY TILE *509 MONTEREY AVE NEW TRADITIONAL WITH SHINGLE STYLE INFLUENCES HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE *511 MONTEREY AVE NEW TRADITIONAL WITH CRAFTSMAN INFLUENCES HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS STONE VENEER ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ADDRESS IMAGE OF HOUSE HOUSE TYPE FAÇADE MATERIALS (DECENDING ORDER OF SQUARE FEET PER TYPE) ROOF MATERIALS 513 MONTEREY AVE NEW TRADITIONAL WITH CRAFTSMAND INFLUENCES WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM STONE VENEER ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE 519 MONTEREY AVE MINIMAL TRADITIONAL HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE 529 MONTEREY AVE MINIMAL TRADITIONAL PYRAMIDAL FAMILY AMERICAN FOUR-SQUARE HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ADDRESS IMAGE OF HOUSE HOUSE TYPE FAÇADE MATERIALS (DECENDING ORDER OF SQUARE FEET PER TYPE) ROOF MATERIALS 239 THURSTON ST NEW TRADITIONAL WITH MEDITERRANEAN INFLUENCES STUCCO WOOD TRIM DETAILS CLAY TILE 242 THURSTON ST MINIMAL TRADITIONAL POST WAR RANCH STUCCO WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE 232 THURSON ST NEW TRADITIONAL WITH FRENCH INFLUENCES STUCCO WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ADDRESS IMAGE OF HOUSE HOUSE TYPE FAÇADE MATERIALS (DECENDING ORDER OF SQUARE FEET PER TYPE) ROOF MATERIALS 228 THURSTON ST NEW TRADITIONAL WITH CLASSICAL INFLUENCES HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS PLASTER COLUMNS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE 214 THURSTON ST NEW TRADITIONAL STUCCO ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE 212 THURSTON ST MODERN MINIMAL TRADITIONAL RANCH WITH SIDE GABLED ROOF VERTICAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ADDRESS IMAGE OF HOUSE HOUSE TYPE FAÇADE MATERIALS (DECENDING ORDER OF SQUARE FEET PER TYPE) ROOF MATERIALS 590 MONTEREY AVE NEW TRADITIONAL WITH CRAFTSMAN INFLUENCES WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS STONE VENEER ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE 530 MONTEREY AVE NEW TRADITIONAL WITH TUDOR INFLUENCES BRICK WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE *510 MONTEREY AVE NEW TRADITIONAL WITH TUDOR INFLUENCES BRICK WOOD TRIM DETAILS ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ADDRESS IMAGE OF HOUSE HOUSE TYPE FAÇADE MATERIALS (DECENDING ORDER OF SQUARE FEET PER TYPE) ROOF MATERIALS *508 MONTERY AVE CRAFTSMAN HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS STONE VENEER ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE *500 MONTEREY AVE NEW TRADITIONAL WITH SHINGLE STYLE AND COLONIAL INFLUENCES HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WOOD TRIM DETAILS STONE VENEER ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLE