Item 2 - 213 Tait AveHPC 2-24-16 Item 2 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2016\213 Tait Cover.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Data 213 Tait Avenue (continued from December 17, 2015) Minor Residential Development Permit MR-15-020 Historic Architecture and Site Application HS-15-078 Requesting approval for an addition greater than 100 square feet to an existing second story of a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-17-007. PROPERTY OWNER: Joey McCarthy APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Armer FINAL ACTION BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1900 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code C Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes Is structure in a historic district? Yes If yes, what district? Almond Grove Historic District If yes, is it a contributor? Yes Findings required? No Considerations required? Yes See back page of this document for findings and considerations. Comments: The applicant’s updated materials are attached. Cc: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design, 1585 The Alameda #200, San Jose, CA 95126 Joey MaCarthy, 213 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Required Findings As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. X 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. February 10, 2016 Town of Lo s Gatos Community Development Dept., Planning Di v is ion 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re : 213 Tait Avenue Remodel/ Addition Los Gato s, CA 95030 RECEIVED FEB 1 0 2016 T_9WN OF LOS GATOS • ..J __;.~:~~ ••• :: ~. /.~.':.., •• MR.-IJ;-o2:0 H s-ts-cn-o Minor Re si dential Development Permit MR-15-020 Dear Planning and HPC Committee Members: On behalf of the applicant, Studio 3 Design has prepared a revised planning package that addresses the committee's feedbac k from a previous meeting (Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2015). HPC Comments and Responses Front Mass : -out of character with original design -too big, pushed too far forward -massi ng forwar d not acceptable, need t o protect front half -no paring of po st s (not original) Building Height : -too much in front -focus on better blending of old/new Windows: -no divided lites Front Mass: -single front gable, tall vertical w indows -reduced in scale, pulled back -layering effect w/ front porch and partial first floor roof to reduce overall ma ss ing -single post to remain Building Height: -second floor set back -pulled back addition helps blend old/new Windows: Divided lites will not be u sed .EJ• ~ J, -r ---;m--=-- I __ j ' .,..__ STUDIDTHREE DES GN Proposed Project (revised) The proposed project is located in the Almond Grove Historic District and is zoned R1-D , LHP (Landmark-Historic Preservation). The house was built in 1900 on a lot approximately (0.13) acres or 5, 762 square-feet. The origina l house consisted of a one-story single family residence with detached two-car garage (which is accessible through a rea r alleyway). An addition was approved in 1992 by the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Committee (HPC). The addition consists of a second floor master bedroom and bath that deviates from the original style of the home by introducing a more modern window type and style, and deck with open roof rafters . The rear addition appears to be tacked on and is not a seamless transition from old to new. In the previous submittal, photos of the existing house were provided for reference. The proposed scope of work will be the remodel of the first floor and remodel/addition to the second floor. The first floor remodel will consist of a new layout for the bedroom and bath, new layout of the kitchen/family room/nook, eliminating one of the two existing interior stair cases and enclosing the (small) covered rear porch to be part of the family room. The second f l oor remodel/addition will consist of reduci ng t he rear seco n d floor in size to allow for a new shed roof with skylights over the family room/nook area below, and converting the existing habitable attic space into a new master suite (located where the existing multi-purpose room is). The two large existing skylights, one over the multi-purpose room and the second over the master bedroom will be removed . The existing rear second floor plate height will be raised to match the new front addition and allow for a continuous second floor level (see sheet A4.1). New smaller skylights will be located over the second floor landing area (off the laundry and bath #2). The proposed exterior scope of work will be to keep the existing covered front porch. We are proposing to wrap the existing posts (4 x 4) with resawn trim to better define the corners. This will help enhance the overall proportion of the porch while maintaining the integrity of the existing historical aesthetic. The existing painted wood railing will remain. The existing brick planter (which does not appear to be original to the house) will be removed. The existing horizontal wood siding will be replaced with a wider wood siding (from 6" boards to 8" boards). With the second floor addition, this will allow for the transition of the old and new to be seamless and not look pieced together. The existing windows will be removed and replaced to match the existing size, shape and proportion. As part ofthe second floor addition, a new wood belly band will be added to delineate the transition from the first floor to the second floor and will help create a break in the two-story wall. The new bedrooms will include a "bump-out" for the window seat and will have gabled roofs to reduce the overall bulk and mass at the rear elevation, and add architectural interest/detail. The existing detached two-car garage will remain as-is (no change). The proposed materials will match the existing: painted wood siding, painted wood window and door trim, painted wood posts and railing at covered front porch, and composite asphalt roofing material. The following items from Chapter Four {Historic Resources) of the Single and Two Family Residential Design Guidelines apply to the proposed project 4. 7 Protected Exterior Elements The proposed project intents to maintain the front covered porch and part of the existin g first floor roof. This will help maintain the front half of the house and create a layering effect to blend the old with the new. 4.8 .2 Building Materials The proposed materials will be of a substantive and timeless quality. Painted wood siding and trim details add to the traditional character of the home. The roofing materials will be composite asphalt shingle, in a high definition profile. This mix of materi als provides further architectural detail and integrity w ith the proposed home style (as recommended in the Town guidelines, Section 3). 4.8 .3 Doors The current front door is to remain, which is painted (not stained). 4.8.4 Windows and Glass in Doors The new windows will be consistent with the original in shape and size . 4 .8. 7 Porches The proposed project intents to maintain the front covered porch. The painted wood railing will remain as will the roof structure . Only the roofing material, composite asphalt roofing, will be replaced with new. 4.8.8 Roofs, Gables, Eaves and Overhangs The proposed remodel maintains the existing roof pitch (6:12) and hip roof typology. Gabled elements will be introduced and is in keeping with the style , and are features in several of the surrounding homes. By adding a single, symmetrical gable, this helps avoided excessive roof forms (as recommended in the Town guidelines, Section 3.5). 4.8 .10 Wood Siding The ex isting horizontal wood siding will be replaced with a wider wood siding (from 6" boards to 8" boards). With the second floor addition, this will allow for the transition of the old and new to be seamless and not look pieced together. 4.8 .13 Decorative Trim/ Mouldings I Gingerbread Painted wood siding and trim details will be consistent with the traditional character of the home. 4 .8.14 Colors Two to three colors will be considered for the proposed project and in keeping with the style of the home . Justification (revised) The proposed scope of work fits within the neighborhood and adds to the classic charm of this historic, yet style diverse neighborhood . The neighborhood type for this project is considered a traditional neighborhood due to the regular size lot and traditional home design . The proposed project is in keeping with the existing street presence by maintaining the front setback (15 -feet) similar to the houses on either side . Both the remodel and addition is maintained within the existing building footprint. Note that the existing house encroaches on the side setback along the southern property line . The second floor addition located at the rear of the house was approved by the Planning Commission in 1992 and appears to have allowed this encroachment. The proposed second story addition only slightly encroaches this set back since it is at the front of the house. The proposed remodel maintains the existing roof pitch (6:12) and hip roof typology. Gabled elements will be introduced and is in keeping with the style, and ar e features in several of the surrounding homes . By adding a single, symmetrical gable, this helps avoided excessive roofforms (as recommended in the Town guidelines, Section 3 .5). The existing style can be classified as a simplified single-story version of American (four square) Pyramidal Family (source : A Field Guide to American Houses). This style consists of horizontal wood siding, tall vertical windows, wood window and door trim , and both hip and gable roofs . The proposed project will reflect the existing architectural style and strengthen it by focusing on key details/elements: maintaining the existing front porch, new wider wood siding, using tall vertical windows at the front addition, continuing the hip roof typology, and adding wood trim throughout the exterior. The new windows will be consistent with the original in shape and size . Note that all materials used will be of a substantive and timeless quality. Painted wood siding and trim details add to the traditional character of the home. The roofing materials will be composite asphalt shingle, in a high defin ition profile. This mix of materials provides further architectural detail and integrity with the proposed home style (as recommended in the Town guidelines, Section 3). The existing front porch and part of the first floor roof is to remain. This along with the addition of a wood belly band along the side exterior elevation will provide relief to the two story elevation (as recommended in the Town guidelines, Section 2.3). As part of the previous submittal, we provided photos of the surrounding homes that detail their style, structure and materials. The Neighborhood Streetscape has been revised and is enclosed in this submittal. The Neighborhood Streetscape shows how the house fits in to the neighborhood in bulk, mass and height. The existing building height is at 25'-6" and the proposed will be at 29'-4" (increase of 4'). Please note that the highest point is significantly setback from the street and the front gable is about 18-inches lower (27'-10"). The existing rear second floor plate height will be raised to match the new front addition and allow for a continuous second floor level (see sheet A4.1). By maintain the existing front porch, this element helps to create a layering at the front facade of the building, and maintains a pedestrian friendly scale as well. Open gables at the front and rear exterior elevations have been designed to break up the mass of the hip roofs. This will also add architectural interest consistent with similar styles in the neighborhood, making use of corbels, trim panels, etc. (as recommended per Town guidelines, Section 2 & 3). In closing, the proposed design blends into the existing neighborhood and relates to those adjacent to it by building on the existing style and incorporating features that complement the style. We respectfully request approval of the project as proposed as it takes care to heed the Design Guidelines. The FAR coverage calculations and height are also within the allowable standards. As designed, this home enhances the neighborhood with architectural integrity and detail. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely, ~ Bess Wiersema Principal+ Owner NEIGHBORHOOD STREETSCAPE DIAGRAM KEY TO HOME LOCAT IONS STUDY WEST SIDE OF TAI T AVE ·~~~r ® ® (j) ® ® EAST SIDE OF TAIT AV E PARCEL MAP "'""""""'"" :IIMIIlOT ~~~~~~1-tfiCI(I:St• 11~ ... ZP RULT'f·!.tlSIIIIOUS£ t..WSFl01 SU'.io Zff ttftM 1-S~ UttSI'LO'T UHWMOUSE ...,,. ..... 14TOII'Y ~ --"' 211T ...... I ... IHOT I,Dl'YIClUMSJil21HOT ~-~ NTOih llft NlOIW t>1WSFlDI' ~ USSSI'ItOUSf' t.mWttOUSE"' 24!'01W Ulld .... .., ....... ··-, ..... IQISE ... ~ l2..ft W4 ftEDAN!Zl'iii£AI.TY:UIJ5'1'10USE ~ TAtTAVE.ZJU.OW':U~I(.IIOWII-HO\ISE /,.,,~ ... ._ -ltollM -Zlitlllill""" 21Jlllt""" li&WtN U N Sf L.Of s,zttV\CT UtUHOT ustSf'\..CT UttY...OT mt•"" 1.534SFlOl 1-SlOR'f' J-ITQln' 4T0111'1' 1~ 1..STORY "'""' t.lfSSf'IIOUSlUliSFtlOOSE 721tP'IOI.* 1.1M5'..oust t,ootll'~ ,..,. Ul'lr. M1lo 1U'J. l.J'I. It% ,... PROJECT DATA PROJECT ADDRESS: A.P.N.: LOT AREA: (FROM PAACEL MAP) YEAR BUILT: ZONING: 213 TAIT AVENUE 510-17-007 5,762 SF (0.13 ACRES) 1900 (PER ZILLOW) R-1D-LHP OCCUPANCY · CONSTRUCTION TYPE . R3 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLI NG I U UTILITY V-B REQUIRED PARKING: SETBACKS FRONT: SIDE: REAR: BUILDING HEIGHT MAIN RESIDENCE: ACCESSORY: F.A.R HABITABLE HOUSE: FIRST FLOOR: ADDITION: SECOND FLOOR: ADDITION: TOTAL 2 OFF STREET SPACES ALLOWED ~ 5'·0" 20'-0" A LLOWED ~ 15'.0" 1,984 SF~ EXISTING ±25'-8" NO CHANGE EXISTING 1.364 sF· 661 SF' 2,025 SF* PROPOSED ±29'-4" NO CHANGE PROPOSED 1,364 SF 22SF 661 SF 296SF 2 ,343 SF GARAGE: 565 SF 595 SF' NO CHANGE 'BASED ON EXISTING CONDITIONS & FIELD MEASUREMENTS .. EXISTING HOUSE EXCEEDS CURRENT FAR REQUIREMENTS BUILDING COVERAGE: FIRST FLOOR: ADDITION : DETACHED GARAGE: COVERED FRONT PORCH: 1,364 SF 22 SF 595SF 140SF TOTAL: 2,121 SF (36%) SITE COVERAGE: FIRST FLOOR: ADDITION: COVERED FRONT PORCH: 1364 SF 22SF 140 SF TOTAL: 1,526 SF (26.5%) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE COVERAGE: DETACHED GARAGE: 595 SF (10%) / / j / ....... li I _i I I i s ""·· I . .f f J I ! l • f ...... , A1.1 CoverSheel A1 .3 El<isting • Proposed Alchitectural Site Plans A2 .1 El<isting • Proposed First Floor Plans A2 .2 Existing • Proposed Seoond Flo"' Plans A2 3 El<isting + Proposed Roof Plans A3 .1 E~sting • Proposed Exteri"' Elevations A3 .2 Existing +Proposed Exterior 8evations A3 .3 Existing +Proposed Exterior Elevations A4 .1 Existing Boilding Sections CODES USED The following codes are currently in effect: 2013 CalifOfnia Build ing Code 2013 Califania Residen ti al Code 2013 Calif"'nia Plumbing Code 2013 California Med1anical Code 2013 Calil"'"ia Electncal Code 2013 CalifOfn ia Existing Building Code 2012 1nterna5onal El<isting Bu ~ding Code 2013 CalifOfnia Energy Code PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT I Owner. Joey McCa1hy 213 Tait Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Designer: Studio 3 Design Contact: Bess V\liersema bess@studio-three.com ana@studicrthree.com 1585 The Alameda #20 0 San Jose, California 95125 ph: (408) 292-3252 fax: (253) 399-1125 This project is for the addition/remodel of an existing two-story single famity residence. Remodel the frst f1oor bedroom, kitchen and famity room. Remodellt1e second no"' master booroom, master bathroom, multi-purpose room . Addition to the second floor: two bedrooms, hall bath, laundry room. Existing detacl1ed garage to remain (no 'M>rlc:). Existing uncoveroo rear deci< to remain (minor a~eration). Existing covElfOO front porch to remain (minor aHOfation). GENERAL NOTES 1. The contractor shall furn ish all materials, labor ood equipment required lor the fu ll performance of the work h8fein, unless specifically noted otherwise. All work shall be performed in a good and workman -like manner and cooform to all pe!'"tinent regula tions and instructions. 2. Before starting any portion of wOO<, the Con~actor sh~l verify any and all existing condi tions as shown on the drawings again st the actual existing conditions at the ~te . Any discrepancies sl1all be brought lo the attention of the Oe~gner. If the ~~act"' proceeds "th the w"'k "lhout verifying existing conditions and discov8fs after the wcxk has started any discrepancies, he shan proceed to perfOfm wha tevBf work is required to conect the disaepancies and bring about the ~~~~~~~"!"~~~~~~~-------------------------.a.---------------------------------.a.------------------------------4 properexecutionof th eprojectto thesatisfactioooftheDesigner, at no extra costtotheowner. 3. The Contracta shall be responsible for ClJiling, fitting and patching as requi red to make the t-------~==============-----------------------------------:======:::::;;:;:::========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------1 several partsfittogetherproperly. 4. All work stlall be in accordance with all applicable Local or Sta te cOOes and regulations . IVED FEB 1 0 2016 TO''VN c;: LOS GATOS 5. All material , equipment and products shall be installed in acoordance with the respective manuf<Kil.urer's latest printed instructions. 6. All dimensions are rough unless otherwise noted. AI! cabinetry, tile and the ~ke need to be field verified prior to insta!lation . 7. Do not scale the dr awings . .AJI dimensional discrepancies sl1aJI be brought to the attention of the Designer as soon as they are discovered 8. No extr a compensation shall be al!owed fOf extra work resulttng Hom lack of COQ(dinatioo between trades or failu re of the Contractor to verify locations and mea surements oo the job. 9. The ContractOf" is responsible br obtaining separate permits for electrical, mechanical, plumbing, grading, or other permits as may be required by the local authorities. Issuance of a buildfng permit basad on these Drawings does not coosti tute granting of these separate permils. 10. The ContractQ( shall be responsi ble for coordinating with the Structural Engineer for any site visi ts a special testing as needed to com~ele aU structural work as directed by the Structural Eogirteer . 11. The Con~ actor shall be respon~ble for forwarding al l sl1op dra..,ngs to the de~gner tor revfew and approval. No fabrication shall ccxnmence until both desigrlef and owner have reviewed and approved by signature aU shop draw1ngs INTERIORS R E MOOt.LS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 585 THE ALAMEDA SUITt. 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95126 T 4CB.292.3252 F" 253.399.1 125 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P .N. 510-17-007 07 MAY2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PLA NN ING SUBMI TIAL (HPC REVIEW) SCALE: AS NOTED COVER SHE ET Al • 1 ADJACENT PROPERTY 207TAIT AVE 1.STORY ·'( ' --, ( <' """"""" "'"" ..• /·._,.··----'~---'--{ -.......... · ...... ~-- ALLEYWAY ·1 '\ -·\~. "!~ ..... · I, ~-j \ ~' \ r \/ ) ~ ·-, ( / ,.-/"'~ -~ --------'-'-............. ~-,.._,.---~--------____:_------ TAI T AV ENUE ~ ; '- ,--~~ EXISTING SITE PLAN ADJACEN T PROPERTY 207 TAIT AVE. 1-sTORY ---· u! f-L·-·r l ) I ALLEYWAY ------·----------------~ ! ~; ! ('' . ). !"' l ' l ( I ) ---------&.--~----....__._ .. _____ ...__,__~---- T~ __ !.l_A \1-,t: N U E •· __ ,.. ------.;,-.. -- PROPOSED SITE PLAN ~--""""'LENG"'"'EXmliCR""'""""'· '" ··1 181.514'•10.~ I N T ERIO R S R EMODE LS + ADDITIO N S N E W CONST R U CTI ON 1 595 T HE ALAM E DA SU ITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORN IA 95126 T 40B.292.32 5 2 r 253.399.1 I 2 5 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORN"" 95030 A.P.N. 51().17 .007 07 MAY 2015 10 FEBRUARY2016 PlANNING SUBMm AL {HPC REVIEW) SCALE: x··r.(l· EXISTING • PROPOSED ARCHITECT URAL SITE PLAN A 1 .3 ~--------w «l<>j' /- ~--------+'-··-'Hi.____/~---:__···_····_··_ ..... _.·_···· .. 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LIVING ROOM """""""' (Q.G.HT.•11'4') I I I I .,.. i' ~: I I I I I I I I I I ~r====~~~======~~~~~~======~~ ~~~~~!--------------~~~-----T~~ '--r- 1 I rtJ-VNIN. RBIAI:ol.iHG(iO'·n 0 /-- NEWPOST~ TOMATCHEXISTING COVERED FRONT PORCH ~PROPosED FIRST FLoo~-~~LAN NOR'ni iE)f iFIST FlOOR: t:JIWSf (!ft-'DOITION 22Sf TOTAl IWSf {E'JEN'TR'ff'ORCH: tC.OSF ---UM:Of"CQVrJNL.I:)USSIJSnNGWAU. rDREAIAJiol (MH.1-FOOTMDE&I.IH. ~OFPfRI'~ 1.1NEAR/£11GTH(}l:~f'£RIJET£R=18f.5' ffUI2•liO.l5' ».S'roRE.WJN 'WALL LEGEND -I WAU.STORDWN I vlll!u?l/lilllld _-__ """'---~ , .. ------/ --/- ,__ ' ~! ~ ~ I ,_ I ~ ... ; STUD IO THR EI!: 0 £5\GN INTERI ORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTI ON I 585 T HE ALAMED A SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95126 T 408,292.32 5 2 F' 2 53.399. 1 I 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P.N . 510-17-007 07 MAY 2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PLANNING SUBMITTAL (HPC REVIEW) SCALE• .v.· •r -o· EXISTING • PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLANS A2.1 ' ~I -----~~·----~--·~~·--~~----------~/ \'.e 1T·2" ····."·· ... "'"'"ru -"'""""""'! ~-- ···• .... '· -/ .(---------_________ ,_.,__,~·------- ~ EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN NORTH (E)SfOONHLOOit MtSF (E)OEO<: &ISF WALL LEGEND f??Z7~ .~ WAU.STO RE~ WAU.STOT08ER£MCM:O AAEAOF .HlOITlClN AREA TO IIERENO'JEO _J_ I ,. I '" ~ ~I -L ~ ~~-------------~--·~~--~~----------~ "~'----~:r ~ , 1'-i}· /- / _!..f"_f / ............... , ..... '-----~-~--- ' ~,.----+-~==~f:l::L __ ~~·.:__~IiZz=i'fZ=~tL 11 _ +- ~ I i r·-· I I I ~ II I I I I_ ~ I ,_ BATH )JC1J !!£ lj Tl£ ~ g _, __ ~_ ~J ~ I .. • i I .. "'f l -;.-. ;e ' -~I I ,_ =I _,~,_, -- ,I I I I II I I 'I' WALK-IN : CLOSET ~/i,..-------"'1 MASTER : ki O llt f\MHOWER I ;I ~ I MASTER u BATH TiE I ~ .--Q ; 0 ~" ,_ 11 ~ 11----" Jl se:.,~M L.:=:=-=-=-=:t:I,L ~~ I~ ~L -+--1 ~I [ ! ••••. , ................••..•.. , ....................................................................................................... ·!·····-······················--,········'~--- I I ---,_.·<J_· ----~-~-/-I /-----------~~---------t -'-~--~ ~ PROPosED SECOND FL;~~ PLAN {f)SECONOR.OOR: {NLAOOIOOH: TOTAL "'" "'" "'" WALL LEGEND k22 2??????????<2d WAUSTOREMAIN NEWWAUS I --_ _j ~ .. _ i STUDIO THA££ O£SIGN INTER I ORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION I 585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN ..JOSE CALIF"D R NIA 95126 T 408,2 92,3252 ,. 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVEN UE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P.N. 510-17.007 07 MAY 2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PLANNING SUBMITIAL (HPC REV IEW) SCALE: .v.· = r. o· EXISTING+ PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLANS A2.2 : ---------------------------: : ! ~~ I L J e.J EXISTING ROOF PLAN r-------------------------------------------------------------------, ' ' ' ' ' ' l j 2040FX 2040FX 204{1FX 2040FX ' : i ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:><::~~ ~~~ i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' e.J PROPOSED ROOF PLAN N~CU.SS"A"Ct:MI'. ASPtW..TROOfiNG .. mw. STUDI O TH REE OESIDN I NTERIORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTR UCTION 1 585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95126 T 408.292.325 2 F' 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P .N. 510-17-007 07 MAY 2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PLANNING SUBMITIAL (HPC REVIEW) SCALE: Y.' = 1' ·0' EXIS TING • PROPOS ED ROOF PLANS A2.3 R.OOR~HT. c.::~ I I fE)SK'!\JGHTSTOil ....... <EJCOII ASPtW.T AOOFNJTOIEAEA.IICED ////// ............... "" 1-EXISTING EAST ELEVATION (FRONT) ~ ~~~~~-~~T(~:::~._~T V.U:I WIN.~ EXIST1NGTOREJ,tA14 •toJ'•80.7flsrft~!NOI ~T AVOID ll.QfNICAL DEMO OONOT REMOYe_li«::RETHAH2S~~W.t.U.AR:ei,F~-~SfRffl_OASTREETFACIHGElfVr...~ 00 NOT AEIMJYE K1RE ~ 5ni ~OlliE" EXTtRIOR W.lUS H.L kfMAitiNOWAU.AAEAMIJST BECOHTIGUOliS (WJN. 12-li'OtCOfoiNECT10H) Tl£ FWMINING EXiENCit W.lrU AREA MUSTMotdNTAJN EXlS'fm INTIRJOROREXTV!IOR WALL CO\ERING ~ WAU CQVEMIG • Fj~~~ISHEDSUAFACE OF N1 EXf"ERRIA WAU.JLE. S'T\.ICCQ. SONG OR SHfGfS HmOOR WAll~ • flNlSioED Sl.lRfACE OF AN HTtRIOR WAU.~I.f, HET ROO< OR PU.STE!g EASTE\fVr...TION: •11'-4"r...F.F.0 f'\..Hf. """'"""' """ "' """""""" EXIS1Nl w~ TO~ '*'· UOOTMIE I Will. m) PIRfii(TIRI.IHCJTH•11111l •IO"" DIST'NlfO~·to..r•IJD.~ EXISTING W.AUNiffA • 321 SF (!Y,Q.I.IIES YftNOOW AND OOOR~ AA£A TOBE DEMOliSHED • JISf'(1211.) <~M AAEA TORDWN •290SF(an.) -r~A..U 0 ~~ ... ~~~ FlOORI\.KT. 5-PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION (FROND (E) • EXJST1HCJ WN'X1N TO REIIWN (M)•NEWWICION ' ' ~ ~I ~, i (EJC(Q(TOIE - ' ' ' ' _____ ..! ____ .... ____________________________________________ _ IQWOODDECK , ....... 2-EXISTING WEST ELEVATION (REAR) ~ IME OFCOHTINUOUS EXlS'flolG WALL TO~ (MiN 1-HX>! WIDE I t.tJH. 50'1.) ~ PERiiiETERLEHG'nl •1615/2"80.15' EXISTJoiGT0~•90.5'>80.7S' <X>MCTOOHJ INTERIOROAEXT£A'ORW.tU.CCM:RING WAU.(IE.S1}JCC(),SIOING~St4Hel.EI WAU.(!E..H!!._ROCICORP\.ASTVI:) ___ .r.q A.I.F. 0- Pl.Hl.O .. -----.. ' /~~~0 ! "';f -__ , ~ --~~~0- IC!lO<Bt ---'c- W£STElEVA'OON• EXm!NGWAU. AREA • 2M Sf(eXQ.WES 'NNXJW /IWJOOOR AREA! N«ATOBEDEMCI..&tE0 •24lSF {I2"llo)•~ AREA f0ROWN•52SF (1ni) ~~~~~ ~~M~~ OFNI!LY]!I(JIJN --FNSH~0 ~=0 ' ' .. :~ .. ~j " ' 6-PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION (REAR) ; " S TUDIO THRI£1£ D£S 1GN INTER I ORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95126 T 408,292,3252 F' 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 T AJT AVEN UE LOS GATOS CAliFORNIA 95030 A.P.N 510-17-007 07MAY 2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PLANNING SUBMITTAl. (HPC REVIEW) SCALE: Y.' = 1' .Q' EXISTING • PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 ' ' ' ~ ' :I I 0~~~~~~·~=.---- 0lMNG"""' ' Oo\StEOI..IEICICATU ~ -----------------...._ PAOflOSE:DAOQm()N /,.,....... ..... .......... r--------------~ , r' f()SI<YUGtfTSTOIE ~:--... ~ REMOVED '...._' I I rl c.., I I I I I I I I 3-EX ISTING NORTH ELEVATION ~ ===·:;TORnWN(IM1.fOOTWUI~,.,.,. EXJSTiriGfOREh!AN•IOS~IO.I'S r.- d·W' FNTRDOIIt .... / fiOlfPOAOi /~/-__!!!>"_, ...... =---/ 7-PROPOSED NORTH ELEVAT ION romtB.fVATION: EXISTiiG WALl. MEA •MI SF IE*li.OES WHii:1N N«l [)()()A AREAl /IIR£ATOM:El£MOLJSHED •U71F(2.,1o)c!ml. AAUI TOREWJN•531Sf(m) (E)OEC:KtOIE - __ t'l..f!.M_l.0 PLHT.e ""'""' ' ___ , ' ' ' -------L------------"':0 --.e;.!:'~~ A.OOR~HT. ~~0- ..,.J.TA.F.f.0 EOSTWG Jl\... HT. , O.E.NM.:t:.IICIOM ' ~% ~~ ' ' ' ~ STU0\0 T HRE:E: DESIGN INTER IO R S REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE C ALIF"ORNIA 95126 T 408.29 2.3252 F" 253.399.1 1 2!t McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVEN UE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P .N.510-17-007 07 MAY2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PlANNING SUBMITTAl (HPC REVIEW) SCALE. Y.' •1' -0' EXISTING +PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.2 (E)OECKTOBE - "'""""" ~~~~~~-·-- , __ M.BfDROOil.. All .....-1"11 .A II Ill I ll II !!I II _,. ' PROPOSED ADDmON / ' .,.------------------..... LDA&£0UNE IIDCATES / ' /// ~TOBE ~--------------~ UL UL LILU _ILU Ill Ill _jJ_ Ill JL Ul ID> . u .!I u .Jl lJl Ill lJ'-., Ill I I " r' I I I I I _ll I II I II n-, I Ill I ll Ill I ll llf I 0 ~il~~~~~~~ll~~~l11ll~~~~~~~ll1~11 ~~~~~ ~· _ll Ill Ill I ll I IIII I ll 11'>- Ill 111 Ill II I IIII I TT-- _jJ_ lJl lJl lJl ill Lll Lll Lll lli -D ~ ll ~l lDID1 ~~ == r----· -· ·- 4-EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION ~ ~~~=.":o~TOREMAIH{MIN1.fOOTYQ;&Wifi511l) EXIST\NG TORE~•IillE~'eiJ.15' =. __'\, ' 1: I I :A ~11 1 1 . ,,.,.. Ill .& I ll Ul LILU Ill Ill Ill u I II SOVTH EUVATlON: =I -+-·- '-UM<<»"~'l1NUClOS EXISflp;(jW.AUtoREMAIH {..,.1.f'OOTWO:&Mtl.50'.(,) PER!t.IEttR lENGnt•161.5' 12. 1(1.75' EXISTINGTOREMM4 e !ll(l_5':~>8CI_1!' fXISTtNG WALLAAV. •104 SF (FXQ.lHS YNmN AOO DOOR AREA) NEll TO BE OOICUSl-EO* 13 Sf (10%) <50% 116. TOREMAIH•6l1Sf(90%) II I Ill U l I l l I ll Ill I l l Ill Ill fE) 8RIQ( PlM'TEA --f TO BfREMO\IED 0::f~~,·---------"rf'A I II I II Ill II Ill R.OORPLHT. ~I -""00 ~E-_-=-~--=~-==-= 1=------==-=1-~ 'Jl 0~FLOOR I , __ 8-PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION ---~'£~~-0 LMIIGR()()N ----------~~,.~~- /~ A..OOA.PllfT •1NI"AJJ_0- E1JST!NO P\.. HT. QLMHGROOM ~:-0- '---(E)i"'OCHTOREW.IN STUDIO THREE OESIGN INTERIO R S R EMODELS + AOOITI ON S NEW CO NSTRU CTION 1 58 5 TH E A LAMEDA SUiiE 200 SAN ..JOSE CALI F'ORNIA 95126 T 408.292.3252 r 253.399.1 I 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P.N. 510-17-007 07MAY2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PLANNING SUBMITTAL (HPC REVIEW) SCALE: r.·: I' -0' EXIST IN G • PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.3 "•11'-4'A.F-t_ PU<TO OfAC> \ \ A-BUILDING SECTION LIVING ROOM 0 tN1'A.f , PL HT.I """"""n ,.""'""' ............... ~AOOmOH ,.-----------------... _L OASHEDLHINDCATts ............... ---------------, ,.,.""' ~ // I r _____ _.......... I I t., I r MUI.Tl-PURPOSE ROOM I I I I I I I C -BUILDING SECTION B-BUILDING SECTION -------''''!."~.~~0- L!VJNGROOM '"""""'. ~0 I ..... KE Y PLAN ·~~~., IUTOIEN B A S TUDI O T H R I:~ D E S IGN INT ER IO RS REMODELS + A DDITI ONS NEW C O N STR UCTI ON 1 5 85 TH E ALAME D A S U ITE 2 00 SAN .J OSE CALIFO RNIA 951 2 6 T 4 08.29 2 .3252 ,. 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CAliFORNIA 95030 A.P.N.510.17.007 07 MAY 2015 10 FEBRUARY 2016 PLANNING SUBMITTAl (HPC REVIEW) SCAlE : ,v.· = r .o· EXISTING BUILDING SECTIONS A4.1 NEIGHBORHOOD STREETSCAPE WEST SIDE OF TAIT AVE 212 TAIT AVE. ® EAST SIDE OF TAIT AVE KEY TO HOME LOCATIONS mm 217 TAIT AVE. G) STUDIO THREE DESIGN INTERIORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95126 T 408.292.3252 F 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORN IA 95030 A.P.N. 510-17-007 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project includes the remodel/additon to an existing two-story single family residence . The project is located in the Alm ond Grove District District and is zoned R1-D , LHP . NEIGHBORHOOD COMPARISON *SF OF HOMES BASED ON ZILLOW, REDFIN, ZIP REALTY, AND ANY PERM IT INFORMATION WE COULD FIND IN THE CITY'S RECORDS. GARAGES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE TOTALS TO KEEP CONSISTENCY. **SF OF 213 TAIT AVE BASED ON EXISTING CONIDTIONS AND FIELD MEASURMENTS 310 NICHOLSON AVE 2,730 SF LOT 1-STORY 920 SF HOUSE 33 .7% 304 NICHOLSON AVE 986 SF LOT 1-STORY ZILLOW/REDFIN : 574 SF HOUSE ZIP REALTY : 541 SF HOUSE 58.2% ~ 203 TaitAve 1,890 SF LOT 2-STORY 1,555 SF HOUSE q: 82.3% < 0 V) -.1 0 0 207 TaitAve 5,719 SF LOT 1-STORY 1,227 SF HOUSE 21.4% Alley Way 215 Tait Ave 6,650 SF LOT 1-STORY 2,295 SF HOUSE 213 Tait Ave 34 ·5% 5,762 SF LOT 2-STORY 2,025 SF HOUSE** 35% z 202 Tait Ave 204 Tait Ave 208 Tait Ave 212 Tait Ave 218 Tait Ave 6,098 SF LOT 5,280 SF LOT 5, 719 SF LOT 6,650 SF LOT 6, 701 SF LOT 1-STORY 2-STORY 1-STORY 1-STORY 1-STORY 1,575 SF HOUSE 2,432 SF HOUSE 720 SF HOUSE 2,196 SF HOUSE 1,000 SF HOUSE 25.8% 46% 12.6% 33% 15% 222 Tait Ave 6,700 SF LOT 1-STORY 1,841 SF HOUSE 27 .4% 222 Tait Ave 6,534 SF LOT 2-STORY 1,973 SF 30 .2%