Item 8 - 236 Bachman AveTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 1. PROJECT DETAIL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project address : 256 Bachman Avenue HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REVIEW: Review and recommendation of a request to remove non-original front door, change existing window to meet Building Code requirements, repair existing rear porch, and add skylights to the master bedroom. 2 . PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1895 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code : I Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? Yes Is structure in a historic district? Yes If yes , what d is trict? Almond Grove If yes , is it a contributor? Yes Findings required? No If yes , see back page of this document. Considerations required? Yes If yes , see back page of this document. Comments: The applicant's materials are attached. EXHIBIT 8 Required Findings _ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) ofthe Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have m ade a sign ificant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3 . There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town hi story. 5 . Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design , arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: X 2 On landmark sites, the propo sed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other f eatures of the landmark (and , where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings , including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. ___ 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither ad versely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. N:\DE V\HI STORIC PRESER VATION\HPC Sh eets\256 Bachman HPC Cover sh eet. doc January 13, 2016 Genevieve and Mitchell Wyman 317 Almendra Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 415-385-6654 Historic Preservation Committee Town of Los Gatos 11 0 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 SITE ADDRESS: 256 Bachman Avenue RECEIVED JAN 1 3 2016 TO WN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING D IVISION Hs~tt~o~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remove second front door; Change bedroom window to meet Code; Repair existing enclosed rear porch and add windows; Add bathroom skylight Dear Members of the Los Gatos Hi storic Preservation Committee : We would like your review and approval (if required) of four items for the renovation of our house at 256 Bachman Avenue , on the corner of Bachman and Tait Avenues in the Almond Grove hi storic district. Front Door <Exhibits A-C): As we infonnally discussed at the November 20 15 HPC meeting, the house currently has two front doors (Exhibit A), one of which is inappropriate in style for an 1895 Victorian house , and appears to have been added later, though we are not sure when. We would like remove that newer door (Exhibit B), which enters into our dining room , and keep the original door (Exhibit C), which enters into the living room and will be refurbished. We would like to fully close in the space where the newer door will be removed, and add proper siding. A window on that wall would create privacy concerns, as it would give everyone approaching our door a clear view into our dining room , kitchen and office/child's play space. Proposed Work: I. Remove improper, newer, second door (Exhibit B) 2. Close in opening. Finish with properly milled siding to match rest of house , and add decorative features such as greenery and/or a bench to make a visually appealing entry. Bedroom Window (Exhibits D -F) As part of our approved building plans, we are converting what was a large bathroom into a bedroom ("Bedroom 1" on Exhibit D). The existing double-hung window (Exhibit F) is very narrow (26"x54") and does not meet the building code requirements for emergency escape and rescue openings in a sleeping room (Exhibit E). We plan to put in a new 42" wide by 60" tall 1 of2 window that will meet building code requirements, bring more light into the room, and be consistent with the style and look of the house's windows (Exhibits F, G). Proposed Work: 1. Change current window opening from 26"x54" to 42"x60". 2 . Install new wood double-hung window with ogee lug detail on exterior that will match the the house's other windows in style. Existin& Enclosed Rear Porch <Exhibits H -M> The house currently has a small enclosed rear porch/covered entry, with half-built stairs that do not meet building code (Exhibit H). It is in a state of disrepair and is an eyesore, thus we would like to clean it up and make it usable and safe. The rear porch is somewhat visible from Tait Avenue, although our planned garden fence will limit visibility (Exhibit 1). We would like to repair the porch-including replacing the old mismatched windows (Exhibits J, K) with new paned windows all the way around the porch (examples in Exhibits L, M), and improving the roof line to echo the lines of the front porch/entry (Exhibit A). We do not plan to change the footprint of the porch, as it is on the existing foundation and is over the crawl space entry to the house. We believe this will be a much more attractive and functional space once remodeled. Proposed Work: I . Repair existing rear porch/covered entry by replacing/adding windows, improving roof line to be more in-kind with the house . Add Skyli&ht to Master Bathroom (Exhibits N -P> Our remodel plans approved by the Town include two new bathrooms . One of the planned bathrooms does not have any natural light, and we would like to add a flared skylight with a flat window (Exhibit N). The skylight would be on the inner roof line (Exhibit 0), on the Bachman Avenue side ofthe roof(Exhibit P). Proposed Work: l . Add a flat skylight as shown in Exhibit N . Thank you for your review. We look forward to getting the Committee's input at the January 27, 20 16 meeting. 2 of2 .t :------~ ~ --··---------·~-~·- --·---~------·~ ------···-·-.. -· - ~-----·-__ ,... -~··- -·-----~ _., ...... --~-· ,_ r-r rr-' --r ,--r-r-~ -I · ,.-,.-r-. r ' (f f .--_,...., 1 ,-rrrl rr' ;-~r ;_ _ r rrr rr rl r r I '' ', ,-r rrrr rrr rr -,..,.., -:... :-rr ~~r:,r r ',-rr • 1 r/f ~ 'rl ,..-, ..-rr .-rr --··' · ,~ 1r r' ,..-~~r' .... ...._ r rr rf' r ''rr . --' _..,, ,-..-,--,...,r ,-. ...... -..., 1 ,-r _.. ....... , ' ' 'r'' r ·~ .~ . r ,..,r r'' ,,_ , -... r · ..---rr ·· , ....._.... f __,, r( r ' ~ \'\-. ,-. r' ,-r' ,-1 I ~'\ ...... ''~--r.,lr;..-l r; r r f ,,r,, .. · I -r:,_..-rr,..r 1 ' 'r r t . ~rr ·J'· -r . . , r .. ,..r,_..,.. · · rr'r· . ( ;,_,,-·" r rl ,.r ,, f ' , I r''r -" ... ,r;,, ... r' I "·· -- 0 I I llf~#, I 6'Q.G - ~ \ ' I I I Uftl?atH:i !:-'-......_L_-~ --\----x~· (N) \WU., . (~f'tl' . IR,Q, «-fi'OS(O/ / ,_./2X IH /of2Cf~IIM WI «-f 112 ~WI fPC I • ~j"'''=" I; l !I l ! / ,l;J ~\WU.._/ 1 l'tl'. teN a.Mf I I - -- -- ® ~*'' ~QI.CS: ~ 1V0M <~ t.eWLJ«<:ft ClO!m : 11~ ,. ~ ~l!aiiiW: ~,. ~001 •1,. fttO~I'J!. ~<2 -u · x~· 'A!Nr ~CA> •II~,. ~ ~<COio!IUSYit!ttcm!) RESIDENTIAL EGRESS WINDOWS Exhibit E ..,n .. '2 r-. .t. T TV£'\D'Jili..TT .t. Tl ~u ... _, ~n.LJ.I..J:' v.n.n1.1.n. RESIDENTIAL CODE SECTIONS R310.11 & R612.2 The foUowing is a list of the general requirements based on the 2013 California Building Code . This handout is intended to provide only general information, contact the Building and Safety Division for any questions or additional information . RESIDETIAL EGRESS WINDOWS: Every sleeping room shall have at least one operable emergency escape and rescue opening (window or door). Emergency escape and rescue openings shall open directly into a public way, or to a yard or court that opens to a public way. All emergency escape and rescue openings shall have: • The bottom of the opening shall not be more than 44 inches above the floor. • Minimum net clear opening height of24" and width of20." • Minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet (5.0 at grade level) Note: In order to meet the minimum clear opening of 5.7 square feet, either the width or height, or both, must exceed the minimum dimension (see figure below). The net clear opening dimensions required shall be obtained by the normal operation of the emergency escape and rescue opening from the inside. 0:: i5 ~ ., u a; ::::E 20" MIN CLEAR 1 r -~-----1 ; I I I I CASEMENT , I i ~----------J J 0:: < w ~ ., u z ~ 20" ! MIN CLEAR f ~-----·, 'r-------.: --------·11 . ! I I I ' f I I I I I SLIDER ! ! FIXED II I I L I i fl b .._ ~ I MIN CLEAR I I ~ r -w 'It ~ I N U z :E _____ j LL +-' ·-..c ·-..c X w .. lJ~ l.J 0 ExhnJit N ,~/2 X IH / 12.C'l P:i. eM WI ~X1 •2PO'ir5W/ !PC D fx 1X1P(}'j(O/ exr. W.OU.&I'1'~ I 1'-Q' 5fCOND f~OOR --- -- WI MOt?lfiCA~ON5 /.r A c-c ~ J_, _.I -' _1 J r_.J _I _.J -'~-' I I _J ~-_1~_.1 J _I / I J ~_.I I r /_/~~­ ..1 I J j j '-:-1 J ;J /_; /J _j- r_J I j_J_i _. ~-/ J_l J .-1 :_1 _/ /~ J 1 ~ _.1 I J J j /j J _l_j- J .I J J 1 J J J J J J J )· j I 11 IJ.J 1 _I j I _I / ~j