Item 6 - 16207 Short RoadTOWN OF LOS GATOS
110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593
Project address: 16207 Short Road
Removal of pre-1941 residence from Historic Resources Inventory List
Date structure was built 1920
Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code Unknown
Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? No
Is structure in a historic district? No
If yes, what district? N/A
If yes, is it a contributor? N/A
Findings required? Yes
If yes, see back page of this document.
Considerations required? No
If yes, see back page of this document.
Comments : The applicant is requesting removal of the residence from the Town's Historic
Resources Inventory List. The applicant's materials are attached.
Required Findings
X As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of
a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant
buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure.
I. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant
contribution to the Town.
2. No significant persons are associated with the site.
3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction
or representation of work of a master.
4. The structure does not yield information to Town history.
5. Structural integrity of the building.
Required Considerations
Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review.
In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style,
design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors.
Applications shall not be granted unless:
1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the
exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and,
where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned
landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the
character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the
landmark and its site.
2 In historic districts , the proposed work will neither adversely affect the
exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property
which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its
relationship , in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its
surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the
character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of
the district.
3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect
the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property
which is the subject of the application.
Town Policy
That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood.
Dear Members of the Historical Committee of Los Gatos
My name is Lisa Murray and I am an interior designer hired by the home owners -David and Barbara Mosley
-of 16207 Short Road Los Gatos 95032 .
I am writing to you and your fellow members of the Historical Committee, to kindly ask that you consider
removing the Historical classification of the 16207 Short Road residence, based upon the research completed
in accordance to the guidelines showing no historical significance of the home.
I would like to explain to you the research completed that showed there is no historical significance
associated to this residence .
-The home is not in a historic section of Los Gatos. Short Road does not appear on any of the archival
books or maps from the Los Gatos library.
-I completed the "Patron Inquiries-Local History" document that was provided by the Los Gatos library.
The library personnel -Robert and Chris-assisted me with the research in the archives to ensure I was
thorough and exhaustive in the search . Betty Chase , the History docent, reviewed the research and
signed-off on the document. A copy of the completed form is attached .
-Short Road was not listed in :-the 1941 Assessment Survey binder; the Anne Bloomfield Survey 1991;
any of the Historic Maps of Los Gatos 1884-1944; Anne Bloomfield Los Gatos Historic Resources
Survey 1990.
-There was no historical findings to show that the home once belonged to someone famous or historically
My findings based upon the research conducted in accordance to the guidelines shows no historic merit to
the 16207 Short Road residence.
To further emphasize the point that the Mosley home is not on a historic street I am submitting photographs of
neighboring homes on Short Road as well as Angel Court which is directly across from their home. As you
can see the homes on Short Road are varied in style and exterior finishings with the majority of the exteriors
being stucco. On the Blossom Hill end of Short Road 3 new single family homes were completed in
approximately 2012 and consist of stone and stucco exteriors.
The 16207 Short Road residence underwent a major renovation in 2001-2002 prior to the Mosley's
purchasing the home . The plans for this renovation show an extensive remodel with a new lower floor
addition of 446 SF, a new upper floor addition of 921 SF, as well as a 3 car garage addition of 1,001 SF. I feel
this also supports the conclusion that the original structure of 2 ,772 SF has no historic significance because
this extensive renovation would not have been permitted, if in fact the home had historical significance to the
Town of Los Gatos. There are no known photos or drawings of the home prior to this renovation to indicate
the style of the house.
In research with the town there is no history record in the planning permit system.
David and Barbara Mosley's dream , in the future, would be to remodel their home in a similar style, just
updated to reflect the neighborhood . They love living in Los Gatos and want a beautiful home in which to
raise their children and one day share with their grandchildren .
Thank you in advance for your time to consider this application . If you have any questions or concerns please
call or email me.
Lisa Murray
LKM Design, LLC
Cell : 425 466-5628
Email : lkmurraydesign
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How to Researc h Yo ur Los Gatos House
1. The vertical files in the local History's Work Room include data on specific addresses,
organized by street. This includes data from the two Bell ringer projects and the results of the
LGMA's Historical Home Survey. Be careful with the survey data. The closer the events cited
are to 1975, the better the information, the further back in time, the more suspect . Much of
this information was gained by individuals' memories, and oral history sometimes is unreliable.
2. In the local History section outside the Work Room you will find the 1941 Tax Assessment
Survey. The Tax Assessment Survey is contained in 3-ring binders, sorted alphabetically by
street. You will find a lot about your house in 1941 and how it was assessed. It will tell you
how old the owner thought the house was, not always accurate. It will tell you the number of
rooms, the type of wall construction, something about the foundation and how it was heated.
By Town decree, any house built before 1941 is considered historic, and permits must be
obtained to change any exterior characteristic .
3. There are telephone directories and Polk's directories in the bookcases outside the Work ·
Room . Find the Los Gatos section in the Polk's directories, starting with 1930 through 1974;'.
look for the address to f i nd the name of the owner. The California Room at San Jose's Martin
Luther King Jr Library (5th floor) has a number of directories not available in los Gatos.
4. Look at the Sanborn Maps located in one of the alcoves of the local History section. A
History docent should be able to help you with these . There are maps for 1884, 1888, 1891,
1895, 1904, 1908, 1928 and 1944, although not all of los Gatos was covered in the earlier
years . Because street addresses changed through time, look for your house first in 1944 or
1928, then look at earlier maps to see when your house first appears, which will give you an
idea of when it was built . Also note how the shape of the house changed through time.
·~ ..
5. The Anne Bloomfield Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory, June 1991 is located in the
locked bookcases . If you're lucky you will f i nd data on your house by district. look at the street
index in the front of the binder for street, listed in alphabetical order to f ind the district.
6. local History docents are available from 1:00-5 :00 on Mondays, 10:00-12:00 on Wednesdays
and 1:00-5:00 on Thursdays to answer any questions and/or to help you search for information
on your Los Gatos home . The Reference Librarian at the desk at the top of the stairs is available
to help you also. firdi~s: no btrill(J~ ca_ ~ d esiqVlu-k ot
Library s-u.rff perso n nt:tme.· .
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Inquiry Subject:
[ ] Bridges
[ ] Mountain Communities
[ ] Railroads
[]Town Life
[ ] Business Enterprises
[ J Obituaries
'k;l Residences
[ ] Transportation
Patron Inquiries
~Local History~
[ ] Education
[ J Peopl e
[ ) Sports/ Athletes
[]other __ _
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Request made by: Telephone In pers;~"-) Email Other
Staff PersonNolunteer Helping Patron:· .--· 'f.JV12A6 uL g~-l_fu_t;r2J_• -----· -----
What information are you seeking?
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By: ~6'~ ·-o-. --/;r"--::....___~Ade~-~---::u~-~--=--,---
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