Item 5 - 35 N. Santa CruzRequired Findings _ ____;As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4 . The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Consi derations Sec. 29 .80 .290 . St andar ds for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless : 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. x 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. .. of i .IJ.e,cyc:le~ .. ~oks, .whose main 'Jose, aric( Toni: Moor~. Cof~ president, · . .c;.,~ ·.,, . . : . :. : , .. .! .•·-' .; -} ~=· (' ---- . Malkuc~;=--~~-a'!.Btef.~--or ~n Ftta.,c}},'~o;.~ffl~l'tl~cut. . >;;Security' P.a9~fl~.l~~atloital · f~~iiU~~a\t:t~r·,~~~~\!t!Nd ·. · ·: Banif: and~Jl \'_.c~a~ber ·or, .. ·-.. · -·~ ,. .. _,,,_. L ltod 'commerce ~ .. :ambasila4or • ; ·. The ,shop ;locatetl at.z:i&'·N.'·' · sailt*·':cruz ~:i\~~{rVmark~ · .· ~-the · return'"··'!of ·~··aod '.i we~!;_~~:t · ?.11iarf"yman··\o 'a •U8;6'aton f:'locatlon b\~'tP.~iiier ·a'hoifin ~1 . --.' ···t.Own· llild .testablished "litm ·' ,;~l.t!9114-~~~~ .. '•'l as one (jf tiie~oie ~plflir : ;,.cto~ll.~!'g m~!&P.~~t:~~e . are~. .... .... ~ j.; .if•(. (--;· •.•... 4 •A • .. ... o ·· •' January 12, 2016 Town of Lo s Gatos Community Development Department 110 East Main Street Lo s Gatos, CA 95030 RE: HPC/A&S Application Letter of Justification Lolli & Pops 35 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Committee/Commission members, flnn daniels ARCHITECTS 2145 Ford Par kway. Su ite 301 Sa int Pa ul , Minn esota 55116 Tel : 651 .690 .5525 WY/\'I.finn-daniels .com RECEIVED JAN 1 3 ?OH'i TOVVN OF LO S GI\TOS PLANNING DIVIS iON Thank you for the opportunity to present our project, Lolli & Pops, for your review and approval. Lolli and Pop s is a premium purveyor of candies and confections. The intent of our project is to occupy and remodel the current Powell's Sweet Shoppe at the subject mentioned address. We hope you f ind, as we do, that the continuation of a candy and confection retail store and proposed improvements will be of great benefit to the local community. Zoning: Subject mentioned property falls within the C-2 Di strict (C -2A Subdistrict). History of property address: The building was originally built in 1920. City records did not reveal any work prior to a 1954 storefront permit. This permit did not list scope of work. The following is a list of exterior modifications noted when researching past improvements to the building starting with the storefront permit in 1954: 08/16/54 -Storefront Permit 05/15/73-Exterior repainting (Beige) 10/21/96-Sign permit (Petroglyph) 11/13/96-Storefront altered to add door and window to Petroglyph space. 10/10/05-Exterior repainting 06/12/06-Sign permit (Powell's Sweet Shop) 06/15/06-Storefront repair due to water damage Photos-Past and Present: ---------- Historical Photo-North Santa Cruz Avenue looking SW. Photo includes Premier Theater in foreground . Subject property located directly beyond Theater. Businesses include Blossom Restaurant, a candy store, a drug store and grill in background. Historical Photo-North Santa Cruz Avenue looking SW. Photo includes Strand Theater built in 1916. Record s indicate Strand Theater burned down in 1929 and was later rebuilt as the Premier Theater. Subject property located directly beyond Theater. Recent Photo-North Santa Cruz Avenue looking West at subject mentioned property. Photo includes Powell Sweet Shoppe centered w/ The Butter Paddle on left and Petroglyph on right. Proposed Project Description: Lolli & Pops proposes a remodel to the existing Powell's Sweet Shoppe. Remodel to include remodel of exterior fa~ade and interior store layout and finishes. Intent of planned updates of facility to meet local code requirements. Proposed exterior improvements to be of classic contemporary style and include recessed double door entry similar to existing flanked by two storefront sales windows. Architectural elements include wood paneled storefront and piers, divided light transom windows w/ frosted glass, multiple layers of wood cornice molding and striped awnings over storefront openings. Lolli & Pops proposes to alter storefront design to create separate identity from sister storefront and neighboring tenant "Petroglyph". Based on historical photographs, curre nt Powell's Sweet Shoppe fa~ade design is not original to the building. How proposed design elements help meet "Commercial Design Guidelines": • Fa~ade to include wood cornice at top of building helping to shape parapet and banding to frame signage. • Storefront window area and related transparency has been in crea sed to create more interest and facilitate relationship between store and pedestrian. Windows p roposed to be wood framed. • Wood pilasters have been included to create rhythm and scale of storefront. • Wood cornice banding creates belt courses to help create more pedestrian scale. • Decorative detailing include classic exterior light fixtures and projected, striped, fabric awnings create 3-dimensions adding depth and shadow and creating more huma n scale. • Fa~ade and related banding honors adjacent properties and related storef ront scales. Conclusion: It is the intent of proposed design to be fun and vibrant as a candy store and confectionary should be while relating well with the local design fabric and setting. It is our hope that you find design to fall within scope and spirit of the "Commercial Design Guidelines". Per Section 29.20.150 ofthe Town Code, the considerations in review of and architecture and site application were made i n th e development of the design for this project. We believe the proposed renovations will be a si gnifican t upgrade to the building , will complement the surrounding buildings and add to the vib rancy of the Downtown. We appreciate your review and consideration of our project and look forward to worki ng with you. Respectfully submitted, =:!::6:s~ Finn-Daniels Architects PROJECTINFORMATIONPL0.0GENERAL NOTESVICINITY MAPMALL KEY PLANDRAWING INDEXSCOPE OF WORKSQUARE FOOT BREAKDOWNCODE SYNOPSISANDARCHITECTURALJBQ BREAKDOWN:AREA(SQ. FT.)OCCUPANTLOAD FACTOROCCUPANTLOAD35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030NLEVEL: 1 OF 1 N35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comPROJECT TEAMPROJECT INFORMATION8. GROSS AREA:1. SALES AREA:7. STOCKROOM:2. ENTRY VESTIBULE (EXT.):3. SERVICE:5. OFFICE:6. STAIRWAY/REAR EXIT:4. TOILET ROOM: NSITE PLAN1/16"=1'-0"-135 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comJBQSITE PLANPL1.0 N(E) STOCKROOM(E) OFFICE(E) TOILET ROOMEXISTING CUSTOMER SERVICEEXISTING SALES AREA35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comEXISTING FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"-1EXISTINGFLOOR PLANPL2.0JBQ 35EXISTING STOREFRONT PLAN1/2"=1'-0"-1EXISTING STOREFRONT ELEVATION1/2"=1'-0"-235 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comEXISTINGSTOREFRONTELEVATIONPL3.0JNH 3335DEMOLITION STREETSCAPE ELEVATION3/16"=1'-0"-1DEMOLITION CALCULATIONS35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comDEMOLITIONCALCULATIONSPL4.0JNHA. EXISTING WALL SURFACE AREA:WALL TO BEREMOVEDWALL TOREMAINTOTAL WALLSURFACEFLEUR DE COCOA:TOTAL:PETROGLYPH:LOLLI & POPS:SIERRA TOY SOLDIER CO.:THE BUTTER PADDLE:DEMOLITION CALCULATION PLAN1/16"=1'-0" 35DEMOLISHED STOREFRONT PLAN1/2"=1'-0"-1DEMOLISHED STOREFRONT ELEVATION1/2"=1'-0"-235 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comBUILDING DEMOLITIONELEVATIONPL4.1JNH N(E) STOCKROOM(E) OFFICE(E) TOILET ROOMEXISTING CUSTOMER SERVICEEXISTING SALES AREA35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comENLARGEDDEMOLITIONPLANPL4.2JBQENLARGED DEMOLITION PLAN1/4"=1'-0"-1DEMOLITION PLAN KEYNOTESDEMOLITION PLAN LEGEND NTRUFFLE BAR101APOTHECARY100CHOCOLATE ROOM102GUMMI / VINTAGE ROOM103(E) STOCKROOM104(E) TOILET ROOM105(E) OFFICE106PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"-1FIXTURE / EQUIPMENT SCHEDULEKEY FIXTUREKEY FIXTURE 35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comFLOOR PLAN KEYNOTESPROPOSEDFLOORPLANPL5.0JBQ PURVEYORS of SWEETNESS- LOS GATOS, CA -35ANDSTOREFRONT PLAN1/2"=1'-0"-1STOREFRONT ELEVATION1/2"=1'-0"-2EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comENLARGED STOREFRONTPLAN & ELEVATIONPL6.0JBQSTOREFRONT KEYNOTESKEYMAT. MANUFACTURERSTYLE / MODEL COLOR COMMENTSWALL FINISHESWALL BASE PURVEYORS of SWEETNESS- LOS GATOS, CA -35AND333335EXISTING STREETSCAPE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"-1PROPOSED STREETSCAPE ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"-235 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comEXISTING &PROPOSEDSTREETSCAPESPL6.1JNH N35 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 L15003 DRM PURVEYORS of SWEETNESSANDAND 2145 Ford Parkway, Suite 301Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116651.690.5525www.finn-daniels.comEXISTING EXTERIORPHOTOSPL8.0MAH4SIERRA TOY SOLDIER COMPANY STOREFRONT5FLEUR DE COCOA STOREFRONT3FLEUR DE COCOA - LOOKING TOWARDS POWELL'S1SIERRA TOY SOLDIER COMPANY - LOOKING TOWARDS POWELL'S2POWELL'S SWEET SHOPPE STOREFRONT7LOOKING TOWARDS PETROGLYPH / FLEUR DE COCOA 6LOOKING TOWARDS SIERRA TOY SOLDIER CO. / BUTTER PADDLEIMAGE KEY