Item 4 - 94 Hernandez AveTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 1. PROJECT DETAIL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project address : 94 Hernandez Avenue HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REVIEW: Review and action for a request to remove the structure from the Historic Resources Inventory. 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built Unknown Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code Unknown Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? No Is structure in a historic district? No If yes , what district? N/A If yes , is it a contributor? N/A Findings required? No. If yes , see back page of this document. Considerations required? Yes If yes, see back page of this document. Comments : The applicant's materials are attached. EXHIB IT 4 Required Findings ___ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4 . The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design , arrangement, texture , materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 ln historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application , nor adversely affect its relationship , in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. X 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. JAIME P. ARAFILES, PE 321 08 Alvarado Blvd., Suite 293 , Union City, CA 94587 Tel (51 0) 386-5899 jparafiles@aol.com January 14, 2016 Historic Preservation Committee Town OfLos Gatos 11 0 E Main Street, Los Gatos , CA 95030 Reference: Project: 94 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Request to remove structure from Historic Inventory List RECEIVED ~IAN 1 4 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION In relation to this request to remove this residential structure from the Town of Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory , we have researched the available town records and found that: 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site . The history of property owners did not indicate that these persons had historical stature as town citizen. 3. There is no distinctive architecture, period or method of construction or representative of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information related to town history. 5. The proposed work will not adversely affect the structural integrity of the building Furthermore, the proposed work will not adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics of the building or other portions of the property. The exterior of the building will be upgraded into a more Victorian architectural look in order to be more compatible with most of the buildings in the neighborhood. With all the information listed above, we respectfully request that this residential structure be removed from the Town of Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory . Respectfully submitted, Jaime P . Arafiles, PE 40483 Cc: Jennifer Savage, Project Planner Helen and Wilfred Cadiente, Property Owners S+cp l D~ c* Search at hbrar'{ I'Z,(/b~jtro NaY'fle of \lo\urtteerJsiQff £.:.ffiy ~ t1.l\: t-\etl-~N~~ 0\o--to ~~ HO W TO RESEARCH THE HISTOR Y OF A HOUSE IN LOS GATOS ~. If k nown to be old, start wi t h the list of 20 years of the Museums of Los Gatos Historic Homes Tours , to be found on yellow binder sheets in the front of the Museums of LG in the vertical f ile . If listed, find the house in the Tour Program for the year it was shown. Prog rams are on the shelf above the laptop . NoT 1 N GL \M?B'O 1 N ~ /2. Look in the Residences File in the Vertica l F1le , fi led a lphabetically by street, then numerically by street number. HDT Ot-l f1 L£ _L.3 . Anne Bloomfie ld 's survey is in a binder on the shelf above the computers. These are li sted by neighborhood. so you might have trouble finding the street. One of my jobs is to index this i nfo by street. ~ U{p%1) ~. 1941 Tax Assessment Survey is in blue binders in the locked cases . It will tell you the owner that year and whether he lived there or rented it It will tell you how old the owner thought the house was, not always accurate. It will tell you the number of rooms, the type of walls, something about the foundation and how it was heated . By Town decree. any house built before 1941 is considered historic , and must get permission and permits to c l1ange any exterior characteristic. -t{Of DK 'f.A. 71MZVtt( /s. Sanborn Maps. On the file cabinet in the locked cases area . Would only give outline of buildings in 1884, 1888, 1891 , 1895, 1904, 1908, 1928 and 1944. Helpful to fino out_ L::u ~. , ... \) when a bu ild ing was there or not there . t-A~ \l.\1.-~ ) ?· q (~'LO&. m;;rL~t:: J("vvv•' /6. Pol k 's Directories are in the locked case . We have from 1924-197 4 , some years missmg. These d irectories have reverse listings so you can look up the st reet for owner. and sometimes the owner's occupation. \ q ~4 \-\off ~ 1 C, . j ( q~z, ~Au L J f /\ "t 4-1 'rl rn-4. kVV'I , -K . ·) 1 ~ ~ P4+1 G.. V 7 . Telephone directories are in the same tase as Pofks . In the early years , you might find the street , but often the house number is not listed . ~ ve; 1'4 \to\ ~(p ~V't 0 . Bellringers. There is a file ·at the beginning of the Residences file and there are some new spaper articles about the Bellr ingers. Pretty much a shot in the dark to find something unique. This info would be in the Program description if the house had been on a Historic Homes Tour. There is a list of the 1 00 Bell ringers in thi s file also and some information on the 1975 Los Gatos Museums survey. (Precursor to the Bellringer proj ects .) NoT f~O lN. Ll~\ ./ 9 Loo k in Patrons' Inquiries. Someone else might have asked the same question . . Filed alphabetically by street under Residences . N.o ll't QLJ.IP\ '6':> tMJ'<'O€ ~ L\t?~l'l-\. F\ nd i ~s /Documents ~C,E. '\;Ull7r \~ p(...)~Wz \t\~4-\q1t) I ( .~~ ,._, -----____.. ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address 9 L/ J/e r ,1~.~ ( ~ PARCEL MA P I NFORMATION !415) 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 I I 5 Parcel # .5/'0 -;;-::; -o &?-w( Lot size: /&q front ft. x l _CJ......:....! __ ft. deep (' Lot shape: Rectangle~1 L__ Rectangle with small rear jo&___ Other r --------------------- Location: N /s E w side of tf-St Ave ·/ Other distance to cross st:. s E w from ft . N_ ------ at NE NW / SE_ sw corner of j://e.n W t:Js /. HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP ·~ ~ ? Old trac t or subdivision name Old Block # Old lot # FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten i n red) Preliminary rating /"'' R Estimated age /-i:-5~~--:::-Style Lrz;e~·h"'l.. a....,_ #stories ~ Alterations &d ),·..f-ie:'\,a.-1) ~-wer 2 --/-ru-dY ~ A)£"" sf "S LU c .a ()1.L.C$ Other r t?c.}. '-1 "'·· · 1 L.Jc::c....o c:~.P I 61-..t. COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste OWNERSH I P SHOWN ON MAPS Sourc e Source Source Location of property , or Name Date Page Old :tract/block/lot 11891 I Blk Book 11908 Survey i j l941 I MISCELLANEOUS Nat i onal Register listed date~-------------- County Inventory 1979 ____________ ~~----------- Town of Los Gatos : Designation ___ Recognition __ Distr ict Name ~------------------------ Lot Owner Size Name --- ; ~ •. 1 - ';. I I PHOTOS: Roll/ frame #oa 1/~A-Date/.,s-: a I 'itD 21A ARCHITECTURAL HISTOR' (415) 922 ·106~ 2229 WEBSTER STREEl SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 \ddr••••• associated with Name. _______________________________________ ,, ____________________________________ __ .elevant dat••• c:onatr~.c:tion. _______ • birth. ______ • death._ ____ • other ___________________ _ I • DIRECTORY S!ARCB ( C:ity Direet:oriee, county Director ie•, Tel~pbone aoolul, society direet:or iee, etc.) x_eu Book lfiUie/Clasaified H-dinCI T.i ... ;.,,. (.,o.,v a1'1tirt exat!t:lv a• ahOWft· u .. • ~l'>r hnldfa.,.l ·' j . ) !:l i.' L I I .: : .... i tCr'£1 1{ '>I'-\ ~: :I. i··.· .. 4-:~.·~ C· I r,}x k . I ). _cl rH~i 5: ,.., r { !" .rz. / / . : . ' ' ·.· ... • f i '.··· ,l \ .. ; .. ,, r~·/ .· " { /; i .. f ... -. • '·· .• $ ~ . -· •. ......_ _____ . -·~.-........ _..--~--------·--- /initiall datt ·x. BIOGRAPBICAL SBARCR, indexes • other alphabetical listings . •rk 'X' Unfd .or 'I' (nothiDCJ found) at each sourc:. you try. List finc!l.~ below. Los Gatos Library California History Center, De Anza College ____ Directories, 1919+ ____ Biographical file Historic Collection Index Photo collection ----Thompson & West, 1876 ---- Photo collection ----County history 1888, Pen Pictures ~County history 1922, Sawyer ~p,~ /6 L.G .. history 1971, Bruntz ~t\)~\ -r- Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill) Death records/obituaries Directory, 1902 or 1903 Photo collection San Jose Historical ____ Great Registers ___ Indexes Museum (of voters) ___ Photo Collection General sources, unknown location(s) Indexes, California Historical Quarterly State Library Information Index .(fiche) ____ State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index __ Census (microfilm) ____ County history 1881, Monroe Fraser Brainard maps III. LIST ALL RBPI!!RBNCES PROM ABOVE . P'ind them. Copy good JD&teria 1 & attach. Or copy below if only a few words. Or explain why not relevant (as, wrong parson). L:7 continued on Reverse PuaLJaaD ~UIIC.8NU'fl 01'1212£. ...LJLOOffl.fU.LU. ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH aouroet Ad Bulletin CA&oBM call __ chron __ DPB __ Bd....AB _a _ .. wt _PCA Other 141 51 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANC ISCO. CA 941 15 Vor---oate· -Pa~--- Hature of announce.ent: Contract notice __ Notice of ~letion __ BP ittued ___ Photo ___ Blev/tketch/rend'q ___ Ploor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pUb ___ Rea l e t Copy exactly• -- 2l!mn Builder/Contractor Arc;hitect(!nginur Location Nature of work Cott BUILDING PBRMI~ Source t Penait Rtgitter Pr••• Addrett requeeted~----------------------- • -Application oat• o. .• or . . . HUmber Location ~ . ............. orR.-SOURCS (tpecify thoroughly) SAHIIORII MAPS •>;<} .·'-t ~ ,J ) .. 1 i t't r i '· ~olor.:. -t' 1'·~ .1~ ¥fl. pnk, .. l"'" ~ " oranqe Patchet Vac. blu,gry, Yet/ Ho. of Addreu ....Y.U... !t§!riel .· .q t-f· c £1 /) !) /!{._)A l i lc I ·--.-A ' ~3/ ~ J :.J I ' ... -----.. -----· ~ -··-· -- I I It // Owner llo. of " contr . ~ as!dre .. addrett r! ~· ... .... ·"' I :• /· ": '\ ( ( • /.-:.1-.. I J.;i, No. of ... ight ...us..J. bay windowt· 0 II Arch' t/ & enqin'r & addreta Deecription . · )t_' I"' ·,d Difference• from today ins ~ Storie! Footprint of /Initial• wor!!; Bldq't width/ I depth ~ ~!tial! Initials Date i B xter or !l!t•Ei•l ~-~! Dae Date of conttr . Detcribe or tket• plan .r • 1-; _:.. i cflnn£ !BL'oor '·d'J AHCHI'J'I':CTUHAL :::,LJRVEY ASSESSMENT HOLL RESEARCH ., ' SAN FRANCISCO CA It" I 1 !> r',.. .,( (.J ~---.... File Address / '·-·c ("":._/ ; ... • : .'_ .:~·-=~z.:..":·'Tract/Block/Lot -------------------------------------------- Assessments are filed by last name of property owner, hut not ne<:essarily iu alphabetical order . Some years there is an index inside the volume or in a separate book. The goal of a sean·h is to find the years when the assessed value of "improvements" {buildings) changed from 0 to over $500, or when that: figure rose by $500 ur mroe. Write down every year and name you try, including the years when you find nothing. l>itto marks are fine. .· Date I /' rl (...11 :_.,.- , r ," ( ,. -·' .1 • /,. \.. ' '' :.-· , _) ..... (, ,, 4-,......,.-...... ~. . .,,) Page Name ·y· I' ' --I l ••• r~ / v l-,.. .. , -:;·- ....._, ............... -----l.ot Tra<· t I Ac res /.Jo / {..-)I ,........_ ........_. ""- I dent if i cat ion/ BoUiula r i es ----------- Biock/ Lot/ N Bd y E Btl y S Bd y W Bd y --Assessment for -- Improve- Land ments Other Info. .:(-- -----------------_____ ,..::;$ ______ _ $ /1n1t1aJs date ·!rt' I I ' I I I ' I I ·~'U ! I ~· I ' ~m I ~-~ ~ ·~·· i ·m II "V &i I I ' I ' -~" I . I ' I ·t " I I I ::r:: ~ :::0 z > z (:1 ~ N > < ~ z c: t>1 .. , "'" Jll U 1::." ~J · ~;:1•>4 111"'1il1 '" il:b"rrm'" IF"! rr• ~ w ~r ·&'~," I ~-,. i &'.l"'w." !&'.~" II TILE 'II''' I ~JJ . . I ~~ ~ ~~ ·il:b" I I L -----~.:j_ ·~.., ~~,~~~ -I~ i h'!l> ~ " . ~ I ~-----------. ·r" i I RESIDENTIAL REMODEL 94 HERNANI>EZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 ---"*lM' EXISTIN& SITE PLAN WOOD DECK ·!!'""· .!fl ... JAIME P. ARAFILES. 32108 A-eMI .. #29S, !Won Ciiy, CA 941517 "-(110) S16-!l899 ll-..,11: ;.ar..fi ...... ....,. PE nn ) ~ -__ w· --....... 1"'' ·ji? ,, "1~ tr.A ;It p~,.rru,, :- 1\;-J{l ";.hWM'·t f li.C.f ~H r-J n(.}( U'-J N' !·Jt,. I~F·21f. 'II"" ,.._._. __ !~U!Iii il~li!EI ii~~~~!il • 'i i11•1 .... 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