Item 3 - 360 Bella VistaTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 1. PROJECT DETAIL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project address: 360 Bella V is ta Project description : demol ition of exis ting pre-1941 residence and accessory res idences . 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1940 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code None Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes , what district? If yes , is it a contributor? Find ings required? YES If yes , see back page of this document. Considerations required? If yes , see back page of this document. Comments: The application was considered by the HPC on the December 17 , 2015 Special HPC meeting . The application was continued in order to allow the applicant time to do additional research on the property and provide their findings to the HPC . The applicant's research and findings are attached. The applicant believes the research would support the residence's removal in that it appears the structures were built after 1941 . EXH IBI T 3 Required Findings _X_As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a sign ificant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture , materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless : 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts , the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy __ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. PBD PENI N SULA BUILDERS 6 DEVELOPMENT RECEIVED T'""' '' ,.. ·-'-OS GATOS I ..... ""'u-4 G DIVISION HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE 360 Bella Vista Avenue, Los Gatos Town o f Los Gatos P lanning Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 D ear Staff & Committee Members, The parcel at 360 Bella Vista Avenue con sists of o ne large primary residential structure and two smaller additio nal residential units. A ccording to a number of real estate marketing websites, the primary resid ence was believed to be built in 1940, while the two additio nal structures were built at a later date that is unknown. A fter ex tensive r esearch, n o t o nly does the primary residence sh ow no significant importance or structural integrity but I believe the structure was built after 1941. T he current APN of 360 Bella Vista Avenue is 529-22-038 which can be see n o n "Exhibit A". T he 1941 Tax Assessment, found in the Town of Los Gatos Library, shows Bl o ck N umber 40, Lot Numbers 10, 11 , & 12; and Block Number 26, Lot Number 14 ("Exhibit B"). Lot N umber 10 is 350 Bella Vista Avenue while Lot Number 14 is 374 Bell a Vista Avenue. This means that either Lot Numb er 11 or Lot Number 12 would corresp ond to o ur property at 360 Bella V ista Avenue. The significance o f this finding is that b o th Lot N umber 11 and 12 are assessed for their land value only as n either property has a structure built prior to 1941. The Map of Irwin's Subdivision from 19 12 is included for referencing the location of the Lot N umbers 10, 11 & 12 (Exhibit C"). In additio n to the 1941 Tax Assessm ent, the local his torian volunteer and I browsed thro ugh the 1930-1941 Polk's Directory which li sts all re sidence b y address. This directory did n ot have an address for 360 Bella Vista A venue in the directory which supports the finding that a residence was n ot built b e fore 1941. We also o pene d the "Families o f Los Gatos" filing cabinet but came up empty when r e ferencing our address and owners. It appears to be evident that this pro p erty is no t associated with any events that have m ade a significant contribution to the t own n o r have any significant p ersons been as sociated with the site. T h e primary ho u se i s a typical, one-s t ory California Ranch which was a p o pular architectural style from the 1940's to 1970's. T his style h ou se is often associated with tract h o u sing built in the b ooming p ost-war time as it was a fast, cost effective way to build. This ranch h o u se is noted for its long, close-t o-the-ground profile, with minimal use o f exterior and interior decoration . The low roofline, extended eaves and recessed porch all make fo r a mundane curb a ppeal. F inis hed with typ ical stucco exterior and vinyl replacement windows, this h ome sh ow no pre-1941 architectural characteristics n or does this s tructure yie ld information to Town history. Pictures o n "Exhibit D". PBD PENINSULA BUILDERS 6. DEVELOPMENT As s tated .in the structural report dated October 16, 2015 by Peter K. Sung, P.E. ("Exhibit E"), the primary residence is located .in the middle of the property where our lot line is proposed. Due to the width and configuration, the primary h o use cannot be relocated to either of the future parcels. As a general contractor for almost 10 years I notice settling .in the foundation, water erosion in the p artial ba sement, dry rot .in the wood, stucco cracking and an overall typical deterioration from a house built .in the 1940's. Through research and reports, its evident the existing house has no historic value to the Town or construction significance for the structure itself. Whether you agree with me that the structure was built after 1941 or believ e that all five findings have been made, the pro posed structures are better o ff d em o lish ed . ~g L-- Michael Black Peninsula Builders & Development Pres ident {) ::r:. }7 3R.AGOON SUB ~ WH !7NEY SUB [11 c./1 I \ \ \ OFFICE \ I \ ;o 0 )> 0 0 F COUNTY A S S E S S 0 R ' I 1 II /-( TRACT N~ 8071 BELLA VISTA CT. \ ST~i'ILE'I ~~E :@ \ ---BE LL~ \ - I ~56 \;..- \ I I 1 1 1 I I ..,1 33 l -1 ;::; - ::1 57 ~\ ~ .... \ "'\_ I I I I I 1 \ -"~"" -~~ __ '_ -'~-~-r-: --'-_:~---t--.----i \ I 5 ."!t \ I l I l ?? l ~ I i ~: \ 4 \ 3 2 I I I I I \ 24 IO. i'\ -~~~~ 43 :, "'I I I \ I I I so 327' 0 ~ 50 331 l I \ I I I I I I I I ?.!' 333 S A N T A LOS GATOS fFMLY. 5.4/'f JOSE· LOS GATOS RO.) ( FMLV SAN J OSe .4 V. I C LARA 9 --.. -... -363 ... ... LLA. 14733+47 BL. COUNTY , 16 0.50 CAL I FORN IA ./ 11 /' / / . ~ <( -- -..! 1_9._29_ --- 10 ..J.. : 9 110.47 V>- 0- "' J.G. FOLLETI SUBOI V. ..J ..J w 3: 0 _J TRA CT No. 10041 _j <( () 40' i L.L.A. 20594380 L-~ fB TRA oa. WoP 099 LA WR ENCE E. STONE -ASSESSOR Cad as tral map for ass essmen t purposes only. Compiled under R. & T. Cod e, Sec. 32 7. Effect ive Roll Yea r 201 4-2015 lonn 1 (d(i} BUILDING CLASSIFICATION AND COMPUTATION RECORD ll lllL IHNG DIAii HAM AND UETAI'L ADURESS ~~)~ ST. CITV OF LOS (~A 1' CALIFORNIA HEIGHT ••••••• ;• J.AIC Arrw.; ~So AVE. • • -~ os · · · · · · · · · · · · n BLO CK NU MH EH 4(J WJltuEH lo ow ~EKS IIIP C _ Q . U/'~./~_7;~ SUHIHV[SION OR TH.Af.T, ~/a~ u DESCIUPT IO N St>c t. IHm e ns ious An•n o r· f'uhage tl11it t'o v ltepr·~.C ost Out'llld!!;S I' rP s. \' alut> 1--- rr (A) X ~ : I ~Lf_-{ -~-~:~~ ~ j .tA{ $ //~ g~;. ~ ~t¥,j_tn~ £tr .1'_ --" -1 I I I I I I I~ (B) \ J--\"' .::k:~: . _·_~·AA· f t ~ / ·.:<.t ~ f . -•i H:-· 1-·-J, ~ ., v ' 1 ) x x = · . rt v.-..z. M -_ 1 --.-r-r t . . I I 1 I I I I I \r , . ·-~-;,: :$c.r t ~'l' • . ls c P • -H--; ':--~ . ! (DJ x x = ~q:H ~ . 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" BLOCK 110. 4u LOT 110. //) BLOCK BOOK PAGE (b YEAR 1\HU HI 1\j 111 D e s cr i pti0n , D i me n s i o ns a nil 0 wn ~ r ~ r1 i p o r Re a l P rupc:r t .r u c s c rio e o u e: re i n , c onfo rm s ,.j tn Land $ '77d $ $ $ O f fi c i o] B lo c ~ B oo h , a no As s ess me n t M a ~ o r Tn c: c i t j N Q.flt C O o n R c:ve rs t:. Value No a c co c n ta oi 1 i t ; A5 5u mc o tor Mat t ers Leg" 1 i n Cn "r o c t e r . Co mp u t a tio n or Y o l ue s o f .Buildiug ~:liJ $ ' • Lan a .. n o 8u i1 Q i rt 9 S i n Ac c o r aa nc e wr.i t n Co nt ra ct P ro v i s io n s fo r E q u a tax S y ste m V alu a ti on. V due Number· :.-' SYMBOL FltON T DEPT II P CT. COEF. UNIT COMPUTEI.l VALUE o f Bldgs OWNERSHIP RECORU /'7 r/7.-$ /3 /.~. #'~// I ..:J-/'') X ~ -~ .... .. 'I -.r r,J ·? 1 \j 4ll w~ r , '• ~ . .,..Q -J X ~ :. ' 'I" .. .~; . ........ ~ X Ul42 X 194:! . . ~ 1944 Added Fo r Corner 194 5 Added Fur· All ey ' SYfi480LS 194ti F .T ,:;:l-'rout Triaugl e . H.T .=Re ar T ri angle. 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Good %1 TOTAL JHoJ'IU~C fATED V ALIJE $ EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION II INTERIOR DESCRIPTION CfiMII!ii!CUL UU!llli_ J:'t!UNllA'r£1JN t:XTEitiiJU WALLS l NS fllt: '!'111M 'l.IIMIIINfi 111 1[1.'1'-1 N FIC ATIIII I!:S . :;II:::A:oS:::l!:II::~:::N:;._T'-----::--- ------Sturleslle~fl -S hallo w__ Uri c k Stoc i<_SptH'·---So.of l•'lxt. ____ Kltch,r.al.":" __ Ft liar&l(e ___ r·ars ______ St.o rP5 r.o u c re t ~-----Stoo11 • l'lue __ lldwol. ___ Ol d Style ____ llu!'fet _____ l't l'ull_l'art_Soue _ ____ Uffl c e Ul •lt( llrl ck_St.oue _____ Tt>rra f ott" l'alu tfrl_~; ....... __ Mo rlt>MI ______ llook Case"----l<'Joo r :fm,St.Wd-Ut STREE'l' FRONTH+++I I I I I _____ . __ A('arts l'o sts _Plers 'I'JIP li<lO•I _M.,rl._l:hp ._ l.ockt<r~-Wa lls :t:m.-;t .Wd.llt _____ llms. ll ot~J Mur1 s 1ll Stu c~o J'atma t lle ,hl ___ ll u ____ F lnt s h e rl ____ llmt~· llous<' l'll t's _ ---"" Woo d Lath YIAJ.I.'i & !'EU .I S!iS IIATII 111/IIMS llefrl t(PI'&to r ___ ----- ____ l~ns . II OS JO• ___ o,, Chl c kWJr·~ l'!aster•t'ol ___ llms l.arge_SmoJl ___ l!peu Sho)J V!;·---f,;[,@A'i'i!IIS llauk ______ ll a ll , llu~tl r _lll' __ ll~ l'lltRt. l ~l . ___ l ~ns !looms--___ No. _ Speed :_lli __ l.ow ____ Wrhse. Lo t't 1~1 1111' , llesaweol ______ Comp o. lld. ___ l~n s lioool ___ ----IILSI:io;I.I ,ANIUIUS l::lec._llyol . __ Autu _____ Car (iHr&l(l' loaloJ e-:-l•lat ___ llrd. &. !tat. ___ Stu cco llms MHdlum __ ----S l olewll.lk l.lj(hts_. l'asa . t'rt. llnth Wt , ___ S~ut Tht•tt.tr ·~ llip _Gwnh••f':l ___ ShtpJtlp .,. ____ Wt:t1ns c ot ______ Cht>ap ___ ----FJrt• l~~r:u p es ____ ll •·tght --·-----~'t \4111 ____ 1-'llCtory Mau sa r'll __ llr·mr __ ~OVt'lty __ Tolli __ l'auo J e•l Shower __ ----I'Jat~ (if .. ss ____ S Jol e wdi; ____ _ lias Statluu ___ Plo.iu _('ut 1111--Cor'r·. lruu ___ ._ Ue wn cct CeiJ j u !~--Ttl«-> Floor• ---- 'l'l l e Wnll l ~ ~- Plll C ~:JI flY CUSS IF I CA Tl ON l 2 3 ~ ------···-··--·--· -·-------· IIATii • e r -~---·-·- '-tl iAI.l'f\': f:ht"ttf' •••• ; M·••IJ uut. ••• ; liutHI • • • • j SJWC i al •. ~~~~Y--o;;;;;------·--T~.-,-;-;;-,,------- v t\caus ~u t llut'le -·------·-------~-· ····-----. ·-·--------~----- t;rPen ltous ~---~ IJi uJol••fl ________ . Sc hool ______ Stal roP.<I _____ _ HOI!Ii'{Nii ~ __ . -------_____ !~.!.:.-~e.Ro del ~~~------.!~ Poor --UJo'fiii!A'l'!Nii LfGIITfSfi ~!!:;£ll~f<;AI. ICQI I LI'II~;NT -l'res.Vo.J, . llliS!II'fiJ;=:1';;)1J'="I;>;IJ':')';'L7.~N"'"r;~~-·lwoo'l Sh.lu~lt·---• s ., 1,1 Va utilutlng Systeon $ ________ _ · ---· ~ ------~--, . Pap ~rfhl 1\m s · o. o l • xt. __ _ ______ Stol'it'" J At. Sh.lug l e. ___ . , 'rlu~e•l ---11.,~ fo:J,.ct rl c _____ Sp••lnkl "r ~y s tdm ~----···---- _______ lldoms T nr· r.: l.rl\vl'l ___ !'::X..TE I\!011 TIUII____ -----Jim s llld Styl.. Automati c ~1 re Alann $-.-------A(ot ~ _Ti l •• Mns o ror ·y _____ C 8Jovas _____ · u 1 Vac uum !:!~""'"~ Syst e1 o ~------ -------(' S8Jt J tas ltm ~ "0' PM I -------- - _____ fiiJioi Jy ·O"'flO SJtl on ____ llt•tal _______ ----r IJll Water IIP.atPr __ Sto rage__Aut.omatl •· · M 1 , Cl o th 1< l'ap . __ lb•• •as__ ·----r. ~ lluple x__JI (at_ __ eta . I,JHstl c _____ llms IJuflu. lioo<i_loleri ._Ciop_ Ai r .o ... lltloniug •--------- Uwll(_l.\uol~·---r._or·. l rou -----'I liP __ l'lalu _Mf><l,_fioorl _ Special ______ W~I I ___ Wiruinlll l __ l':l e~.l'ump __ _ f'ottagH_Sha\"k _ t.oo rl _l4 e 1\._Chp_ Wood _ __ Ta.nk ______ Pr•t!!iioM ire: Sy s L em ___ _ 1;:::=::;:;::::;:::=::;::;;;====;:=-= tilttss_________ ;m=.;;~r.====== ~:;:::::;::::;::;;:;o:==.;====== i'l!fi('III!:S : Xllllll•:l\ _ -"""""''"t .,1 -l<l,_,ih.,:A.,T,_,I,_,ll:,'G,_' --·----- fllNSTIIIII:T l iiN f •·o n t _llt •IU·.--. l'l ul•• ---·-~ _ ---·--· l•'!ro-p J. ___ S l,ov,•.-III JT HIJ{LliiN!iS-VAUJI(i i udPr :O·klll l...t ._Me,J •. _tlvy ._ IIJ :t'n _Uoofe-d ____ -----··--~urul•t·,~ ot' Ht•u nu~. llo t Air Fu r'll ----IUme11 , ___ X ___ -f'tt A_g_e""_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_ --· Mason ry ------Se r·f'enPd ______ _ 1'1nf' ____ ·--__ lttl t.'ts:_Pl}l,.l• .. q s \Pttdls ___ Koof ____ fluor _____ _ l\et ufc1. Cot H'--.1"•··--lil ns ... t•d I n _____ == ··."':"""-=-=-...:.==:..=..;.= llnrtlwou.t __ ----·--ti as ur· 0.11 Fl r•·--Area ----s 1at•t 9 ~ ----------~- rl ._ -:.· -S'l't lllF .E!!!!~-·-·· -('(.'IOI'II l _ ----Ht.,Jlaut F ir·~----ICe pro .Cosl $ ____________ _ SLt"t~l Ft'IUIH'----!.!!.!!!!t.J'l!!1 1 :-.'l i S _____ ---·----·--Bul !c.I\Pttd 1't l t> --------·-S t etJ.Jn u r llo t Wltl·--·--1~ fiooci:J'IU!S .VA.LIIE ~--------- Condl t lon : Ob!IOI e scen ce He w Yes Go od Medl u• Ito l-\uwtJuuttJ Utd'~t ·l ~··· ··" ----------------------- Special Depre c iat ion Fo r: l.a•·k ol' ll tiiJty ........... l& --------- u-. •• , .. ~ .. ~ flu,,, .• , .•.•• :S, lalfii UY f'-me ul : Loc ttt.J(Hl , ••••••• ·" IWS 11iN: CfmHI •••• ; A.~·•·••Jll.~bl ~····; l'uut· •••• ; F t•d ak ···•• Fl.t_~!.!,! !_'f ,A.N..:__!!u ~~..:l-~~~tBh l ~-.. ~; Awkwan ~:.__:.:.._:..:_:.;..:_• p ,.,·t_,_••·t ~--~'!:_.~~~-~-~· :_: ... t t £ -~~~~-~~·· l~~~nr l _•.:._~: ·_:.: :...:.:...:..· l'tl' -·--..;vurce o f l uf'ot'-.&tt o •,---~~·~~ '--=:-~~~~~----~~t-nt __ ,~~~ ~·ootl Fr·wnt• _____ ,;fl,'A•~··------'·~,,-... ___ l'ltt U· l11 \!t•t . Mur-ld e ___ -·· ----An:ultL S )'S tP.nt ______ _ \U ll I· r·wne -----Ut ·tci1cl ; AI tn••ht•tt __ -----l'l ttll· .t 11 Woo•l 'I'P I"'t 'UI..Z t) __ ~-----·-_ 1'ht>rmostat ____ _ S 1 n ~lf' "'ttl!~----ShtHi __ B nru _____________ I'J ,.I p ~h t't •t •d C'ompu"\ltJun -~---~·-lour' ur ~Us ce llt1Ht-'OUS lte10ar•k:s ·-------·--- l\t"'t ll ol p 'tnll _____ P o uJ t 1')' I lou~.·---------·-.· !'1 '1 ~!. t i l H ~'-1. t•:n.r•t II •.• -·-··----"'tt1.l Furu ._ s~~ 1\twpr!fl -" --1 6 . HEA L ES TA TE A J'l-'HA [SAL (; 0 M 1' (I T A T I U N • YALUAT I OM RE CORD ------- BLOCK NO . 40 -LOT 11 0 . II BLOCK BOOK PAGE (6_ YIUH 19 41) 19 19 w - Des c ri p ti o n, D i men si on s an d Own er &h i p of Re a 1 Pr ope rt y De s cr ib e d h er ei n , co nf o r ms with J..a nd ~c:;{~ $ $ $ Value Of f i c i a l Blo c k Book , a nd As s e ss me n t Map o f T h e C it y Na med o n Re v ers e . ---- No a cc o u n tabili ty Ass u n1e d f or Mat ters Le g a 1 j n Cha r a c t er . Co mputation of Vd lue s o f Building $ $ $ • La nd and Buil d i ngs i n Ac c o r da nc e with Cont rt~ct Pr ov isi ons for Equatax S ystem Valuati o n . Value Numbe•· S YMBOL FHON'f DEP'l'H ve ·r . COE F . UNIT COMPUTED V AWE of Bldgs OWNimSJJIP RECORD . ~·tfu; I 7/t.. . b;< / r. bQ X /5~./{). JJ6 !$ / 19 ·lU • l" .• .14' 'Hi. ~· ;., I ',~ '.,tf~.,.~.; ~~·~~j X .. ' ~ . ------!··~c ·_' . " X ~1 2 {7 ; ------ X 19 •13 --- Added Fo r Corne r 19H 19 ·l5 Add e d P'o r· All ey SYMBOLS 19 ·l6 F .T ,:::Front Triru•gl e . R.T.=Re a r Triangl e . B.L.=Back Lot Comp. TOTAL C.I.=Corner· Influence. If'= Re ver·se Corne r COIIIJl· $ 1947 Retail llus:l ness 0 Residence D .,. SKETCHES OR REMARKS, OR Semi Busilll~ss D I ndus t ri al D SPECIAL REMARKS METES AND BOUNDS nESCR I PT I ON Record Below Subse~uent ChanlJes in Val u e due to Re-aprraisal . Iud.l catt> . REV I SIOIIS AND ADJUSTMENTS: Reason for Action uch a s Ad 1t1ons, A! t erations, Rebu !ding. Fire Loss , : DelltOUtion , or Removal o:r Buildings . COST REPRO. DIPRECIA-ITh'VISEO '· l>ATE Ht>as o n t'or Action BY FACTOR COST TION VAWE : ! • . . '• ·-:~t· .. ~·,:-~ l ~; . ·~ •• • . " .1-" . .l <t i.~ [,~::r 1ft;: .1"~·,1 ~ ~:J ~~ .... 1 ~~·12:~ Form !(.&<$) BUI L Di l4G CLASSIFICATIO N _AND CITY OF AJ)ORESS f;;J. . /J /J -LOCATIO~ l~ (/~) ' ST. AVE. COMPUTA TI ON RECO .RD CA L IFOR NIA BLOCK 4 0 NUMBEH ~ ]J)T NUMllEH. /.;( U W S E llSII J.l' LOS GATOS ~E~ SUBDI VISION OR TRACT , fl--t-vL~ {) 'dl cR... - L>ESCRIPTION Sect. Dim e ns ions Ar·~u or· Cu h agf' IJs~it Cost (A) X X = ..:u.H @$ sg. . (B) X X = c u. ft @$ , , .•s· tt (C) X X = '-· .;w:rcu. ft @$ . sg.f! (D) X X ::;;: cu.J @$ . s q. t V" lte p ro. Co!; t I Out'h ldgs P r·t>s . V ttl ue $ $ Misc e l . He t aj 11 • w ull IIIJT J.IHN G IHAG H AM AND IH £TAI LS. s cal Etl l, '\ f 50, 'tt -r·HEtGHT . ·. ~ ~ ..... f tJ., -+-+ -ttttttttttt · I H · H·-1 +++++-1 .. 1-+-l--1-·I- X X = c u. ft @$ . Tank ~~m~Jtt X X ::;;: sg .n Pool . cu. @$ . sq. Hep1·o d uct.i o u Cost of Maiu Bu il diug $ -% Goo d $ Garage X X :::: C ll, ft @$ sg. rt . 1$ % Good $ Depreciat i on %1 Pet . Good %1 'l'O'f AL J)Ef'lll<:CI AT It~ I) V AL lJE $ EXTERIOR DESCRIPTIO N II I NTEfiiOR OESCRIPl'IOH CW.IM!;;IlCIAJ, IJUIJ.lli._ FUUNVATWN --· t:XTEillf>ll WALLS fNSflll!: 1'Hlll lfl.liMIII Nti III III.T -fN FKATIII\ES • .;:lj.:::/I.;:.S;:.t:M"'t:=-'N"-T=----c:--- ______ S t or•Jes ue~1 •-Sh1111 o•--llrl ck Stock_Spec . ___ No .of FJ xt. ____ Kit e h ,Cah. ___ Ft !i.,rag e _____ Cars Stores Couc r•ctP ______ Stou " l'iuP. __ Ildwtl . ___ Ol d Styl e _____ Hufl'et ____ Ft ~\al l_l'ar t __ ~one _ ____ orfict! lll ·l~ llrlt:k __ Stou e _______ T~rr u Cotto l'alut"<l _:_t:nlill•·--llo11Prn _______ llook Cases ____ F!oo r:('m,St .Wd.Ut _______ Ar.art8 l'osts_l'lers __ -· 'l'11P t;uo<I_Mcri._Chr•·-Lo c k e r~-------WaJls:C,n .St .Wd.llt _____ ltms. Ho t~! llurlslll _____ Stucco __ l'at••ur. lle•l • ·---llu ____ Fl n lRhPtl ____ lim/;• ll ouSO! l'llP• ---llu Wood La t h WALL:-; " tiHI.[~(;S llA1'11 nnO:Il s lle l'rlgerato r ___ ·----- ----~~·5· llosp . ---"" l'hl t:k'lil re l'las t e t'l'tl ___ ll ms l.uJ.;e _Sm u ll ___ IIJ>e u Sh elvg . ___ lcf.EVATOIIS !hUlk 111111 , --= ltu s llc _IJI> ___ H~ l'l aRt . IJ.t. __ ltms !looms --__ Nu . Speerl:_ll l ___ Low ____ Wrhse. Lot't II!Kil· --lt esawe<l l'ompo. Bl). __ llms t;oocl ___ ----iiTSCJo:f.LANE)')IJS ~;l ec._llyr!. ___ Autu _____ Car Ga rlil(l' 1 ;""1 ~--Flat ___ lint. & llRI·---Stul!c o ____ ltm s M~c llutn __ ----SJc l~walk L ights_ I'11 SS• ~'rt . IJml. -t. ___ s ,. .. t Thf>ltll't'lll p __ uamlirel. ___ Shlpl up _______ Wlllu•c ot ______ ('ht•up ___ ----~'lr·e "sc op e s ___ ll"l!(ht _____ Ft \IJJ! ____ I'acto ry ~1111 g '"'1 -;-11 ''"'''--~ovt>lty __ T&ll __ l'aue!ecl _____ Sltow.,r __ ----l'lut.e U!ass ____ . SJ dewftlk _____ _ \las Statlou ___ llalu _l.ut "1'--Co r·r·. lrou ___ lleam erl Ce1l l111\--'l'.l l t> F io<H' ---- 'l'lle Wall n ~ f/-tjrP.tHI llo u sP ---~ I Pttiu.tt•fl ------. S c h ool ______ · S tained _____ _ ll!KJFTN!: MllCIIANW t\1 , El.liiii'M.ENT -J'res.V al. l.fGIIT(~!l UEC OII A1'I Nfi -~o. or Jo'ixt. Ve ut1latln~ System$ _____ _ E l t•etr l c ---Spr!nld e r· Syst"'" :ii---------- O!tl StyJP Automatic F tr·e Alan• S-------- ltoti P.ru • Vacuum C J.f!:t:Udng Syst.em ~------- ltms ~l l'ap e r·etl -----Hm s ~= Wuo•l Sh.l n :dt.!____ . Tinted ----=ltms ··sm'T.I.liill:JHNtiS ll'llt. Shlugt e _____ l ~:x •n;nw n ~ c,..,vas --_lllo s ~le t:.l'tomt• ---- 1\!f Sto ri es 'I' & liravc•l _____ Sanlta~-----1\ms I Chp_IW I I Wl uclrniJI __ Ire Syss.em ___ _ nr 1 ~ I'&Jl ·-,. !_Me t ·-P --PreSS\ ______ !looms ______ Apts I 'l'l i ••!Masoury _____ _ Fasr>ily Comp osl tlou ___ M~tal ______ _ ·------::.-Me tal l'l u"J c _____ _ llUpJeX __ Jo J at __ (:o r , l i 'O II _____ 'fj.Jo•-------- llwlf~_lknl(:•---Go o d Meti._Chp _ Woo<L .. -----f ~ot tal~e_Shac k _ -===(:las"'.---------- -!~.!:!!!ili!..~i.!i=O••uwn••flllil _._,_ I'ONSTIU !CT [()~ Fr·o n t, __ lli'IH'-... ---I' I Ii i"-------- L t._Mt •fl,_ Uvy._ llpf•n _Uuot'tld ------- Masonry -----S cr••t•u~rl _____ .. He iu t'<1~Co uc-._l·r._ C tltt~"'~·l '"~---·-1---- . FJ,__ . --·---S'l'llltl-: 1•1 111\T S L~P l F r ume ____ 01 •1'Hl'rtJH NtiS _ -----UuJt,c lt ... a •l Wo od F r•tutH~-----littr'll t~P ___ ._Curs __ l 'lnle iu \t ... t. \1111 J·nun~-----lh·t t'htl ; :\tttu•ht•tt ____ l 'l ul~ .111 V.o u•\ S ln~~J p ~nll ___ ShHt l __ llur•t t _______ l 'l ttlt' \tJt'r·•·•l l\ould •· 'If HI L ___ ._ Poul t t'Y llc.u t ~•· ~---· __ Sllt>t•t fd us~. uas __ "071::=== WatP.r llftatAr __ Storage___lluto mlltl c AI r· Con•ll t t onlug ~ ----Clot' ll u fi u. t.oo• k -- lllns lioo<l _ Sp ec1111 Tan --l'llllu _M~d. __ --· ]Ttm't~; --==== J.·I;JI JIIS _____ __:: FJ rt>pl • ... -S t oV t'-·-· fi(JTI\U ILUI NGS-V ALUE l luc leJ'~·iliil :-.lumht•c · of lt Potus. llo t. A t r • Vu i'U·---iume u. ___ X ___ Ft :Ag e ____ · ___ _ Ptut> _______ Ou ct s: _1'1 p t~J ~ss Yrul ls-liloof ___ F l oor·------ 11 1\t'tlwoorl ____ t;as o r 1111 Fit·•·-Ar ea ____ s,1 ~·t ij $ ___ ·------- t 't •lll t·u t ___ ---·-lln,l.)aut 1•~1rt! ___ lt Pp r o .rost ~ ------ 'r ll •·---____ SteB~n Ol ' ll ot WJH ._ ;; Cio o <l:I'I\Jo:S .\'AUJt: $ ______ _ Mtt.dd e _____ Ar·cu1 a Syst..e., ___ ·--' f't !l'l'tl.l..tt) __ -----1ht"l'mOStat ____ _ f:om,.oo.;i t Jott ___ _;_ .. _ FhhH' or IM1 s celJ.tLuPous ltem a rks E tu·th _~-------Wa!J Furn. _____ S e e ltevf'rs e -~I ST REI~ 'I' f?llO N 'f·· J PR!CI.:U ltY llATE -·-·-------·--~-- ClAS S I FICATION 2 3 ... ---· ----~-!. c 0 ijtl t\l.r 'L'Y: Clu>n.JI•··•i U ~dlun .••• ; lfl.•ml ••.• ; Spt"cl a l . t Jf:C:I II'A~f~'W' Hwu~r· ~-----;:;.~;~,-~----· Vrtc au t Sut li orlt: ----·----------------·-- Age ______________ _!~ Rt~~~~odel <:_~ .. ~--·----~ Co nd it i on : Hew Good Medl ~ Poor -~------------· ----- Ob so l ,.sc ence Yes No l<)m ct l oua l ~('e•·llf••• ··" Sp eci.tl De preciat ion For: t.a c k of tlt.JIJty ........... " lh lll'• •• ~ ll ud .. t • •••• ~ l•pr ·nv ~uumt.: l.uc a ll<'*'· .•• ·····" ~~~~--!f00 1lo • • ·_i AO I!~p~~h J e. •.:.:...!.~~~~~.:.:.L~':~...:.: ~~1.11~ ~~ ~~.!.:~~-:_.~·-~.:.:.:!..._~;~~~!~~.:...=-: ·i~•kw~~~~.:..:.:.:..: . .:. .. : .. : .. : ~·.:_~~~~~4 ·-~~~:_.~~J~~.:.~..:.:__:_:_!'~.L~~~~-ht!J' o!' ~·g~,~·;_·..:_: ·.: .. : .. :.: IWNT :i l't'r' ---.iour ·c~ of (ufonn&t 1 o h --- -~--==~-M~-~~----~~.:._ __ Bat l ~d-- •,, . ~~~~.,. HE A L !!:ST AT E APP HAISAL Cli MI'lJ 'l 'AT lON . VALUATION RECORD .. 40 . -··· BL OCK MO. LOT MO. l.!l BLOC K BOOK PAGE h YI~Alt 1940 19 19 1U ----- f-·$// !i_ -.. L a nd $ $ $ Des c ripti o n, O imen~i on& and Ownersh i p o r Re a 1 P roper! y Oe5cribed he rei n , co nfor ms wit h Value Offi c i a l Blo c k Book , an d As se~sment Map o r The C ity Ham ed on Re v ers e . --- No a cc ount a o il ity A ssum ed for Matters Leg a 1 in Char ac t e r. C o m put at i on or V a 1 u e s o r .Bull ding $ $ $ $ La nd and Buildi ngs i n A ccordance wi th Contr a ct Pr ov i sions f o r Equ at ax Sys t em V a luati on . Value Numher SY MBOL FHONT DEPTB PC'f . COE F. UNIT COMPUTEJ.> VALUE of B!dp;s OWNERSHIP R E CORD -~JD-J7h. -.DO X 1 ::x.2 n H2.S $ / /%I· 19•H) ro;: . ~ ., l U •.l-1~.1 ~:.J_ . ~ -. X J. '!··· ' f .. ~ =-~~ v -. X 1 9 •1-2 X 11H3 19 •!4 Added For Cor·ner 19 4-5 Added For Alley SYio4BOL S 1946 F .T.=Fro n t Trian gle . R.T .=Re ar Trian gle. B.L.=llack Lot Co ml l• TOTAL C.I.=Corn e r· I n fluen ce. rJA =Reverse Corner Coarp. $ 1947 Retail Hust n ess 0 Residence D SPECIAL REMAllKS SKETCHES OR REMARKS, OR Semi Busiuoss 0 I ndu strialD I~ETES AND BOUNDS DESCRI PTION · ' Record · Below Subse~uent Chanljes in Value due to Re -arrraisal . l 11di cate> ·- REVI SIO MS AN D AOJUSTMEMTS : ' Reason f'or Action uch a s Ad itions, Al t erations, Rebu lding, Fire Loss, I De*>li tion, or Removal of Buildings. ' COST REPRO. DJ!:PRECI A-REVISED .. DATE Reason for Action BY FACTO R COST T I ON VAJ,UE ' . • 1 ...... , ·1~ id~ J f".;fn~ ~~-~~~J : ~ .. ft ' ' . ~. •!f r· l ! ~ ' H ~~ .. , ... {':~ ~f·, ---.~~lf ' "i -. .. --------·-.. .... -, Form {~ ~) AND COMPUTAT10M RECORD • BUILDING DI AGR AM AND DETAILL BUILOI MG CLASSIFICATION ADDRESS ~ 1 J ' ST. l.OCATIOS 37th / v U4.J AVE. c1 TY oF LO.-; i: _, ros CAL I FO RH I A ~~~c; ~1 :33 1: ": ~ ;5;o; 'Hf ~~fq~T;.;. t ~ .; .;. ~ fj} HLUCK ji L.• LUT ~ 1! NUMBER u NU MBER /4/~ I uw~ERSIIIP C ~· Aa~/o~ Jf ~ --.....-> SUBIHVISION OR TRACT' FOLLETi 1 c " DE SCIUPTION Sect. Dimensions Area Unit Cost . Repr·o.Cost Out'bldgs Pres. Value (A) X $ (B) X (C) X Miscel. (D) X X = . Hetaiu. W!ill X X = . Tan I X X = . Pool RefJ roduc tiou $ D % Good $ Garage X I $ Good $ s Depreciation TOTAL DEPRECIATED VALUE $ ~ 3 91.) EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION INTERIOR DESCRIPTION CIIMII!;i!!CI.U. IIW\iS FOUNliATW~ t::XTEIUUR WALLS INSIIlt: 'tll!W J'LUW JIIN G _.., 1JUILT-J~ Ft::AT-;;([S. UA.SIOO!:NT S tories Ueep_ Sh&llow___L_ tlrlck Stocl<~pec. ___ .~o .ol' Ftxt.---!;?---Kitch ,Cah :-=-r:.:_-Ft ~~e e .. rs Stores Coucrete ~ Stout! l 'tue~H~ •d·---01 d Sty.l t Huffet 1-'t 1'\&11 1 D.rt_~one _ ____ llt'f1ce lli<lg llrl cl<_S tou~ _____ Terra Cotto l'a.luted:2t::m••·--llodeno V .llool< Cases ____ Floor: 't.Wd .Ut Aparts l'o6ts_l'1ers__ 1'He Guod_tolt,ti ._ChJl ·~ Locl<ers 't&lls:c,..st d.Ut Hms . Ho t~l Wuds111 Stuc co Pat~ut Heds ___ Uu ____ to"1n1 ed u .. g. llous e l'lles ---"" Wood Lath WALLS a. c::s::s BA'Ill IIUiti!S llet'rl gerator __ _ !lois. flo sp. ' ---"" Ch i cl<lllre l'l~st~reol lluls Lar-x~_s,. .. u__o.l_ Uveu Shdvg. ___ ELEVATiliiS tlan k llall ltustl c_ul' __ ll't l'la.st, tld. __ ltms ltooons __ ~~U-S (~~d: 111 w• ____ 'trhse. Lo f t llfiOF / ltesue d Coii(•O· t l<l . __ llois ••ou<l ___ IIMCEu.ANEXJUS !::lee. -d ._t.u t o Ca r Garage G ah~lat ___ tlrd. & lllit . ___ Stuc co llms ~~~•llum __ --z=.. S1~<1L1ghts_ l'..sa. Fr lbh lit. ___ Se a t ThPatr" 111 P liaallret __ Shiplap Wuuscot l'he 111•-------~·lr·e 1!: ap~~---1te1gllt _j,'t lllU ____ Fac tory liausardr::-llnor __ ~ovelty ::LT&u __ l'&Jteled 'Y•u•~P------!'late G! ·•----~1dewaH. .......... t.J a.s Statlou ___ .PlUu-lf._Cut up __ Corr. [rou liefllted Celllug __ t.~iour ----'- Ureeu Uou se___ Palu ted ~ '1'1 l e 'toll tr ~ It - School Sta1ued ROOFISG ...._·~ uECIJilATi NI; LJGIITISG WECIIANICAL E~II'IIEN: -l'res.V&l, 1\ESIU'I IJIJI .ll1NGS llood Sh1u r,l e ~ ' u -N 1. 1.1 Veutllllt1ug Sys t""' • • ' · l'apered .... s o. o ' xt. J S t orles I' at. Shllogle , ~Rills El.,ctr1 c r= Sprlnl<.ler System ~ 'l' Canvas !laos " t)le , . . l llllll iUM II I I I I I I I I i~iT·R·E·E·T· .F.RO ·N·TI I I I I I I j :N I P~c~u t1 Y !/1.111 M/tLJ:.MirE Jf~'j /W CLASSIFICATIO~ I 2 {!)~ A I se l,fl iA1,[T\: Chi!!l()····; t.tt"1 IJ~-~ Uut.lil·•·•; S)JCI.!la.J. ••••. UCCJII'A~I '\ Age / '7 7 Condit I on : Obtol ucence H•ue t• Vacauc ,..... rrs. Tt:IUU I( Nul tioac K...,del ed Age ,,. .. Mew Good Medii•V 'oor Yea lo Fuu c t.lou-..L. U.t~t.:~, .... i"~ :.5__ !looms T ar&. Gravel EXTERIIlR TRill 1inted .,1 ~ s , :: f.Utomau c Fi re Alam $ Apts llt: Na.sou ry Stuu t«t.S H•s Mo tte ru /_ \r acuu.. L lee. . .nlyystem $ 1"11!111ly Co"'''o sl tlon ____ lie t&l ----,. , 1 ~ Water He"t".''--Storage____AUto•allc _., u Cloth o. l'a p._tlms uas __ ' 1 . uuple~·1 .,t __ .. eta.l 1'1 11s t1c u_. U fl li 1 u d Ch .Ur· Cou<lHloulug ~ c r T 1 ,_s u u. oot _ .. e • 1'- 11w1 g duu g . ___ or. rou i ' 1 e f/ ~~d._tiood_ Specl a.J. Well ___ .lwJaull __ lilec .Pu.p __ _ S,ec i .. l Oec~rec l .. tion For : '·""" ot' llullty ..... ····•tf I ltvcr· •••• :' IJ JU.Jr'l'· ••• ~ l•IH'OVeacnl ; L.u!al.H'h ••. t •• • ·4 UI':SII;s: liood., .. ; lo.cc•p tlibh·/; l'ou•·· ... ; ~-...... .-~~. H.t.Hllt I'L~: o;uud •... ; Acc.,pl•bl •·/.; AwkUI'<l······•;:· p.,,., .. ~«•· ut' •.u1o J.~~l; Hu.loe r u!' "'og iu~ ..... ;;i - l:o tt"'I~-Shac~ _ Good_lled . Chp_ Wood Tan k l'res6ur·e System __ _ Gl ass I'UIICIIt::S NU IIW::It llnu•llleut.U j II EATING CoN STHUCTrL Frout..>/-ll ~o.r~ l'ldll -tJ F IJJt JI\S Fl r t-pl . __ Stove __ I0114J!UILIJINGS-VALU£ Uudu Hoo Lt. __ lied. Hv y._ up~u _ltoot '"d~ Nw.h<'r of lloo'!'... llot A1r F'uru . ---Ul•eu . """':y Ft: Age __ Ma5onry Scr-eenerl Plue ---~ _1-"'cts:_Plpeless "&lls __ ._•JIIji) floor He1ufd.~OIIC·-~r ·-lila.ss~d (u ____ . lla.rd•ood _ --1-lias o r tJll t"lr..,_ Area ___ Sql<'t i Fl. STURE f•lt.O NT C~~atwt __ ---H~dltlut Ft re ___ tiepro.t~ost $ ~ ~t~Pl _l·rbllle-+--OUTUIJI LilrNGS . -JtuH;n.,o.J 'l'lle ___ ---S te""' o ~ llot lla.t . ___ ,: liood:I'Rt:S.V.U.Ut:: $ " Wo ou t-ru.~_J ___ t•ea.r~e+l---..l ar·s __ ! t ~ lh ~et . llflart d e __ ---Areal tiL ~yste~n___ ............ "J 11 J•rSJne ____ U~tch dt/ A tta c ru~d-__ Plat i u ttood Terrt~.~zo_ ---Thermost tL t ~ll l~l e '*all-sn~d_U&nl _____ Jil es.t~ t 1 r·.:-d CoatJIOS ltlou ___ F loor .... .__ Mtscel.l&neou ~ tte.•rks . Per ---s •.• ,u·cc or lnro r~~atlou ~ IU':M1 1 ----Wo. Teuaul 4&cht W.·•·--•-•: .. M - is.: "' -' ' . . ! IlEAL E STAT E AP PH AlSAL C'II~I'UTAT lUN. VALUATION RECORD "~l ~ BL 0 Ck NO. 26 ~~~ _,L, I ~ HI 19 :"5 LOT NO. BLOCk BOOk PAGE YE AR Hl4U Jl} -·~ D e ~L r ,p:i.l n , G t '11 e n :;, i u n .5 L aud $ 6-ro. $ $ $ ; --~ n u Uwn t: r .:) r. i p o f R t:::al P rv~ert 1 D e scr i o~a nere in , con f orm s -N itn Value () (I I ' I ~ I 0 I O C 1'\i 8 ~,)h . a. n -J 4 :s s ~ :, s H• e n t ,...~, ... u f Tn e ( I t J h ::.rr• eo oro R e ve rse. No ~ ~ c ~'"' r, t ::. c_ i i i t -~ A s sun c::O r o r M~ttt:rs L e ~ a i i n Cn a r a ..:teor . Comp u t ati o n o r Valu e:> 0 f Huil1llllg; .239t> $ $ $ L a r u .:,r c.; h ..... 1 1 u i n y ~ l fl ~.: c c. r (J d r1..:. c ~ 1 t r C u n t r a ..:.~ Fr o v i s 1ons r or £o ua.t ax S j'Stem vaiua t ion . Value ~wnher 2-SY MI~ I I. FlHJNT Utl'TH PCT. ('liEF. IJN I T CO Ml'IJTEIJ VALUE of illd ~s OWNErtSIIIP RECORU ~~ '!:;.,'-& ("(. -:.--I \ i q '31J 99 ;z.Y~ $ HI4U ---"llll I ltl 4 1 e, , . X .:~~·* D a .<~4&?4..() •' X lll •l2 \ JY 4:J l\:14-1- Add!'rl Ful' l 'o!'ltPI' 1 945 Addt>d hll ' A ll t>y SYMBOLS l!H6 F. T. =Fru11 r T 1·i a11 ~l e . II. 'f.= Hear T ri tUI I! L e . ll, L. =Back Lot fomp. TOTAL C . l .=l"u rii P I ' luf'lue u t·f', r!' =: fl e VPI'S ~ f'o r'""'' romp . $ 19-1-7 He tail llus1ness 0 Resi d t'll (:P D SPECIAL llEMAHK S SKE TCII ES OR REMARKS, OR Semi Uusi u t>ss D [udustri td D METES AND HOUNOS J)ESCH.IPTION REV I SIOMS AMD ADJUSTMENTS : Re corrl Aelow S u tose~ue u t C h au~e s in Value due to Re-appraisal, I udicat+> Reasou for Actio11 .u ch as Ad itions,Al te rat ions, Rehullding , Fir~> Loss, Ue mol itiou, ur Hemo val of .Bui l di11gs. n ATE ll+>asull for Actiou HY COST REPRO. llEPRECIA-REVISE D FACTOR cos-r; TION VALU E " '~ ~ - ; " --.X I Ai ·•. :.· All f -- (.' ';" (( / r l _ --.-·-.- l, W. F. PARKER. County Auditor of the County of Santa Clata. C.l .. ~ ~Y ~ d-~t th.:::-: :.."'C no lien.; for unpaid Stat~. County, MJJnK:jpel or other u.na.. c:xcc!:pt taxes not yet payable apinst the Trt;t r Subdivision of land:, delineated and described in and )! he annexed ~'bp a~ part t~.e.=l. . I dt r·o<IS...I.d this .•.• ~--~·-···.>;··· dayof ~-· 191'1,-, T/ ...... k/.: ~County Audi"" by ·--~~-.. Deputy N MAP OF' ........ i I . Lo• G.to,,cal. ,jeb:r-uZ7 6th,li:U. !'Ilia 1 1 to oert1f7 ~t alJ: tazea aga.u.t the propart7 4elS....ahd 011 th1a ""'P of the ····-··-Inri.ll'a l!llb41l'ia1oll to the fen of Loa ·Gatoa are ftlll7 · pa14. ' IRWINS SUBDIVISION. . ... £!i1l~~:1:.':~¥----·-·· BEING A PART OF H $.I RWI NS' LAND LOCATED IN TH£ TOWN OF LOS GATOS, . '•!!%' Cletll:. SANTA CLARACO. ..Scale : .s-ol/. lv I inch. dune , .1 910. CALIF. Sun¥S''tT ~Jy/lttd,_Jiv,i:Jtvtl ,f #"M/bt~.SwKA-.-.:{ JQ~s. S"" ./t>se, Grk1~ .I .--J ~·.:y¥ ,;·. _InereD_y Cti'rlily thor Iam theproprieror or the traer or land shown ano' delineated on this map; that satd tract has oeen laid out and the lois nuin/;ered cu:cord- /ng to my instruction_/ that fhe map rulfyandl"a;/1!/uii!J represenls said tracl; /fs neme anel ils subd;Yt:StQ/7, ond I here~ dedt~ole lhe sfrt:e/"s ond oll~s . .show/1 o/1.s:rk/177op_ fo fhe t/se oF /he ~.6/ic-f'ort!•'er. . . If" ~~ 7Jareo/ !os tjol~ Cerl/1: ___ -~'!V.V..l!.l'J~ _\.5"::-'_' -.:..l.._ .21£~~~----- .STAT~ OF CI'\LifORNIJ\ } County of Santa CICC\r.a SS. • On 117/s. _ ! ~ _ ~-d~ or. ""J"i.l'kJ.<.JA 'C.:J-,If. Ll 191 ~ bt!'/ore n7e . ____ T_._ :E_~ _-J"o }"\::.>.::v~ ~ _____ a Noto':.!l' .PubliC. in and ror the ~OlHlty or Sanra C/oj'ra; p~rsonalfy appe.aJ•eel ~1ew o.,..T ::Cr w v w-/. ...1. -'-... -L~ ..... • • ., ••• ______ • _ • • _-• .-ri70WT7 rO nre rOve o·n!" p~rson SUbSC"ri<J- . _ ~~-Jy~ ~-n am & fo I h.: abai/e c~rli/icale, Clnd_ -~!L.9dr.Pwle¥Tgeo' f(7 n1e rhal-.. -~~ _ e.Yeculed -/he sqme n.r fllti' purpos-es th~r<!'/17 menrione</. II'/' nf/"N£SS WH£,f$a.j I heYe IJ,"u/1/o SdAtY hal"ld and a/hreo' m_yt?&e&! s~/, the d!_y and.Y'UJ', /1] /hts Cerh"hcale /ir.sf .s.bo~""''t._T/;'f·,__, ---- ... ---~. _.:.:..._ __ ,._; .I "././~·· - ;;,/~vA,""i.i;" ,;;q;;; ~ ·,;., ~~ ,., .r.;,;;; c;;;.z~ ";..' ( . ' so ' (l r ' t e-xt '1( t-:J, +- SUNG ENGINEERING INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS Michael Black 388 Santana Row, #1123 San Jose , CA 95128 Phone: (408) 219-4421 Fax: (408) 354-7415 michael{a),p eninsulabuildersinc.com Subject: Re si dence at 360 Bella Vista Avenue, Los Gatos Job No.: 215268 To Whom It May Concern: October 16 , 2015 At your request we have made a site v isit on October 16 , 2015 at the s ubje ct property . The purpose of our reconnaissance was to perform a visual review of the existing main residence and existing (2) accessory buildings. We understand that the existing buildings are to be demolished and replaced with ne w structures and this report is to be used for obtaining a planning approval as required by the City for building demolition. The existing main residence and existing (2) accessory buildings are one-story wood- framed structures located on a flat lot in the City of Los Gatos. The existing roof framing at main residence and (2) accessory buildings consist of 2x rafters , interior and exterior walls consist of stud walls, existing fl oo r framing/foundation at main house consists of 2x floor joists with concrete co ntinuous footings and concrete s lab on grade at (2) accessory buildings. The existing main residence is located in the middl e of the property where lot di vis io n is proposed. Due to the size and configuration, the existing main house cannot be relocated to either proposed lot; extensive modifications to the structure are nece ssary in order to comply with planning requirements. The existing (2) accessory buildings have been converted to living units and do not comply with current building code requirements. It is our opinion that it is not cost effective to modify the existing structures to meet current planning and building code requirements. We recommend demolition of existing structures for new construction of proposed residences. 29300 Kohoutek Way , Suite 190 · Union City, CA 94587 · (510) 475-7900 • Fax (510) 475-7913 Page 2 The opinions rendered by us have been deri ve d in accordance with the currently accepted standards of engineering practice, and have been conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exerci sed by members of the profession practicing in the same locality under similar conditions at the time the se rvices were provided. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this report or in any opinion, documented or otherwise. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact our office . Thank you. Very truly yours , Peter . Sung, P .E. Civil Engineer 1"=10' I I I I I I . , I RE OVIRE MENTS I I I • I • I • I • I • -6 I I ALL UTILITY TRENCHES AND COUTOUTS 'MTHIN THE SELLA VISTA PAI/EMENT MUST BE REHAB ILITATED PER LATEST TOWN STANDARD DRA'MNGS AND TOWN STANDARO SPECinCA TlONS. nNAL GRADIN G PLANS SHALL INCLUDE EROSION CON TROL PLAN. A SOILS REP ORT FOR GEOLOGIC AND GEOTECHNICAL REVIE W IS REQUIRED. ANY EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LATER•~ PROPOSIED TO BE REUSIED MUST BE TELEVISED BY WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT AN D APP ROI/ED BY THE TOWN BEFORE REUSE. ' I THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURI/EY AND MAP WAS PREPARED ROBER J. CRAIG DATED JANU ARY 15, 2015. BY DATE REVISION INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENSTRUCTION .. I I .., I I I I • I • I HARLAN DOC. #17800255 EARTHWORK QUANTITIES DRIVEWAY HOUSE/BASEMENT YARD TOTAL EXPOR T I I CUT 12 C.Y. 148 C.Y. 12 C.Y. 172 C.Y. 135 C.Y. FILL 13 C.Y . 0 C.Y. 24 C.Y. 37 C.Y. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA (BOTH LOTS) D.45 ACRES. AVERAGE SLOPE OF THE LOT 1% j_l 2 '1 ~ " . '· -. It • I 2 SW'ALE PROPOSED SE:YIER LATER.fJ. HAMIL TON DOC. #2166 7956 BY DATE DATE• DECEMBER 2015 SCALE • HOR. 1' = 1 o• VERT . DESIGNED• JC CHEC KE D• KC PROJ ENGR BY• KAREL CYMBAL , RC E 34534 DAT E• WESTFALL ENGINEERS) INC. 145B3 BIG BASIN "AY, SARATOGA. CA 95D70 (408)867-D244 LOT 3 (A) .E PRELIMINARY LANDS OF GRADING MICHAEL EXISTING [:::::::J . 0 0 0 VICINITY MAP LEGEND BULDING MONUMENT CURB INLE:T AR(A DRAIN POL£ PROPOSED [:::::::J • • • 0 @ C( @ SANITARY SE V ER MANHOLC • @ LOT 1 (A) ~ -s:s-ss- -so-n- NOTES STORH DRAIN MAN!-0..£ rtRE HYDRANT VATER VALVE STREE T LIGHT CLEANOUT BOUNDARY LOT LINE CENTERLlNE LIMIT OF EASEMEN T CURB CURB AND GUTTER EDGE OF PAVEMENT CONTOUR FENCE F'"U)\1 LINE SAN ITARY SE\JER STORM DRAIN ELECTRICAL GAS 'w'ATER SILT BARRIER I( 9 ~ -ss -ss- -sD-sD- -c-G- _..,_v- 1. SLOPES OF 5" OR GREATER AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SHALL MAINTAIN ALONG THE ENTIRE PERIMETER FOR A DISTANCE OF 5 FEET MINIMUM . 2. ALL ROOF S DRAINS TO BE DISCHARGED ONTO AN ADEOUA TE SPLASH BLOCKS DIRECTED INTO LANDSCAPE AREA AND ALLOWED TO SHEET FLOW WHERE FEASIBLE. UNLINED SWALES 'ML L CONIIEY RU NOFF TOWARD THE STREET. RUNOFF FROM THE SITE SHOULD NOT BE COLLECTED INTO A PIPE SYSTEM. CONCENTRATED, AND DISCHARGED DOWN SLOPE. ANY OFF SITE DR AINAGE ONTO THE PROPERTY SHALL CONTINUE IN SIMILAR MANNER. NO IMPROI/EMENTS SHALL OBSTRUCT OR DII/ERT RUNOFF TO THE DETR IMENT OF AN AD J ACENT PROPERTY . 3 . FINAL SURFACE DRAINAGE GRAD IENT SHALL BE PLANNED AND BUILT SO AS TO DIR ECT WATER AWAY FROM THE BUILDINGS AND FOUNDA TIONS. 4. SLABS CAST ADJACENT TO FOUNDATION S SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATIONS . 5 . ALL EXISTING STRUCTIJRES AND TREES INDICA TED ON THIS PLAN TO BE REMOI/ED . 6 . ALL EXISTI NG SANI TARY SEWER L ATERA LS MUST BE TE LEVISED BY WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTR ICT AND APROI/ED BY THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BEFORE RE USE. 7. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER CLEANOVTS, IF THESIE DO NOT ALREAD Y EXIST 'MTHIN 2 FEET OF THE PROPERTY LINE. B. FINAL GRADING PLANS SHALL INCLUDE COMPLETE EROSION CON TROL PLAN . INTER IM CONTROL MEASURES, TO BE CARR IED OUT DURING CONSTR UCTION AND BEFORE INSTALLATION OF THE FIN AL LANDS CAPING SHALL BE INCLUDED. INTER IM CONTROL METHOD SHALL INCLU DE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: SILT FENCES, nBER ROLLS ('MTH LOCA TlONS AND DETAILS), EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS, TOWN STANDATID SEEDING SPECinCA TIONS, ETC. AND DRAINAGE BLACK-PARCEL PLAN 1 JOB NO. 20 15-067 SHEET 1 360 BELLA VISTA, LOS GATOS OF2 FIRE DEPARTMENT NO TES !"IRf 5PRJ~~KlfR.5 R!OUIR.fO (GARAV~ ~fMPT) AN AUTOI.IATIC SP~INKlfR SY51Ef~ SHALL Be' INSTALL!!:D IN ONe-AND T\'.0-r t..MU .. Y O'I>'!LUHGS A5 I'"OLLOVJS; IN AU Nf\'1 ON!:-AND fWO-rAUILY 0WfLWIG5 A.ND IN txiSmiG ON~-AND 'f"lWO-fAt.IILY OVIflUNGS \\'Hfl..j A0Dfn0N5 A~E ~.IADf Tt1AT INCREAS E THf BUILOmG AR.fA 'fQ MO~ Tt"'AN 3.(;00 SCIUARf !"ff'T. f XCI!:f'TION' M'Y Ot-11:~ f't.Af AODITJON TO At-I fXI5TJNG BUILDING THAT 001::'5 NOT TOTAL MORe T MAN I ,000 SQUAR! retr Of' 8UIL01f~G A~A ~~Off. THt: 0'N"'fR{5), 0CCUPANT(5) A~JD ANY CONTRACTOR(S ) OR. 5LJOC0r>JTRACTOR(5 ) ARE Rt5PON515L~ fORCONSULTtNG WITH Tl1f WATER PU~\ ~OR 01"" ~CORD lN OROE~ TO DETfRMINE If'" A"lY MODIFICATIOtl 0~ UPG.~Dl" Or" THE ~!STING\' . .\TfR. :5f'R\/1Cf 15 R!:OUIR.fD-~~OTf': CO\'fRW PORCt1 !"5. PATIOS. BALCONIES, AND ATTIC SPACES ~.lAY RfQU~Rf t"I RE $PRJNK.lfR CO 't:RAGe . A STATE Or CA!.!P"O~N!A t.ICt:'~JSfD (C. I G) r"IRf P~OTfCTION CONTRACTOR SHAt.L SUBMIT PLANS. CA.LCUI..AT!ONS, A COMPlfTE Pe-C?.MIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRI,.T~ !"E~S -o Tr115 D~PARTV~NT fOR. REVIEW AN APPRO' Al P~IOR TO 6t:GINI41 NG TH~IR. WORK. CONSTRUCTION SITE I"IRt 5AffTY ALL COI~ST~UCTION SITES t,1UST COMPlY ~'liTH APPUCABLt: Pl(0''1510t>/5 O f THE ere CHAPTER. 33 .._tJD OUR. STANDARD DETAIL AfJD 5Pt:Cif iCATI 0tl51·7. PRO 10 1! APPROPRIATE NOTATIONS ON SUBSEQUENT PLArr 5U61-HTI,...,L5, ;..5 APPROPRIATe TO THf PR0JfC7 AOD.:U::55 ·DC:tiTI I":CATION NfW AND ~!STING BUilDINGS SHALL HNif APP~OVfO ADD~55 IJUMB!!R5. BUilDING NUMBERS OR. APPRCVED BUILDING lDftlfll"'leATtOrJ Pl.ACfD IN A POSITION ':"H AT 15 PlAJtJLY lfGIBll" AND ''l51l5Lf I"'R.()t.t THE 5TREfi O R '?.OAD FROI~T!NG THE P~OPERiY. THESE tJUt..lBERS SHALL COHTRAST \';1\TH THEIR. BACKG'!.OUND ADORtSS NUt/BER.S SHAlL~ ARABIC 11Ut.1BfR5 OR ALPHABeTICAL Lffif~. t1U\.18f~ SH~Ll BE A 1.11 N1MUI.I 01" 4 INCHES (I Ot .bmrr~) HIGH WITH A M INIMUM SH .Ot::.f VI!OTH Or 0.5 INCH ( 12.7mm) WHfRf ACCESS 15 BY I. lEANS Of" PRIVAT~ ROI\D AND THE 6UILD!"''G CAN~JOT 8E \ ~~~Vf:D f~OM THE PUBi.IC WAY. A t.IO NUf tENT, POL.t: OR 0 Tr1ER S IGN OR MfAN5 SHAU Bf USfO TO IDfNTirY THE STRUCTURe:. AD0Rf55 NUt.l5tR.5 SHALL Bf MAI NTA!~JW VICINITY MAP .. r GRADING If. DRAINAGE NOTES: • Rt:fe~ TO G~D NG .t. D~INAGe' p..;.,:.s PR.!"' R!D BYV.t5TfAU. e:NG•r-.EI!RING, JOe.. 2015-0b? DATW JUNf 20! 5 I'O"t ALt. GR/.01~.jG AND D~NAG~ \I'O~ATI0\1 TREES TO BE REMOVED NUMBER SPECI ES SIZE 2 PLU M G' 3 YUCCA 14 ' 4 WHITE BIRCH 10' 5 WHITE BIRCH I 0' b WHITE B IRCH G" 7 REDWOOD IG' TREES TO BE PLA NTED SYMBOL SPECIES I QUANTITY PI HOLLY LEAF CHERRY I 15 0 ss~- COND GOOD FAIR. FAIR. FAIR. FAIR. --- SIZE 24"BOX I I I nA~_A\ JCC.#~ '800255 SIT E PLAN I I v I ; ::; e ~ 15 ~ 8 ~ " ~ I DRAV/N ON SURVEY BY ROBERT J. CRAIG -LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, JOB# C-141 83, DATED JANUARY 22. 20 I 5. BOB CRAIG'S PHONE#, (408) 8843791 OR (83 I ) 3591750 SIT~COV!~I! ~'5T!l'<G5Q.I"T. Plt0"05!:~ SO "T. fOOTPR,/)-lT 0" 5TRVCft.ok!'~ 2..4S'5 CO'.'!~D ro~CM COti::RfTf 0~1\ ~WAY! rAT 0 I ~·:ASJ(..WA.Y I STfPS '·""' ""'CK l'-A....-...:.VAY'5 {NAJ.;.S ~ruccov.AL;.. TOTAL I" ! l 032 4 050 I 0'-0" 2,,,5 ... 1.::".36 0 0 4,0 '9 PROJfCT Dl::SCRJPTION DEMOUSH f.X't5Tit:G I·STOR.Y H0U5f AND BUILD liON 2·5TORY HOUSE. ~MQ'_'~ f. TR~ES AP!-1: A PORTION OF 523-22-038 HOU5f TO B~ r uLLY rtRf.SPR.IN~D COtiSHUCTION TYPe :' '-"J OCCUPAIKY G"tOUP : U LOT SlZ~: I I .00 I .S 50 FT AlLOVJABlf I'AR 0.35 -((I I · 5) + 25) ~ 0 .2] -0.302 0 .302 X f 1,00 1.5 • 3.322 . .1 5Q-t"T BUILDING ARfA ST I"L~ 2tlD I'L.~ TOTAL 0~. GARAGe: 1.948.4 1.374.0 3.322.4 702 W ILDING/STRUCTURAL COVeRAGe: 8UILDING5 2.t;;50.4 PORCHeS 452.7 TOTAL 3,103.1 • 2e.21% ALLOWAeU: GA'<.AG!': A~;., 0.1 ·!I I .5 ~25 X .07] • 0.0032 0.0832e; I I ,001 .5) • 91 5.3 '!!~ ft. ALL(W A.Bll: ACCESSORY BUILDING ....ReA 15('-043)-~Ob.S 50. I"T. ORA WINGS PR.EJ>ARLD BY C HRI S S PAULDI NG o ARCH IT EC T o KOI CAM ELlA !)TREET !iUil E E llFRKrf EY CALII·ORNI A 947 10 (510) 527 -5997 fAX (5 10) 527·5999 K £VJS!ONS UY I 1.3./5 1·7-lf. I I I I'K.U.JMINAKY SE I OF.SI(i}: REVIEW SCI PL/\N CII I:CK M.:T Pf:RJ.1IT SET CONSTRUCTIO N \:ill ~ ,........ ~ 00 M 0 0 I ~ 01 ~ '-" 01 u..l I z if) ~ 0\ ::l 01 0::: 0 > VI 0 :r: <C~ ::::: ;3: ....J <eo <e: u..l u z ~z 0 r./JO 0 u..l if) ~-if) 0 >~ 0 0... <C~ E- ~ <e: ~~ Q 0... if) <e: ~<r:: 0 ....J ~i oA.. \O<t: ~ DAH .: 10-9-15 SCALE· A5 HOTfD DRAWN: t:IJCS/Oe'KD lOll BLACK · BV SII EET A 1 OF 5 ~H EElS.