Item 4 - 213 Tait AveT OWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELO PMENT DE PARTMENT 110 E. Ma i n Str eet, Los Ga t os, CA 95032 Phone : (408) 354-6874 Fax : (408) 354-7593 1. PROJECT DE T AIL HI STORIC PRESERVATION COMMIT TEE PROJ EC T DATA SH E ET Project address : 213 Tait Avenue HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REVIEW: Review and recommendation for an addition and exterior modifications for a contributing structure in the Almond Grove Historic District. 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date stru cture was built 1900 To w n of Los Gatos Histori c Status Co de C Does propert y have an LHP Ov erl ay zo ne? Yes Is stru cture in a hi stori c d istri ct ? Yes If yes, wh at di stri ct? Almond Grove If yes, is it a co ntributor? Yes Fi ndings r eq uired? Yes If yes, see back pa ge of thi s document. Co nsi deratio ns req ui red? Yes If yes , see back pa ge of thi s docum ent. Co mm ents: The information from the Town's Historic Recourse binders (two pages) and the applicant's materials are attached. EXHIBIT 4 Required Findings X As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield infonnatio n to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding b ody shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: X 2 3 Town Policy On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and , where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landm ark , its major interior architectural feature s) nor adversely affect the character of historical , architectural or aesth etic interest or va lue of the landmark and its site. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work wi ll neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. dlnne !Bfoom{iLfd ARCHITECTURAL /CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address 2 I 3 ~ / /- PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (41 5 1 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 / Parcel # 5/ tJ -I 7 -OC! 7 ·-Gf Lot size: L./ 't> front ft. x I ~ ft. deep --- ( Lot shape: Rectangl ~ L __ _ Rectangle with small rear jog __ Other _______________ _ Location: N S E W I' side of ___ -r _________________ St Ave / Other ________ _ distance to cross st : at NE NW SE sw corner of __________ ___ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision nameA fi"M Jb~~t~v .f. AJn Old Block# b Old lot # __ 7~---- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating / Estimated age If'"';..~). Style. __ b_;o=:......:..')t _____________ # stories.L_ Alterations t7fy l•1 ~--~ t:\@·<-1 COUNTY ~SSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) OWNER SHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Sou r ce Name Source Date ____ 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 Source Page Lo cation of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size Owner Name EFFective date ----- MISCELLANEOU S National Register listed date. ______ ~----- PHOTOS: Roll/frame #<21~ County Inventory 1979 _______ ~~--------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation ___ Recognition __ District Name ------------------ Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustration page # Butler I Junior League ----- Street: ( 'Rt:durn t D: ![ rLE AS E 1>Rl NT] . ., ; ; )' I(! I Pre:<:-ent OlPners : :/ /,~. ' i ·. {_i . J /~ {J i! Estt mct ed constructt0n dete: I Builde r: bwner .s~ip : Origina l: (ye a r of nurchsse) Occupants: 19_ 19) 'I : 19' ~. r: 1 9 19_ 19_ 1 9_ 19_ ./1) I I ( f, r• Y . r.::. /. I 1-J F r n ( tr u l~.s t:2a.fo3 Mu:st:ufh. A ss6C.i Q..-}i Cirt. f.lr5-lon~ HurYle: 5une y I n f o rm ant : Pho ne : Phone : .,. ) I ? / ... . ... (.~ ') ~-· ·' .i (" t \;7 ~ I ©ccupation: II II II I I II II II II II II Occunation : II II II II II l .. /, { ;(.~ c / .. i ..... \i ( , .• J ... C •f r)~_-,_-___ _ !Histo ry : (Ple as e identify i nfo r mation source .) .,,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .3~ Alpme Ave. 1'-------------------------------- (Ple ase iden t ify information source and year of cha n ge.) Ltls Gatos &.1 Remodeling: ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1----------------------------------- BORHOOD STREETSCAPE DIAGRAM KEY TO HOME LOCATIONS WEST SIDE OF TAIT AVE EAST SIDE OF TAIT AVE PARCEL MAP ,,.IIICitOUC*M l.niiiLO'f ·-.......... AJieyWoy ..... .............. •tHOl ~ ll1.0'11l~f7'tf*"'-hSNI-. ,fi!ALJ"f'Solt WIQIW: ..... LOt -~ .;...... t.mlln' UtiWI.DI' ~..M•tiOIII ~ Jii11"""' WlCIPf 2:11lll.M )I A ltl' .. .... t ... WLOf 1,211'.,.._ l,l'IIW LOJ ............. .... l.SI'QII"r 11..es M1IDin' v••l.Ol ~ t.t.tSt'..,. ua•tiQUr a..,... mtd ... ,,..1m ,_,_ ,..., ...... n" <lit" Itt\ olft IIBIM'U' .. TY:IMI"MCILIW g TAIT AVf: LWM:IHOIOJ!Mrt!OM ~ »H"*"" .. ,...... .,._... NIIC .... ,..... .,.._ LBI!IH OI ..... \.OJ I,Jtt•Lm , •• LOt '-'"WUllf ~·LO'I I..Jltlln' W110n" ,...,..,. t.tTOIIII WI'R:ItY ~~ t,51'1»10.1tfUMif~CJ~.~antW'IIOIIII. Ltt1.,..._.,..., ..... unw n.n .._," tl.ft »'-w ».& PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS: A.P.N.: LOT AREA: ,,A¢ .. PARCS._ MAP) YEAR BUILT: ZONING : 213 TAIT A V ENUE 51 0-17-007 5 ,762 SF (0 13 ACRES) 1900 (PER ZILLOW) R-1D-LHP OCCU PANCY : CONSTRUCTI ON TYPE : R3 SINGLE FAMI LY DVVELUNG I U UTI LITY V-B REQUIRED PARKING: SETBACKS FRONT · SIDE: REAR: BUILDING HEIGHT MAIN RESIDENCE : 2 OFF STREET SPACES ALLOWED ;s:o:.-- 5'.{1" 20'-0" ALLOWED ~ EXISTING :t23 '-9" VARI ES ±56'-8" EXISTING ±25'-8" ACCESSORY : 15'-0" NO CHANGE F.A.R HABITABLE HOUSE: FIRST FLOOR: ADDITION: SECOND FLOOR: ADDITION: TOTAL 1,984 SF .. EXISTING 1 ,364 Sf• 965 SF· 2 ,329 SF" GARAGE: 565 S F 59 5 SF" "BASED ON EXISTING CONDITIONS & FIELD MEASUREMENTS .. EXI STING HOU SE EXCEEDS CURRENT FAR REQUIREMENTS BUILDING COVERAGE: FIRST FLOOR : ADDITION: DETACHED GARAGE: COVERED FRONT PORCH. TOTAL: SI TE COVERAGE: FIRST FLOOR: ADDITION: COVERED FRONT PORCH: TOTAL: 1 ,364 SF 22 SF 595 SF 140 SF 2,121 SF (36%) 1364 SF 22 SF 140SF 1,526 SF (26.5 %) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE COVERAGE: DETACHED GARAGE: 595 SF (10%) t I. ) l ,f I -··I '· lioo.o oe •"'-·-- ( I -·- .... .. "·... . ... I .• •/ $ I ·1. I J " ( ...... J I , I ,:'· ( I I ! PROPOSED NO CHA NGE NO CHANGE NO CHA NGE PROPOSED ±28'-11" NO CHA NGE PROPOSED 1,364 SF 22SF 965SF 11 3SF 2,464 SF NO CHA NGE A 1 1 Cove< Sheet A 1.3 E~&ling + Proposed Architectural S•le Plans 1\2.1 E>cisling + Proposed Frst Floc< Plans 1\2 2 ElasiJng + Proposed Second Floc< Plans 1\2 3 ElasiJng +Proposed Root Plans A3.1 ElasiJng + Propooed Extelia ElevatiOns A3 .2 E~Sbng • Proposed Ext'"ior Elevations A3 3 E>cisling + Propooed Exlenor Elevations A4 1 E>cisiJng ~ildr1g Sections The fo llowing codes are currendy in effect: 201 3 Cal ifornia Bui ld in<J Code 2013 Cal1fania Rssidenlial Code 201 3 Cal•fa"a Plumbing Code 201 3 Cal1fa,.a Mechanical Code 201 3 Cal ifornia Electrical Code 2013 California ~ting ~idiin<J Code 201 2 1nl,.nabonal E>cisling Buiding Code 2013 Cal1fani a Energy Code PROJECT DESCR IPTION Owner. Joey Mc:C¥1tly 213 Tait Avenue Los Gallls, CA 95030 Dooignor. Studio 3 Design IN FO. Cont act: Bess w;,..,..a bess@studio-lhroe.oorn Ma@slldio-lhteo.oorn 1585 Tho Alamedalr.!OO San Jooe, Cailorru 95125 ph. (400) 292-3252 fax : (253) 399-1125 Ths project 1$ fa lho addilionkemodel ol an e~sting twHtoy single family residence. Romoclel lhe first floor bedroom , kitchen and family room . Remodel the second floor master bedroom, master battroom , mum-j)urposo room. Addition to th o second floor: two bedrooms, hall balh, laun<iy room. ~sling detached garage to remain (no wort<). Existing uncovered rear deck 1o r«nain (minor alleration~ Existing covered froo1 pordl lo remain (minor alteration) . GEN NOTES 1. Tho con~actor sh all ilmish all materials, labor and equipment required 1>r lhe iA performance ollhe wort< horai'!, 00ess speaficaly noted olhorwlse ""wort< shall be performed " a good and wor1<man-ike manner and ccnfam lo al pertinent regllalions and lllSiruc:tions. 2. Befae starting any palion of wort<, tho Con~ actor shall verify My and a/lo.osling cond itions as shown on the drawings against lhe actuaj exi&tlng conditions at lhe sile. My discrepancies shall be broughl lo tho attention of the Design ... litho Con~actor proceeds with tho wor1< wilhool verifying ~sling conditions and d1SOOY'"S aft'" lhe work has started any discropancios, ho shall proceed to perform whalev« work is req11red to CX>rect lhe du;cropanaes and bnng abotA lhe 1-----... --........... --.... --------------------------&.-------------------------------&.----------------------------t prop«e1<8C>Jbonollhepr018Cllo lhosalisfacbonoltho!Joslgner, atnoextra c:ostlolhe owner. 3. The Contractor shalt be responsible klr w iling, fitting and patching as required lo make lhe t--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::--------------------------------~::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~::::::~~::::::::~~---------1 severapartsfil ~prop«ly. 4. AI .uk shai be in accordance with all applicable Local or Slate <:odes and regulations. 5. AI malenal, equipment and products shal be V>stalled in accordance wi1h lhe respecllve manufact<Kor's latest pmled lllSiruc:tions 6. All dimensions a-e rough unless Olho<wise noted . All cabinetry, lie and tho ike need lobe field ver ified prior to installation 7. Do not scale tho drawings AI dimenSional disaopancies shall be brought to lhe attention of lhe Oes!gner as soon as they ore discovered 8. No extr a ~ shal be -for extra work rosultrng torn lack ol coordination between ~odes or failu re of tho Contractor to venfy locations and measur«nenls oo lho fOb 9. The Con~actor is responsible fa ob taining sep:>rale poonits for electrical, med1an~al , plurnbiO<J , grading, or other penruts as may be required by the local authorities. Issuance of a buildin<J perml based on those Drawings does not consUMe !1Mbng ollhese sepa'ale permits. 10. Tho Contracfa shal be responsible for coordinating "'lh tho Slr\lchxal ~ fa any silo visits or speaallesbng as needed to oornplete al olructtnl wort< as directed by tho Slructural Engineer. 11 . The Contrac tor sha l be rosponsible1or forwa'ding all shop drawings lo tho designer fo; review and approvaf. No fabricati on shaU convnence unbl both designer and cwner have reviewed and approved by signature all shop drawings. STU D I O TH IIt l[l[ D E S I GN I N T ERI O R S R E MODE L S+ ADD ITIONS N E W CONSTR U CTI ON 1 5 8 5 THE ALAMED A SU I T E 200 S A N .JOSE C A LIFOR NIA 9 5 1 2 6 T 408.292.3 252 f"' 2 53.399.1 I 25 iVED McCARTHY 213 TAll AVENUE LOS GATOS CALifORN IA 95030 AP.N. 510-t7-007 07 MAY 2015 05 OCTOBER 2015 PLANNING SUBIA ITT AI. SCALE: AS NOTED COVER SHEET A 1. 1 ADJACENT PROPERlY 207TAJT AVE. 1-STORY \.., . .A. .. ~ .... ~;_ -----------, ..... ---.----)- I I I j I I I A LL EY W AY ADJACENT PROPERlY 215 TAJT AVE. 1-STORY \ ' ---------.-....~--~----_,___\.;._, ___ --Q roroa ./ TAIT AV-EN UE -~--- EXI STI NG SITE PLAN ADJACENT PROPERlY 207 TAll AVE. 1-STORY ~-_,; I I I I I I I .. .,. "--~--·-~----"( ·---· ,_; ) '\ 1 -'\. ! .) ALLEYWAY \ I , \ . ......-\.., \ ADJACENT PROPERlY 215 TAJT AVE. 1-STORY ./ i ------_ __.. __ .._..., _____ .................... ______ ,__~--- _,.-·' ~ PROPOSE D SITE PLAN 1--""""'"""'""'""""""......,. ..... I '''"2•111J' STUDIO TH IIt EE DESI G N I NTERIORS REMODEL S + ADDITIONS N EW CONSTR U CTION 1 585 TH E ALAMEDA SU ITE 2CC SAN .JOSE CALIF"ORN I A 95 1 26 T 401!.292.3252 r 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAI T AVEN UE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 950~ AP.N 510-17.()()7 07 MAY20 15 05 OCTOBER 2015 PlANNING SUBMITIAL SCALE: :t· •I'.()' EXISTING • PR OPOSED ARCHITECTURAL SITE PlAN A 1 .3 ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I II I ii •i I ;;; I I I I ; ....... A<X<SS OfFICE --;u- IQ..C.Hf ... C') ~ \ -\~ . \\ \~.,,~> ..... (Iii' ·.·,::' «1-~::,::=====::. BATHROOM --TU-- IQ.G.IiT.ot'.o') r YJ '-.....), = ~~)/ UNDER-STAIR ClOSET '~-.... .~ ,. ...... ··t . -···11t T IU" ltl25" .. · .. ··· .... - ... ,.. ....... ; -~·-··········-.. / 1'-tl-; \<~:;·· ·~· NOOK .......-- fCLG.HT.+f4") k ~~-.. -~ ~I ,._ .. , ...... UV1NG ROOM """""""' (ClG.HT.•11'.Q") / --.., L---- 1 I I I ii i ~· il : u I I i!l I I I I I Ill"'"" I ,..---"' I I I I I ii i •• ii: ~~r===~~======~ ~-----~~~--------------~~: ____ _ I I I I I I I I -.J COVERED FRONT PORCH ~ EXISTING FIRST FLOOR ;~N HOR'TH (C)FlUTF'L.OOR: 1314 Sf CE) EKTRY POIDt 140 SF (£)CCMAEO POIDt tt 22 SF ---lHO#cc:wrN.OU$ElCISTJr«<WAI.L rtiRDIAM jUN.I<IOOTWIDE&lMt .• OF~ I.J'IEMI.£M;rHO#ElCT'9lJC)Af'efJioiETfJP • ,., t llllfl•llli'S" PO.rro ~ WALL LEGEND , .. ; / ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ·:r ' :: ' ' , ... /-; """"' """""' ; ~ ({!:\) ~~ ~ ~.!! 3'-10" ; .,,. ; n ,_ " ; . /,.~./ I l i ~n ~ ~ If": ~ (/"' ~, n$ :! ii •• l g: I I I I / ~ ' ~ ~n rt-f DINING ~ ~=.)~ y--g ·-1 I I I ii i ~· ~· I ii i I • ltl I I I I I ~'~'"'"" I r----"' I I I I I •• •• i l I I I I I I I I I := t..=:rn:==:::;!iii""~-~,..~====::t "*'"' ~-------------------------------.J .._,.......,.. ., ....... _117.., a COVERED FRONT PORCH ~ PROPOSED FIRST FLOO~-·~LAN NORTH CE)fiRSTfl.OOft: 1J&4SF ~AOOmetl 22SF fOTJrl I-SF CEl OORY' II'OfOt \40 SF -- -LIEOFcc:wrMQJS D.lSTJIIGWAU. JO~ PMI..f.OOTIMOf, ... ~OF~ IJHEARI.DoCJHOFEli'7VliOir~• tlf.S' tii.512•11J.7S' to.r ro RDtWH WALL LEGEND I???????U??Z????d !EWWHJ..S J4" ' •.r ~ ' ' ' ' STUDIO THREE DES IGN INTERIORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 5 t:l 5 TH E ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALif"ORN IA 95126 T 408 .292,32 ~2 F' 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CAI.FORNIA 95030 A.P.N. 51().17.007 07 MAY2015 OS OCTOBER 2015 PLANNING SUBMITTAL SCALE: ~··1'·CT EXISTING • PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLANS A2.1 ' ' ' ' ~ """"' w ,. ... / / 11'·T ... lCI<ED ....... ....,.,.. ..... X '""'"""""" •. ,or(Y )(S(S -~--.... ·· ~-... / ··.,·'\ .... ··,,,\·,·,· .. J EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN jE)SEaliC>Flll01< .... IEl""" "" WALL LEGEND ~/////, ~ WAU.STO- WHJ.S YOlO IE RBIMD """"'"""""" / ······ ..... _,_ ____ 1'1'~·, ' ' .:f ' l! ' ' ' 4} ~ ~ ' ' ·,, ·. ' ' ' ' / ... / ~ / /l'.c' / / •·r / / WALK-IN CLOSET """" {1C'XU') .... L,_ _________ __j BEDROOM ~ """"'' (1t.U1f 5') ·~ HOftTH (E)SlCCN)R.oat WSf (N)ADOfl1()t 11l 5f T01AL IQ7t$1 WALL LEGEND I?? 22??? 22 22 22 2? VI !EWWM.LS / 21'·1Gf w ,..r / i!i BEDROOM ~ CARPET (1l..SXH1 12'-'" / 'i 7 ' ' / / / r--- =::1== S TUDIO THRE:E OS:& ION INTE:RI DRS REMODELS + AOOITI ONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 SBS THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 9~126 T 40B.Z92.3252 F" 253.399. I I 25 McCARTH Y 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALifORNIA 95030 A.P.N. 511).17.007 07 MAY2015 05 OCTOBER 2015 PlANNING SUBMITTAL SCALE: y,· • r .o- EXISTING • PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLANS A2.2 J ~ EXIST ING ROOF PLAN r--------------------------------, I I : 20«lFX 2040FX ~FX ~ ' : I U ~~~~n ~ ~ PROPOSED ROOF PLAN I I INTERIO R S REMODELS + ADDITION S N EW CONSTRUCTION 1585 THE ALAMEOA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95 1 26 T 408.292.3252 ~ 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 950JO AP.N. 510.17.007 07MAY 2015 05 OCTOBER 2015 PU\NNING SUBMITIAL SCALE: Y."•l '·O" EXISTING + PROPOSED ROOF PlANS A2.3 0 .,,•.qA.fF. R...HTO UWIG"""" (HIWOOOIB.lY """'-'"""" 1-EXISTING EAST ELEVATION (FRONT) ~ ~~~=:::-!'~~~T~.=T ¥1UUIH R) EXIST1'GTOR£1M.W •80.5'> 101S~ REMAINWGI ..,.,. OO NOTRfi:MO'IE..::JR!:Il'WIIMOFW STMfTOASTAEEl_f.rciHGB.EVATION 00 NOT A!MO'IE MOR£ n4AH soot. C# AUA[W.Nrr~GWAUAA£A)IIJST8E c:c:»N:CTIOH) n£~EXTUIOR WAU MAINTAfi!ElOSTWGI'imUORCIREXTEAIOR WAU.~ ~ WH.L COYERtNG •fiCSHEO !llAfiaOF N4 ~ WAU.(tl. Sl'\JCCO,SOHGOfl: !HHGI.lS IN'TlAIOA WN.l ~ • ~Oa.RFACE Of Nl NJBIIOIIl WAU.(I I! SHEff AOCKOR P\ASI'£~ f.ASTElEV~TOt: IMC7<XlHT...aus DmJGWJU TDREMMI --t~WIOE&*""l fERMET(RI.B«nH •111.Jf2 •107'1 EXISTJtiGTO AEMirlrt•IO.I',.I0.7'1 EXISn«:iWAU.ME.A •321 SF (EXQ.I..OES 'MW:JON /IKJOOORNIEA) NEA TO IEDEMCIJ!tED • liSI(12'-') <M MEA TO IIIEJoiAit •2MISf~tn.) •.trA.I I.~ PLKT.O """"""' ' ~ il """""" _/" F~.illll 0 ' t11'-<I".VF.0 PL KT.O ,...,"""" ' ~n li!e FNSH'l~0 ' "":0 (E) POAOt TO RBW\1 ll'l""""""""' 5-PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION (FROND ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' lf)DECKTOE - fb•T.VA.If P\..KT.O lU flHXlll 0Mifl~ FftRJl~ .,;!-4'A.IF. P\..HT •• - .,.., I I A\I(RAG( I I 0....,.---_____ .J ____ .I.----------------------------------~-~~--- ll'l"""' """"""' FNILYROCIM "'- 2-EXISTING WEST ELEVATION (REAR) ~ U£0FCOHT'N.IOOSEXISTI«iW.AUTOfiDWII\NIH I.fOOT ~Of &Wk 50'.4) ~ P£RIIoET'ERlEHGlH •16t..SI 2 •10.7f EJQSTlfroiOTO~•«<.S>I0.75' ~~V:r:e~==~~~-~fAQIOP\JILJCSTR££TORITREET f/IICHJB.fVATIOH OONOfftfJ,()Y!: W()Rf:nwi~Of cmB~ WAW AU REWI"INOW~ MJAM..IST 8f COfrfTIWOUII)IIN. 12-ICH C'.:OIH:cnoH) M lt[MUoiiHGEXTIJOOR WN.LNEAIIIJSTiiW'fl"AJI OlSTHQ MERICA OR OOeooRWHJ.aMRHG EXT'EJIIOA;WAU.COYEftiNG. fNSHEOSUWAa! OF Nt mBaCIRWAI.L ~£. srucc:o, SICIHG ORSHifO..ES INTtRIORWJrU.. (:(JII(MIG'" FMSIED$11W""ii:E 01 N4 HTERIOA WALL~ Hf'TfilOO(OR ~ •UfA,U 0 P\..HT.O "'"""""' 2NOFloefl0- / flN.RJl .. :~~0 '""""' fiNlSHFl:::0 A=~ YIOTEI.~AT'l'IN: DCIST'HQWJUI#tf.A • a. Sf IDQ..t.U.SWH:JON NIO ~AREA) MiA TO IEOOoiCIL.I!IEC •142 Sf(I2'1)>2Ho AREA tO fOWN•SjSf(tt%) •r.o-~t.n 0 PLHT.e lUE!RXII 21'()1\~0 / fiH.FlA -..vA.f J 0 Pl. HT.e FNI&.IJ'<D' FNSHA.=0 "=0 6-PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION (REAR ) ' ' ~ ' l ' !\ ' ' ' ~u "e ~ ' ' ., :~ -~~ ' ' STUDIO THRI!:E DES I ON I NTERIORS REM D DEL..S + ADDITION S N EW C ONSTRUCTI ON \585 THE ALAMEDA S U I TE 200 SAN .JOSE C A L I FORNI A 95126 T 408.292 .3 2~2 ,-253.399. I I 25 McCARTHY 213 TAll AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95000 A.P.N. 510-17-007 07 MAY2015 05 OCTOBER 20 15 PLANNING SUBMITIAL SCALE: .v.· = 1'-0' EXIST ING +PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 _,•1 NT Aff. "'-HTO ""'"""""" ' ~ :s ·n ' 0;:!.ROOR ~&'""""" """'" ' 'IJ"'..(f'AF$- 'LHT 0 """"""' ' • :1 ·~ 2Nlft.OOO ~ ' 0FlN.FUl ""- 0*11'-V~.f. fiLHTO lMHGAOOW ' ~n a!! ' 0;!.~A.~ ' "'=- 3-EX ISTING NORTH ELEVATION ~ ~~=·~·TOAEMNN(toMI.fOOTWUliM.50'4. EXBnNGTO~•to,,.t).l'S' ~~v:;~~~l!'lOfWAIJ./JIIV.FACI«>PVIIl!C STRl£TORSTREETfot.CINGEI.£V~TJOIII 00 NOTAEMJYE lrii01V:'nwl 501.01-Oll£R UTVt~CJ~:WAifS JU mu.INNGWAU.Nl!At.IJSTBE~""""(Witi2-N)-!COfrH~ 0£ R9MI\IIHG OOVtiCIR WAU. AA£)1. WSl MAM'-M E»STJ'I'G IKTO:IOR OR EXTUtiOR WHJ.. COo'ERlNG £XTBtiOIIl WALL~ • fN!HED IURFACt:Of N4 EXTeiJCJlWALL{LL SlUCCO. $PIG ORtMrfGt.n INTEROt WALL CCMRING • fMSHEO -SIR" ACE 01-AN tlTEJW)A WN.l fL MEl' AlOOC OR 11\.ASTtR) tomtEl£V~TIOft """"'""""""" EXIIfi«)WNJ.tO~ ""'-WOOTWIJEI,_ ~ ~LDKmt •ltU'Il •lo.15' EXIS'l"Ml fO IIIIBMif •lll_!',..l!' E.XlSTlNG WAIJ.NIEA • !IM$1 (EJCCliJO(S Wt«Nt AHOOOOR~ /JIIV.1'0BEOEI.ICl.ISHE0 •1 37 Sf:(21'.4)<~50'1. AAU. TOREMWI •$31Sf(MI ----------------------' ' _..-r4-+'-.!1-;,"'r,;--.., ''' '''' 7-PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION ', I I (EJOEO(fOE ......., 2NlR.OOR 0 /""·"" ~:(~0 .10<11 ·~~~"' """""""' 2HlR..OOR0 ~ANAA "":~~0 niiLUOOIL FWISHF\.~0 / A=0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ~u a!! ' ' ~ :s ·u ' S TUDIO THRIIEI: O ESION INTERIORS REMODELS + ADDITI ONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 585 T HE ALAME DA SUITE 200 S AN .J OSE CALIF"ORNI A 95126 T 408,292.32~2 F" 253.399.1 1 2~ McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 950ll A.P .N. 510·17.007 07 MAY2015 050CTOBER2015 PLANNING SUBMITIAL SCALE· EXISTING • PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.2 ' tE)ctOCTOIE """"""' q,•t .ffMI PLKT.O ' "-"""""* :: ..!"'l-.... '"""""" 0,.1N..RA. "' ~ ,_ {bol/.(fAH. PLKT.O l<ITOQ ,_ :: ' 0~Fl.OOR / ' .., .......... ....,. 0t./TAIJ. PLKf.e ' .__ ~n 1!!8 '"""""" 0jiN.AA ~ , ___ q,.-9-frA.U. P\..HT.O ' ,_,"""" !! ' 0~R.OOR / 'lJA'IVW;F ....,. ----- I I I I I ) 4-EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION ~ :m.~:.:;TO~(YINI«lQTWU i liiN.SO'II EXISTirtGTORE.IMit •IO.S•8075' IEJSI:"t'\..JTST08E ........ :-m ~~~:nw.~,.ry W~AAlltfACa.aPUeUCSTRfETORSTReETF~EWATlC»t OONOT RfMCM..woR!nwt ~ 01 OllER UTERICJiil WJUS Ji!REWot~HiWAUNEJ. MUSTIECOH'TIGliOOS~..friCH~ M AEMUtNG EXTIRIOR WAU. AAf).l,l,ISI' loWHTAIH EXIS'TJtG ~OREXTtRICA WAlL CO'tflJNG EXmiiOR WAU. ~HQ • ~ atAf"ACE C# Nl ~WJU Q.( STUCCO, SOINOOftSHIHGllS NTEJQIWALL to.9ING • f'lNI:SHfOSUIW'ACf.f/1 ~ IN'TtRIORWitU Q.f.. HE'T AIXXOR PlASTER) 80VTHEI.EYAT1C»t: -C1Fa><INJOUS DIIS'fMl'M.L TOfi:Wolt (WI1-IOOTWU&•.!CI) PUIIMETVtlEHGn4. ti1.5'11•10.7S' l.lOS1'N:> TOREW.'N •IO~:o !0.17 EXJSTIM:JWAU NV.•704SF(EXQ..UOESW'WXJ«NCJDOORAAEA,l NEJ.TOBEOEM:l..tSI«D •r3SF j10'Jiol (~ MEA TO itiM!N•f31 Sf(M) a _ 8-PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION (N)R.IR:DOlJr wAU.esrA~R¥~£U. - ' FtiiiHF\~0 ' ' ~:~0 """"""" ' :fl '"""""""" / "N.AA. ' ~ •1t'-C",V.F0- PLHT.O """'"""' ' .. :s ~ ~! ~ISHfl-g;;0 ' A=~ ' STU DIO THRill! DESIGN I NTERIORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION I 585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALII="ORNIA 95126 T 408,292,3252 F' 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALifORNIA 950ll A.PN.51 0-17.007 07MAY2015 050CTOOER2015 PlANNING SUBMITTAL SCALE: r.· = 1' .()' EXISTING • PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.3 I I ' ' A-BUILDING SECTION MULTI-PU RPOSE ROOM ~\4! ~ -- 1 / / =ll C -BUILDING SECTION LIVING ROOM MASTER BEDROOM •lf4'A.F f . ., PLHT.t "'""'"""" MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM LIVING ROOM B -BUILDING SECTION FINISH~0 ..... KEY PLAN S TUDI O THREE DESIGN INTERIORS REMODE LS + ADDITIONS N EW CONSTRUCTION l 585 THE ALAMED A SUITE 200 S AN .JOSE CALIF"DRNII\ 9 5 126 T 408.29 2 .3252 F" 253.399.1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P.N. 51().17.()1)7 07 MAY2015 050CTOBER2015 PlANNING SUBM inAL SCALE · r.· = r. o· EXISTING BUILDING SECTIONS A4.1 -;~ l::;:= ~-­:::-==-:~" -r.~~-= :~-- ~~-= : -a-..--. : - .,. .. • I i . I . ' .r -,l· • I . "'l ' I . \ ; . , '! ~ I I I I I' I ·~· I i ' ' 1~, I' ri t . I 1--, I . -. \. I t ·~. J:\1 -~ I ! I ® --~ -.- I • ' ' 'l l .,. I 1 ' I \ ' ' \ . \ .\ I \ I I -__ .:,. .. ~ .. ' • • I . !I'. ;· ~ I ./ I I 0' ' 1''- 1 : \ ~ l ;. \ ·\ I . ), , \j ' ,,,.· . .J ' \.' '\ ' l ' t I I I I I r-· I i I \ I I ~ I . I I N I I I . l ~ !,\ r '! ' I I I I I ) \ ;,. ' .. ', I j I I I I I ·~ ~ 6) -~ @ I '· I I I I ~ I 'I \ I .~ I I I I .I ·' . I / l \ ! I "• /t ,, ·~ . @ ,. I I ' I I I' ,,. I ~I 1 I " I • L J " • ••• .. , . '.(\ t \ \ . \ ~ \ I • 'I· ! I •}i~ ,I I I I ·' i I . I \ I ' } f\ j I / NEIGHBORHOOD STREETSCAPE WEST SIDE OF TAIT AVE 1 ±20' EAST SIDE OF TAIT AVE 212 TAIT AVE . ® KEY TO HOME LOCATIONS 217 TAIT AVE . @ -0" STUDIO THREE DESIGN INTERIORS REMODELS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 585 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 200 SAN .JOSE CALIFORNIA 95126 T 408.292.3252 F 253.399 .1 1 25 McCARTHY 213 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P .N. 510-17-007 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project includes the remodel /additon to an existing two-story single family residence. The project is located in the Almond Grove District District and is zoned R1-D , LHP . ! ' •.I;. H'' ~~ I I l z. I ,,. I I I I I I ; I i / !X , )I ' . !( I ·1 . - ~ -------. ' ... I I I I I I -·.o;.~· ~ ... \. . .. "''~'-" '·. •! --· I I r . r -, .... """ ~i . . NEIGHBORHOOD COMPARISON *SF OF HOMES BASED ON ZILLOW, REDFIN, ZIP REALTY, AND ANY PERMIT INFORMATION WE COULD FIND IN THE CITY'S RECORDS. GARAGES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE TOTALS TO KEEP CONSISTENCY. **SF OF 213 TAIT AVE BASED ON EXISTING CONIDTIONS AND FIELD 310 NICHOLSON AVE 2,730 SF LOT 1-STORY MEASURMENTS 920 SF HOUSE 33.7% 304 NICHOLSON AVE 986 SF LOT 1-STORY ZILLOW/REDFIN: 574 SF HOUSE ZIP REALTY.: 541 SF HOUSE 58.2% 207 TaitAve 5,719 SF LOT 203 Tait Ave 1-STORY 1,890 SF LOT 1,227 SF HOUSE 2-STORY 21.4% ~ 1,555 SF HOUSE ~ 82.3% ~ 0 V) -.J 0 c Alley Way 215 TaitAve 6,650 SF LOT 1-STORY 2,295 SF HOUSE 213 Tait Ave 34 ·5% 5,762 SF LOT 2-STORY 2,329 SF HOUSE*"' 40% -.... . ~ 202 Ta1t Ave 204 Tait Ave 208 Tait Ave 212 Tait Ave 218 Tait Ave 6,098 SF LOT 5,280 SF LOT 5, 719 SF LOT 6,650 SF LOT 6, 701 SF LOT 1-STORY 2-STORY 1-STORY 1-STORY 1-STORY 1,575 SF HOUSE 2,432 SF HOUSE 720 SF HOUSE 2,196 SF HOUSE 1,000 SF HOUSE 25.8% 46% 12.6% 33% 15% 222 TaitAve 6,700 SF LOT 1-STORY 1,841 SF HOUSE 27.4% 222 Tait Ave 6,534 SF LOT 2-STORY 1,973 SF 30.2%