Item 5 - 256 BachmanTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos , CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7 593 1. PROJECT DETAIL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project address : 256 Bachman Ave Project description : Requesting approval to modify the exterior of the residence and to remove unpermitted improvements by a previous owner. 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1880 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? YES Is structure in a historic district? YES If yes , what district? ALMOND GROVE If yes , is it a contributor? YES Findings required? NO If yes, see back page of this document. Considerations required? YES If yes , see back page of this document. Comments : See Applicant's letter (Attached) ,I.XHllHT 5 Required Findings __ _;As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) ofthe Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 X 2 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy __ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Genevieve and Mitchell Wyman 317 Almendra Avenue November 5, 2015 Historic Preservation Committee Town of Los Gatos It 0 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Site Address: 256 Bachman Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 415-385-6654 RECEiVED NOV 0 8 ?U 15 T OWN OF LCS GATOS P LANI'-!li~G Dl'v IS ION Project Description: Remedy non-permitted exterior work performed by previous owners Dear Members of the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee: We recently purchased the house located at 256 Bachman Avenue , on the corner of Bachman and Tait Avenues in the Almond Grove historic district. The house is a 1895 Victorian that has been vacant for at least 20 years (according to the seller and the neighbors) and it has had very little upkeep during that time. We are looking forward to rehabilitating and taking care of the house and tiaving it once again be deserving of its 1976 Bell ringer award. In late 2012 or early 2013, the family of the previous owners did some repair work to the exterior of the house, likely in response to complaints from neighbors about the house 's poor appearance. That work was done without the proper permits, and on January 24, 2013 , a Town building in spector issued a stop work notice for the repair work, due to proper permits not being issued. The notice advised that the proper building permits needed to be obtained immediately, and per Town records, the prior owners never obtained those permits. We would like to remedy the non-permitted exterior alteration work and ensure that the appearance of the house is appropriate to a house ofthis style and age and to the historic district. We are therefore asking you to review and approve the work proposed below, also allowing the Town Planning and Building Departments to lift the stop work order. Exterior Stairs <Exhibit Al These stairs were improperly built or replaced without a permit. Exterior stairs are not historically appropriate for a house of this style and age , and they are an eyesore to the neighborhood. They have not and will not be used , and a pre-purchase inspection found them to be unsafe. Proposed Work: I. Remove exterior stairs 2. Remove door at top of exterior stairs. Insert proper framing , insulation and moisture barrier, and match the shingle siding on upper area of house (Exhibit L). We may want to put in/keep a window that matches the other windows in style and materials, if approved by HPC and the Planning and Building Departments. 1 of2 Siding <Exhibits B -J() We were informed by the sellers and by neighbors that old and rotted siding was removed from the house and replaced with new siding. We have indicated on Exhibit B all locations on the house where it appears that this was done. Exhibits C through H show additional examples of replaced siding (replaced portions outlined in red). The replacement siding that was used appears to be of good quality and the work appears to have been done well and without adversely effecting the architectural style and design ofthe house . However, the boards that were used do not have the same type of milled edge and bevel as the older siding. Additional Examples: • Exhibit E provides an example of a wall with the older siding (above the water table) and the newer siding (below the water table). • Exhibit I shows a side view of the older siding. • Exhibit J provides a side view of the newer siding. • Exhibit K provides a close-up of a wall showing the two different sidings. We would like to find a way to minimize undoing the prior work while still making sure that the siding on the house is appropriate for a house of this age and style in the historic district. This would also allow us to devote more resources to the landscaping and beautification of the property. We have outlined three different proposals for your consideration, in order of our preference: Proposed Work (3 options): 1. Previously replaced siding is found acceptable, but proper permit application must be completed and fees paid. 2. Keep the new siding below the water table, but make sure all siding above the water table is the old siding or replaced with siding that is the same (bevel, exposure and similar or equal materials) as the older siding. We have been advised that it is historically common to have variation in materials below and above the water table. 3. All siding will be the original old siding or replaced with siding that is the same (bevel, exposure and similar or equal materials) as the older siding. Thank you for your review. We look forward to getting the Committee's input at the November 19 , 20 15 meeting. Best regards, _,;;-> ~ ~ Genevieve and Mitchell Wyman 2 of2 d/-nn£ !B[oom{ulJ ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address ;;; 3 ~ "l:CL.r-kt.N"LctVl PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY C41SI g22-1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA g41 1 5 Lot size: .b:!$ front ft. x It)~ ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L___ Rectangle with small rear jog ___ Other ____________________ _ Lo c ation: N / S E w side of B St Av e / Other ----~----------------------~- d istance t o c ross s t: ____ ft. N_ s_ E_ w_ from ---------------------- at NE / NW SE SW c orner of /-1 r I- HISTORIC INFORMATION ON BA~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name ~-:.-~,/5~.h Old Bloc k # / OJ d lot # 9 s::rl#'\ , FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Prelimi nary rating + Estimated age /ncO.:l Style . ...;;S-1-;._,:_...:.'....::-c.=--k-----------# stories -:J- Alterations. __________________________________________________________________ _ Other --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY ASSES SOR --PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on c opy) OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date ____ 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 Sourc e Page Location of property, or Lot Old trac t/block/lot Size Own e r Name EFFective date ----:-:- MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roil/frame # &,,/17 Date /6.-d-ZJ National Register listed date. __________________ _ County Inventory 1979~---~----~~--~~----- Town of Los Gatos: Designa tion ____ Recognition __ _ Di strict Name _____________________ ...:._ _____ _ Previous Surv ey Gebhard: page # illust ration page # ______ __ Butler/Junior League. __________________________ __ I I )PPLICATION FOR MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Civic Center: 11 0 E. Main Street, Los Gatos , CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 Date Received: II-G-I') Received by: ~ APPLICATION #: -"JK~-_-:-1 7"S -~ -0~]:-;G 1. PROPERTY LOCATION: 2. 3. 4. 5. Address or subject property APPLICANT REQUEST: Residential first floor addition Residential addition less than 100 sq .ft. to the existing second story Residential accessory structure 450 sq.ft. or less, visible from the street or Victory Lane Commercial exterior modification Res idential exterior modification PROPERTY DETAIL: e -1\):Lr\'? 5"\ 0 \L-{ 05 ~ Lot Area ·-e !5 "Zll-\ 5~5 ?l Zoning f;1 ~ fL APN \!i 7 i:1 Zff0'--3 q PROPERTY OWNER: Name G~vw 1i eue otd \'Vt\tch.e\\ Address 2% ~r} A\~rca. City k:=<» (.40\.·tc~ State ~ cA Zip 9~o!(;l I hereby certify that I am the owner~~_,::_ Box #1 and that I approve of the action reque sted herem. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Date \\ 161 / ~ T I APPLICANT: (if same as above, check here Name Address City v) State Phone Z ip I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that all application materials and plans are true and correct. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Date 6. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS: Addition Existing Proposed Floor Area Ratio: • ::,z.z. % '\ 68 sq.ft. ______td__ sq.ft . 3-36 sq.ft. ~sq.ft. r•r z.u. sq.ft. ? sq .ft. ~ sq.ft. ~ sq.ft. te.~:; \neouer-A ,6J\\ ~n-n:leJ First Floor: Second Floor: Living Total: Garage/ Accessory Structure: Exterior Material proposed : The inform ation contained in this appl ication is considered part of the public ret:ord . TherefOr'e , it will appear in both the public re cord file for the site address, which is ava ilable upon reque st, and on t he permitting system on the officia l Town of Los Gatos w ebsite at www.losgato sca.gov. N:\DEV\FORMS\Pianninc\2015·16 Forms\Minor Re sidential Fo rms\MR fo r Hist oric District App.xlsx 07/01/2015 TOWN OF LOS GAT OS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MINOR RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTAL The following is a listing of the minimum requirements for the submittal of plans to the Community Development Department. Applicants are to use this as a checklist to insure completeness of the proposaL A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Scale shown on each sheet 2. North arrow on each sheet as applicable 3 . Sheets not to exceed 24" x 36" size 4. Fully dimensioned 5. Submit one full size set of drawings and seven sets of reductions (11" x 17") 6. Submit photographs of existing structure or bring to the meeting. B . PLAT OR SITE PLAN 1. All property lines 2. All required yards or building setbacks 3. All buildings, existing and proposed including: a. indication of the use of all buildings b. which buildings (or portions thereof) are to be removed c. demolition plan d. existing and proposed grades 4 . Existing trees near construction area, including size, location, species, existing grade at the base, and driplines 5. Driveways and off-street parking spaces, including stall size, curbs, and surfacing materials 6. Table giving the following: a. site area b . gross floor area (each floor and total) c. floor area ratio d . lot area coverage (building(s) footprint) e. number of parking spaces C . FLOOR PLAN AND ELEVATIONS 1. Dimensioned floor plans 2 . Four elevations a. existing and finished grade b. height of structure 3. Exterior materials existing and proposed (roof, siding, window , etc.) N:\DEV\FORMS\Pianning\20 15-16 Forms\Minor Residential Forms\MR for Hi storic District.doc x 7/01 /2015 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT This administrative procedure will be used to review the following projects: • Additions to an existing second story residence where the additional area will be one hundred (100) square feet or less and is visible from the street(s) in the immediate neighborhood. • New residential accessory structures four hundred fifty (450) square feet or less in area visible from the street(s) in the immediate neighborhood. • Additions to the first floor of a residence (excluding additions not visible from the street that do not exceed 15% of the existing floor area of the house (excluding cellars) or 400 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is less). • Exterior alterations which require a building permit that changes the historic architectural style of the structure or eliminates/alters character defining features . This includes but is not limited to: new porches, porch enclosures, awnings, new dormer windows , bay windows and change in siding material. 1. An application shall be submitted with no filing fee. 2. The Historic Preservation Committee reviews the application using the Town's Historic District Ordinance requirements. Copies of the ordinance(s) are available at Town Hall. The Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of every month. The filing deadline is 13 days prior to the meeting by 11 :00 AM. 3. The Director of Community Development reviews the application using the Town Code requirements. 4. If the application is approved by the Hi storic Preservation Committee and the Director of Community Development, there is a ten (10) day appeal period. No permits by the Town will be issued until the appeal period has passed. 5. If a demolition of an accessory structure is proposed, approval must be received from the Bay Area Air Quality District, prior to obtaining a building permit. Contact the Building Division at 354-6876 for more information. 6. If work is proposed in or near a creek (wet or dry), please contact the Department of Fish and Game at (707) 944-5500 to discuss their regulations and to determine whether or not permits are required from their department. N :\DEV\FORMS\Planning\20 15-16 Fonns\Min or Resid entia l Fonns\MR for Hi stori c District.docx 7/0 11201 5 Exhibit E Exhibit D • T a I t A v e t1 --- Exhibit B: Siding Location Reference ---... .,._ ' I Exhibit C Exhibit H Exhibit G Bachman Ave r .. ('I) )( .. LL ._ ._ ...., ·-.0 ·- Exhibit I: . Above Band Exhibit J: . Below Band ' --------· "'' ·-..c ·-..c: X w