Item 2 - 325. West Main StT OWN O F LOS GATOS COMMUNITY D EVELO PMENT DEPARTMENT 1 10 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 35 4-7593 HISTORI C PRE S ERV AT I ON COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHE ET 1. PROJECT DETAIL Project address: 325 West Main Street Project description : Add ition and exterior mod ifi cations to single family re s idenc e 2 . PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1900-1920 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? YES Is structure in a historic district? YES If yes , what district? BROADWAY If yes , is it a contributor? YES Find ings required? NO If yes, see back page of this document. Considerations required ? YES If yes , see back page of th is document. Comments : The Applicant has in corporated the direct ion discussed by the HPC at the October 9 meeting , and is looking for a recommendation to the deciding body on the revised submittal. .L>u-ilHlT 2 Required Findings ---'As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary oflnterior Standards of any historic structure. I. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 X 3 Town Policy On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship , in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. __ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. l ( VICINITY ....... '~ 1 ........ ~· '-·--- ARIAL VIEW REMODELING AND ALTERATIONS -TO THE- MORGAN RESIDENCE PARCEL MAP SHEET INDEX COVERSHEET SITE PLAN EXISTING PLANS (N) FLOOR & ROOF ELEVATIONS NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN SCOPE RECONFIGRE WHOLE HOUSE ADDITION OF 766 TO INCLUDE (N) MASTER SUITE , KITCHEN . OFFICE & GAS FIREPLACE ~CciVED iJ(JV 0 6 20 15 TOv\'N OF LOS GATOS f>hANNlNG DIVISION PROJECT DATA ZONING R-10 APN #510 -45-002 LOT AREA (G /N) 7,491 SF EXISTING 768 SF (E) ACCESSORY 430 SF (N) GARAGE 220 SF PROPOSED 1ST 1535 SF (TOTAL) MAX FAR 7,491 x33.5% = 2,496 SF PROPOSED TOTAL = 1535 SF /7,491 SF=20.4% ~~~~~~-----------------L----------------~------------L-------------------~ REVI SIONS BY DATE: 11/1 9/15 A1 • M M • 0 • • • • • • • ~~~~~:t . • 20'-0" REAR SETBACK ------ I I I z , _...- . ' / I • • "'-..... -....... ---,..__ - - @ • • •• 125' I I I I I / / / / / _...---- ----"'-..... \ \ \ \ \ • • -'Q .ep • \ \ I ' I ' .----1_---, I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • • -----·· -----·· • "' \ \ \ I I I / • \ \ \ ~ \ I I I • • • • -----··l SITE PLAN SCALE: 1116" 1 .f1 REVISIONS BY DATE: 11 /1 9/15 A 2 z 0 ~ ~ ~ -== D 8 i====9 = ~ (E) FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/lr • HT ~ g = v '= ~191 (E) FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" •1-!T 4tl28RS !!!Qill'i Mlli f---L'l ---- ...,.IL m!BQQM i 1 tJ :::::> I ~ <t~:tt I 1-~~-~ 1.11 o-- I z <8 0 <tUN LLJ ~'<!" u ~We) 0~ v-, . LJ.J o-zoo r"--<to ~ ..-...,v I LJ.J ~ 0 ' Q.Qill ----l1Y.l!':l5i I ~ ! ll.I2.&QQM fl c 1- ~ f -264c:xil 2668 -2&eo0H f.Q.&.Qj .. r6 LJ.J ~ u (E) REAR ELEVATION SCAU:: 1/lr •1'·0" (E) REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" • 1"·0" ! 29<0FX 2940FX 29'0fX ,74CfX 2 I740FX 29<0fX 2940fX """"" EXISTING FLOOR PLAN SCAU:: 1/lr . f-(1" z LJ.J 0 0 ,., t;:;~ 1.11 Z<t LJ.J ~~ 0::: ~0 z l:::i: <( ::QI.::l ,.,..., ~ 0 ...J "-.. ATTIC SIYoa t• RIOGE) ·riCl.D'vtRif'IC.~ 0 ~ 1£) 2X DEPni ww.s,.,.. ~ WI C (£1 f{ C£lUNG TIP. bi~~RQQM w.u FllAMIHG OOERIOR ~oo.:; TO Rf.WJN REVISIONS BY AU. (ht SIIX~ 1U N-AJ'C.H (EI (t.)MI (E) SECTION B (E) SECTION A DATE : 11 /19/15 SCAL£: 111r • r -!T SCALE: 1/lr. 1-!T ORIGINAL PORCH BED ROOM L_ PORCH OPEN PORCH OPTION SCALE: N.t s PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 101.£: 118". 1'·0" LLJ 0 REVISIONS BY DATE: 11 /19 /15 -- PROPOSED LEFT ELEVATION SCAl£: 1111" • 1 .q I BIB PROPOSED RIGHT ELEVATION SCAl£; 1111" • 1 .(J' (TYP) EXTERIOR FINISHES NOTe: NO C.!o~,iroN~U TOTI-Ir! D:Tr!RIOil ,.I N I'!~et !T'I'\.t TO MAT£.~ txl!ilN::'io U.O N '"''~ HOttiLOHTAL I"'())O~!DftiS.if'CINDOI"fTIIUMAHOAU. r!J<Tf !UOft MalA. One$ ~0 !!AHO. SHALL Wt>TGM THe I.OOfCM!XISTlt<IGc.oNDmOK.S PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION SCAl£; 118" • 1·11' 17·9" MAX. REVISIONS BY DATE : 11 /19/1 5 xn w M'IIN <;1l(f.fl !;()7 W. MNIJ ">111Eff !>II w t.w.J soa:n f1'!'e 'f~ fY1'f. 'fl? rm: Sfl? !Of <;f ?'1'1~9.' I..Of Sf 7.288 Sf WI Sf · 7,787 9. {~ll.!/11-IU <j 2.8'18 '1' ~~~~~ItA '* 7.187 9' JjUW~ ':*' : 1.712 Sf c.NWl "( 100'if U!fW):. Sf ~20 9' c.HW.t 5f 'ICX) 'if lU IJII..Y•I f ~l-11 !i'·(J' !~.01NUIHill 1''-9" 1.11.1U7t.Y.I f.ill11 , l'i' '1" .. 0 1 ."l II t?I;J.I'JNl£111~ .. 9· .u. Jl r.Jl ~ ?1'1011011 .J;C)j;-1; ."; J:MNI) ,r; O lt~ : ,r; VY'dfJ h CJ'J'tl1 Jt; '?I'M IIIII h 0~~·1 . .,; ?IIIL!1fl~ JLJ I l <:: '!> • ."; 10 '1 b lgl,'/.. . :6 101 (I¥, uu ~,6 . a.IAJ I ;WI I<, liVW M ()()(;. J;l;ro~ f\1\/W 'M Ol<t: '>l? w MA'~ sre:F.r IWf. ~-P. Lt l l :f· , 7 7, J0 sr l'lJJ m:; ~ 1 6 21 CJ LIN'XI 5f IJ('() "* lilii"UAi f lll ll 16 ' l' .t.)-()t; IIM;JI ~JNid :t~l h Olv i; :YNiNJ bvO~-s G?Nic1n1 ¥.. fU V' v :!'> JC'1 ~,r; :ldl,l J;J;ro<, rtvW 'M t~ ·------'.127 W Mlllll ~rt-fEI ril't sre I 0 1 'if 1.627 '3f r;t)Lt)lf¥, '-1 168 '( ~oNlji(J:. 9' 71U"" I'IJ\.I?II!(,J (lr, II . i' ·(" ,<; .vl ' IIP )(~I 'lN1C11tlfl t, ar,; :6 .YJM~) (, 19~ I :6 ?NIO 11~1 _6 gl i Z J,iJO I ilb U~J 1V~aAV M'J.MWJ I #~ f f1]l [@ ?>?>'IW I.WI C,fl'ffl !iff "A r( z 0 tJ :::> 0::: tn z 0 u -Lt.J ~ Lt.J 0 REVISIONS BY DATI:: 11 /19/15