Item 3 - 68 Fairview PlTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E . Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 1. PROJECT DETAIL Project address: 68 Fairview Plaza Project description : demolition and reconstruction of historic residence within the Fairview Plaza Historic District. 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1910 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? YES Is structure in a historic district? YES If yes , what district? Fairview Plaza If yes, is it a contributor? NO Findings required? YES If yes , see back page of this document. Considerations required? Yes If yes, see back page of this document. Comments: The Applicant is requesting to demolish the existing residence based on condition and to construct a new single story with cellar residence. The Building Official has determined the residence to be uninhabitable . Required Findings _X_As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2 . No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: X 3 Town Policy On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. cflrnn£-!Bf&l!Jm;{kiJ. ARCHITECTJJRAL/CULTT)RAL SURVE'Y J LOS GA:tOS ~E;$E)\1Z0'111 T File tird-dr.e-ss tb s ,c;; f ( if t e. w ' n .z. tZ PARC~L MAP INFORMATION Parcell #51(!)-#'!$ -1!?&'1 ARC·HITECTURAL HISTORY I'~ 1 51 a2_2 -1 063 2 '229 WEiiS'TER S'tREE S~N F:,:V<t!GIS€:0, GA 941 1 5· Lot sllape: R'Et'tta'f\&le_ L__ Rectang'ie with small rear jo&,L. Otliler _____ '-'------ Locatio.n: N S~E-W side of ;:::" St Av·e (i)ther ~Z.~ distance to fi:Ti'OS-:S•t: c;, Boo ft. N_ s_ E~W-fra~~~/f;J,h~~w A v at NE __ NW __ SE $W:.__ cenner of--.,----:-:~-'-=-"----='---=- HISTORIC INFD&mAT'IQN Ol.f .FARCEL MAP · <na tract or subdivi.swn name ·(; f rv;e.w AJn Old Block # ___ Old lot # f?.J-""' 2 2-- II st<JJries.l_ Other----------~---------------~-...:.--------------=-- Sourte N~me Soo.ree ~ $puree !-aw~, or Lot ~i~s -:;'AI\ 29 f ' -l"ile address t. '5 k.r r!f( .:t4.4) PUBLISHED AMNOWC&M!:II'l'S clfnne ,.-"oo~{u.fd ARCHITEC~ SURVEY BUILDING RESEKRCH sourc:ea _AU _·_Bulletin _CA&Blf _call _chrol) _DPB _Bd...AB __ IX _Me.ws _PeA -------------- ARCZHITF"~TIJRAL HISTORY j-141151 922·1063 22' • .._,JlEBSTER STREET SAN F.~/li!IICIS .CO . CA .941115 VolWie Date P~ge_ Nature ot announcement: _cont•raet notice __ Notice of eon~plet.i:on _BP issued _Photo _Elev/sketeh/rend'g __ P.loor plan __ Arch't/eont·•r pub __ Real est Copy exactly: owner Builder/Oontrac.tor Arehiteet/Enq:i.nee·r 4ocaHon Nature o.t work Cost BUILDING PERMIT.S . source 1 Permit · Register, Press- Deal., or • • • Application Number OTH&R SOURCE (specify thoroughly) SANBOJUit MAPS Vac. or Vol/ dif. ~ ~ bldg Addr••! ('Oqb /&> -lit.:; ;;?zf!'.il ~~ I f~ c.f G .... 3S {:" V"" t1 o"6 7 .., "\. ~ /e:J,;2<(;' ;r· ,. ~~ , I _, ~.; /1 1'\. -t Date Color: yel, pnlt, or,ange blu,gry. .een Use Patches Yes/ No N us.e/ lfo. of ~ llD.UL. No. of Heigl)·t stor-ie• .-W..l. I Own.e·r " adct.~:;ess No. of bay, w·indo.ws., 0 Builder/ eontr. & add·r••• 'Po ~.c ·tf ~ Ar.ch't/ engi:n'T & address 'lnit·iala· Date Bldg's widtl)/ deptb/ Descript4 on ~f work h!!9b1 Exterior Materi-al• /Initla·ls Date -Describe or sket plan ;o--1 I I I ~ • d/nn£ !Bloom{ie£d ARCB.Im<:~~liL~ SURVBY RAMI! RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTOR' 14151 922 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 ~ (~n~.~~W~9.~~i-thn,~cl --------------------------------~-~naa~u~tiU~whh~~~'~~~~~~A~-;~r--~~~~-~~~-~~-------------------------­ ! walevant datea: conatr¥ction birth • 4eath. ____ • otha:r, __________ _ 1 . DtUC'l'OitY SZAJtCH (City Direetoriee, COWltY Dlreet.oriee, 'l'elephoM Book•, aociety direeto:riea, ate.) Year Book lf-alf"la••i.fiad Haadifta Li a~i nd fr.ftnv ... ~~.... •••-1:, •• a h..-. uaa * for boldfa-l t/11 1-.6'() r_ ~ . t.~ ,.-e;_ ' ("/·) t-.).1 J::;_c.~ ~ ~ «t !' ,rl 14 -v ~ "' !S -)..,· ,~ ~ $4 .:# ~ i:/ I -7/ $1b ~.JJ> '§ e-4.-WI W'I~:J;, J..~ ~~,-L.c Ua..r-o ';::a-'....,..) /"" r--,rv .a /qQ,;., lib. '6~1 L&n ?{a. a, .,t.C-~ S/ 11 ~lf> I "" &Jo .... s 4 rt:lt h. " ( v..;-.-J~ A l t:.-~JanJ e-r F) r -t:atlr \f; ~ a-\.1 '\ I ~C(;t rn m81'1, C~~ f!J/1: }._ (, ~~ ~-·ht-fS / tL, A ,.. n -i.{; "'-"' ~J , /initial! dttl BIOGRAPHICAL ~. indexea a. otha:r alphabetical UatiftCJa •. M:rk •x• Unfd .o:r 'I' (nothiftCJ foand) at each aource you try. Liet fs.ndtnCJII below. Los Gatos Library : Californ~a History Center, De Anza College: ___ City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ___ Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection ___ Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ___ Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio Guinn, 1904 (bio index) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) San Jose Historical Huseum: ___ Great Regis t ers (of voters) Indexes s~~~6~Extended index to Bruntz ___ Blo index of hunroe Frazer, ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) Photo collection 1~81 (Survey box) Other sources: Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): ___ Death records by year ___ Funeral records (index cards to big ___ Photo collection ____ Indexes, California Historical (!uarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") books_) __ _ III . LIST ALL REPER!IIC.!S PROM ABOVE . Find them . Copy 9ood .. te:rial a. attach. Or copy below if only a few worda. Or explain why not relevant (aa, wrong ~raon). 13rv"'+-t., '7(-A-1= P!~ee. _f:,,.., d lj,,JerJ.t(/'J 1 ~LP v.-1g4 .. ~/1 '57 4r J'Y/t9 v-e.)~ ~~II\~~ <:1 w ~ h;tfeJ ri"' ace ide..,/. 5o.1. E£· ~~-G'A-..)..·,-, vd k r<- L:7 Continued on Reverse File Address &g r;;..rv .-W d/rm£. !Bfoor " -£J A l{t;H J ''I'' ll!C''I'U H,~ L S t:J ~ ~ lt'Y A-SS ltSSMENT KOLL R I!:SEMH,jH T rae t I 131 o c k /'L<ort Assessments are filed by last; n'811le of prop.el"ty ow~uu-, but n.ot neces.&Jr'i 1 y i •~ a I plilab.etica I Qlt"<!er . S.ome years tb'ere is an index insid·e the volume e·r ±n a sepa1ra;te U®ok. The g0al (:).f' c,~ S'e<!lt~·Ja is tt.e> fin~ the y:~xs w1h:er;a the a·:o·s.e·S!sE!d \\&li:& o.f "improvements" (building.:,;) c 'hanged from 0 to o-ver $SOO, u-r whe.u th-at fig-are r-ose by $S.OO l:.),r ntroe . Wr·ite dawn eve·ry ~ea :r and name you try, including the years w;h,er.t y1ou find nodli.N-g. lhtto mCllrk>s a>r;e tine. Date {~q ( ;sf 3 /<6'17 I Pag.e ;;;.q_ /7 I I 3-2 '"? ~ . Niii_me Sea. WI.I'Vl8'J. 1..-C 11 h ~ Pla-Q! AArw;. rAt -IJ I" 5 , ' . -- , -----.,ot ldc111 if ;if' atr i o·r.a/ B.ewrHIHF"'i <:!ll':l----------- Tnwt/ ti I o<: k I Lo l I fwr~$ ~ Udy E Bt:l,y S ~~1il!Y w ~dy 4-t~rv.A. rt n """ ~ _,. AJ I) ~. I' L _ --A:.Jses•sm~•·•t fH·r --., -'" 6-&~Ji!..~ •''$ ~~ n 17o /"36- II fmt>lf"u-ve- tEHJtS I! ~,..~6-ct1,. Pn.o s-6 als-o ~r~/ ALL STRUCTURAL 1 14503 BERCAW LANE SA N J OSE. CA 95124 ;;;...~...;;;;;..;;;.;;;.._...;;;;;.;.........;_......;......;;;;.;......;;..;.. __ ...;. ______ -t PHONE : 1408)496·0930 CONSUL TINO ENOINEERS. Inc: proJeo::tseta ll struo::tur•l.o::om April10, 2"()14 To Whom It May Concern : SUBJECT: 68 Fairview Place Los Gatos, California Dear Sir or Madam: At the owner's request , I have investigated the subject property to assess its physical and structural condition. Here are my findings: The house is a wooden structure , with two levels , located on a sloping lot. The time when the house was built is not known but it seems to be very old. Several additions (2 or 3) were built along building's life. All of them are substandard , and probably built without a permit. The house walls are made of horizontal or v ertical boards with practically , no studs. Some studs were added randomly during building's life . These walls do not have any shear strength . The floors are built with 1x4 boards not interconnected. The floors do not have any stiffness to create horizontal diaphragms. They are uneven with obvious signs of d ifferential settlements. There are soft spots related to rotten wood and/or settlements. Most of the doors and windows are difficult to operate. The roof structure was built with scrap wood . It does not have any rational structural system. Walking on the roof can induce its collapse. The decks located at rear and side of the building are rotten and unstable. The concrete footings are substandard. They are built with no embedment into the ground. Some otthem were underpinned , but later, some excavation was performed, and, at this time, some of the existing footings are at 2-3ft . above the excavation . The pony walls above the footings are rotten and most of them have out of plane inclination of about 20 degrees, demonstrating the house is moving downhill . The electrical installations are substandard, with no grounding. The wires connections are exposed . Some of them have the copper exposed. The "as is" electrical system represents a strong fire hazard. The plumbing is substandard. There are obvious signs of leaking. Some of the fixtures are defective A portion of the house is built underground , with unreinforced, substandard retaining walls , with no waterproofing. This area is unhabitable because of the water leaking . Conclusions and recommendations : In my opinion, the ho~_se i_:> unhabita~~- lt presents major fire and structural hazards. During a strong earthquake the house may collapse or will suffer severe damages. In order to prevent any future life hazards the house must be demolished . The opinions contained in this report are based on a limited walk through and visual observation of the premises. Hidden conditions. lack of available documents for our review, the absence of specific knowledge of strength of the existing materials and lack of detailed structural analysis makes it difficult to accurately evaluate the structural strength of the building to sustain new loads and forces. Normal care has been taken to provide the professional's opinion contained herein. The conclusions and recommendations presented herein are in accordance with the current standards of stru ctural engineering practice; no other warranty is expressed or impl ied. We trust this letter provides the information required at this time Should you have any questions or require supplemental information, p lease call. Sincerely, ALL STRUCTURAL CONSULTING ENGINEE /) G~~SE Structural Engineer ,r: . .---~~--------~----------------------------=- ----~------~ n I J ./ f1E~T-SUE -~--~-~---=~----- ~.-.,e ----------- 1'1 . ' . \ . ( .. ... _,.. I I ' --\ __ \ \I \ '• \ _____ __5J _c_::e=~~Lt\8~--- -\~t--r t :-n;t -· ---~~-·~---------.. --- PROJECT DESCRIPTION TO CONSTRUCT A NEW ARTS ANO CRAFTS STYLE HOME IN THE HISTORIC DISTRICT OF FAIRVIEW PLAZA. THE HOME IS IN KEEPING WITH SIMILAR ARTS ANO CRAFTS HOMES LOCATED AT 44.46 ANO 56 FAIRVIEW PLAZA. THE NEW HOME WILL COMPLY WITH THE F .A.R . THE HOMES LIVING SPACE IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE HOME HAS BEEN SITUATED AND LAYEO·OUT UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CONSULTING ARBORISTS. OWNERS KENDRA AND ALICE KWOK lOSS WEST PARR AVE. CAMPBELL, CA S5008 PH. 406 .218 9760 PROFILE APN -510 43 009 ZONE-Rl-8 SITE AREA -NON-CONFORMING -5 ,050 SF FRONTAGE -NON-CONFORMING -50'-0 " AREA SUMMARY SITE AREA • • FAR a .350 ALLOWED FLOOR AREA PROPOSED AREAS • • UPPER LEVEL AREA LOWER LEVEL AREA TOTAL FLOOR AREA CELLAR AREA TOTAL LIVING AREA GARAGE AREA 5 ,050.0 SF 1,767.5 SF' 1 ,277.0 SF 4SBS Sf 1,765.5 SF' 7310 SF .2,4S6.5 SF' 268.0SF I f ,, It, hf l'-" ~l<l t-- BID- ""f,-\.0 l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ!!fol'!!!!!!l!~ ~ ------------------------------------------ 1~~'·0" D TI I I (3 --=~ --. ---::71?-. -~fi2 -_ LJ u 0 r==]· ---~z __ _ __ 7Z.. -- 'S:CSL/TH S[D.E.-~~v rs~N.·-_---~/"'-_Z:r ___ Vr0'=\'·o·i---------- NEIGHBORHOOD FLOOR AREA COMPARISONS 57 FAIRVIEW PLAZA 63 56 64 72 78• 81 68 FAIRVIEW PLAZA 3,884 SF 3 ,689 SF 2,803 SF 2 ,285 SF 2,486 SF 1 ,320 SF' 1,765.5 SF *AN EXISTING TWO STORY HOUSE WHICH APPEARS MUCH LARGER THAN RECORD INDICATES II j _l J~··o" ~ D 0 1 '2.1 '·0'' ----'27 -I ~ ----~5-l~--' G7 . - NORT-H sfr::e .F.Pif'Y \~\N 75 l/l 0' :::: V-o ~~ ''~•IC' L J 1 .l ~-- t~-i·O" ~~ """' II 'e;"? -- ~ u lr n I' .. I .I I""' I\, ::2j 11 ~ II t:l If 111 ~ ~(,} ~ l>o\T!I, II"·-~ Cll!'"' )t. PIAI1CII 1111)51:1" COti$TstT :A·!. I .. S:OOAM 1:2:00 PM SHAOO.W S'TUOIES .JUNE :21 1 I \ ( i I I .. -~~,...___.. ' 9:00AM SHADOW S'TUOIES OSCEMBEFC. ~1 ·~ (. i 1-, = I \J · -• I l 1 CS~/L.:OIW~ . .l. .... J~V~L -ft.,.AJ-J 1/+"•\';..~u ·- ' ,,.. I ~ I ~ I .II i r .... ' iJI • ;t· :t~ 1 ILJ (J i-- ~ ~ f--r l I - I,~·.;·· ~.~ .. ~,e.==~~; ~~~i ~ '~~1~~· I'~ 1 .. •' I I ! I' ' I -· ~ : ·,· J '1. ' .•I bt, ' I i ', .. : ' I~ ' • ..r.-;;!d- -~ c-{:~~~.~~.---~---·-----'k n -------···----·-·--------·-------·---------------·---· ----------··--------------, ~~~-.ul!(s~ I ~-~~ I ~@OFSTA /51 f§#EI ·~ -------------~ /- ---- 1 1 _ it*~'-t'-o" I I -~~ ....... ~~--~i=----_ -~-t --~~~~- --------r ---~-----t-----~-------- -- - -----------------.,_=-------- ------------------------ I (IJ.II;;;U._ ') : ' I -------- ~eou _Tft ____ -_ ec.e. Y · . -v~~~~-r::z:::t ~-------·.=..:.: _______ _