Item 6b - 54 Los Gatos BlvdTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 11 0 E . Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Ph one: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 HISTORI C PRESERVATION COMM ITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 1. PROJECT DETAIL Project address: 54 Los Gatos Boulevard Project description : replacement of front and side stairs and ra ilings 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1898, substantially rebuilt after the earthquake Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code 5S Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? NO Is structure in a historic district? NO If yes, what district? If yes , is it a contributor? Findings required? NO If yes , see back page of this document. Considerations required? YES If yes, see back page of this document. Comments : The Applicant is requesting to modify the front and side stairs and to install a new wrought iron rail ing to the histor ic residence. \EXHlBJT 1 Required Findings ___ .As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3 . There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4 . The structure does not yield information to Town hi story. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Consider ations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design , arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. X 3 Town Policy For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. __ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. dln.ru. !Bfoom{iefd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address__,.. Z:::;....f"'---~~~-={;;;;..:..P_~=.:::..~~$::...;1....:·rJ~-- ARCHITECTURAL HlSTOR' (41 5 1 922·1 06:.: 2229 WEBSTER STREE1 SAN FRANCI SCO. CA 94 1 1 ~ PARCEL MAP INFORMATION Parcel # 5" '!I~ -r24J-O t 1 Lot size:_..,~ ;a~ front ft . x ?1-:2.( ft. deep .y tot shape: Rectangle~ L __ Rectangle with small rear jog__ Other __________ -= Location : N S E ~W side of ~ 6Q St Ave ---~~~~~----Other--='!5_/....;.v._J_~. distance to cross st: ft. N S E W from ------------:..._---------:--- at NE NW SE / SW corner of ~ N'tA ·41~ ------~~~~~~--~~= HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP 1 Old tract or subdivision name JoA f'\ :'i(N AJ.,, ' Old Bl<l>ck # ?-01<1 lot # ~ J FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION ~andwritten in red) Preliminary rating I (wM-4-Estimated age /~1()? Style Q(){!A.A;t A...,~ Altera-tions 'kt--Ml 1 ! u t)..J..-..e do-w-.:#1 ~ ' · "'r ~ £1 };.w 'M.c'· r '4 I -~; ~~-M ·-· ' i COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) I OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS ~ Source Source Source I Name ~ Page ~~~ . ~~;I Location of property, or Lot Old :tra~t/block/lot Size I Blk 944 I ·~:t-:l'i1'D ::I10~Cfk . ~ ,_:j Alterations:f' Mov e d_ ContributorX Raised_ Por':-h . enc)_ ' District Non-contrib Addition_Cs~:~~ -::::Ea-r-:-1.,.-ie-s-t"""'kn-ow_n_ (~ro.£ -Windows_ on ~t~on_ , Ovnerj,L ResidentJL: J3vt"k.-S<.~nt~rtfcc:>. Designer: a_ b_ d_ r Context: ~'~;faf)a ('l.ltt~eJ (co ~f~:~ a.f.k(t tJt!l.e. t • 51./ 1.. ~.Q t 1, ~F T"'!AI~~'" I MISCELLANEOUS I Nat~onal Register listed date ! County Inventory 1979 ------ ; T"•-m of Los Gatos: Designation __ nc· .... v:lo';• ... I ' i l*ttler/Jnftior tFc!gtts 1 Gebhard: page # ~-:-7~;;_;;;;.....:......~~----::-:R~;;-::;--;. · Bu t ler/Junior League. __________________________ ___ EFFective date Owner Name . .. . "-:.:{. ·, !-l. ---:::=--- .. A ' ,r:: ' File Address 07" L. ~ $ d/nn£ !Bfoom{ufJ. ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RESEARCH Tract/Block/Lot J~ i,. Sd'"V~ ' ARCHITEC~AL HISTORY 141 5l 922·,1 0 .63 2229 WEBSTER s ·l'REET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 ' Assessments are filed by last aame of property owner, but not necessarily i n alphabetical order. So!Re y·ears there is an index inside the v-olume or fn a separate book . The goal of a search ls to find t'he years when the -a-ssessed value of 11 im !'>o vements" (buildings) changed from 0 to over $5:00, or when that figure rose by $500 or mroe. Write down every year ar,,: 11<1r;e you try, including the years wtl·en you find nothing. Ditto marks are fine. . Date 1$ur :;-..t.. Page Name vtJI(>O"'<i' ~ ~.,;,.r ; t5'1 $1- /.:fib /3 1/{r ~ c t:'-1J!. IJ ,. '"' 'f _, ~ 1 1:2.o /6 Y1 "i~sr . 7 -f .,C.·' k • ., p ' /' rl!);:.,, ... "" /11't-;/-12 75u rk-- I -. .. ---- ' - .. - --·- --· -- -----L Tract Acres Jot.. .. ~ ......._ ""'( 'I - ,£_ -- - .. - -- - Identification. or Boundarie:;; - ~Block br Lot . # or N Bdy E Bdy' S Bdy /;;<_ I - n ?-~-- "' I 2..:::_2 I ------- W Bdy - - --- .. - ·- - -- - - --Assessment for-- Improve- ments !Other Into. ~z.;;>O La __ l~frCI $ 7&>0 $ -;;;Lex:JO ~(:7<:) I 34>o /"!~ 4e.-:t!J -:2.2.5 - "I · -1 ' ~ , - File Address 51../ Lc;;.:J; --------·---·------- cflnn£. !l ,J om{i.E.fd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY ASrSESSHENT ROLL RESRAR'CH Tract/BlockvL'ot Jat, rt'!>-~"' 6::/...·::: I f ?>qG"" ... or 22 7 EBSTER S TREE' SAN F l 1SCO. CA 94 1 1 : bur'~ ? AI/~~ Assessments are filed by last name of property owner, but not necessaFily in alphabetical order. Some years there is an index inside the volume or in a separate book. The goal of a search is to find the years when the assessed value of "improvements" (buildings) changed from 0 to over $500, or when that figure rose by $500 or mroe. Write down every year and namP you try , including the year-s when you find nothing. Ditto ma-rks a·re fine. Date {fftp t C:oq Page ¢ 9 -----Lot Identification/Boundaries----;;...----=-;....~~ Tract Block/ Lot/ Name Acres N Bdy E B(iy S Bdy w Bdy .Jet.~-.... ~v r-/~ <!>I 4J/~ -GJ . ~~rl ;t;/r--:r a, ~E Jc>h. ... ~ 2.-I --- . --I -. -1- - .. I -_! ~ .. ~ --I,---- I --' - --k' ---.. -- --·---· -- -. ·---- -. -- ------ - ' ---- --A La $ - 7 IPC) ' I I - -.. -, ·- , I I i - - - -· - nt for-- mprove- ments jOther Info. - l -::4.~D PP 6 7:>- - ·- , -:: - - --: ' - • T I /1n1t1als date Project Bellringer II Historic Home Improvement Survey ( Street: 4;o!{;,iJd(~ House Number: Construction Date:~~~~~:_<i:._ Source --------~-----­ Style: Ire sent Owners: 1 hone: ·: /., · · · · ·· ' Willing to work with survey co Rental? Not_Yes _ Tenants name: ------------1-'hone: ------- Absent e e owners mailing address: ----------------------------- Best time to contact owner: -----------------Tenant: History linclude dates, events, and persons ~ssociated ·:.·. / ' ./t \.! . ·,·'? / .1"'\ ., ., .,. ! j-,· ·. ' ''. I ' Architectural History ( identify information source and year of change) Original: / Added: 1./ i J. .. ·~ ::· • ' .-__ , . ·.) -c'. 'J c I. • I .te:mod e led: .• ' / . I ,. I . I / ·-. '· .. _ . \: known) i . ./ ( P roj ec t Bellring8r II Historic Home Improvement J Survey _ _..:.~_:;;.,.,_~;..-__ ~_-~....;~;..~_ ... -_i_ 1 /_· _.:.._·---= .... :.../3~1~.:;.· .;..~/_House Number: 5 .t./' ..J t r e et: Construction Date:. ____ Estimated Source S tyle : ~· --------------------~--~-------- ,----__ ~ r (:I I -C0.a...~.t ~l..('_ ~-.tot·-~~::: (( ' -:-. U..l ,_j . -:J -3 .s t 1:.--1 7 Tf -1) \ J?resent Owners: 1-'h one : ------Wi lling to work with s urvey committee? Rental? No _Yes _ Tenants name p_ ....... _""_'-'"'-_~ · __ 1 '--_·· +-. · _____ ' '-/......,:,.!../_-___ 1 hone: '_ :_ ~~ .,.;.---; :"'1 t i -. .J Absentee -owners mailing addres c: Best time to contact owne-r: Tenant: History (include !1 ras - / 1 ~ ••• -~ /·-...,.· .... ~ ' . I ..... . \ I f~ • .. I .._,~ ..,.~ . dates, event~, ~nd perso~~ associ~ted wit~ sit~ when known) ('1:3o 5-~6 A-t/~ /rj-&/vt~ ~~-- ·-1-1 ..._~;_,_, _~ . . r~~ . '-f-(L., ~ ' .. -~ i J "''-" ,-.) i . !· '....,..J --t:-~~-{ -· }, . \_,1.._ . .\<;....L, ,~ -1 .-( • -i t<_ ... , -r f J .. :-·, · · ' ' ,../ P--o---u. '-r '--sl-a_.(__. :·if ~ 1 I ·--·' '• ( &--?\....< ~ t.....--,_. ' ~--£? .. -(" -~r ""1. l VI .' -:. :..--, , __ ,.........~· I . I-1 '~""'--'--; I i I .i Architectural History ( identify information source and year of change) Original: Added: Remodeled: //1 i ~~-, J;___. I .........-. I -;. ( .. ', \ ~ .( ' ... ( __ ,. . ,_. ,. ·._ J ~ -~ I . i ~ • (I._ ~ .• -.. r 1 I 1 it .. ·t. 1·-'··j ~ ·-r , -. / .. i : -~ ·-1 .... ~ \ t "' •. ..,. . ~' .. I r . • ·' ~ I ' ' ' ~I I {I (. 1 CL < '-.. J THIS NOTICE IS SENT TO ADVfSEYOU THAT --· -·- PLANNING DEPT. THE TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF LOS GATOS P.O. BOX 949 · ' ON , ~nnc:tay, ,.ret, 28., 1990. ·1 AT ;___ 7~~ !.~M. ---l IN THE LOS GATOS , CA 95031 { 408} 354-6872 .. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, TO CONSIDER .195 lOM ALTA M.IENUE Architectu~ ~Site ApplicAtion 8-90-9 . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED"'N SAID"' APPLICATION ARE·, : ENCOURAGED TO APPEAR AT THE PUBLIC HEARING AND BE : HEARD. . ;: ~~E REVERSE FO~ IMPORTANT MESSAGE. L : NOTIQ_E: MAIL Eli .. .• . • • • --A . . . . . ... . · .. ~ .• to con-s'tr'Uc: t a ne1-1 ANDERSON ·c .THEODORE & SARA ·c 122 LOS GHT'OS BL LOS GATOS CA 9503(! '" ( "' ~ "'-4 ~ 'i ! .. ·· f , l. L L ~ \' ,\CATIONED a unt of c u mc l.lie nn e Gra- lived in th b ho use at the -:an Jose fl. ve:1 ue and Lorna J-i (;r rok c c va -::a tioP.ed w ith ,_ c-. v l s i t (;r i n la ter yea r s when •.he was the . '<l 'ifC ~1 n<i partner of comedian George Burns. Local resi- d e nts ;.;new wh e n t h e c o upl e were ·:!s it- ing b y th e chauffeured limou s ine parked in fr o nt. lle a ddre .. s~ -../-~:15 ~llaLI..aD AlmOtMC&N&ft'S ----..... ... -- ARCHITECTU ~ SURVEY BUILDING ... ~SEARCH ·--.-----~·-·~_.,. ... 2229 w-"'STER STREET SAN FRA~ ~0 . CA 9411 5 .....,.. lources __ MoB __ Bulletin __ CA&BII __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Bd..AJS __ a __ sew _PCA other Volu.e Date Page __ _ rature of a nnounceaent: __ contract notice __ Notice of ca.pletion __ a• iaa ued __ Photo __ Elev/aketch/rend'g __ Floor plan ___ Arch't/cont•r pub __ Reel eat. :opy exactly: 2!!!1!!. !Builder/Contractor I Architect/Bngineti I Loca tion !Nature of work J Coa·t UILDING PERMITS ,urce • Pens1t uJiater , Preaa- Address requested--~-------~--~-~------------- Application Date Number ·--=-Location ~ ....... ~; '' ·• l .. -·-J ' I •i " ~ ' I ~ I -- ~BR SOURCB (a pecify thoroughly) . - UM/ OWner Builder/ Arch't/ so. or " contr . & enqin'r llaUL. address addrea·a & addrea·a : I I ·, earf;" r~"bl -g ru ~~ 13 3 -v-~-4-d:}. I '1 t " ft>v"lo ~ t:;-k. r-e.. -~~~~~tw~ 'Bru..d-r.1 kJ b()~--Avf bar-n. '!9oo '' "' .., /7 an-kr· ..-k_re_ --ft,i:I. ~Gov-A"'~ t9 iF· ~~-s;,-L,_ ,) INBOIUI MAPS Color : Vas. yel. pnk, or orange Patches Mo . of Vol/ dif. blu.qry ~I a~,lbldg 1 Addren (green J .l!!L. '1)'1/ Yea/ No. of Height l;lay .· P..Rc tt I 1'\o( \;$C. I 1!2 I tt·2ri!f f ~· "''indow• • '$f r 1'1 f '1ot! ;;;.. iiJs-S.J·C, MA;h D I I I -Mf-I 13 I :;.... /90<6 /~ ,., " Sa.~ '92~ ;;IS" "' 34SJ.,~ 't 91.16"' rt 1'1 II. 11 ____1.!'._ .... _. /Initiab Bldg'a width/ I depth Date Description o .f work ~ Material! '· -...::~ I :\ -~ . ~ .;. ' ' . •. .. ') -I ' '" .. ' ~ .~i tia La date /Initids Date Date of Deacribe or tketch co.nstr. 1 plan "" ..,L t-i ~[-=.J~; .. ____J-r Llnitilla Dilt• ( AGENDA TOWN OF LOS GATOS EARTHQUAKE RESTORATION COMMITIEE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1990 10:30 A.M.-TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 110 EAST MAIN STREET -TOWN HALL (408) 354-6872 I. REVIEW OF RESTORATION APPLICATIONS 1. 90 Fairview Plaza 2. 3. DISTRIBUTION: Architecture and Site Application ES -90-96 Requesting approval of plans to reconstruct a detached garage which will be demolished d ue to earthquake damage on property in the R-1 :8-LHP zone. PROPERTY OWNER: Bruce Richardson 59 Victorv Lane Architectu r e and Site Application ES -90-97 Requesting approval of plans to seismically retrofit an unreinforced masonry commercial building in the C-2 zone. PROPERTY OWNER: AI Block APPLICANT : Gary Schloh 54 Los Gatos Boulevard Architecture and Site Application ES -90 -98 () ~-~ ,ct> T? :fct,. _.,. Requesting approval of plans to reconstruct porches and a portion y.A~ f 0 of a two family residence which were demolished due to coJ ;t.rr:J. earthquake damage on property in the R-1 D zone. w oo J:_.,. (>'~of st.~-~ PROPERTY OWNERS: Ray and Robin Clayton 123 Cardinal Lane Architecture and Site Application ES -90-99 b j/ Requesting approval of plans to reconstruct an unenclosed patio h () CJ~ 57 cover which was demolished due to earthquake damage on property in the R-1 :8 zone. fdto -/I...P-><- PROPERTY OWNER: Bob Deardorff hy ti-L ; r ' 1 . I / fvrc.JAP~ ~ Earthquake Restoration Committee Development Review Committee Historic Preservation Committee Mardi Bennett Laura Taylor Bruce A. Spotswood Friesen Planning Commission Town Council Bruce Richardson Gary Schloh AI Block Ray and Robin Clayton Bob Deardorff C4\AGE NOA S\ERC11-8 File Address 5f /. ~ • , c' ' J ~ .. • • .. rf:~'-VJ/ dlnn£ !Bloo r.£L'J ~ ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT RO~ RES.EARCH Tra c t /Block/Lot t /)' __,_ __ ..:...____-=--=· ... h7 /r; 1../..l•tl Wt:.tl!>lt:.H :.tl1t:.t.t SAN FRANC ISC" ':A a• I I :, - ._L Assessments are filed by last name of property o wner, but not necessarily in alphabetic al order. Some years there is an index inside the volume or in a separate book. The goal of a sem-ch is to find the years w.hen the ass essed v·alue of "improvements" (buildings) changed from 0 to over $500 , or when that figure ro::;e by $500 or mroe. Write down e -very ye-ar and name you try, inc lud i ng the years wheu you find nothing. Ditto marks are fine. -----Lot ldertt if i cat ion / Bo.undar 'i e s----------- Date Page Name 1/ . ... J _.,.; I '-.1:./.. f' ~. '/1 " • I . I ; ' I So -n" · ---'· .! ' ·-' ;:;-/J[J/.1.' ''1~ ./;;-/AX.~ ! ) I ,-,.;. ,_ :)J .'' I(----· ._ Tnu: t I lH ock/ Lot I Ac res N Hdy E Blly S Bdy "--1 -· II ' .-, " 'j'\J (/(/1 /l .t __ l~ .-~If"" /' r )-. _ .. - ] . /-:JJ r / ' ,-; / "1J.r; 1 , r _F;I /'\/)." ~ '· ' ·_.. ., ~ J' I • / /'J \._ i.,..' J"'. (/..ly , (.I l , &.~ I I I 'I • ' I ·; .t r J J v V>. r-;' l ? / .. /..; /, I J '/"" \ --- ·?. f 7 V I ,_, ... ,. 'f' I:. ... -l . •J .• ' r '.._ ,,. ) -I • J ~ ·/ ·) U · ,.. J ~--'ill' '~· / I .. •,.-J--.,, ?..u -~ ~~ ,,h,;.£., .. ~ .. yA .r;).0 1,. ' . ' ;; / J •.... '-• c-«- "' >!'- ...,.. -- - "' . I / t,. ..... ~r . ,, "' 'J ' W Bd'y -- 'i~J I.' 'r, I --·- . " . . - - --- --Assessment for -- ~nd $ I : ~.-,J :Zu.:; ~~-J 1 ~./,.; --~ '"· -- I ..... ,....., ,.:_V ._,'.) --~·· Improve- menU; I Othe,r Info. $ ~ /6 v o /0 Lr:J l~f; . ... .,.. v. / .., tt; -r~ ,-- /tnltlals oate clln.ru !Bfoom(i.Lfd A8CHI'l'BC~~QLTURAL SURVBY RAMP! RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTOR' (41 5 ) 922 ·1 06: 2229 WEBSTER STREE' SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 I I! •-(pereon, buildinq, orqaniaation, etc )---:--~---r------------------------ Addreuea auociated with llame ,.;-f' L,,;; ~Iff • ..;_!!-2:/ .. levant d atea: conet r~ction. ___ • birth. ____ . death. ___ • other. __________ _ l. (City Direc:toriea, CCNftty Dlrec:t'oriaa, 'l'e~phona looka, eociaty directoriae, ate.) 4nititll dtt;t BIOGRAPHICAL IIARCR, in~a e 6 other a lphabetical lietinqe. Nark 'X' (infd .or ·-· (nothinq f-d) at each eource you try. Liat fi.ndtnp below. Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College : ~City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ~-Historic Collection Index (green boxes) ___ Photo collection ~Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pe n Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) ___ Extended index to Bruntz _Blo index of hunroe Frazer, lis81 ___ Photo col l ection (2 boxes) Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): Scm Jose Historical Nuseum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: ____ Indexes, California Historical ~uarterly ____ State Library Information Index (fiche) ___ State Library-S.F . Newspaper Index (") ___ Death records by year ___ Funeral records (index cards to big books) __ Photo collection III. LIST ALL REFERENCES PROM ABOVE. Find them. Copy qood aaterial 6 attach. Or copy below if only a few worde. or explain why not relevant (ae, wrong peraon). f3rt.dvf -2:1 //1-W F -b ,n-/.cv ·{) .... l1e-l-/,, CJ., .. ..(},-,M,p/1 «-U> ~ 17"11-y L:? Continued on Reverse RECEIVED OCT 1 ~ 20 15 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION 54 Los Gatos Blvd. Stair Replacement Proposal To the Hisorical Review Committee : We would like to replace our two stairways up to our front porch. They currently have dry rot and termite damage. Since the wood stairs were built, they have been very difficult to maintain. The main entrance stairway almost never gets any sun, so they stay wet during the winter months, which leads to moisture and fungus damage to the wood. The stairway on the driveway side gets sun exposure and the stairs tend to cup from the heat, which leads to holding water in the cup spaces and undermining the paint. This condition also leads to moisture and maintenance problems, as well as uneven tread shape. We propose to replace these stairs with a more durable set of brick stairs. Since we have much red brick on the property now, and since brick has historically been used for stairs on this style of home, we believe that brick would be a good replacement. The stairs would maintain the same dimensions that currently exist, with approx. 6-7" rise, 12" tread depth, same tread width , and railings set the same distance from one another. We also propose to use iron railings in a design that is from the same era as our home, circa 1898 . The railin gs would attach at the top wall of the porch and the brick pillars at the foot of the sta irs . So vi sualizing the stairs as they are now, we will be placing all of the basic elements where they are with the new brick and iron pieces. Brick pillars approx. 16-20" wide, 48-50" high with additional pillar caps, and bri ck treads and risers. Thank you for your consideration, Ray & Robin Clayton Stairs In Present Condition Main Front Stair View Driveway Side View Side bricks would end jus t before downspout Iron railings would attach to brick pillars s imil ar to above wood railing attachment points First Choice Iron Railing Style Second Choice Iron Railing Style Almond Grove District Brick & Iron Examples Glenridge Brick Stair Examples Brick Step Examples Shingle Style Architecture The Shingle-sided Spring Lake Inn, New Jersey. Photo Credit: Photo © Jackie Craven Shingle Style homes can take on many forms. Some have tall turrets, suggestive ofQueen Anne architecture . Some have gambrel roofs, Palladian windows, and other Colonial details. Some have features borrowed from Tudor, Goth1c _Rev1val , and St1ck styles. http://architecture.about.com/odlhousestyles/ss/shingle.htm#step4