215 Alexander Avenue, TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, L os Gatos, CA 95032 Pho ne: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 1. PROJECT DETAIL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET Project address : 215 Alexander Avenue HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REVIEW: Review and recommendation of a request for a technical demolition of a pre-1941 single-family residence. 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built: 1924 Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: Cor R Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? No Is structure in a historic district? No If yes, what district? N/A If yes, is it a contributor? N/A Findings required? Yes If yes , see back page of this document. Considerations required? Yes If yes , see back page of this document. Comments: The applicant's material s are attached. Required Findings _x_ As required by Section 29.1 0.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type , period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4 . The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: 1 2 X 3 Town Policy On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its , surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. N:\DEV\JOCEL YN\HPC\20 15\215Aiexander.doc RECEIVED AUG 2 7 2015 ARCHITECTURE T0 " 'N O F LOS GATOS PL.AliiNING DIVISION 5 -JS -066 Development Review Committee August 27,2015 Community Development Department, Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: THE MARTIN RESIDENCE ADDITION/REMODEL, 215 ALEXANDER Project Description/ Letter of Justification Members of the Committee: This is a new application for a minor residential remodel and addition for the above referenced project. The house was built in 1926; additions were made on the first floor (left side and rear) and a second-story in the rear. Note: according to a long time neighbor, this sunporch was converted into living space in the 1960's or 70's, but this claim has yet to be substantiated. There have also been conflicting accounts as to the authenticity of the stucco exterior, but I personally think it is original based on not only the texture but in the detailing of what appears to be original wood window frames. This Architecture and Site proposal includes a combination of the re-allocation of existing living areas and minor additions on both floors ; a new detached garage is also included in the application. The second part of the proposal entails replacing the entire exterior stucco exterior with a combination of wood siding and shingles. Between the remodeling/addition work and the new exterior skin, the work deems this application a Technical Demolition. Previous discussions with the Historic Preservation Committee lead us to believe this is something that can be supported. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The overall architecture of the home doesn't change drastically. The main focus is to modify/ repair the ill-conceived shed dormer on the right side (second floor). A new gable takes the place of the shed dormer. The main roof was reconfigured to accept this new gable with only a minor extension of the main gable towards the front. The Dutch gable theme of the front facade is not only repeated but reinforced on both side elevations with modification of the hip roof on the left side (second floor) to another gable. T he one major alteration to the front is the conversion of the current living room into an exterior porch. By removing the windows and adding tapered post on stone pedestals, a new/old front porch is created that will be a welcome addition to this house. The front walkway will be adjusted on the sidewalk towards the new steps, front porch and ultimately the new front door, oriented to the street. A short wooden railing which , BTW doesn't need to meet the 42 inch height code for guardrails, provides a layer of definition and enclosure for the porch . A minor addition to the rear (left side) under a small exterior balcony allows the master bedroom to move down from the second floor to the first floor; the balcony will be eliminated. To balance 51 University Avenue, Suite L • Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408.395-2555 MARTIN RESIDENCE ADDITION-REMODEL, 215 ALEXANDER AVE PAGE2 OF2 this addition, a large trellis has been added to the right rear side. This trellis is adjacent to a newly created family room and will extend the Jiving area out onto the pleasant rear garden. This proposal includes removing all of the stucco and replacing it with painted wood lap siding on the entire first floor walls and gables . Painted cedar shingles will clad the second-floor walls and gable ends. The very top portions of the gables will have horizontal venting that matches the existing details. Gable ends wiJI be supported with knee braces. All new windows as well as all replacements of existing windows will have painted wood frames. The majority of the windows will match the existing style, with multiple divided lites in the upper sash only. The old pair of double hung's in the dining room (front right) will be widened to include a picture window, and this will have leaded, beveled glass design to dress up the front elevation. The existing garage will be razed to make way for a new four-car double tandem detached garage. The structure wilJ be placed 17 feet farther back from the street. The exterior detailing is designed to match/company that of the new house style wood siding. DETAILS • The total area of the existing structure equals 3 ,058 square feet; There is a net addition of 250 sf for the main residence (151 sf on first floor, 99 sf on second floor); The new total equals 3,308 sf square feet. The allowable based on FAR is 3,375 square feet. • The new garage is 860 sf; allowable area is 928 sf; Allowable area for all accessory structures is 929 sf (15% of building envelope) • Not considering the removal of the entire stucco exterior, the proposed demo ratio of the front facade is 29%; the overall demo ratio is 34% • Height of new roof is 25 feet, approximately one foot higher than current ridge. CONCLUSION The proposed remodeling of the Martin residence will provide a continuous, harmonious and traditional exterior theme to what is now one of the weaker homes in the area. The porch addition (reclamation) gives the front facade some personality and strong character as well as an inviting entry focal point. Modifying the large shed roof into a single gable removes the "sore thumb" of the structure, making the second floor look natural . The additions in the rear clean up some 1990's styled additions while adding critical interior living space. And finally, the new owners desire to make this home show it's true colors, changing the stucco exterior to classic wood siding better suits the style of this craftsman home. Sincerely, 502 .a 4 ' ~IG ~EST 0 RIDGE 4"1&.2 1'~ MAIN I*CQC5k PAINTEO 1"1000 DI!~1"1VE KNEE 6RAC.!!S L.OUV EREO GA6L.E ENO ROOF V EN1" PA INTEO 1"1000 FASCIA -------!"IRE 1"REATEO SHINGL.e S IDING 'ARC.HI1"EC.TURAL.' C.OMPOSI1"10 N S HING L.e ROOF PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION $CA~: 1/4 " = 1'-o" ----·---·------·-·-·-·-·-·-·--·-------~0~50~H~I:~~~~~T~ RIDGI! AS-BUILT/ DEMO FRONT ELEVATION $CAU: 1/4 " = 1'-o" RECEIVED AUG 2 7 201 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVIS I Of l S-;t;-OGb REVISIONS ~ <t: u u z {/) 0 ~ ~ Q 0 til 0 0 ~ ...l ~00 0~ §~ 0 :lz Ill Ill~ ;:::> §~ z Ill ::E~ ~ ~< ~ Ill 0 ~ z <t: >< ~ Ill ~ = II') ...... ~ N DATE: fl/26/15 SCALE: AS SHOY'\N S H EET A -6 b OF - ... 0 ., •• > V'l I co e ~ C3 I ........... 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SCAJ.l!, 1/4 " • 1'-<J " DETACHED GARAGE 4"15."1 1' FINISH fLQC>!O. 0 PAINTeD ~'COD DECO""'T IV E K NEE 6""'C:.ES SECTIONC-C 1.0\JVE!O.ED GA61.E -----END F!.OOF V ENT -----PAINTeD I"'IOD FASCIA 4eq.ee· ..__ _____ FI!O.E T!O.EATIED S HINGl-E SIDING 2X PAINTeD "I..INTA1." _ -· _ 0 42>S .~q' TOP Pl.ATI! GARAGE FRONT ELEVATION XAJ..E, 1/4 " • 1'-<J " 'OGEE' SHAPED, PAINTeD GVTTef 0T~~:n: 6 " PAINTeD 1-AP S ID ING 4~5 ."11' 0 FINif>H FLOC>!O. GARAGE REAR ELEVATION 6 " PAINTeD 1-AP S ID ING 4 "'1'!5 ."'1'1' FINISH FLQO!O. SCALI!!· 1/4 " • 1'-<J" REVISIONS DATE: ~/26/1~ SCALE: AS SHOI'IN S H EET A-13 15 OF •