Item 5 - 128 Tait AveTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: (408) 354-6874 Fax: (408) 354-7593 1. PROJECT DETAIL Project address : HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMM ITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 128 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REVIEW : Requesting approval for exterior modifications for a single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-1D :LHP. APN 510-18-021. 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built 1890s Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code Prelim rating: Contributor to Town Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? Yes Is structure in a historic district? Yes If yes, what district? Almond Grove Historic District If yes , is it a contributor? Yes Findings required? No If yes , see back page of this document. Considerations required ? Yes If yes , see back page of this document. Comments The applicant's supporting materials (plans and photos) are attached. Required Findings ___ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4 . The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5 . Structural integrity of the building. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80 .290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture , materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: X 2 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character ofhistorical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Town Policy __ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood . N:\DEV\SANDY\HPCINFO\Histo ticPC_Fonn.doc RECEIVED SEP 042015 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING OIVISIOI'I . ; ·', ~: -'~. J • • • "1, •• ,. : < • . . 'f ::''~ ... ·:\. t (' ... :~--.. •"'f L ' '•,. PARCEL MAP PROJECT LOCATION ® IG!QJI ~ II LJLJL LOCATION MAP • 12&Tait Ave 1;r""'ll1ct t'....,.... ~ 't1 forbr.iWASt~tt~ " ~ g $ WefJ. Fargo Bank j ~ l' s " I ~ (j .,. ~ ~ DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY: DeMattei C onstruction, Inc. 1794 The Alameda, San Jose,CA. 95126 P : (408) 295-7516 F: (408) 286-6589 LI C .# B-478455 I j PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Queiroz Residence 128 Tait Ave. Los Gatos, GA. cqso3o LEFT SIDE VIEV'I SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET SCOPE OF V'IORK : RELOCATE TV\10 EXISTING V'-IINDOV'-IS AT KITCHEN AN D ADD A SIX FOOT V'-IIDE BAY/SEAT V'-IINDOV'-1 . PROJECT DATA ZONING OCCUPANCY TYPE BUILDING TYPE APN LOT AREA FLOOR AREA: FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR TOTAL (E) LOT COVERAGE (E) FAR MAX FAR PARKING SPACES NO NEV'-1 FLOOR AREA NO GRADING PROJECT DIRECTORY PROPERTY OV'-INE R : Martha & Mario Queiroz 128 Tait Ave . Los Gatos, GA. qso30 DESIGNER/CONTRA(, TOR: R-1 D-LHP R-3 Y-N 5 10-18-021 6,134 Sf 1,388 Sf 468 Sf 1,856 Sf 1,84q Sf 30% 34% 2 DE MATTE I CONSTRUCTION, lN G . 11 q4 THE ALAMEDA SAN JOSE, GA. q5126 (408) 2q5-1516 SHEET INDEX GS GOYER SHEET A2.1 EXISTING & PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS A2 .2 EXISTING & PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEYATOINS A2.3 EXISTI NG NEIGHBORHOOD PHOTOS DATE: SCALE: RECEIVED SEP 0 4 201 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION PLANNING SUBMITTAL SHEET: '1/4/2015 cs AS SHOV'1N NOTES: • NEW WINDOWS SHALL MATCH EXISTING WINDOW FRAME, TRIM , COLOR, AND STYLE • NEW MATERIALS SHALL MATCH COLOR AND STYLE OF (E) RESIDENCE • NEW BAY WINDOW SHALL CONTAIN DESIGN ELEMENTS FROM THE (E) RESIDENCE AND SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE RESIDENCE AND THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD ~i ~--·---------·----·---------------------------- ! MASTER BEDROOM I ~ TO (E) ATIIC SPACE-~+-.1 n+-1+--c• o!:---~~ ~ f\~ MASTER BATH = 1 EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN Sc.ale : 1/8"== 1'-0" NO C.HANGES (REFERENC-E ONLY) E X ISTING BAY WINDOW AT 106 TAIT AVE. LEGEND: FAMILY ROOM FAMILY ROOM r EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN tzZZT//7 / /Z/1 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE DEMOLISHED BEDROOM2 BEDROOM 1 "'" CLOSET DINING ROOM PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN Sc.ale : 1/8"== 1'-0" CLOSET BEDROOM2 r-=:1 KITCHE~ BEDROOM 1 CLOSET DI N ING ROOM '-----REMOVE (E) WINDOWS -----' EXISTING MAIN FLOOR PLAN S c.a le: 1/8"== 1'-0" DR AWINGS PROVI DED BY: PROJECT DES CR IPTIO N: SHEET TITLE: DATE : DeMattei GonstruGtion, lnG. 1794 The Alameda, San Jose , CA. 95126 P: (408) 295-7516 F: (408) 286-6589 LIC.# B-4 78455 Queiroz Residence 128 Tait Ave. Los Gatos, GA . '15030 EXISTING AND PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 0 !13/2015 SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" / LMNG ROOM LIVING ROOM PLANNING SUBMITTAL SHEET: A2 .1 (E) ROOF TO (E) ROOF TO REMAIN , TYP.-\ ~R E MA IN , TYP. :HTTOREW.flTl£SAI.IE \ ~ -~ --11:-tl +t-tt-1 1-t-tt-tt t1 tt-1-tttt-1 I'H;:I<!t ltHttJ 1-tt-tt-_lt:ttl:f:JI tttt 11-+Ht--1 UHt-+-----~p ~tll'il":T ~~ I -- \ rllH ~II UlJ II'ITII IIJY': ~II U U UU II U UII IIII TITI TI Yl -~-.,.!l,1,1JL'·1 Cillll1-l ~.llll ,llll~11 . II 11 1111 II II U II ~ .. =. _ ~ Jl lW II II l ilT II II T liT 1 JJIIIJJ)])i_Ll ~JJ!L ,. ! Ill !I IIIJj! ll1 . ' U I II II Ill T I JJ.V -~ _: .:·.: :..~ ""'-J...JI U I U_U UJ 1 II . U .Ll U llll !I ! II Ill · Ill! II I . ! !i i I ! I il / ' lllJT T J.L-Y --~-~=--~ ---"'-.._L J U IIITITI Tll .·1JUil.UUllLIJ .IJJ I I!.i!i 'li11J 1::1 1 '' v ' ~"'-::::l l i ::IT~II~.)J-.. =r~ __ ; _::=,.::._....:_~--~. -,:·~:,..:=-· '---""'1: n Tn "ITH T rr1tll J L~' U.~~-lLJJl.l ,-]Jr~: ! II t'J'~ 1 U J II U lJ II II Ill/: \-' ~ r~ -"~~ ~· ~--".~ ~~~·-: '""" : lL lLLUUL I fWJ~l~l~' a' .:...-+nTu' n' 'tt":tr lll]jiiJ11:JIJI1Itllllt.L lllr11Jtii11LII~~~~;::::=~~~~- PlATCTORflW<lliESAA£ :~~-~~..:-:-:--~::~~~;:_:~--~ '~ ~-=~~.::::.-~ '' ~. -' I •• ~~~-~~~I ----i.~-..L·I=.!.!---+tif=;'~'·IT=II=l=ll=l=ll l=U=ll=J=II==II=II I=II=li=II=I=:U'~I ....... I c::J --- --i \\_ ·~ . .• .... ~ ~~~J~~~·~~~;~~:-~~~---~~~=--~-~---;·~~-~--~·j;-~;!~;·~=-~--~-~~~·I:blnu:'m:u9,u[:2~~-~L. ~~~m::::::J~mt](~J:~~ (E)G~~~G~~\ ~11 ~ ~L~~\b---,==--==--==--==--==-~/~=--··-=·=i-i --==---===--=t: ~~ i ~> ~:~ I· ';-~~;',~~i"o \ ..., / ~. 6 ::.r---,--I \ (E) WOOD SIDING TC? ___/ ~ AAEA OF WORK I J_____ REMAIN, TYP. ----------AREA OF WORK EXISTING LEFT ELEVATION S c.ale : 1/B"= 1 '-0" r-COLOREO ART GLASS TRANSOM (N) ROOF ING T~~ \ MATCH (E) \ DRAWINGS PROVID ED BY: De Mattei Construc.tion. Inc.. 1794 The Alameda , San J ose , CA. 95126 P: (4 08) 295-7516 F: (408) 286-6589 LIC .# B-47 8455 "'l_;ATCH & FILL TO MATCH EXISTING WOOD SIDING . ~AREA OF WORK PROPOSED LEFT ELEVATION 5c.ale : 1/B"=1'-0" PROJE CT DESCRIPTION: Queiroz Residenc.e 128 Tait Ave . Los Gatos, GA. '15030 EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION 5c.ale : 1/B"= 1 '-0" I .____ "'--~E) WOOD SIDING TO -----REMAIN TYP. AREA OF WORK ' PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION 5c.ale : 1/B"=1 '-0 " SHEET TITL E: DATE: EXISTING & PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATOINS SCALE: 0 113/2015 PLANN ING SUBMITTAL SHEET: A2.2 139 DRAW I NGS PROVIDED BY: De Matte i Construc ti o n, Inc. 1794 The Alameda, San Jose , CA. 95 126 P : (408) 295-7516 F: (408) 286-6589 LIC .# B-478455 1 (P ROJ ECT LOCATION) TAIT AVENUE 135 PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Queiroz Residence 128 Tait Ave. Los Gatos, GA. 'l5030 13 1 115 SHEET TITLE: EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD PHOTOS 103 PLANN ING SUBMITTA L DATE : SHEET: <1/3/2015 SCALE: A2.3