Item 4 - 209 Prospect AvenueTOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 11 0 E. Main St r ee t, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Ph o n e: (408) 354-6874 Fax : (408) 35 4-7593 HI STO RI C PR ESERVATION COMMITTEE PROJECT DATA SHEET 1. PROJECT DETAI L Project add ress 1. 0 ~ 1'co~-pt.c.:i Avenu.e Pro ject desc ript ion ?-.-e.MO vc. fi"O«Y\ His\Qr\ C. ~esowc:..e l .\':)t 2. PROPERTY DETAIL Date structure was built _ _.,J_0\...:....;:,2> .... Co.-;.... _____________ _ Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code _ .... JJ.=..e""'"-"-l'\..:.:le...._ _________ _ Does property have an LHP Overlay zone? Yes ~ Is structure in a historic district? Yes ® If yes, what district?--------------------- If yes , is it a contributor? Yes No Findings required? ~No If yes , see back page of th is document. Considerations required? Yes@ If yes, see back page of th is document. Comments ----------------------- Required Findings A As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2 . No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representat~o,~ 9f ~P.r;~ .of ~.zpa~t~:.· .. ; .• · · . ·· .. · 4 . The structure does not yteld mformat10n to Town history. 5. Structur.al ,i~te~ty o.fthe)~~~Oilig: , .-. · ~. , ·. . . .. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding boqy· sq~l consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless:··· ", ' 1 On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms ofharmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 3 For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application . Town Policy __ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. N:\DEV\S ANDY\HPC INFO\HistoricPC_Fonn.d oc Marcie Caudill 209 Prospect A venue Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Historic Home Registry Remo val 209 Prospect A venue, Los Gatos Dear Committee: September 8, 20 15 RECEIVED SEP 0 8 2015 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PlANNING !JI'/ISIOt J My hus band and I recently purchased the pro perty located at 209 Prospect Avenue , Los Ga to s. I have prepared this packet to demonstrate the dilapidated condition of our home. The property appears to have neither architectural nor hi storic merit, and is an eyesore to the neighborhood. Kindly accept the following: l . The microfiche data demonstrate numerous building alterations over the decades, but because of poor quality images, no details can be determined . Attached is the June 4, 1976 letter from Archie Watson of the Town of Los Gatos to Barbara Panetta, a prior owner of the property. Mr. Watson , the Town chief building inspector, identifies multiple construction projects undertaken to the residence without the required permits or inspections. Mr Watson also revealed the deficient nature of the construction. 2. Enclosed are pictures depicting the substandard quality of construction and lack of cohesive design of the unpermitted additions identified in Mr. Watson's letter. The pictures also depict a third unpermitted conversion which appears to have been undertaken subsequent to the 1976 Watson inspection. This conversion further altered the original home design, adding a third window style to the exterior, while leaving the original windows intact as part of the interior wall. As a result , the flow of the home became compromised to the point of climbing through the exterior window (now part of the interior wall) to access another room when the passthrough bedroom is in use. 3. Enclosed are excerpts of the November 5, 2014 Home Inspection Report by Todd Inspections, a licensed home inspector. Mr. Todd listed numerous defects of the building exterior, roof, chimney, sub-floor, as well as references to pest and water damage. Most disturbing , the report identifies the draining of a "kitchen" sink to the building exterior. 4 . After re searching the property at the Los Gato s Library , I was not able to locate any mention of this home on any of the historic lists. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request to remove 209 Prospect A venue from the Historic Home List. Best regards, )?jt<M;j&tddl Marcie Caudill • ------· I .Jurw l1. 19/6 n~. B~rhara Panetta 209 Pr••·•r ~c t Avenue l.o~ G,H q c,, C.1l i forn ia T(JWN of LOS GATOS P.O. 80X949 t.OS c;ATO:\. CAJ.U'OHNIA %0:10 354-6876 ]_ubje<::t: 209 Pros pect Av••nue Ot~«r f~s. Panul ta: . ... ,.;., --~ ... < fnspcctiun rJ( rc~id<!nce dl lhl• ,JIJI'VC locclt io r1 1·1,1!0 rnacl c by lhi5 orf :ct• in respons<;. to ym!r request fur building in~p -'!ction c~rtifica\:ion . ln ~Jl<'Cl inn at this time rev(':tlt>d the f<>ll<rWin(J cod~ dcfici•.•nc-les: I . Rear adcllt ion ar,d corwt~r :;ion of carport to habitable room con«;truct(~tl vii thout required pp:·•T•i t s ,,,. inspect I~)IIS. 2. Fn,mdatioll '>YSll~lllS inst.llll~tl tl,•ficiPnt, lncluclinC] l.1ck of reinforcinq a•1d s t ru<: tural cunnec I i OilS. If you h<rve <my questil)ns or if additinn:tl inf,rn~<Hinn h dC'sin•d, plt ~<>sc fe(' 1 r.·ee to t:nntnct l h·~ unch•rs i gnt•t l at 35'•-6876 l}f 354-6869 . Vt!ry l ruly ynur .-.. ~~\U~ \ 1\RCII IE WATSON Ch1Af 8uifdln9 Inspector AW:pjm cc: Beth Gallagher ... ·.;:,:,·._,·.-. . :··~--•.. -=.=·····;';-_ ...... ;.;:·;/""'-".; ... , .• .. Novem ber 5, 2014 Add ress: 209 Pro spect Ave ., Lo s Gatos -~- SUMMARY IM PORTANT: T he S ummary i s not the e nti re r eport. Th e com p lete re port may include additional information of concern to the client. It is recommended that the client read the complete report. The e ntire Inspection Rep ort , incl udi ng the Standards of Practi ce , limitations and scope of Inspection , and Pre-Inspection Agreement must be carefully read to fully assess the findings of the inspection . Th is list is not intended to determine which items may need to be addressed per the contractual requirements of the sale of the property. Any areas of uncertainty regarding the contra ct should be cla rifi ed by consulting an attorney or real estate agent. It is strongly recommended that you have appropriate licensed contractors evaluate each c oncern further and the entire system for additional concerns that may be outside our area of expertise or the scope of our inspection BEFORE the clos e of escrow. A specialty contractor may determine that the scope of damage or repair goes beyond that anticipated by the home inspector (generalist) and it should not be assumed that the home Inspectors inspection w ill be as detailed as on e don e by the appropriately recommended , Licensed Specialist. Please call our office for any clarifications or further questions . Here is a list of defects that need further evaluation or repair by app r opriately Licensed Contractors . BUILDING GROUNDS 3.3 Downspout Conditions: Downspout damage was noted . Re commend corrections to restore proper building drainage . 3.7 Walkway Conditions: A trip hazard (e xcessive elevation variation) was noted at the rear brick walkway surface(s). Recommend rep airs to restore a safe, functional , walking surface . 3.9 Patio Conditions: A t rip hazard (ex cessive elevat ion variat ion) was noted at the pati o surface . If repairs are impracti cal , recommend using caution when traversing this area. BUILDING EXTERIOR 4.4 Paint/Stain Conditions: Peeling paint was noted at the siding and/or trim around th e building . Recommend surface preparation , and re-painting to insure good water tight coverage. 4 .5 Wood Siding Condition: Water related damage was noted at the buil ding sidi ng at sever al areas . Further investigation by a Licen sed Pe st Control Company is recommended . 4 .6 Wall Flashing: Mis sing , damaged or improperly install ed e xterior fla s hing was noted at several areas of the bu ildi ng . Closer inspection is re co mmended to determine the appropriate repa ir. 4. 7 Wall Trim Conditions: What appeared to be fungus growth and/or water/pest damage was noted betwee n the siding and exterior wood trim at the several areas of the building . Further investigation by a Licensed Pest Control company is recommended . 4 .8 Eave Conditions: Wood deterioration was noted at several are as of the build ing. Further investigation by a Licensed Pes t Control company is recommended. ©Todd Inspections Page 3 of44 November 5 , 2014 Address: 209 Prospect Ave ., Los Gatos -~- 4.9 Exposed Beam Conditions: What appeared to be water and/or pest related damage was noted to the exposed beam ends at the rear of the building . Further investigation by a Licensed Pest Control company is recommended. EXT ERIOR ELECTRICAL 4.14 Enclosures : An exterior wall/ceiling weather tight junction box (J-box) was noted missing at several areas around the building . Installing weather tight conduit and j -boxes are needed to protect the electrical devices and wiring from wet condition and impact damage. Recommend correct ions for safe , electrical circuit protection. BIULDING ROOF 5.5 Roof Flashing Conditions: Lifting and improperly installed flashing was noted . Repair is recommended to maintain an adequately sealed roof covering surface against moisture intrusion. CHIMNEY 5.11 CHIMNEY CONDITIONS: Chimney appears to be unlined. This is a safety concern . Suggest further review by a certified chimney sweep or qualified, licensed masonry contractor. MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE: 7.6 GROUNDING CONDITIONS: No visible Grounding Electrode System was found at this building. A GEC should be attached to the main service panel's neutral/grounding bus with the other end exiting the panel and attaching to a ground ing rod and/or main water pipe where it enters the building . BUILDING WIRING: 7.15 VISIBLE WIRING CONCERNS: Some substandard and potentially unsafe homemade wiring was found . Suggest discarding and replacing with proper permanent wiring . Locations : kitchen exhaust fan and building exterior. SUB-PANEL 7.20 SUB-PANEL CONDITIONS: No access to the electrical sub-panel was provided . Personal furnishings , shelving or locked cover was obstructing access to the panel. Recommend removing obstructions and calling us to re-inspect (for an additional fee) this sub-panel. This sub-panel is old and has outlived it's expected life span . Recommend further inspection to determine if replacement is now needed. Mismatched over-current protection device (breaker or fuse) and wiring were noted in this sub-panel. It is important to correctly size the electrical wire to the breaker or fuse for proper and safe circuit operation. Corrections are now recommended. 7.21 ADVISORY: Due to the conditions found and noted, a Licensed Electrical Contractor should be called to inspect the conditions and determine the scope and type of repairs that may be needed to ensure proper electrical system operation . PLUMBING SYSTEM 8.6 GAS PIPE CONDITION: Numerous appliances are connected to one 3/4" main gas supply pipe . Recommend further inspection by a licensed plumbing contractor. Corrections may be needed . 8.11 Other Plumbing Condtions: Sub-area clothes washer drain missing vent. Studio kitchen sink drain. These installations do not meet with the plumbing industries accepted installation guidelines . Recommend further review and correction by a qualified, knowledgeable Licensed Plumber. WATER HEATER 8.19 Gas Supply Conditions: An old style valve is in use . These valves have been found to leak and should be replaced . This is a potential safety concern . ©Todd Inspections Page 4 of44 November 5, 2014 Address: 209 Prospect Ave ., Los Gatos 8.24 EXHAUST FLUE CONDITIONS : The rain cap above the roof line , at the top of the combustion exhaust flue pipe, is missing . Repair is recommended to prevent moisture from entering the heating system and damaging the flue or appliance . 8.25 Expert Recommended: Recommend a qualified , Licensed Plumbing Contractor for further review and/or repair the noted conditions as needed . HEATING SYSTEM 9.9 GAS SUPPLY PLUMBING: An old style valve is in use. These valves have been found to leak and should be replaced . This is a potential safety concern . 9. 10 Plenum/Duct Conditions: A 1 0' separation between the furnace combustion chamber and the return air inlet is required for safety reasons . This installation does not meet that requirement because of the open filter slot. Recommend corrections. 9.11 RECOMMENDED SERVICE: Recommend further evaluation/repair by a licensed Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning technician . STUDIO HEATING SYSTEM 9.13 Did Not Test: The heating system did not respond when tested . Further investigation of the heating system is recommended . LIVING ROOM FIREPLACE: 9.16 FIREPLACE CONDITIONS: The Inspector was unable to fully assess the condition of the house fireplace due to poor access to the entire system. Therefore it is recommended that a Licensed Mason or Fireplace Expert be retained to fully assess the condition of the fireplace found at the inspection site. 9.19 FLUE LINER: No clay flue liner was present in the masonry fireplace chimney . Recommend that this fireplace not be used until further inspection can be done. DOORS 10.13 Hardware: The lock-set, striker plate was found to be misaligned at several doors . Repair is recommended for proper door latching function . 10.14 By Pass Doors: Lack of floor guides were noted on the by-pass closet door system in the studio. This condition does not prevent its use, but does damage the doors and/or personal items struck by the doors as they swing to and fro . Recommend repairs for proper door operation . 10.15 Pocket Doors: Damaged pocket was noted in the studio bath area . Repair is recommended for proper door function . HALL BATHROOM 11 .10 TOILET: The toilet is loose at the floor which has the potential to produce a leak from the discharge seal. The typical repair requires unbolting and lifting toilet, inspecting floor (if wood) for possible damage , installing a new wax seal and replacing toilet. This job can be performed by a qualified , licensed plumber and/or other licensed trades persons. KITCHEN 13.13 MECHANICAL VENTING Exposed wiring connections found . This is a potential safety concern , but typically is easily corrected . RAISED FOUNDATION: 15.11 SUBFLOOR: Specific condition(s) noted : The subfloor beneath the hall bathrooms was damaged. In all areas where the ©Todd Inspections Page 5 of44 November 5, 2014 Address : 209 Prospect Ave ., Los Gatos .....,__ subflooring was damaged or deteriorated , it should be repaired and all damaged material replaced. 15.17 WASTE PLUMBING: The drain line for the studio kitchen sink was noted installed incorrectly. This drain is discharging at the building exterior. Recommend further review with corrections by a licensed plumbing contractor. Unstrapped or improperly strapped pipe found. This condition can lead to premature failure of the p ipin g. Other minor items are also noted in the entire inspection report and should receive eventual attention , but do not affect the habitability of the house and the majority are the result of normal wear and tear. Thank you for selecting our firm to do your pre-purchase home inspection. If you have any questions regarding the inspection report or the home, please feel free to call us . Sincerely, Tom Todd Todd Inspections ©Todd Inspections Page 6 of 44