05-27-15 Minutes - HPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR MAY 27, 2015, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 11 0 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:00P.M. by Chair Len Pacheco. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Len Pacheco, Michael Kane , Bob Cowan, Kathryn Jan off Members Absent: Tom O'Donnell Staff Present: Jennifer Savage, Senior Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. ITEMl MINUTES Bob Cowan requested a change on page 4. Kathryn Janoff requested additional information be added for the record for 145 Glenridge Avenue. Michael Kane moves to approve the May 11 , 2015 minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Kathryn Janoff and approved unanimously. ITEM2 134 MASSOL A VENUE Gary Kohlsaat and Bruce and Cathy Weiner (property owners) were present. Gary Kohlsaat described the revisions. L en Pach eco commented that the p lans need to be labeled with the proposed materials, specifically the g lass in the upper portion of the front door. Kathryn Janoff commented that the revisions work nicely. Michael Kan e commented that the revisions work. Bob Cowan moves to approve the project based on the plans, with an option to increase the stoop depth to 48 inches. The motion was seconded by Katluyn Janoffand approved unanimously. Historic Preservation Committee May 27 ,2015 Page 2 of4 ITEM3 ITEM4 ITEMS 215 ALEXANDER A VENUE Mike Rowe (architect) and Stacey and Kip Martin (property owners) were present. Mike Rowe presented the proposal to remove the property from the hi storic resources inventory and the background. The Committee discussed: • Keeping the structure on the inventory • Using a technical demolition exemptions • Lack of plans showing the original structure and additions • Preserving the original structure • The original structure is worth saving • The Committee would support removing the non-original additions and modifications subject to the Committee's review • The applicant's preliminary proposal for changes to the structure • A new roofline compared with the existing ridgeline • Maintaining the character of the original structure and the character of the neighborhood • U sing "A Field Guide to American Hou se s" Kathryn Janoff moves to deny the request to remove from the Historic Resources Inventory. The motion was seconded by Michael Kan e and appro ved unanimously. 89BROADWAY Gary Kohlsaat (architect) and Ilona M erli (property owner) were present. Gary Kohlsaat presented the revisions. Kathryn Janoff moves to approve the request. The motion was seconded by Mi chael Kan e and approved unanimously. 304 CHARLES STREET Samir Sharman (property owner) was present and explained the proposal. The Committee discussed: • The difficulty finding and visiting the property • The lack of style of the existing residence • The applicant needs to submit a copies of the structural condition report Historic Preservation Committee May 27,2015 Page 3 of4 ITEM6 ITEM7 • The applicant needs to submit a copies of photographs of the existing structure Kath1yn Janoff moves to continue the item to allow the applicant to provide an updated , complete structural condition report and pho tographs of the existing structure. The motion was seconded by Mic hae l Kan e and approved unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS a. 194 Villa Avenue Kip Rolle (property owner) was present, explained th e proposal , and presented the proposed details and revised plans. The Committee discussed : • The Committee supports maintaining the existing structure • The addition looks disjointed and should be incorporated more strongly • The Committee could not support the addition as currently designed • The addition is not integrated • An architect would be able to assist with a design that incorporates the ad diti on with the existing structure • The Committee recommended a book available in the library • The proposa l is not well integrated • The proposed Chimney should be relocated • The Committee appreciates the work and the infonnation presented • Divided lites on the upper portion of the windows is appropriate to the structure. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p .m . The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2015, at 4:00p.m. Prepared by: N :\OEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminules\20 15\HPCminul es 5-27 -15 .docx