05-11-15 Minutes - HPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS
110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Chair Len Pacheco .
Members Present: Len Pacheco, Michael Kane, Tom O'Donnell, Bob Cowan, Kathryn Janoff
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Jennifer Savage, Senior Planner
Tom O'Donnell moves to approve the April 22, 2015 minutes as amended. The motion was
seconded by Bob Cowan and approved unanimously.
a. 45 Broadway
Jay Plett (architect), Brad Fourcier and Laurie Baker (property owners) were
present. Jay Plett presented a model and explained the future proposal for the
The Committee clarified they are reviewing the house.
Kathryn Janoff asked to clarify the existing and proposed plans.
Michael Kane asked about the changes at the kitchen and how the house will
be moved forward.
Jay Plett explained a new foundation is required . They will stabilize the
existing structure and slide it forward.
Bob Cowan commented the new addition is consistent with the existing
structure and that the scale is compatible with the neighborhood.
Historic Preservation Committee
May 11 ,2015
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Len Pacheco asked if moving the house forward on the downward slope
would increase the height.
Jay Plett explained the floors would be five to six inches higher and one more
riser would be required. The railing details would be the same and the steps
would still be brick.
Michael Kan e asked about process and asked if the whole house would be
Jay Plett explained that in this case the house would not need to be raised.
Len Pacheco commented it is a good addition, well designed, and changes are
an improvement since the last time.
Tom 0 'Donnell commented he found no issues with the proposal.
b. 371 Pennsylvania Avenue
Jay Plett (architect) and Natalie Harris (property owner) were present. Jay
Plett explained the propo sed changes. The property owner would prefer
option A (the full covered balcony).
The Committee discussed the proposal and the details.
Len Pacheco commented that they are introducing a new arched element.
Jay Plett ex pl ained that the arch is necessary to match construction.
Kathryn Janoff suggested no arch.
Jay Plett suggested adding columns.
Len Pacheco suggested visually supporting the arch.
Kathryn Janoff suggests treating it the same as other front gable elem ent.
Len Pacheco suggests providing visual support with detailed trim that matches
other elements on the house.
Tom 0 'Donnell suggested going straight parallel with the gable with no
columns. Kathryn Janoff clarified the applicant would pro vide a peaked
Historic Preservation Committee
May 11 , 2015
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treatment. Detailing is important.
Pilaster half columns with peak is compromise, and more consistent with the
Tom 0 'Donnell commented that there are conflicting recommendations.
Bob Cowan either way.
Kathryn Janoff prefers peak with columns and details.
Michael Kane prefers peak but does not like clutter. He would not support
making the space smaller, such as with columns.
Len Pacheco commented the Committee is providing advice.
Jay Plett commented that columns would look good but would result in less
light. The property owner prefers no columns.
Kathryn Janoff commented that the doors and windows are good and the
details are left up to the applicant.
c. 205 University Avenue
Tami Shoot (property owner) and the contractor were present.
Len Pacheco clarified the applicants are asking for advice.
Tami Shoot clarified they would like to use scallop shingles instead of fish
scale shingles.
Bob Cowan suggested increasing the flashing to reduce rot.
The Committee suggested Grade A Oregon cedar for quality and durability.
The Committee concluded they are comfortable with either fish scale or
scallop shingles , with one row of straight shingles where the roof curves.
d. 145 Glenridge A venue
Scott McDonald (property owner) was present and explained the changes. The
committee is okay with the one window on the right elevation to the left of the
Historic Preservation Committee
May 11,2015
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The Committee discussed the changes to approved plans and how those
changes would impact their review.
Tom 0 'Donnell requested to look at the plans approved at the building pennit
Kathryn Janoff asked about divided lites.
Scott McDonald requested a site meeting to review the windows.
Kathryn Janoff requested the minutes.
The Committee discussed the original plans, intermediate plans, and a third
set of plans. The Committee continued the item to allow staff to bring the
approved plans for the Committee's review. The Committee requested the
email communication be added to the HPC minutes.
e. Historic Demolition Fines
The Committee discussed what their purview for the matter is.
Kathryn Jan off commented on the distinction between demoliti on and
Bob Cowan commented that he and L en Pach eco would like to discuss
changes to other parts of the Town Code, too. He suggested using the existing
wording and adding to that language to allow structural changes to be done.
He commented that adherence to the original de sign and material s is more
important than preserving the original materials that can be replaced in kind.
Michael Kane commented that the Committee was charged with just looking
at the fines and requested information regarding what other cities are doing.
Tom 0 'Donnell commented that a deciding body should have discreti on but
the penalty section gives no discretion.
Kathryn Janoff commented the goal should be to facilitate good restoration to
maintain the character of the town.
The matter was continued to the meeting in June.
Historic Pre servation Committee
May 11 ,2015
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Michael Kan e presented the How to Research Your Los Gatos Hou se hando ut
to the committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m . The next regular meeting is sch eduled for May 27,
2015 , at 4 :00p.m .
Prepared b y: Approved by:
N :\DEV\HJSTORJ C PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\20 15\HPCminutcs 5-1 1-I S.docx
From: dmichaelkane <dmichaelkane@aol.com>
To: CGonzales <CGonzales@LosGatosCA.Gov>
Subject: Re: Message to HPC Re : 145 Glenridge Ave
Date: Fri, Mar 27, 2015 1:09pm
~ot it.
t.y .
-----Original Message-----
From: Cindie Gonzales <CGonzales@LosGatosCA.GoV>
To: D. Michael Kane <dmichaelkane @aol.com>; 'Kathryn Janoff' <janoffamily@gmail.com>; 'Len Pacheco'
<leopac95030 @gmail.com>; 'Robert Cowan' <rscowan @comcast.net>; 'Tom O'Donnell' <todonnell2 @gmail.com>
Cc: Jennifer Savage <jsavage @losgatosca .goV>
Sent: Fri , Mar 27, 2015 9 :24 am
Subject: Message to HPC Re: 145 Glenridge Ave
This message is being sent on behalf of Jennifer Savage "'
Dear HPC members,
The property owner for 145 Glenridge Avenue will remove the grids from the top half of the windows. He respectfully requests your
patience while he works to replace the current windows.
Cyntliia •cintfie• fionzafes -l£~ecutive )f.ssistant
mmunity Development Department
_ .Jwn of Los Gatos
no E. Main St., Lo s Gatos, CA 95030
Bus: 408/354-6874
Fax : 408/354-7593
cgon zales@ los gatosca.gov
www .lo sg atos ca.gov
Community Development Counter Hours:
8:ooAM -1:00 PM, Monday -Friday
Please note the upcoming Town closure:
May 2 5, 2015 -Memorial Day
How to Re se arch Your Los Gatos House
' ~. The Local History section in the Los Gatos Library has the data collected by the Anne
loomfield Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory, June 1991 . If you're lucky you will
f nd data on your house by district.
~· Look at the Sanborn Maps in one of the alcoves in the Local H istory section. A
lffistory docent should be able to help you with these . There are maps for 1884, 1888,
f,891, 1895, 1904, 1908, 1928 and 1944, although not all of Los Gatos was covered in
e earlier years. Because street addresses changed through time, look for your house
rst in 1944 or 1928, then look at earlier maps to see when your house f i rst appears,
~hich will give you an idea of when it was built. Also note how the shape of the house
¢hanged through time.
~· In the Local History section at the library you will find director ies, the 1941 Tax
~ssessment survey and data from the 1975 LGMA Historical Homes Survey. The Tax
ssessment Survey is in 3-ring binders sorted alphabetically by street. You will find a
t about your house in 1941 and how it was assessed. It will tell you the owner that
~ear and whether he lived there or rented it. It will tell you how old the owner thought
1he house was, not always accurate. It will tell you the number of rooms , the type·of
f'alls, something about the foundation and how it was heated. By Town decree, any
rouse built before 1941 is considered historic, and must get perm ission and permits to
phange any exterior characteristic.
. There are also airectories of residents going back to 1886-87, but the first with
everse directories: (go in with an address and find the name(s) of the person(s) living
here) is 1930 for Los Gatos. All directories include reverse indexes through the last in
974. If you find the name of the person who lived in your house in 1930, you can look
n earlier directories (alphabetically by name) to see if they may have lived in your home
artier. The California Room at San Jose's Marti n Luther King Jr. Library (5th floor) has
number of directories not available in Los Gatos.
. The vertical files in the Local History's Work Room include data on specific
ddresses, organized by street. This i ncludes data from the two Bellringer projects and
he results of the LGMA's Historical Home Survey. Be careful with the survey data. The
loser the events cited are to 1975, the better the information, the f urther back in time ,
1 he more suspect. Much of this information was gained by individuals' memories, and
! ral history sometimes is unreliable.
i . Local History docents are available from 1 :00-5 :00 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays
' nd Thursdays to answer any questions and/or to help you search for information on
our Los Gatos home. The Reference Librarian at the desk at the top of the stairs is
1 vailable to help you also.