06-20-07 Minutes - HPC 110 TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR JUNE 20, 2007, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Vice-Chair Pacheco. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Bob Cowan, Len Pacheco, Phil Micciche and Marico Sayoc Members Absent: Kendra Burch Staff Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner ITEM 1: 40 FILLMER AVENUE The Committee considered a request to approval to remove a pre-1941 single family residence from the Historic Resources Inventory. Pacheco moved to remove the structure from the inventory for the following reasons: 1. The structure is not historically significant. 2. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 3. No significant persons are associated with the site. 4. The structure is not architecturally significant, has no architectural character and has had two major remodels. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. Sayoc seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 2: 78 W. MAIN STREET The Committee considered a request to install an awning on a commercial building located in the Commercial Historic District. Cowan moved to recommend approval to the Development Review Committee (DRC). Pacheco seconded, motion passed unanimously. The Committee stated for the record that the awning as proposed is recommended for approval, and that the DRC has the final purview of the exact design and shape if additional changes are required. ITEM 3: 15736 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD The Committee considered a request to demolish a pre-1941 single family residence. Micciche moved to recommend approval of the demolition to the Planning Commission for the following reasons: 1. The structure is not historically significant. 2. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 3. No significant persons are associated with the site. 4. The structure is not architecturally significant and has no architectural character. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 5. Based on the information in the structural report, the building is in a deteriorated condition. 6. In terms of context, the residence is out of place since it is not located in a residential neighborhood. Sayoc seconded, motion passed unanimously ITEM 4: 322 ALMENDRA AVENUE The Committee considered a request to construct a second story addition to a single family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. Pacheco moved to recommend approval to the Director of Community Development with the recommended conditions: 1. The trim on the proposed shed dormer windows at the north west elevation should match the trim detailing on the three existing windows at the south west elevation. The window panes shall be adjusted to be in scale with the openings. 2. Redesign the entry porch so that it is more horizontal in terms of following the water table. 3. Eliminate the railing and use shingles and widen the base below the water table. 4. The shoulder on the chimney shall be sloped. Micciche seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 5: 20 BAYVIEW The Committee considered a request to construct a second story addition to a pre-1941 single family residence. The Committee questioned why the house was not proposed to be raised which would enhance the architectural design of the house and the streetscape. The applicant stated that a height increase would result in exceeding the allowed FAR. The Committee felt that a height increase was justified and that a request to exceed the allowed FAR should be pursued. Pacheco moved to recommend approval of the application to the deciding body with the following comments: 1. The structure should be increased in height approximately 18 inches and the applicant should pursue an application to exceed the allowable FAR for the following reasons: a. The increase would enhance the architectural design of the house and the streetscape. b. The drainage situation would be improved. c. The light and air ventilation to the house would be improved. 2. If the applicant cannot receive approval to exceed the FAR, the original proposal is acceptable. Sayoc seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 6: 139 TAIT AVENUE Cowan stated for the record that he lived within 500 feet of the subject property and recused himself from the meeting. The Committee considered a request to construct an accessory structure exceeding 450 square feet on property located in the Almond Grove Historic District. Pacheco moved to recommend approval of the demolition of the cottage due to the findings in the structural report that the building was deteriorated and recommended approval of the garage addition and the rebuilding of the cottage attached to the existing garage. Micciche seconded, motion passed unanimously. Cowan returned to the meeting. ITEM 7: OTHER BUSINESS a. 102 Massol Avenue – The Committee reconsidered preliminary plans for an addition/modification to a residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. The Committee stated that the applicant followed their directions and the proposed plans were a major improvement. The Committee stated that they were leery if the gable was enlarged at the south elevation. The Committee also recommended that a double window be provided in the upper bathroom to be consistent with the other windows. b. Residential Design Guidelines – Baily requested that the Committee review the book sources that should be referenced in the proposed Residential Design Guidelines. ITEM 8: APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meetings of May 16 and 29, 2007 were approved. ITEM 9: STATUS OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS There was nothing to report regarding the status of previous applications. ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 P.M. to the next regular meeting of July 18, 2007. Prepared by: Approved by: ___________________________ _______________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner Kendra Burch, Chair N:\DEV\HPCminutes\2007\6-20-07.doc