09-06-06 Minutes - HPC110 TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR SEPTEMBER 6, 2006, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Vice-Chair Pacheco. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Bob Cowan, D. Michael Kane, Len Pacheco and Steve Rice Members Absent:Kendra Burch Staff Present:Sandy Baily, Associate Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS: Laura Howard of 35 College Avenue, expressed concern regarding the traffic signals which were replaced at the corner of University Avenue and W. Main Street. Howard stated that the standards were out of character with the historic neighborhood and should be replaced with standards more sympathetic to the neighborhood. She is gathering a petition regarding this matter. The Committee stated that in the future, they should review these types of changes in an historic district. ITEM 1:255 EDELEN AVENUE The Committee considered plans to construct a first floor addition to a single family residence in the University/Edelen Historic District. Cowan moved to approve the application with the finding that the addition is consistent with the Districts’ Design Guidelines, subject to the following conditions: 1.Siding material shall be real wood, not a composite, laminated or fabricated wood product. 2.All windows and doors shall be wood. No snap in grids or grids inside the windows are permitted. Simulated wood grids are acceptable (ie: one glass pack with grids applied by manufacturer to inside, outside and between glass), to read as a true divided lite window. Vinyl clad windows are not permitted. 3.All window trim, window finish detail, corner boards, soffits, eaves, millwork and any other detai l shal l mat ch ex isti ng. Pacheco seconded, motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were cited. ITEM 2:115 BROADWAY The Committee considered plans to demolish a detached garage/accessory structure located in the Broadway Historic District. Pacheco moved approve the demolition based on the following findings: 1.The structure has no historic significance associated with the property or the Broadway Historic District. 2.The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 3.No significant persons are associated with the site. 4.There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 5.Do es no t yi el d i nf or ma ti on im po rt an t t o t he To wn ’s hi st or y. Rice seconded, motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were cited. ITEM 3:115 TAIT AVENUE Cowan stated for the record that he lives within 500 feet of this item and recused himself from the me eting. The Committee considered plans to construct a first floor addition and to modify the front facade to a single family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. Rice moved to approve the request with the finding that the work proposed is consistent with the Historic District and subject to the following conditions: 1.Siding material shall be real wood, not a composite, laminated or fabricated wood product. 2.All windows and doors shall be wood. No snap in grids or grids inside the windows are permitted. Simulated wood grids are acceptable (ie: one glass pack with grids applied by manufacturer to inside, outside and between glass), to read as a true divided lite window. Vinyl clad windows are not permitted. 3.All window trim, window finish detail, corner boards, soffits, eaves, millwork and any other detai l shal l mat ch ex isti ng. Pa ch ec o s ec on de d, mo ti on pa ss ed un an im ou sl y. Cowan retur ned to the me eting. ITEM 4:17020 WILD WAY The Committee reviewed a request to interpret whether or not an addition of a conservatory and a window modification met the Pre-1941 Design Guidelines. Pacheco moved to find that the work proposed met the guidelines in that the modifications are consistent with the architectural character of the house and that the proposed conservatory is a natural extension of the house and is a v er y co mm on el em en t w it h t he ho us e s tyl e. Ri ce se co nd ed , m ot io n p as se d u na ni mo us ly. ITEM 5:OTHER BUSINESS a.Historic Homes Month - The Museums of Los Gatos - Baily informed the Committee on the upcoming events by the Museum. It was agreed that the panel discussion should include Burch and Pacheco. b.Review of Town Code Definition of Demolition of Historic Structures - Baily informed the Committee on the difficulties associated with the current definition and that an amendment will be proposed in the future. It was discussed that a more extensive review should be taken when siding is to be removed. It was suggested that criteria should be developed to be included in structural reports to suppo rt a dem olit ion. This matt er wil l be di scuss ed at a f uture meeti ng. c.Pre-1941 Design Guidelines - Baily gave an update regarding the guidelines. The Committee briefly discussed their findings of the historic districts they studied. This matter will agendized for further discussion. d.Workshop in Monterey - Burch, Kane and Pacheco stated that they can attend. e.October meeting date - Discussed potential dates for a special meeting in October. ITEM 6 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Th e m in ut es fr om th e m ee ti ng of Au gu st 2, 20 06 we re pa ss ed un an im ou sl y. ITEM 7. STATUS OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS Baily informed the Committee on the status of previous applications. ITEM 8:ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M. to a special meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 12, 2006. Pr ep ar ed by:Ap pr ov ed by: __________________________________________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner Kendra Burch, Chair N:\DEV\HPCminutes\2006\9-6-06.wpd