03-03-04 Minutes - HPC110 TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR MARCH 3, 2004, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 5:35 P.M. by Vice- Chair Burnett. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Kelly Blough, Susan Burnett, Jeanne Drexel, and Joanne Talesfore Absent: Len Pacheco Staff Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner ITEM 1: 16929 ROBERTS ROAD The Committee considered a request to remove this house from the Historic Resources Inventory. Blough moved to remove the house from the inventory since it has no historic merit. Drexel seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 2: 312 BACHMAN AVENUE The Committee considered a request to construct a first floor addition to a residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. Burnett moved to approve the application subject to the following conditions: 1. The sliding windows shall be changed to simulated double hung windows at the east elevation and driveway elevation. 2. If feasible, the side door shall be used as the front door. 3. Siding material shall be real wood, not a composite, laminated or fabricated wood product. 4. All window trim, window finish detail, corner boards, soffits, eaves, millwork and any other detail shall match existing. 5. The large front window can be replaced. Blough seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 3: 110 TAIT AVENUE The Committee considered a request to construct a detached structure in the Almond Grove Historic District. Burnett moved to recommend approval of the application to the Director of Community Development subject to the following conditions: 1. Change the slider windows to double hung windows. 2. The garage door shall be a carriage style door. 3. The vents shall match the existing house. 4. The passage door shall be paneled and can contain a window. 5. The gable ends shall match the existing house. 6. All window trim, window finish detail, corner boards, soffits, eaves, millwork and any other detail shall match the existing house. 7. Siding material shall be real wood, not a composite, laminated or fabricated wood product. Drexel seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 4: 15 ASHLER AVENUE The Committee considered revised plans for a second story addition to a pre-1941 residence. Drexel moved to defer the matter to the Town’s Consulting Architect for the following reasons: 1. The street has been relatively controversial for additions. 2. Questionable if the design and scale of the addition is compatible with the neighborhood and sympathetic to the existing house. 3. The second story appears to overpower the existing house. Talesfore seconded, motion passed unanimously. The Committee requested that the notes from their previous meeting be forw arded to the Consulting Architect and that they be informed of the architects recommendation. ITEM 5: 16920 FARLEY ROAD The Committee considered a request to legalize a roof modification to house with an historic overlay zone. The Committee rec ognized that the roof modification is on a portion of the house which is not historic and that the addition and previous modifications made at this area of the house is unsympathetic to the original historic portion of the house. However, the subject modification is a new architectural element which does not match any other portion of the house. The Committee concurred that they could not approve this request, but due to the circumstances felt they should not be the final deciding body. Therefore, Blough moved to refer the matter to staff. Drexel seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 6: OTHER BUSINESS a. Joint meeting with Town Council/Questionnaire - The Committee stated that they would like to discuss the definition of an historic structure, with the newest proposal to limit what the Committee reviewed. The Committee also stated that they wanted to discuss the construction of new fences on lots which contain an historic structure. b. CPF Conference - Baily informed the Committee about the upcoming CPF conference. c. Election of new chair and vice chair - Len was nominated chair and Burnett was nominated as vice chair. d. Pre-1941 Design Guidelines - Baily informed Committee that guidelines should include types of stone and brick siding that can be approved. Matter will be continued to each meeting to allow members to add to the list of what needs to looked at when the guidelines are revised. ITEM 7: STATUS OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS Baily informed the Committee on the status of previous applications. ITEM 8: APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of February 4, 2004 were passed unanimously. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M. to the next regular meeting on April 7, 2004. Prepared by: Approved by: ___________________________ _______________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner Len Pacheco, Chair SLB19\HPCminutes\3-3-04