05-07-03 Minutes - HPC110 TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR MAY 7, 2003, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 E. MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Vice-Chair Burnett. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Kelly Blough, Susan Burnett, Jeanne Drexel, and Joanne Talesfore Absent: Len Pacheco Staff Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner ITEM 1: 14561 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD The Committee considered a request to modify a pre-1941 single family residence . Burnett moved to recommend approval of the request to the Planning Commission. Drexel seconded, motion passed unanimously. The Committee stated that the existing corrugated sheet metal that is proposed to remain, could be removed and replaced with a material that is more sensitive to the house. In addition, the Committee stated the applicant could use board and batten siding which was original to the house, or shingle siding which currently exists, based on the decision which will be made by the applicant’s consulting architect for the rehabilitation of this house. ITEM 2: 138 STACIA STREET The Committee considered a request to demolish a pre-1941 single family residence. Burnett moved to recommend approval of the demolition to the Development Review Committee. The basis for the demolition is that the structure has no historic significance, the materials used are poor in quality and the scale of the house is incompatible with the existing neighborhood. Drexel seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 3: 256 UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Committee considered a request to reconstruct a nonconforming setback with a first and second floor addition in the University/Edelen Historic District. Burnett moved to continue the matter with the following directions: 1. Eliminate all of the skylights since they are not needed. 2. Clip the corners of the proposed tower on the upper floor and add corbels to match the existing house. 3. Reduce the number of windows in the tower from three to two. 4. At the rear elevation, the new windows and doors shall be more in character with a Victorian style house. 5. At the rear elevation, align the windows to be the same height as the windows on the side elevation. 6. Research the possibility of using the State Historic Building Code to allow the proposed balcony railing to match the existing railing. If this cannot be done, look at changing the railing to be more Victorian in character. 7. Provide a skewed streetscape to illustrate the mass of the proposed addition with the adjacent residences. Blough seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 4: 106 TAIT AVENUE The Committee considered a request to construct a first and second story addition to a residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. Burnett moved to continue the matter with the following directions: 1. Provide existing elevations to provide a comparison with what is proposed. 2. Proposed elevations must clearly define what is existing and what is proposed. 3. The trim treatment and the proportion of the new windows shall match the existing windows. 4. Architectural elements from the facade shall be carried throughout the other elevations. Talesfore seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 5. OTHER BUSINESS a. 125 Massol Avenue - Continued to next meeting at applicants written request. b. 526 San Benito Avenue - The Committee considered a preliminary request to demolish a pre-1941 single family residence. The Committee unanimously felt that the house should be saved and that the report submitted did not justify that the house was not salvageable. The Committee discussed possible ideas to add onto the house. c. 642 San Benito Avenue - The Committee considered a preliminary request to demolish a pre-1941 single family residence. The Committee unanimously felt that the house has significant architecture character and should be saved and that the report submitted did not justify that the house was not salvageable. The Committee discussed the features that were important to save. d. Update on Joint Meeting with Town Council - The Committee discussed the Joint Meeting. ITEM 6: STATUS OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS Baily informed the Committee on the status of previous applications that came before the Committee. ITEM 7: APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of April 2, 2003 were passed unanimously. ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of June 4, 2003. Prepared by: Approved by: ___________________________ _______________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner Len Pacheco, Chair SLB19\HPCminutes\5-7-03