02-23-21 Minutes - DRC 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2021 The Development Review Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Teleconference Meeting on February 23, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. This meeting was conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and was conducted via Zoom. All committee members and staff partic ipated from remote locations and all voting was conducted via roll call vote. In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, the public could only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. ROLL CALL Present: Sally Zarnowitz, CDD Planning; Robert Gray, CDD Building; Mike Weisz, PPW Engineering; Kenny Ip, SCCFD. Absent: None. Staff: Erin Walters, CDD Planning; Jocelyn Shoopman, CDD Planning; Corvell Sparks, PPW Engineering; Monica Renn, Economic Vitality Manager. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:01 AM VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes – February 16, 2021. MOTION: Motion by Robert Gray to approve the consent calendar. Seconded by Mike Weisz. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. PAGE 2 OF 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 2021 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2021\02-23-21 Mins.docx PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 16347 Aztec Ridge Drive Architecture and Site Application S-19-019 Requesting approval for site improvements requiring a grading permit on property zoned HR-2 1/2. APN 532-26-027. PROPERTY OWNER: Katherine A. Raft APPLICANT: Davis Rossi PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters The project planner, Erin Walters, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. David Rossi Applicant speaking on behalf of the project. The application does request an exception to fill an eroded area with rocks. They are not intending to move much dirt but rather place an erosion control wall at the bottom of the slope, then fill the triangle of open space that was created from this erosion with drain rock. They are available for questions. David Rossi They are looking forward to moving this project along. Closed Public Comment. MOTION: Motion by Mike Weisz to approve with the required findings and recommended conditions of approval. Seconded by Kenny Ip. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. 3. 285 E. Main Street Conditional Use Permit Application U-20-012 Request for approval of modification to a Conditional Use Permit for a non-formula private sports recreation club (The Club at Los Gatos) to allow alcohol service on property zoned C-1. APN 529-27-018. PROPERTY OWNER: David Wilson APPLICANT: Alex Anderson PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters The project planner, Erin Walters, presented the staff report. PAGE 3 OF 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 2021 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2021\02-23-21 Mins.docx Opened Public Comment. Alex Anderson Applicant speaking on behalf of the project. The Club’s Café and Lounge is allowing us to enhance the community aspect of The Club, allowing members to socialize, work remotely and eat; all the things that add an auxiliary experience to the health club environment. They are available for questions. Prasad Sastry, 303 E. Main Street Current Administrator of the Self-Realization Fellowship Church. A large percentage of their congregation are Los Gatos Residents of all ages. With their different services taking place at different times throughout the week, their concern is with The Club being able to serve alcohol will cause safety, parking, and noise concerns. Jason Janes, 17 Pleasant Street There has been construction here for several years which is impacting how peaceful their home/neighborhood is. The balcony of this gym looks directly into their bedroom. There is more concern for noise, parking issues, and safety concerns due to alcohol. Why does a gym need a liquor license? Kate McQueen, 17 Pleasant Street She submitted the letter sharing the neighborhood concerns. There isn’t a barrier between their apartment complex and the gym. With the gym hours of operations being 5:00 AM - 10:00 PM and having alcohol served, there is concern with increased noise, buzzed driving, and traffic congestion. Alex Anderson He appreciates everyone’s concerns and encourages neighbors to continue to provide feedback with any concerns. Our core value is safety. In reference to the comment made about the trees being removed, we did not remove any trees that were between the apartment and the building. The walls and greenery that will be added should ensure the noise levels stay minimal. From The Club’s internal operations, we are adding a café to the member lounge, which includes alcohol, and will allow for this to be a full-service space. Closed Public Comment. MOTION: Motion by Robert Gray to approve with the required findings and recommended conditions of approval. Seconded by Mike Weisz. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. PAGE 4 OF 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 2021 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2021\02-23-21 Mins.docx 4. 14800 Oka Road Certificate of Compliance M-20-005 Requesting issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for property zoned R-1:8 and North 40 Specific Plan Area. APNs 424-08-059 and 424-07-116. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Yuki Farms PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman The project planner, Jocelyn Shoopman, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jacquelyn Bays Plan Surveyor/Applicant for the project. They are available for questions. Closed Public Comment. MOTION: Motion by Kenny Ip to approve with the required findings and recommended conditions of approval. Seconded by Robert Gray. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. OTHER BUSINESS - None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned 10:30 AM This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the February 23, 2021 meeting as approved by the Development Review Committee. Prepared by: ________________________________________ /s/Sally Zarnowitz, AIA, LEED AP, Planning Manager