11-10-20 Minutes - DRC 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 2020 The Development Review Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Teleconference Meeting on November 10, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. This meeting was conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and was conducted via Zoom. All committee members and staff partic ipated from remote locations and all voting was conducted via roll call vote. In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, the public could only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. ROLL CALL Present: Sally Zarnowitz, CDD Planning; Robert Gray, CDD Building; Mike Weisz, PPW Engineering; and Kenny Ip, SCCFD. Absent: None. Staff: Ryan Safty, CDD Planning; Robert Schultz, Town Attorney; Tracy Staiger, SCCFD; and Roy Alba CDD Building MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes – November 3, 2020 MOTION: Motion by Robert Gray to approve the consent calendar. Seconded by Mike Weisz. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. PAGE 2 OF 3 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2020 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2020\11-10-20 Minutes - FINAL.docx PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 16484 S. Kennedy Road Lot Line Adjustment Application M-20-006 Requesting approval for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent lots on property zoned HR-1. APN 532-20-012. PROPERTY OWNER: Joan Holmes APPLICANT: Justin Reilly PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty The project planner presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Velimir Sulic He is part of the applicant team, speaking on behalf of the request. He stated that they have already submitted fees and documentation per PPW Condition of Approval 7, for recordation of the certificate of lot line adjustment. Per Planning condition of approval 3, he is asking if the demolition permit can be issued prior to the Architecture and Site approval for the home and recordation of the certificate. Committee members discussed the matter. Ryan Safty, Planning Project Manager Demolition and construction are required as a condition of approval due to the proposed changes to the lot lines and the need to maintain the Town’s housing stock. Robert Gray, Building Division The condition of approval is required to ensure they are not splitting an existing building with the lot line changes. Mike Weisz, Parks and Public Works Engineering While PPW Engineering has received the documentation for the PPW certificate of lot line adjustment application for recordation, the Planning lot line adjustment application must first be approved by the hearing body before processing and the conditions of approval of the Planning application must be met prior to recordation. Velimir Sulic He is a member of the applicant team, making closing comments. He stated that they will be demolishing the existing residence and completing the lot line adjustments. He stated that it is imperative to demolish the existing residence and record the lot line adjustment as soon as possible. He also questions the requirement for recordation of the certificate prior to issuance of any building or grading permits per Condition of Approval 7. PAGE 3 OF 3 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2020 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2020\11-10-20 Minutes - FINAL.docx Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. Mike Weisz, Parks and Public Works PPW Engineering has received the requested documentation for the PPW certificate of lot line adjustment application, and it is pending review of the surveyor and the Development Review Committee conditional approval of the Planning lot line adjustment application . Reopened Public Comment. Justin Reilly He is the applicant speaking on behalf of the request. He is in agreement with the draft conditions of approval and does not want to continue the item to a future hearing. Closed Public Comment. MOTION: Motion by Robert Gray to approve with the required findings and recommended conditions of approval. Seconded by Mike Weisz. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. OTHER BUSINESS - None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned 10:22 AM This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the November 10, 2020 meeting as approved by the Development Review Committee. Prepared by: ________________________________________ /s/Sally Zarnowitz, AIA, LEED AP, Planning Manager