03-03-20 Minutes - DRC 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 3, 2020 The Development Review Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on March 3, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. ROLL CALL Present: Sally Zarnowitz, CDD Planning; Roy Alba, CDD Building; Mike Weisz, PPW Engineering; Katherine Baker, SCCFD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Committee members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 33 Walnut Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-19-041 Requesting approval for construction of an accessory structure occupying more than 15 percent of the lot, exclusive of the required building setbacks, on a nonconforming property zoned R-1:8. APN 510-41-007. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Jeffrey Siegel PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report; and Opened Public Comment. Jeffrey Siegel - He is the owner and is requesting approval to expand the garage. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. PAGE 2 OF 2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 2020 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2020\03-03-20 Minutes - FINAL.docx MOTION: Motion by Katherine Baker to approve. Seconded by Mike Weisz. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS - None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Prepared by: _____________________________________ /s/ Sally Zarnowitz, Planning Manager