09-27-16 Minutes - DRCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 20 16 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMB ERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Chair Machado. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director Jocelyn Puga, Associate Planner Erin Walters, Associate Planner Azhar Khan, Assistant Planner Michael Machado, Building Official Mike Weisz, Associate Civi l Engineer Admas Zewdie, Project Manager Tracy Staiger, Fire Department PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM 1: 16570 Shady View Lane Architecture and Site Application S-16-0 14 Requesting approval for a technical demolition of an existing single-family residence and to construct a new single-family residence on property zoned R-1 :8. APN 532-42-026. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Nilesh Parate and Joycie Bahl PROJECT PLANNER: Azhar Khan 1. Chair Machado opened the public hearing. 2. Staff gave report on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced and discussed modifications made to the design of the home in consideration of potential concerns by adjacent neighbors prior to a formal submittal of the application. 4. One member of the public was present. • Edward Meserve 5. Public hearing closed. 6 . Tracy Staiger moved to continue the application to October 4 , 2016. 7. Azhar Khan seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 2: 1 00 Prospect A venue (Lot 16) Architecture and Site Application S-16-034 Requesting approval to construct a new single-family residence (Lot 16) on property zoned R-1 :20. APN 529-44-005. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: SummerHill Homes PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Puga DRC Minutes September 27, 20 16 Page 2 1. Chair Machado opened the public hearing. 2. Staff gave report on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced. 4. Members of the public were not present. 5. Public hearing closed. 6. Tracy Staiger moved to approve the application subject to the conditions presented with the following findings and considerations: FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the subdivision and was certified by the Town Council on March 24, 2014 and no further environmental analysis is required for the proposed Architecture and Site application. Compliance with Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines: An exception to allow cut greater than four feet (HDS&G standard) is supported by the need to provide a driveway that meets Town and Fire Department Standards. The project is otherwise in compliance with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. Compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines: The project is in compliance with the Town's Residential Design Guidelines . CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of applications: As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an architecture and site application were all made in reviewing this project. 7. Mike Weisz seconded, motion passed unanimously. 8. Appeal rights were cited. ITEM 3: 1 00 Prospect A venue (Lot I 7) Architecture and Site Application S-I 6-035 Requesting approval to construct a new single-family residence (Lot 17) on property zoned R-1 :20. APN 529-44-005. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: SummerHill Homes PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Puga I. Chair Machado opened the public hearing. DRC Minutes September 27 , 2016 Page 3 2. Staff gave report on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced . 4. Members of the public were not present. 5. Public hearing closed. 6. Tracy Staiger moved to approve the application subject to the conditions presented with the following findings and considerations: FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA : An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the subdivision and was certified by the Town Council on March 24, 2014 and no further environmental analysis is required for the proposed Architecture and Site application. Compliance with Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines: The project is in compliance with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. Compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines: The project is in compliance with the Town 's Residential Design Guidelines . CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of applications: As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an architecture and site application were all made in reviewing this project. 7. Mike Weisz seconded, motion passed unanimously. 8 . Appeal rights were cited. OTHER BUSINESS ITEM4 333 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Building Permit Application B 16-0555 Requesting approval to perform accessibility upgrades to an existing parking lot on property zoned C-2 . APN 510-14-072. PROPERTY OWNER: Bank of America Nat! Tr & Sav APPLICANT: Ahmed Ali -Nelson!Nelco Architecture Inc. PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Puga 1. Item discussed by staff. DRC Minutes September 27, 20 16 Page4 ITEMS 165 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road Requesting approval of a Downtown Valet Parking Permit for an existing restaurant (Hult's) on property zo ne d C-2. APN 529-08-043. PROPERTY OWN ER: Nicholas Gera APPLICANT: Al exander Hult PROJECT PLANNER : Joel Paulson l. Item di sc ussed by staff. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10 :28 a.m. Development Review Committee meetings are held on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. ~ML ~,'tiJ ~,_k Michae Machado, Building Of tcial N:\DEV\DRC\Min 20 16\9-27-16 Mins.doc