09-06-16 Minutes - DRCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, II 0 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS , CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at l 0:00 a.m. by Chair Machado. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Sally Za rnowitz, Planning Manager Jo ce ly n Puga, Associate Planner Michael Machado , Building Official Ryan Do, Assistant Engineer Tracy Staige r, Fire Departme nt PUBLIC HEARlNGS lTEM 1: 529 Monterey Avenue (Continued from August 30, 2016) Architecture and Site Application S-16-031 Requesting approval to demoli sh an existing s ingle-family re sidence and construct a new single-familyresidenceonpropertyzoned R-ID. APN 410-15-047. PROPERTY OWNER: Larry and Audrey Fox APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANN ER: Jocelyn Puga 1. Chair Machado opened the public hearing. 2. Staff gave report on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced and discussed the modifications made to the application based on the concerns of the adjacent neighbor. 4. One member of the public was present. • Ed Pearson 5. Public hearing closed. 6. Tracy Staiger moved to approve the application with the proposed modifications subject to the conditions presented with the following findings and considerations: FINDINGS: Required finding for CEQA: • The project is Categorically Exempt purs uant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303 : New Cons truction or Conversion of Small Structures. DRC Minutes September 6, 2016 Page 2 Required findings for demolition : As required b y S ection 29.1 0 .0903 0( e) of the Town Code for the demoliti on of a sing le- family res idence: l. The Town's housing stock will be maintained as the single-family resi d enc e will be replaced. 2. The existing structures have no a rchitectural or historical significance, and are in poor condition. 3 . The property owner does not desire to maintain the structures as they exist; a nd 4. The eco nomic utility of the structures was considered. Required Compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines: Th e project is in compliance with the Res id ential Design Guide lines for single-fam il y homes not in hills ide r es idential areas. CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of Architecture & Site applications: As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were a ll made in reviewing this project. 7. Ry an Do seconde d, motion passed unanimously. 8. Appeal ri g hts were cited. OTHER BUSINESS NONE ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at I 0: I 0 a.m. T he next regularly sc heduled meeting of the Development Review Committ ee is the following Tuesday. '--YV\M~~ ;~L~~ Michael Machado, Building Official N :\DEV\DRC\Min 2 0 16\9-6-16 M ins.doc