05-17-16 Minutes - DRCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FORMA Y 17 ,2016 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA . The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chair Paulson. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Jocelyn Puga, Assistant Planner Tra cy Staiger, Fire Department Jo el Paulson, Community D evelopment Director Ryan Do, Assistant Engineer PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM 1: I6362 Hilow Road (Continued from May 3, 2016) Architecture and Site Application S-I 6-0 I I Requesting approval to construct a new single-family residence on property zoned R-1 :8. APN 532-04-082. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Valy Jalalian PROJECT PLANNER: Joel Paulson I. Chair Paulson opened the public hearing. 2. Staff gave report on proposed project. 3 . Applicant was introduced. 4. Members of the public were present: Bill Wagner expressed concerns regarding the proposed height and size of the building. Debora Wagn e r expressed concerns regarding the size of the home and cellar and as ked that the size be reduced. Shannon Susick commented that the home should be a single-story and expressed concerns regarding the loss of views, mass and scale, neighborhood compatibility, and impacts to the existing redwood trees. Additionally, she noted that the two-story home next door is screened by existing landscaping. J ea nne Driedger expressed concerns regarding water issues and the mass and scale of the proposed home. P erry Hariri expressed a concern about the cellar size. 5. Public hearing closed. 6. Jo el Paulson moved to continue the matter to June 7, 2016. 7. Ryan Do seco nded , motion passed unanimousl y. DRC Minutes May 17 ,20 16 Page 2 ITEM2 140 Foster Road Architecture and Site Application S-15-045 Requesting approval to demolish an existing single-family residence, construct a new single-family residence, and remove large protected trees on property zoned HR-2 12. APN 529-37-015. PROPERTY OWNER: Ronald Weiner and Deborah Stanley APPLICANT: D&Z Design Associates/Michael Davi s PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Puga 1. Chair Paulson opened the public hearing. 2. Staff gave report on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced. 4. Members of the public were not present. 5. Public hearing closed. 6. Tracy Steiger moved to approve the application subject to the conditions presented with the following findings and considerations: FINDINGS: Required finding for CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Impl ementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Required findings for demolition: As required by Section 29.10.09030(e) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence: 1. The Town's housing stock will be maintained as the hou se will be replaced. 2. The existing structures have no architectural or historical significance, and are in poor condition. 3. The property owner does not desi re to maintain the structure due to its current condition; and 4. T he economic utility of the structure was not considered. Compliance with Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines: The project is in compliance with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Compliance with Hillside Specific Plan The project is in compliance with the Hill side Specific Plan in that it is a s ingle-family residence being developed on an existing parcel. The proposed development is consistent with the development criteria included in the Specific Plan . DRC Minutes May 17 ,20 16 Pa ge 3 CONSIDERATIONS: Considerations in review of Architecture and Site applications: As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project. The proposed project is cons istent with development on surrounding residential properties and exterior colors and materials will help blend the new building into the site. There is limited visibility into the site from surrounding homes and exi s ting and proposed vegetation will a id in screening the new residence. 7. Ryan Do seconded, motion passed unanimously. 8. Appeal rights were cited. OTHER BUSINESS NONE ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Development Review Committee is the following Tuesday. Joel P/1son, Community Development Director N:\DEV\DRC\Min 2016\5-17-16 Mins.doc