08-04-15 Minutes - DRCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR AUGUST 4, 2015, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS , CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chair Machado. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Jennifer Savage, Senior Planner Marni Moseley, Associate Planner Doug Harding, Fire Department Michael Machado, Building Official Mike Weisz, Associate Civil Engineer Joel Paulson, Planning Manager PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM 1: 15466 Los Gatos Boulevard Suite 108 Architecture and Site Application S-15-049 Requesting approval for exterior modifications to a commercial building on property zoned CH. APN 424-15-044. PROPERTY OWNER: Grosvenor USA Ltd. APPLICANT: Tim Kircher, See's Candy PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley 1. Chair Machado opened the public hearing. 2. Staff gave report on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced. Applicant asked if white exterior paint color would be allowed. Marni Moseley, Associate Planner, replied that the exterior paint color must be cream to match the rest of the shopping complex. 4 . Members of the public were not present. 5. Public hearing closed. 6. Mike Weisz moved to approve the application subject to the conditions presented with the following findings and considerations: FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: • The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. DRC Minutes August 4, 2015 Page2 Required compliance with the Commercial Design Guidelines: • The project is in compliance with the Commercial Design Guidelines. CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of Architecture & Site applications: • As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project. 7. Doug Harding seconded, motion passed unanimously. 8. Appeal rights were cited. ITEM 2: 17390 High Street Architecture and Site Application S-15-046 Requesting approval of a time extension of a previous approval to demolish an existing single-family residence and to construct a new single-family residence on property zoned R-1 :10. APN 532-23-047 . PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Liam Balfe PROJECT PLANNER: Joel Paulson 1. Chair Machado opened the public hearing. 2 . Staff gave report on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced. 4 . Members of the public were not present. 5. Public hearing closed. 6. Doug Harding moved to approve the application subject to the conditions presented with the following findings. FINDINGS: Required findings for time extensions: As required by Section 29 .20.325 of the Town Code for granting a time extension: ( 1) There are no legal impediment to granting a new application for the same approval in that the findings made by the Development Review Committee for a previous approval still stand. (2) There are no new facts concerning the proposed project and all previous conditions of approval still apply. 7. Mike Weis z seconded, motion passed unanimously. 8. Appeal rights were cited . DRC Minute s August4, 2015 Page 3 ITEM 3 : 15975 U ni o n A venue Subdivision Application M-15-001 Architecture and Site Applications S-15-009 through S-15-0 11 Requesting approval to demoli sh an existing si ngl e-family residence, s ubdi v ide one lo t into three lots, construct three new single-famil y res id ences , and remove large protected trees on property zo ned R-1: 10. APN 523-42-017. PROPERTY OWNER: Betchart Un ion Ave Joint Venture Partnership APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Savage 1. Chair Machado opened the public hearing. 2. Staff gave repo rt on proposed project. 3. Applicant was introduced. 4. Members o f the publi c were present: Orv Buesing : Requested that the project go before the Planning Commi ss io n, and that th e applications for subdivi sion, si te design , and architecture be separated. He expressed concerns about drainage and flooding in the n eighborhood. Tom Mangano: Expressed concerns about drainage in the neighborhood and stated that there i s state l aw that prohibits using the area o f dri veway easements to calculate the FAR. Jan Murray: Expressed concerns about the structure height, water problems, and drainage. She also expressed concerns about the layout of the dri veway an d fire access in the case of a n e m er ge ncy. Susann e Bels he: Expressed concerns about water and pri vacy. Pe te r Costigan : Expressed concerns about drainage and fire safety. He al so expre ssed concerns about the sloped dri veway, the lack of sidewalk s, and privacy. 5. Public heari ng closed. 6. Fletcher Parsons moved to continue the application to a date uncertai n to a ll ow staff and the applicant to address neighbor s ' concerns and to complete additional C .3 review. (Will renotice) 7. Doug Harding second ed, motion passed unani mously. OTHER BUSINESS -NONE ADJOURNMENT Meeting a dj ourned at 10:40 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting ofthe Development Review Committee i s the fo ll owing Tuesday. '::YV\_AL'h-<'J <X:-z~/\po.-aAlA~tr Michael Machado , Building Official N:\DEV\DRC\Min 20 15\8-4-I S.doc